Dear children:

When the times and events become difficult around you, these will be the signs that the Plan of God and His Purpose are being materialized.

Therefore, with a charitable and ardent spirit, continue to carry forward the Plan of the Creator, so that souls may perceive that they have denied the last and great opportunity of being able to repent and to serve.

Children, this is the time of great events and of great challenges for all beings; this is the time of knowing how to adapt to the constant changes and hasty challenges.

This is the time of really discovering within yourselves that inner part, which is God, and which will help you to survive in this cycle, but with a renewed and expanded faith. Children, I come propel you into experiences that will make you strong and invincible in Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Olam, the Sacred Eternity of God

Dear children,

One of the Aspects of God, Olam, leads the earthly humanity to the elevation of spirit and of the senses.

Olam represents, in this Universe, the possibility for each creature, created in His image and likeness, to discover within its inner universe the aspect of immortality, that is to say, that which is eternal, which nothing can dissolve.

Olam brings eternal life, eternal service to Creation and consecration to the supreme Life of divine existence.

Within the Universe, the spiritual aspect of Olam helps correct the path of evolution, it helps each human being to stay within the path of awakening and the evolution of consciousness.

Therefore, Olam represents in these times the time of the correction of the essences of the Universe and the time to again direct them towards the threshold of eternal Life, a place in which the spirit of each creature will hold forever the remembrance of the Love of God and His divine spiritual Science of divine Alchemy, which conceives in the essences the new patterns of eternity and ascension.

Olam brings, in these times, the readjustment of consciousnesses of the Earth to the cycle of the end of times. This sacred Aspect of God facilitates the intimate affiliation of each soul and each spirit with the Celestial Father.

Olam means this fire that, being eternal, sublime and divine, purifies the human consciousness and elevates its plane toward a spiritual and unique level.

Olam is the essence of our inner resurrection to the light of the Spiritual and Mental Universe.

Olam is the path to find the Dwelling of the Elysians.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Each time you open your heart to God, the universe of Superior Love can make of you prodigies, and any wound or scar that has been left in the consciousness of your being can be repaired.

Each time you open your heart to God, in spite of the circumstances or of the events, the universe of Superior Love can work in you and in all that surrounds you.

Opening to the heart to God is to surrender in trust to His Designs, it is to live His Divine and Powerful Will in humility.

Opening to the heart to God is to remain in meekness, to know how to maintain neutrality and calm, before any test.

Opening to the heart to God is to allow yourself to be permeated by Divine Life and become part of Him through prayer, service and permanent surrender to others.

Then, My child, let God remain always within your heart, and, thus you will experience the long-awaited freedom from this human captivity that created its own race of these times.

Continue opening to the heart to God at each new stage, at each new event, because, this way, you will help to fulfill the Plan, I assure you of it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, in the name of the Grace of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the jurney from the city of Santiago to the Olmué Commune, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Now, dear children, that part of the souls of Chile have been gathered and awakened to the path of the concretization of a greater life, your Heavenly Mother expects this mission with the consciousness of Chile to continue to bear fruits of love and light.

For this reason, dear children, it will be necessary to know how to care for and protect the bases that were established so that souls may, from time to time, take steps toward a deeper awakening.

In this way, dear children, all that you may do for this dear country will help new consciousnesses, who are also awaiting to awaken, to receive the same opportunity that your brothers and sisters of Chile received during these last two days.

You must take care that this flame kindled by My motherly Heart does not extinguish, but that it leads each heart through prayer, service, and instruction, to be able to have greater awareness and motivation for universal and Christic life .

I leave you this invitation for the purpose of generating in this part of the world a new Light-Community .

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Science of Superior Love

Dear children,

I come from a dimension that you do not know, a Divine Universe where you have never been as material creatures, but only as a unique part of the Consciousness of the Father, before your lives manifested themselves. And it was there, in the origin of your existence, that you experienced and felt the Science of true Superior Love.

Today I speak to you about the Love that comes from the Heart of God, a Love that transcends all that has already been experienced by His creatures in this Universe and in all of the others.

With My Divine and Celestial Word, I come to make you feel that which is concealed, hidden within your hearts.

Today I bring in My Hands the seven keys that open the doors of your chests and in this way, places you before an unknown reality, even though it comes to something, children, that is within each one of you.

Today I want to teach you the Science of Superior Love, which in truth is the science of the return to the Heart of God; the path that you must begin to tread still in this life, so that, crossing the portals of Eternity, you find a safe space, where you will be able to continue your own redemption.

The Science of Superior Love begins to be lived when the being emits their “yes” to the Universe, recognizing their limited human condition and their great need of God.

It is there, children, where emerges in the interior the Principle of humility, which little by little breaks down the false fortress of arrogance, of haughtiness and of human pride.

Before recognizing oneself as small and poor, with sincerity of the heart, there is no way of giving place for this Superior Love to develop within you.

When the being recognizes themselves as miserable, they are capable of seeking the healing for their miseries in service, in forgiveness of their failures, and of the failures committed by their brothers and sisters. Because upon recognizing their imperfections and allowing to be born in their own interior the Principle of humility, no matter how small it is, the being can also comprehend the imperfection and the misery of others.

The more you serve and find within you the spirit of abnegation, the more you will live in the Science of Superior Love and you will let universal chemistry take place in your spirits and, above all, in your personalities, which so many times impede your walk to the return to the Origin.

Discover on this path the power of prayer, the selfless prayer, which seeks no other thing but the redemption of the world.

Let your anxieties for getting this or that convert into a possibility of union with the Divine Word, for the redemption of Life, for the forgiveness of human errors, which did not begin in this world.

Little by little, you will discover that the roots of your miseries cannot be found only in what you know about yourselves, but that they enter mysteries of human consciousness that seem unreachable for you.

But when you reach this moment, when it seems impossible for you to be healed, because it escapes your possibilities of comprehension, it is there, My children, that God will make you know something more about yourselves, something beyond your miseries and imperfections.

This is Superior Love, which is also beyond what you know of this world, and at the same time, has as dwelling the depth of your hearts. Place that is hidden from you today and which you do not know, even if you think you know how to love.

It is when the being gradually unravels their miseries and breaks down the barriers of their ignorance that the Science of Superior Love is revealed, because you become meek and humble, before the One who Is the Only One that can help you: God Most High.

The Creator will then strengthen you and encourage you to go beyond, to unite yourselves to His Spirit and to Universal Life.

And to find in the true meaning of the existence of the Earth your strength, not only to live your own purification and the purification of the planet, but also to give testimony in the Universe of the redemption of your spirits.

All that I tell you today, My children, is for you to raise from the abyss of ignorance and of resistance, and to open yourselves to the living of Superior Love.

In this way, I will lead you to the awakening of greater truths and you will discover that today I did not only speak to your souls and to your hearts, I spoke to your spirits, to your old Warriors and universal Commanders, to your essences and to this which you do not know and which comes from God, to awaken today the Science of Superior Love in your lives.

Encourage yourselves to comprehend what I tell you with your own experience. Take a step in trust and in faith, in service and in abnegation, in redemption and in the purification of your miseries and live the Science of Superior Love.

I bless you and guide you on this path and I thank you for coming to meet Me and for trusting that, from today on, your lives will never be the same.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


New Earth Community: Rose of Redemption

Behold your Heavenly Mother, who carries in Her humble hands the Rose of Redemption, the most precious flower amongst all flowers, the gift that becomes possible in the souls most in need of healing and forgiveness.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, formed by the beauty, love and service of all selfless souls.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, the one that I contemplate, protect and care for the most so that, intact and pure, it may last throughout time and even longer.

Behold, in my hands and in offering, the Rose of Redemption, integrated by the light of each little soul that has reencountered the path towards God and is now in the Arms of your Eternal Father.

Behold, amongst you, the marvelous Rose of Redemption that has expressed the virtues of each being, a Rose that has kept within itself the memory of an experience of love between brothers and sisters, which has become inexhaustible.

Behold, beloved children, the Rose of Redemption, that is offered today at the Feet of the Creator as a testimony that it is possible to live conversion, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Behold now, before your Heavenly Mother, the Rose of Redemption, that holds the aromas of brotherhood, perseverance and the constant battle to achieve the love of the heart and express it in all that exists.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has given new roses and has made many lives beautiful, making them worthy in this humanity and upon this planet.

Behold My favored Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has witnessed your love for Christ and for your Heavenly Mother, a Rose that has persisted before many dry storms and extreme conditions.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has become an example for other roses that are appearing on the path of devotion, unconditional surrender and service.

Behold the Rose of redemption that has gathered the synthesis of all created Kingdoms and that protects the continuity and existence of each one of them.

Behold, My children, the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has converted sadness into joy, error into forgiveness, bitterness into bliss and faults into profound redemption.

Behold, My children, before My altar, the living Rose of Redemption, a rose formed by the light of your hearts, by the devotion of your spirits, by the constancy in your daily work.

This is the Rose that I present today before the Celestial Father as the greatest fruit, of the impossible that becomes possible, of the unrescuable that become rescuable.

This is the Rose of healing love, love that unites and strengthens, love that comprehends the incomprehensible, love that vivifies that which is losing life.

Behold, children, the Rose of Redemption, the most precious Rose of your Celestial Mother, a Rose that will leave the example that everything is possible, beyond everything. 

Behold the Rose of the liberation from the past and of reunion with the essence of life, of the union with the Kingdoms of Nature and with the Creator, this is the Rose that has made it possible to achieve, in this place and in this Community, a sincere path towards peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.

Everything is in its place, although it does not seem so. Everyone is having the opportunity to learn new things.

Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.

This moment demands great efforts from all, so that bigger and infinite steps may be taken.

Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.

You are all receiving the opportunity to expand in love and brotherhood, the opportunity to renew your vows of service to the Divine Plan.

Therefore, allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace and will experience what you must experience under the protection of My Spirit.

I thank you for your effort.

Who loves you eternally,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.

That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.

These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.

The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.

Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.

Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.

It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.

In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.

For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Seventh day of the novena

"For the existence of the Holy Spirit, who has guided and inspired all the groups of service, prayer, instruction, and healing; showing in each one its spiritual talent."


Dear children,

The Holy Spirit is everything in humanity. If It had not been within the apostles, the Work of Redemption of Christ would never have been known in the world.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit inspires souls to follow the Path of the Lord and to be open to serve Creation, serving humanity, in some way.

The Holy Spirit has been the main Source which, throughout times, has given impulse and created groups of service, in all its diversity.

In this planetary cycle, the groups of prayer and service, which exist throughout the planet, are impelling the awakening of new virtues and new gifts that were not active before.

The existence of all groups of congregated souls comes from the work that the Holy Spirit promotes in this time, in humanity.

We know that the Holy Spirit is one of the Persons of God, in the Holy Trinity. In this sense, the Holy Spirit is the executor in the Plan of the Eternal Father that promotes the realization of the Work of Love, Mercy, and Redemption of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Third day of the novena:

"For the charity and altruistic service experienced by God, through His creatures, towards the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms."

Dear children,

The service of human beings and of praying souls to all Creation creates merits in the planetary consciousness and contributes to the balance of the great debts generated to the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

The charity that the Father reflects through His small creatures will always take place through the altruistic service that souls can experience through love for the Kingdoms of Nature.

In these times and before the great planetary imbalance caused by humanity by destroying the Kingdoms of Nature, an unbalanced debt, at times unpayable, is generated.

That is why the Father, through His Divine Messengers, stimulates the creation of groups of service and fraternity towards the Kingdoms of Nature in order to diminish the contrary effects that human beings generate against themselves when destroying and altering the life of the Kingdoms.

When at least one soul is conscious of the need of protecting and supporting the Younger Kingdoms, this touches the Heart of God, in knowing that there is still hope to fulfill this Project of redemption and rescue of the current humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

So that Divine Justice not be accelerated for those who are most resistant to change, it is necessary to pray for them and mercifully help them so they may be able to find their place in this transition of the Earth.

Those who have the most resistance to change are those who will be purified the most. This shows that until now, resignation, true humility and trust have never existed in the decisions that, for instance, your fellow being, teacher or instructor may have made for the good of all.

This resistance sooner or later leads to suffering, then generates fear and lastly, physical illness; since in the consciousness that resists so much there is no system of evacuation for archaic states.

That is why, when a soul passes through that kind of inner difficulty, and so that it may not enter that path that will lead it to an unfortunate destination, it needs to be aided by placing it where it does not think so much about itself, but rather in the need for relieving the suffering of others, which is to say, in a life of permanent service.

In these times, it will be necessary to use the tools of decompression, such as unconditional service to humanity, so that the consciousnesses that experience high degrees of resistance can unblock their inner processes so that, eventually, they are spiritually capable of participating in the last phase of the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let the bridges of union and love between Heaven and Earth be built so that souls may enter the Kingdom of God.

Upon entering the Sublime Kingdom, may hearts commune with the Presence of God and of His Divine Fount.

Having been sanctified, may souls perceive the need to love more in these times and of drawing to the planet the spiritual and inner restoration it needs.

Having been filled by the Creative Source, let hearts respond to the great convocation and may all participate, in this time, in the Great Celestial Brotherhood.

Let none miss the opportunity of reaching new universes, so that the inner consciousness can expand and thus a new world and a new humanity may be built, consistent with their purpose and far from the constant indifference.

In this way, when all become aware of the true need of these times, souls will place themselves in service to their fellow beings, and the Plan of God will finally be able to continue to be fulfilled, just as it was written.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the High Pyrenees, France, to Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through the visits to the different nations of the world, your Heavenly Mother, throughout Her pilgrimage, gradually erases the past and opens the doors to a new future.

When She crosses the borders between the nations, your Heavenly Mother gradually closes a cycle and opens a path for new inner opportunities for all Her children.

Little by little, through each pilgrimage that is completed, I establish the Plan of the Creator in humanity. In this way, on the inner planes, I bring souls closer to the essence of the Divine Purpose so that more hearts are encouraged to take a step towards a life of greater and unconditional service.

Through each pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother, with much effort, is able to accomplish the steps of Divine Will, and thus not only the nations are spiritually benefitted, but also the souls that inhabit them.

During this last pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother concretized all the stages that the Eternal Father had announced to Her, and, in this way, many situations were avoided.

All this has taken place because of the loving help of those who pray and collaborate in this Sacred Mission.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Commune of Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the Hautes-Pyrénées, France to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Receive in this hour all the Strength and Love of God, in order to overcome the tests, definitions, and unexpected events.

Receive in this hour all the Trust and Grace of God, in order to carry forward His Plan in a world of chaos and abysses.

Receive in this hour all the Faith and Wisdom of God, in order to step by step, materialize the Divine Designs and make of each moment an opportunity for redemption.

Receive in this hour all the Intelligence and the Science of God, in order to manifest at each stage, the Will of the Creator and thus allow hundreds of souls to be benefited by this action of service and charity.

Receive in this hour all the Life and Regeneration of God, in order to express the spiritual and inner healing that this race sorely needs.

Receive in this hour all the Mercy and Peace of God, in order to gather together the self-summoned from different schools, experiences, and paths, and in this way manifest the new flock of the Lord for these times of definition.

Receive in this hour the Unity and Fraternity of God, in order that the Plan of Redemption may be carried forward for this world and all humanity, so that higher Love and the inner and definitive union with the Consciousness of the Father may be experienced. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Esteve, Montserrat, Barcelona, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and be strengthened by His Words.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and trust in His Designs.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let this be enough.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God for all those who do not listen to It.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and always do your best, that which no other soul would do.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and strengthen your faith in Him.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God because all things shall pass.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let It console you.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be renewed.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God so that your patience may grow.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and make yourself as small as It.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and feel His great Mercy.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and find His sublime Kingdom.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be restored.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will know which path to take.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will find your inner strength.

Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will be able to say 'yes' to everything; 'yes' to service, 'yes' to infinity, 'yes' to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day, the spirit of prayer and of service to others will help you grow inwardly, and above all, be a good example to those who are around you and those who do not know you.

In all things you must emulate My Son Jesus, for He was with the rich, but was also with the poor, and His Divine Feelings did not change with appearances.

With this I wish to tell you that a true disciple is one who accurately follows what their Master tells them, and every day, tries to fulfill it better, in spite of their limitations and tests, because if the disciple does not learn to temper themselves when with others, how will the other souls be able to find the Living Christ in you?

For this reason, meditate on what I tell you and see how, every day, in the face of various situations, your hearts and your lives manifest examples, and whether these are in essence truly Christic and solemn.

You must treat life, things, and above all, what belongs to another with solemnity, because you do not know what mystery there is behind each situation or event.

If you temper your actions, if you lovingly observe the rules, you will finally learn in these difficult times to represent My Son on Earth. If not, if you do not yet take care of simple things and people as if they were true treasures of Heaven given by God, how will you be able to be merciful with a fellow being? 

Remember the Commandments and put them into practice again; because you may be robbing and would not perceive it, you may be killing the inner awakening of a fellow being with your actions and would not perceive it, you could be flaunting and using something that is not yours and you would be seriously infringing on the Law, you would be in serious debt.

The Kingdom of God is the promise of God for all; seek it first within yourself on a daily basis, do not allow arrogance, undue infractions or indifference blind your heart, for you may not be perceiving it.

Correct your life every day and do it for Jesus, for the triumph of His Plan of Love in creatures.

I thank you for truly listening to Me and for putting My words into practice!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

In the chaste presence of Saint Joseph the Laborer, we unite with the divine Original Purity present in the human heart, which in these times has lost the meaning of spirituality and supreme wisdom.

It is for this divine cause that today, the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph present Themselves to humanity, for the purpose of it renewing its inner vows of service and of surrender to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Today, the Sacred Family, on this 19th of May, comes to your hearts and souls to remove them from the planetary inertia and indifference, so that in leaving this point in consciousness, your eyes may open to the infinite and supreme love of the heart, capable of transforming and of transmuting all things on the planet.

We come to humanity to let you know of the importance and the urgency of waking up inwardly to what you are; to finally manage to set aside world indifference.

Our aspiration is that through your simple and prayerful lives, you are able to reflect what the human race has lost, thus helping to restore the mind of humanity, permeating it with codes of love, of simplicity and of surrender.

God wishes Europe to have a more fraternal consciousness, that is able to rise above material life to the celestial designs that, through the Center of Love of Fatima, wait to descend from the universe and be revealed as a great inner treasure for your hearts.

In this time, when everything is allowed, the Sacred Hearts, the Celestial Messengers, come again to the world to remove it from the world hypnotism, for the planetary need is very great, from the spiritual levels to physical life.

It is for this reason that we invite you, just as some of the pilgrims present here are doing, to live the ministry of these times in Europe, without resistance and without fear. Because it will depend on the more conscious Europeans, on their spiritual path and their universal life, that all the Work of the Sacred Hearts is able to come, in a following stage, not only to Asia, but also to Africa, where My maternal promise of visiting some nations must be accomplished.

Your Messenger and Servant of God needs to reach the hearts of My beloved Africa, for I ardently desire that the Mercy and universal Healing of God reach each one of them.

That will be one of My last missions of peace on the planet, because after Asia and Africa, humanity will enter into its final stage, before the Return of My Son to humanity.

United, let us continue to fulfill the Designs of God, which are preventing the activation of nuclear wars and bombs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and once again thanks you for concretizing this mission.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

To the servers of the Plan of Love of Porto and of the whole Portugal

As My Beloved Son has said, we have come here in behalf of an Europe split by indifference, by resistance and by the material life.

We have come to reinforce faith in the hearts and to demonstrate that the whole Work of God must continue to be gestated in your lives; otherwise it might not manifest itself.

Today, your Heavenly Mother dedicates this message to the groups and to those responsible for the groups that every once in a while welcome the call of the Celestial Messengers and which, in these recent times, wanted to give up the path for different reasons and situations.

At the moment of greatest planetary crisis, the old resistances of the consciousnesses are arising again. I at once tell you, My children, that there is no other cause or other reason where to find the root of the group problems.

You must only be aware what you are being part of, because your commitment is with the Universe and its Divine Hierarchies, rather than with humanity itself.

I ask the groups of Porto and their brothers and sisters responsible for these groups of souls not to be deceived, to open their eyes to the need that the Hierarchy is showing and which needs to be met, no matter what.

In order for you, children of the city of Porto, who already walk beside the Divine Mother, to correspond to all that the Universe lovingly asks you, you must take the great step towards unity among the consciousnesses so that you may at last leave your resistances, which have only brought you to the point of detaining and of not being able to take your steps.

My Son came here to renew you and for you to accompany Him in the mission of broadly propagating His Message in this part of the world.

If all the time your actions are small, the results of the Work will be small and you will not be able to open, in the right way, the doors to the souls that wait for help.

You must run the risk, at last, of giving a little more, until you can perceive, through your own internal means, that you will not be losing absolutely anything.

Your Heavenly Mother calls you, as the group of Porto, to the service for God, to place your hand in the heart and to ask yourselves, with clear voice:

What am I doing today?

Asking this question with wisdom, you may have the clear answer that it is necessary to correct attitudes and to expand still more the field of service along with the Hierarchy.

The Universe observes the effort of each one, but it is not sufficient. It is urgent that you, as a group of souls gathered by the Will of God, respond to the need of helping liberate your Europe from the weight of its faults and from all their consequences, through your service, prayer and surrender.

At one of the worst planetary moments, Christ calls you not to abandon Him and neither to leave aside the mission and the responsibility that God has entrusted you with.

For this, I ask you to sacrifice yourselves a little more for your Heavenly Mother, so that you may understand, through the heart, that the work that is incumbent to you to fulfill must be protected and not abandoned due to its difficulties.

You have all the tools and all the means to live fraternity and to express it. The Universe expects that now you take a greater step in the consciousness. The Celestial Brotherhood will be attentive to the positive response from within you.

A plan of redemption waits to be fulfilled and you are inside this summoning.

Ahead! Move ahead in faith!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Mother of the most simple among the simple

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because, in this way, all will know My Truth.

I am in the simple gestures of love, service and charity.

My intention is that all My children find their Mother in the true simplicity of things, seeking the best for a fellow being, for the sick, or for the poor.

The Love of your Heavenly Mother is also reflected in the simplicity of Her poverty. In this way, souls find a model of freedom and of surrender in the Mother of God.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple; I have given Myself to My children and I take care of their souls so that they may learn to take care of their bodies.

I bring an unknown relief, a relief that emerges from within My Heart and is a source of healing and hope that is poured into those who invoke it through the simplicity of their hearts.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and, within them, I easily build the Kingdom of God, for in their inner worlds I find a great opening, adherence and consent.

In the most simple among the simple, life can be regenerated, and the spirit of a being can be filled with other Laws when it loves life and its existence with simplicity.

The children of life are the most simple; they are those who manage to feel the poverty of a fellow being in their hearts because they want to provide for that through their prayers and their loving service.

In the most simple, God easily shows Himself, because He does not have limits and He can show Himself through His creatures, just as He showed Himself to His Servant the first time.

True simplicity is a powerful essence, capable of moving mountains as well as awakening faith. The simplicity of the heart leads to the awakening of an unbreakable faith, capable of generating a permeable stream of love and charity in the world.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and I see Myself reflected in the soul that tills the soil, as well as in the homemaker who prepares the food for nurturing their children.

I am the Mother of life, and where there is life, My maternal Consciousness is present so that My children can thus find the meaning in their lives and the purpose for their existence within the school of love and unity.

In the most simple the warm prayer of the heart is portrayed, for in the most simple, there is no interest or complaint; what exists is only the love for life and for all that has been created; for the humility and simplicity of these hearts allows them to understand many things and lovingly feel everything they experience.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because My Heart is reflected in them, just as God was reflected in your Heavenly Mother, like in a great Mirror of Love and of Light.

The surrender of His Servant allowed the simplicity and the Love of God to be seen in the humility of His Server and in the Love of His beloved Son.

Simplicity could renew the Earth and all consciousnesses, because in the most simple there is no opinion, want, or desire. The most simple are permeated and filled with the love of their inner Christ, something that strengthens them for experiencing their daily tests and for fully confirming their lives on the path of faith and of the hope of being able to be in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love, faith and simplicity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the Mother of the North-American Indigenous Consciousness, I come today to re-establish in the inner worlds the bridge of union and contact that existed between these peoples and God.

It is so that after having gone through the cities of Oklahoma and Orlando, your Holy Mother begins this new cycle in the United States, with the presence of the monasteries of the Order founded by My Beloved Son.

These monasteries in the United States will have the mission of working in the awakening of the consciousness through prayer and instruction, stimulating in the hearts the search for service, for the most forgotten ones in hospitals, nursing homes and in the city streets of this country.

In this way, Divine Mercy will become visible for all consciousnesses, and the possibility of living reconciliation with the Father will be more real and true for all the North Americans.

It is so, that the monasteries will teach souls to reconnect with the Divine Source and, at the same time, new prayer groups, which will be formed throughout the different cities of the United States, will learn to internally light up the mirrors of their hearts.

In this new cycle, in the United States, the Order founded by My Son will create the necessary bases for new members of the Light-Network to come forward. This will provoke, in this North-American nation, an opportunity to start being conscious of the existing imbalance and the waste generated in the material life, as well as the recovery of human dignity.  

This will promptly allow some states of the nation to enter, by means of the spiritual help of the Center of Love of Mount Shasta, into a phase of regeneration of the spiritual consciousness of the beings of the surface, as well as a deepening into the contact of each being with their souls.

This task will require many sacrifices and efforts so that the people from the United States may abandon some situations and conditions of oppression in time to enter into a state of healing and redemption.

Therefore the collaboration of the North Americans and of the non-North Americans will be indispensable, and, this must be well organized.

I will count on this part of the work with the help of everyone.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
