In truth, children, few will have the Grace, in this time, of recognizing the Wonders of God even in the smallest details of life; few will have the capacity to understand that behind each request or intention, there the Will of God is to be found.

For this reason, only those who have a simple heart and a humble mind will not doubt nor fail in their faith, because being empty of self, they will be free of themselves.

You should never, children, put your faith into play, and even less the Designs of the Father through His Hierarchies, since behind everything a Purpose exists that is intangible to the prideful and the owners of themselves.

In this time, children, you must learn to differentiate between the Will of the Father and your own will; you must stop underestimating what you do not like and seems false to you in comparison with that which you fancy and makes you feel good.

On a spiritual path, you should never judge with the same measuring stick what you like and what you do not like; you must keep in mind that your inner wavering or your unreal doubts must not destabilize the Work, and above all, your sibling consciousnesses, as others have already done after having shared everything with them.

One should not small-mindedly judge the Work of God.

Be mindful and watch over the Supreme Truth rather than what is convenient to you.

I will be thankful if you are more mature in evolution.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Child, at the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, cry out for mercy and discernment, so that your steps may be right, and the path chosen by you always take you to the Heart of God.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, let yourself be flooded by the Humility that comes from the Heart of God.

Your Lord is already beginning to take the first steps towards the Earth and it will not be the gold of the world that will make you shine before the Eyes of God, for Him to find you. It will be the pearl revealed in your heart, when you clean and purify the mud of your miseries, that, for God will be the sign and the seal so that He may find the redeemed-on Earth.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, do not let the shame and fear of seeing yourself humiliated be greater than the Grace of achieving humility. Let yourself be stripped away of the things of the world and let them only belong to its vanities.

The day will come in which God will seek to receive from you the multiplication of the treasures given to you, but if you have not known them, how will you come to multiply them?

God did not give you the riches of the Earth, but rather the virtues hidden in the heart, sometimes even covered over by skills and good appearances, but those are really not what your Creator expects from you.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, search in your heart for the greater virtue of giving up, the treasure of faith, the richness of charity, the joy of surrender. Heaven and Earth will pass, but what God placed inside of you will multiply.

Give yourself up, as God gave Himself up, becoming a child in the arms of the Most Holy Mary,

Give yourself up, as the Creator did, escaping death and going to Egypt, in profound surrender in the hands of His Holy Children, made His Parents there.

Give yourself up, in the silence of God, denied on the Earth He had chosen to sanctify, walking towards distant peoples who would know how to listen to Him.

Give yourself up, as does God Who know how to forgive, who throws casts upon the ground the stones of the sins of men and does not throw but Forgiveness and Mercy at them.

Give yourself up, as did Christ Who – being perfect – sat at the table of sinners, and inviting them as they were, forgave them and redeemed their sins.

Give yourself up and transform the loneliness, the sacrifice and the pain of the cross into a real and perfect love, that crosses and transforms the Universes.

Give yourself up, as God gave Himself up to death, but also giving Himself up to the mystery of faith, that gives life back and resurrects with the One Who died for you, Who lives today to teach you to return to life.

At the doorway of a last and definite cycle for humanity, child, give yourself up and do not judge any longer, do not criticize, do not defame, do not pretend and do not sin any longer.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In ancient times, prior to the Birth of My Son, Jesus, there were great sages, scattered throughout various points of the East and the Far East, beings who also brought to humanity the expression of Love-Wisdom.

During those ancient times, the oldest human civilization took the first steps when it discovered within itself that there lies a universe or essence that is capable of allowing us to connect with the Source of Creation.

The first spiritual beings emerged from allegories or mythologies; in fact, they were born in this world and within humanity to attract wisdom as experience.

It was thus that Hindus, Persians, the Chinese and Buddhists provided humanity with knowledge of their myths or legends which, in truth, were drawn through the experience of deeply knowing the inner universe and knowing how it manifests itself.

Today I talk about the ancient sages of the planet or of mythologies because they were the means or bridges by which the human race, throughout time, could know that within the wisdom of things lies the explanation of everything.

In those times, the sages of former times prepared humanity before to the time of Jesus so that it could receive the powerful Christic energy which came to free the world and teach it the path of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If a part of your being still does not believe that I am here, why are you still here?

By chance, am I not here, Who is your Mother?

Firstly, be grateful for everything that you live and for everything that you experience.

Do not try to escape any longer from the reality that surrounds you, because truly, child, you will be escaping from yourself, and where you choose to be, you will always be with yourself, carrying the same cross everywhere.

Have the inner awareness that you will not be able to change the world, and not even people, overnight.

Accept with joyful resignation the test that Heaven sends you in this time.

You will not be better or worse by being away from the reality that could be disturbing your heart.

Live each experience as a unique possibility for expanding your love and your renunciation.

Do not allow your mind and My adversary to deceive you.

Distrust everything that comes from you and what your mind processes, because if you stay in that place, you will always find a great obstacle.

Start by making the change that you expect so much, first inside of you, and do not try, in any way, to change the Plan, the destiny, nor the events.

Do not believe that in this world you will find perfect things. Be truly intelligent, and do not allow doubts to erase and dissipate the faith of your heart.

Accept, above yourself, the destiny in which the Universe has placed you. And if you want so much that people and things be perfect, as you need them, begin by being the example in patience, in effort, and in service, without wanting to escape or hide from the true need so as not to feel tired.

Live your Gethsemane with intelligence and let only the constant love of your fellow beings invade you, a deep love that you have never lived before.

Search, child, for the truth in what is simple and easy, and not in what would delight you as perfect and complete. If you have surrendered your life into the Hands of God, His own Hands put you in this place, where you must serve unconditionally; and today your Mother from Heaven tells you this, I declare it without intermediaries.

Have gratitude and expand it, so that others may recognize in you a New Christ who accepts, understands, and loves beyond self and of any expectation.

Work every day for your redemption based on profound acts of love and of service, and I assure you that the doubts, or even the disagreements, will no longer be in you; but they will die in the mouth of the one who utters them: My rival.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Before the Light of the Sacred Centers of the planet, humanity receives the keys that open the doors to ancient knowledge, and the mysteries are unveiled for everyone.

The consciousness sets aside ignorance and the inner worlds of the creatures of God awaken under the principles of new codes.

All the secrets of yore are unveiled so that the terrestrial consciousness is able to take the step, and in this way, achieve freedom from its spiritual captivity.

The Sacred Centers of the planet, places in which Divine Wisdom circles and dwells, unconditionally offer themselves so that this surface humanity may abandon its precarious lifestyle and awaken to its true inner reality.

For this, all the tools of God manifest themselves from the invisible Creative Universe, in order that open hearts may perceive that the time has changed.

The most critical moment of purification is approaching in order that this humanity abandon the path that has always led to its downfall.

The Light of the Sacred Centers is ignited and souls feel themselves called to enter into a greater experience.

Thus, the consciousness, which before was imprisoned in its forms, finds the sense in being here, on this planet and in this humanity.

What before was hidden from the arrogant, is now revealed to the simple of heart, and in this way, the Plan of the Creator fulfills all its stages.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am the Mother of the Americas, as of the whole world.

I Am the One who shelters the children of God in Her Arms, because since I gestated the Redeemer in My Womb, the Creator conceded the power to Me to be the Mother and Guardian of all souls that come from His Sacred and Glorious Heart, from His Creator Source of Peace.

Children, My motherhood is silent and hidden to many, but My Heart is always attentive to the needs of this world.

My spiritual mission is to accomplish, on Earth as in Heaven, the Will of God, and just as I sustained and sheltered My Son from His birth until the Cross, I must also shelter and sustain all beings, all nations, all of humanity, from their emergence until the fulfillment of their spiritual mission.

Just as souls do, the nations have a spiritual purpose to accomplish; something that builds the path for the descent of the Kingdom of God on to Earth, so that the new and awaited Spiritual Jerusalem may be established in the life of the planet, as part of the Divine Promise for this world. And it is so that nations awaken and for this purpose to be safeguarded that I Am here and I guide you.

Beloved children, since I was with My Son Jesus and My Chaste Spouse Joseph among humankind, God gave Me the mission of safeguarding the companions of Christ, of keeping alive the promise of His Return, of preparing His path and of not allowing it to be lost from the human consciousness, all the legacy of Love that He left on Earth, since His birth in Bethlehem.

Thus, children, I Am the Guardian of Love, of the Love that was born in the Heart of Christ, and also of the Love that must awaken and grow in the hearts of all My children. Because today I tell you that it is this Love that will awaken in you, that will resound like a celestial tuning fork, and will cause all the codes that My Son left in the depths of this planet to awaken.

It is through the awakening of Love in your hearts, that you will cause all the spiritual treasure that God stored on Earth to emerge, which you will need to move through the times and the tests that will come.

It is the awakening of Love in your hearts that will open the doors to a spiritual and divine legacy, hidden and unknown for humanity until today.

It is for this reason that I come from nation to nation, with the simple purpose of teaching you to Love.

The Plan of God is kept in simplicity and its mystery dwells there: from being so simple, human beings do not seek it and do not find it.

I come today to awaken the note of Love in your hearts, and that your voices resound like a great universal and divine tuning fork, so that this Love may expand and find the hearts of those that most need to learn to Love. In this way, you will heal the planet, like a secret, like a mystery that is hidden in the power of prayer.

May the nations elevate their voices in a true prayer, and may this cry light the flame of your spirits and dissipate darkness. This is why I Am here with you.

My children, when you pray from the heart, you are never alone; My Rosary beads move together with yours, My Word elevates your voices to the Celestial Altars, and when you think that no one hears them, I make them come to God.

So that the Purpose and the Will of the Father be fulfilled, only trust in My Words, pray and love with the depths of the heart.

I bless you and I bless all the nations that today open the doors to Me, so that the Graces I bring from Heaven may spread beyond Argentina and reach the whole world.

May Love convert the fear, resentment, and pain of human hearts. May the frontiers give way to Unity, and the New Spiritual Jerusalem find its space among humankind.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


God is Justice in love and in mercy.

Gods knows the kindness of souls and the virtues of small hearts.

God knows of all the right choices in life, but also already knows about the possible mistakes.

God knows the greatness of love in the human heart, but also knows about the weakness of the oppressed.

But above all, God seeks good among His children and consideration among the disciples of Christ.

God knows of the aspirations of His children, but also knows about the temptations that His rival causes in creatures.

God accepts all the offerings, but also embraces all the sacrifices.

God always shows Himself just, but still more merciful and compassionate.

God is great in love, but small and simple in all things.

Imitate the greatness of the Father.

Imitate, in these time, the universe of His donation, because in this way you will always be with Him, in each moment, and He will strengthen you to take new steps.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The little Flower of Carmo

Here is the little Flower of Carmo da Cachoeira, a flower that buds and opens on feeling the love of its most simple children.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that emanates the subtlest aromas of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that expresses for everyone the beauty of Creation.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that shows everyone the Simplicity and the Purity of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that radiates the subtle rays of Love like a sun.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower present in the spaces and gardens of the pilgrims of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is in the hands of its children, worthy children of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that adorns and blesses the altars and the homes that receive the Presence of the Mother of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws the most simple and humble towards the Glory of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that reflects, in itself, a devotion for the beloved Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that gives to all the simple Love of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, that is found on the streets, in the valleys and hills of this people in redemption.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws from the Universe the Omnipotence of God, so that all living beings awaken to the spirit of Divine Compassion.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that conceives in its simplicity the inner Gifts of God, a flower that heals the wounds of the hearts and of the souls in need of forgiveness.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that opens portals to the Mercy of God, so that every creature, in Heaven or on Earth, may be worthy of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that unites and consolidates what is divided; a flower that gathers and strengthens the fellowship in the family, a deep and wise love among all the beings of the Earth.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that mirrors the Purpose of God for the world, the essence of the mission for each being of this planet.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that awakens the Holy Virtues of God in the pure of heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, the flower of each missionary heart, the flower of the guardian of the Will of God, a flower that shows to all the ardent devotion for the Higher.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is abundant in the city, in the corners of this town, so that souls may remember that God loves them, expects them to be open of heart in order to carry out in their lives the infinite Purpose of His Divine Heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, flower of the Most Holy Mary, flower that manifest from the Heavens to emanate all the Graces that you need, in order to make of your lives instruments in the Hands of God.

I thank you for receiving Me today in this place with such love.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today My Heart lights up with joy for those most simple and for those most poor; because of the love that emerges from their hearts while calling upon your Celestial Mother so that She, as a sweet Lady, may come to meet Her children.

Today I come here because of those who have called Me.

Once again, dear children, I congregate you in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, where you can have the divine experience, the meeting with God and the manifestation of His divine Purpose for each one of your consciousnesses.

Today I come dressed in white, crowned by My children and with the moon at My feet, to announce to the world that there is still time to repent.

God thirsts for the love of all His creatures, for the sincerity of hearts, for the truth of all the servers who can express it in these times.

God has His Arms open, showing His shining Heart, indicating to all that there is still time to enter into the Ocean of His Mercy, so that your debts may be purified, so that your souls may be healed and so that you can simply feel, dear children, something that I feel all the time, which is to be in the joy of God; in union with His divine and unfathomable Source, in perpetual and perfect communion.

So that all this may be possible and may first emerge in your lives, you must continue to pray the Rosary every day, because the announcement that I made in Fatima is still latent.

After one hundred years, the world is in the great gravity, in a great chaos that submerges many souls into hell.

I request, dear children, that with the same sincerity of your hearts and the same warmth of your prayers, today offered to the Holy Creator, you continue to form groups of prayer so that in this city and beyond it, there may be pillars of light that will be placed by Heaven and under the order of My Immaculate Heart, through the work of the holy angels.

I come to request, dear children, that you continue to pray for the equilibrium of the planet and its humanity, that your hearts do not tire of proclaiming your faith in God, nor of seeking the Church so that, through the Eucharist, your lives may be in communion with My beloved Son, every day.

I need, dear children, that you turn this city into a Mirror of My Celestial Kingdom. And that will begin first in you, living good attitudes, reflecting good examples, transforming your lives through the extremely powerful flow of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, I ask you to follow My steps, the steps that I am pointing out today, so that God can allow Me to return here as many times as is necessary and under the principle of His divine Will.

I need your hearts to continue to open so that My angels, the angels that accompany Me today and that surround your Celestial Mother, can heal your deepest wounds and so that, after each meeting with Me, you may leave renewed with strengthened hope, with unquenchable faith, with an unknown love that will finally free you from this captivity of the end of times.

Today I come especially to gather up your prayers so that more Graces may be poured out upon the world, especially upon those corners of the world where the whole of humanity still does not know what happens. How much souls suffer in silence, through slavery and persecution!

I come to use your prayers from today to be able to close more hells on this planet; so that more souls, in likeness to yours, may awaken and get out of this illusion that blinds the world.

I come to open the portals of the Universe so that not only you, but also more souls of the whole world may feel and hear the call of God to consecrate their lives to the Infinite and make of this planet a sacred people, just as was the people of the desert, in the Company of Moses.

Through My maternal eyes, I come to contemplate the sweetness that emerges from your hearts today, the warm prayer that ennobles your spirits and vivifies your souls before the presence of the Mother of God.

Now, more than ever, God has His ears well available to listen to the pleas of His children. Some will soon achieve the graces they need, but others must continue to pray, every day, to be able to achieve the Great Grace of God. Because true prayer, which can be pronounced by your hearts, will free you, will redeem you and you will be able to achieve peace through ending the human debt, all sins that make of hearts, suffering hearts.

I come, dear children, to institute My Portal of Peace in the world and I come to make of you souls in constant renewal, hearts in adoration to God.

I want to work My miracle in the most simple so that they may testify to the world the power of the Love of God when hearts open and allow the Creator to transform them, not only through His Holy Servant, but also, My children, through the prayer and devotion of your hearts.

I want to build the impossible here, in a world of chaos and so many wars. My eyes contemplate situations that you do not know, that the whole world does not know, and those which I aspire to share with My children, those who will open to feel the pain of this world with Me.

I want to make of this place, as well as your homes and your hearts, cenacles of reparation, to repair the Heart of God, so offended and so wounded by the actions of humankind.

My children, tonight I not only share the joy of My Holy Spirit with your little hearts, but I also give you a thorn from My Heart so that you may repair it with your constant prayers. For on this night I tell you that not much is needed to repair the Heart of God. When you are simple, but true, you can open the doors of Heaven and, within yourselves, you can contemplate the Heart of the Father, which He shows to His children when they open to see it.

On this night, I come to reveal a celestial mystery to you: the mystery of reparation, so that you may learn, My children, that on transforming your lives, you are not only transforming your families and bringing a little more peace to your homes, to your friends. In this way, children, when you transform your spirits and your hearts, when you pray every day, together with Me, you are repairing the Heart of God from faults that you do not know, you are generating merits so that many lost souls may find the way out of the darkness in which they live, in this world and beyond it.

My children, I want to build the triumph of God in your hearts so that this triumph may spread from you toward the world. I only need you to say “yes” to Me and to truly pray, transforming the priorities in your lives, being aware, children, of those actions that do not build the Plan of God in this world but rather, on the contrary, destroy the grace of your spirits, the grace that I give you, time and again, when I come from Heaven to meet with you.

Do not lose, My children, everything that I gave you and everything that I will still give to you, by coming to this world. But rather, day and night, with your prayers, with your actions, with the transformation of your lives, build a Greater Grace for all of this planet. The planet is at war, it is in permanent agony, which many do not perceive because they only see their small sufferings and only seek their vain happiness.

Today, My children, I want you to know a greater happiness, which transcends all that fills you with the things of this world. I come to give you celestial joy, which is beyond all human suffering and which is even found through sacrifice and constant effort.

I want you to know, children, the joy of being in My Immaculate Heart and of sharing all the blessings of Heaven with Me, so that you may bring them to your brothers and sisters, those who are beside you and those who are in the world, in remote and unknown places.

Come with Me, My children, transcending the borders between nations, through the prayer of your hearts, so that the world may find a greater time of peace through your lives.

Is what I ask you too much, that you pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, uniting the mirrors of your hearts with My Immaculate Heart? Pray with Me, children, and see your lives transformed by the Grace of My Spirit, by the presence of My Immaculate Heart.

You are part of the story of My life, which I write each day through the conversion of your heart and the perpetual awakening of a renewing prayer, a prayer that brings the faith and hope, that which the world needs so much.

And I tell you again, dear children, that I must go to the United States again; My task with that nation is not finished yet, and through your collaboration and your union with Me, it will be possible for Me to triumph again in the more awakened hearts and, above all, in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God through the action of My enemy.

I come to build in you the importance of uniting with all races and cultures so that together, dear children, we may attend to this planetary emergency, which is a responsibility of each one of you.

I Am your Mediator, the Peace-maker, the Mother who consoles souls and hearts.

Today I come with a special blessing for those who will consecrate themselves as new Children of Mary. May you now come up to My altar so that I may bless you all.

I will pray to the Eternal Father for you:

“Lord of the Heights, maximum Omnipotence,
which is mirrored and is alive in all universes,
as in all stars,
participate in this moment with us.
Hear the voice of Your faithful Servant:
make Your Celestial Kingdom descend,
transmute and purify souls
and vivify them with the Fire of Your divine Spirit
so that Your original Project, Eternal Father,
may be established in humanity, in all those who today are redeemed
at the feet of Your Celestial Servant.


I consecrate you, dear children, and I ask you from today on to be a part of My army of Light, of My soldiers of prayer, of My warriors of Mercy, so that you may carry to the world the relief that it needs and the hope that many souls have lost in these critical times.

Today I am crowned again as Mother and Lady of this city. The next step, dear children, will be that from the square of this city, to this location, we will do a procession in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, during the next meeting, so that I am able, dear children, to bring many more souls, millions of souls, into My Heart, and from My Heart to the Celestial Kingdom.

So be it.

I bless you and maternally thank you for having responded to My call, once again.

I have been able to do many things in the world and concretize here on Earth the Sacred Will of God, by means of this meeting.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be My Peace in the world so that more hearts may be ignited in the Mercy of the Creator.

See you later, dear children.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In these times, the Spirit of Peace will lead you into concretizing things that once seemed impossible. For this reason, your alliance with the Eternal Father, worked on daily, builds this bridge that is capable of bringing the principles of healing from the universe.

The Holy Spirit of Peace acts on all planes of consciousness and brings understanding at the moment of making important decisions.

It will be this Holy Spirit of Peace, which comes to you time and again, that will nourish your presence with precious gifts that will build a new consciousness and a new being. 

In this way, the Holy Spirit of Peace will fill you and allow you to understand universal mysteries that are far from those who are ambitious and proud.

It is this Holy Spirit of Peace that will bring you a sacred humility to live in daily resignation and in absolute surrender under the governance of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the sacred Knowledge descends through simple words, I invite you to love supreme Truth, because, in this way, in these times, you will be guided by the Primordial Source.

Simple words allow souls to live change. When words are filled with love and simplicity, with the heart, consciousnesses receive the inner knowledge that the Divine Source emanates, time and again.

The sacred Knowledge ennobles souls with humility, in this way, it makes them real and it allows them to experience the events that will come to the world.

Sacred Knowledge brings them closer to the inner reality of these times, which needs to be understood and accepted by humanity.

Thus, in this cycle, through sacred Knowledge, souls need to awaken to the mission of reverting the times that will come through expressions of love, unity, charity and service, for those consciousnesses that urgently need to discover the need for a deep change of consciousness.

Sacred Knowledge opens the door to an awakening of what is supreme, superior and sublime.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Place your gaze upon My Heart so that you may find the Universe of My Peace.

On this day I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, who takes care of religious life and also of the evolution of souls.

For this reason, I have come today with the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you may feel encouraged to enter into it and confidently feel your true origin.

This is the House of the Father, where everything is created and recreated.

This is the plane and the dimension where everything exists and nothing is separate; because here, in this place, the Primordial Source arises from where this entire Universe that was created has come, from the moment in which the Father emitted His Thought and His Feeling of Love so that everything would exist, as well as His creatures, so similar to His Divine Consciousness.

It is from this Higher Heaven that I come today as Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel, to strengthen the spirituality of souls.

Today I show Myself like this, before your inner eyes and before your hearts, so that you may see that something greater exists, and which is unknown to many.

In this place is also Christ, your Lord, your Master and Sovereign.

From there, with the Laws of the Father, He rules the Universes and commands them, so that fraternity, love and unity may exist.

Into this Heaven, not all can enter, but there are other Heavens that are open to receive you.

I show you this Heaven from where I come today, because it is where I will take those to whom I have appeared through this Work, so that together with Me, and in the next world that will not be material, they may continue to serve Me and may continue to respond to the call, which is not only for the future humanity, for the next humanity, for the next race, but also for everything that will come afterwards, for this Universe and beyond it.

Each one of the souls has a place in Heaven, which it must conquer with its sacrifice, with its surrender, with its renunciation and above all, with prayer.

If these foundations do not exist in your lives, how will you be able to enter into these Heavens, where your spiritual and infinite life will continue together with the blessed angels, together with the Sacred Hearts, which from this place cry out to the Father for a greater Grace for humanity?

Even though, to many, it may seem that many things do not make sense in this material life, or that it does not matter if they are lived or experienced as sacrifice and surrender, today I tell you, dear children, that all of this is very important to God; because it is the testimony and the way for you to pay for your debts of the past, and that through the Divine Mercy that arises from this Primordial Source, you may be able to enter, in the next world, the Universes that I offer you today with so much mercy, grace, and love.

Today, everything that surrounds My celestial aura is sublime and infinite, it is cosmic and higher, because in this place equality, justice, brotherhood, and equilibrium are lived.

Everything is in its place, so as to be able to awaken and evolve, just as God thinks and feels it. But the world and humanity have their gaze placed upon other things, and the time of definition is approaching, and it will depend on each one of My children for them to be able to take this great step towards their spiritual mission and towards their path, which will continue in the stars.

Meanwhile, I come to you to call you, so that you may follow Me in trust and faith, because in this way, on the inner planes I will be able to call all of humanity, and above all, the part that is most asleep and far from God, without knowing true love, true existence, and the true meaning of being incarnated in this time and in this final cycle.

All the tests that you go through will strengthen you.

All the difficulties that you experience will make you grow, so that you may be able to find the path and the meaning for responding to something greater and sublime.

From this place whence I come today, from one of the seven Heavens of the Creator, I come to call you so that you are able to expand the consciousness of your charity and service to others, because it is necessary to help a world that suffers and is in agony day after day.

I come to teach you to generate, through good examples rather than through resistances, the necessary merits to be able to enter into the Universes that God hopes so much for in the next world.

Quickly acquire a spirit of charity and service to others, and  learn, in these times, to take care of the Work of God in all details, because each thing that you do in this time will have great influences in the Plan.

Help the destiny of this Plan to be fulfilled as it is thought.

Help yourselves so that the Plan can be concretized.

In this Universe where I come from today, many things happen that are unknown to the  conscious humanity.

Here are kept projects, ideas, and treasures that the Creator emanates directly from His Source, in a permanent and continuous way.

I am talking to you about the designs that are born of His Eternal Heart, so that in all the manifestations of His Creation they can be fulfilled, and the souls may finally come know the essence of Love, which in this time they must conquer with effort and sacrifice.

This, at least, however simple it may seem, will make of this humanity a redeemable humanity; it will generate a possibility for new Laws of the Universe to be able to act in an infernal and indifferent world.

But in spite of everything, dear children, My Heart is untiring, My patience is infinite, and My purpose for you is even greater, and I work for this.

I wish My words would not pass, as other words or other messages have passed.

I need you to internalize My messages and to be able to understand, through your hearts, all the symbols that I reveal to you, because in this way, you will be consciously prepared to see the signs that the Universe will show in a short time.

And in spite of this, the planet will not stop suffering.

I need My servants and the apostles of Christ to be responsive to each need that presents itself in these times, no matter how simple it may seem. If you do not do it, dear children, you will not be growing inwardly, but rather will be evolutionarily stagnating.

And you must continue growing to be able to embrace new principles and new purposes that God will show you in the coming years.

Your lives are no longer your lives; your paths are no longer your paths; your decisions are no longer your decisions.

Learn to be in Christ, for Him to be able to be in you, and thus act. And be aware, be discerning, and have the wisdom not to make mistakes or err.

I invite you to be stewards of an unknown Purpose.

I invite you to be the pillars of an infinite Work, that does not only begin and end in an apparition, in a message, or in the liberation of a region, of a country, of a people, of suffering, or of a culture.

With the bases of Instruction that you have received in the last thirty years and in the recent times, I need you to be able to act just as God needs it.

The demand will be greater, but the consolation will be very great.

My Immaculate Heart will be the fortitude of those who are consistent, of those who say "yes" without thinking about it so much, and of those who respond spontaneously, without any resistance to live that which is new, renewing and transforming.

I wish you would receive in your hearts the Designs of God, just as My Immaculate Heart receives them at this time, as the Sacred Lady of Mount Carmel, who again gives you the symbol of the scapular of peace, so that souls may have on their bodies the union between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, between this Universe and Paradise.

you may have the mysteries of the Infinite, of the Universe that holds you and will always hold you, as your strength for the tests that will come,  because they are supported by the Faith and the Hope of God Himself, your Creator Father.

I come to prepare you for a time in which My voice will no longer sound upon the world, but the echo of My words must be inside of you.

Everything that I have said to you throughout these years and that I will say the years that will come must remain imprinted in your consciousnesses and reflected in your lives as pure and simple actions, of hearts that are awake to fulfill the Plan of God.

Many want to find the Celestial Mysteries only with the research of the mind, but forget about the simplicity of the heart, of building this path with the stairway of a true prayer, of service to the neighbor, of the understanding the miseries of their brothers and sisters, to heal in oneself that which they expect to see healed in others.

deeper mission, in which I will conduct the human consciousness to unknown Universes.

the symbols that will manifest in the future, in order to dissipate the disbelief of hearts and so that you are be able to guide others in the moment when everything may happen.

Today, My children, as Our Lady of Carmel, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lady and Mother of all consecrated spirits, I grant a special Grace to all My religious children of this world, so that they may be liberated from the atavisms of the past and that their consecration may be real; so that all of the brotherhoods, monasteries, convents, temples, in real union with God, may become these pillars of light that will sustain the world, and that the Truth may be lived there, rather than human mediocrity.

in a near future, face to Face, without guilt or fear, for not having done what He expected of His companions.


The Spirit of God will speak through humankind

When the human heart, My children, understands, through the consequences of its actions, where its arrogance and ignorance take it, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When religions realize that what is most important is to establish the Kingdom of God, rather than maintaining structures and institutions, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When governments understand that there is no government distant from the One Who created and knows all things, the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.

When parents teach their children to live in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Universe, and with fellow beings, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

Humanity will become tired of living the consequences of their successive mistakes, the fruit of actions they carry forward without God. In that moment, My children, the simple will look to Heaven and the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When humankind no longer wants to aggrandize themselves, because they understand their human smallness and misery, they will seek the Word of Life in the Heights, and it is then that the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.

That moment will come when the consequences of human ignorance become visible to all the eyes of the world, and even those who longed for power will fear having it in their hands, because they will know their own frailty and inability to act without God.

The Spirit of God will speak through the simple, who at first will be heard by only a few, because they will be among the smallest, and many times, they will speak through the silence of their actions.

The Spirit of God will speak in the healthy of spirit, prepared by Him to come to the world, after having known the Universe, Creation, and the Divine Plan. They will be aware of human misery, but also of the greatness of God, which is hidden in their inner potential. That will make them humble and strong in Christ, to speak fearlessly to humanity, and through service and fraternity, proclaim the institution of the new life.

When hearts are no longer able to find consolation and many have lost faith in God for not finding guidelines in humankind where they sought them, it will be in the simplest and most hidden that the Spirit of God will emerge, will return and will live, as the prophets and patriarchs of the past. And He will speak, will announce and once more open the hearts of those who had lost their faith and hope. Humanity will find again the guidelines of love in the pure and the simple, who will shine not for themselves, but for the Spirit of God that will be with them.

When faith will seem to have vanished from the temples and churches, and love is scarce in the human beings who try to guide others on their own, rather than in God, it will be in the pure and in the simple, children, that the Spirit of God will speak, inspire, and unite religions and cultures, that on their own will not find the strength to remain in the world. Their examples will renew the faith and the hope for the return of My Son. They will speak of the Living Christ, and their word will be fire rather than only sound. They will open the paths to the Universal King and will be the first to prostrate on the ground, even before the Heavens open for the coming of the King.

The non-believers, who will still deny the Return of Christ, will see them prostrated, without anything happening, and they will slander them, mock them, and will exalt themselves. But the pure will not stand up, and until the Heavens open, they will not raise their heads. They will be humiliated in silence, so that humanity may perceive that it is through humility that the path for Christ is once again prepared. And behold, the Spirit of God in that hour will be silent through humankind. His silence will speak louder and will have more fire than any spoken verb.

When those who were speaking with the Spirit of God fall silent, and prostrated, calmly awaiting the return of Their King, when it seems that all has ended without a triumph and without hope, when humankind faces the void and the unknown, then, children, it will all begin.

The signs will emerge and will make the impure and the liars tremble. In that hour, the Spirit of God will no longer speak through humankind, but will only be silent and gaze through their eyes, so they will know how to recognize the One Who will be God Himself, resplendent over the world.

Until that moment comes, be pure, be simple, and strengthen your own faith in God, recognizing your own smallness and the Divine greatness; because the Spirit of God will come and seek the humble hearts, to announce to the world what very few want to hear.

I bless you today and always, and I leave you the Grace of My renewal and the principle of My humility, so that you may have them be fruitful in your hearts and consciousness.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Mother of the most simple among the simple

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because, in this way, all will know My Truth.

I am in the simple gestures of love, service and charity.

My intention is that all My children find their Mother in the true simplicity of things, seeking the best for a fellow being, for the sick, or for the poor.

The Love of your Heavenly Mother is also reflected in the simplicity of Her poverty. In this way, souls find a model of freedom and of surrender in the Mother of God.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple; I have given Myself to My children and I take care of their souls so that they may learn to take care of their bodies.

I bring an unknown relief, a relief that emerges from within My Heart and is a source of healing and hope that is poured into those who invoke it through the simplicity of their hearts.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and, within them, I easily build the Kingdom of God, for in their inner worlds I find a great opening, adherence and consent.

In the most simple among the simple, life can be regenerated, and the spirit of a being can be filled with other Laws when it loves life and its existence with simplicity.

The children of life are the most simple; they are those who manage to feel the poverty of a fellow being in their hearts because they want to provide for that through their prayers and their loving service.

In the most simple, God easily shows Himself, because He does not have limits and He can show Himself through His creatures, just as He showed Himself to His Servant the first time.

True simplicity is a powerful essence, capable of moving mountains as well as awakening faith. The simplicity of the heart leads to the awakening of an unbreakable faith, capable of generating a permeable stream of love and charity in the world.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple and I see Myself reflected in the soul that tills the soil, as well as in the homemaker who prepares the food for nurturing their children.

I am the Mother of life, and where there is life, My maternal Consciousness is present so that My children can thus find the meaning in their lives and the purpose for their existence within the school of love and unity.

In the most simple the warm prayer of the heart is portrayed, for in the most simple, there is no interest or complaint; what exists is only the love for life and for all that has been created; for the humility and simplicity of these hearts allows them to understand many things and lovingly feel everything they experience.

I am the Mother of the most simple among the simple because My Heart is reflected in them, just as God was reflected in your Heavenly Mother, like in a great Mirror of Love and of Light.

The surrender of His Servant allowed the simplicity and the Love of God to be seen in the humility of His Server and in the Love of His beloved Son.

Simplicity could renew the Earth and all consciousnesses, because in the most simple there is no opinion, want, or desire. The most simple are permeated and filled with the love of their inner Christ, something that strengthens them for experiencing their daily tests and for fully confirming their lives on the path of faith and of the hope of being able to be in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love, faith and simplicity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The simplicity of consecration, in this time, means the opportunity to humbly live in Christ.

Let today your inner aspiration be to find that simplicity, so that love and truth may be present in everything.

The consecrated life is something that My beloved Son greatly appreciates, for in each consecrated soul, the Lord finds the possibility of expressing His Kingdom through essences.

Today, let those consecrated seek inner simplicity, so that your essences may draw closer to Christ and Christ is able to draw closer to all His disciples of the new era.

Dear children, as the Mother of Consecrated Life, I accompany you on the path of faith, of perseverance, and above all, of the inner union of each soul with Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the inner Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today I visit a place that I conceived as very special for My Heart. Today I descend in Glory upon My house and the house of all Children of Mary in the whole world.

From here the foundations will arise to be able to live a true prayer, filled by the most absolute love. From here redeemed flowers from My celestial garden will be born.

It is for this reason, dear children, that to be able to establish a part of My Kingdom and to consecrate maternally this house, I had to open the doors for the liberation of all that hindered this city to receive My Maternal Grace again.

That is how I consecrate today this house, dear children, as the ancient and sacred house of your Mother Mary of Nazareth. I would like this to be the house of poor souls, where they could find the nourishment of prayer for their spirits and, at the same time, the re-encounter with love.

Therefore, today I universally bless this house with the name of “Our Lady of the Poor”, so that the same spirit of My simplicity and humility may be mirrored in this place with the purpose that, in simplicity and humility, poor souls feel loved and accepted by their fellow beings.

It is so that the house of the Children of Mary, of Our Lady of the Poor, will have the mission of creating for this city, for the nation, and for the world, a most potent planetary channel of prayer, so that all the spiritual wounds of poor souls may be healed and cured by the mission that the Children of Mary will fulfill here.

Therefore, dear children, your Heavenly Mother places today in this house the seven Guardian Angels of My Kingdom, those that will protect and accompany each prayer that will be recited and constructed from your hearts.

The house of the Lady of the Poor must be known in the whole world so that souls may know that they will have a place where they can appeal to and be sheltered. Today I unite to the children who conceived this sacred space with love, dedication, harmony, devotion and gratitude.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and consecrates you on this day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the choirs present in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity:

My dear children present at the Marian Center of Figueira,

Today, with all the light and love that flows out from your hearts from the singing, I wish to ask that, under a spirit of humility and simplicity, you offer this meeting for the divine cause of making the Love of God triumph in humanity.

For this, My children, your Heavenly Mother will today accompany you from Mexico through the sacred face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and, with all My angels, from this side of the planet, I will wait for that moment in which your voices will start to sing and to proclaim peace for the world and the healing of hearts.

In this offering of today, dear singers of My Heart, I want you to lovingly dedicate this meeting to the whole serious situation that your planet is facing, especially for what My children of Central America are suffering, who are going through the climatic effects and the intense movement of the elements of nature.

For this sacred mission that you Heavenly Mother has been carrying out, I ask you, dear singers of God, that you keep yourselves united to the great angels of the different regions of the planet, especially the angels of Central America, so that through the supplications of your voices, they may calm the furor of nature.

It is in this way, dear children, that the whole of humanity and the part of it most asleep are facing the first and acute steps of the purification of the planet.

Through your artistic offering to God, beloved children, we will be able to open the doors to Grace, so that it may be poured out again through My Immaculate Heart in all the spaces and in the consciousnesses of the planet that are not yet prepared to live the last cycle of the transition.

From the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, at the top of mount Tepeyac, your Heavenly Mother will wait for the musical and instrumental pieces that will be offered today in a heartfelt way by each one of you, so that in this way, a little more peace is established in the consciousness of humanity that has never experienced a final transition.

As from now, I thank all those who pray for accompanying your Divine Mother on this mission through Central America and Mexico.

It is thus that I still invite you to keep collaborating with the work that the Divine Messengers will continue to expand through other places of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who sings with the voice of the Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Many still do not understand the times in which they live, just as when My Son was in the world, humanity also did not understand the Grace it was receiving.

The Sacred Family had a special gift of obeying God, because They knew Him, and because They never doubted that His Firstborn Son was among Them.

The faith of My Most Chaste Heart and that of the Immaculate Heart of Mary transcended any need of physical manifestations, of physical happenings that confirmed the importance of the times that we were living.

We did not wait to see the fulfillment of the Prophesies nor of the Scriptures; we did not wait, because we knew that they were already being fulfilled. But time went by, and the human mind developed, as many say.

In those times we were simpler; we did not have so many concepts or ideas about the Plan of God, about His Creation. Our faith was based on the Scriptures, and on what each one of us could feel and experience in the Presence of the Divine.

Today, children, the human mind is very concrete, even though you believed that it is more evolved than in those times.

That evolution of the mind helped you in many ways, but it closed the hearts of many that are not able to develop faith because they think too much; they are not able to believe in the Words of God or in His indications because they need something concrete like their minds to do this.

We always tell you that it is the simple of mind, of soul, and of heart that will be able to be instruments of God, because the Creator can think with their minds, feel with their hearts, and live in their souls.

When I was on Earth as Saint Joseph, My Heart was simple; that is why I did not hesitate to respond to higher Designs; I did not hesitate to believe that the signs and the words that I heard in prayer came from God.

At this moment, children, I know that for many it is hard to have this simplicity; however, you must respond to higher Designs as I responded, because, in the same way that the Plan of God had the Sacred Family as the main focus, today that focus is on the Task that We build day by day through you.

The destiny of humanity will be one or another, depending on the concretization of this Plan that We are charting with your lives.

To only obey in some moment will not be enough, because many obey with the body, but not with the mind nor with the heart.

The moment will come when your minds will speak so loudly that the adversary will hear you; and in spite of your following what we tell you with the body, if you do not completely follow it, that Plan will not triumph.

Remember that this Task is not just something material; you are not building a spiritual physical institution; you are manifesting a Divine Archetype, thought of at the beginning of everything, when not even the Universe knew the Will of God. And it is for this reason that this Task must start with spirit and permeate each space of your consciousnesses.

To surrender your life out of Love for God, you must be filled with this Love.

Because there were many martyrs in this humanity; for many it was easy to act through the impetus of a heroic life filled with challenges. But those that made their lives worthwhile through a triumph of God, and that renounced it for love of the Father, were few.

In order to renounce your life, it is not necessary to die, because this experience of renouncing must be undergone by all; all must live it in these times. You must renounce your own point of view and everything that you have learned until today, so that it is the Creator that thinks, that feels, that lives within you.

Many judged, criticized, mistreated the Sacred Family, My Son Jesus; however, the Plan did not keep from being fulfilled, because compassion was alive in the heart of each one of Us.

And the love for God allowed us to understand the ignorance and the limitation of many. And it was that same love that caused them to awaken, some in time, others when it was already too late. However, the seed of this awakening availed them for another life, so that today they might have the opportunity of redeeming themselves.

Because of this, in each test that you experience, in each challenge, and the more the times are exacerbated, the truer you must be, the simpler, the more empty of self and full of God.

I know that many believe that living in God and God living in them transcends personal will or personal effort. And I tell you that this is a permanent practice, because the Creator can arrive, knock down your mental human structures, and build in you His instruments.

However, you must truly allow it; you must release your personal will, all that which you hold as precious, your way of thinking, of acting, your virtues, your miseries.

Many say they want to be instruments of God and offer Him their miseries, that which they believe prevents them from living in the Creator.

But children, there are many virtues, there are many skills that also prevent the Creator from drawing closer to your lives, because they fill you with yourselves, they cause you to adore yourselves more than God.

This is why the void must be absolute.

I tell you this because I know that your souls aspire to fully live in this time; they aspire to obey, to follow the Will of the Father without questioning.

But you must do something more than aspire.

Think, children, of all that happened on the planet as merits generated by the experience of the Sacred Family. Think on the eternal opportunity that souls received after the surrender of Jesus.

And now, think, feel that these same merits must be generated by your lives, in this moment, because all of the Universe must benefit from the merits of the experience on Earth, of the concretization of the Plans of God in humanity.

Those who persecute you need your love, because in this time they live their last opportunity. It is not the first time they have tried to follow God and do not managed to do so.

Just as those who persecuted Christ, upon receiving His Forgiveness, were able to continue their evolution, and are today in the world, in these times, to definitely live their redemption.

Thanks to God and to such little human understanding, you have no awareness of the grandeur of the Work that we are building through your lives.

And I do not ask you to have this awareness, but only that you embrace divine Will; that you give up yourselves, your own plans, your own goals, even if you think this goal is part of the Will of God, because it is certain, children, you completely ignore what the Creator aspires for you.

Every day offer your lives to God, and respond to His requests with your heart.

Cut off thoughts when doubt appears. Keep in silence if any doubt or fear comes to you.

Pray and do not allow the growth of what separates you from the concretization of the Plans of God for you.

Thank the Father every day for having summoned your souls to accomplish a great miracle in you.

Ask Him for the Grace of being humble and simple so that His Plan may triumph.

If you do what I tell you, everything will be fulfilled.

In omnipresence I will consecrate the communion for those who listen to Me, in reparation for all those who share the Body and the Blood of Christ, but who do not truly commune with Him.

Ask, children, that this Body and this Blood not only transform your cells, but also your consciousnesses.

Pray with Me an Our Father in Aramaic, asking Christ that all His companions, all those who tell themselves that they consider themselves His companions, may truly be so.

Abbun debashmaia
Netkadesh eshmoj
Teite malkutaj
Nejuei sevianaj aikana
Debashmaia af ba-arja
Jav-lan lajma teesunkanan iagmana
Washpocklan jaubein wajtagein
Aikana daf jenan shoaken oljaiaben
Wela tajlan letnesiuna
Ela patsan men bisha
Metul delaje malkuta
Wajela wateshpurjta
Laj-lam almin

In this Communion may you also offer God your intention and your aspiration of being true.

May the essence of this Work not be lost. May it be kept alive throughout the years, and may those who come, who will awaken at the end, find in your examples the living Presence of God so that they may build, in this way, the New World, the New Humanity.

I thank you.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am your Mother, Who heals you and redeems you in the Love of God so that, being free of the past and the chain of all the errors committed, you may feel more free than all the birds in the sky.

It is in this way, dear children, that I try to lead you every day on the path of the rehabilitation of your consciousnesses through the sacred path of prayer.

The soul that perseveres and works to build that prayerful path will draw to themselves the Gifts and the Graces of Heaven, generating a luminous field of peace around themselves through so much prayer.

At this stage, My wish is that each of My children assumes this task as the most important in this planetary time, which has need of much prayer on the part of humanity itself.

Thus, My children, I help you to detach from the errors of the past and to heal you within, so that finally, the New Christs present themselves for the mission of the end of times, where My praying soldiers must be those mirrors of prayer that attract Celestial Peace to the world.

In this way, My beloveds, I teach you to work in simplicity through the opportunity to learn to conquer the universe of the Love of God through service to the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who motivates you always to service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To My missionary of peace children


As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.

Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.

Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.

Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.

Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.

I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.

Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.

Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.

May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.

If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.

I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.

Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.

I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.

Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

