Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Before speaking, know how to listen.
Before giving an opinion, know how to recognize the situation.
Before intervening, first get to know the facts.
Before deciding, first meditate.
Before acting, first be aware of the reality.
Do nothing impulsively.
Do not alter anything without first asking for light.
Do not meddle without knowing the cause in depth. This will free you from yourself and others.
The only path lies in conscious prayer, for through it will come the answer that is needed.
It is important to transform the habits and the customs. It is important to open yourself to superior and inner realities.
Work every day to be united to the Source, for not everything will come miraculously. Each one has to do their part with maturity and responsibility."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Enter the desert without reasons or expectation, on the path you will find the fountain that will spring from the earth, and in this way you will be able to quench your thirst.
Your decision will be that which will determine your next step. Think well about it."
Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Never forget that within you there exists an inner universe and that this universe is real and alive because it is there where God is to be found.
In that inner universe, you will have the inner door to be in communion with the Father and with Creation. There, there lies no illusion.
The inner universe is the foundation of your faith and of your trust in the Divine Source.
Let that inner universe, which is the aspect of your true being, be what governs your lives; thus, spiritual and evolutionary values will fill your consciousnesses, because where God is, there is spiritual and inner life.
Remember that in your inner universe there is also peace, meekness and tranquility.
In the inner universe, there is no agitation, no conflict, no disharmony.
In feeling and living in the inner universe, may your souls find the bridge through which they may be able to govern and carry out the mission that the Divine Will entrusted to them.
In that universe, there is the Truth that dissolves appearances.
In that universe, there is the knowledge that ennobles the spirit.
In that universe, there is purity that will consecrate you as children of God.
That inner universe is there to be recognized and to enter into contact with the Creator.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-first Poem
Immaculate Conception,
shelter of those who have nothing,
breath of those who have no strength,
love of those who have lost it,
guide our paths
so that our spiritual missions may be fulfilled,
so that we may be very close to Christ
and participate in the advent
of His awaited Return.
Celestial Mother,
banish from within us
any trace of sin and perversion.
May we be cleansed
by the water of Your most pure Fount,
because we need to be purified
by Your Rays of Love
before entering the immaterial Temple of Creation.
Help us and teach us to rebuild our lives.
We wish, most sweet Lady,
to face the truth of our beings,
so that more veils may fall from our consciousnesses.
Make us deserving of Christ’s promises.
With enthusiasm and adherence,
may we respond to each summoning.
We aspire to attain maturity of consciousness,
because we need to grow
in order to improve and collaborate in the Plan of God.
Divine Lady, we ask You
to impel us to be in the emptiness of self
so that we may be filled
with an impersonal, Christic and higher Love.
Thus, we will be apostles of Truth,
without fear of surrendering our beings
a little more each day.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The awake human being is like a little grain of sand in front of the sea.
While it was sleeping, it was far from the water and, in the desert of its inner drought, it could not even conceive of the existence of the ocean.
Until one day, when the Breath of the Spirit of God touched its heart, moved its life and pushed it to the edge of the sea. There, this little grain of sand began to understand the immensity of life and Creation.
It understood that not everything is desert and drought, but that an ocean exists. It sees it, feels the freshness of its waters, but it can barely imagine what life within it is like.
Until one day, the Breath of the Spirit of God moved it again, pushed and transformed its life so that it would draw closer to the water.
When God gives impulse to the sea of Creation and gives a Grace to the little grains of sand, a wave draws closer to them and, for a few instants, the little grains find themselves submerged in the waters of the ocean.
Those who see the ocean from above know that this grain only knows the soft foam of the great impulse of God and that the source of this impulse is an immense ocean full of life.
But the little grain, submerged for a few instants in the water, thinks it already knows the ocean, that it knows how life within it is, and that it understands what it is to be submerged in the waters of Creation.
But in truth, children, a grain of sand only knows the ocean when it is carried into its depths; and after experiencing life within it, this little grain dissolves, becoming the ocean itself, in the immensity. It is then that it will be able to know the truth of Creation, because it will be a part of it.
Until this moment comes, the little grain travels a long path, in which it opens to the Spirit of God, and He moves it, transforms it, changes its life and its deepest structures, deconstructs its certainties and shows it a new truth.
The truth is always the same, but it broadens, deepens and becomes enriched, until the consciousness is able to not only understand things, but also become a part of it. At that moment, there will no longer be a need for understanding, and everything will have been accomplished.
Tiny grains of sand in front of the sea: let the waves of the divine impulses carry you further into the ocean of the Heart of God and, at each new impulse, dissolve into Him, until the day comes when you will eternally merge into Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Instruction and Knowledge enter correctly into the consciousness, what we call an alternative movement of information or purification spontaneously takes place because, as something new and evolutionary enters, what is old and crystallized is expelled by the consciousness itself, and this makes it aware of the transition that it may be going through.
The Instruction that is received brings an impulse with it that comes to replace a hostile situation with a harmonious one.
Knowledge will work in the consciousness with all that the soul allows and, in this way, the process of substituting old habits for new habits will take place, those that build the true being and allow the awakening of virtues and potentials for the giving of self that the soul itself holds.
In this way, Knowledge comes to prepare the emergence of the new humanity.
Instruction will not only strengthen the faith of those who believe beyond themselves that the Universe is truly wise, but will also bring the Grace of constant renewal and, in this constant renewal, the building of the new being, which will finally be free of all tests and obstacles because their love for Knowledge will awaken reverence and gratitude within them for what is sacred and comes from the Source.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Source of all Instruction and Knowledge descends to Earth through the Word of the Hierarchy so that humanity may be conscious of the Truth and, at the same time, conscious of the possibility it has of fulfilling the Creator Project of God, even if as a minority.
This Source of Instruction not only enters the consciousness of each server so that they may be renewed, but it also gives them the impulse for a more rapid process in their redemption and their consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, so this may be accomplished as foreseen.
It is in this last cycle when the Source of Instruction will assist many consciousnesses and will allow them to perceive reality, and thus change their way of life forever, acquiring the patterns of life that will be good for their own lives, souls and spirits.
For this reason, Instruction and Knowledge will come with many revelations so that the human race, in this last instance of the planet, may place itself on the correct step and, by redeeming its past and its errors, it may resume the Plan it once lost, which will begin within each being.
Thus, Instruction will be this light that will indicate the way so that many more consciousnesses may abandon the world illusion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.
The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.
It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.
Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.
These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.
Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.
These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.
Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth, lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.
These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.
Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.
Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.
In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.
Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.
The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.
Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.
I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the beginning, God thought and felt in His merciful Heart that there should be creatures, so similar to Him, that out of love for life they could populate all the spaces of the Universe to experience the happiness of being within His Kingdom.
It was at this point that the Divine Project was born because His children, beings of the Earth and of all the Universe, were the same Project that emerged and was created, through the Archangels, within Sources of Light, which all His children hold within themselves as a divine spark, called the essence.
But when the first disobedience manifested, on the part of one of the Angels of God, evil and darkness emerged, states opposite to the Light and the illumination of the consciousness.
In that time, an intervention in the Divine Project occurred and, so that the Project did not deteriorate, the Celestial Father decided that He Himself would incarnate in different moments of the planet to demonstrate that He deeply loved and loves His creatures, His children, and that He will eternally love them because nobody but the Eternal Father knows who His children essentially are and why today they are here on the surface of the Earth.
But from this disobedience, the first universal errors emerged. An action contrary and opposite to Divine Will was created in the mental Universe and finally took shape in the material Universe through events and facts that led the children of God to step out of the Law countless times, and from this emerged what we know as duality, which is the spiritual, mental and material feeling of finding oneself divided or upset before the spiritual or inner steps that a consciousness is to give to the service of God.
So God incarnated again and, this time, the Eternal Father decided that His Second and Divine Person, the Son, would come to the Earth through a spiritual and cosmic preparation that was capable of reversing the deviation which, in that time, all of humanity was experiencing.
And so great consciousnesses that serve the Universe helped in the preparation of the incarnation of the Son of God and through the supraphysical and non-material action of higher Laws, it was granted that the Most Holy Mother be impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and in the form of a perfect and sublime design, should bring the Second Person of God to Earth.
Since the birth of Christ, all creatures of the Earth would find the perfect key to dissolve and overcome duality on their own; a duality that was generating unpayable debts and that continues to awaken contradiction and opposition to the Divine Plan.
That key, which opened and will always open the doors, is called Love. The Love of God, which is wisdom. The Love that is understanding. The Love that brings science to all that exists.
For this reason, this is the time of transcending that duality again, within each one of you, placing all of the being and all of the consciousness upon God, where you will always find meaning and answers for all that you experience.
Because if more consciousnesses that work every day to overcome that duality or that spiritual inequality exist, you will give impulse to others so that they too experience it and do it, and you can break the chain of suffering and of ancient errors, which only carry humanity into darkness and into confusion.
But if your consciousness is in Christ, nothing will be doubtful or confusing, because in Christ you will be in wisdom, you will be in discernment so that in these very complex times you may not be confused about the path of faith that you have decided to travel.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts come to meet you as they have in other acute moments of humanity, in which the path of prayer and of service were bridges that led millions of souls into finding their own redemption.
Now is the time to carry nations, for example, Argentina, to not forget God, so that its learning process and school may be beneficial for all who integrate it into this cycle.
Argentina needs to remain protected from assaults through responsible and mature groups of prayer that, like within a spiritual war, do not cease to cry out to the Father and attract His Gifts and Attributes in order to keep peace and inner unity during times of crises, so that nobody should go against their brother or sister, so that a spirit of understanding and of Truth may exist.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In times of stillness, as well as in times of challenges, I am present and under any circumstance, I safeguard and protect My sheep, because in My sheep, servants of My Heart, the Divine Plan must be accomplished.
Thus, through the different occurrences, I carry out My Plan, taking the love and the redemption that comes from the Universe, from the Source, to any place, like an inexhaustible wellspring.
This is why I am nearby My sheep, I guide them and take care of them when they allow Me to, because when I manage to care for them, I reveal My aspirations to them and they carry My Message of Peace wherever they go.
I am present and I never cease to assist the needs of My servers, because in them I build My Church so that inner peace and love may expand upon the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, for you and in this hour, I bring My Solar Mirrors of Mercy that, like extremely potent powerhouses of transmutation, transform deep and unknown human conditions.
These Solar Mirrors are those that, in this cycle, are drawing closer to the planet to spiritually aid humanity and assist in the balance of the consciousness of the planet.
These Solar Mirrors of Mercy are united with the different Sources of Creation and, from the Spiritual Universe, they emanate codes and impulses that lead to the awakening of the sleeping consciousness and to the search for the path of the Truth.
These Solar Mirrors also work with the aspects of the human being, helping them in the sublimation of the consciousness so that the path of redemption may be experienced according to the Will of the Father.
To contact and unite with the Solar Mirrors of Mercy, it is enough to pray from the heart at three in the afternoon. This will make it possible for there to exist, on the surface of the Earth, at least one consciousness that recognizes this special spiritual assistance and, in this way, the necessary aid may descend for this crucial time for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Take My hands, My children, and let yourselves be led by My Immaculate Heart to the Origin of Life, to the Place of protection and of Peace where your essences rested before the manifestation of the Divine Thought for your lives.
Take My hands and come with Me to the Original Source of Life, where the deepest Love of your Creator Father dwells, where unity is a living reality because nothing is separate from God.
Although you have trodden a path of evolution and so often feel separate from God, today I come to show you, My children, this Original Space in a time in which there is no past nor future, but only the eternal present in the Heart of your Creator Father.
There, unity is maintained and essences remain safeguarded with their original principles.
Lakes of Light, Fountains of Peace are your true dwellings. There are no forms, only colors, sounds and vibrations. Although the essences resound in their own note, unity manifests itself through melodies that form unique music, which is the song of God, the song of life’s manifestation.
Let your ears hear and let your souls remember this Space of protection in the Womb of Creation. There, My children, where the Feminine Energy protects you, where the truth of what you are makes you pure, there is nothing corrupt, there are no stains, there is no pain, only peace and unity with the Creator.
Let your hearts live the experience of being with Me there, because a part of your consciousness has never left the Fountain of God.
This space that I show to your heart today is the connection with the Divine, this part of your consciousnesses that dwells there, and that will always allow you to return to God and not lose unity with the Father. It is the magnet that attracts you to the Origin, the purity that makes you return to the truth of your existence.
Today, My children, receive the Grace of being in God, of being in Peace, of being in My Immaculate Heart, and I, being in you, show you oneness in life.
May the celestial melody resound in your hearts and rekindle the hope to return to the Source, rekindle the momentum to be pure and to let yourselves purify and renew, so that someday you may find the truth about yourselves again; a truth that is prior to all existence, prior to planets and suns, prior to material life, both in Heaven and on Earth; a truth that dwells in unity with the Divine Consciousness.
My Grace touches you today, your Divine Origin blesses you and thus, I heal you and love you, renewing your commitments with God so that, after knowing that there is an Origin that waits for you, you can make this superior reality known to the world.
I love you, My children, and that is why I am here.
I embrace you and have all of you in My Immaculate Heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May each instant of your life be a mission offered to the Creator. Find in each event an opportunity to serve, renounce, love, understand, so that the Christic principles may flood your acts and be installed within your consciousness and thus, child, enter into the depths of human consciousness, there where thoughts, feelings and actions are generated.
Understand each moment as the right moment to be offered as an instrument to the Father and, even if it is to those who are next to you every day, be a source of peace, of grace, of healing, through which the Rays, that come from God in help of humanity and all life upon the Earth, can flow.
Remind your consciousness of its purpose in this world. You already know that you have come to the world to live a Greater Law which restores life and the evolution of all creatures of God.
In your smallest actions, imprint this purpose of peace. Thus, child, you will be in God and He will be within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, in a special way, My heart illuminates Germany and its sister nations so that souls may receive the consolation and the spiritual healing that they need to carry forward a new stage, a new time that will be full of learnings and of moments of love.
As the Lady of Schoenstatt, I present Myself to you again so that, within each of My children, the spiritual filiation with your Heavenly Mother may be again confirmed.
With joy, your Mother and Queen of Schoenstatt returns to Germany, but this time your Divine Mother will open the celestial doors so that the beloved Son can spiritually work and operate within an area of Germany where the Mercy of God has not yet arrived, and that the Divine Son will bring with Him, to liberate hearts and heal the souls sick in spirit.
It is thus, My children of Germany, that the Spiritual Hierarchy, being able to work with three cities of Germany: Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin, can expand the positive effect of its purpose within the inner planes, and all this is possible through the adherence of some of My children of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, who in recent times and after My last visit, responded to My call.
For this reason, today I not only invite you to renew yourselves in the presence of the Love of your Heavenly Mother, but also to open your hearts more to all those, who from this cycle on, must come to be part of the armies of prayer.
This is a special day because, again, the Love of My maternal Heart will triumph in Germany and until next year the new fruits will manifest in order to keep deepening in the Redeeming Work of My Son.
I deeply thank you for the response, the adherence and the welcome of each one of My children who congregates here today to be before the Mother of God, to pray and to share a moment of elevation of consciousness so that the consciousness of humanity may be elevated and sustained by the devout prayer of all.
I leave you My blessing of Mother and I declare to you My Love for your country.
May the Lady of Schoenstatt remain for you the Source of reverence, of devotion and of admiration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Schoenstatt
Message transmitted in the Garden of the Monastery of the Assumption of the Divine Spirit, in Uruguay, where a fountain with the image of Our Lady of the Garden was placed.
As the water that flows from the fountains consecrated to peace, may the divine blessings pour out upon the souls and hearts and, through you, reach the whole world.
May the Blessings that God pours upon your lives multiply and reach each heart throughout the world.
In this garden consecrated to prayer, contemplation and the rendition of souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator finds reparation and hope. May each being that arrives here remember that he has the opportunity to pray and repair the Heart of God, just as His Son did, while in the Gethsemani Garden, and as His Divine Mother continued to do, time and time again, by going through the sacred places of the Passion of Christ in prayer.
The Most Holy Mary arrived at the Gethsemani Garden to relive the agony of the Lord, thus keeping alive the merits of His Passion and multiplying them. Her prayer repaired the Heart of God and above all, the Heart of Christ, eternally flagellated by the great indifference of humanity.
May this garden, children, be for you as if you were entering the Garden of Gethsemani, and share with the Lord His agony, repairing His Wounds and sores, generating merits for the salvation of souls and the institution of the New Life.
Here, always enter with gratitude and joy for being able to serve the Heart of God and in It, all the Kingdoms of Nature. Through your prayers, united to the different Kingdoms in communion, the angels of the Lord will repair the suffering and the outrage that the Kingdoms live in this world. Thus, find here a space of service that, although it is hidden and silent, it crosses borders and dimensions, and touches the Heart of God.
He blessed you for this, blessed this fountain, this place and your lives, so that the harvest of your rendition may be of assistance to many other souls.
I love you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Heaven opens before your eyes, just give thanks and revere the Father, Who came to call you by name to respond to His call.
The Will of God is unique and unchangeable, but throughout the evolution of humanity, it finds different ways to be expressed and manifested.
The Will of God is like water flowing from a pure fountain, on the top of a mountain, and evolution is that great mountain through which the water of the Divine Will flows to reach beings. Although it finds different paths and flows with different intensities, the water is the same, and the fountain is eternally pure.
You, child, must receive this water that comes into your life with joy, so that drinking from it, you can be strong to follow the path that leads to the Source and walk back to the bosom from where this higher Will springs.
The Will of God is shaped by the obstacles of life and the possibilities of human beings. The fewer stones along the way, the more it flows, it reaches those who are thirsty in a greater intensity. You must only follow this Divine Will, without placing more stones within the river of life. But when the stones belong to the human consciousness as a whole, it is enough for your heart to keep drinking this water and to carry it to those who are thirsty, drop by drop. The river will always flow and you will find a wider way to expand its waters at the next bend.
This is a time of many obstacles for the river of Divine Will, but it will be enough to persist and always be willing to experience it, to generate merits so that a moment of greater fluidity of this Will emerges for all humanity.
Meditate on what I tell you and, with this image within your heart, climb this mountain of return to the Source and do not become tired of walking.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I Am like the water that quenches all inner thirst, who comes to Me will never thirst and will always be filled by My Fount.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who provides higher light for souls. All those who come to Me will receive what they need. I will always attend to everything you ask of Me, because for Me, souls and their salvation come first.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who aids the heart that pleads and that cries out for the Lord.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who listens to the suffering spirit, I am Who brings it relief in its moment of greatest pain.
I Am everything that you believe I Am, because I come from an infinite Source and toward that Source I lift up all those who call for My Name.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am the Shepherd, but I am also the Pilgrim.
I Am the reason for your life and the reason for your existence.
I Am that I Am.
I thank you for quenching your inner thirst in Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.
From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.
From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.
And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.
Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.
This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.
So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.
This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.
This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.
This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.
The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.
Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.
The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.
Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.
May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.
Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.
Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.
I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Contemplate, within your prayers, the feeling of Love from God who, comprehending the duality of the universe, manifested to His creatures the Sources of Grace, healing and love from the cosmos.
Contemplate the feeling of Love from God who, knowing human fragility, created within the Earth sacred enclosures, receptacles of the records of the purest experiences lived by beings, in Heaven as on Earth, receptacles of the most sublime energies that circulate within Creation, receptacles that attract to the planet the spring that comes from the Divine Sources of the cosmos and which is shed upon Earth for the souls who need it most.
Learn, in your prayers, that all these Graces are available to the beings who acknowledge needing them and who, aware of their miseries, clamor to the Father for His Mercy. And this Mercy descends carrying all the divine assets manifested by the Lord, for the evolution of His creatures.
Learn that the feeling of Love from God is not extinguishable and It only grows, multiplies and renews itself. Therefore, never forget, in your prayers, that the Father expects you to ask, so that all may be given to you.
Thus, raise your word and your heart, and ask for healing for the diseased, ask for Grace for the forsaken, ask for Love for all beings, ask for Mercy for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, contemplate the doors of Heaven that open to the Earth, approaching the Kingdom of God to this world. Contemplate in Heaven the different Sources of Grace that exist in the universe and that are spiritually nourished by the constant Love of God for His creatures.
See, with the eyes of your heart, that these Sources open to the Earth and that this spring of love and life is poured out upon those who need it most.
In this world of spiritual thirst, where souls need the Divine Love so much, even if they do not perceive it, child, with your word and with your heart, open the doors to these eternal Sources.
Contemplate the awakening hearts throughout the world, the fallen who are rising; those who were dead are now alive, returning to live spiritually. Contemplate the joy that is being born within those who have lost hope. And, above all, contemplate the Joy of God for being able to reach the hearts of His children.
Make your prayer become a moment to bring life, true life for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more