My dear children,
Opening the doors of Heaven towards the planet, your Heavenly Mother gathers you today, in the oratory of Her Immaculate Heart, to pray and implore for Peace and Mercy for the whole world.
Dear children, Your Mother of Heaven prepares everyone and, especially the future missionaries of peace, to face the human terrors and the continuous flagellation of hearts, of sibling souls who suffer every day from the result of a great error without end.
Dear children, the humanitarian mission in Hungary and Turkey will be very important. You will see two parallel realities that are on the same level, in the same planetary situation: the lack of peace.
My children, the mission in Africa was an important preparation for this next mission that must be fulfilled in this critical time. Despite its suffering that has still not been healed, Africa experiences, deep inside, a true love that is slowly recovering, through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation.
The Middle East has forgotten about God and, despite the beliefs, the Universe would never propose to hurt anyone nor impose any spiritual or religious doctrine. God teaches us, dear children, that everything begins and ends in Love; without Love nothing is possible.
In this time, souls seek happiness in their fellow beings and, although this human love exists, true happiness is found in the Heart of God, which will always impel you to find hope and transcend fears.
Through the conflicts of this time, souls that are subdued by terror lose the memory and the feeling of loving God and their fellow beings. This makes consciousness totally forget that Divine Love and Compassion exists; which generates hatred, mortality and martyrdom, only for the sake of conquering a Kingdom which belongs to no one, only to Creation.
Dearest children, for this reason, I come to ask you for prayer, rosaries and novenas. If souls and conscious servers do not put forth effort, through offers and small sacrifices, hatred and ambition might embrace the whole of humanity and material life would acquire more importance than the Eternal Father himself.
The concern of the whole universe is that ignorance and false authority prevail, to create a human kingdom of lies and of ambitions.
But in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph within hearts that have always been witnesses of the Presence of the mercy of Christ in the world. It will be this inner testimony, of faith and hope, that My missionaries of peace must take within their hearts. This testimony will be the imperious and loving call that will guide you before the great darkness and human calamity.
But know, My children, that My Grace will be your strength, and when you step on the ground of Turkey and Hungary, it will be your Lord Jesus Christ who will touch the earth with His luminous Graces.
Let us pray, because the war of ambition has still not ended.
May Peace be present within your hearts.
I thank all My children for concretizing this sacred mission!
I bless you, from now on, for this sacred task of Peace and Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
For the Grace that God has granted Me and in the name of the Love of My Son, with joy I come to this house in order to bless it through the Holy Spirit of God.
After the important mission to Africa, one of My seven sorrows has been relieved, because as a Mother I find hearts like yours, willing to serve Me in charity and good.
In this way, I find armies truly formed by the Heart of Christ. I would like to see more armies of light like yours, attentive to the request from Heaven and open to answer before any major need.
It was in this way that one of My seven deep sorrows was spiritually relieved through the immediate action of your donation to the Plan of My Son. From Kibeho I sheltered each one of the missionaries and I took them to the Universe of My Heart so that they could feel the faith of My Immaculate Spirit.
It was through the sacred mission to Africa that new doors opened themselves to the spiritual redemption for the conversion of the souls of the world. I was through this mission that internal paths opened themselves to start new missions, those that will take you to other distant nations of Africa.
For this, My children, may your internal fire never extinguish in spite of the adversity that many will face in the upcoming times. May My burning fire be your praying fire of devotion and faith, in this way you will always win, you will lose nothing and you will always receive everything you need because in obedience to the Heart of Christ you will be answering to the Will of God.
On this holy day in which your Mother meets with Her children in the house of the immediate and selfless donation, I wish to consecrate the feminine missionary house with the imposition of My hands over you, giving it the name of House of Mary, Rose of Peace, so that together with Saint Joseph, your steps will always be guided in love and unity.
Today I came to thank you and bless you. It deeply pleased Me that you have prepared the house to receive Me.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you to the Universal Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Children of Mine,
In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.
On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America. For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.
The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages. It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States. As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.
For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing. For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause. In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.
In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life. In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.
Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward. For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness. When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.
The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.
I thank you all for answering to My requests!
Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The door of the great mission of peace is being closed. Your missionary brothers and sisters are heading to the south of Africa in order to return to one of My Marian Centers of the world, where they will live a few days of recovery and of repositioning, meditating profoundly on all that has occurred in Rwanda, Uganda, and in the Congo.
In this way, children, your Lady of Kibeho returns to the Universe in order to enter into contemplation and prayer, with the objective of silently continuing to work for the peace in humanity.
At this time, the Angels of God deposit and deliver in the celestial altars all of the experiences and services of love realized during the mission. The attributes of this missionary experience in Africa were poured as Graces in the hearts of all of the innocent.
For this, children, may this day be of celebration and joy. Your Holy Mother of Peace is already gestating within Her Most Pure Womb a new principle of redemption and of mercy through an upcoming mission of peace in Africa.
Now that all of My children in the world were participants in this important mission and that during these last days they did everything in a more conscious way, it is important to your Celestial Father that you may have learned how to materialize My designs.
Thus, your Immaculate Eternal Heart, My one, is preparing Itself to descend in Brazil again and impart blessings to all of the hearts that may open themselves to receive them.
Like in Fatima, I announce to you the revelation of secrets. In order to get to know them and live them your souls must be prepared through service and peace. This will permit that your Lady of Heaven may reveal some things to you.
Children, time is setting new opportunities and Graces for all. I ask you to know how to seize that which the Universe is giving to you. The time of Justice is coming for humanity and you must give testimony of your apostolate and service to God. In this way all will be fulfilled as it is written.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who reunites you in this cenacle of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God. Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.
I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.
Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow. The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity. For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo. Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.
Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.
Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo. For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.
In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.
My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity. And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.
An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.
The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit. The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Beloved of Mine,
The victorious and transmuting mission of peace in Africa is coming to an end. How many souls have been worthy of the Mercy of My Son! How many inner sorrows and sufferings have been alleviated by the power of charity! How much love has been conveyed and poured out through the hands of service of My missionaries of peace! How much your Heavenly Mother has been able to do in this time, and through this sacred mission!
Children, you could not even imagine how many souls were able to again find the path of rehabilitation and spiritual healing. How many benefited from so many days of prayer in the cenacle that was gestated in the three African nations and mainly in the heart of all of the missionaries.
Children, how much I have to thank you all for helping to fulfill My designs in this time and thus, My dears, how much I was able to show you, through each nation, the need that is never quenched or met by this humanity. How much your Holy Mother of Kibeho was able to do, how many Graces were poured over forgotten and subjected hearts. How many smiles and how much fraternal love were able to blossom from your inner beings and how much all of this was able to do in this time of chaos.
If humanity lived this formula of peace and charity, evil would no longer exist, and many souls could find again the path that they have lost. Beloved children, how much there is still to do in this world, in each continent, in each nation and peoples of this planet. How many doors of liberation and of forgiveness were opened during three continuous weeks; but this is still not enough, children, because there is great need for help and for mercy.
Now look, missionaries of Mine, how much there is to be done in the Congo and in this world. How much My children of the Congo need all the maternity and paternity of good hearts.
The last key that I will give you, missionaries of Mine, is the key of filiation with God that each small heart of the Congo must recover; this will be your last mission in Africa before leaving for Brazil.
May the Congo and all those hearts be able to reconnect with God, with the Celestial Father.
I thank all My children for having materialized My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Mantle of protection and shelter extends itself as light in this sacred place of Adoration to My Son.
Today, I gather you in this cenacle, so you carry on praying with Me for this mission of peace in Africa; which has had, in the last few days, inner repercussions in the life and in the existence of the sinful souls.
But on this day, I am calling you to withdraw, to the inner silence and prayer, as a path to achieve peace in difficult times.
Your Lord Jesus, the King of Mercy, has again found His place of faith and devotion in the heart of Africa. For this reason, these days, the task of support and sustenance has made some of My Children dispose their inner instruments to help the flow of the important mission in other planes of consciousness, where neither the mind nor the intellect can reach, and only prayer is able to construct and transform.
New sheep, new redeemed and rehabilitated souls were incorporated in the scriptures of the books of Adonai to start walking, from now on, towards the service of God and His Divine Plan. For this larger salvation of African souls to happen, it was necessary, My children, that the Universe of Divine Light gave the instruments of the Universal Mother all these inner deeds that needed much prayer, transmutation and compassion.
And all this was achieved, dear children, because the Will of Adonai so determined, and his Lady of Kibeho was able to placate the Justice of the angels of the Creator.
The most difficult debts were liberated and forgiven, little by little. The unfair and serious actions were reconverted by means of the spirit of prayer and mercy of everyone.
Peace reached spaces where it had never existed and the trapped souls, and most of them condemned, found the breath of a new divine breeze. The mission continues and My missionaries prepare themselves to enter in one of the nations most in need of spiritual aid and prayer.
In the Congo you will find the reasons and the causes that have led, for example, to the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature and the lack of consciousness of what is being done.
Beloved children, the Congo is a reality barely known, where the need, poverty and spiritual blindness generate a lack of consciousness and meaning in manifested life. In the Congo, there will be much to be forgiven and to do, so as to recover at least a drop of Mercy.
My children already walk towards the last stretch of the intense and profound mission; thus, carry on praying for them, so that the work may come true.
But today I ask you, children, to also pray for the visionaries, so My Plan of Peace in the world may be concretized. These are already the last moments in which your Lady of Heaven directs Her words to the world before the Armageddon that is coming.
My greetings of peace to all my children of Goiania for having responded promptly and with diligence to My call. I thank you for your understanding and true love.
I thank you for helping to concretize My plans.
Who congregates you in the sacred cenacle of the Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
During the service that is taking place in Africa, Uganda is the nation that is most in need of prayer, of adoration, and of conversion. For this reason, during these days in which My missionary of peace children are working in the heart of Africa, I ask to all of the groups of prayer to dedicate a moment of meditation for peace in Africa and mainly for souls that are forgotten.
By means of this offer of yours, My children, your Mother of Kibeho will be able to receive the permission to give spiritual help to a certain number of souls that in this life pay the price for errors made during whole years.
Your Universal Morning Star, your Most Holy Mother, has traveled through the regions of Kampala and the surrounding towns to pour Her Graces over the hearts that, for a long time, have been crying out for redemption and liberation.
You, My children of America and of the world, know that Uganda is condemned all the time for the disease and for all that the actions produced by men who claim to be wiser than God. These ungrateful actions paralyze the spiritual evolution of the whole of humanity. Adherence to modernities, to pleasures, and uncontrolled indulgences causes the loss and disappearance of the path of spirituality. And they are few, beloved children, who really work day and night, and even struggle with themselves, in order to remain within the Law of God and His Universe of Love.
Dear ones, these are the times of the Apocalypse; for this reason, pray with Me, live prayer as part of the path of salvation and redemption, and do not deceive yourselves any longer. God hopes that, through your little sacrifices and daily prayers, the world may reach the Grace of final liberation.
For this, missionaries of Mine, you must travel to remote and forgotten places as is Africa, in order to awaken in your own peoples a minimum of interest in helping others and to look for a moment at what is happening around them.
My children, Uganda is the nation most marked by the degeneration of the life of souls. Rwanda is the nation marked by pride and conquest, and the Congo has been the nation that has never found peace; and all of you, as humanity, are part of this painful reality. You will no longer be able to say that this is only experienced by other brothers and sisters, you will no longer be able to be blind to a reality that is spilling over.
My children, humanity of Mine, awaken! before the beast comes out of its abyss to wipe out the last stars. I am calling out to your consciousness because the times are urgent.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who summons you to love through service,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved ones,
My adversary takes many souls to sin and perdition, seeking each day to hypnotize the minds more and to poison the sleepwalking hearts. On the other hand, My Immaculate Heart achieves the victory of the Kingdom of God in the most simple and prayerful souls.
All this reveals to God the Father a possibility of continuing to pour His Graces on the planet, which would otherwise be destroyed by now.
But your Celestial Mother is determined not to leave any heart behind. This is why, My children, every time that you face the battle of the end of times, you should know that thousands of souls are being helped to find the way of the spirit and encouraged to abandon the life of illusion for a life of conversion.
For this reason, My adversary will no longer make the souls suffer that he formerly chained and tortured, subjugating not only the soul but the whole life. This will no longer occur in the hearts of My beloved Africa, because the Lady of Kibeho is calling and summoning the last armies that will collaborate and support during the three cycles of darkness, before the Lady withdraws into the desert for the world to experience the final judgement.
Children, it will not be necessary that you wait for the signs that will announce the end of times; look now how your planet agonizes and asks for mercy and compassion. Nature and time are speaking. The lesser Kingdoms have been suffering for a long time. The whole world and its spiritual consciousness can bear no more.
In these times, My Heart is training you in the way of purification, of transmutation and of the surrender of your own life to the Creator God. I would like, children, that there were no transmuting souls and that the eternal suffering would be liberated by other means; but truly I say to you that since the beginning of this world it has never been different. That is why My Son incarnated in Power and in Spirit, so that the world would find another opportunity.
Beloved children, the times will mark a new cycle and you need to be prepared for this; you will always count on My maternal help.
In Uganda, a door to the redemption of the souls is now opened and it will favor many more souls, but especially those that were most ungrateful to God. The hour of surrender will come to all of them.
Therefore, My adversary is determined to make My soldiers suffer, but who is with Me will not perish, because a good mother never abandons Her children.
I am your star. I am your shield. I am the Lady of Peace and the Queen of all the hearts that I have conquered.
With My feet I tread on the snake and evil will be liberated some day.
I thank you for accompanying My call!
Who restores you in the essence of the Universal Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Within the heart of Uganda, you may already see the urgency of responding to the collective spiritual need that exists in this sister country.
For that reason and many others, the Lady of Kibeho appeared in Ruanda to remind all of humanity that there is a great debt that must be paid with the service and charity of many children of Mine. This shall balance the scales, for serving one another will be more just for all, so that the spirit of fraternity may arise again.
Missionary children, you are the part of humanity that represents all those who turn their backs and do not want to see the severity that My children of Africa experience.
Today, children, you are serving and donating your hands and your work for all those who do not want to do anything, not even assuming the part that corresponds to them, out of pride and lack of humility.
While servers of the world gather in My beloved Africa to provide relief to the suffering, in the same way Law and Justice unify in order to act on the whole of humanity in the right moment, before the Return of Christ.
Therefore, from the essence of the heart, I prepare all of those who listen to Me and those who remain deaf so that, in the culminating moment of the planetary purification, they may provide the necessary aid, the service that will place them on another plain of consciousness.
Every child of Mine, regardless of being a believer or non-believer, has a commitment before the Creator, and no one shall remain without receiving and knowing what they have come to do in this world.
The times urge and demand a change in the consciousness and in the daily life, which must be directed to the search for God and to the union with His Sacred Spirit. Woe to those souls who do not do so!
Dear children, Uganda is the representation of the great spiritual illness of the whole world; it is the result of a mistaken and unmeasured action of souls who do not fear God.
Therefore, children, may all of you always behold the Purpose above everything; thus, one day you will be free of your own mistakes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you to the awareness of the only Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
Your siblings, the missionaries of peace, are already on the way to Uganda, a nation marked by internal diseases, which have led to the illness of the body.
In Uganda there is the consciousness of the extreme poverty and the lack of basic resources to survive and persist in life. But God, children, knows and is aware about all these things and for this, from the beginning He has sent missionaries from different parts of the world to relieve the sorrow that is unknown to many.
By means of this humanitarian mission, My Beloved Son has allowed Me to arrive to Uganda, a place where I have never gone down, but today, in the name of the Divine Mercy, I descend to work and heal through your serving hands.
There are huge realities, different from yours in this humanity, but a great part of it suffers in silence because no one wants to hear the truth. For this I descend upon Uganda as the Mother of the Relief of Suffering to liberate the sick and injured bodies and, as I am the Mother of all, I lovely bring a Grace of liberation for the souls that hope so much to enter the Kingdom of God.
On this day of arrival to the consciousness of Uganda, everyone will discover and know a deep part of the human misery and the abandonment of the simplest souls.
For this reason your Mother of the Divine Word appeared in Kibeho to carry to of the whole Africa an opportunity to reverse all causes and all of the evils.
On these days on which you will get to know the inner Uganda, prepare your hearts to get to know sufferings that are very similar to those that your Master had on the Cross. Because the things that happen in this world today are part of the reflection of indignation and of the transgressive conquest.
I teach you to walk in love and at the same time to recognize that without love we get nowhere. Therefore, dear children, this mission exists so that you may no longer be the same and, from then on, may convert yourselves into soldiers of Christ.
Uganda is a nation marked by the most unpleasant and unknown to many. I send you in mission of peace to help these souls to rediscover mercy and forgiveness.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
I Lovingly prepare you with love to discover the unimaginable,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this night of an encounter with My Heart, I want to reveal something important to you, something that will motivate the life of your spirits, which must always decide to follow My Path.
Through this special mission in Africa, you, on the inner planes, are before the Lords and Angels of the Final Justice, surrendering before the Sacred Table of God all debts committed and reflecting, from your souls, on these spiritual matters.
It is these fourteen Lords of the Final Judgment who also guided the prophets and saints and, together with the Guardian Angels, taught in other times about the Mercy of God and about the Gift of Fear of God.
Today your spirits, those who are living the time of debt redemption, are receiving the universal Grace of clearing the debts caused until today, through the service that is lovingly offered to nations of Africa, to souls that have been imprisoned for hundreds of years.
In honor of Adonai, the universe of the Lords of the Final Judgment decided to erase and make disappear from the Holy Books of Heaven a part of the great sin of humanity.
Your souls are in deep meditation, and perhaps many of you do not perceive this today, but I want to instruct you that the possibility of having fulfilled the humanitarian mission for peace and for the spiritual redemption of Africa is generating a sea of Graces and a universe of opportunities.
There are consciousnesses that would not deserve it. Within the attributes of the Law of God, they would not deserve it.
Companions, through the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, a kind of freezing of the Law is happening and the effects it generates, due to the serious faults of humanity, are being avoided.
If the mission to Africa had not happened, as well as the mission to the north of Brazil, certain consequences in the spiritual universe of humanity would have had no return. Also through the participation in the Sacred Week of this month, a form of internal atonement was deposited in all those who, without arrogance but with faith, participated in these meetings with Jesus, and once again Christ obtained the victory in the most condemned hearts.
Thus, many, before the Lords of the Final Judgment, became responsible and committed for life, until the last moments of the transition on Earth, to respond to the final designs that My Heart will reveal, during the days of tribulation, to a certain group of souls, and that will serve as protection and spiritual shelter for all those souls that continue to trust in Jesus.
When the crucial hour of your purification arrives, it will be the great moment of your confirmation before the Celestial Father and you will receive the chance of not deviating from the path and of blindly following all the Instructions of your Lord.
For those most crucial moments, I will already find Myself in retreat, in prayer and vigil, preparing to return as no one imagines in their mind and heart.
But I will come and many will recognize Me, but the codes of My victory in you must be the shield against all evil, and he who prays will not lose them.
Under the Grace that comes from Emmanuel, be blessed.
Thank you for giving of yourself from your heart to fulfill My Works of Redemption.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Through your visit to the Shrine of Kibeho, new inner shrines have been elevated in honor to the God of Love. This action was able to be realized in the essence of all of the souls that for so long waited for redemption as a result of the prayers of all of My children, and mainly, through the presence of the spirit of fraternity between the cultures of the Americas and of Africa.
In this way, beloved children, the Universe demonstrates to you, through this mission of peace, that there are neither differences nor barriers between the souls that are united to the great Spirit of God.
For this, children, I went to Kibeho not only to avoid the genocide, but also to remind your civilization that, from the beginning of this world, all of you have been a single race, filled with the Love of God, despite the grave injustices, and full of His Divine Mercy, notwithstanding its constant mistakes.
In Kibeho the Lady of the Divine Word descended in order to awaken redemption, and also to remind in that time that despite the difficult situations, cycles of peace for the world would come.
Now that you, missionaries of Mine, will leave Kibeho filled with the love of your Heavenly Mother, and internally touched by the devotion of the people of Rwanda, I say to you to go ahead, without seeking results, but rather delivering more each day, moments of shared service.
In this way, My children, I will be able to work through the detachment of your hearts and together you will learn that unity is the truth that constructs the bridges towards the infinite.
Your Most Holy Mother prepares Herself now to arrive to the people of Uganda. Souls of this region keep the history of abandonment and of absolute oblivion of the brothers and sisters that there exist. For this reason My Son has sent new missionaries from different parts of the world so that, by means of love and of service, the bases of hope and of trust that many Ugandan children lost may again be built.
If the world became conscious for an instant of how other brothers and sisters are, the Universe would have already poured Its Mercy, but soldiers of light who are willing to provide relief to the eternal suffering are necessary.
I thank you for answering to My call for peace!
Who prepares you to keep serving from the soul and the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Shrine of the Mother of Kibeho will welcome you with joy and bliss because the missionaries of peace will be receiving the sacred gifts of the divine word in their hearts.
On this day, the cultures of America and of Africa will unite for an instant and the fusion of the races will be manifested by means of the essence of the Love of God. In this important moment, in which charity and service are unified, the Lady of Kibeho brings between Her hands the ultimate Graces, those that will help many imprisoned souls.
Remember, children of Mine, that Rwanda, Uganda and Congo were nations marked by suffering, by indignation and by conquest, something that to the present days continues to happen in other levels of consciousness.
But the barbarities of the times must be suppressed by the Law of Justice and prior to this taking place, your Heavenly Mother accompanies you through the paths of abnegation and trust so that in this way some situations may be reverted in time.
For this, from Heaven, your Lady of the Word materializes the works that are part of the Will of the Creator, and from there, all of My children are placed in states of opportunity and of Grace so that all evils may be reverted.
Kibeho was the place chosen by your Lord so that, from this most simple place in the world, in the heart of Rwanda, the voice of the Mother of the Divine Word would be pronounced so that humanity would place in its consciousness that which should never happen again.
For this reason, when your Most Holy Mother sends you in a mission to Africa, it is because Grace exists so that the marks of yesterday may be erased by the prayers and by the charity of today. In this way, children of Mine, the three African nations will receive an extraordinary state of Grace and, chiefly, the souls will be assisted in order to rethink and correct their paths.
Africa is the continent of subjugation and of injustice, and the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph have proposed to assist in alleviating the burden that overwhelms it due to the lack of faith and of surrender to God.
Also at this time, your visit to the Sanctuary of Kibeho will awaken an inner unification between the cultures, that is, the marks of the genocide will be erased by the simple act of fraternizing and of instituting the Spirit of Christ in the wounded hearts once again. This is the work of Grace and of Mercy.
Now, having been guided toward the Sanctuary, offer to your Mother the most holy sacrament of communion in thanks to all of your brothers and sisters, for having arrived to Africa in a spirit of mission, and for how much will be spiritually healed by the praying collaboration of all of the groups of prayer.
In this way, children, at each step that is taken as you answer to the divine call, doors of light that were closed are opened and the souls that are the ones that need assistance and piety the most receive the liberation that they long for. This is also the work of the Love of God.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who protects inside the Sanctuary of Kibeho,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Word
Hail Land of God, hail!
I come to remove from your entrails the evil that subdues My children.
Hail Land of God, hail!
I come to liberate perdition and suffering from your heart.
Hail Land of God, hail!
The Redeemer pours out His last drops of Mercy so that your spirit may be prepared for the purification.
Hail Land of God, hail!
In My hands I bring the relief for your children that are Mine because you are part of Me.
Hail Land of God, hail!
With My feet I go through your spaces rescuing the souls that, deceived, suffer in the hells that the enemy has built where there used to be other destinies.
At this time of redemption and liberation, of rescue and fight for the supremacy of Light, millions of souls wait in despair that My soldiers open the doors through prayer of the heart so that an opportunity of liberation may reach them.
I traverse, together with My missionary children, the sick Africa and, by means of each word and of each service that they offer, I unite Heaven with Earth and through a safe door the souls and the essences are liberated so that they may be able to follow their path of evolution.
The consciousness of each African child that is touched by the Grace that I pour by means of My missionaries is led out of the hells and the purgatories of this world towards where they will find the path that God has allowed Me to offer to some creatures of this humanity.
For this, I ask you, children of Mine, who do not suffer what My children of Africa suffer, may you pray with all the heart so that by means of each prayer I may be able to rescue one more soul, one more essence.
When the Father hears each one of your prayers done with the heart, He allows Me to pour one more Grace over more children of Mine who for so long have suffered without any possibility of relief.
During the three next weeks in which My missionaries will walk along with Me through these lands of sorrow and without peace, I beg you that we may keep each time more united with one another so that with the most pure love that emanates from the Sacred Hearts we may be able to elevate the African consciousness to the Celestial Kingdom and thus liberate this planet from this debt that humanity has with the Universe before the Great Divine Justice arrives.
Be attentive, children, to what I say to you. Be aware of the time in which you live in, of which you must make good use in order to collaborate through prayer and through charity with this Plan of Rescue that the Most Sacred Hearts of Joseph and of Mary carry forward along with the Redeemer, Christ Jesus.
Today I infinitely thank all of the Children of Mary, those who make an effort to accompany Me in My flight of light throughout the Earth.
Do not forget that I always count on you.
I love you and I protect you under My mantle of love and light.
I thank you for being with Me today.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
The mission in Africa has recently begun. For this your spirit of unity and love must be stronger than your differences. Soon you will enter the nation of Rwanda, highly beaten by error and death, events that happened 10 years after I tried to avoid a continental massacre.
For this, My children, you were called to consciously collaborate on the liberation and forgiveness of the suffering caused to the Rwandans during these last years. Through the missionary heart of all who serve the Plan of the Redeemer, your Celestial Mother introduces Herself in the African continent for the second time and, through the missionaries of Peace, My Heart will be able to reach all of them.
My missionary children, on this nation will not only see the material result of everything that has been gestated by My adversary, but they will also find on the faces of their brothers and sisters, the sings of the degeneration of the culture and of fraternity.
But the victory of My Immaculate Heart will be possible through the loving and selfless help of all. For this, the prayer of the heart of all the consecrated missionaries will be the entrance door to the Kingdom of God.
Your Most Holy Mother is already descending over the nation of Rwanda in order to impart again the spirit of peace and of spiritual restoration of the consciousnesses.
My children, it will be important that all be very united in soul and in heart, as it will also be important that your ideas and differences do not prevail among the groups that are congregated to serve through the spirit of mercy.
Beloved children, do not open the doors to My adversary. He will try to make your ground shake, but remember that the fortress of My Heart will always help you in any perdition.
Follow the steps that I ask you. You will soon visit the sanctuary of Kibeho where the faith of all of My children of Rwanda expresses a sincere restoration of society and human dignity.
While My plan in Africa, especially in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo, starts to be projected on the hearts of the servers, I ask you to search for the essence of unification. This will protect you from your own selves and you will avoid to get lost on superficial matters.
My missionary children already enter into the first cycle of purification through the transmuting service, but My hands will support them.
I thank you for answering to My call for peace.
Who takes you to the heart of Rwanda,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Now I come every day from the Supreme Heaven to concelebrate together with My Son, the communion of reparation of the first five Saturdays, a spiritual exercise which must be taken up by all of My children.
Whoever realizes this communion of reparation, will be able to help Me so that the promises that I have made to humanity may be able to be fulfilled. In the next five months, on the first Saturday of each month, all of you are invited to remember and meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. For this, children, those ones that at least meditate on each passage of the Holy Rosary shall have as Grace, My maternal and divine help.
Today I come from the Universe to remind all to not forget to carry forward this act of reparation in a serious and conscious way, because humanity continues walking towards self-destruction and this could have major repercussions.
For this, children of Mine, and in order to comply with My requests, I invite you to read the promises and the effects that this communion of reparation with My Beloved Son Jesus has, promises that were transmitted to Lúcia dos Santos, after My presence in Fatima.
God wishes that the good hearts, the ones that until now are not imprisoned by the martyrdoms of the others, may be able to offer to the universe, the sincere and repairing act of this communion, mainly for Peace, the end of the annihilations, to be reached today, and thus the Mercy of My Son may descend upon sinners.
In this way, offering the communion of reparation for humanity and in union with the Eternal Father, you, My little ones, will universally create a more favorable environment for the law to change and for the world to reach Peace.
Today I ignite the flame of the original purity in all, so that you may unite with it and recognize that only through the purity of heart the whole humanity will recover innocence.
Open your eyes and see in the Sky the sign of the Woman Dressed of the Sun, the one who comes to your encounter to pour Her last Graces upon humanity.
Dear children, today I also wish to dedicate My gratitude to all My beloved children, the ones that are making the Mission of Peace in Africa possible. I tell you that the spiritual need will be able to be met and the souls of those who suffer will have a better destiny. For this important purpose, My Heart will accompany you in this new mission, that which will have as an exercise, taking the Divine Mercy to those who suffer the most.
Dear ones, today I receive upon this Sacred Center, the visit of the pilgrims that, filled with faith, have acquired the necessary strength to climb to the top of My Hill of Light. To all of them, I give My Love and My blessings, and I remind them that here they will find a Source of inner relief and profound healing.
I thank you all for answering to My important call!
Who reunites you in the Holy Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come to repeat to you the message that was not listened to in Rwanda:
Repent, you are still in time to do it, before it is too late! Offer to the Eternal the opportunity and the moment of your sincere repentance.
Day and night, from the top of the mountains and ridges of Africa, I listen to the request for help and relief of those who have to been mutilated. Offer your repentance to the Eternal and Supreme for all those who do not seek My Unfathomable Mercy and who, in this bloody hour, only seek to generate fear and sorrow in the world.
Since the last day in which I was with you, I promised you to return in the moment of the greatest tribulation. Today, I tell you, as I told the whole Rwanda: Repent and do not only apologize! This will no longer suffice to the law of God! Seek to understand and to know where the whole humanity is failing.
But today I do not come to be your judge, but your beloved intercessor that cries and sees blood streaming like water among the streets of this world. There will only be one solution for all that occurs: that you clamor all the time for My Infinite Mercy. Thus, My friends, you will be deserving, as many others, of receiving in this time, the last table of salvation and pity.
While My Sacred Heart collects the weeping of the innocent and of all the faithful Christians, I ask you to remove from your lives everything that is considered as normal and that, from today on, you begin to penetrate more and more into the Mystery of My Heart Flagellated by the world.
I encourage you to walk amid darkness and to not feel any fear for what will come because if I Am Your Master, the one who walks before your lives, why would you stop trusting Me?
Accept My convocation. The result of all the serious faults that are committed and that once again deeply offend Your God, is already being observed in the universe. For this, feel blessed for listening to My call, it must echo into the deepest of your hearts.
And I repeat to you: Repent!
It is urgent and indispensable that everyone opens the doors and the paths to this important humanitarian and spiritual mission to Africa, for Peace in this suffering region of the world.
Today I leave you the only thing that I can legate and deliver to you, which is My Merciful Love, the one that is not being well availed by My good souls. Heal My Heart, in this way I will always be able to comfort you until the last days of your lives.
Under the Supreme Mercy of God, may the innocent be raised to Heaven!
Thank you for listening again to My Sacred Call!
Christ Jesus, the Flagellated Heart of Love
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more