Dear son, dear daughter,
Rise from the ground with My help, just as I did with Jesus on the path to Calvary.
Rise from the ground with My help and I will show you the new path to follow.
Rise from the ground with My help and your wounds will be healed.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will learn to accept your cross, as Jesus accepted it in perpetual resignation.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will regain the joy of serving Christ.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will overcome all the traumas that were lived.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will come to understand the meaning of the cross.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will know how to go through the challenges of these times.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will recognize in yourself the suffering Christ of humanity.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will receive the supernatural strength to cross the obstacles and the limits of your own consciousness.
Rise from the ground with My help, so that the rest of humanity may be liberated.
Accept that there are falls and there are personal defeats, but get up from the ground with My help and along the way you will find the Grace and Mercy of My Son.
Learn from Jesus, who overcame all difficulties and transcended all errors, and at no time did He go backwards or stop advancing, but as a Christ He rose, renewed and redeemed the entire human race, leaving in His place the Holy Spirit so that, through His gifts, He could guide the followers and apostles of Christ.
Rise from the ground, just as Jesus did the three times He fell on Calvary.
Accept the door I offer you for the Christification of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your heart not fear emptiness, loneliness or any test of these times.
Let your heart not fear the passing of days, the human purification, planetary birth or the turmoil of nature.
Let your heart not fear the consequences of the decisions of nations, the ignorance of humankind, the indifference of hearts. Rather, child, make all this the reason and the driving force of your constant transformation, the urgency with which you must take your steps toward God.
Let the planetary situation not be your reason for fear, despair or hopelessness. Rather, let it be the driving force that impels you every day to give more of yourself, from the inside out, and to truly live the spiritual principles that guide your life and have guided your steps until now, and which now must be ignited and continue their revelation so your consciousness may be the point of a spear in ascension, opening the way in the human consciousness for higher evolution.
The Cross, full of pain, emptiness, indifference, humiliation, suffering, sadness, denial, betrayal, and a deep spiritual abyss, revealed to humanity a sense of love never before experienced, not even by the Creator Himself, except through His Son.
The end of times, the transition between the old human and the new human, the planetary passion, full of chaos, ignorance, malice, darkness, suffering, a desert, inner confusion, conflicts and wars, will reveal to beings a sense of transcendence of human miseries never experienced in all of Creation; it will reveal a degree of forgiveness, of mercy, and of love that will bring a new Law to life, whose name is drawn in the Divine Consciousness, for it was never pronounced or lived by creatures.
While the enemy sowed fear in the Heart of Christ, He responded with silence and unity with God. And the deeper His pain, the deeper was His union with the Father and with Himself, with the Purpose of His existence, the reason for His life. And at each step with the Cross, Jesus revealed to Himself Who He truly was, the Christ was being born within Him and demonstrated, first to God, and then to Himself, the meaning of His surrender.
For this reason, child, do not fear and do not let the enemy sow and harvest fear in your heart in the face of the planetary situation. The enemy will sow fear, hatred and war, and the response in you, born of silence and of prayer, must be the expression of what you were born to be, the expression of the purpose of your life, an ever-deeper union with God, so you may discover and be what you truly were born to be.
I will not give you the answer, I will not tell you who you should be, but always remember My Words and seek to answer this mystery for your own heart.
Go in search of what you are.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who contemplates the heavy crosses of all Her children.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who walks silently and imperceptibly beside every supplicating heart.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who holds in Her lap and in Her Arms all those who shed tears of pain and toil.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who accompanies and guides the hearts in search of truth and justice.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who this week prepares Herself like Her Beloved Son, to contemplate the Sorrowful and Victorious Passion of Jesus.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who encourages all Her beloved children to avail themselves of the merits of Christ and to commune with the principles and values of the evolutionary and Christic life.
Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who patiently awaits the awakening of the New Christs, who will neither fear nor retreat, but will courageously walk forward, preparing the Earth for the Return of the Lord, the Master of Love, Christ Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Cross
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"You are now in the last stage of the desert, you are before the beginning of the next Sacred Week:
What will be the inner reflection that you will offer to Me, after the forty days of Lent?
What has changed within your consciousness? Are you the same being?
Do not lose sight of the last days of your spiritual desert. Time is ending and it is now time to offer oneself to the Eternal Father so that the expected time of the Return of Christ may be fulfilled.
May your feet be firm and safe upon the only path: the Path of Christ.
Endure the Cross, not with sorrow, but rather with love for sacrifice. I have already taught you how to do so.
Be brave and do not deter yourself, because the day of redemption is now close at hand."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Just as you are, you must come to Me.
Just as you feel, you must come to Me.
Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended.
But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.
Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit.
Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself.
Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory.
Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.
Remember to become empty of yourself."
Christ Jesus
Dear children,
In this time of planetary transition, some consciousnesses that serve My Son offer themselves to support, together with the most vulnerable and unprotected, the cross that many souls receive, a weight that is imposed upon them so that they cannot walk freely. That weight has to be transmuted by some, so that the most vulnerable and unprotected may have the Grace of being freed from oppression.
Therefore, this is a time of unknown Armageddon, this is a time in which everything is allowed so that souls define which path they will choose in the time to come.
The relief of the cross of the neighbor opens a silent spiritual door through which the Divine can work to rescue and save the most oppressed.
In this cycle, faced with the great debt of this world, the Divinity needs sacrificed and selfless hearts that are capable of accepting something that does not correspond to them on their spiritual path.
That offer is accepted attentively by the Heavens because it opens the darkest spaces for the angels of God so that Eternal Light can enter and so that this same Light can transmute and transform the most adverse situations and conditions in which the most oppressed souls are.
For this reason, dear children, offering to support and sustain this silent task means more than saying yes so that everything may be resolved. This represents the culminating moment in which Mercy will be able to act instead of Justice and thus rescue the hearts that are imprisoned.
All it takes is being attentive to the call of the Higher Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you are desperate or distressed, come to Me and follow Me.
If you cannot find clarity about what you should decide, and if you are confused, come to Me and follow Me.
Now, it does not matter how you feel or how you are, come to Me and follow Me.
I know the very depths of your being and I know the Will of my Father for you. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
Your cross is not the same as the cross of your brothers and sisters. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
I have My Crown of thorns to offer you; come to Me and follow Me.
I come to give you My whole Being, what are you waiting for? Come to Me and follow Me.
If your feet have stumbled over many stones in these recent times, do not worry, get up, come to Me and follow Me.
Because what is written for your life is not the same as what is written for your fellow being. If you truly want to know and have knowledge of it, come to Me and follow Me.
If you decide to come to Me, you will be able to enter My Heart and have a new life. You will know how to cross your deserts, how to go through your tests and your uncertainties; but keep in mind that My Love is above all things. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me, because I need decided soldiers, tempered by humility and bathed by My Grace so that they may serve the Plan of My Father and accomplish It.
My celestial promises will be accomplished in the next life. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
I contemplate a wounded and hurt world submerged in suffering and in chaos. Come to Me and follow Me so that the new Christs may awaken. While this does not happen, I will continue to come to the world because My Heart can be in you and you can be in My Heart. Come to Me and follow Me, for there is still much to do and to work on.
The deepest wounds of the planet must be healed and your life must be the balm for these wounds. Come to Me and be transformed into what I so wait for. In the silence of My Heart, I will cause you to be ready to live these times and these challenges.
I offer Myself in eternal communion for those who suffer and endure and for those who every day lose their inner light and allow the flame of their faith to go out.
I Am that Higher Power that allows you to carry the cross of these times and to not say 'no' to My Will, because what is written is very important.
I bring you the new life. Thus, come to Me and follow Me. While this does not happen, I will wait so as to be able to take the next steps in the redemption of this humanity and this planet.
Open your inner senses and let My Light bring you Truth; for purification is eternal; it is an impulse towards ascension and transcendence until the very core of your spirits someday achieves union with the Father, just as the Son achieved union with the Father up to the Cross.
Was it really necessary that God Himself experienced all that agony, that whole Passion and Death, through His Son in this humanity? It is a mystery not yet unveiled, but you have the Grace of already not being so far from the unveiling of this mystery.
The master key of all this is to surrender to the Love of God for His creatures, for their salvation. This is what must move your inner universe so that you come to Me and follow Me; for in these times, I need to establish the pillars of the New Humanity and the New Earth, through the conversion of your hearts and consciousnesses.
My pillars are not energies, My pillars are you.
In the same way that clay has to be transformed into something beautiful, so must your lives, as a precious crystal, be polished, time and again. When your lives are polished, they are transformed, and they will feel the positive friction of My Christic energy.
But do not be afraid if your cells fear the transformation or the uncertainty of not being able to take steps. In truth, I tell you: "Who comes to Me and follows Me will be in My Heart, and I will be in them until the end of times; because the Spirit of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, will guide you, just as I guide My apostles and many more throughout the ages."
Your inner strength must be in the conviction of accomplishing My Plan, My Plan of rescue and salvation.
You already know how the state of the world is and how the main cell of the family has been destroyed, not only by the pandemic but also by the lack of love.
Today, My Heart sustains and contemplates those who have died alone through this current illness.
The pleas of the good and of those who are consistent with My merciful prayer, no matter what the cost, have permitted this Grace of salvation and of relief.
Thus, I tell you that your vision cannot only be upon that which is material; your vision must be beyond that which is spiritual, beyond that which is truly profound and eternal; where love triumphs above all evil and adversity.
There are many souls throughout the world that, in this time, cry out for help. There are many sinning souls, souls that are ignorant and even cold because their hearts have hardened.
For this reason, My pillars, the pillars of Christ, the apostles of the end of times must be clear about this moment and this conjuncture, which is not the same as other times.
I need you to understand that to be My companion is not only to be at My side or to only follow Me. To be My companion is to everyday risk being more a part of Me, of My Mystical Body, of My spiritual and divine Government.
Just like more than two thousand years ago, humanity is at a similar conjuncture, but more delicate, more serious. This is the most important hour, when the prayer of the heart will work mysteriously in the inner worlds. Thus, your beings, your families and your homes must be rooms and spaces of prayer in the current planetary field of battle.
In this way, you will ignite the light in this sea of worldwide darkness and the sincere prayer will be a small spark of the light of the Love of God that, in trust and faith, will be placed where it is most needed, where nobody can see it.
I need your lives to be the very testimony of a prayer carried out and concretized so that you may aspire to someday be the living sacrament itself, redeemed and converted by My Codes of Light and Mercy. In this way, the world will no longer suffer, because with very few there will be a struggle in these hells of the world, of persecution, of war and of hunger.
The hour of My Return is already registered. It is an hour that is approaching as time goes by. When I return, and you, where will you be? You, how will you be?
The signs of My arrival are within because it is there where I am present, just like with those who experience the Eucharist or Adoration with faith; In this way, they will be ready to receive Me, in spite of how they will be or where they will be.
Today, I want to anoint the world with the luminous Sign of the Cross so that, in light of this current planetary Calvary, you may see the Cross of Redemption of your Lord Jesus Christ illuminated, the Cross of Emmanuel, that comes to free you from the chains of evil forever.
May your hearts not become cold. May your charity not dissipate. May your faith of being in Me be strengthened so that, someday, the saints of the end times, the saints of the last days, may be present in this humanity, and on the eve of My arrival, may this anointing take shape on the forehead of each of My children, of My companions, of My prayerful ones, of My servers.
Let all that which should no longer be within you, no longer be, and may I have the space to be able to live within the greater depths of everyone.
Do not be afraid of losing the power that you believe you have, or the control that you believe you exercise. I come to make of your lives something new so that the human race can be saved and thus, the thousand years of peace may be accomplished.
May this Marathon hold the keynote and the absolute trust that you can follow Me and be in Me, so that all errors and sins may be justified, and fervent souls may amend the assaults experienced by My Sacred Heart; for this time I have brought some of My apostles. They could be nowhere else but here, to wait for Me, again, as they waited for Me in the Cenacle during the days of My Resurrection.
The reappearance of Christ is being fulfilled.
Happy are those who believe without having seen. Happy are those who believe and are humble. Happy are those who are a part of My Word and drink of My Water of Life because I give, to each one of you, a part of the wood of My spiritual Cross so that we may share this moment and offer ourselves as victims of the Love of God.
I again anoint you, forgive you, and heal you under the powerful union of the Most Holy Trinity and all that which is beyond God, that which the world still does not know and which is a part of the Revelation of the end of times.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
Today My gaze of a Mother turns towards Argentina at a moment in which all My Argentine children face their own individual and group calvary.
As the Lady of Luján, today I come to tell My children from Argentina not to allow faith to fade from their hearts.
I carry the heavy cross of inequality and injustice with you.
I walk by your side, as a tireless and hardworking people who, time and again, gets up from the ground to continue walking.
I pray for all families of Argentina that have lost their loved ones in this time of pandemic and of deep pain.
Dear children, may your example of persistence in prayer become like a great mirror that can reflect, for all your brothers and sisters, the attributes that souls will need at this time in order to face this feared and unknown combat.
Through the opening of the abortion law, Argentina compromised its paths. As Mother of life and of the innocent, I ask you to repent for those who do not repent. This is not because of religion, but because of discernment and wisdom.
Children of Mine, I pray day and night with you; in your homes and with your families.
I am the Mother who will never abandon you because this is the time of purification.
May your faith in Christ never end. Now, the time has come for each of you to take up your own cross and follow Him.
This is the hour when My Son will know with whom He will truly count on until the end.
My beloved children of Argentina, My Peace is with you and with your entire country.
I am here, and I listen to you. This is the cycle of the great end. Prepare yourselves.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May the deep and immutable Peace of Jesus be within your hearts.
I know that this time is most difficult for all My children, it is the time of pain and suffering.
I call you to penetrate into the mystery of the Love of My Son in this Holy Week.
I ask you, in this coming week, to offer everything as something sacred, your acts, your thoughts and your feelings, as well as small works of Mercy so that My Son has the authority to intercede for everyone, in the face of world chaos.
Each gesture that becomes sacred, no matter how concrete it may seem, sanctifies life and makes it closer to the Kingdom of God.
I implore for My children so that, in this Holy Week, by the power of the Blood of Christ, many more situations that seem irreversible may be alleviated and contemplated by Divine Grace.
My children, I ardently desire that each one of you collect the codes of the victory of Jesus, those codes of fortitude and faith that will make your lives mirrors that will reflect the Will of the Father.
In this harsh desert that humanity is going through, I call you to seek peace within yourselves and not to expect external results.
Know that, day and night, I am in prayer with you and for you.
Christ entrusted your lives to me at the foot of the Cross, and today, I am here again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Learning to carry your own cross of these times, I invite you, in the name of My Son, to accompany him, in the memory of His sorrowful Passion, so that the Blood, shed by Christ, may once again have the value and veneration it deserves from all My children throughout the world.
Thus, the angels of the Lord will bring, in their serving hands, the sacred chalices of reparation so that its Light may shed upon the spiritual consciousness of this world, so that suffering may be alleviated and dissipated from the hearts that suffer the consequences of these times.
I invite you to persevere in faith and trust. I invite you to consciously enter the ranks of the last apostles of Christ, those who will be ready to serve Him unconditionally and prepare His Return within the souls that await His arrival.
Dear children, be testimonies of this moment and do not waste it. The world is in its final transition and love must triumph in you and in every corner of this suffering humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day of Mercy, your prayers resound throughout My Immaculate Heart, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus is attentive to the voice of your supplications, because, at this crucial planetary moment, souls need liberation and forgiveness.
May the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy of the Redeemer help you, at this moment, to stay in peace, in such a necessary and urgent peace for the inner worlds.
Dear children, on this day I bring you the Good News, the joy you must feel for being alongside My Son, helping Him relieve the heavy cross of humanity.
May the purpose of praying for Mercy to descend keep happening, because, where there is one or more than one in supplication from the heart, My Son will be able to help you and close the doors of hell and perdition for all souls that walk towards the abysses of the planet.
May you, as apostles of Mercy, be aware and thankful for participating in the inner Commands of Christ, as the necessity of these times will lead humanity to live a definition, before My Son returns to the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the time of the apostles of My Son, it is the time of your maturity, it is the time of your action for the accomplishment of the Will of Christ.
The apostles of My Son are the ones who will prepare His arrival at the most culminating moment of humanity.
Be determined apostles, open to facing the challenges of these times.
I, as the Mother of the Apostles, call you to climb one more step on this ladder that will lead you to assume the responsibilities that My Son expects of each one of you.
Children, I do not speak of a material responsibility, but of a spiritual commitment to My Son, to help Him carry the heavy cross of this time, because the weight of the cross is greater than those who are available from the heart to carry it, along with Christ, your Master and Lord.
At this time, may the apostles of My Son be confirmed and also define themselves.
There are many needs, but one of them, the most important one, is the need of souls to receive love and forgiveness.
May the apostles of the end of times open to assume what does not correspond to them. May they do so as an act of Love and Mercy, so that each apostle of Christ may discover within themselves the universe of the Love of God, so that the mystery of the absolute surrender of My Son may be revealed to the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I know that sometimes you are tired of continuing forward, but I ask you not to stop, because the great moment of humanity has not come yet, and it is now when you, out of love and service for My beloved Son, must make the greatest effort, the effort that you still have not yet made.
This is the time of that which is unpredictable. Therefore, beloved children, may the breath of the Holy Spirit illuminate you and give you the resistance and the strength you need to be able to go through your Christic test of love.
Just as My Son became absolutely alone and abandoned in His human state on the Cross, now, dear children, your human state will remain alone in order to learn to trust in what the Celestial Father needs for you to trust.
I make you awaken a spirit of bravery, but I also impel you to awaken gratitude.
This is the expected moment for you to live what you have heard from Us, for so many years, with so much dedication and offering, from the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
There Will be no other path or way to go through this crucial moment of the planet, you must just be the testimonial of conversion and of an achieved inner redemption.
What are you waiting for?
This is the time of the last apostles of My Son, it is the time to close a cycle of sufferings to begin a cycle of renewed hope, which will be concretized with effort, love and much dedication.
The end of this planetary calvary will depend upon your surrender and your union with God.
The Celestial Universe has everything to be able to help you, you must look to the sky and ask, not with obsession, but rather with austerity and human fraternity.
I pray day and night for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the suffering of the serving hearts of My Son be placated.
May the transitory experience of this planetary moment be offered beyond its repercussion so that the Eternal Father receives it as justification and atonement for all the mistakes made up to the present by this suffering humanity.
This is the time of the victim souls of My Son; it is the time to offer yourself to mend the injustice that embraces the hearts of all humanity.
I am by the side of every servant of Christ who lives, like the rest of the world, the experience of being in chaos.
This is the long-awaited hour of tribulation for all, but it is also the time to bring out the talents of holiness that My Son placed in you long ago.
I know that you have never been through something like this as humanity, but you must remember that, as essences, you were waiting for this moment to arrive in order to serve unconditionally so that My Son's Redemptive Plan may be fulfilled.
I ask you, My children, not to abandon the cross of this time, because at the end of the path of this world calvary, you will meet My Son and He will free you from this situation forever.
Only that for each child of Mine the time has come to go through their test of Christic love so that at last the consciousness is confirmed to the Plan and the Will of the Lord.
This is an unknown time, permeated with signs that, no matter what, will lead towards the change of consciousness through that which is unpredictable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
On this day, receive My maternal embrace, just as Jesus received it since He was a child, until He became an adult and died on the Cross for all.
Receive My maternal embrace, My child, so that you may feel the Love of God beyond everything, so that blame, pain and despair may be dissolved from your heart.
Receive My maternal embrace so that you may be within the trust of God and be able to take the steps toward His Kingdom of light and of hope.
Receive My maternal embrace so that you may feel that you are not alone in this difficult moment, and that the containment of the universe will support you until, on your own, you may walk only in the direction of the encounter with My Son.
Receive My maternal embrace for this last time, remaining in the task of the Messages of the Mother of God so that, through My embrace, you may always remember the wonder of the Love and the Mercy of My Son, something that will always lead you toward God.
Receive My maternal embrace with all the affection of a good and sacrificial Mother Who protects and cares for Her little ones, so that they may always be safe under the divine protection of the Creator.
Receive My maternal embrace, because the end of this time is now arriving and you need to be fortified in order to face it and to live it according to how the universe expects it.
Receive My maternal embrace so that you may know that I will always be there to support you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My child,
Let the signs of the Light of the Passion of My Son heal you.
Let the Blood that tirelessly flows out from His Heart wash you completely, and may your spirit be comforted.
Let the Light that flows out from His Eucharistic Heart nourish your soul with new gifts so that they may be at the service of the Lord.
Let the spiritual victory of the Cross of My Son free you from all adversity so that you may regain strength and continue forward.
Let the wisdom that flows out from His humble Words make you recognize the Love of God, at each moment.
Empty your heart of yourself, and surrender with trust to the unfathomable mysteries of the Passion of My Son. Thus, you will understand life as a true meaning of purpose and mission.
Let the peace, which rises from the Heart of My Son, flood your inner being so that you may learn to be an ambassador of His Peace and of His Word throughout the world.
Just allow for each one of the mysteries of My Son to complete you, so that in the detachment of yourself, you may reach the goals that Christ places within your life.
Recognize each moment as a great opportunity for being given and of serving, so that the Project of the Redeemer may be fulfilled within you and within the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I bless you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-second Poem
Lady of Calvary,
alleviate the weight of our cross,
help us to live Your Son’s Mystery of Love.
Lady of Calvary,
may we contemplate and live the Agony of Jesus
as a moment to strengthen our faith
and trust in the Eternal Father.
May we contemplate the Flagellation of Jesus
as the deepest testimony
of His redeeming Love for each one of us.
May we contemplate the Crowning of Jesus
as the triumph of Divine Wisdom
over our ignorance,
as the moment in which our consciousnesses
expand through the knowledge of Love received.
May we contemplate the Path of Calvary
as the opportunity for us to live our cross
and make of our lives a victorious cross,
wining through love
and through the transformation of the human heart.
May we contemplate the Crucifixion of Christ
as the coming time of liberation
from our spiritual slavery,
a liberation given by Jesus
in the last moments upon the wood of the Cross,
a liberation granted through the work of Divine Mercy.
Lady of Calvary,
may we learn to imitate Your Son
on the path of unconditional service.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-third Poem
Temple of Divine Wisdom,
Mother of Grace and Mercy,
Lady of Silence,
teach us to find the answers
in profound spiritual silence,
because, there, we will manage to understand
the mysteries of Creation with the heart.
Lady of Silence,
may Your profound silence before the Cross
impel us to accept with gratitude
each test that we go through.
May Your maternal silence
constantly reveal to us
the immense gratitude that You experience
in each Call of God.
Lady of Silence,
help us find the right words
in each situation of life.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit
through Your loving
and blessed intercession.
Teach us, Mother of Silence,
to not wound others
with our words and comments.
May we give value and reverence to the Divine Word.
May we be able to discover within us
the meaning of subtle vibrations
so that we no longer waste time on unnecessary things
but rather that our words may always be
a warm and fervent prayer of silence.
Thus, with Your loving help, Lady of Silence,
we will perceive life just as You
know the life of all humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
More and more, child, seek to imitate the emptiness and the nothingness of your Lord.
Allow yourself to be an instrument in the hands of God and it does not matter if you are lifted up and acclaimed, it does not matter the sacrifice and the weight of the cross, the humiliation, the solitude or the abandonment.
Allow your consciousness to penetrate into the truth of every event. While you serve and your service is lifted up before the eyes of humankind, may your heart be placed in the truth that everything you do is for the manifestation of the plan of God on earth.
And when the Lord asks you to renounce, or gives you tests and humiliations that forge within your being the unity with him and the inner emptiness, allow your consciousness to be molded according to His will.
Know that all the great deeds, as well as the great renunciations, build the plan of God with the same intensity, just as your Lord, who began to build a bond with the souls upon the mounts, amid miracles, but consolidated the covenant between humanity and God, empty of Himself, on the cross on Calvary.
Deepen every moment in your surrender and in the sense of the truth of your faith so that you always remain in this truth.
The situation of the planet will place many tests, misunderstandings and challenges in your path, but your heart must be in the Christ of Calvary, empty, with Him, going through the Passion of this world to culminate as a chalice full of God poured upon the Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My loved ones,
It is time to resurrect in spirit, every day, with the inner strength that My Son gives you; in this way, you will help humanity and its whole project to rise up, so that it may again have its place in the Heart of the Eternal Father.
Children, it is time to rise up in spirit, of knowing how to get up from the ground, of carrying your own cross of life and of achieving freedom from all suffering.
In your daily resurrection, you will gain inner strength and valor in order to surpass yourself, beyond the tests, the challenges and all adversity, because if you live in Christ, Christ will work through you in examples of love, of the giving of self and in unconditionality.
Live the spirit of inner resurrection and make of this world a new space for the coming of Christ.
Do not fail to get up from the ground and of affirming the spiritual victory that My Son left you on the Cross, because by the Cross your lives will be safe.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more