Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"To what extent have you learned to walk free from yourself in this desert?
In this Lent, have you managed to recognize your true being in your human person?
It is important to keep in mind that, throughout the path of transformation, there must not be identification with all that which, in yourself, defeats you, but rather, it is important to see the evolutionary aspect of each step that is taken in confidence.
This is why, in every examination of conscience, you must submerge in the act of repentance, so that the immovable resistances of your consciousness may someday surrender before the power of Christic Love; thus, you will become free from all that which cyclically repeats the same justified action.
Be wise and, in this Lent that is already ending, allow yourself to make an examination of your own conscience that is capable of opening you to redemption."
Christ Jesus
With your feet still in the desert, taking the last steps of this Lenten path, concentrate, child, on the Heart of your Father and Creator, the Lord of Life and of Divine Purpose.
The last steps of the Lenten path do not announce a time of inner peace, but rather of ever deeper and more intense tests, human and spiritual, which on the altar of faith will place the surrender of your human condition, your deepest fears, your most ingrained miseries, your beliefs most grounded in the consciousness of what you believe about yourself and which brought you here, supporting your human pride and your spiritual ego.
It is time to surrender it all.
In the agony that comes before the Calvary, your heart will be tested in the surrender and the void, and everything you experienced in the desert will surface with intensity, because the desert is a school, and the agony is a moment of definition.
Thus, place your being as an offering on the Celestial Altar and allow the Creator to grant you the Grace of going beyond human limitations and beliefs, beyond the strength that sustains humankind, so that He may have you know the Power that guides life.
Strengthen your faith in Divine Will, no matter what it may be. Strengthen your heart in the void so that it may be filled by the Power of God.
Walk with the purpose that your actions and your life may be an instrument of transformation for the human consciousness. That each one of your steps be given for the all; no longer see your path as something individual.
Do not seek to control your destiny and make plans according to your possibilities of bearing the tests of life or according to the security which the path can offer you. Live your spirituality as a human being, as part of humanity and for human transformation.
Let the desert expand your horizons, let the agonies define your heart, let the cross transform your consciousness, and through you, all of humanity.
Offer yourself to be an instrument.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Finding yourself in the desert, divested of yourself, walk barefoot in the spiritual solitude that it gives you the Grace of uniting in consciousness to the Whole, so that you may be part of the legions of servers and blessed ones on Earth.
Therefore, undo the ties of the sandals of your feet and walk free from yourself, free from all hatred, manipulation, rejection, indifference and disobedience.
Surrender to the sacred inner emptiness and your own resistances will no longer be a reason for so many lamentations.
The Chalice of offering is before you. The Steward Angel sustains it not only so that you may contemplate it, but also so that you may decidedly drink from it without knowing the significance of what it truly means.
Surrender! Surrender, just as the Lord surrendered on behalf of everyone, during the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"You are now in the last stage of the desert, you are before the beginning of the next Sacred Week:
What will be the inner reflection that you will offer to Me, after the forty days of Lent?
What has changed within your consciousness? Are you the same being?
Do not lose sight of the last days of your spiritual desert. Time is ending and it is now time to offer oneself to the Eternal Father so that the expected time of the Return of Christ may be fulfilled.
May your feet be firm and safe upon the only path: the Path of Christ.
Endure the Cross, not with sorrow, but rather with love for sacrifice. I have already taught you how to do so.
Be brave and do not deter yourself, because the day of redemption is now close at hand."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"What have been the twenty-four steps you have taken in this Lent up to today?
What have you been able to solve within your own inner desert?
Have you realized that Lent is a Grace for experiencing penance?
Have you noticed that Lent is an opportunity to make good decisions?
What fruits of all your inner work will you present to Me?
Can My Words be part of you?
How much longer will the world have to wait for the emergence of the New Christs?
Will you dare to finish the last stage of your inner desert in these special forty days?
Do you already know who you truly are?
Have you managed to return to your origin?
Have great patience and compassion, so that your feet may not take a step that is greater than your possibilities.
Hold on to Me, I Am here."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"How many steps have you been able to take in these ten days of Lent?
How do you feel on the path of the inner desert now?
Can you surpass Me in Love?
Be brave and walk. Become detached and divested from yourself, so that the Lord, your God, may govern you.
Carry out a deep work: distancing yourself from all that which is superficial. Appreciate and value My Christic Impulses. I Am here."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"What personal aspects did you find in your inner desert, from which you need to become free?
Take heart, this is just the beginning. Remember to work on your vices, and to open to the holy virtues.
Today, I invite you to face, with love, the vice of competitiveness. Are you ready?"
Christ Jesus
When your spirit is tired, My child, enter into the Presence of your Creator, being aware that He is in everything, and simply be grateful.
Thank and offer the Father every emptiness, every desert, every distress, your concerns and misunderstandings, your joys, your conquests, your victories and His victories within your heart. Thank God for everything.
Be thankful when He makes Himself felt, when, for a second, you seem to hear His Voice.
Be thankful when you pray and when your heart is relieved, when you are able to regain peace and joy, even if it is for a short while.
Be thankful when service revives you, while helping your neighbor, the Grace of God floods your heart and you are able to feel alive, to love, to rejoice, and, therefore, to bring peace to those who suffer.
Also, be thankful when you think that you do not have the opportunity to serve as you had wished.
Be thankful when you only have the same brothers and sisters beside you, every day, and ask for the Grace of being able to see in each of them the need and opportunity to serve so that, when you are ready to love, the Grace of God may descend upon you and flood your heart as well as your neighbor's heart.
Thank God for being conscious of the urgent times of the planet, for knowing how to pray and worship, for knowing how to be grateful, even in pain and emptiness; for knowing that He is always there, even in His deepest silence.
Gratitude, my child, is the bond that unites you to God, no matter the circumstances of your lives or that which you may feel and perceive within your heart. When you thank God, it is as if you are saying to the Lord:
May this be your permanent prayer, because, in this way, child, you will always be able to perceive how the Creator guides you beyond your human understanding, how He heals, molds and converts you, according to His Will. Therefore, always and in all circumstances, be thankful.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, learn to deal with the sorrows and the fears that come from your soul, that old soul that has already gone through so many stages of life and that now finds itself facing the unknown, a place where its security and deepest beliefs seem to disappear, a place where the desert shows itself to be so broad, and where dryness takes the place of faith.
Learn to feel the sorrows and the fears that come from your soul and manifest in your heart as such intense and deep feelings, the roots of which you do not know from where they came. These roots are in your soul.
So speak with this small soul and say to it: "Trust in the Lord, beloved soul. In you is the fortitude to cross deserts and to go through tests. In you the Lord builds the foundation on rock so that, in spite of the winds of these times, you do not see your inner castle collapse."
Pray, child, with your own soul, speak with the deepest nuclei of your being and, at the same time that you seek unity with God, also seek unity with yourself.
To understand oneself and to unveil one's own inner being, to see one's own weaknesses and sorrows, is something that you must begin to experience so that, in the coming time, you may be bridges and light in the world, able to help those who arrive blind upon the path.
For this reason, while feeling these deep and hidden feelings, go even deeper within, face your soul and ask it where its sorrow comes from, where its fear comes from. Pray with it and ask for the Grace of being free, of seeing and healing the most hidden wounds of the consciousness, and do not be afraid of what you will find within yourself, for with open arms, the Healer and the Redeemer waits for you, the Holder of all forgiveness and the King of Mercy.
But if you do not seek Him, if you feel your sorrows and hide them, how will your Lord touch your wounds and close them? Or with a single gaze, heal all of your being?
For this reason, child, do not fear, but rather love. Love God, love your neighbor and also love what God aspires to manifest within you. Love the sacred that dwells within you, love the Thought of the Lord for your life and allow yourself to heal and return to your purpose.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The awake human being is like a little grain of sand in front of the sea.
While it was sleeping, it was far from the water and, in the desert of its inner drought, it could not even conceive of the existence of the ocean.
Until one day, when the Breath of the Spirit of God touched its heart, moved its life and pushed it to the edge of the sea. There, this little grain of sand began to understand the immensity of life and Creation.
It understood that not everything is desert and drought, but that an ocean exists. It sees it, feels the freshness of its waters, but it can barely imagine what life within it is like.
Until one day, the Breath of the Spirit of God moved it again, pushed and transformed its life so that it would draw closer to the water.
When God gives impulse to the sea of Creation and gives a Grace to the little grains of sand, a wave draws closer to them and, for a few instants, the little grains find themselves submerged in the waters of the ocean.
Those who see the ocean from above know that this grain only knows the soft foam of the great impulse of God and that the source of this impulse is an immense ocean full of life.
But the little grain, submerged for a few instants in the water, thinks it already knows the ocean, that it knows how life within it is, and that it understands what it is to be submerged in the waters of Creation.
But in truth, children, a grain of sand only knows the ocean when it is carried into its depths; and after experiencing life within it, this little grain dissolves, becoming the ocean itself, in the immensity. It is then that it will be able to know the truth of Creation, because it will be a part of it.
Until this moment comes, the little grain travels a long path, in which it opens to the Spirit of God, and He moves it, transforms it, changes its life and its deepest structures, deconstructs its certainties and shows it a new truth.
The truth is always the same, but it broadens, deepens and becomes enriched, until the consciousness is able to not only understand things, but also become a part of it. At that moment, there will no longer be a need for understanding, and everything will have been accomplished.
Tiny grains of sand in front of the sea: let the waves of the divine impulses carry you further into the ocean of the Heart of God and, at each new impulse, dissolve into Him, until the day comes when you will eternally merge into Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the Lord was in the desert, preparing His Heart for the surrender that He would experience by means of the Cross, His Mother Mary was already gathering together the disciples and the holy women and informing them about the Kingdom of God, about higher truths and about the path that is trodden to reach them, which is through humility, service, surrender and, above all, the love for God and for life.
At the same time that Christ was defeating the temptations in the desert, He was tested in His most human part and thus, He would take refuge in the Divine Heart of His Father; the souls that had committed to Him from the beginning of their existence were also led inwardly to the inner desert. At that moment, they recognized their weaknesses and were preparing for something greater, even if it was unknown.
The triumph of the Messiah was not understood by the majority of humanity, because the Will of God had no likeness to the ideas of humankind; but those who spiritually committed to Christ were ready and, sooner or later, they would be able to unite with the essence of the surrender of the Lord, to follow in His footsteps.
I tell you this, children, because as the spiritual time of Lent goes by, your hearts must go deeper into the meaning of the cross, you must observe the temptations and defeat them with silence and prayer, with the awakening of faith.
Let not your attention be on the laughter of the enemy, but rather on the Word of God. Hear His Voice and walk closer to Him, within yourselves.
Lent ends with a profound definition of the souls that are willing to accompany Christ and, in each cycle, in each new Lent, a greater, broader and more complete definition draws closer, until the day comes for entering Jerusalem, not to be acclaimed, but to experience absolute surrender.
Thus, do not forget the depths of what you are called upon to live; do not forget about the inner and divine greatness that you have committed to participate in.
The day of the cross is known only to God. Until this time comes, it is a cycle for walking more and more toward the Father, to merge into Him and to be One with Him so that the surrender of your lives may be fruitful, in Heaven as on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart is nourished from the impulses of the world and enters into the spiritual life, responding to an inner call, but it does not open to transformation, children, then the path of inner decline begins.
In this time, very ancient consciousnesses come to the world to overcome the stimuli of this era and become true Christs of the times of transition.
But, bound by mundane foundations and supported by the illusions of the world, the souls that reacquire their commitment to Christ must allow themselves to be transformed by Him because part of overcoming these stimuli is the surrender of all that supports them in the things of the world: one's own aspirations, personal, spiritual and human accomplishments, inner and intellectual concepts of Truth and of the Plan of God, the need for standing out among all others, even if in virtues and in saintliness, the need to supply what is lacking into what is tangible, the need to feel oneself to be loved by what is visible and admired by the world. All this, children, must be transformed within the soul that regains their commitment to Christ.
In these definitive times, your Lord removes the foundations of sand that support your feet and, having you cross through the desert, places you upon the rock of His Consciousness.
You must unlearn the things of the world, let yourself be defeated by Divine Will, and do not do that through looking around you but rather by looking inward and upward.
The souls that see themselves as weakened, look around in search of greater miseries that will justify their faults and make them small; but this, children, is not the way of rectifying any misery.
The true sense of justifying is to be found in love, in the Love of Christ, in the Love of God, which is capable not only of justifying, but of transforming everything.
Thus, in the face of weaknesses, do not look around, but rather, look inward. Do not support yourself with criticisms but rather through daily confession to God, because the one who yields does not need to defend themselves, they do not need to fear or run away from themselves nor from God, because they will come to know Divine Love.
Lose your fear; do not feed false miseries justified by deeper sins, but rather yield to God and confess. In Him you will find true freedom, the healing and transformation you need in order to be whole and bound to the rock of Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, lent is a moment of the desert, but also of an ecounter.
A moment for finding the spirit of humility, experiencing the vastness of the Universe, the sublime Laws that make us small, the Thought of God that makes us so fragile in the face of His Will.
Lent is the moment for walking in the immensity of Divine Words, written in the Book of the Plan of God for this humanity; to understand that one must walk within these lines and that the letters of the Celestial Father are like markings upon the floor, in which your feet fit perfectly. Just follow them.
During Lent, false beliefs about oneself and all the fortresses built in the sand of the human ego are overthrown. All this falls down; the fragility is revealed, but also, child, God is revealed.
You must learn to experience Lent, when the consciousness is willing to find that which is sublime and perfect and, although it reveals all the apparent human misery, it brings you the assurance of the Divine Presence and the freedom of knowing that everything is written.
And for the one who walks in the letters of God, in spite of all the battles, challenges and tests, there is the incalculable triumph of the Love of your Lord, that has no measure in this world, but only vastness.
Lent, then, is this moment to recognize the dust and leave to the dust what comes from it; but also, to recognize the spirit and open the way so that this spirit may be expressed in all that you are.
Experience Lent fully; feel small, fragile, nothing, but be able to surrender this smallness to the greatness of God and to confess:
I recognize my fragility and misery;
I recognize my imperfection and illusion,
and made of completely nothing and dust, here I am,
as an offering at the Altar of Your Spirit
so that It may be revealed within me,
and that Your Breath may make the clay alive,
and that Your Life be wholly within me
so that I may become Your instrument,
and Your Will may be done.
This should be the prayer of the hearts surrendered in the face of the desert, which are willing, during Lent with the Lord, to be prepared with Him for the cross of the world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart no longer knows what to do, child, keep your spirit in the certainty of the Presence of God and simply offer the Father your emptiness, your silence, your anguish, your human condition, your deeper aspects, your most hidden weaknesses.
Offer yourself to the Father at each moment and may your small life be before His Celestial Altar.
Give thanks, even if it is for the tests, for the deserts and for the challenges.
Give thanks for the deep abysses from which your Creator comes to withdraw you while He reaches His hands out towards you.
Allow these experiences of surrender to strengthen your spirit for an even greater surrender because it is just a matter of yielding to God ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To come to be a knower of God, after having crossed the abysses, gone through the tribulations and the voids, you must persist in prayer.
The Rosary, children, will be your shelter in all stages of the desert.
The Holy Rosary will support you when your hearts are weak.
The Holy Rosary will protect you when your hearts are besieged.
The Holy Rosary will elevate you when your hearts are free.
The Holy Rosary will show you the Face of God when your spirits have become whole in prayer, surrendered to the Father and when your one and real aspiration is to reach Him.
It is from the hands of the Most Holy Mary that you will come to Christ and emulate His path.
In the same way that your Lord was fully and wholly united with His Celestial Mother and was thus safeguarded by Her silent and hidden prayers, both in the desert and on the Cross, so must each one of you be. With your heart intimately united with the Heart of Mary, allow yourselves to be guided and protected by Her.
Knowledgeable about the deserts as well as the cross, knowledgeable about death and the faith in resurrection, knowledgeable about the overcoming and the apostolate, knowledgeable about the celestial mysteries and the deep mysteries of the human consciousness, Your Most Holy Mother will always guide you.
And so, be it in the desert, in calvary, in life, in death, in resurrection or in the face of the celestial mysteries, trust in the guidance and the support of the Mother of God, the untiring Servant, thought of, manifested and sent by the Creator, to lead His creatures toward His Heart.
In Mary, see the Hands of God, which cross the dimensions to seek you and, in the Holy Rosary, see the bridge and the correct connection to remain united with Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A second stage in the desert that beings experience, during another moment in their evolution, children, is to be in the desert in the arms of the Most Holy Mary.
After having lived the inner desert, after experiencing the void and the Coming Together, after experiencing the calvary of these times, a desert will come that has still not been experienced by any soul, because it is the spiritual desert that you will cross in this moment of the planet, the desert prophesied in the Apocalypse.
Your Most Holy Mother crossed and continues to cross many spiritual deserts. She is knowledgeable about the souls and their paths. She was Who took the Words and the Gifts of Christ throughout the four corners of the world, and for this reason, She deeply came to know the human condition and all the paths that lead you to God.
Thus, children, the Most Holy Mary is She Who knows each grain of sand of the spiritual desert that leads you to God.
There, where beings become confused, get lost, desperate, your Most Holy Mother takes you into Her arms and, sure of Her path, crosses the voids and the solitude and arrives to God.
In the desert, even Her adversary is confused. It pursues souls that are lost, but does not know how to find them when they are in God. For this reason, your Divine Mother travels through the desert and takes lost souls into Her arms, one by one, to lead them to their destiny.
That is why I tell you, in these times of confusion and darkness, in the Apocalypse and in the Armageddon of the planet, seek your Celestial Mother. Allow yourselves to be found by Her and yield into Her arms, because when everything may seem lost, She will know the way; when you are no longer able to walk, She will take you into Her arms, and it is under Her protection and wisdom that you will come to God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart enters the desert, pray, be silent and feel your inner world.
Understand that to be called into the void and into solitude is to be called closer to the Heart of God, to the truth of what He is, far from the illusions and the human confusion.
The desert is a path of transition. The people of Israel crossed the desert to cultivate a new life, of pure and simple genetics, but forged in sacrifice and in faith.
Your Lord crossed the desert before living His Passion and there He found a definite union with God which was not just a dialogue with the Father, but rather an experience of the Father within Himself.
Each being, upon crossing the inner desert, experiences a transition into something new, real and profound.
Trust that in the emptiness of the desert something new is being forged and built within you. Let your spirit be strengthened and your soul find the truth it needs to discover in this cycle.
Even though you may not see it, feel it or know it, go through the different stages of the desert. Feel the void of your entry, the confusion of remaining in it, the trials that come, the experiences of desolation; but also feel the awakening of faith, the consolidation of truth and, finally, the revelation of God within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The void left within Me, by those who abandon Me, is filled today by the love of those who stay, and who, beyond all circumstances, try to understand the spiritual significance of being with Me.
This void they leave within My Heart is filled today by those who continue onward, responding to something greater and more infinite than their own capacity to love and to serve.
This is why today I receive the balm of My faithful companions, of those who do not allow themselves to be intimidated by the tests nor fear the deserts.
This void left within Me is so large, that I have especially come to the world to seek and to avail Myself of the love of those who live Me and call Me.
From here, I strengthen My Spiritual Consciousness, because I know that good souls full of gratitude can do much more than all the daily errors they commit.
Now the cycle and the time have come in which I will count on those who have confirmed serving and following Me.
This will be the time when, with your own eyes and without anybody telling you, you will see the good souls be confirmed to My Presence; but you will also see the souls that will abandon Me.
That will be the clearest sign for knowing who to trust and who not to trust, for by their fruits, you shall know them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the inner life, deserts and defeats are experienced, but there are also triumphs and victories experienced when souls trustingly manage to surrender completely to God, beyond their limitations or impossibilities.
Beyond all of this, God loves you and understands you, because to die inwardly to the mortal aspect is difficult; it is a daily challenge.
But if you trust and persevere, you will transform. Everything is foreseen, and in that foresight, everything will take place according to that which was thought of by the Universe.
You must be the very redeeming triumph and victory for God.
Your lives should achieve the example of selfless humility and profound surrender, having as a foundation the Grace of permanently serving and the Spiritual Anointment that My Presence can give you at this time.
Therefore, walk toward Me and I will guide you. Open your heart so that your fears and doubts may be dissolved.
If today you are here with Me, it is for a reason, because otherwise you would be somewhere else and under another energy.
The Universe delivers infinite opportunities to all, which must be loved, valued and taken into consideration by each one of you. While this happens, nothing will be separate within you, and you will know how to correspond as the Eternal Father needs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Invoke the Sacred Names of God, and the Creator Father will show Himself to your little heart.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and feel how His Presence and Love are revealed, how His Voice can be sensed and His healing is carried out within you.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and come into communion with the Heart of your Creator. Let Him show you His Truth, His most pure inspiration for all life and the perfect Plan that He has designed for you.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and cry out for the establishment of His Peace in the world. Cry out so that His Grace may descend upon all hearts and flood those who need the most, transforming lives and attracting toward Him the hearts of His children.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and listen to the Voice of the Father, just as the peoples of the desert listened to it. Enter the desert of your heart and cry out for peace. Let the Father prepare in you His Return and establish in your heart His Kingdom.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and live peace. Let peace expand upon the world.
Know, child, that your God and Creator is here, in you and in everything. Invoke His Name to recognize His Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more