The Campaign for Peace is an international movement that promotes initiatives to build a culture of peace and fraternity. It was created in 2015 at the request of the Virgin Mary. Since then, its actions to stimulate a  life of prayer, fraternal coexistence, charity and selfless service have reached people from more than 70 countries.

Meetings with the
Divine Messengers

At the request of the Divine Messengers, meetings of prayer and devotional music are held every month, in which we can receive Their Blessings and listen to the Messages that They deliver through the visionaries, monastics of the Grace Mercy Order.


These events, open to the public and transmitted live on Misericordia María TV or on the channel Prayer for Peace in the Nations, are followed in many countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

Led by monks of the Grace Mercy Order, the purpose of these meetings is to bring the peace, light and Instruction of Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph to all cultures, peoples and nations.


Under the name of Pilgrimage for Peace, these meetings have traveled across several countries since 2015*, with the purpose of disseminating the spirit of peace and fraternity among all cultures, beliefs, peoples and nations.

*Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the events took place only online between March 2020 and August 2022.



Planetary Network of Prayer

Prayer is one of the ways to find inner peace. It is an instrument to achieve unity with God and all of Creation.

Those who regularly perform this spiritual exercise know that in the simplicity of praying with the heart lies a great mystery, something that places before us important keys to inner transformation.

Moreover, in these times of crises and conflicts, prayer can profoundly help, from the spiritual planes, the conscience of humanity and the other Kingdoms of Nature.

The relief of all suffering is achieved with prayer, when each one of you trusts in the light that will arrive to you through it.

The Virgin Mary, January 17, 2012

  • Pray in your home, individually or with your family.
  • Participate in the Praying for Peace in the Nations. This large virtual prayer room, created at the request of the Virgin Mary, holds daily gatherings at various times with the purpose of praying for different peoples, nations and urgent causes.
  • Form a prayer group in the region where you live or join an existing group.
  • Join the Rosary of Light prayer groups. This initiative responds to the request of the Virgin Mary for the formation of ecumenical prayer groups in the world, with the purpose of praying a Mystery of the Rosary for peace and for families.

For more information, contact us at:


+44 7581 369427

Humanitarian Service

To provide solidarity assistance to human beings, animals and the environment, with the purpose of reducing suffering and restoring dignity to those who are in most needt.

This is the purpose of the seven Service Associations affiliated to Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF). Some of them were created especially to act in emergencies and humanitarian missions around the world, work carried out by FFHI since 2011.

Learn more FIHF Service Associations

Humanitarian missions - Since 2011, FIHF has provided assistance to refugees and migrants with the support of its affiliates. It has worked in humanitarian, natural and environmental disasters in 17 countries, in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

In many cases, these humanitarian missions occurred in partnership with institutions such as; the AlUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM-Turkey), the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Caritas-Greece, the Brazilian National Civil Defense and Brazilian Army, in addition to several federal universities.

Service to the Kingdoms of Nature

The Campaign for Peace encourages prayer and selfless service to the Kingdoms of Nature as a way of alleviating the suffering that humanity causes them day by day.

Animals, plants, and minerals, in all their diversity, possess a spiritual consciousness and express different attributes of God on Earth. It is urgent that human beings learn to love and respect them, for only then can we achieve redemption and peace.


Monthly program
Broadcast on the 19th, at 11am, by Misericordia María TV.

The Divine Messengers, especially the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, have transmitted countless teachings about the Kingdoms of Nature. For Love of the Kingdoms program is inspired by these and other instructions to develop studies on different environmental themes, addressing the spiritual and practical aspects of our relationship with animals, plants, and minerals.

Find out more For Love of the Kingdoms

  • Begin to observe, feel and contemplate the Kingdoms of Nature around you. This simple exercise can awaken your sensitivity and reveal to you new possibilities of connection with God.
  • Irradiate gratitude to the Kingdoms of Nature, who donate themselves unconditionally to sustain us and teach us how to love. Gratitude opens the doors of our hearts so that we may learn to unite ever more deeply with God's Creation.
  • Pray for the Kingdoms. Prayer is like a healing and relieving balm for the wounded consciousness of Mother Nature. One option is to participate in the Prayer for Peace in the Kingdoms of Nature..
  • Challenge yourself to take better care of planet Earth and the beings who inhabit it. You can start with small acts: saving water, watering a plant, feeding or rescuing an abandoned animal, reducing plastic consumption, etc.


Living Love for Dogs

Sunny Lives

Sacred Kingdoms of Nature

Discover some inspiring references about working with the Kingdoms of Nature:

Parque Francisco de Assis (Francis of Assisi Park)

A shelter and rehabilitation center for abandoned dogs, which houses more than 450 animals and carries out important work in water treatment and plant care. It is located in the city of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

It is maintained by a group of volunteers who have taken on the sacred responsibility of transforming, through love, the physical, emotional and spiritual wounds of neglected and mistreated dogs.

New Earth Light-Community
Service Center Crer-sendo (Growing up believing and being)

A place located in the rural area of Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where love and service to the Kingdoms of Nature are part of the daily life of the residents.

Besides welcoming dogs, cats, horses, sheep, ducks and many other species, it develops planting work, always seeking harmonious coexistence among all kingdoms.

Casa Luz da Colina (Light House on the Hill)

Casa Luz da Colina is a philanthropic and charitable association located in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Dedicated to the service to others, the institution has three units that act in the protection of animals:

● Sítio dos Reinos (Farm of the Kingdoms)

● Terras da Unidade (Lands of Unity)

● Casa Esperança (Hope House)

For collaboration and more information about these three units of the Casa Luz da Colina, write to:

Youth Campaign For Peace

Young volunteers from different cities and countries, building together the Youth Campaign for Peace. By proposing experiences of caring for Mother Earth and of search for the common sense, they believe they are helping to build a planetary culture of peace.

A movement created to promote ecumenical union among young people and to awaken within their hearts, the seeds of spiritual life. Its principles are unity, the spirit of peace, non-violence, non-discrimination and mutual respect. It acts through art, love for the Kingdoms of Nature, prayer and selfless service.

Find out more Youth Campaign for Peace

One of its main initiatives is the Youth Festival for Peace. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event has adopted an exclusively online format. However, it will, as soon as possible, resume its itinerant face-to-face editions, which have already traveled to several cities in Latin America, bringing together hundreds of young people from various countries.

More Consciousness

Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Smoke-free.

Also at home!

Find out more Youth Festival for Peace

Follow the Youth for Peace on their channels:

Sowing Love in Humanity

Created in 2015, at the request of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, it aims to reduce conflicts in the world through simple gestures of reconciliation, forgiveness and service to others.

“You must trust in this: that each one of your acts are valued before the universe and that, with each one of your steps towards the light, we can change the destiny of humanity.”


The proposal of Saint Joseph is that we reconcile with family members, friends and acquaintances with whom, for some reason, we have experienced a situation that needs forgiveness. He also invites us to perform other acts of love, charity and fraternity, as our hearts indicate.

In this way, we will generate spiritual merits so that the Chaste Heart may intercede for the dissolution of the outbreaks of hatred and discord upon the planet.

Find out more Campaign Sowing Love in Humanity

Community life

The five Light-Communities affiliated to Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) were created with the purpose of expressing fraternal life, based on selfless service to all kingdoms of nature, ecumenical spiritual activities, mutual cooperation and sustainability.

The Light Communities offer us a permanent opportunity for the transformation of our consciousness. The fraternal group conviviality, the daily tasks aimed at the common good, the spiritual practices accompanied by prayer and music, the studies, the ecological cultivation of food, and the integration with nature, among others, propel inner growth and the adoption of new patterns of behavior.

All activities are carried out by volunteers and sustained through spontaneous donations.

Life consecrated to the Spirit

The Grace of Mercy Order proposes a monastic life through consecrated life. Based on the teachings of Christ, it seeks to offer itself unconditionally as an instrument of the Divine Work, in communion with all human beings and other Kingdoms of Nature.

It offers a proposal of fraternal, community life, dedicated to peace, prayer, goodness and selfless service. It is a Christian, ecumenical and autonomous religious organization without any formal link with any established religion.

Learn more Mercy Grace Order

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
