Virgin Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary



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Latest Message of the Virgin Mary


Dear son, dear daughter,

Rise from the ground with My help, just as I did with Jesus on the path to Calvary.

Rise from the ground with My help and I will show you the new path to follow.

Rise from the ground with My help and your wounds will be healed.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will learn to accept your cross, as Jesus accepted it in perpetual resignation.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will regain the joy of serving Christ.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will overcome all the traumas that were lived.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will come to understand the meaning of the cross.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will know how to go through the challenges of these times.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will recognize in yourself the suffering Christ of humanity.

Rise from the ground with My help and you will receive the supernatural strength to cross the obstacles and the limits of your own consciousness.

Rise from the ground with My help, so that the rest of humanity may be liberated.

Accept that there are falls and there are personal defeats, but get up from the ground with My help and along the way you will find the Grace and Mercy of My Son.

Learn from Jesus, who overcame all difficulties and transcended all errors, and at no time did He go backwards or stop advancing, but as a Christ He rose, renewed and redeemed the entire human race, leaving in His place the Holy Spirit so that, through His gifts, He could guide the followers and apostles of Christ.

Rise from the ground, just as Jesus did the three times He fell on Calvary.

Accept the door I offer you for the Christification of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marian impulses

Próximos eventos

Singing with Mary

When your hearts light up through prayer and song, the Greater and Supreme Doors of Healing, of Mercy,
and of Redemption open naturally when the cries and supplications of simple souls are heard
Virgin Mary, 13th of September of 2014

The Divine Mother announced that music, when comes from spirit, is a sacred instrument of love and of redemption. It allows our souls to elevate to higher planes, from where we can contemplate the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Our Lady also revealed to us that when we sing with love for God, we help in the healing of the planet and make it possible for Her and Her Angels to rescue souls that are suffering.
Let us sing with Mary for Peace!

Also visit the pages of Christ Jesus and Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

