With your heads to the ground, dear children, let us ask for the descent of a Celestial Grace that, at this time, can reverse the unjust causes of this great exile of the souls of the world.

Many search for where to go, but many doors are closing at each step; this saddens the heart of each one of the refugees, and they find no meaning in life.

I would like to know if the Europeans have understood the parables of Jesus, when My Son told them that the one they fed, the one they visited or gave a place to rest, would be Him that they would be receiving.

Do you believe this?

If this reality of millions of refugees takes place in their lands, it is because the time has come for you to truly practice fraternity and the science of peace. Nothing which we ask of you is a mystery.

Dear children, this is a part of an Apocalypse that many do not want to accept and want to evade all suffering or inconvenience.

Through the refugees will you not be finding again the true spiritual family?

Be as Jesus, and accept those who are abandoned, because their spirits were also abandoned and My Son gave them refuge.

It is time to become aware of the place you have and which many who are forsaken yearn to deserve one day: to be in the Heart of the Celestial Hierarchy.

In consciousness and humility, I ask you, children of Europe: do your part, you are in time!

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While by the Grace of God, peace is established in your hearts, it is withdrawn from the innocent hearts of My children of the Middle East, who miss the true chance of experiencing God.

The Love of Christ in each of the Christians of the Middle East will never disappear, because no matter how much damage is done to the consciousness, the soul of each of My children of the Middle East is already confirmed in Christ.

Dear children, let your acts of charity and of love help to sustain the faith of all those hearts of the Middle East that are assaulted daily by the hands of the enemy.

The damage may be greater, but the victory of those hearts over martyrdom affirms that Christ will always reign and that innocent blood should no longer be spilled, since the Justice of God will be severe with those that provoke horror in the world.

The path of faith must be unbreakable for all, for it is in this faith that you, My children, will be able to receive the Grace of continuing to open the doors of Heaven and the door of the heart, which will lead you to the Love of My Son.

Be witnesses to the true faith of those who are mutilated. The faith in Christ will not be erased.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As a sphere of light of seven colors, I descend to Earth to fill it again with the Graces of God. I hope this luminous sphere will be seen and recognized by the inner universe of each being.

God in His infinite silence sends this luminous signal to the Mother of God so that all His creatures rise to the divine Purpose. Through His Divine Universal Thought, His Will makes this sphere of seven colors move amidst the spaces of the cosmos so that the interior sun of each soul may ignite again and thus retake the entrusted task.

It is time for the creatures to affirm their spiritual life through the higher life, an Infinite Kingdom where truth, energy and sound are manifested.

Today the creatures of the Father must see in the space the sphere of seven colors to discover through it the signal that God is announcing by means of His silence: a new time without tribulation.

The Kingdom of God comes close through the sphere of seven colors, sound manifests in all the cosmos the new notes of harmony for the Earth.

Participate in this spiritual event, the sphere of seven colors is crossing the skies of this universe to demarcate in the horizon a new signal: the time of the return of Christ.

May the luminous signal of the sphere of seven colors remain present in your memories, because the Celestial Kingdom draws near to raise again all those who want to ascend in their hearts.

Grace is calling at your door.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who awakens you to the celestial life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When we were praying the last decade of the Mystery of the Rosary, we saw Our Lady assisting and working in a region of the Middle East. Moments later, when She appeared, She told us that we were seeing a place in Turkey. She pointed with Her left hand to an infinite number of winged angels gathered together working and flying over the area.

The Divine Mother told us that She had commissioned a certain number of angelic hosts to unite with a specific group of souls present on the planet in order to collaborate with them and assist them in establishing one of the most important Purposes of God: Peace. She told us that these souls, incarnated on Earth for these times, were souls in service to the Plan of God that would help in the times of greatest worldwide emergency.

Our Mother of Heaven showed us that the angels and the souls in service were working intensively in the physical counterpart of the path that the refugees travel at this time inside of Turkey on their way to exile in Europe. She told us that the angels and the souls in service are attempting to contain this situation in a harmonious and peaceful way, working to generate spiritual and inner relief in each one of the brothers and sisters exiled from the Middle East.

Following this explanation of Our Lady, She transmitted the following message:

       Dear children:

The summoning for collaboration and cooperation in the mission for the Middle East has already been made by the International Humanitarian Federation, and all are spiritually in the last preparatory steps for departing on this important task. And as it was done in Africa, Your Heavenly Mother, together with the instructions from Saint Joseph, will closely guide this risky humanitarian mission.

My missionaries of peace are already working together with some angels in Turkish territory. This sister nation is caught in the middle of two opposing realities: on one side, the Arab war, and on the other, the entry doorway to the countries of Eastern Europe.

Turkey is the main route for all of the refugees. But My missionaries of peace will not only find out about the needs of this nation, they will also see the reality of the peoples of Syria in search of a new way of life.

The main effect of the war falls on the children, over the littlest ones, those who must transcend the consequences of hunger and the lack of water.

That is why the three Sacred Hearts already can be found in the spiritual region of the conflict, preparing the way so that humanitarian and praying assistance will reach the greatest possible number of people.

My missionaries of peace will meet with other missionaries, and in the name of peace and of voluntary service, they will unite their inner forces of love and of labor for all of the refugees.

The main deficiencies present in the faces of My children of the Middle East are fear, exile, hunger, and the lack of human love. It is for this reason, dear children, that this forthcoming humanitarian mission will place not only the missionaries of peace, but also all of the work in the reality of the true Armageddon, of which there is an attempt to spiritually stop, so that it will not expand across the world.

The war is not only the cause of the precariousness of humanity; the planet as a whole is immersed in several conflicts, which are first gestated within families, and then in all of humanity, coming then into great nations.

Divine Justice is active, but the time of Mercy is also in force. That is why this next humanitarian mission to Turkey is considered by the Plan of God to be a mission of Mercy. It will be through service, and through any need that must be fulfilled, that the energy of Divine Mercy will be the main source for the transmutation of the contrary negative streams, which feed on the wars.

My fourteen missionaries of peace, in the name of God, will be consciously entering a global area of great mental and spiritual conflict, safeguarded by the Archangel Michael. It will be like entering a great storm that is occurring in a precipitated and unmeasured way.

The motto for the missionaries of this new mission will be: “The Grace of God is our stronghold”. The secret Mercy that must be disseminated through each act and service will turn back human desperation and may bring a little of peace to hearts.

The humanitarian mission to the Middle East will open other doors, so that the Project of the Hierarchy can be requested in other regions of the planet, where similarly complex needs of assistance exist.

The union of each missionary of peace and of each one who prays with the three Sacred Hearts in a true, faithful, and loving way makes it possible to not run certain risks.

In the times of Armageddon, may the faith and the trust in Christ be the shield and the greater strength that will generate absolute surrender to the Plan of the Father so that His precious Will be fulfilled.

My Son has gathered all of you together in these times; for this reason, each soul is called to be a part of this work of redemption, without attachments or forms.

May Our Light be present in each missionary of peace. May Our Love fill them so that Peace will reign.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In preparation and vigil,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The times ahead will be times of purification, although also in an extraordinary way, they will be times of Grace. I hope that each one of you, after coming to know the work of My Immaculate Heart, will feel encouraged to fully trust in this Mystery born from My Motherly Spirit.

The Grace of God will be the strength; Divine Grace will be what will help this humanity to take the steps so awaited by My Son.

The Grace of God comes from Divine Mercy and it will be full Grace that will defeat all the deadly sins in which humanity is living today in such a dissolute way and with no foundation; they are creations stimulating the perdition of souls on the path of the Purpose.

My children, surrender to the Grace of God on time so that the indomitable strength of original purity can also cause the true principles of the evolution of humanity to grow in your lives.

Do not cease defending you inner unity with Christ, because My adversary will try to destroy it; but if you call for the Grace of Your Heavenly Mother, you will be able to be protected by the invisible mantle of light of the Mother of the World.

Dear children, through the messages I always give you a little of My Grace, that which comforts and supports you in moving forward.

Do not become afraid, the Kingdom of God comes to help those who beg for it. You are not alone.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who takes you to the Source of the Grace of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Lord your God and your Father pour upon you His blessings and Divine Graces. May He build in your heart an unbreakable fortress, based on humility and honesty.

May the Lord wash your spirit, clean your soul and remove from your consciousness that which still incites you to perdition and to neglect the Plan of God.

May the Lord pour upon you His Forgiveness, so that you know how to forgive the world around you, erasing the past and learning to understand the future.

May the Lord put His eyes on yours, so that you can see His Presence in every being and understand His Will in all events, teaching you to intuit and to discern. May He place His hands in yours, so that they are available to receive and anxious to give. May He place your feet at His footprints, because He cannot walk for you – because there are things in this world that you must elect with your own heart -, but He will be able indicate the path to you and wait ahead of you, so that you closely accompany Him.

May the Lord your Father, your Companion, your King and your Master never lose sight of you. Do not let Him remove His eyes from you; for that, always do what He asks you, learn what He have already taught you and He will always be with you, showing you new horizons, knowledge and secrets that you do not know.

May the Lord remove the limits of your consciousness, expand the vision of your heart and teach you to greatly love and to get out of scarce love, of personal, individual and human love.

May the Lord show you that each drop of sweat of your face corresponds to the opportunity of salvation of a soul – whenever your works are for God -; thus, you will learn to transcend the limits, to donate the best of yourself and, sometimes, what is impossible. You will know the meaning of the unlimited that inhabits the Consciousness of God who does not have barriers.

May the Lord help you to recognize the Sacred, the reverence which rises from the love of the soul for what God manifests in your life. Learn to read the symbols of the events; contemplate the greatness and the beauty of each soul and each Kingdom of Nature. Live to know the perfection of God.

For infinite hours, days and cycles, I would ask God to be closer to you and to pour upon you all His Gifts and Virtues, so that you are full in God and so that you fulfill the world in your holiness.

I want to teach you to pray for the others, to wish for the neighbor always the best, always the divine, the sublime, the glorious. Pray for your brothers and sisters as I pray for you. Learn to ask for the others, such as I ask before your heart today.

I pray to the Creator every day so that He triumphs within each human heart. Pray with Me for the neighbor all the time. If your brothers and sisters can live the gifts and the celestial virtues, the Kingdom of God will descend to the world and also you will be inside of It.

Learn, child, to want for the neighbor always the best and may your plea be true.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who teaches you to intercede for the souls


Oh, memorable day on which Heaven descends to Earth to glorify the Mercy of God expressed in the Heart of His Holy Servant, the Virgin Mary.

Oh, day of Graces, of joy and of celestial praise, day on which the hearts receive from the Divine Source the piety to convert their lives and to find the salvation and the fullness in God.

A day of mercy will be this, on which the Lord will synthesize the Graces poured out by the womb of Creation, so that the souls receive over and over again the codes they have lost in the path.

Oh, day of salvation and of rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, because The One who conceives the Trinity in Her most pure womb will turn Her sweet eyes to the world, so that this Holy Spirit impregnate now the hearts and the consciousnesses of the pure of intention.

Today is the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity, a day chosen by God so that, before a cycle finishes and it starts another in the planetary life, the creatures may renovate themselves in Christ and receive from the Sacred Hearts the Graces they need in order to persevere.

Blessed will be those who will recognize the greatness of this day and who will they disseminate them in the world, announcing that hope still lives in the human heart.

Blessed will be those who will believe in the words of God and will receive, from His Divine Hands, the celestial treasures for the fulfillment of His Plans.

Blessed will be those who will consecrate their lives and will renounce to the stinginess and to the futilities of the world in order to live something pure and truly spiritual.

Blessed will be those who will take the impulses given in these days of special Grace and will live them in every instant of their lives, because those will be called multipliers of the Divine Grace.

Be joyful, rejoice and unite to God, in reparation of sins and perditions of souls that voluntarily launch themselves into the abysses of the world.

May this Earth be liberated and finally find peace and merge itself into the Spirit of God, with humanity conceiving the gifts of the Most High, because today is the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and faithful Husband of the Holy Virgin Mary


The School of humility of the Virgin Mary: The humility to be able to listen

Dear children,

In My school of humility it is essential to be able and learn how to listen to spiritual instruction. For this, the spirit of humility must permeate your consciousnesses so that you learn how to listen to everything which is needful to be heard. If your hearts listen, you will be humble, and in this time you will be able to understand what will allow the transformation to happen.

To find the spirit of humility and of surrender, first you must banish everything that your consciousnesses listen to in themselves. If you do not do this internally, you will never be able to generate the space needed in the consciousness for humility to act and have you be part of the inner transformation.

Dear children, consecration to God is not enough; the Father needs for you to learn to detach from your own forms and modalities, which have made of humanity a civilization without true instruction. For this reason, through the school of humility, you must gradually detach from every inner thought or feeling which opposes the higher action of humility. To achieve this detachment, you must recognize and accept the lack of humility existing in you, thus opening the heart so that it may govern above every mental or intellectual form.

Humility as essence is a powerful tool which allows doors to be opened to the healing of the heart and the deepest wounds, wounds which in most souls are caused by a state of incomprehension, and above all, by a lack of peace.

Every adversity or disappointment generated by the personal consciousness is the reflection of not feeling loved as one believes one should be, and of a lack of closeness to the higher principle of humility.

The school of humility allows the consciousness to recognize itself as it is and to see its difficulties as a possibility for exchanging them for attributes it has never experienced. The lack of humility generates a void in the inner world of beings, which cannot be filled by anything, not even by love. This happens because of permanence or the resistance to some true changes.

The lack of humility generates states of frustration or lack of concretization of goals in the material life in the consciousness. Therefore, for higher humility to draw closer, the consciousness must humble itself, and that is what arrogance and pride do not want to do from the moment in which they must be deposed from their power.

The invocation of humility presupposes facing some aspects of life that must die. When this search is honest, the Grace of God intervenes to dissolve the permanent difficulties. In humility there exists a door that leads straight to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the essence of humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

From the depths of My Heart, I aspire that you may find the path of peace, a peace that will help you to take the steps towards My Son.

On this day, when souls gather around My Son to receive His Mercy, I want you to sincerely offer your pleas for all non-believers so that the Grace of God considers them within the loving source of salvation.

Thus, dear children, the Lord needs the total and absolute inner union of each of you, so that His Work of Mercy be fulfilled in a humanity that is separated from the Kingdom of God and only seeks the realization of its own life, forgetting that the good is for all beings rather than for a few.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to charity and to the good, so that the rest of humanity be motivated to collaborate in the lacks and difficulties of others.

Dear children, work so that a more profound state of peace may be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

United with all in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While this world suffers the consequences of a great human wickedness, today I come with Saint Joseph in order to elevate towards the Heavens the ones who suffered and died in the recent world developments.

I place My hope in all of the hearts that in the end of times will have in their hands the banner of peace.

The wrath of God is provoked by so much injustice that falls on the innocent and makes us believe that the one who have power stronger.

But this will not last.  In order to avert a catastrophe in the human life, and to prevent the degeneration of the entire race I ask you again to dedicate to Me at least one mystery of the Holy Rosary a day as to thus alleviate the bitterness that God feels when He sees His children hurting one another.

So that the Sacred Hearts will be able to dissipate the currents of evil that expand like poison in the heart of humans, I come to beg you, My beloved children, that you offer Me the most pure prayer of the heart so that I may transmute the arrogance and the power of humans.

I wish to ask of you, in the name of My Beloved Son, that you pray with Me during sixty days, so that in this cycle the Grace of God and the unfathomable power of Mercy will avert the beginning of a third worldwide war.  If this came to pass, the whole world would lose the little peace that exists, and the most innocent would pay the price of human cruelty.

So that the Love and the Justice of God will reign above all, I come to ask that you beseech the Almighty God, because humanity is deviating itself more each day from its true mental and emotional coherence.

Although My crying has not calmed down, I desire, children of Mine, that you will implore the Merciful Jesus for His divine intervention to be established in the bosom of this sick humanity.  If more than two praying people unite under this sacred purpose, tragedies will be avoided, and peace will reign for some more time.

I ask God that all of My children become seriously aware so that they will cross this Armageddon in peace and harmony.

I thank you for alleviating the weeping of the Sacred Hearts!

In the peace that the world needs, who prays for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Note: The Mystery of the Rosary begins on the 19th of November of 2015 for 60 days.


Keep in your hearts the moments when you were with God. Keep as a treasure, as a stronghold, the moments when Heaven descended to Earth, to show humankind how this world must be.

Thus, in times of chaos, transmit the peace that dwells in your hearts to those among your brothers and sisters who have never felt God in their lives.

Hold as a treasure the moments when the Holy Spirit merged with you to show you that there is a divine essence within each being, which must express itself so that you may be an example for the whole of humanity, just like the Son of God was.

Christ arrived in the world not only to be contemplated, but also to be imitated. And, so that you may follow the steps of Christ, God offers you all that Jesus once received. You are beside His Holy Family, surrounded by angels and archangels and living under the guidance of the saints and patriarchs of all times. Now, the Lord cannot do anything else but wait for you to accept His offer.

May you, as did Christ, take the cross that will lead you to a new humanity, a cross that for the current humanity is not the martyrdom of the body; it is the overcoming of the temptations of the world, with the elevation of your consciousnesses. It is to be able to say “no” to all the stimuli that the enemy imprints in the human consciousness, and that little by little, make the union of creatures with their Creator disappear.

To carry the cross that will lead you to the new humanity, to the new Christs, is to find joy in the humble spirit, and though it is a solitary walk, little understood by humanity, may you follow this path which leads you to God.

May My words fill you, inspire you, and also encourage you to follow this path, which makes you find, within yourselves, the perfection of God.

Your beloved companion and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The world does not comprehend yet what is to live without the Love of God, the Love that heals, liberates and renews all things.

This full Love is rejected by some souls of the world that have only placed their eyes on their own fulfillment, on the conquest of peoples and entire regions on the Earth.

This has brought the separation of the spirit from the earthly being as consequence, breaking the true fusion that the Love of God promotes.

For this reason, My eyes do not stop crying and begging to the Celestial Father for His Divine Mercy because it will be through those who answer to My call that the Work of Peace will be concretized at least in one part of the world.

My spiritual wish is that everyday there may be souls in prayer that are capable of helping to change the events that humanity itself generates through the ambition of having more and more each day.  In this way, My dear children, My sorrow is not for the tests that are difficult to overcome, My maternal anguish is for the serious destiny that the humans are suddenly creating in many nations.

The Grace of God will purify their debts and soon they will be liberated from all.   But now, those called by Christ for the end of times must be willing and determined to carry out unexpected missions and rhythms of prayer increasingly wider; in this way the beast will not place its claws on some nations, those which must be guarded by the Light of My Maternal Heart.

Thus, My beloved children, aspire to be nothing, aspire to be in God and to follow His designs.  Many religious and lay people are surrounded by the influences of this current world, which diverts their attention from God.

One of the reasons why I have asked for the mysteries of the Holy Rosary is to take away from illusion and hypnotism whoever engages in all those things.  I hope that in face of the seriousness of the times of Armageddon My praying children, after the thirty-three days of prayer, do not lose the inner impulse of pleasing and relieving My injured Heart.

For your sincere help, even though it is a very small answer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the sinful souls.  The cup has not been broken yet by the ray of the Angel of God´s Justice; you and I are preventing it.

I thank you for answering to My urgent requests!

Who encourages you to walk in faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.

The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.

Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.

The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.

It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.

My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.

It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.

It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.

Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.

If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.

Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.

It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.

If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.

For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!

Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer


When your hearts open, the Eternal Paradise comes to meet you and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as flames of light, descend in order to merge into the depth of your spirits.

When your souls contact with one of the Gifts for only a few seconds of fervent prayer, the Grace of the Celestial Father converts what was irredeemable before; this is possible because your Heavenly Mother finds your hearts open, willing to accept the Will of the Eternal Father.

Dear children, when a heart simply opens to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I can assure you that My plan of peace is made possible because there is a spiritual receptivity.  Thus, My deified Soul, which glorifies the Lord, rejoices and the spiritual joy, the bliss, is great for all in the Universal Heaven.

Do not allow, children, your hearts to close; love, forgive and live in the name of God the path of conversion towards finding Peace.  Feel in everything, the blessed hand of God working and doing wonders in situations that did not have solution.

My Heart thanks all the pilgrims that will accompany with the heart the work of the Divine Messengers during this month of September, through the immediate answer that you will give.

My Immaculate Heart shall triumph!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who raises you to the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


As from this day, in honor of the Almighty God, your Heavenly Mother is preparing for August 8, the day on which a special blessing for the whole world will be given, in light of the Most Holy Trinity, and especially, a blessing for all those who are present in the Marian Center of Aurora.

From all of the universe, the Grace of God will touch the lives of many, and thus, once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in all those who have opened the door of their heart to Me. On that holy and universal day, one hundred and thirty-three angels guided by your Most Holy Mother, will be present, preciously adoring the holy and glorified image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in His Aspect of Grace.

It will be during those days that Heaven will unite with Earth to withdraw and expel all the roots of evil, through the Archangel Saint Michael, which hearts may want to release. The Aurora of My Heart will shine forth on those days like a great sun for all, and the last wonders will be granted to those who repent before God.

Like at Garabandal, Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe, the Mother of the World will leave a visible sign so that all may see it for two days at sundown; when this happens, it will indicate the day of the Return of Christ to the Church of Christ and all the religions.

For this, the universe chose August 8 to demonstrate the beginning of different times to those who until now, have lived normally. The soul who has not believed that I was in Aurora for so many years, will believe, and their eyes will open. The closed heart that rejected Me and denied Me, offending My holy name on the sacred soil of Aurora, on the great day of the sign will know, and will repent. That consciousness that has blasphemed and cursed My chosen instruments, I say that on the day of the great sign, they will be humbled and their evil will disappear like the dust that is carried away by the wind.

It will be in that sacred hour, before the three days of darkness on Earth, that the Woman clothed in the Sun, together with the Archangels Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, will be unexpectedly seen and nobody will be able to deny nor silence the fact that the Queen of Heaven guided them to redemption. Happy will be those that in the anonymous silence, have followed the Mother of God, for they will experience the eternal delight of being with Christ in the next Kingdom of God.

Everything that has happened up until today is part of a school of preparation. For this reason, correct your paths; seek a holy life of prayer and charity; love each other more, beyond your old appearances, and be grateful to God for having the awareness of what will happen. This will prepare you as My soldiers to be able to voluntarily help those who will fall into their own hells of fire and burning for not having listened to the word and the call to repentance.

The cup was full; now it is overflowing, and the world does not want to listen with their heart. But your Mother will try to save everybody up until the end, before it is too late. Thirty-four years in Medjugorje without phenomena, only with inner conversions, have been to prepare all My children for the day of the sign, when the world will have its expected Universal Judgment.

As from now, I am grateful that you not only hear My Words, but also that you live them, just as I lovingly proclaim them for everybody. God desires your good, that you live in kindness and in Mercy.

From this Kingdom of Aurora, I bless the meeting with all My children of the New Earth. God hopes that the young people will be the example for a life redeemed by the Love of God through the Mother that the universe has given you. Be testimonies of redemption of My Son; in this way, the doors of the Light will open for others.

I bless you always.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to Higher Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.

A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.

A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.

A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.

A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more.  I will call it reason of My coming to the world.

A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.

A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued.  I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.

My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.

With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.

When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.

On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing.   It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.

Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart.  Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.

On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.

I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.

Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.

May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages


May the pains be far away from your heart, because I, your Most Holy Mother, am with you.
May the arts of My adversary be far away, because My mantle protects your walk and your task, as well as those of your brothers and sisters.

May the sins of ingratitude and denial be far away from you, because inside of My Heart you will only feel peace and the eternal flame of the Creator's Light.

My children,

On this day in which I am with you by the Divine Grace that the Father has granted Me, I come to bring Peace, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy to My children of the world once again.

A new cycle begins to My soldiers, to the apostles of Christ and to all humanity.  My Son has announced the definitive beginning of His Return.  He returns, first of all, to the hearts of the children who are faithful to His Mercy, those in whom He prepares the path of transformation and of the emerging of the spiritual gifts that He sowed in each one of you, over two thousand years ago.

Such gifts will flourish in each soul, at each step taken in the sincere transformation of each being.  Remember that He does not need you perfect, only good and pure of heart, faithful to His Presence and to His Guidance in this life, which will be the step that will place some of you in Paradise.

At each step that each one of you takes in the discipleship of Christ, this world and this humanity take a step towards their liberation and their salvation.

For this, My children, beloved children, children who are strong and firm in renounce and in sacrifice, always remember that your path, the one you are traversing together with My Son today, will be the seed for the New Humanity, that humanity which is so much awaited by all.

Do not fear anything, because We, the Divine Messengers, have left inside of you the keys for the indissoluble union with the Heart of God, the ones that open up the doors of Liberation, of Redemption and of the eternal Peace for all.

In your stars of origin, today is a day of celebration because a cycle of the dissolution of debts, of redemption of the experiences and of the definitive pathway of the Christic life has begun.  In this cycle, you will learn that love which Christ taught to His Apostles, you will learn how to love and to be loved in the way He loved you.

Courage to those who shall see the next cycle as the best of their existences, the one that will prepare them to meet the Redeemer face to face.  In that glorious day, may you lovingly merge yourselves in His Gaze and be able to receive the Eternal Grace that the Supreme God keeps for each one of you.

Today I bless you, My daughter, in order for your path to be guarded by Me, your Celestial Mother.

I bless all the children who today, in humility and reverence, are in My Presence.

Who keeps you in Her Heart of Mother,

Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages


On this night of an encounter with My Heart, I want to reveal something important to you, something that will motivate the life of your spirits, which must always decide to follow My Path.

Through this special mission in Africa, you, on the inner planes, are before the Lords and Angels of the Final Justice, surrendering before the Sacred Table of God all debts committed and reflecting, from your souls, on these spiritual matters.

It is these fourteen Lords of the Final Judgment who also guided the prophets and saints and, together with the Guardian Angels, taught in other times about the Mercy of God and about the Gift of Fear of God.

Today your spirits, those who are living the time of debt redemption, are receiving the universal Grace of clearing the debts caused until today, through the service that is lovingly offered to nations of Africa, to souls that have been imprisoned for hundreds of years.

In honor of Adonai, the universe of the Lords of the Final Judgment decided to erase and make disappear from the Holy Books of Heaven a part of the great sin of humanity.

Your souls are in deep meditation, and perhaps many of you do not perceive this today, but I want to instruct you that the possibility of having fulfilled the humanitarian mission for peace and for the spiritual redemption of Africa is generating a sea of Graces and a universe of opportunities.

There are consciousnesses that would not deserve it. Within the attributes of the Law of God, they would not deserve it.

Companions, through the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, a kind of freezing of the Law is happening and the effects it generates, due to the serious faults of humanity, are being avoided.

If the mission to Africa had not happened, as well as the mission to the north of Brazil, certain consequences in the spiritual universe of humanity would have had no return. Also through the participation in the Sacred Week of this month, a form of internal atonement was deposited in all those who, without arrogance but with faith, participated in these meetings with Jesus, and once again Christ obtained the victory in the most condemned hearts.

Thus, many, before the Lords of the Final Judgment, became responsible and committed for life, until the last moments of the transition on Earth, to respond to the final designs that My Heart will reveal, during the days of tribulation, to a certain group of souls, and that will serve as protection and spiritual shelter for all those souls that continue to trust in Jesus.

When the crucial hour of your purification arrives, it will be the great moment of your confirmation before the Celestial Father and you will receive the chance of not deviating from the path and of blindly following all the Instructions of your Lord.

For those most crucial moments, I will already find Myself in retreat, in prayer and vigil, preparing to return as no one imagines in their mind and heart.

But I will come and many will recognize Me, but the codes of My victory in you must be the shield against all evil, and he who prays will not lose them.

Under the Grace that comes from Emmanuel, be blessed.

Thank you for giving of yourself from your heart to fulfill My Works of Redemption.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, province of Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am here to silently ask you to unite with Me and to not separate yourself from Me.

In the mystery of tests, there is the path of the great step to transcendence.

My project for your little life is to transform you into a new instrument, always available for when it may be necessary and opportune to help the souls of the world.

After this life, there will be another one, better than the one you have experienced. For this reason, take the necessary precautions to live My holy Word in this life.

I have come to ask you for something that is beyond your expectations and aspirations. I come to ask for your innermost trust in My Sacred Heart because when souls trust in Me, many human decadences are replaced by My Rays of Mercy and everything is transformed by the gifts of My Light. In this way, souls do not miss the opportunity of again finding the consolation they so lack.

I come to unite you with My father, with the great Universal Emanation of Love and Unity. I only ask you not to miss the path of sanctification.

In order to be able to experience current changes, you must strengthen your faith in Me; this will allow you to erase doubts and concerns.

When a soul strives to seek Me every day, it will be able to know that in its last days My Heart will remember it and it will go to the Kingdom of My Father.

Do not fear to face that which you cannot face; the Lord sends you His supreme Grace through My sacred Presence on this day.

The Lord assembles you in one consciousness of peace so that, in these times, redemption may awaken in everyone.

I give you the assurance that you so greatly seek within yourselves. I give you My sincere and inseparable Love of the Heart.

Under the Grace of God that assembles and heals you, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Monthly Message of the Virgin and Mother of Divine Mercy, the Most Holy Mary, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

As Mother of Divine Mercy, I come to the world, with the Light of My Son, to heal and redeem all those who are so in need of forgiveness, redemption and peace, and who are on Earth, lost from God and forsaken of heart.

I am the Holy Mother of all peoples, of all races.

I am the same One who is hidden in the mountains, Caacupé, as the One who was found in the waters, Aparecida.

I am the One who delivers freedom to the 33, I am the One who comes to those who need to take a new step, and I give the world the fruits of a Figueira of love.

I am the One who brings to souls the Spirit of God and conceives the Divine Trinity in hearts.

I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb.

I am the Mother of the world, the universe and of all of you.

Those who decide to be under My Mantle recognize My Countenance in all the manifestations of the world and know I am the same one in Heaven as on Earth, and that I come to teach you that nothing should be separate, not in this world, nor in others.

My beloveds, I travel through the nations to unite the peoples, even if it be through their representatives. I come to build that network of light, which must light up the planet through prayer, when the sun no longer shines in the sky of this world.

I want to see in My children the light that illumines the paths of those who walk in darkness. I want to form you, so that the Holy Spirit may find a dwelling place in your consciousnesses, and others who did not have the Grace of being in My Presence may find Me in their hearts.

My dear children, blessed are they who take the risk of responding to the call of God. Now I ask you to allow that call to become a fertile seed in your essences, and little by little, be a life that testifies to conversion and faith for those who have forgotten God.

In the simplicity of your hearts, may the door be found through which My Son will return to the world. May your hearts be humble, so that they may became the cradle of the poor but blessed inner Bethlehem, which will receive the New Child, so that for the second and last time, He may remove the evil that torments the heart of humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Beloved of My Heart, begin today through your little lives to prepare the path of the Lord. Once and for all, remove from your lives all that which does not belong in this humble manger of Bethlehem.

Once again, the Birth of Christ is announced to the world, and now, He will be born in many hearts, and others He will cause to be reborn in life, for redemption and the institution of Peace.

I am the bearer of Mercy, Who asks of you: be merciful, so that the Kingdom of God may descend to the world.

I bless you and thank you, because Divine Grace descended upon this place and your lives were filled by the divine presence.

I love you.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Divine Mercy


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
