Dear children,
The spiritual war continues its battle within the inner planes.
Your commitment to the Holy Rosary will strengthen you and give you discernment when you need it most.
To stop praying the Holy Rosary, at this moment, is like walking in the darkness of this world, without being able to see the inner light.
My children, from the earliest times we have told humanity that, in prayer, when made with the heart and not only with words, is the victory of your redemption, because, in prayer, you will find My Son.
Prayer will lead you to the safe harbor in this time of global adversity.
Dear children, I teach you that your awakening is in simple experiences, and in prayer lies the attributes and virtues that you need today to learn how to go through this critical moment.
My children, I call you, once again, to renew your spiritual commitment to the Holy Rosary, because some of My children forget and do not give the Holy Rosary the importance that it has.
I ask you not to be distracted. Together, we must triumph in this last battle, so that not blindness nor ignorance may continue to confuse the hearts that decide to turn away from My Son.
We must protect fragile souls with prayer because, at this time, people will make hasty decisions, and overnight they will completely forget that they were next to My Son and being welcomed by His Grace.
Let us pray, children, that the Justice of God not continue to be provoked by the ignorance of souls.
I thank you for responding to My call with awareness!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Calm your heart and rest in the unity with God.
Rest, child, in order not to feed battles with your own mind, which only open the way for doubts and weaknesses, for harassment and deviations.
Rest your heart in God, knowing that in this time of chaos, more than ever, every moment of your life is guided and accompanied by the Creator.
Trust in His unfathomable and merciful Love.
Trust in His Forgiveness and His Healing.
Each day that humanity, as a race, enters dimensions and realities of greater chaos, your heart must be more in God, in your trust, in your faith, with your life in His Hands, your soul at His service, and this way you will not become lost from the path, even in the confusion of the world.
You are called to allow yourself to be guided, humbly.
You are called to obey out of love.
You are called to serve with all your strength and with all your heart.
You are called to heal yourself of body, soul and spirit.
You are called to release the old human and enter eternal life.
You are called to rest in Christ and no longer try to control life and what happens, because your only certainty at this time must be the Love of God for you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this cycle, chaos does not want to govern the nations; chaos desires to remain in the heart and in the mind of the people that agree with conflict and power; because, through souls taken by chaos, the plan of My adversary is carried forward, and as it knows that it has little time left, it will try to awaken and generate the greatest possible destruction within peoples and in nations.
For this reason, the true battle is within everyone, in the duality that must be transcended and overcome in this time so that the soul may triumph.
This cycle is one of many spiritual confrontations and that which is at stake is the next humanity.
If current humanity managed to overcome indifference through the strength and the power of love, the New Earth would already be in the process of being born within hearts.
But now the intelligence that the Holy Spirit provides must be used in order to overcome the attacks and challenges of these times. You will build that intelligence with prayer and with all that you nurture in your inner world.
There will be days of glory, but there will also be nights of battles, and in these moments, My Love will be there to help you, when you allow Me to.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When the Doors of Heaven open for your Celestial Mother to come here, the Time of God unites with the time of the world and a superior reality becomes visible, transforming with its presence the layers of illusion of life on the Earth.
I bring with Me the sublime reality of Paradise so that you can feel the Grace of being in God. Each time I approach the planet, the presence of this Celestial Kingdom transforms life upon the Earth a little more and helps humanity find the Truth of higher life and live it.
I come in this time to concretize the spiritual Mission that God granted Me and to manifest the prophecies that were announced throughout human evolution, which must be lived today.
I am awakening the hearts of those who must prepare the Return of Christ to this world through prayer and the unconditional surrender of your lives, because you have come to this planet for this. Your souls, My children, have been preparing for this moment since the beginning of their creation. The time has come to manifest and live the Purpose of God for your lives, and this happens when you definitively awaken and understand the time that you are living as humanity.
I come to concede these same unfathomable Graces for the consciousnesses of nations and for the essence of the planet so that, by the intercession of a few, many may have the opportunity of returning to God.
You already know that each time I come to a nation, it is to extract, with My Holy Hands, the roots of evil, of suffering and of illusion, which for centuries have been entering the consciousnesses of humanity to stimulate them towards evil, to indifference and to the lack of love.
We are in the time of a great spiritual battle, My children, which different from the conflicts of this world, is won through love, through unity, with the heart and with persistence in the fidelity to God and to His Purpose.
This battle is deeper than what was described in the Apocalypse of John and broader than the dimensions of life on Earth. It begins in the depths of the hearts of humanity where the consciousness must struggle with itself to remain in Love and in the Divine Purpose and then, beyond the dimensions of material life, this battle acquires greater and deeper proportions, and to win it, the hearts must attain greater degrees of love, consciousness and awakening.
For this reason, I am here. I am your Celestial Mother, the One who sustained the Redeemer up to the foot of the Cross and Who, washed by His Blood, made the commitment to sustain the cross of each one of His companions until the end of the end of times. I am here, guiding your steps and sustaining your hearts and consciousnesses through My permanence in the world.
Trust in My presence, My children, because what I come to do in your lives is to manifest the Will of God and help you so that you may help this world and beyond; so that you may be predecessors of a new Love, for all Creation.
Today I would like to lead you to a deep awakening so that you may feel the Truth and the Kingdom of God. Therefore, pray with the heart, so that the Kingdom of your Father may descend here and may let you know, not only His Peace but above all His Grace, His Truth, His Wisdom and His awakening.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
I wait for you in prayer.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.
Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.
My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.
Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.
My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.
Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols
who have been erected, fall.
Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.
Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.
Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.
Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May peace prevail in times of spiritual war and of difficulty, moments in which neutrality will be the main tool for countering all adversity.
In neutrality there will be no stimulus for confrontation nor for challenge.
This will make you strong in faith and intelligent in strategies, thus you will learn to follow the operative Commands of the Plan, which will give impulse to the manifestation of light on the Earth.
Meanwhile, companions, seek that neutrality within yourselves, allow the powerful current of Peace to stabilize and balance the spaces.
Walk towards this objective so that, beyond all adversity or battle, the greater strength of Love may triumph, just as I showed you on the Cross.
In this time receive the greater impulse of My Commands so that peace and neutrality may reign within you, attributes which will allow you to live an operative life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Decree of Hope for the Heart of the Earth
Hear, O Heart of the Earth!
The cycle of definition of your destiny has come.
Walk towards your new name, towards the expression of your new life.
In this calvary that you are experiencing, carrying the cross of the end of times,
see your Heart become the stage of a battle,
fought since the origins of human life and therebefore.
See that the time has come for this battle to end,
and prepare the hearts of your children
so that they may be triumphant in Love and in Truth.
O Heart of the Earth,
your new name is drawn like fire upon the horizon,
and nothing will be able to stop the triumph of your destiny.
Radiate the faith that is born in the center of your being toward each one of your children
so that, through it, they may come to know Truth and Good.
Dissolve, little by little, the time that is around you,
like veils that cover your face,
hiding the Truth that exists beyond you.
Let your children gradually enter into the Time of God, into the Real time,
so that they may recognize, not only the seriousness of these days,
but also the majesty of your purpose.
Let your children contemplate, not only the illusion
and the somnolence that absorbs beings,
but also let them know their origin and what caused them to come here,
to become human beings, hope of the Heart of God.
O Heart of the Earth,
that is in agony and has been saddened throughout this birthing of a child,
which has been seemingly eternal and
so much awaited for by all of Life.
Even though your contractions may be painful and your body may be tired,
do not lose the hope of seeing the new human, the new life, born from you.
Behold, gradually the promise arises that the Creator made to you,
since the beginning of your existence and before;
this promise that was renewed over the course of human evolution,
that triumphed on the Cross of the Savior and that must culminate
with the cross of these times, the planetary cross.
Let the promises of God become alive,
and see the prophecies of the Armageddon come out of the sacred books.
But, beyond that, also see the sky open, and among the clouds,
the choirs of angels preparing for the Return of the Living God to your embrace.
He will come with His Arms open to receive the children that were born of you,
and taking this new life into His Arms,
He will elevate the dimensions and soothe the pain.
He will bring His Kingdom to the world and you will no longer be called Earth, nor Jerusalem.
Your name will resound from the heights, that sacred sound,
pronounced by God since the beginning.
And with that vibration upon you, you will no longer see pain, but rather peace.
In you, your children will grow and, for a thousand years,
they will strengthen Love within themselves,
until they are ready to allow Love to triumph in all life.
Remember My words, o Heart of the Earth,
and remind your children that your story is already defined
and that, in spite of all the challenges, they must never lose faith.
I leave the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am over My children to protect them and to bring them Peace, because the battles of these times are the announcement of My coming Kingdom and the establishment of the Plan of God in this world.
I am the Mother of all times and all eras, because in the Beginning your essences emerged from My Creator Womb. The children of God were born of Me, through the divine fertilization of the Holy Spirit, just as His Firstborn expressed the Mirror of Universal Creation when, on Earth, He was gestated in My Being.
I am the Mother of All Times, because I gestated you in the beginning and I will gestate you at the end, so that you may be reborn in Me as a new humanity.
Although you are in life, you are spiritually within Me, and I protect you so that at the correct moment you may be reborn. I make of your hearts the Mirror of My maternal Womb and I gestated in them the new being.
You may think that you will be reborn on your own, and that the Love of Christ will emerge from your essences as a divine miracle, but it is I, My Children, as the Mother of All Times, Who is gestating It in you.
The Divine Womb is mirrored in all creatures and in them gestates new life and the new being. Everything new that emerges in you, just as in all of Creation, has its beginning in Me, because I am the Mother of All Times.
Feel within your own being the reflection of life that I gestate within Myself and mirror through you. Recognize the mystery of the Unity of the Mother with Her children and glorify God through of the power of this Unity.
Allow My Universal Womb to gestate in you a new humankind, a new being, worthy of being called Child, just as His Firstborn was called this in all of the universe, as in all Creation.
Just as I gestated the Son of Man in My Womb, today I gestate the Son of the New Humankind, the New Child, who must express the victory of the Creator and the renewal of the evolution for all the universes, moving beyond the expressions of Love and of surrender which until today have been experienced in this world and in all others.
Feel that My Creator Womb renews you and causes all the old matter that is decomposing as dust in the human consciousness to perish, because it no longer builds the Plan of God and His Will. Make way for what I conceive in you, in your hearts and consciousnesses, so that even your minds also open and recognize the New Universal Science that transcends human understanding.
Let the radiation of this Creator Mirror in your essences expand throughout all of your being, and expels the old from you. Step out of the cocoon of ignorance and of human blindness so that the renewal of Creation may give you wings to reach God, and that your flight inspires others to be reborn and to fly.
I am the Mother of All Times, and you are My Children. I love you as much as the Firstborn Son of God, because each one of you represents just as great an opportunity for Life as He represented, as He was, is and will always be.
Make way for the New that I gestate in you and this will start opening the heart and the consciousness, to live what you do not understand and to say “yes” to what you do not know and have never lived.
The old patterns must stay behind, together with the old humanity, because the Creator aspires that the New Jerusalem shortly descend upon the world, and in order for this to happen, His children must renew themselves also.
The Creator will not make a new archetype of life, based upon Divine Laws and Unfathomable Graces, descend upon the Earth if humanity does not renew itself and is reborn to become worthy of inhabiting this Earth. The New Jerusalem will only manifest in all of its purity when humankind is pure and worthy of inhabiting it.
The Son of Man will not return to the world to be crucified a second time. His companions must carry the cross of these times and live the transformation in Christ before He returns, because He will come to consummate the Plan of His Father and demonstrate to His Own that they can be as much Children of God as He is.
He will found the New Jerusalem with His companions, and will give the meek and pure of heart the governance of the Earth, because the new governors will not be those who know how to subdue and subjugate, but rather those who know how to surrender to God, respect their brothers and sisters, and humble themselves before them, recognizing the Creator present in all His creatures.
It will be the child of the New Humankind who will inhabit the Promised Land, and all that is old and decomposed today will be renewed in the Containers of Creation as something new, so that all may be recreated.
I am the Mother of All Times and all things, and today I announce the Grace that awaits you when you are reborn. Contemplate within your own being the Mirror of the new universal gestation and be caretakers of what is born in you.
Just as I took My Son into My arms when He expressed the glory of God in the fragility of a child, one day, beloved children, I want take into My arms what today is being conceived within you and to contemplate the triumph of God in human life, having the certainty in My Heart that every battle and all pain were worth it to see this moment arrive.
Who gestates you in Her Creator Womb,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of All Times
May the Divine Peace be established in times of chaos.
May this Peace attract meekness to all hearts.
May love triumph in times of battle and may this love recuperate and redeem all that seems lost.
May souls glorify the Father and may His Holy Spirit liberate them from all evil.
May consciousnesses strengthen themselves during the transition of Earth so that they can see the opening of the doors of the glorious return of Christ.
May everything be determined at this hour of definition so that the Plan of God will manifest itself in the consciousness of humanity.
May nobody lose hope or inner strengths, may you rise the flag of the announcement of the redemptive coming of Christ.
May the divine and supreme Heavens open themselves above your heads for the holy angels to pour out the Mercy of God.
May the impure be purified.
May the purified become more pure and, in the essence of the original purity, may all live inner peace.
May the legions of Light formed by all human beings of good will follow the realization of the Divine Plan and may all the navigating servers row and row for the boat of victory to arrive at the port of the Great and Supreme Liberator.
May nobody fear the final time, may everything take place according to the divine Thought.
May the hearts not lose peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In vigil.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.
The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.
I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.
Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.
What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.
You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.
Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.
While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.
To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.
Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.
The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.
Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.
The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.
Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.
One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.
I love you and leave you My Blessing,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I will send all My angels so that, after each battle, the Healers of Heaven may radiate their healing states over the servant humanity.
This is how your Heavenly Mother sends all Her Hosts of Light so that they may rebuild all that has been damaged after a hard confrontation.
Know, dear children, that the angels of healing dedicate their divine service to restore and balance that which My adversary tries to destroy.
Thus, the Love of God within them allows the doors of evil to be sealed, and, all that is involutive becomes expelled because, at that moment, My beloved ones, the Light of God, the Light of the Creator, triumphs over any adversity.
It is in this school that all the servers are entering in order to learn to love what the Father sends them as instruction and for inner growth.
As your Mother, I will not cease to accompany you on this trajectory that will lead you to serve for the liberation of many souls that are trapped in ignorance and in the temptation of My enemy.
When liberation and a global awakening happens within the consciousnesses, it is a sign, dear children, that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is getting closer, every day; this will be inevitable in these times that will come for humanity.
Know, My beloved warriors, that I will be near you, sustaining the scepter of My maternal government.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
My adversary does not know the virtues of the hearts and he gets angry when these virtues, that are part of the sanctity of the spirit, emerge for the service of God.
Therefore at this time of the final battle, may your hearts pacify themselves, may your souls be in peace and without fear that something bad might happen.
Surrender your lives and commands to the Hands of God, and a new time of Light will come to fill all of you up, just as it has been thought by the Father.
Dear children, be what you have not been yet and for this to be possible, determination and faith will help you manifest this model of spiritual life that must also be at service of the planetary life.
Let your human lives continue being guided by Me until the final goal and during the battles that you live for the redemption of souls. Acquire a spirit of greater meekness than all evils that exist in this world; in this way you will be able to gather all the sufficient virtues, those that will help to take the last step of surrender to God.
Do not fear God because even if you fall over and over again, confirm innerly that you are children of the Most Beloved Father and He will have pity on all the actions My adversary inflicts to the hearts; the Father will help you with the strength of all His angels so that you will never forget that who is in God fears nothing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and absolves you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
Oh human soul that is in the last time of your imperfection, renounce what binds you to the old world, and launch into the infinity of a new life! Struggle firmly in your last battle of this cycle of darkness, a battle that will cause you to ascend to sublime realities and that, despite being long and painful, its merits will never end.
Oh soul that is so unknown to yourself, plunge into your inner world and remove the veils that cover your human eyes, so that you may discover the infinity of your own consciousness.
Soul of God, so tired of the cycles of illusion experienced on this Earth, the blindness and indifference are now coming to an end, so that you may rest contemplating the Sunrise of a new day, of a new era.
Soul of God that is so small and infinite at the same time; your greatness was hidden by the ignorance of the human mind, and your smallness is to be found in the humility which you are to uncover. Within you, humility and greatness must encounter, because it is only through recognizing yourself as a small nothing that you will discover the likeness to God that contains all things within Himself.
Open your heart to the Creative Word, speak through prayer, and no longer with human concepts and limited ideas.
Contemplate before you the great example of the Sacred Family and overcome the ancient prejudice against being pure and simple like those three Sacred Hearts. The greatest of mysteries is unveiled in simplicity.
No longer search so much for great sciences, if the greatest of all sciences is to discover yourself in likeness to God: in Him lies Omniscience.
While the world anchors matter to the old patterns of the Earth, elevate yourself, little soul. Make yourself light as the wind and return to the Father. In the silence of your example, carry all humanity with you, and reaching the Heavens, open the doors to the new time, to the time that has always been, that is, but that your world never came to know.
Go in search of the new, the eternal, the infinite.
Who shows you the path to the new era,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be brave, My dear children, in these times of Armageddon.
My Heart is your emblem of battle; it is the impenetrable shield that no one can overthrow.
So, with courage and valor, be My victorious praying armies who respond to the call of the Celestial Mother; be bearers of the Grace that achieves and redeems all.
Dear children, be brave all the time and do not give up; I am here to intercede for My children and to take you to the Divine Heart of the Redeemer.
Dear children, follow My paths, because on them is written the story of your liberation and forgiveness; on My paths is written the story of all your conversion.
Triumphant in prayer and merciful in love go forth, My dear children, because there is still much to do for all this humanity.
My children, I am your Commander and Guide; I am the triumphant Mother in Heart and in Soul, in Spirit and in Divinity, through all My praying soldier children.
Dear children, it is the time to make the Plan of God triumph, and the Work will be done with the collaboration of everyone.
Be My witnesses, be finally My beloved children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you and protects you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.
Beloved children,
In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will no longer be two paths on which to go. Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.
Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.
Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.
The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.
If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.
The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.
This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.
Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.
I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.
I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
It is time to recognize the Truth of God, My children, to remove from your consciousness the ignorance about itself and to experience divine filiation as an everyday principle.
It is time to recognize your own essence and in humility turn to the Creator of all things, He who dwells within yourselves, and let Him expand and definitely establish His Reign.
I have come to the Kingdom of Lys, beloved children, for a Universal Purpose rather than a human purpose. I have come because this is My spiritual and divine Kingdom, where that which is most pure in each consciousness is held. It is from the Kingdom of Lys that I safeguard the essences and protect all My children from themselves and from My adversary.
The keys that open the doors of this Kingdom are faith and ardent devotion, and it is this faith and this devotion which I came to renew within My children so that, through their awakening, the doors of the Kingdom of Lys may be open for all of humanity and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also have their purity safeguarded in Lys.
While the critical times begin and many of My children are lost in the darkness, especially in the north of the planet, it is necessary that the doors of Lys be open so that, in recognizing their own essence, discovering and experiencing their filiation with God, souls are not extinguished and discouraged in the face of challenges and the abysses into which My adversary propels them.
Children, we are in a great battle for the triumph of Peace and you must be aware of this. The Kingdom of Lys must count on awake soldiers on the surface of the Earth so that, aware of the spiritual and physical situation of the planet, they may be guardians of the spring that flows from Lys to sustain souls in truth and in love, and that they not allow themselves to be lost nor deceived by the confusion of these times.
My children, the Purity radiated by the Mirrors of Lys is indispensable in these times of obscurity and darkness for a large part of humanity. And when I speak to you of darkness, I am not only referring to wars, hunger, to violence, but I am also speaking about ignorance, the indifference to God and the growth of capital powers, which blind the eyes of those who committed themselves to My Son and to the Creator, to experience Christic principles and awaken a love that opens the doors to infinity for a union with God.
The Mirrors of Lys, with their divine potential, must dissolve the darkness that does not allow My children to find the truth about themselves and about life on Earth. And for those Mirrors to be active, children, there must be pillars of prayer and of faith that support them and that, with purity of intention and humility, offer the Father their awakening and their surrender to be His instruments in the world.
It is for a universal and divine reason, My children, that I awaken the Kingdom of Lys and I establish a new Home on the surface of the Earth, not because that which I have already achieved as Divinity in Europe through Fatima, Lourdes or Medjugorje was not enough, but each of My Homes has a unique function: to awaken certain souls and to manifest a divine principle.
Now is the time for a more profound awakening for Europe, like in America. It is time for My children to be more aware of the battle of these times and to unite through universal ecumenism to spiritually sustain the planet and prepare to fertilize the ground of the Earth for a new life.
Children, it is for the simple reason of elevating you and awakening you that I am here. As a Celestial and Universal Mother, I seek to lead you to the Truth of the Creator.
This evening, may the Mirrors of Lys be ignited within you and reflect Their Purity and Their Peace in your essences so that you feel and live an awakening to higher life, and may your souls, which are thirsty to serve the Father, finally find their path.
I love you and bless you, placing the Flower de Lys in your essences, a flower that awakens purity and truth within you.
The One who always guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The art of learning to be prudent
In this end time and in this life, prudence must become a permanent art in the spiritual life. By acting with prudence, many situations generated by my Adversary, through the stimuli received by the consciousnesses, will be prevented from taking place.
To be prudent at this time will help to prevent the destiny of events, so that certain experiences arising from imprudence will be avoided.
Imprudence is the opposite of precision and rhythm. At this time, in which humanity is placed in parallel dimensions through its actions, the imprudence of the disciples of Christ can no longer be overlooked.
The consequences of imprudence lead to emotional and mental instability of the human consciousness, because this is how humanity faces unforeseen situations without preparation to overcome them.
For example, the wars as well as the hunger that are experienced in some nations at this moment, are not only due to lack of prudence, but also as a result of the choice that goes beyond the material plan of the planet.
Imprudence generates in the consciousness different levels of mistrust and, inevitably, strengthens disobedience to the Law of the Hierarchy, which generates a learning that is also unforeseen in its evolutionary destiny.
Children, it is very important that you learn, in this cycle, to be prudent with a certain level of consciousness, because the attitude of prudence will lead you to be always at peace.
Imprudence has awakened in humanity the dominion of the actions of life, as well as the destiny of the nations. Imprudence could be fatal, because an insignificant action impregnated by a personal or group impulse, as it happens in these times, could change the course of the Project that the Father has thought of, whether it has to do with a group of consciousnesses or with the whole planet.
Humanity in this era is based not only on indifference, but also on the complex states of imprudence leading to the development of unusual and unnecessary events.
At this acute and crucial time for humanity and the planet, the conscious acts of prudence will correct the excessive impulses to spontaneously carry out personal, group and heroic actions.
From now on, you must act as the Hierarchy does, measuring the timing of events and decisions with observation, neutrality and patience. The chain of imprudence must be cut by prudent acts of true spiritual beings in service to the Plan of God.
While there is still material time, take advantage, My children, to perceive and learn about true spiritual prudence, based on the Law of Obedience and on the Law of Hierarchy. In order that your consciousnesses may reach this purpose of spiritual prudence, you must strive every day to be more attentive to your own motivations, ideas and expectations, because the Plan of the Hierarchy at this time is treated with caution and with much discernment.
The task to be developed by the Celestial Hierarchy cannot be treated in an imprudent and superficial way. It is at this point that your consciousnesses and hearts must pay attention.
It is also not recommended, children, that your lives and consciousnesses in this serious cycle of humanity be imprudent, with impulsive and selfish expressions.
To be prudent in the foreseen Plan and with the Hierarchy will determine, at this end time, the ability to be able to remove from your minds any personal, group, regional or worldwide idea.
Imprudence is the second spiritual disease of Humanity. Therefore, children, it is time and it is the moment for you to grow, not only because of the impulses that prayer brings to the heart, but also because of a greater attention that you must have from now on. This will liberate you from being debtors of the Plan by acts of imprudence or negligence.
It is a major effort for the whole Spiritual Hierarchy of the Light to follow the reality of this planet. At this moment, It premeditates before making decisions. This is so, dear children, because we are in times of battles and of profound definitions; that is why I warn you with all the Love of My Heart of a Mother, so that each day you are less distracted, more silent and attentive to the final events that are approaching.
This attitude, of a true thinking being, that must be conscious of all that must be fulfilled for the Plan, will also help to dissolve the global hypnotism of human indifference, a situation that does not allow souls to perceive the planetary suffering that exists in each people, in each nation.
Ask with faith so that, every day, the Holy and Divine Spirit may help you to build the basis of a true and conscious spiritual prudence; thus you will be transforming the mental consciousness of the planet, which is quite altered and charged.
I join every praying Heart that opens itself to grow inwardly and without distraction.
I thank you for being prudent and attentive from the heart!
Who helps you extraordinarily,,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prudence: Quality or virtue that consists of acting with reflection and discernment to distinguish between good and bad, and thus avoid unnecessary dangers and damage.
When one battle is lost, another is won; because above all, love will always triumph.
It is this powerful living love that is feared by the powers of hell, and it is this Divine Love that makes them weak and helps to transmute them.
It is in this hour, dear children, that everything is about to be defined within and outside beings, because the time has come when the Plan, that My Son once came to fulfill, will definitely be concluded in this humanity through His Return.
As this return is near, chaos and evil fear that moment when an imminent victory will take place in humanity at the strike of the hammer of the Justice of God.
It is in this critical and unpredictable hour that your hearts must be strong, brave and united, to avoid the failure of the proposed Plan.
Dear children, throughout this time of unexpected events and challenges, have complete faith that you will finally find peace and will understand that the service of Love for the planet is broader than it seems.
On this day, when the night is gathering, dear children, I invite you to meekness and faith; I invite you to pray day and night for those who My hand chose to carry forward this Work of the co-redemption of humanity.
In your weaknesses is found the greatest sacrifice. In your willingness is found the love that can do anything. In the surrender to Divine Will, the soul finds its liberation.
All those who say they are apostles of My Son will be called to carry out impossible things outside of the normal time and hour of humanity.
A Greater Plan is at stake, and the Divine will knock on the door of those who once applied in another time to serve It unconditionally.
May your faith grow and may no one lose their peace. I am with you in this battle against the beast of ten horns: its defeat is near and the triumph of My Heart is already visible to the angels of Heaven.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
An urgent call to the prayer for Peace
My most dear children of the world, favorite servers of My Heart,
Today on behalf of the Greater Good and the Mercy of God I come to ask you again to pray a Mystery of the Holy Rosary every day for the next six months in order to avoid the infernal spread of a cruel war between the nations of the Middle East. If this call is not answered as part of the supplication of Your Heavenly Mother, you will see with your own eyes much blood running, despair among peoples and more attacks that will affect more innocent souls.
I would like, My children, for this summoning to prayer to be expanded across the five continents and in all possible languages, because I know there are souls still waiting to hear My words and recognize My voice in them.
My children, the tyrant mobilizes its more than four thousand armies of fallen angels to dominate the frustrated and innocent consciousness of My children in the Middle East.
I ask those who can to offer for the next six months the Mystery of the Rosary in Arabic and Hebrew, so that the powers of prayer may embrace more hearts and more planes of consciousness.
I tell you, My little children, that this humanity which is already lost, flaunts a conquest of the planet that is not real and that is driven by demons.
As My adversary knows that I am walking through Europe to avoid that the war of everyone against everyone expands to this part of the hemisphere, he uses all his explosive weapons and all souls that are committed to this reality and remain doomed to Earthly hell , which they fail to leave.
Dear children, the time has come for you to run along with Your Mother into the inner desert where we will take refuge, in prayer, from all evil and be safe.
At this time when the battle will define the moment of the return of Christ, I invite you to have a persevering, humble and sincere heart. If you, My children, love one another, we will gradually disarm the plan of My adversary to dispel faith and true love between consciousnesses. I awake you at this hour to a truth that many want to hide.
Let us pray with firmness in the heart and confidence that all the angels of Heaven will aid you in this final battle in which the Woman Dressed of the Sun will overcome Her eternal enemy through the most powerful flow of love.
Spread My call and let it be known to the world that the whole Universe is attentive to what happens in it.
May the hearts regain their innocence and purity so that My Immaculate Heart will thus triumph.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this mission of redemption!
Who loves and understands you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more