Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When a Divine and Cosmic Consciousness descends to Earth, it has the mission, given from the higher planes, of rescuing all consciousnesses, regardless of any condition or situation.

Therefore, you must never look at life with superficial eyes that lack feeling or sensitivity. Because the Spiritual Hierarchy, when it descends to the lower worlds, contemplates, through Its Gaze, what is deepest in each being.

In this time of so much confusion and illusion, learn to look just as the Hierarchy looks, without condemnation or judgment, but rather through a gaze of compassion and love, which will help you to perceive the reality of each being.

Therefore, may the voices that were always silent, speak now. The Hierarchy has Its ears open to listen to those who have always remained silent, for fear of a rebellion.

Our Hearts are open to all dwellings. Our Spirits are upon those who trust in Us, so that they may feel the embrace of the entire Brotherhood. 

But keep in mind what I Am telling you at this moment, because souls, in this time, need to be consoled so that they may live their consecration step by step, so that they may dare to continue on without fear of making a mistake.

Why Am I saying this to you, companions?

Because you must learn to feel and understand the one you have beside you, so that Divine Mercy may be a reality in the world and in the places where it is most needed.

First, you must learn to understand and love the one you have beside you, because you cannot skip the rules of evolution, the rules of learning, which will make you grow internally as good people, as Children of God.

I come with this appeal, although it may seem that it does not matter, because the value of listening is being lost in the world. Dialog has been enslaved and subjected, and consciousnesses no longer understand one another.

But through everything I have taught you throughout the times and through My Sorrowful Passion, I have left you My Legacy and My Treasure so that you may imitate Me and follow My humble example and someday be blessed, even in daily life, at each new relationship with your neighbor, so that it may be a fraternal and authentic construction, far from the power and authority that the human being believes it has.

Therefore, companions, if the Son of God, being the Son of the Father, never had anyone under His Feet, because He would never allow that to happen, no matter how great the  authority the Father has given Me, you must also have this premise. No one must be under your feet, under any authority or under any power, because they would not be with Me the way I need it.

Therefore, this is the time, the little time left, to resize attitudes and lessons learned, the way to treat your neighbor, because all, in the innermost depths of their hearts, have an incalculable value to God. And if the Living God contemplates this in each human heart, how could you not contemplate this?

It is time to change, more than you think you have changed. Because when I return, My pillars, through the souls, must be firm and defined. I won’t be able to place My Commands, My Treasures and My Aspirations in quicksand.

I need to place My Power and My Love in the hearts of the simple and humble, who are those who always, throughout the times, generations and humanities, have been the ones who granted opening the doors of the Heavens on Earth, so that all of humanity could be saved time and again.

I want you all to live the good in depth, not a common good, but rather a higher good, which makes you understand existence in a different way, which places you before reality in a different way, knowing that it is necessary to bring My Love to the world at each moment.

This should be rule number one: love and listening, so that dialog may manifest itself, not a dialog of indifference, but rather a dialog of equality, of a higher good.

These were the last guidelines that I gave to My apostles in the past, because it was necessary for each one of My apostles to have clarity about what had to be done to fulfill the Project of Christ on Earth. Without these foundations and without these pillars, the Work of Christ would not be concretized. The same today, I am telling you that without these pillars and without these foundations, the Work of Mercy would not be concretized.

I need you to mature in a more expansive and less emotional love, a just and peaceful love, a solemn and loyal love. In this way, you will carry out My Plan with perspective and without so many oscillations, because what I come to build in each one of your hearts is something true, rather than transitory, it is something that I will need in this end time, when I have you face to face and ask you for My Treasures, to prepare My Return to the world, and thus fulfill the Aspiration of God to manifest the longed-for Promised Land.

This is why I Am here, together with My angels, faithful witnesses of this moment, together with your Guardian Angels, who are also witnesses of this moment, of the importance of maturity for all that which your Master and Lord will need to carry out in this end time.

Do you now understand the essence of what rescue is?

A true apostle can never interrupt the path of their neighbor, all must feel the freedom to grow and express themselves. This is what allows you to be true, knowing that each consciousness and each heart have its place and space in the Heart of God.

I hope your brothers and sisters, who are on the same path and on My same Boat, may have some day a place in your hearts, rather than a problem. Because the Love that I teach you is not about the three dimensional; the Love that I teach you is about that which is spiritual, true and authentic, about knowing when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no.’ Therefore, you must make an examination of conscience within yourselves.

I do not need guilt, I need a mature and conscious, humble and repentant reflection, knowing that it is the only thing that you can offer to Me, so that I may have the authority to save other regions of the world, certain spaces where My Light does not reach.

Do you now understand the vastness of My Plan of Rescue?

Everything, from what is smallest to what is greatest, must be cared for and protected. From what is smallest to what is greatest, all must be under a reflection. In this way, I will be able to entrust you with more tasks and justify, before the Law, what I Am doing in this time.

You are now at the doors of a mature apostolate; I have been telling you this for the last three months. Now it is time to live it, it is time to concretize it. This is what I hope for so much, with all the strength of my heart.

What I Am asking of you is nothing difficult, you know that I tell you the truth, because now it is necessary to prepare for My Return, which becomes more urgent at each passing day.

For this reason, I Am here once again not only to bless and encourage you, but also to make you consistent on My Path of Christification, which is not about a theology or a philosophy, but it is rather about the heart that deeply loves life, that loves their neighbor just the way they are, that fervently loves to fulfill the Will of My Father.

Thus, I come to teach you the same as I taught to My apostles. I hope there will be a sensible response. I know the potential of your hearts, I know the virtues that your souls can live, I know the gifts that your spirits can receive from God.

Therefore, I will conduct a Sacrament today and, especially, I will surrender My Sacred Body and My Precious Blood again, so that your lives, in this end time, may be a living testimony of My Love for a wounded world, so that unity may be established, so that peace may be a reality, so that those who suffer may be relieved.

This should be your aspiration, beginning with the one you have beside you. In this way, you will live in My Christic Brotherhood.

I give thanks for your having responded so quickly for this meeting. I encourage you to walk in faith and through faith, so that healing may cure the human heart.

All has been said.

May My Words reverberate deep down, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled on Earth and in Heaven.

And now, let us celebrate the Holy Communion so that the most suffering souls may receive My Love. I thank you.

Continue in My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time has come for each one of you, the great moment to carry with Me the cross of humanity. But for that to be possible, I have come to give you once again the greatest spiritual treasure for all humanity: the Eucharist.

And so, I come to renew your apostleship on this day so that you and your brothers and sisters bring continuity to the history that God is writing with His own Hand.

Have you ever thought that you are part of My Christic Legacy? And today, I gather you again around My table to celebrate, like the apostles of the past, the Last Supper, so you may live, now and always, the Spiritual Communion with Me through the divine Sacrament of the Altar.

In this time, in which many events precipitate upon the world, the strength and power that I can give to the priesthood is something inexhaustible, but it depends on you that this be possible and a part of a supreme reality.

Just like the apostles of the past, I taught them to sacrament, to heal and to evangelize; today, in the face of this planetary moment, I come to rebuild the bridges of Light that have been dissolved between Heaven and Earth, between priests and God.

Just as in the Garden of Gethsemane, I experienced the great sins of the world and I assumed them, one by one; I also lived, on that holy night of Holy Thursday, the victory that My Legacy would achieve to the world through all My followers so that, tomorrow and in the days to come, they would decide to carry with Me the cross of the world, the cross of these times.

I have come to bless you, I have come to purify you and I have come to transform you, if you allow Me, into what My Father hopes for so much, that you be My mature apostles, that you not only live My Word, but also announce My arrival, My next Return to the world.

For this reason, your Guardian Angels today are witnesses to this event that occurs in the depths of the spirit of each server, because it is not only for priests, but also for the whole world, for all those who have faith in Me and proclaim the Name of the Lord.

On that night, before being handed over, I not only gave My Body and My Blood to My apostles, but I also announced to them the Word of Truth. It is that same Word of Love that today I come to announce to you so that you can bring continuity to My Work of Mercy.

Now, before you carry the cross of humanity with Me tomorrow, feel for a moment the opportunity to be worthy children of God, but not only to believe it, but also to feel it, to proclaim it and to announce it through works of love and mercy that relieve the whole world. Just as this part of My Work does that through many servers who give their lives to serve others through humanitarian service.

Know, on this afternoon of Mercy, that humanitarian service throughout the world is one of the reasons that make Me return here, because My Father sees with His own Eyes that all is not all lost and that those who were announced by the Angel of the Garden of Gethsemane, today you are here, in this present time, forming part of this story of love that I try to write through your hearts, your souls and the redemption of your lives. These are the spiritual goods, they are the gifts and the virtues that My merciful Heart can leave at the Feet of the Creator as the only testimony of the conversion of hearts to My Christic Path.

If I am the Way for each one of you, it is because I am the only pathway. If I am the Truth for each one of you, it is because I am the only knowledge. If I Am Life for each one of you, it is because you can live through Me and I can live through you, depositing My Aspirations into your hearts, but also My sorrows, the sorrows that the whole world causes Me.

This is what I came to share with the apostles of the past and today is what I share with the apostles of the present. My only reason is that you be able to experience My Christic Path, a path of deep solidarity, deep brotherhood and inexhaustible faith, despite everything that is happening in the world today.

Why would I want apostles, if not for the end of times? In them, I build My Celestial Church, and I give them impulse, through transformation, to elevate their consciousnesses towards the Divine Purpose, that Divine Purpose that is written for each of you since before the emergence of your essences.

Do you understand what this means?

It is that there is no other way but to live the Will of God, which you will finally understand after this life. That is the reason for the suffering of all humanity, the suffering of nations and peoples, the resistance to living the Will of God.

But I understand you and I comprehend you. I know that it is not easy for the humanity of the surface to not have control over the unknown; but if you were born to be free, what control do you want to have, if your lives, your souls and your essences are of God?

I wish, on this day of withdrawal and of the institution of the Eucharist, that My companions, and especially those who are not yet My companions, not waste any more time, because there is no more time.

I come to make your lives an instrument in the Hands of God, empty instruments, although imperfect. I come to look at that which God placed in each one of you from the beginning and that you must learn to value and appreciate, which is your divine essence, the Grace of communicating with God like no other being in the entire universe.

Do you know that Creation appreciates that connection with God that you have? There are many consciousnesses in Heaven that would like to have that same Grace that you have, and which you conquer with effort and sacrifice, something that you should not do, because that divine connection is within each one of you, if only you believe in it.

God manifests Himself on this material plane in three principles: through His Will, through Knowledge, and through His children. Do not forget your filiation with the Eternal Father, because you will need it for what will come at the end of times.

Under the same aim and purpose as the apostles of the past, today I come to prepare My companions of the present for what is to come.

On that night in the Garden of Gethsemane, not only did I know who would deny and offend Me, but also the Father showed Me, at that moment, those who would be able to surpass Me in Love, beyond all that I did for you until the Cross and even unto the Resurrection.

What are you waiting for to surpass me in love and service, in charity and in unity so that your lives renew the universe and thus the whole Earth is renewed and does not have to go through the Armageddon?

I need your lives and your spirits to be the new chalices that I can have in My Hands so that My Codes of Light are poured over you, and this time, you may be the sacrifice, for the Glory of God.

For this reason, yesterday I asked you if you ever thought and wondered if your heart is ready for what I need. This is the great key of this Sacred Week, for each of you and your brothers and sisters: meditate and ask yourselves; Lord, is my heart ready?

But I come here tirelessly because I made a commitment to you and to the whole world, not only for the moment of My Return, but to make of your lives an instrument in the Hands of God, to make all things new in your lives.

For this reason, in one of the three times that I fell on the Calvary, feeling the heavy Cross upon Me, I got up again, with the little strength that I had left. It was there when, before the Presence of My Mother, I reaffirmed that I renew all things. That is through those who follow Me and those who accept Me.

Before we enter the Spiritual Communion of the Last Supper, on this day of reflection and reaffirmation of vows, for all the inner worlds, to ardently follow this Christic path, I will concelebrate with you the consecration of a son to this path of apostolate. Mine, which I invite you to live, to support and share in the unity of souls so that, like you, this soul that I will reconsecrate today bears the fruits of redemption.

In My Presence, we will do so.

Just as with Peter and the other apostles who were gathered in the Holy Cenacle, I prepared myself that night, in humility, to wash their feet, as a sign of affirmation of the service between and by brothers and sisters, forever.

“Adonai, purify this element, that will be the means by which I will renew this life and all the lives of the world. So be it".

“Father, bless this water so that it not only purifies and bathes Your children with Your Grace, but also, through it, all human life lives in their degrees of consecration. Amen".

 Just as Mary Magdalene washed My Feet with this oil, may human life become a divine life in the joy of always being in God, for the victory of His Celestial Kingdom. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Friar Elías of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

From today on, Our Lord will call you Brother Shemaya, so that you make His Name worthy through your life.

So that everything is finished being consummated, you may prepare for the times to come, for carrying the spiritual cross with Me, the cross of humanity, now you may enter the Eucharistic celebration.

I thank you and give you My Peace, the Peace that renews My apostles.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sacred Call

Only the Light of My Spirit will be enough for you to go through the end of times, because it is through My Light that you will go beyond all darkness, will traverse the times with courage and valor.

You will not measure yourselves by your fears but rather by your fortitude, the fortitude that comes from God, that comes from His Spirit, from His Temperance, and from His Wisdom.

I come here, companions, to bring the Light of the divinity of God so that all created essences may achieve the Light of the Celestial Father and may be removed from the abysses of the Earth through the powerful intercession of your Master and Lord and of all the angelic choirs.

I come to bring Italy the spiritual balance of equality and of justice so that this principle, which comes from the Father, may be established in this part of humanity, and someday, in the rest of the world.

Without Divine Justice and without Divine Equality, the humanity of Italy will not be able to be redeemed.

Thus, I come to offer you My Heart. I come from the deepest and most unknown part of the Universe so that the eyes of your consciousness may open and recognize the powerful Light of the Son that comes, in the name of the Father, to bring salvation to humanity, the end of spiritual slavery and of the damnation of all souls in the world illusion; indifference, pride, lack of charity and love for the one who suffers, for the neighbor, for the one who despairs.

I need your hearts to open, companions, so that the Heavens can open over Italy, because it is a nation that greatly needs God, an absolute reconciliation with and trust in the Almighty, the Celestial Father.

In this way, you will learn to be just and will be equal one with another. There will be no mediocrity, there will be no indifference in your hearts, you will not repeat the same mistakes that the Pharisees repeated in times past.

You must be the New Christs, the most imperfect among the imperfect, those who should rest their heads on the ground to implore for their redemption and for their homeland before everything is unleashed, before everything manifests, before you cannot control anything.

I come through the word of the Justice of God, full of His Mercy and of His profound Love, because I know that on some level you can hear Me. 

I do not speak to your material ears, I speak to your inner ears, to your essences, to your souls, to your spirits that must assume the path of light, of the good and of peace again, so that this may not only reflect in Italy, but beyond this land.

God needs you to convert into His worthy children, that you set aside appearances, pettiness and the power that you believe you hold in your hands.

My companions and new disciples, let me be able to transform you, love you, have you able to feel Me, recognize Me and live Me as hundreds of disciples of Mine fully live Me, recognize Me and love Me.

Your duty to the Universe and to humanity, as a nation and as a religion, is very great. For this reason, I choose the most simple places such as this one, in which the Justice of God is still lacking, so that His Wisdom may be present, for My need is within the most simple and humble, in those who have not known the Love of God, My Christic and sovereign Love can awaken them. So that, as My merciful Heart, your hearts may be merciful, hearts of goodwill and hearts of peace so that your land and your country may be spiritually rebuilt and you not fear the Truth, the sovereign and unknown Truth that I bring to you from Heaven and from the Universe. So that your essences, which await this moment and this opportunity, can recognize it, can see and accept it as part of your lives, I bring the Light of the divinity of God to an Italy that must be redeemed, in a religious, social and human way.

There is still much to be healed here, there is much suffering to alleviate, there is much mercy to be poured out. For this reason, I come from Heaven, bringing you the Word of God so that the Word which comes from the Divine Word can awaken, redeem and save you.

Open your hearts to what comes from Heaven at this moment. The Lord of the Universe, in the action of His profound Mercy, by the merits of His Passion, dissolves the darkness of the planet, the conflicts of nations, the misunderstandings of peoples, the errors of each one of you.

This is the time of Grace, it is the time of the Mercy of God, but it is a time that will end before everything comes to the world in an unknown and surprising way. I come to prepare your souls and hearts for all that will come and will happen because, in truth, I tell you that you will not be able to believe it.

The time that will come is definitive for all nations, but if your prayers and your hearts reach Heaven in a constant, permanent and continuous way, everything, everything will be transformed through your good actions, through your example of life on the path of charity and of good.

Italy needs to live the Plan of God, fully support the Holy Father in the changes he wants to make and carry out. He counts on My divine authority, that is why you need to hear him, so that you are able to hear Me. Italy has always been a blessed land and must continue to be blessed so that its sicknesses may be erased from human consciousness.

As a testimony to that Love that comes from the Universe, I offer you the merits of My Passion, of My Death and Resurrection by means of the Sacrament of Communion. This is why today I come to anoint you with My Spirit, in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Today I come to bring you Peace, so that your hearts feel encouraged to experience the transformation and the apostleship that I offer each one of you, as well as each one of your brothers and sisters in the world.

You must be a part of My army of Light of the end of times so that Italy may have a special oopportunity. But it will depend on its people, on its culture and on its homeland, that you truly open the doors for your Master and Lord so that He may once again return here and you may live His Will rather than your own, the Will of God, what He has thought of for each one of you.

His Divine and Unfathomable Will, for each one of the Italians, still levitates in the Universe and waits to descend upon your consciousnesses so that his Plan of Love and of Redemption may manifest.

With loving gratitude, in the name of your Divine Lady, with immense Love, I accept the Prayer for Peace in Italy and I invite all the praying people, as up until now, to take up this commitment. Because it will be South America and a part of Europe that will help Italy in its true process of spiritual conversion.

This will help the Holy Father, and a spiritual and inner communion will be established and will go beyond dogmas and beliefs. Because the purpose for praying for Italy is to support Christian ecumenism and the so awaited alliance that this work of love will carry out with the Holy Father, respecting the principles and the beliefs by means of the Love that I gift to you through My Heart.

I wish this prayer to be permanent, beginning at least once a week. Because love, divine love, untiring love, incalculable love, the love of the Fount of God must descend upon Italy by means of the Prayer for Peace. Because until hearts feel love, which many of you received from My Heart at some point, the change will not come, redemption will not happen.

So I invite you to not only pray for Italy, but also to make some sacrifices such as the one we asked you to make many years ago, when all of this work began in sacred Aurora. And a place, so unknown and small like Uruguay, was thought of by God and by His Divine Son, in confraternity with the Divine Lady, so that Redeeming Love might emerge from Aurora to humanity.

We love the sacrifice of Aurora. We recognize its sacrifice, its service, and its untiring giving of self so that the light of the new dawn, as Aurora is, may reach all the hearts of the world, all nations and all peoples, all souls that have sought the Light of God for a long time.

This is the reason why we are here, renouncing as I ask you to. Just as your Master and Lord renounced from the Last Supper up to the heights of Mount Calvary, until the last moment of His expiring on the Cross. This is the sacrifice, so great and so similar to the one of the New Aurora, the Light of the new dawn, is making for humanity while God has need of it.

So, companions, your house, your dwelling will be the planet and not the land of your origin, nor your culture, nor your people. Your dwelling will be the nations, so that those who need love may reach the light of redemption in the name of Christ.

The moment has come to renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God by means of the memory of the Last Supper. I invite you, at this moment, to relive My Passion in any place on Earth, where you may be gathered together or whomever you are with. As much as sometimes you do not understand your peers, thank God for whom you are with at this moment and at this time, because it has a reason.

All will participate as essences and as souls in the inner mystery of the Eucharist, in the immensity of the Love of God by means of the celebration and the consecration of the bread and the wine as the Body and the Blood of the Redeemer.

Just as John the Apostle washed the hands of his Master at the Last Supper, secretly, to gift Him with the love of his heart and strengthen the experience of the Sacrifice of his Lord, today, by means of Divine Grace, I wash and purify the faults of Italy so that souls may emerge from the hells and reach the Celestial Light. So be it.

We reverently stand up or kneel.

At that time, your Master and Lord took the bread and, gathered together with His apostles, gave thanks to God for the sacrifice, even while knowing all that would happen with humanity and the planet after His ascension until the present days. Even so, in a profound act of love and of reverence for souls, your Lord said to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins." And the Light of the Divinity of God descended upon the world.

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Before ending the Supper, your Master and Redeemer took the Chalice and, thanking God again for the sacrifice, gave it to His apostles and said to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be poured out by your Redeemer, for all the martyrs, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me." And the Light of the Divinity of God descended again over the Earth, the hells were closed and souls, in a deep spiritual joy, were saved.

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Prayer: Our Father (in Spanish).

We will now hear the Our Father in Italian.

The Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy are those who are invited to avail themselves of the Redeemer. Amen.

In an immense Love, I place you. With an immense Grace, I leave you. And through a great Love, I renew you so that you may recognize Me within yourselves; and the Work of My Peace and of Mercy is fulfilled in humanity, for the centuries to come..

In unity, forgiveness and reconciliation, in the name of the Love of God, in fraternity for Italy and for the whole world, give one another the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

We can give one another the greeting of peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Appearance of Christ Jesus during the 58th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in this place and in the most needed places in the world. Amen.

And after you have accepted My call, now I will be able to return to Egypt, after having lived there as a child; but now the King will return, to break the people free from their slavery, to bring Peace to that place and to the Middle East.

And although the events are still unfolding in the world and in this humanity, I will take with Me the souls that are most in need and I will return to the hearts that are seeking Me the most, regardless of their belief or religion, because what grants life in this world is love; it’s love that keeps you alive, it’s love that allows you to breathe and dream for a better time, with hope.

The captivity will finish someday, not only in Egypt, but also in the world. That is why I must return to the places where I once was, as a child, young or adult, in the East, or in the Far East.

The spiritual importance ​​must be recovered so that the world does not lose peace. That is why I am returning to these places, as sacrifice and also as Grace, to bring to the hearts, again, the meeting with God from the inner planes and so that it can be mirrored on the surface, in the society. That will make everything more just and balanced, that will appease the suffering and the agonies, because it’s through the merits that your Master and Lord reached, in the Passion, that these Graces are possible in this world, and in your humanity.

I cannot stop saying that sometimes My Heart is sad for those who don’t understand, but the enjoyment of those who live Me and those who believe in Me and give Me their confidence makes Me happy, as you have done yesterday and today, in a simple way.

The Kingdom of God is the greatest treasure of simplicity for this world and for souls. If they are simple they will always live the Kingdom of God and He will always be close to your lives and above all things, He will be in your hearts.

I want this enjoyment and jubilance that lives within Me, time and again, to reach the whole world and not only South America. Now it’s time to live the apostolate and make it part of you in each stage of life.

Thus My Mercy will reach those who are suffering the most, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, which in those parts of the world also experience their silent suffering because they cannot speak, like humans of the Earth.

I know that there is also suffering around you, sometimes in your families, in your cities, in your jobs, in your most beloved ones; but I ask you, for Mercy, to take one more step towards Me, and we will carry this treasure of love to the places that are most needed and that for thousands of years have received nothing, neither from the Universe nor from the Heavens.

I come to recover, through Egypt, the last human values because evolution continues and also the awakening.

The time has come, companions, to recover what you once lived with Me in the Holy Land and beyond it. This is not a theory nor is it an illusion, it’s time to live the Plan in a truthful way, it’s time to keep the Plan alive for as many hearts of the world as possible, for those who are looking for Me and do not find Me because they do not know the way.

Yes, you found the way out, but the world has not found it yet. That’s why I must return and return to the Core, from where everything is created, like the conflict, the war and the persecution.

Because this time, not only the Lady of Light will tread with Her feet upon the serpent, but also Her Master and Lord will step, with His feet, on its allies and defeat them so that they may repent some day. And there will no longer be a weapon against a weapon, religion against religion, because even though the most serious moment has not passed yet, even the impetus and the strength of My powerful Heart will be able to transform all things, when you only say "yes, Lord, here I am. "

In order to have permission to keep working, I will have the permission to continue transforming and unifying souls with God so that His heavenly Kingdom may descend to Earth and His Will be fulfilled because at the end of everything, His Sacred and Eternal Heart will triumph.

The fallen ones will be forgiven, the murderers will be redeemed, the persecutors will be loved and the evil will be dissolved, because evil doesn’t know the Love that comes from the Source. Evil is the incomprehension of the human consciousness for not accepting God's Will, as it was the Will of God to bring His Son to Earth to teach you the School of Love and Redemption.

I gather again, in this time, with those who stayed with Me at that time, whether in the consecrated life or in the spirit’s life; in the life of service, or in selfless life; in the missionary life or in the prayerful life.

May that commitment be revived by those who awaken.

May this commitment be reconfirmed by those who have already awakened so that the Will of the Creator can continue to be fulfilled in these critical times.

My Heart will embrace the Middle East and all those who are in that place, regardless of their condition or their condemnation. Because truly I say, companions, My Mercy is very great and still unknown. My Mercy is so great, that My Blood was spilled on the Cross, drop by drop, pain by pain, and anguish by anguish, to dissolve the evil of humanity and its eternal damnation.

It is the time to make My Love known to the world. And make the other peoples and races aware that I love them, as I love you.

Let them announce that I am returning to the world for the second time and that the heavenly Kingdom will be reapproaching to Earth with the angels and archangels, to put an end to the destruction of mankind and to dissolve the darkness by the intervention of the powerful Father, Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Rafael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel.

The heralds of the Word of God will return to Earth, as it was in the beginning to the people of the Middle East.

And from there, a new history will be written and the suffering will be erased, bringing from Heaven the Books of God, opened, to introduce to the world His new Purpose in the New Humanity.

Blessed are those who live the prophecies and are rejoiced in them, because the Lord, the Almighty, will show His Power to the humble.

With this Light that I bring, I spread Peace towards the Earth, renewing this cycle and this moment for all; giving the chance for those who are confused, to be able to return to My way before the Portal closes.

May the hearts be raised to My heavenly Church and that in communion with the life of each being, everything be renewed.

The God’s Universe descends to Earth and in this simple place, the souls will always find God. Although My Presence is not accepted, I will always be here to embrace you with the Light of Emmanuel.

I come to bless you with the Word of Life. I come to anoint you with the breath of the Spirit. I come to baptize you with the Water that gushed from My Side on the Cross, as part of the Source of Divine Mercy, so that you may be sanctified by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today there are no borders or separations between nations and peoples. The love that I could see here is what I need to renew times and above all things, humanity. It’s the love of those who congregate within My heavenly Church to receive communion from the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the angels of our Father-Mother Creator, Emmanuel.

Today, the Elohim, called resplendent beings of the Mental Universe, God’s angels, testify with Their fist that My mission in Egypt will be accomplished by the receptivity and the prayer of the souls who will collaborate to make this possible, and thus, My great Mirror of Mercy be lit in the Middle East.

Rejoice your hearts because you are following the right path. There will be no other place that represents Me on Earth, but just this one. Because I say to you again, companions, I come out of My Church to call the flocks that most need Me and that My representatives haven’t been worthy to welcome them with chastity.

May the love of the simple ones promote Peace on Earth.

May the service of the humble people restore the Kingdoms of Nature.

May the prayer of those who are congregated in community and in light, to transform the times in order that the Scepter of the Son of God may descend to Earth, put an end to human wickedness.

And now I will elevate to Heaven this offering that you have placed at My Feet, because truly I say that everything belongs to God, our Father, who is in heaven and today listens attentively to the Voice of His Son and His companions, in order to a grain of His heavenly Kingdom is being sown in this humanity, so that mankind may be recreated through love and good among men.

May everything be sanctified and may everything be elevated under the Ray of Transubstantiation. And that at the foot of the God’s Altar the offering of each human heart be placed, in this afternoon.

In the silence, companions, you can make your offering in front of My heavenly Church. I listen to you in the silence of prayer.

Celestial Father, who leads us all,

accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us through the path of love,

so that Your Will may be done.

Amen. (x3)

The offer has been accepted.

Those who will be baptized today, will be enlightened and when it happens, they will be converted.

Those who will be anointed today, will receive the Grace that they expect so much, but they must pray for it.

Father, you have become small so that the world will understand you and thus, you could get inside of the essence of Your children in order that they will vivify You and exalt Your Name, forever.

At the table of these new apostles of Mine, today I declare to you again, through this sacred formula that You have dictated to the humble Heart of Your Beloved Son.

Let the inner worlds listen to what your King and Lord of the Universe declares today: I ask all of you to take and eat of It, because this is My Body, which was given to men for the forgiveness and the surrender of sins.

My Lord and My Jesus, may the souls of the Earth hear the Voice of their Master and Lord, the Living Christ, who says to them: Take and drink all of Him, because this is My Blood, which was poured by men for the forgiveness of sins.

I ask you, for the times to come and the events that will come, do this in memory of Me in order for the Peace and Mercy of God to be present on the planet.

My Lord and My God, this is He who has given life for all and who has resurrected to return to the world, in spirit and divinity, in order to transfigure the Earth into a redeemed humanity.

Our Father, who art in heaven... 

And as I said to My apostles, My Peace I leave you and I give you My Peace; because your Master and Lord will always look at the faith of the members of His heavenly Church so that everything be repaired and humanity be cured of their spiritual sickness.

May this Peace be taken to Egypt and to the places that were entrusted by your Master and Lord and by His most sweet Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that Their Hearts of Service and Humility, of Love and of Hope, may reach the whole world. Amen.

Now give peace.

May the Earth repopulate with hope and may the hope renew the hearts that aspire to reach the Mercy of God.

With the voices of your hearts today I want to expand, through a song, the rain of love for the whole planet, giving the blessing to the world, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me in the simplicity of the heart and of life.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

