Dear children,
In this time of planetary transition, some consciousnesses that serve My Son offer themselves to support, together with the most vulnerable and unprotected, the cross that many souls receive, a weight that is imposed upon them so that they cannot walk freely. That weight has to be transmuted by some, so that the most vulnerable and unprotected may have the Grace of being freed from oppression.
Therefore, this is a time of unknown Armageddon, this is a time in which everything is allowed so that souls define which path they will choose in the time to come.
The relief of the cross of the neighbor opens a silent spiritual door through which the Divine can work to rescue and save the most oppressed.
In this cycle, faced with the great debt of this world, the Divinity needs sacrificed and selfless hearts that are capable of accepting something that does not correspond to them on their spiritual path.
That offer is accepted attentively by the Heavens because it opens the darkest spaces for the angels of God so that Eternal Light can enter and so that this same Light can transmute and transform the most adverse situations and conditions in which the most oppressed souls are.
For this reason, dear children, offering to support and sustain this silent task means more than saying yes so that everything may be resolved. This represents the culminating moment in which Mercy will be able to act instead of Justice and thus rescue the hearts that are imprisoned.
All it takes is being attentive to the call of the Higher Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fourteenth Poem
Queen of the Universe,
Celestial Dome of God,
Sublime Aroma of Peace,
give us empty and humble hearts,
hearts capable of no longer wanting anything for themselves,
poor hearts, united to the humble Heart of God.
O Holy Mother!
give us peacemaking, faithful, meek hearts,
available for Your Son,
hearts uninterested in the life of the world.
Most Pure Virgin,
give us pure and unchanging hearts,
hearts mature in the Love of Your Son,
hearts defeated by the Truth of Christ.
Faithful Servant,
give us selfless hearts,
capable of not having time for themselves
but rather an eternal giving of self for others.
Mother of Heaven,
give us sensitive hearts, open hearts,
hearts of immense gratitude and recognition
for all that Your Son gives us.
That, with transformed hearts,
we may help to banish indifference in the world
so that fraternity and unity
may reign among souls.
Thus, Your Son shall return, with His Heart of Light,
to rebuild this world and all of humanity.
That, through You, Divine Lady,
our hearts may represent at least a part
of the redeeming Work of Christ on Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As an Eternal Pilgrim, I seek souls who selflessly want to follow me, not only to know the life of the spirit, but also to live and fulfill My Divine Will.
That is why I Am the Eternal Pilgrim; I Am the One who waits, day after day, for souls that must define their lives in order to follow My steps for all of eternity; so that the Holy Work of the Father, the Divine Purpose of Creation, may finally manifest in the consciousnesses of this world.
Thus, I will continue in pilgrimage and knocking at the door of hearts so that, within this long journey, you may accompany your Master and Lord in this daring mission of the end times, to turn this planet into a true Tabernacle of Light, full of good and noble souls who love much more than I loved in the past, who can surpass Me in love, as well as in service to others.
Behold the Eternal Pilgrim, who calls the sheep by name so that they may follow their Shepherd to the lands of spiritual abundance and the richness of the soul, so that one day they may find the way to true freedom, freeing themselves forever from the prisons of these times.
Just as the Eternal Pilgrim calls the sheep by name, He also calls hearts so that, repentant, they may reach the inner conception of the Redeeming Spirit, of the Spirit of Christ, which will always give them new Life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
On this special day, I open again My arms to pour over the world the Mercy of God. My Immaculate Heart on this day descends in Glory and in Spirit over Curitiba contributing, to speed up your maturity, these twelve steps to reach humility:
First, to see the need of the other before your own.
Second, to recognize that without God nothing can be done.
Third, to have a pure heart, to be able to have a pure mind
and as a consequence pure feeling.
Fourth, to know that without Christ the paths will remain inconclusive.
Fifth, to consider as vital, permanent and devout prayer.
Sixth, to learn to be humble through the teachings of the Gospel of Christ.
Seventh, to be an instrument of good and charity for all.
Eighth, to recognize oneself as an apostle and server of Christ.
Ninth, to renew oneself every day through kind gestures of love
and fraternity among others.
Tenth, to live every day the Passion of Christ as an act and a sacrifice of love.
Eleventh, to live fully the unity with God.
Twelfth, to empty oneself of oneself to be able to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
If these twelve simple steps are experimented with by the good hearts, the Lord will help you and will show you how important it is to accept and to live the humility of the heart. A humble heart listens, does not judge or question, is open to receive instruction from Heaven, and then it prays and meditates in its interior with gratitude and joy.
My children, the world has lost humility, for this God comes again to encounter you by means of My Maternal Heart. Let us pray so that the holy humility, that which will permit that you recognize each other as dignified children of God, may be gestated as a new seed in your hearts.
As Mother and Guardian of all the hearts, today I am here to transmit to you My Sacred Humility.
If in truth the entire world prayed from the heart and realized at least a little act of charity and good, it would find the path to humility; but the enemy has managed to remove from the good hearts the Most Sacred Flame of Humility, by means of the temptations and the desires for the modern and advanced things.
Dear children, in prayer day and night, I cry out to My Most Beloved Son so that the few that today are humble before the eyes of God may not lose the light in the path. As Mother and Defender of the souls of My Father, I come to the world for the last time to pour the gift of humility over those hearts that in truth are opened to stop living for themselves and, as of this new time, to start living in holy humility.
The path of humility is for the courageous and in truth I only find it among the most simple souls.
Consecrate yourselves every day to the Sacred Family, so that the three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may reflect, as celestial mirrors, the gifts of humility and of the new life over the Earth.
Remember, dear children, the proclamation that God once sent to MY Sacred Heart saying:
“My Soul glorifies the Lord,
My Spirit rejoices in God My Savior,
because he has looked at His poor Servant.
For this from now on,
I will be proclaimed Blessed by all the generations,
because in Me the One who is powerful
and whose name is holy has realized wonders.
His Mercy is extended from generation to generation
over those who fear Him.
He has manifested the power of His arm:
He has overthrown the proud hearts.
He has overturned from the throne the powerful and glorified the humble.
He filled the destitute with goods
and left the rich with empty hands.
He embraced Israel, His Servant,
reminding him of His Mercy,
according to the promise of our forefathers,
on behalf of Abraham and his posterity forever”.
Guard in your hearts this celestial motto and ask God for holy humility.
I thank you for answering in humility to My call!
I love you, I bless you and I heal you,
Mary, Queen of Peace of the Holy Humility
I give you a patient heart so that you may have a humble soul. I give you an abnegated life so that afterwards you may have all the wealth in Heaven.
Do not seek another love as pure, true and simple as the Love that I have for all of you. The beings from the Earth are still human and all are able to be in error without perceiving it. For this I ask you that your eyes may encounter the true love of God in My Most Sacred Heart of Love because there your tears will not be spilled, but rather your heart will be magnified with joy for only being with Me.
My Merciful Heart, all of the days at three in the afternoon, has an infinite space waiting for each essence of this Earth. From My Death on the Cross, out of love for you, and after My Resurrection I guarded for each being a sacred space within My Unfathomable Heart of Love so that you would be able, through Me, to again trust and love the Will of God.
I only ask the ones who have faithfully consecrated themselves to My Most Sacred Consciousness, that their eyes only be directed in love towards My Heart of Peace because in this way your feeling that lacks love will be filled only by My Redeeming Presence. Seek love in each act of charity and of good because from now on My disciples must be the new receptacles so that I may be able to pour My Love for this blind humanity.
For this cultivate a grand love for My Father so that the enemy may not tempt you with false human love. By means of the merciful prayer quench your lack of inner love and feel completely loved by My Great Heart of Husband and Shepherd.
Allow that the essence of the love of God may be able to be sown in you through the simple but true prayer that day by day you donate to Me. Above all things prepare your hearts for the times that will come. Whoever may want to quench the thirst of love, only come to Me.
I Am trust, I Am plenitude, I Am peace, I give you the faith that you need for all of the days of your life. Live in My Love and do not reject It as the world already rejects It for living in the false modernity of love. Always seek shelter in Me.
Under the Pure Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more