Carrying out the works to improve the roads that lead to the Marian Center of Aurora, with time and dedication, and with the help of the servers from Uruguay, Argentina and South Brazil, the souls will show the universe, on behalf of many more, that they will accept and aspire for the permanence of the Divine Hierarchy, especially, the Presence of God in Uruguay.

Although My Church lies within this country, the inner warmth that the souls give Me here is not enough. I only feel plenitude when pilgrims arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora in order to acknowledge and confirm My Presence.

Important hierarchs of My Church could have avoided the condemnation of these people instead of persecuting Me again, as they have done with this Work, by being sensationalistic and omitting the barbarities that the people have accepted to assume, for instance, by means of abortion. 

My Church, instead of caring for the perdition of the souls, has shut the doors to many hearts that should arrive in Aurora in order to meet Me.

What a condemnation!

This is why I humbly serve Myself of those who truly follow Me in this time, knowing that all I desire for Uruguay is great and infinite.

Carrying out the reconstruction of the physical roads of Aurora, the groups will allow My presence to be here in spite of the indifference and, above all, may the road to be fixed by the servers be the symbol of the correction of distorted ways of this poor nation.

I thank you for obeying Me.

Who blesses you

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Silence promises the interiorization and reflection of the consciousness.

Silence participates in communion with what is eternal and sublime.

Silence repels the superfluous and distances the soul from indifference and avarice.

Silence is receptive.

Silence shares with the souls of other beings and is intuitive in the face of danger.

Submerge yourself into silence and you will find the keys that will open the doors of the Heavens, because silence does not beg nor boast about anything.

Silence is solemn but also respectful. It attracts tolerance, peacemaking and calmness.

Silence neutralizes and distances the consciousness from fear, because silence is in tune with the Heights and protects the soul from the low planetary liberations.

Silence always constructs that which is reverent and never loses devotion.

Silence does not criticize with words nor with the mind.

Silence is elevated, for it was silence that first manifested Creation. The Word was born from the silence, because silence penetrated the Creative Mystery, and from there the Word was born, and from the Word, Life arose.

We owe all to silence, because in silence one finds resurrection and does not fear death; on the contrary, silence promotes eternal life.

I thank you for keeping silence withn your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus, the Lord of Silence


My child,

Imagine for a moment three-quarters of the world in the days of darkness; because, in truth, what the world is provoking attracts more darkness to the Earth.

Many think that the sun will be hidden for three days, but, in truth, if nations do not stop provoking wars and, above all, do not stop promoting them as if it were the latest fad of these times, worse situations will happen, things that nobody would ever expect; I would say, violent results.

Today, an angel of God removes a painful thorn from My Immaculate Heart and even though the prayers for the nations are permanent and that protects South America, on the other hand, My adversary is conquering the power and ostentation of his allies on earth more and more.

If the weapons do not stop being activated, as I once said in Fatima, a third war, even worse, would be unleashed overnight.

That possible darkness that could reign upon the planet and hide its three quarters, would be the effect of chemical, gaseous and warlike weapons; something outlandish.

The effect of the self-destruction of a part of humanity would be so violent that after the ones who provoke the wars activate their weapons, late would they realize that the power got out of their hands, unable to stop the effects and consequences.

Today, through the pain of My Heart, I bring this reality so that by all means, offers and sacrifices, it may be avoided.

Imagine it again, the planet submerged in darkness, caused by the harmful effect of nuclear weapons.

Humanity because of its interests, are playing with its race. And, although the promise of the return of Christ will be fulfilled, the most definitive moment of the race is still waiting to be gone through; and that moment is about to happen.

In the meantime, do not stop praying because, in this way, your Heavenly Mother will continue to work on the spiritual plane against Her adversary in order to remove from the weak minds the idea of the activation of weapons.

Now the time has come, more than ever, to join your guardian angels so that your spiritual life is protected from the invasive repercussion that the war in the Middle East is generating.

That is the reason why your Heavenly Mother wishes to arrive soon at the Northern Hemisphere, not only to intervene in those who provoke the wars, but also to protect the millions of European souls that would witness destruction without limits, as an effect of what their representatives do in the Middle East.

Therefore, sleep and restore the consciousness, but always have a part of your being well awake because, in an unexpected way, everything could be triggered.

Pray even more from the heart so that your Heavenly Mother and all the angels may be able to intercede and avoid irreparable disasters.

While My Heart hurts, I sustain Myself with the loving prayers of those who join Me in this difficult cycle.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Child, write with attention what I will dictate to you today, this is a divine exhortation of love.

Dear companions and My followers:

Given the material results for the supporting of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers and the lack of conscious collaboration with resources after all the impulses received during the last Sacred Week, your Master and Lord of the Universe today announces the possible cancellation and the absolute retreat of all the meetings scheduled for the month of May at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of Figueira.

You know that in order to be able to express the Work of God on the surface and above all in this current humanity, it is necessary to have faithful and permanent collaborators so that they can be on Earth the bridge of light or the torchlight that illuminates the times and allows the spiritual Graces to descend to the Earth.

To take care of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers is not only to attune with it and participate; it also means to collaborate, to support, to donate, to sustain and lovingly contribute with all material that is necessary to supply and furnish, such as, for example, all the life of the Marian Centers and especially of the Communities-of-Light.

In this last cycle of transition, in which My companions are going through various problems and all kind of tests, it has been removed the essential attention of collaboration and of the donation necessary to sustain the Work.

If current humanity, the nations, the continents and above all your hearts reach the point of being without divine assistance in this acute cycle, the world would suffer serious consequences because of the great quantity of accumulated faults.

With this I do not want to generate sensationalism, but it is urgent that you perceive that, through your own acts, ways of thinking or of deciding not to collaborate, you are closing the door to Divine Mercy.

I believe, companions, that after the last Sacred Week you have been faithful witnesses of all material and spiritual effort made for the manifestation of this important meeting and how little help it received from all.

To you, putting the hand on the heart, I ask you to reconsider and put your attention on what is truly essential and what this Work of Love needs to achieve with the loving and sincere help of all My companions.

If this assistance, which today I directly ask you by means of this message, does not come to happen before the end of April, I declare, as of now, that the sacred meetings of May will be cancelled, since to carry forward a work faithful donators are necessary.

I know, since more than two thousand years ago, that it would be very difficult for the souls of this planet to be available to collaborate for love with the Divine Work.

But I ask you, for love, to break this chain of indifference, because on the Day of Judgment, which is approaching, everything will be placed on the table to be judged under the Higher Light.

I thank you for being considerate and responsible!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


In the silence of My Heart and in the stillness of My Soul I contemplate all things and I try to have you find your correct path. There are a few of them that cause My Heart to suffer, above all when there is no consciousness or resolution to carry forward the great changes.

Thus, I find the places I have consecrated to be like abandoned; places where before  divine energy existed, which now, for some reason, is not there.

For Me, this demonstrates a lack of consideration, or the lack of valuing things that come from Grace, since it was the energy itself of Grace that granted wonders and miracles in the hallowed places.

When a place consecrated by God is neglected, it is because of the loss of love that exists for all that was once received, and that is first reflected in the consciousness.

Thus, the Celestial Hierarchy hopes that the consciousness that might be neglecting the divine energy, which is a treasure from Heaven, may someday awaken and recognize it.

But when there is no true interest or ardent devotion, everything becomes difficult, and little by little, the great defects of neglect begin to be noticed in all details and in all places.

Only the spiritual Hierarchy has the authority to redo all things, since, in an occult sense, there are places already consecrated that must not be lost.

For that reason, I come to raise up with My own Hands that which is fallen; I come, in love, to erect again what is already fallen to the ground.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

This is the time to give everything for love, in order that this planet not suffer the consequences of the actions of humanity.

This is time to give everything, so that the most miserable souls, in the next cycle, may be a testimony to conversion.

This is the time to give everything, so that the Kingdoms of Nature, which are constantly outraged, may have the opportunity of being led toward a new Source of Love.

This is the time to give everything, so that the hearts of the world may receive the Grace of an awakening, just as you received it at some point.

This is the time to give everything, so the human consciousness may set aside indifference and may be led along a path of love and of understanding.

This is the time to give everything, so that in the future a greater consideration and responsibility may exist on the part of souls, which must awaken to love and to a divine commitment to the Creator.

This is the time to give everything, so the planet may be alleviated, and the Kingdom of God may finally act upon and work in hearts.

I thank you for all the efforts made!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The physical-spiritual contamination of the planet compromises the inner evolution of the human race because it creates disharmony in Creation and, at the same time, leaves the correct rhythm of the universal Laws.

In the great oceans, for example, the contamination not only shows a lack of spiritual consciousness, but also a high level of indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature.

All the known and unknown waste that is thrown into the great seas of the world, besides drawing toward humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases, which within this twenty-first century have been considered inexplicable, there is also generated the manifestation of certain spiritual forces, created by the contamination and by the chemical experiments made in the oceans.

This situation has an effect not taken into consideration by the human being and triggers the colonization of certain regions of the planet and of the human race, compromising the process of evolution.

At this time, prayer will not be sufficient to diminish the effects caused by the modern human being to the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather it is urgent to be aware of and to have an interest in protecting and supporting the Plan of evolution of the human race.

Great angelic Hierarchies work in these affected regions to generate an effect of transmutation capable of compensating for all the imbalances caused.

It is time to wake up!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today, from the Universe, your Heavenly Mother contemplates the planet, the immensity of its beauty but also the innumerable errors committed by the blind humanity.

Today your Heavenly Mother contemplates the planet from the Universe and feels an immense Love for this creative planet, as well as for all that it holds within itself.

Today your Heavenly Mother contemplates the planet from the Universe and sees the beauty of its existence, but also the grave outrages that the human beings commits against life, family, the spirit of religious life and good.

Today your Heavenly Mother, with open arms and extended hands, contemplates the planet to radiate to it, to bring it relief from its pain and its immense agony, which the majority of humankind does not even perceive, through pride or indifference.

Today your Heavenly Mother radiates to the planet to pour out codes of hope, of healing and of redemption so that the great doors of the Mirrors of Mercy may open and permeate souls with their codes of love.

Today your Heavenly Mother invites you to contemplate the planet from the universal dome and radiate to the world all the love and inner healing it needs to have an opportunity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel encouraged to move forward because the Father will give you new and true companions so that together you may continue walking the path of faith.

Leave behind all of the past and affirm the present because this will liberate you of those who were on your paths before, but who did not accept change.

The time has come to take the leap into the emptiness of self so that, in this hour, everything can be fulfilled.

For this reason, have faith and keep moving forward, continue walking, continue seeking to find God within you, because the Universe itself will resolve the rest.

No longer feel any fear; the Father is a Source of Mercy and of Compassion and He will make all things new.

Announce to the world that it is time to surrender to Christ, to live the path of integration rather than that of indifference.

It is time to make of each stage an opportunity for learning new things.

In faith there is Christ, and thus, Christ will be in the hearts that persevere together with Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Behold, the Heavens opened, and the Lords of Time began a new cycle for the Earth. The Universes placed their eyes of Wisdom upon humankind, and That One, Who has no form and is in everything, contemplated with love the creatures of the Earth.

Today is one more day of the Silence of God, but His Silence transmits to humankind the Serenity and Peace of the Creator.

Blessed are those who enter into this peace and live in it the cycle that will come.

Behold, Heaven has opened, as it has opened and will open every December 31st, to announce to human hearts a new and only will, the renewal of the Plan of the Creator and His designs for creatures.

Heaven opened so that the Messenger of God might reach the Earth and Her Word is like a subtle and spiritual fire that transforms, but pacifies, hearts.

May minds become silent and hearts listen.

It is a time of definition, of seeing before your eyes the paths that are presented, and choose.

Do not be afraid of moving forward, but know, children, that before any step to be taken, the certainty that God is Who guides your step must be in your hearts.

Humanity has already grown and knows the consequences of its actions, as of its thoughts.

You have already experienced enough of life on Earth to know, today, that you must define your own steps.

Thus, before the Heavens that open over the Earth, find the silent gaze of the Creator, Who observes you, and proclaim to Him your own definition.

The time has come for a conversation with God, because the Creator needs to know whom He can count on in this last time.

His Plan will no longer be redefined in each instant, because the Heavens are already open and Mercy, but also Justice, are preparing to descend into the world.

The chalices of human consciousness are open and free to be filled by that which consciousnesses may have chosen to drink in these times.

Thus, My children, you are no longer infants, and you can no longer play with the evolution of the Earth.

I do not tell you to be afraid, I do not bring you terror, but rather the Gift of the Spirit of God, which is the consciousness of the fear of drawing away from His Path.

Take the Gift of the Fear of God and let it help you in this new and last cycle, so that you may know how to look into the Eyes of fire and silence of your Celestial Father and declare your own definition, your choice for this time.

Based on this, children, your Father and Creator will design for your lives that path that you chose to live, because His Love, unalterable, respects the choices of His creatures, no matter how imperfect and sometimes very immature they be.

Behold, today Heaven opens, and the silent gaze of God contemplates the world.

May creatures know how to perceive His Presence, and may they not begin this definitive cycle in blindness and in profound ignorance.

Pray today for those who lose themselves in the abysses of their own ignorance and in the festivities of this world, and have not perceived that the planet is in agony because of their indifference.

Pray for those who are alone, ill of spirit and of heart, and do not find meaning for their lives.

And also pray for those who will say “yes” to God and will begin this new cycle by His side, so that their faith may be greater than the temptations of the world, and the Greatness and Strength of God take the place of their smallness and human fragility.

I love you, I bless you, and invite you to look to Heaven that today is opening, and looking into the Eyes of the Creator, and proclaim your “yes” to His infinite Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May the Peace of Jesus be in your hearts so that, in this time, you may learn to live the end of cycles.

Today I illuminate you with My Star of Light of Bethlehem and I have come to ask you, and to announce to you that on November 30th I would like to see, in all homes, places of work, as well as in each Monastery of the Order, the Manger of the Sacred Family.

For this, today I give the mission to each one of your hearts so that they commit to collaborate in the manifestation of the Manger of the Sacred Family, so that in each space of prayer it may be present to bless you.

I wish that the place in which you will choose to place the Holy Manger be preciously adorned with Christmas garlands, thus creating a sacred space of adoration and contemplation.

With this request, My aspiration is that, from December 1st until the Nativity of your Lord, you pray at least three times a day the prayer that was once delivered to the Divine Manger of the Sacred Family.

I especially wish that within the Communities, during these days, you work in prayer at the foot of the Holy Manger of Bethlehem so that the hearts may remember, in this cycle, the importance of nurturing the spirit of fraternity, solidarity and compassion among beings.

I wish, My children, that those who accept to carry out the fulfillment of this request of your Celestial Mother know that, from December 1st until the date of the Nativity of Jesus, we will be working together in the reconstruction of the spirit of love within the families of the world, as well as in the healing of hatred, resentments and the lack of love that is daily generated among the servers of the spiritual path, and in the families that are most distant from God.

I would like to see the humble hearts internally preparing, every day, for the rebirth of the inner child, so that humanity may be healed, at least of indifference and omission.

Blessed will be those who comply with this request, because God will see how great the love in their hearts can be.

I thank you for responding to this important request.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Why do you fear feeling alone? Am I not here, I who am your Mother?

I will never abandon you under any circumstance, test or challenge. My maternal Heart will not put you aside.

I am your Mother and as your Mother I love you, I accept you and l experience with you the same deserts I experienced with My beloved Son, once at the foot of the Cross.

As with Jesus, I come to meet you so that, with bravery and the impetus of love, you continue to carry the cross of indifference and inequality knowing that, at the end of it all, the love of the peaceful heart will triumph.

Therefore, My child, arise and have faith, as faith will always unite you to the God of Love.

The Father is greatly merciful, but He, who is great and wise, will let you feel the fear of being far from Him so that you will learn to search for Him tirelessly, as I searched for Him during the Agony, Passion and the Death of My beloved Son.

God will never abandon you. God will test you to know the level your faith and your love for His Plan.

Go forward! And with trust walk towards your destiny, where you will meet Christ with His Arms open to welcome, embrace and understand you.

Do not be disappointed and celebrate each desert that God sends you on a mission to cross, because at the end, all will be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As a Warrior of the Light, today I wear My potent Armor of silver and, upon My Crown of Stars, I have the crystals that radiate all the Light of the universe.

I am ready to assist My children and all needs that come forward.

As much as My adversary sets traps for you, I will point out the path and the way out so as not to fall into temptation.

In My hand I carry the powerful golden ruby Sword that manifests the Will of the Most High for all of Creation. Nobody will be able to oppose His Designs from being accomplished.

I come dressed in My Armor of silver to show My children that we are still in times of battle, in which everything is at stake.

Thus, be attentive to all movements, your lives are at stake, as is the planet, and in this spiritual battle of the end of times, everything is allowed.

Remember that, if you are with Me, nothing will happen to you. Pay attention so as to not fall into distraction, indifference or omission.

Everything is within everybody's reach. For this reason, so that everything flows correctly within the spirit of protection, ardent attention will be the key for deviating battles, and silence and prayer will be the shield that will make you invisible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Unity, a stronghold against evil

Unity first emerges from the higher universes of consciousness, directly from the Source of Creation, known spiritually by the name Abba.

That powerful energy of higher Unity is what has allowed, as a gift and as a principle, the manifestation of the universes and, from there, all the planes, from the spiritual to the material.

Unity is born of the non-material Source of God, for it is nurtured by the essence of Love.

If Love, which is unique and invincible, did not exist, it would be impossible to generate a unity of purpose.

This stream of Unity, which is born from the Primordial Source, is similar to a cosmic electricity, a positive fire that helps to unite the molecules or particles of Creation through a unique vibration based on Love and on Truth.

As Unity descends as a principle, on the different planes of consciousness, all that is created can contact it.

But Unity is part of a spiritual and non-intellectual science that give impulse to a spirit of cooperation and adherence among those that seek their Source.

In the Material Universe, specifically on this planet and in this humanity, Unity as an energy is in the background.

For this reason, Christ came to the world two thousand years ago so that humanity could disconnect from indifference and become connected with Unity; a principle that, during the Passion of Jesus, was one of the factors that defeated the adversary.

Unity is capable of concretizing the Plan in matter through a spirit of fellowship that souls can conceive of within themselves.

When spiritual Unity is absent in some way, for example, from a group of souls that have and are accomplishing the same purpose and mission, the vibration of Unity moves into the background, because there is a prevalence of personal rather than collective decision in the consciousnesses. Then the spirit of the Purpose is lost and becomes unachievable.

In this acute stage of the planet, in which personal realization, the accomplishing of individual goals, and a concern with the self are highly stimulated, the spirit of Unity weakens when interfered with by states of arrogance, pride and power.

This has repercussions in consciousnesses at the moment of their making delicate decisions in their lives, within a work or a spiritual purpose, because of not being connected with the Source, with the true essence that created them. The sense of Unity begins to withdraw from everybody, to the point of becoming almost unachievable.

It is thus that, from that moment, other situations begin to emerge; and what before was flexible, becomes rigid, tense and difficult.

The adversary has taken care of astutely instilling a state of ownership, of control in this humanity, and that souls only care about their lives and nothing else.

This corrupt mechanism of indifference, generated in the whole human consciousness, will be one of the great beasts of the Apocalypse that must be defeated by the Woman clothed in the Sun.

We are on the path for this to take place; for this reason, the planet will be stirred up in all senses and in every possible way, in order to remove this state of superficiality from the human consciousness.

There is still time, in the planetary clock, for souls to manage to set aside the world indifference and let themselves be permeated by the powerful principle of Unity, which will allow them to strive all the time against the traps and the plays that their own consciousnesses present them with.

Unity is a very important stronghold, for when it is truly present, nothing bad can happen.

So as to not leave the sacred spirit of Unity, you must watch yourselves, as well as your intentions and motives in the forefront; this will protect you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

In the chaste presence of Saint Joseph the Laborer, we unite with the divine Original Purity present in the human heart, which in these times has lost the meaning of spirituality and supreme wisdom.

It is for this divine cause that today, the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph present Themselves to humanity, for the purpose of it renewing its inner vows of service and of surrender to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Today, the Sacred Family, on this 19th of May, comes to your hearts and souls to remove them from the planetary inertia and indifference, so that in leaving this point in consciousness, your eyes may open to the infinite and supreme love of the heart, capable of transforming and of transmuting all things on the planet.

We come to humanity to let you know of the importance and the urgency of waking up inwardly to what you are; to finally manage to set aside world indifference.

Our aspiration is that through your simple and prayerful lives, you are able to reflect what the human race has lost, thus helping to restore the mind of humanity, permeating it with codes of love, of simplicity and of surrender.

God wishes Europe to have a more fraternal consciousness, that is able to rise above material life to the celestial designs that, through the Center of Love of Fatima, wait to descend from the universe and be revealed as a great inner treasure for your hearts.

In this time, when everything is allowed, the Sacred Hearts, the Celestial Messengers, come again to the world to remove it from the world hypnotism, for the planetary need is very great, from the spiritual levels to physical life.

It is for this reason that we invite you, just as some of the pilgrims present here are doing, to live the ministry of these times in Europe, without resistance and without fear. Because it will depend on the more conscious Europeans, on their spiritual path and their universal life, that all the Work of the Sacred Hearts is able to come, in a following stage, not only to Asia, but also to Africa, where My maternal promise of visiting some nations must be accomplished.

Your Messenger and Servant of God needs to reach the hearts of My beloved Africa, for I ardently desire that the Mercy and universal Healing of God reach each one of them.

That will be one of My last missions of peace on the planet, because after Asia and Africa, humanity will enter into its final stage, before the Return of My Son to humanity.

United, let us continue to fulfill the Designs of God, which are preventing the activation of nuclear wars and bombs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and once again thanks you for concretizing this mission.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I leave in your hands the Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as an offering of My Celestial Spouse and in gratitude for all that has been lovingly manifested up to today.

This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will be your instrument for the battle against human indifference and will be the impulse towards a continuous fraternity among beings. For in this Sacred Reliquary is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph, honored by the angels of Heaven as a spiritual model because of His holiness, humility, and service.

May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph that I place today in your  hands, motivate you to a continuous awakening to unconditional service, so that new souls embrace this proposal. Through the Most Chaste Heart, may you live in service to your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, building and regenerating all of humanity.

This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today, is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph that the Eternal Father received from His faithful server, after He was lifted up to the Heavens in soul and in spirit.

As a member of humanity, Saint Joseph brought to the universe a living example of love for knowledge and instruction. Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai to be the guardian of souls, and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents the possibility of being in likeness to a transformed human example, as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This Sacred Reliquary that the universe presents to you today, is a spiritual symbol for souls that it is possible to experience human transformation and redemption on Earth.

May this Sacred Reliquary, lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father, from now on represent the symbol of persistence and faith in the face of every human and materialistic condition.

This Sacred Reliquary will remain spiritually placed and displayed in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim, so that all the souls of the world that will come to this place may through prayer find this sacred teraph that the Chaste Heart gives you today through the Immaculate Mother. 

May this sacred teraph be worked with every 19th day of the month by the missionary and praying souls, so that in these times, there may be reparation for the grave outrages from the wars in the world, for the exploitation of children, for the women being sold on the streets, for the loneliness of the sick, for the death of the innocent, and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

May this teraph be the bridge of communication of all with God; and in this way, He will not pour out Justice, but rather pure and infinite Mercy.

I thank you for responding to Saint Joseph, because these last four years of work have allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.

Who loves you, in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved children,

Today, with a white tunic and mantle down to the feet, wearing a blue belt and with the holy rosary between My hands, I present Myself to you as the Lady of the Poor.

This is My Face of humility and surrender for the poorest among the poor.

Today, children, I wish that on this day of renewal of vows with the Evolutionary Plan of God, you be as your Mother of the Poor, so that, in this cycle, just like Me, you may find the need for help everywhere.

I am the Lady of the poor in spirit, the poor in soul, the poor in faith, the poor in heart.

I am the Lady of the poor who are helpless,  the poor who are orphans, the poor who have lost maternity.

I am the Lady of the poor who are alone, the poor who do not feel loved, the poor who have lost all hope.

I am the Lady of the poor who do not pray, the poor sinners, the ignorant poor, the poor in spirit who have lost love for God.

I am the Lady of the marginalized poor, the enslaved poor, the poor children who are sold and exploited.

I am the Lady of the poor who have gone mad, the poor in wisdom, the poor who live and sleep on the streets of this world.

I am the Lady of the poor who become lost, the innocent poor, the poor women who sell themselves on the streets.

I am the Lady of the poor women who are slaves of life, the poor indigenous consciousnesses who have lost their culture and their land in these times. 

I am the Lady of the poor hearts who experience injustice, of the poor elders who are rejected and do not feel loved.

I am the Lady of the young poor that have been conquered by temptation and deception.

I am the Lady of the poor essences that do not fulfill their mission upon this Earth.

I wish, children, that you could imitate Me, and that the House of the Lady of the Poor, conceived in the bosom of the Children of Mary could, through the prayer of the heart, spiritually attend to all these forgotten needs in these times, because of the indifference of humanity.

I am the Lady of the Poor and I want you, children, to adopt this Face of your Mother so that you may work upon it in yourselves day by day; because through the Lady of the Poor, I bring you and the world the essence of the Compassion of God.

The Lady of the Poor will be the teraphim of the Children of Mary, which will be the instrument of work through which your daily prayers will gain greater results for all of planetary life.

Today I am here among you, renewing the vows of consecration to My Immaculate Heart with each of My Children so that, in this year, your lives also may concede the Grace of your Lady of the Poor arriving again in Europe in the months of May and June, so that, with the help of everyone, it may be possible to avoid a great social movement among the nations, just like up to now has been avoided in the United States, thanks to the help of all of My children.

Today, the Lady of the Poor, Patron of the Children of Mary, blesses you and thanks you for renewing, for one more year, the daily vows of prayer, service, and selflessness.

I love you and will always love you until the end of days.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On this day, God has more Mercy for the world on seeing that a great number of His servers strive and struggle tirelessly to fulfill the Plan of Love.

And so, My children, your Heavenly Mother receives permission to reach those places in the Work, where greater and more urgent help is needed.

The offering of each collaborator of the Plan builds and rebuilds what has already begun. It is in this way that the adherence of consciousnesses collaborates in the manifestation of that precious Plan of Salvation, of which many form part of.

So that this Plan of Salvation to be fulfilled in these times, the collaborators of the Plan must spiritually work twice as hard as they have worked, so as to not fall neither into the dimension of hypnotism nor into blindness.

Thus, children, your contribution at each stage of this Plan of Love allows the reinforcement of the protective barriers that separate souls from the abysses of perdition and constant illusion.

The path of the oldest collaborators of the Plan will be to place themselves on the step which  corresponds to each one, and above all, to unite, no matter what happens, so that this Work, which is of all My serving children, may be accomplished.

Remain attentive, available and in constant giving.  In this way, children, you will maintain the doors open to My divine intercession, and the Islands of Salvation will always be protected by the Celestial Universe and by all its angels.

It is time to extend your arms further into service and not to lower them, for the Lord needs you to be able to have an awareness and love for the true spiritual reality of these times.

Lastly, My children, remember that these Islands of Salvation are your homes of light, they are seedbeds for new lost souls to awaken.

Thus, if you live each stage of the Work with profound surrender and self-giving, I assure you that you will be far from human indifference, and above all, from illusion.

The Work must be accomplished until My Son returns, and you have been called for that great and challenging mission.

I thank you for responding to My call, to the call of the Lord.

Who blesses you, under the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
