Dear children,

With joy and jubilation in My Heart, today I meet with all consecrated life, which represents for God His main mirror, which can reflect on Earth the spiritual concretion of the Plan of God.

Therefore, dear children, consecrated life is the most precious tabernacle in which My Beloved Son can be present among His companions and peacemakers.

One of the causes of the interference of evil in consecrated life is that consecrated beings may attain holiness in life.

To be saints means living in and for Christ, walking in trust, following the footsteps of the Redeemer.

In this time, consecrated life lives its storms and also its tribulations. This does not prevent the Grace of God from acting and working in hearts.

As the Mother of all consecrated beings, I come to tell each of My children not to feel alone or abandoned; may each consecrated child know that the most important thing for Christ are His companions of the path, those who start from scratch every day in order to fulfill the Holy Will.

To all those who live consecration and renew their inner vows every day, I call you brave and hard-working children, because I know that you have to overcome yourselves, surpassing the human condition in every step.

Consecrated life is the great star in the darkness of these times. Each step and surrender that the consecrated person experiences, day by day, represents a victory that My Son achieves on this planet.

May consecrated life be strengthened and, to those of My children who are on the verge of one day living their consecration, I say that they are welcome to the path of  apostolate and service for those who suffer.

I thank you for this special moment and for having responded to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life


My dear children,

With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.

I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.

After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help. 

After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return. 

Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.

I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts. 

The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.

I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.

After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help. 

After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return. 

Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.

I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts. 

The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

These are the times in which true definitions are presented, these are the times in which what is intermediate or indecisive no longer has space within the human consciousness.

These are the times to see and recognize your own inner reality. It is time to correct, it is time to amend, it is time to rapidly mature. Nothing can happen to you that is without meaning or cause.

Therefore, My children, every second that passes, your consciousnesses must seek and seek to live the Will of God because when that Will and that Design are not fully lived, souls suffer to the point of believing that God abandoned them.

Therefore, beloved children, learn to measure the consequences of what you decide and what you do. Do not miss the sacred opportunity to be on the path of the apostleship of My Son, the change or the passage of the inner state only depends on you.

Persevere and be firm through the Love of My Son. This will allow you to perceive, more each day, how important the redemption of humanity is so that, finally, this outraged planet may be freed from all that it suffers on the part of the men and women of the Earth.

I thank you for seeking true inner consciousness.

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Give thanks, every day, for being able to be next to My Son, Jesus, because many souls in the world are not, nor do they live His Word.

Give thanks that Christ has called you to serve him in the diversity of surrender and sacrifice that each praying heart can offer.

Give thanks for being able to listen to the message of My Son, and that your consciousnesses are free from the illusion and mirage of these times.

Give thanks for being able to contemplate and adore My Son in the Eucharist.

Give thanks because every day you can receive the Communion of the Sacrament of Faith.

Give thanks because you are loved and appreciated by the Heart of the Redeemer. Thus, your lives, My children, will be an example and a testimony of holiness and redemption.

I invite you to embrace your own cross and carry it so that you may follow in the footsteps of the Lord.

Dear children, this is the time to truly offer yourselves. It is time to give yourself to the world in service and apostleship so that Divine Love may reign in this critical moment of humanity.

In your gratitude lies the key that will open all doors.

In your effort lies the freedom for your souls.

In your self-giving lies the holiness of your lives.

Jesus expects you not to be afraid of effort or self-giving because I will always be there, as a Mother, to help you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Mother of God is in silence, it is because something important is about to happen, and at this moment you must understand this meaning.

This silence leads to introspection, to reflection and to discernment.

It is a moment for humanity to understand the cycles it is going through and experiencing in these times.

For this reason, the Messengers of God come to Earth, to prepare and guide it toward the next step and toward the new time.

I have come here today to bring you My message of peace, but also My message of consciousness, dear children.

Today, in the message given by your Heavenly Mother for the apparitions, a cycle closes and a new cycle will begin; from the month of March of this year onward, a moment in which you will be able to accompany Me throughout this last cycle that draws near, which will conclude an important stage for all inner worlds and also for all of humanity.

It is a moment for you to begin to harvest the fruits of the instruction and knowledge of the Hierarchy; a moment for you to be able to learn and drink from this Fountain, so that you may only depend on God, on His Grace and on His Mercy.

Thus, your souls will be strengthened upon this path and trajectory toward the eternal service for God on behalf of souls, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet.

Today I come here to announce the end of this cycle, the end of these messages that I have been delivering that prepare you for each new meeting with Me, whether in your hearts or before My Presence.

Thus, dear children, you will be able to understand, at this moment, the omniscience of the Mother of God. This omniscience and power that Her Son has given Her to carry forward this planetary task in the end of times, which is the last and great task for these times.

For this reason, I invite you to keep in mind all that I have said to you, from the first years in which I met you, to guide you, conduct you and make you live the Plan of God in its different manifestations and tasks.

This is the time to make the great and last synthesis. It is the time to live the knowledge of God so that you can learn to face that which will come, not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the whole planet, for the entire humanity.

Through each message, through each word and instruction, your Heavenly Mother has given you an impulse, a key, a gift, a virtue and a light so that they can be lit within your hearts and within your lives, and so that you can represent the Work of Christ upon Earth.

Thus, dear children, I call you to live the untiring apostolate, the apostolate of effort, the apostolate for love for all that God conceived from the beginning of this Creation, and so that this Creation can be regenerated, healed and redeemed.

This is the time when humanity will go through the last moments within its planetary transition. Therefore, I invite you to be conscious, but I also thank you for having responded to each call.

Having responded to My call, you have responded to the call of God. This call of God is to fulfill, at each stage, His Divine Will, His aspirations, His ardent wishes and His goals. It is in this way that He appears, reveals Himself and guides His children, so that all may follow the path of faith and trust in God, in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.

I need you, dear children, to help me accompany the coming cycle, because from the moment My Son visits you this year, during the Sacred Week of this year, a more definitive stage will close.

Understand, dear children, that now cycles are monthly and there are also cycles that are weekly. The Hierarchy will no longer be able to wait for twenty-five or more years for the human consciousness to be mature and be in the condition that the Plan needs in order to be fulfilled and accomplished.

Therefore, I lead you to understand the importance of knowledge and instruction, which are strongholds and principles for your lives; they are directions, paths and routes to find the Divine Purpose in its diversity, within the Law of the Hierarchy, within the Law of Love-Wisdom.

I leave you this message, dear children, this last message that prepares your inner worlds for this Apparition of today, a moment when each soul and each heart, beyond what it is going through and experiencing, will have the opportunity to make this synthesis and gather, in its inner world, all the treasures that the Hierarchy has delivered, throughout the years and the times.

Today is a culminating moment for all, from the inner planes but also from the spiritual planes, the Eternal Father will be contemplating this instance, when His children will again respond to the call of the Mother of God, by means of this meeting of prayer, which tries to strengthen all souls, all hearts and consciousnesses so that they do not fear, so that they may learn to go through the end of these times with bravery and momentum, under the impulse and company of the Great Chrsitic Consciousness.

Above all, dear children, may love always be within you, in your brothers and sisters, and everywhere. It is this love, the Love of God, that has brought you here, to live this time, to live this school, to live this learning, to serve God. There is nothing that can prevent this. There is nothing that can hinder it nor intervene.

The deserts are big, but the victories are vaster and more infinite.

Take back the inner strength that the Sacrament of the Communion gives you. Affirm your Baptism. Affirm your anointment in Christ, and all will be renewed.

I thank you for responding to My call and, under the Light of My Heart, I guide you toward the Greater Purpose, until this Purpose is fulfilled, in you and in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Weekly Messages
Weekly Message received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

May the universal Peace of My Son be in your hearts and may this Peace help to strengthen you in this time and in the sacrifice for Christ so that, permeated by the universal Peace of the Lord, you learn every day to endure the challenges and tests of these times.

In the universal Peace of My Son, may you find the trust of God which will renew you and fill you with all of His Gifts so that the path of apostleship may be experienced, each day more, with greater surrender and willingness in the face of the needs of humanity and the planet.

Dear children, today God, in His universal Peace, contemplates the true effort of His creatures, of all those who make themselves available and offer themselves as disciples of My Son.

As Mother, I protect and cultivate the inner peace in you so that, in spite of the adversity of these times, My dear children, you always have the enthusiasm and courage to every day better serve the Lord of Love.

Today I leave you the universal Peace of My Son so that it may inwardly be diffused toward all corners of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

To be living witnesses of the Presence of God

My Children,

Today I call you to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men.

That your lives speak to the world and that your examples make those who find you seek peace and ask themselves what they are doing in their own lives.

In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God on Earth, you must first purify your hearts of all stain, of all criticism, of all lack of unity with others and with God.

In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men, you must assume a path of prayer and of service, wherever you are. You already know that you can make of your lives an eternal act of service at every instant.

In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God among men, you must learn to forgive others and yourselves and to open yourselves to understand the weaknesses of others, always putting yourselves in the place of others, to then understand their feelings and thoughts.

To be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must lose the shame and fear of being true and transparent every day, live your faith and be simple before the judgment of men.

In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must be willing to purify your own will, your own dominion and power over others and over everything.

In order to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, you must make the difference among men, willing to surrender what humanity always aspires to aggrandize; willing to be humble and silent; willing to be anonymous and in solitude, even though, My children, God puts you in the midst of multitudes.

You must never lose the thirst of being alone with God, because only those who know how to be in silence with the Father will know how to speak publicly in His Name.

Today, beloved children, I call you to one step more than the apostolate; I call you to surrender your lives to God as living witnesses of His Presence in the world.

It is time to announce, and this is done with the example that echoes beyond words and pierces the layers of mind to reach the heart and there perpetuate itself.

Today I call you to be witnesses of the last times, the saints of the last days, because to balance what is happening in the world at this moment it is necessary, children, to renew the apostolate, renew the spirit of the Gospel with life and become true disciples of Christ, as He needs you.

In this day of special blessing and infinite Graces that your Heavenly Mother pours out from the Seventh Heaven and beyond, I call you to be those who will offer their own destiny to God, who will follow His Steps in an unconditional way and who will overcome fear, transcending it in the power of the Love of Christ.

Today I call you to be living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world and, if you cannot do it, to pray for those who will surrender their souls at the Feet of the Creator, asking Him at every instant of their lives: Lord and God, what do you need from me today?

Pray for those who will surrender their hearts to God and, will fervently witness His Presence in the world, and be part of the apostolate of these times.

My children, the world needs palpable examples and true surrender, therefore renew your surrender to the Father every day, and seek a way to make it more transparent each time.

Today, children, I will ask you to pray fervently for those who have been called to surrender their lives to God and who, without understanding and without knowing, have become His living witnesses for these times.

Pray so that the instruments of the Father persevere to the end, because the surrender of a few will bring merit for the salvation of all.

Pray so that the Graces multiply, and Mercy finds space to pour out into the world.

And finally pray so that there will be new and eternal witnesses of God’s Presence among His children.

I thank you for responding to My call and I bless you.

And on this day, in a special way, I bless My beloved son who, surrendering his heart to the Father, allowed the Creator to make of his existence a living testimony of the Presence of God in the world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Fifth day of the novena:

"For the Presence of Christ in our inner worlds and for being part of His Work of Mercy."


Dear children,

It is Mercy to be part of the Work of the Divine Messengers because the emergence of a new humanity is gestated through it. Therefore, in these times, to belong to the Work of God is also a supreme Grace that descends upon this humanity to fill it with new gifts, gifts that will generate in this race the birth and awakening of the New Christs.

Children, being present in Christ and Christ being present in your inner worlds means the possibility for the beloved King of the Universe to concretize His Plan of Redemption and Mercy in humanity.

The soul that is in Christ will be able to train itself as His apostle of love from time to time, and this will begin with the learning to love their fellow beings every day so that the new patterns of behavior can materialize in this civilization.

When incarnating and experiencing these patterns, humanity will draw near to the Divinity of Christ and this will help souls in the inner worlds prepare themselves to live the awaited Return of Christ.

The inner world of each being is precious and immaculate, in essence, it holds the divine life, a mystery that is going to be revealed to the souls that commune with the Lord in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Burgos to Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord. 

Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers. 

To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation. 

St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord. 

To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve. 

The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet. 

St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own. 

The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all. 

The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you, now and always in love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

In the chaste presence of Saint Joseph the Laborer, we unite with the divine Original Purity present in the human heart, which in these times has lost the meaning of spirituality and supreme wisdom.

It is for this divine cause that today, the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph present Themselves to humanity, for the purpose of it renewing its inner vows of service and of surrender to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Today, the Sacred Family, on this 19th of May, comes to your hearts and souls to remove them from the planetary inertia and indifference, so that in leaving this point in consciousness, your eyes may open to the infinite and supreme love of the heart, capable of transforming and of transmuting all things on the planet.

We come to humanity to let you know of the importance and the urgency of waking up inwardly to what you are; to finally manage to set aside world indifference.

Our aspiration is that through your simple and prayerful lives, you are able to reflect what the human race has lost, thus helping to restore the mind of humanity, permeating it with codes of love, of simplicity and of surrender.

God wishes Europe to have a more fraternal consciousness, that is able to rise above material life to the celestial designs that, through the Center of Love of Fatima, wait to descend from the universe and be revealed as a great inner treasure for your hearts.

In this time, when everything is allowed, the Sacred Hearts, the Celestial Messengers, come again to the world to remove it from the world hypnotism, for the planetary need is very great, from the spiritual levels to physical life.

It is for this reason that we invite you, just as some of the pilgrims present here are doing, to live the ministry of these times in Europe, without resistance and without fear. Because it will depend on the more conscious Europeans, on their spiritual path and their universal life, that all the Work of the Sacred Hearts is able to come, in a following stage, not only to Asia, but also to Africa, where My maternal promise of visiting some nations must be accomplished.

Your Messenger and Servant of God needs to reach the hearts of My beloved Africa, for I ardently desire that the Mercy and universal Healing of God reach each one of them.

That will be one of My last missions of peace on the planet, because after Asia and Africa, humanity will enter into its final stage, before the Return of My Son to humanity.

United, let us continue to fulfill the Designs of God, which are preventing the activation of nuclear wars and bombs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and once again thanks you for concretizing this mission.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

May the Mantle of the Mother of the Word cover and protect all Her creatures, under the infinite Grace of the Redeemer.

Today, a new cycle emerges in this Sacred Work that I am carrying out together with My Son, the Christ, and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the rescue of this planet and its humanity.

Today, together with My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, I celebrate with all of My children a new dawn, one that definitely prepares your spirits and souls to take the last great step in the consecration of your lives to the Will of God.

Many times, you have heard these words that seem to be repeated every now and then, and it is true. Each new step proposed by the Divinity for His servers, in this Plan of redemption and of rescue, is a cycle that ends and a new one that begins, full of challenges, of tests and of responsibilities.

This is the proposal for you, at the level where each one is in this school of love, forgiveness and redemption that is this planet and this humanity.

To each of My children present in the world, those who are part of the Celestial Church of My Son, those who follow Him from the heart and in truth, today I will give you a new goal, a deeper path to travel and on which to serve.

Those who are part of this Celestial Church only through affinity, I invite you to convert into effective collaborators of this Plan of redemption. To collaborate means taking action, means to be available to carry out the tasks that may be necessary to carry the Work forward.

To those who already collaborate, I invite you to carry the banner of the servers of Christ; those who are always ready, willing to help and assist the Divine Messengers when necessary.

To those who for a long time have been serving in this Plan of Love, I open the door of inner consecration, one that will lead you to live for and to serve My Son, Christ the Redeemer, and allow Him to prepare you to accompany Him in this end of times, on His Return.

To those who have already gone through the portal of consecration and walk on the path of apostleship, I place before your souls, spirits and essences, the great possibility of giving your life for Christ, with the joy of surrendering it, in unconditional service, for the total redemption of souls.

And for those who no longer fear giving their lives, who live with My Son in their hearts, who will be capable of following Him to the end, no matter what it may be, I invite you to walk with Me on the path of being nothing, only slaves of His Love and of those He loves as the Eternal Father loves.

Thus, this cycle is one of great renewal for each one of those listening to My voice.

For each creature that longs to in some way serve God and this Plan of Love, there exists and will always exist a place to do this service. A service that must be carried out with the greatest of efforts, as much as each one can give and a little more. For this is the time in which everything is about to happen, and the destiny of the planet and of humanity, which also means your own destiny, will depend on the effort of each one, 

From Fatima to the whole world, I am preparing to give a Grace to each one of My children, those who in a sincere way, from every place in the world, present their hearts to Me in this May of total renewal.

We prepare to give the Grace for recovering the codes of original Purity that are held on the inner planes of this Spiritual Kingdom, that original Purity that your essences lost so long ago through errors committed in the past.

I will be with My son Francisco, concelebrating the Ceremony of the Eucharist. Pray for his protection and for his task. He brings the renewal of faith for everyone in this time.

I love you and bless you.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the World and of all its creatures


Assert yourself in the power of prayer…

Dear children,

In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.

It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.

On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.

But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.

While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.

But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.

This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.

While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.

But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.

In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.

Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.

Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.

In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.

But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.

I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.

This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.

Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.

If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.

In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.

Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.

I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

If at least once a month all the prayer groups of the world, would unite at the same time and at the same hour, as it was yesterday, many planetary things would be resolved and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart would be more visible to all.

It is because of what happened yesterday, with each of the prayer groups, that I am inviting you to unite monthly in prayer, at the same time, on a certain day and hour.

It will be in this way, dear children, that you will be able to understand and accompany the task of your Heavenly Mother with the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

I need, dear children, your willingness and love to be present, just as you did yesterday, when the triumph of My Immaculate Heart became possible in this part of the world.

I would like, My children, for everyone to understand that planetary prayer makes the works of God triumph and that the world does not have to suffer the consequences of its endless errors of this age.

Therefore, I come, not only to ask you to pray daily for the world and for each one of you, I come to awaken you to the missionary apostleship, a gift of God that impels souls to unconditionally serve the Celestial Father.

In this monthly meeting that I propose to you, we will pray and sing to God for a cause that needs Mercy, but as the causes and needs on the planet are immense, I will prepare you little by little so that you will know how to respond to a greater demand.

Dear children, I want to leave My Love and My supreme gratitude to all those who participated in this campaign for peace in Uruguay through the praying task carried out yesterday, which will be kept in My Heart forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In celestial unity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted on the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

To love the Plan of God means to experience certain challenges that go beyond the maturity of the consciousness. Each challenge placed on the path of the disciple, be it physical, mental or spiritual, is so the consciousness may take a greater step than one has ever taken.

That moment is interpreted as a transition when the shift is from one school to another, or as a purification when something inner is purified. One who has faith, will manage to overcome both challenges and will be able to teach others who are going through the same lessons how to do it. This does not mean that the Father wishes for what is most difficult for His children, for He is the Father of Love.

When the life of an initiate draws closer to the path of holiness or of a total consecration to the Plan of God, the spirit forges other experiences so that the soul, the mind and the heart of each being is able to be defined.

There will never be two paths to come to Christ; it is for this reason that all souls, at a certain moment in their lives, have the possibility of choosing the path of perpetual discipleship or the path of ministry; one will place them in the school of instruction of life and the other on the path to learning to serve better every day.

 At this time, a large part of humanity is being placed on the path of purification so that, at some point, souls may define the next steps of their evolution.

The trajectory of the spirit is traced by the experiences in life, those of the soul and by the decisions made by the spirit of each being on facing the Call of God.

In this last cycle, there are many souls that are placed on the path of complete surrender. This allows the consciousness to face and come to know aspects of their being that were previously purified over longer periods.

Due to the need for pure souls on Earth, the Plan changed the direction of events. With souls in a greater state of purity, humanity will be saved, and the less prepared consciousnesses are called upon to accomplish this purpose.

It could be that your life is within that project and you have not yet perceived this; today I come to reveal it to you. Take care of this sacred request of God.

I thank you for responding to this important celestial convocation!

Who encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Children of Mine,

From Heaven I contemplate the needs of redemption of the world and the causes that prevent humanity from reaching this redemption.

For this, dear children, day and night I pray for all of you, so that those who trespass the Law of God the most may at least receive their redemption in the definitive day.

Through the apostolate, which is the true testimony of the love for Christ, humanity is again receiving a call so that it may remember the Mercy and the Love of the Creator.  In this way the doors of conversion and of reconciliation will be opened in order to guide the souls along the paths of the Holy Peace.

Now, children, day by day the foundations of the Gospel of My Son and of His Holy Word are the urgent path to find the union with the Celestial Father again, before the world triggers the time of its most acute purification, in which all of the Earth will liberate itself from the debts that oppressed it along the centuries. 

In this time in which My adversary awakens in the sinning souls ambitions of conquest, of annihilation and death, I call you to seek serenity, prayer and peace.  In this way, children, you will permit that the Divine Justice may act as the Universe foresees.

Children, pray with Me, staying all the time by My side.  In this way we will reconstruct this old humanity into a race of hope and of forgiveness.

I thank you for answering to My call for the perpetual prayer!

Who unites you with the Universal Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  


Dear children,

Today place your ears over My Heart and listen to the beat of My supplication for souls and for the world. Let us pray with purity and love so that the Father may avail Himself of the humility of all hearts. The first changes that will come may happen in the hearts, when each one of them unites with sincerity to prayer. Do not be afraid of anything. I am with you to show you the exit towards Redemption and Forgiveness.

Dear children, you now know that together we prepare the advent of My Son, Christ the Redeemer. He extends His arms so that your hearts may enter into His Love and His Mercy.

My little ones, the Heavens open up before each one of you so that in the faith and in the devotion to the Most Holy Heart of My Son, hope may also be able to be propagated like a spring of love throughout the world. Therefore, dear children, the trust of each one of you in My Son will give you strength. In this way, the changes of the heart will be able to be manifested through love and peace.

I invite you today to be in My Peace before the path that each one of My children is traveling. For this reason, My dear ones, I call you so that your hearts will be able to be strengthened in prayer and so that each one of your souls may wake up to the true faith of the heart. There is still much to travel in the path of consecration to God, but this path will begin at the moment of prayer in each one of you.

Dear children, you will be guided as hearts through the precepts of the Heavens, such as are Peace, Love, Faith and Healing. Each soul that unites in devotion to My Immaculate Heart, will begin to live these precepts.

Dear children, I only want to teach you how to begin the path of absolute faith in God. Your hearts must come to know the Lord more each day so that His Mercies may be able to reach the world. I will help you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Love and Divine Peace to all,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

