The Love of God, although hidden and intrinsic in the interior of all men, since its creation, does not develop in your hearts alone. The Love of God needs to be cultivated, multiplied and donated to grow.

The Love of God, within the beings, needs to be known and sought to express itself, needs to be donated to multiply itself, needs to be lived, so that in this way it may be renewed and surpassed within the beings.

The Love of God is within you, child; you only need to search for it and you will find it, you only need to ask the Father and He will show it to you, you only need to enter into a praying dialog with God so that He may let you know His presence inside of you.

When a being knows God, knows and experiences the presence of His Love within, all grief seems small, all desert becomes calm, turning into an opportunity to grow and to unite even more to the Father. The tests become small, not because they stop being difficult, but because the soul that recognizes the Love of God also recognizes its own smallness and the smallness of everything.

Therefore, child, in order to overcome these times with the heart in peace, ready for service, for surpassing yourself and, above all, for love, search inside of you for the Love of God and let your heart know the Father, as He knows you, let your heart love Him as He loves you and thus, in this divine dialog of prayer, you will serve the world and attract the Peace and Love of God to the Earth.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was for a Divine Purpose of giving His creatures a unique opportunity to live forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and above all, Christic Love.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love, so that His most imperfect creatures may have an opportunity of demonstrating to the whole of Creation the divine miracle that love performs in beings, when it converts their most cruel and ancient errors and transforms their corrupted essence, that is distant from God, into a crystalline essence that expresses unity and likeness to the Father.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was so that His children may grow through Grace, Mercy and fullness in His Heart. But for this, children, you should choose to be in the Love of God and receive the spiritual presents that He gives you, understanding that life is a unique gift and that the Earth is a sacred place that, beyond its appearances, holds a celestial treasure, which was the intention of God when creating it.

When God sent you to the world, it was for love; it was so that, having the best and most beautiful expression of life through the Kingdoms of Nature, beings would be able to find beauty within themselves. Because with the same intention with which God manifested Nature, He also manifested men. With the same intention with which He manifested flowers, God manifested souls.

I tell you this so that you may know that the Father sent you to the world for love, and that for this purpose of love, you must be on Earth.

Love the intention of God, love life, and if you do not find meaning for loving it, seek for the intention of God when He created light; seek for the intention of God when He manifested the Earth; seek for the Divine Purpose to hold on to with the heart, so that then you understand the true essence of life upon the Earth.

Do not leave this world without living love, and if you feel you cannot find it, let God find you. It will be enough to open the way for Him to come into your lives. Ask God to draw closer, cry out for Him to transform you; not for you to be perfect, but for you to love, or at least to let yourselves be loved by His eternal Heart, because if you only open yourselves to receive the Love of God, that will be enough.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Third Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Relieve me from my sorrows, Lord.

Please, Master,
may Your divine Love be reborn within me.

Make me humble and simple each day
so that I may not lose the fortitude
of always sustaining myself in You.

Allow me, Lord,
to love more deeply.

May the divine Love that You teach us
help me to abandon indifference.

May my heart and my life, dear Jesus,
be true representations
of the Work of Your Redemption.

In adoration,
may I feel You and reencounter You.

Within each step that
I must take towards You, Lord,
may I have enough courage to do so,
and may I live enough humility
in order to carry it out.

My Lord, Celestial King,
visit the temple of my Soul,
consecrate it to Your Divine Spirit
so that my whole being may be an instrument
of Your magnificent Work.

Leave my feet bare of the past,
of rancor and resentments.

Wash me, Lord,
with the nonmaterial Water
of Your Fount and thus I will be renewed
because You will have granted me
Your Grace and Your Mercy.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you with the Sign of the Cross,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

In these critical and definitive times, hold on to faith in God so that you may be strengthened in everything, and in that strength learn how to overcome limits and transcend great challenges.

May this faith in God help you to take decisive steps in the fulfillment of the Plan of Love and in the redemptive Work of Christ.

Dear children, I would like that this inextinguishable faith be the path for learning to transcend the events and all the obstacles that these times present to humanity.

It is time to have faith as a powerful shield so that peace, love and good may be established for all created things.

As you are determined to be bearers of this faith, your Heavenly Mother teaches you to walk among these times, maintaining an aspiration to always rekindle the Love of the Father, a Love that will rescue you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Rome, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My presence among you is a call for you to transform your lives into true instruments and models of sanctity for the end of times.

My presence among you aspires to redeem the deep aspects of the old humanity and that it be changed for the common good.

My presence among you wishes to leave the Love of God recorded, the infinite and immeasurable Love that the Celestial Father has for all His little creatures.

My presence among you expects to make of every human heart a peacemaking heart full of God in order to carry forward the conversion of humanity.

My presence among you yearns to be able to find many more souls that are able to experience their paths of rehabilitation, just as your souls are experiencing this in these very hard times.

My presence among you only seeks that you live in peace, in brotherhood and in communion with life so that the human decay may be purified and hearts may finally be healed of all of their errors.

My presence among you is to aid the current humanity.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Light will always defeat evil, because evil is dazzled by the Light of God, which is invincible, strong and powerful.

Light is based in love, and it is love that provides the strength so that the Light is able to act with determination.

The Light of God is incomparable, neutral and precise. It acts on all the levels of the Creator Consciousness and can manifest in three ways: through the Love of the Father, through the Knowledge of the Son, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Light is capable, as essence, of penetrating the deepest layers of planetary life, because it acts through equilibrium, equality and justice, principles that are born of the Primordial Source.

The Light of God can solve the impossible, bring clarity to what is confused, and dissolve what interferes in the life or the inner essence. This Light, with its principle and with the movement of its energy, dissolves and makes transitory that which is opposed to it. 

Because it is of God, it is an intimate, inner and non-material Light that fosters harmony and order in the spaces.

The Light of God is equitable and just, because it elevates and ignites what is apparently dark. It is a Gift of God that brings a revelation of the new to humanity and dispels what is static or resistant.

The Light conquers because it is neutral, and at the same time, peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

To transcend the human condition in these times will be a challenge to be overcome through love and determination.

With courage, look to see how much there is to still be transformed and break the barrier that separates you from the truth. That barrier is formed by preferences, desires and gratifications and, day after day, it is consolidated by the collective of humanity itself.

Every human condition can be worked on when compassion awakens within you, capable of going past the limits and abysses in which the human consciousness frequently decides to be.

In this hour, in which all lessons are allowed, I ask you, dear children, to unite with what you truly are, without looking into the past, because everything can easily influence you.

I invite you to penetrate the mystery of love, for in that love you will find Christ and you will be protected.

The Source of Divine Love awaits you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I wish to convert you into a model of love and of compassion, in likeness to or equal to My Son.

This will help the planet and humanity to able to count on souls that live in love and in Christic compassion, which will awaken a small flow of New Christs in the race, so that now and always, humanity will no longer be lost from the Path of God.

Opening My arms and extending My hands to My children, I invite you to be within the great Universe of the Love of God, so that many situations may be healed and guided by the Light of My Heart.

In this way, dear children, I call on you to awaken to the deepest and truest that exists in you so that finally, this planet may be rebuilt by love and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I surrender My Heart for you to contemplate it.

I surrender My eyes for them to illuminate your paths.

I surrender My Life for the life of each one of you.

I surrender My Soul to intercede for the souls of each one of you, and I do not get tired doing it, because above all I love you as you really are and I do not love you neither for your appearance nor for your mistakes.

I have mercy for all those who ask for it to God and thus I can make each life a redeemed instrument in the Hands of God.

Therefore, I even surrender My Spirit and all My Divine Consciousness in a humble donation, to be able to teach My children that in love and for the divine Love all is possible.

Do not get tired until you live in the Fountain of this Love that restores everything, liberates everything, that forgives and transmutes everything.

I surrender My Divine Being for it to be the portal of the non-redeemed, for the seed of unity and of love among creatures to be born in you.

This is My mission in this world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and absolves you by the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Free yourself from all that oppresses your heart through the imperative strength of faith and your love for God.

He is on your paths to guide you towards the concretization of His Divine Purpose.

Detach from all that prevents your soul from walking towards an emptiness of self and humbly conquer the Kingdom of God.

Let each divine word resonate in your depths and, in this way, the sacred alliance with that which is most High may be built in the spirit.

God has mercy on the world and on all its servers. The doors of His Kingdom are open so that the consciousnesses of the Earth can go through them.

Have the courage to transcend yourself and affirm in yourself the divine help of the Breath of Spirit.

It is time to be able to live in inner freedom, and to finally make of the incarnation a precious triumph for Creation, for in this way, the New Christs will be born.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who spiritually encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On the eve of the trip to the United States, your Heavenly Mother is already prepared to enter a field of consciousness that will need huge spiritual help and unfathomable mercy.

Thus, in this moment all hearts are being prepared, most especially all those that will be there, to deal with an important lack of love and of unity.

It is in this way that Divinity will carry out a part of the task with a portion of the nation, with the goal that consciousnesses awaken to a greater reality.

Indifference is the first thing that will be touched in the consciousnesses of the United States, in order that something really changes.

Thus, the divine energy of love itself will help to build a new consciousness in the human beings that are to be found there.

But a great deal of faith and of assurance in the Lord will be necessary, so that the doors to unexpected opportunities may gradually open after Our Sacred Hearts have passed through the United States.

At this hour in which all is defined, Divinity expects to arrive in time for the consciousnesses that will need immediate help in order to give up the aspects that tie them to material life and to the drowsiness of modernities.

During this last part of the pilgrimage, all that is sublime will be descending in order to awaken a consciousness of fraternity.

I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the choirs present in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity:

My dear children present at the Marian Center of Figueira,

Today, with all the light and love that flows out from your hearts from the singing, I wish to ask that, under a spirit of humility and simplicity, you offer this meeting for the divine cause of making the Love of God triumph in humanity.

For this, My children, your Heavenly Mother will today accompany you from Mexico through the sacred face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and, with all My angels, from this side of the planet, I will wait for that moment in which your voices will start to sing and to proclaim peace for the world and the healing of hearts.

In this offering of today, dear singers of My Heart, I want you to lovingly dedicate this meeting to the whole serious situation that your planet is facing, especially for what My children of Central America are suffering, who are going through the climatic effects and the intense movement of the elements of nature.

For this sacred mission that you Heavenly Mother has been carrying out, I ask you, dear singers of God, that you keep yourselves united to the great angels of the different regions of the planet, especially the angels of Central America, so that through the supplications of your voices, they may calm the furor of nature.

It is in this way, dear children, that the whole of humanity and the part of it most asleep are facing the first and acute steps of the purification of the planet.

Through your artistic offering to God, beloved children, we will be able to open the doors to Grace, so that it may be poured out again through My Immaculate Heart in all the spaces and in the consciousnesses of the planet that are not yet prepared to live the last cycle of the transition.

From the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, at the top of mount Tepeyac, your Heavenly Mother will wait for the musical and instrumental pieces that will be offered today in a heartfelt way by each one of you, so that in this way, a little more peace is established in the consciousness of humanity that has never experienced a final transition.

As from now, I thank all those who pray for accompanying your Divine Mother on this mission through Central America and Mexico.

It is thus that I still invite you to keep collaborating with the work that the Divine Messengers will continue to expand through other places of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who sings with the voice of the Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Assert yourself in the power of prayer…

Dear children,

In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.

It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.

On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.

But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.

While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.

But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.

This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.

While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.

But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.

In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.

Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.

Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.

In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.

But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.

I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.

This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.

Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.

If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.

In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.

Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.

I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Listen attentively: love will always triumph and no matter how difficult living or manifesting it seems to be, it exists inside each being.

This divine love can do all things; it forgives all things, it endures all things, just as My Son lived it on behalf of all.

There is no other formula of this love that understands all, comprehends all, resists all in the most absolute silence.

In this acute time for the planet, love may be expressed openly in beings.

It is this love that acts above all and that, at the same time, can redeem what would seem impossible.

Love triumphs in the life of those who yield, of those who surrender, of those who accept that which perhaps they would not have deserved, because this love is so great and victorious that it can be intensified and expanded under three strands: in gratitude, in joy, and in hope.

Besides these three pillars, love also has its expression in goodness, in mercy, in compassion, in humility, in unity, in Grace, and in charity.

May this love bring to all the remembrance that any human or spiritual error or evil is defeated, because love is an unknown essence that vivifies the soul.

Risk living all for love and you will be able to recognize in yourselves the potentials that you must live, because in love peace is always present, and not conflict.

Who encourages you to live in the Greater Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this immaculate house to bring relief from the inner suffering which the world and the voices of some of My children have generated.

I come to renew hope, and above all, to strengthen the filiation with God, so that My apostles in redemption feel that the Love of God is in all servers.

I come to teach you to experience what it is to be denied, just as My Son experienced it after having given so many Graces.

I come to remedy and to heal, in the depths of your spirits, what has already taken place and has generated discomfort.

As the Mother of relief and consolation, I come to testify to the Love of Christ in your hearts and to fulfill within you the part of the Purpose that is still to be accomplished.

I come to teach you to love the error of others and not to judge it, as the majority of humanity does, both religious and non-religious, which offends the Heart of the Father.

I come, dear children, to help you go through the Calvary of the end of times and that you learn of unknown things you have still not experienced.

I come to give you the strength of My Heart and the Love of My Divine Spirit, because united with My Consciousness, we will transcend the abysses of the Earth and the Greater Plan will be fulfilled.

On this sacred day, I come to give you My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who fills you with the Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the aroma of Love of My Heart, I can make My children feel the sacred balm of the Light of God.

Every day I come to appease the wounded and lost hearts. Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I heal and redeem all consciousnesses.

May this time of serenity and peace be the most important premises so that everything that surrounds the material life will be transmuted.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I attract the Graces for all My children, and I allow each heart to come know deeply the Kingdom of Peace and of Love of God.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I rebuild the bases that My adversary destroys because My Love for the creatures of God is triumph, service and goodness.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I pour upon My soldiers the ardent aspiration of being in God, thus, dear children, I distance with My hand all influence of evil.

Through the aroma of Love of My Heart I hand you, dear children, the celestial emblem of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who radiates the aroma of Love of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted on the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In the face of any situation or circumstance, may the presence of Divine Love be among you so that, in this way, all obstacles can be overcome.

Through Love, you will be able to recognize the value and the significance of all things and all the consciousnesses that surround you.

Let nothing and no one be a stone or a thorn on your path; learn from each moment as if it were the last and thus, you will grow in truth.

Honesty goes hand in hand with true Love. I invite you to be honest in love, in action, in service and in charity, and not just appear to be honest.

Set aside the authority that many of you believe you have and be humble; be the last in line, so that those most in need are able to move up, for among them there could be the last and New Christ that will open the door of Heaven to you.

In order to be able to perceive these realities, which are not mental or intellectual, you must be united with the essence of the love of the heart. In this way, you will learn every day to love your fellow beings without conveniences or personal merits.

Be always in the source of Love, so that you may also recognize the treasures that We have placed around you; and often, you miss the chance to contemplate the treasure that is the sibling soul, the treasure that is the other consciousness that came into your life to accompany you and guide you in some cases.

To enter through the correct door of Love rather than through the door of convenience, you, My children, must perceive everything with more reverence and devotion; because the devout soul is one that recognizes Christ in its fellow beings, being able to set aside the habit of criticism and judgment.

Be meek and you will naturally recognize the Works of God that are expressed in all consciousnesses.

Do not miss the opportunity of taking the correct step towards the Light. Love the Law of the Hierarchy and defend it from yourselves; thus, My Plans will also be accomplished.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who wakes you up to a greater consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will

This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.

It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.

From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.

This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.

From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.

My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.

After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.

Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.

The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.

Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.

Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.

Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.

Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.

The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.

Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride. 

When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts. 

Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.

In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.

Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.

To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will. 

To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.

But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.

Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually. 

I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world. 

Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.

Times announce great changes for everybody. 

I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!

Who impels you to inner purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Launch yourself into the impossible, if the Lord asks you so. Overcome any natural or supernatural fear and respond to divine Will, even without understanding It.

What could seem more impossible for a human being than to accept that his virgin wife gestates the Son of God, brought and impregnated by the Holy Spirit? Nevertheless, child, in the face of this and so many other mysteries in My life, I never denied the Will of the Lord.

It was for this unrestricted obedience that the Creator granted His simple servant the Grace of sharing His Power and His Glory, even though I was alive, in a body, a mind, a soul, and a human heart.

The Lord always asked Me for impossible things, and the most impossible of all was having asked Me one day to be as like Him as His Son was, in the human form of that little child, whom I carried in My arms for years.

The greatness of that child was so immense and His Holiness and Majesty were so infinite, even being in such a small body, that to resemble such manifested love seemed impossible to Me. But I did not refuse that divine request and I just opened myself to love My Son and God as one thing. I allowed myself to be permeated by Divine Presence in my life and I opened each cell of My body so that it might live in itself the awakening to love and the likeness to God.

I gradually discovered that to be like the Father, just as My Son was, meant to love the Father as My Son loved Him, and to love everything just as the Father loved. The essence of love was the beginning, the middle and the end of all things, of all paths.

And it was in observing the little Jesus that I discovered that evolution is eternal, and that the union with God must be permanent, constant. And so it was that, even after death, I continued to contemplate the steps and the triumph of My beloved Son, and I went ever deeper into experiencing love and the likeness to God.

I tell you this because the Creator asks for impossible things from all His children. Even in the same way He asked Me, He will also ask you to love as His Firstborn Son loves and to be in likeness to Him, just as His beloved Son is.

Know, child, that the essence of everything lies in losing your fear of launching yourself into love.

Even though doubt, fear, pride and the lack of peace torment you, never stop fulfilling the Will of the Father. When you respond to His Call, you will see His Wonders manifest in your life.

I love you and, with My example, I always inspire you.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Vila de Dornes, Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When one battle is lost, another is won; because above all, love will always triumph.

It is this powerful living love that is feared by the powers of hell, and it is this Divine Love that makes them weak and helps to transmute them.

It is in this hour, dear children, that everything is about to be defined within and outside beings, because the time has come when the Plan, that My Son once came to fulfill, will definitely be concluded in this humanity through His Return.

As this return is near, chaos and evil fear that moment when an imminent victory will take place in humanity at the strike of the hammer of the Justice of God.

It is in this critical and unpredictable hour that your hearts must be strong, brave and united, to avoid the failure of the proposed Plan.

Dear children, throughout this time of unexpected events and challenges, have complete faith that you will finally find peace and will understand that the service of Love for the planet is broader than it seems.

On this day, when the night is gathering, dear children, I invite you to meekness and faith; I invite you to pray day and night for those who My hand chose to carry forward this Work of the co-redemption of humanity.

In your weaknesses is found the greatest sacrifice. In your willingness is found the love that can do anything. In the surrender to Divine Will, the soul finds its liberation.

All those who say they are apostles of My Son will be called to carry out impossible things outside of the normal time and hour of humanity.

A Greater Plan is at stake, and the Divine will knock on the door of those who once applied in another time to serve It unconditionally.

May your faith grow and may no one lose their peace. I am with you in this battle against the beast of ten horns: its defeat is near and the triumph of My Heart is already visible to the angels of Heaven.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
