Dear children,

A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.

A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.

A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.

A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.

A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more.  I will call it reason of My coming to the world.

A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.

A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued.  I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.

My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.

With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.

When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.

On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing.   It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.

Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart.  Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.

On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.

I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.

Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.

May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.

In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.

All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love.  This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.

These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.

While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.

But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.

The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.

When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.

When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.

Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave.  Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.

I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.

Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.

I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.

I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

Every 19th day, My Chaste Spouse opens a universal and celestial door so that lost souls may find again the way back to God, the Creator.

So that this Grace may be granted in the heart of the simple and good server; so that each one of you may be, every 19th of the month, a bridge toward the Universe of God; your Beloved Saint Joseph needs you to love to seek the essence of a humbleness of heart, so that from your minds the codes of self-destruction and illegitimate power against My Beloved Son may be banished.

Every 19th of each month, through your prayers, the altars of Saint Joseph receive lilies of light, souls redeemed and converted through the loving action of your sacred offering.

Each lily of light which is placed at the foot of the altar of the Patriarch Saint Joseph is then offered as a symbol of restoration and of peace between humanity and God; in this way, the Plan manifests again month by month in the life of each soul.

Dear children, all these redeemed souls merge into the Great Heart of God and a new Purpose descends over a world which would already be on the edge of a universal collapse.

Children, do not waste time with your inner realities; be consistent with the Grace of the Humility that Saint Joseph pours out every month. In this way, you will drink of the Source of the Humility of Saint Joseph, and as a result, your lives will achieve a good redemption.

Every 19th day, My Immaculate Heart is the most pure and most chaste portal so that millions of essences of this world may achieve the Parentage of God and a Filiation with God through the Chaste Heart.

Each novena made to the Saint of Humility and the Poor Laborer of God is received in the Kingdom of the Heavens as an opportunity to transform your lives.

Do not deceive yourselves, My children; take the Hand of simplicity and chastity that My Holy Husband reaches out to you, with the hope that one day you may reach the path of renunciation and humility.

Thus, be pure of heart, and you will not miss the infinite Grace of continuing to be instructed by Saint Joseph. He is your Father and Guardian. He is the One Who after My Assumption, from the universe, assumed your conversion to God.

Seek that which is most simple in you and give it to the Chaste Instructor of Love; in this way, you will be able to know all the humble things that allowed the glorification of the Sacred Hearts.

Today, your Heavenly Mother is here to console you and hopes you will now be able to grow into the maturity of a simple evolutionary life, yet full of the humility that will make you similar to My Beloved Son.

Greetings to all the missionaries of peace and I hope this same group of souls has the Grace of continuing to respond to the designs of the Celestial Messengers; for Our eternal aspiration is your humble sanctity, a sanctity that will awaken to the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into the arms of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children of Mine,

In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.

On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America.  For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.

The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages.  It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States.  As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.

For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing.  For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause.  In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.

In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life.  In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.

Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward.  For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness.  When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.

The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.

I thank you all for answering to My requests!

Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Chaste and Most Pure Hearts, We come from Heaven so that you may recognize the values and celestial Graces in your lives that we have placed in your spirits during these last three years.

Children of Mine, having recognized the need for charity and mainly the lack of love within suffering hearts in this time, your main motive must be to bring relief to the needs that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature have.

Many of you, through service, defeated and passed through the barriers of great inner resistance, and opening your hands to give of yourselves to others, discovered the source of service and love that dwells within each one of your souls.

If the whole of humanity could rescue the great imbalances and the miseries that exist upon the whole planet, and if the giving of self were spontaneous and immediate, the Mercy of God would have already transformed all evil into Light. In this way, many hearts would have stopped suffering from the result of their errors.

Thus, My children, having entered into the essence of service to humanity, which is one of the main attributes of the Sacred Family, the world would already be saved and worthy of receiving another chance.

Your Sacred Heavenly Mother draws you closer to the virtues that will make it possible for the New Humanity to emerge.

While the Woman Clothed with the Sun deviates the beast from the path so that all the children of God may achieve peace, I ask that you continue to work for the awakening of service and pure love for all of humanity.

Your Celestial Father expects that the action of service be fraternal with other consciousnesses that must also awaken to service for their fellow beings.

The love of the heart, united with spontaneous service, promises great transformations and relief from all the debts that are generated, day after day, by current humanity.

Dear children, in the same way that My Holy husband Saint Joseph, Father and Guardian of Jesus, invited you to serve without personal preferences or likes, continue to walk toward the Source and the spring that emerges to cleanse and close the great spiritual wounds of this assaulted humanity.

My Immaculate Heart will find you working through service and through prayer, and just like My beloved Son requested, go two by two, and proclaim your redemption to the world.

The Sacred Hearts will be attentive to the voice of your pleas and those of all the servers of Love.

I thank you on this day for responding to My call and for having concretized it.

Who gathers you together in the spirit of service for peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Monthly Messages

I want that from an old tree, new branches may sprout.

I want that the old souls may peregrinate with Me through new paths.

I want to cause to be born inside the heart a new heart.  May the old heart not lose its wisdom, but that it may demonstrate having to be born in itself this new heart, that beats in the rhythm of the Greater Will and that accompanies attentively the movements of the Universe.

I want to strengthen those whom I have chosen to be the columns of My temple and that for so long have been prepared to live that which happens today in the world.

I want to be the light on the path of My children, so that they may recognize in the treading of My steps, the teaching of other times.

I wanted to come to the encounter of those who did not fear, even while thinking that they were afraid, and that followed Me, even believing that they did not know how to find Me.

Now, children of Mine, it has come the time to see following upon My steps, and to perceive that on this path through which I have guided you are found all the teachings that with other faces I have to you.

If you are capable of following Me with confidence, feeling your way in the dark, now allow My light to switch on the inside of your beings and show you the way to live what you learned yesterday, but with the heart of today.

My children, I invite you to service, because you will be able to see and feel in this simple action, what the Divine Messengers have constructed in your beings.  When you return to serving, be attentive to what exists in your hearts and that before did not exist and discover that blessed is the heart that thinks it has not been transformed, because it will always cultivate simplicity, humility and what is most important, it will never stop walking, because it knows that it has not come to its goal.

My beloveds, I agree to come to encounter you, to contemplate each precious pearl that has arisen in your hearts and to find you here, at My side, even after so much incomprehension.

I want to answer the question of a daughter of Mine that thinks she does not live what has been taught to you for so long.  And today I say to you that you have lived it, when you overcame your expectations about the instruction that you were receiving, when you overcame yourselves, in all that you could feel in your hearts and crossing this threshold that many are still crossing, you found Me in your lives.

My beloveds, I am the same in Heaven as on Earth, in the Kingdom of My Peace, as in the Infinite, in the Universe.  My words penetrate and transform those who say yes to Me, even without knowing why they do.

Today I come to your lives to renew your commitments with Me, to say to you that I am by the side of each one of you, in the same way that you were by My side and that forever I will accompany you, in this life and in the other, because you have generated the merits to be closer to My Heart.

In humility embrace My call and continue to trust in this path.  Soon more comfort will come to your lives when by yourselves you discover that the theories have become life in your beings, and that the teachings beat in your hearts and are reflected in your actions and feelings, because you are being able to trust in God, more than in your own selves.

I embrace you with love and I bring all to My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Call at the door of My Heart and tell Me what you need.

Enter into My Spirit and surrender yourself in trust in the arms of My Love.

Find in My Heart the Sublime Flame that will illuminate your path.  Persist without allowing yourself to be subjected to inner judgment.

Surrender all of the days what you are and I will be able to tell you what it is that I want from you.

Walk by My side taking to yourself My wise Hand, that which will indicate to you the path.

Live only in Me.  Seek the answer only through Me.

I want that you be the light manifested for the path.

The peace for each heart in need.

In My Kingdom there is a place for you and in this place you will be able to feel safe because you will be within My Heart.

Submerge yourself in the river of My Love, I expect that you will do this every day.

I will wait for your perfect decision.  I wait for you.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Dear soul,

Guard soon your heart in the eternal refuge of My Temple.  In this way you will liberate yourself from impure thoughts and you will see with clarity the infinite light of My Heart.   I will be able to let you know My Sacred attributes, those that will impart special Graces for your life and for the life of others.  

Allow, soul of Mine, that My Redeeming Light penetrate the depths of your little spirit so that all of the days you may be more liberated from yourself and live in the eternal service to God.  Walk in safety by My Side and tell Me through this long walk what is your true aspiration.

O transfigured soul!  I only wish that your life imitate My Apostolate because still there are many who want to get to know Me through your peaceful heart.  Whenever you face the greater tests that you still cannot overcome by yourself, soul of Mine, draw in your thought My Divine Face so that in this way I may remove from your being all of the deceits that the enemy projects on you.

When only you call me or only think of My Heart, trust that the greater help will come to your life because a Good Shepherd will never abandon his sheep.

Dear soul, live Me fully without restrictions.  It is pleasing to Your Lord of Mercy that you pour your spiritual caresses directly on the Redeeming Heart.  And whenever you get discouraged, let that the problem be solved by My Unfathomable Wisdom, in this way you will find answers and infinite Graces that will come to you directly from My Chaste Shepherd Heart. 

Now commune with Me and surrender to Me the best that you are because My Project in your life is still unknown to your consciousness.  Abandon yourself to the Love of My Heart.  I will not hurt you, but I will give you My Kind Peace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, dear soul, for marrying My Heart!

Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to divest yourself of the world and live eternally in the comfort of My Heart?

Follow the invisible light that is before you, they are the Rays of My Heart that illuminate during the dark night of the world.

O celestial soul of God! who waits impatiently to resolve all things, in your hands lies the humble power of prayer, an infinite path to reach the Creator.  Remain in the Ocean of My Sublime Emptiness so that in all you may see that there exists a reason and an answer.

Sacred soul, what are you waiting for to give Me your eternal yes?  On My Path I offer you sacrifice as liberation, and surrender as redemption.  In My Kingdom there is only Peace, which many times you look for in external things.  My soul, surrender yourself in My Arms, let the Water that springs from My Body wet your body so that it may be transfigured into a body of light, a perfect instrument in the hands of the Creator.

You still believe that you have not been defeated but My Love is the unending spring that will conquer your being to give you to drink of a new water, a water that will satiate you entirely. 

My little soul, the Lord calls you to find in this time the path of humility and renunciation.  Let My Supreme Light flood your bodies so that they may be the living symbol of the new transfiguration.

Dear soul, the time of dispossession has come.  Accept the Supreme Love of Your Spouse because in this way you will find the inner answer that you so much look for.  Trust in My Presence, I want to make you know the greatness of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soul, clothe yourself with the vestment of purity so that the angels of Heaven may receive you free and surrendered to My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for surrendering yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


At the end of the message we asked the Master why He was addressing His words to us in these days in such a special way and He answered:

Today I speak to you in this way because many of My own in a short time will marry the Faithful Husband forever.  This is a cycle dedicated to the precious souls, those who always seek the Faithful Comforter.  Therefore, I Am calling all who may want to listen to Me.

Your Master of Love


My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Peace and of Reparation for the souls. You can direct yourselves to It with absolute trust because in this way you will receive in your inner beings the answer that you need for your lives.

My Heart is a Sacrarium of Peace and of Love because in It you will be able to see the light of God manifested, the Light that comes from the Source of your true origin because you must know that I have been a human and a person like you.

My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Salvation and of Conversion because in It you will find comfort, strength and your weaknesses will be dissolved from your beings because when you only invoke the Sacrarium of My Heart you will have entered into the ocean of My Infinite Mercy.

This Sacrarium of My Heart is open day and night and in It there is no material time nor time to be closed. The Eucharistic Love of My Heart makes resplendent all of the hours of the day and in this way all of the hearts can direct themselves with faith and devotion to the Sacrarium of My Heart.

Today some souls have arrived at the depths of the Sacrarium of My Heart and this means that from this moment on they must remember and meditate on how it was that they opened the door of My Sacred Sacrarium of the Heart.

May temperance and bravery strengthen your lives because only through the Sacrarium of My Heart you will find the light for your lives.

In My Wisdom is radiated Love.  

In My Truth is found the nourishment of the Spirit of God.

In My Mercy is found the Source of Forgiveness and of Piety.

Go in peace and remember to return soon to the Sacrarium of My Divine Heart of Love.

Under the Adoration of God the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking always the Sacrarium of My Merciful Heart!

Your Celestial Priest, Christ Jesus


My Invincible Heart prevails before the chaos of the Earth and every soul that is united to My Redeeming Heart will also prevail in spite of the attacks of the enemy.

Few are those who in truth offer themselves to My Universal Consciousness in order to help Me to liberate the souls and consciousnesses that are imprisoned in their own condition. The Lord of the Heights sends again His Firstborn Son to help to heal the great pain of humanity.

This time the universe reunites again the apostles so that, together and as only one, they may carry in their hearts the sword of My liberation, that which out of love will finish to cut off evil from the world.

With the rosary in hand, live the merciful prayer. May it be your light for the darkness and you shelter before wiles. Before whatever condition and moment, may your word reverberate forever so that light and love may be able to win and in the end there may reign peace in humanity.

Today My Universal and Planetary Sacerdotal Consciousness has interceded for the brittle spirit of humanity and during the hour of My Mercy the portals of liberation will evacuate souls in a condition to be redeemed and forgiven. But My Love for you, that is infinite, restored all that was damaged and one more time My Unfathomable Mercy had its victory on the Earth.

This great source will protect and wash in your beings the wounds that are open. Thank you for calling Me to your prayer meeting.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for prevailing in My Merciful Heart!

Christ Jesus


In the most difficult moments is when My Merciful Heart is radiated towards the consciousness that suffer, because in the hour of My Mercy the source of life and of reparation washes deeply the spiritual wounds of the fragile and lonely hearts.

But when in truth you feel lonely My Wisdom invades your little spirits and comforts the soul that needs forces to be able to continue on My Path. In the plans of the Father, His Works are accomplished according to the availability and the surrender of the servers but these superior works are fulfilled, or they are held up without obstacles when the soul truly needs inner rest.

Those who in truth serve Me and who surrender all to Me are few. For this in them I confirm My Will so that My savior Project is fulfilled.

Guard today the Healing Face of My Being. Know that the Sacred Heart of Jesus also helps and accompanies Its disciples when they are sick or sad. My Light comes to the world to ignite again the commitment. May nothing disturb you, no matter how great it may seem. Trust in the moment of purification and of redemption that your souls and bodies are living.

Be one with Me. In this way I will help you to sustain yourselves in spite of the battles of the enemy. Know that My Light will always triumph on the Earth and in Heaven.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message with soul and heart!

Christ Jesus


On this day of Mercy My Heart irradiates the Graces upon the souls that most need them , principally upon those who have been distanced  from Me.

In this way I gather the essences for the great moment, so that all of them return to unite as one and represent the new redeemed flock, a flock on which I will count for the important hour of My Return to the world.

But now it is necessary to cultivate the seed of inner pacification because this sublime light of peace must serve as an incandescent focus that relieves the perturbation of many inner beings in the world.

By merciful prayer the world will reach peace and the victory of the Kingdom of the Father will be possible by the effort of the little beings who serve the Plan of God.  In this time I call you to inner unity, I call you to the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose in every being, and for the Higher Good of the world.

Now, in this path of prayer that the pilgrims traverse, I call you to proceed through the safe path of faith and love, because in this way many more will imitate your Christic example of evolution. Above all things, remember that now and always you will be in My Heart of Love.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My message through the love of the heart!

The Merciful Christ Jesus


By means of the message, My Consciousness radiates to hearts the light and the expression of the Seven Rays.

As in a rainbow created by the infinity of elements, you will be able to encounter Me as the immaterial tone of light and color that will fulfill the needs of your lives. In these shades of colors and light forms your consciousness can enter with trust and faith. In this way you will be uniting to the merciful dimensions of My Heart.

See My Sacred Heart as an incandescent flame from which the shades of light and color emanate to the life of all beings. When My Seven Rays come in light and in color to your inner beings, My Priestly Consciousness prepares the temple where It waits to dwell perpetually.

Search in Nature, as in well as in all of the Creation, the light of My various Colors and Rays, because there will always be some of them for which you will feel fulfillment, love and affinity in your hearts.

If My Consciousness from Heaven, as well as from the Universe, did not present itself before humanity in light through the various rays, souls would have difficulty recognizing Me as the Universal Instructor.

For this reason, today I reveal to you the infinite greatness of My Love, that Love which comes from the Living God and which dwells always in the presence of His Firstborn Son.

Therefore, My Companions, get to know now how My Divine and indestructible Love is manifested in this time to the creatures and to the world.

Find Me within the shades of the rays and each time you see a rainbow, remember that My Merciful Heart is descending in Grace and in Pity through the colors of the seven rays.

Collect from your beings the fruits that have already matured and no longer disturb your lives for that which still has not been redeemed. Always try to give Me that aspect which is tough and impenetrable because I, as Your Beloved King, will always know what to do with it and where to lead it to. 

Only place all your being within the rays so that the joy of living in God and of serving God may descend into your spirits. Under this Christic impulse, you will renovate the old Earth and in this way My Seven Sacred Rays will consecrate the essences that are lost.

So that your hope of redeeming yourselves may be stronger than your self-will and so that love may emanate eternally and transmute your unknown aspects you will repeat with faith, devotion and divine conviction the following prayer:

Victorious Prayer
to the Seven Rays of Jesus

Sacred White Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
cultivate absolute purity in my being.

Sacred Blue Ray,
that emanates from the Heart
of Jesus, sow Pity in my consciousness.

Sacred Pink Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transcend now my difficulties.

Sacred Golden Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
bring to my consciousness
Your sacred wisdom.

Sacred Green Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
heal my old wounds,
so that the new being may be born.

Sacred Golden-Ruby Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
nourish my consciousness
so that the divine gifts may awaken within it.

Sacred Violet Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transmute my doubts, guilt,
sorrows and any curse,
so that my spirit may be one with Jesus
and may be one in God eternally.

Under the imperishable Light of the Father,
in Christ, now and always,
I live the spiritual mission.


Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred Ray of Love.


In spite of the thresholds that you must cross, always keep ignited the eternal light of the heart so that nothing external to My Kingdom of Love may extinguish it.

It is necessary to have a peaceful and loving heart in face of unpredictable circumstances. In this way the enemy will not disturb you and you will find inner strength by means of the presence of My Merciful Heart.

The hour of Divine Mercy is only for the brave because from three in the afternoon My Disciples help Me to tear the hells and evils that the consciousnesses live in different parts of the world. For this the disciple must hold on to My Tunic and walk among the wolves and the darkness without fearing to fall into the abysses that this humanity creates because from three in the afternoon your beings must become invisible before the wiles that My eternal rival articulates.

Without expecting anything, without aspiring for any results, always pray with fervor, fight so that your eyes may not fall asleep but that in truth your spirits may awaken to the Redeeming Work that all of the prayerful people are accompanying Me to carry out. In this way you will always know, through the intuition of the heart, which part of the reality of the world and of humanity is receiving My Merciful Liberation from the evil that oppresses you.

Let those who are willing to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy remember that you will be doing it for your own salvation and for the salvation of all the Earth. You will do it principally for the permanence of the life of all of the Kingdoms created by the Kind Hands of My Father.

I invite you to pray with faith and conviction so that the Project that was drawn in the heart of the Universe may remain amongst you always and for all eternity in My beloved blue planet of light.

And something else I tell you: listen with attention to My Words every Wednesday, the day of study and reflection about My Message, because My Presence will be there by means of the heart of My Disciple Jose. Listen with attention to all that I have told you with so much Love and every Wednesday you will receive the gift of My Eternal Grace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the love of your hearts!

Christ Jesus, who returns to your lives. 

1. Christ is referring to the studies that José Trigueirinho Netto has been carrying out for years in the Light-Community of Figueira, Brasil.


When lives are on the edge of the abyss, crossing the dark night, I present Myself as Light and the absolute and safe exit for each being. I come to the encounter of those who decline from various plights on the spiritual path.

My Mercy comes to the world to rescue them from the path of mistakes and of blindness so that they may awaken aspects of life, manifested in a consciousness that has decided to follow Me.

But faith and constancy to be with Me will be, in these unpredictable times of the world, what will define if a soul will be consecrated in spirit to My Heart or if it will live the life that the world offers to it through illusions and fantasies.

The path towards the Light is as straight as a staircase that ascends towards the High. In My Pathway does not exist two paths to get to Me. The soul, during the course of life has the opportunity of recognizing My evolutionary Path and, from then on, to define whether it will follow the Shepherd or its own king.

I am giving to all the same opportunity that I gave during the time of My Passion. The world is at the point of its own game and of its spiritual definition for the Divine or for the worldly. My Heart shelters all of the offers of the souls, but some have told Me from the beginning that in these times they would be with Me to fulfill the purpose of Redemption and of the conversion of the consciousnesses.

For this a boat will not move without the help of the oars. It is necessary to understand the point in which you find your little consciousnesses. I radiate to you My Peace and My Light to strengthen them.

It is time to define with which king you wish to remain: with the Eternal King of the Universe or with the king created by the world?

For this My Spirit comes to liberate souls and to show them the path towards the Lord. Trust in My Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I Am the Eternal and Sublime Heat of the Heart that gives shelter to your soul and to your little heart.

I Am the Fire that warms up with merciful love your heart, renovating it in faith and in hope.

I Am the Light that brightens the paths with repairing Graces for the lonely and forgotten souls.

I Am the Eternal Sun of the Universe that radiates rays of transfiguration to the sleeping hearts.

I Am the ignited Flame that illuminates in redemption all of the dark spaces of the hearts, liberating them from all evil or pain.

I Am for you whatever you allow Me to be because I only hope for each day to transform into light your heart and to awaken your consciousness to My Great Redeemer Consciousness.

As Light I am present in your inner and I open My Arms during the hour of Mercy to purify and heal your difficulties. I know you very well and I know through My Father what you are now for the universe.

May those awaken who are asleep in the illusion and may those who are blind and deaf of heart see, because the moment of the coming of the Universal King is approaching.

Always guard a space for My Heart because in this way I will be able to be all of the time amongst you. Courage for those who have chosen and who will choose to follow My Path of Light and of Transfiguration.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding the light of My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My thirst will not be calmed until when each one of the souls has turned itself towards Me and seeks Me as the only light for the world.

I will allow that all of My Flocks learn and mature but I will not allow any of them to be lost. Before that it happens I will have returned in Glory to pour My Graces in those who have lost them by conceit or vanity.

I will open with the key of My Heart the door of My Kingdom and in My Return all of you will be able to see with wisdom that which I have prepared for all from the moment in which I departed towards the universe.

For this until the last moment will be necessary courage and braveness to face the last steps of transcendence and liberation.

Pray constantly so that My Spirit may make itself present in you and you may not waste time in searching for Me. Know that I Am eternally present in your little hearts.

Only allow Me to show Myself as your true love and your true light for the soul and for life. Trust in Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


May My Redeemer Light impregnate you and separate you from the evil that the world generates.

May your hearts not be afflicted with how the other souls are. May your surrender represent the surrender of those who still close the heart to Me.

I watch over each essence but the time is coming of the Universal Justice.

May each soul be repentant and confess its sins to My Heart because in this way I will tell them: “Go in Peace and sin no more, the Lord has saved you”.

Dears, continue today with Me and just observe My Footprints, those which will indicate the new direction. May nothing distract you and may My Heart show you the next step that you need to take.

Go ahead because you will be with Me in the redemption of the world. Be brave, I love you above all things.

Under the Power of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for venerating My words with the heart!

My Law will be accomplished in those who may unite themselves to it.

Christ Jesus.


It is a step for the consciousness to recognize that it commits faults towards Me but My Heart will free you from all so that you may not feel guilty.

The path of transcendence of the self starts when you awaken for the life of the spirit because in this way, seeking this union with the Father everyday, the soul approximates itself to the earthly consciousness.

Now that the times change, My Heart observes the great faults in the world but, the surrender and the trust in My Spirit by all those who in consciousness recognize their mistakes, allows for the relief of My Heart, transforms these mistakes in love and restores, through prayer, the consequences of these faults.

My Love for you is infinite and each fault that is recognized by My disciple and is offered to Me means the victory of My Kingdom of Love in the heart of all of the beings. Do not fear to tell Me what it is that ties you to the material life. Confidently await for the aid of My Heart that will always be in the correct moment.

I gather you around My Heart so that you may remember that I will not judge you for whatever makes you stumble day by day in life. I Am the Liberator of the world and I Am the Shepherd of Love who wants to pour over you the infinite lights of His Heart so that in this way you may find light on the path.

If you are in darkness, light My Light calling for the strength of My Redeemer Love. I will always come to your aid so that with braveness you may follow the path of consecration and of transformation. I raise you from the ground so that you may walk again following the footprints of My steps. If My disciple transforms themselves, as a consequence, the world will be transformed and everything will be saved at the right time.

Under the Eternal Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Light in your hearts!

Christ Jesus, Your Consoler. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
