In ancient times, prior to the Birth of My Son, Jesus, there were great sages, scattered throughout various points of the East and the Far East, beings who also brought to humanity the expression of Love-Wisdom.

During those ancient times, the oldest human civilization took the first steps when it discovered within itself that there lies a universe or essence that is capable of allowing us to connect with the Source of Creation.

The first spiritual beings emerged from allegories or mythologies; in fact, they were born in this world and within humanity to attract wisdom as experience.

It was thus that Hindus, Persians, the Chinese and Buddhists provided humanity with knowledge of their myths or legends which, in truth, were drawn through the experience of deeply knowing the inner universe and knowing how it manifests itself.

Today I talk about the ancient sages of the planet or of mythologies because they were the means or bridges by which the human race, throughout time, could know that within the wisdom of things lies the explanation of everything.

In those times, the sages of former times prepared humanity before to the time of Jesus so that it could receive the powerful Christic energy which came to free the world and teach it the path of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The end of September is coming, a time in which a great change will be experienced, and souls will live through a test of faith, in order that the Celestial Father can confirm where He will place and sow the last and most prized seeds of the New Humanity.

This test will allow hearts to know what degree of true love they are in and how much they put into practice each one of My Messages.

Beyond the Messengers, this test of a deep faith, trust and credibility will define the next steps the Spiritual Hierarchy must develop in the end times.

Through this test, the confirmation will come as to whether the gifts from Heaven were truly received or were wasted.

It will be a test of faith because it will allow souls to realize where they are and if they have taken steps according to the Commandments we have given them in these last ten years. Each will know if they truly love their neighbors more than themselves and if they have not forgotten this first rule.

God will allow this test of worldwide faith so that new opportunities for definition can manifest, since it is urgent to be able to count on real and unconditional soldiers of the Plan.

I, as your Mother, will be praying to the Eternal Father, in order that at this hour, wisdom can predominate rather than division. I will be beside those who wholeheartedly call on Me and I promise to guide them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep all the divine and universal Knowledge that is still waiting to be revealed to the world.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the principle of divine Thought and the spirit of unconditional obedience, which has caused Creation to be concretized and manifested.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the sacred and sublime Temples of God, yet to be revealed to humanity.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the Triune Conception, which is to say, the creator Essence of the Father, the creator Essence of the Son, and the creator Essence of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the fruitful principle of Life, the origin of Original Purity, the primary state of existence.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the integration and the union among universes, those which allowed the expression of the consciousness of wisdom, that the non-material Source expressed to all which is created.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the spirit of the purpose for each creature in this universe. It is in this way that, as Mother of the Sphere, I clearly know what the purpose of each being is and the conclusion of their destiny.

I thank you responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Light will always defeat evil, because evil is dazzled by the Light of God, which is invincible, strong and powerful.

Light is based in love, and it is love that provides the strength so that the Light is able to act with determination.

The Light of God is incomparable, neutral and precise. It acts on all the levels of the Creator Consciousness and can manifest in three ways: through the Love of the Father, through the Knowledge of the Son, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Light is capable, as essence, of penetrating the deepest layers of planetary life, because it acts through equilibrium, equality and justice, principles that are born of the Primordial Source.

The Light of God can solve the impossible, bring clarity to what is confused, and dissolve what interferes in the life or the inner essence. This Light, with its principle and with the movement of its energy, dissolves and makes transitory that which is opposed to it. 

Because it is of God, it is an intimate, inner and non-material Light that fosters harmony and order in the spaces.

The Light of God is equitable and just, because it elevates and ignites what is apparently dark. It is a Gift of God that brings a revelation of the new to humanity and dispels what is static or resistant.

The Light conquers because it is neutral, and at the same time, peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.

It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.

I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.

With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.

While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and prays for you every day,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Words of Light and Wisdom emanate from My Immaculate Heart. They are Words of Love and of Truth that come from God to illumine the paths of souls or to draw souls closer that have distanced themselves from the Father.

These Words, which emerge from My Heart, are full of Grace and of Mercy, for behind them is held an infinite and mysterious Higher Love which makes each creature worthy and venerable.

These Words seek to awaken the truth in each being, and at the same time, the Purpose that each essence is to accomplish in light of Creation and the universe.

This makes us understand that Spiritual Instruction comes to us so we are able to know how to make the most of our own life through the path of faith, charity and helping others.

The Words of Light which come from My Heart make life evolve, with each consciousness becoming a Sacred instrument of God.

The Words which come from God concretize many things, especially the Purpose and the task that each soul must experience in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


While Jesus travelled through the cities, one by one, the souls could feel and recognize the sanctity of My Son because, in reality, the Holy Father expressed Himself through the noble Heart of Jesus.

This permitted that the souls could be participants in many Graces, although My Son already knew that His hour was drawing close. Jesus, beyond all He would endure, never kept from manifesting His joy, because through His joy, He transmitted many things to the souls; through His smile He left a message of hope and of victory, which would be kept in the memory of the most simple ones.

The Lord attracted to the world the Kingdom of God and, being with the children, He demonstrated that it is in the smallness of the most simple and humble things that the truth about our true being is kept.

Through the parables or through the most concrete examples, Jesus attracted from the Universe the essence of Instruction and, in the most simple persons, He left engraved the Principle of Wisdom.

Thus, nobody remained without the possibility of internally knowing the essence of Love and of Truth, which through Jesus expressed themselves in the whole of Creation.

He attracted toward humanity, in that time, the knowledge about the Kingdom of God. Such knowledge in this material Universe lies in all that has been created.

The Lord helped each soul to feel, to a certain degree, one with the Creator; because being in the Father and the Father in them, the true state of Unity could manifest itself.

Jesus benefitted from all time He had available to make concrete the Will of God; this would culminate in His Passion, in His Death and in His Resurrection.

I thank you for responding to My call.    

Who blesses you,    

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I am that Bird of Light that comes to announce peace to the world.

I am that Bird of Light that comes to guide Her children on the path of love and of the good.

I am that Bird of Light that circles the spaces to bring wisdom to a civilization that needs it very much.

I am that Bird of Light that brings hope and renewal to consciousnesses.

I am that Bird of Light that helps to raise the spirit of each being so that all may meet with the Father.

I am that Bird of Light that descends to the abysses of the Earth to rescue each one of the children of God.

I am that Bird of Light that awakens devotion in the hearts so that divine communion may be established.

I am the Bird of light that takes care of and protects the essences that surrender in trust into the arms of the Celestial Mother.

I am that Bird of Light that concedes pardon and reconciliation with the Divine.

I am that Bird of Light of mercy, and I hope all My Children will live this powerful gift of liberation.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

When your consciousnesses manage with effort to open your heart, the doors of Grace open and there is nothing that can prevent this from happening.

Therefore, in this time, if you open your heart, the consciousness will be guided by a sublime energy that comes from the Source and that you, here on the Earth, know as wisdom.

My children, the wisdom of God will always place you on the path of His Divine Will and your lives will avoid entering the path of errors and constant human impulses.

The Lord needs you to be able to grow inwardly, because the hour has come for your consciousnesses and souls to show the universe that you have understood the call and that now you will live it with greater resolve.

I would like My disciples, the disciples of Christ, to go through the end of times with the inner tools that prayer and instruction have given them.

With this foundation of learning, you, dear children, will make each stage of the Plan victorious and sublime. In this way, you will be participants in the materialization of the Plan on Earth.

Thus, My beloved children, it is necessary that you be available for the needs the Universe may present in each sector of the Divine Work.

In this way, guided by a greater intelligence, you will be able to be at the height of events with more maturity and, above all, with much love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the Love of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the flame of the Holy Spirit illuminate your paths so that they may be filled by Its Gifts of Wisdom and Love, because by receiving these celestial attributes, the souls that are disciples of Christ will acquire greater wisdom, discernment and love for accomplishing their tasks.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit give you the impulse every day to live the transcendence from forms and liberation from obstacles, for by receiving the Holy Spirit within yourselves, the consciousness is able to further understand the Plan of God.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit enter the very depths of the spirit of each being so that inner truth may be revealed, and, in this way, the doors may open to forgiveness so that everyone may go through them.

Allow this sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to envelope you and make of each soul a precious instrument in the Hands of God.

“Come Holy Spirit and transform all that was created
for the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the beginning of all, the Creator aspired that all of His children came to know the truth and understood the essence of His Love, the reason of why He had multiplied Himself.

The only reason of the existence of all things is the Love of God, that in a moment was so great that It could not fit in Himself, which made Him multiply in Three, while still being One. And, while still being One, He multiplied Himself in many more.

The mystery of Love is that it multiplies and gives Itself, while still belonging to the same Source. The one who loves participates in the multiplication of God and in the essence of Creation; the one who truly loves, loves with the Love of the Father and gives It to everyone, making this Divine presence infinite and at the same time unique.

The time will come when the words will give place to the knowledge of the heart, because the Divine Word is vibration and not just series of letters that form ideas, concepts and try to fit in it something that is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.

In the beginning of the human school, the beings of Earth attracted, from previous experiences, the ray of the science of God because at that moment they needed the Divine knowledge in order to evolve as a race and as a consciousness. However, humanity has limited the divine science with the concrete walls of its mind, and much of what the Creator tried to reveal got stuck in the human impossibility of receiving the impulses of God.

It was in this way that the knowledge stopped on the limitation of the human mind, and that which was infinite and sublime got limited as much as humankind, which was stuck in its matter and far from its spirit.

In this way, children, the truth has never been revealed to you, because, even though you believed you had knowledge, you have always tried to place in the human understanding a knowledge and a truth that infinitely transcend this understanding.

The ones who could contemplate or glimpse a bit of this truth have remained in silence, because they knew it could not fit in the human concepts; as I told you, the Divine Word is vibration and not words.

It is for this reason that the history of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of Creation, is written on the Mirrors and not on sheets of paper.

To understand the truth that I bring to you, you must enter in the inner universe and read on the mirrors of the heart what I transmit to you.

Many believed that the fact that I approached to this planet meant a retrogression in the evolutionary life, and, in truth, children, arrogance and human ignorance have not let you understand that I have come to put you on the right path of evolution; I have come to activate the mirrors of you hearts and teach you, rather than to think, to feel and live the teaching.

It is through My presence that you can reach the essence of the heart and understand there, without explanations, the divine mysteries.

Now that prayer has already opened the doors of your hearts and consciousness, the time has come to understand these mysteries that I have announced to you so much. I only ask you not to make the same mistakes of the past, trying to understand and scientifically explain what I will tell you. This is the age of Love and no longer of science, because science has brought you here so that now you will enter in other levels of evolution and will be able to manifest the divine will.

If you keep trying to guide yourselves by impulses or teachings of the past, you will lose the opportunity to live the new and to be transformed by the sources that this current cycle brings to you from the universe.

Listen to what I tell you, My children, lightening the mirror of the heart and not the mind. In the mirror of the heart, there is silence and wisdom and it is in this way that you must receive the new keys of these times.

The Creator wishes to approach you to the truth about your origin, not only for you to have knowledge, but so that this information may approach you to the Divine Life and you may find the path to return.

May the Truth and the magnitude of the Cosmos reveal to you the truth and the magnitude about yourselves because it is time to recognize the likeness with God – that is spiritual and essential – so that in this way will you bear the times that will come, sustained by the truth, and manifest the Plan of the Creator on Earth.

I love you and thank you for listening to Me with the mirror of the heart. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

In order for peace to be established, ignorance must be dissipated from the hearts and consciousnesses of human beings.

This sacred planet is being taken to the abyss by the actions and the ideas of those who believe themselves wise but who ignore the truth, even about themselves. How to live in wisdom, if you, My dears, do not even know the truth about yourselves, about your origin and the real reason why you came to this world?

The path to discovering the truth is considered by many to be the path of the ignorant; those who seek to develop faith in order to unveil heavenly mysteries are often considered lost and blind by the great powers of this material world.

Children, very unhappy is the heart that is blind to the things of God or has a tepid and superficial faith, only to give the appearance to society that it follows a path that leads to the Father.

My beloved ones, at this moment, on the planet, when a definition is demanded of all consciousnesses, you must give everything for love of God. The definition of your lives must be complete and absolute, because this is the only way to not be deceived by the enemy and by yourselves. Because I tell you that the very human tendencies, those that have been rooted in your consciousness for so many centuries of uncertain and diverted experiences, can lead you to the abyss, without My adversary having to make any effort.

Children, do not think that My words threaten or come to cause you fear, because, otherwise, how will I reveal to you the truth about these times?

Those who do not realize for themselves that we are in the last days of human illusion and who do not see with their own eyes the decay of the world will awaken abruptly when this chaos that expands in the world touches their lives forcefully.

My beloved ones, I just want to make peace and good triumph in your lives. I want to keep you firm for the trying times so that you may persevere with the inner light ignited and alive in the days of darkness. For many will depend on the light ingnited in the hearts of a few in order to see their own path and not get lost.

My children, it is time to hold on to the life of prayer, so you are not confused by what is coming. It is the time and the moment, especially for the Americas, to protect the Plans of God, and this will be done within each one.

Children, leave external influences and material appearances for the strategies of My adversary, because the masks of illusion will fall by themselves when, on the return of My Beloved Son, light triumphs again in the world.

Concentrate, you all, in affirming the foundations of inner fortress, the one that once built, is immutable and impermeable to harassment and doubt, which are inherent at these moments.

The adversary is fighting with all his strengths. In world events, you can see the reflection of this battle which does not only happen in the Middle East, but everywhere on the planet. Therefore, My beloved ones, in every way I insist and beg with My Heart for an immediate awakening.

May light be established in your lives and may the power of love, which is expressed in unity and fraternity, be greater than the incentives to false power, which generates the conflicts and wars that are growing in the world.

I love you and for this reasonI tell you all these things. Unite to My Heart in prayer, in donation and in service. Persist so that peace will be established. Persist to overcome the obstacles, and may My Plans, which are the Plans of the Creator, be able to be fulfilled.

I bless you, under the Celestial Light of the Most High.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the same way that the enemy tries to weaken the different religions in the Middle East and mixes economic interests and power with the religious conflicts so that humanity no longer wants to reconnect to God, the enemy also weakens the role of the indigenous consciousness in the world, placing the original peoples in the face of the so-called "technologies".

The adversary of God tries to imprint in the human consciousness the idea that the indigenous peoples are primitive and that, being so, they delay the evolution of the planet in general.

Be attentive, because this is a destructive thought that diverts you from the Plans of God!

As I have already told you previously, the original peoples who remained faithful to the pure principle of their existence are guardians of fundamental attributes of spirit for the development of humanity.

The indigenous move and act based on intuition, wisdom, on the feeling of the heart, on the union with nature, on reverence for the sacred. Imagine the human being without these spiritual attributes! They would lose their life, their essence, their bond with God.

May the mission in Chaco not only be to render a service, but that you also allow yourselves to experience a mutual exchange: protect, support, and assist those that keep you spiritually united with the Wisdom of God.

These two missions, both to the Middle East and to Chaco, must renew the principles of faith, fraternity and unity in the human heart. Every service, every prayer and every liberation must have that purpose, because with faith, fraternity and unity, the heart will be able to know love one day.

Be in a posture of great humility, because both in one mission as well as the other, in spite of having many resources to help, if you are in a posture of learning, besides helping in great processes of spiritual liberation, you will bring many codes of maturation and wisdom in your consciousnesses.

Humility is the key to service. One who serves with the intention of being a bridge between God and humanity, transcending their expectations and aspirations, will accomplish the Purpose of the Lord, not only for their goal of service but also for their own transformation and the transformation of the human consciousness as a collective.

I love you, and in omnipresence, I accompany both missions as well as all the prayerful beings that support them. May everything be for the fulfillment of the Plans of God.

May peace and love be established in the world.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the Real Time of the Universe stops each time a Divine Messengers of God descends to Earth, just so should the disciple of Christ stop at the moment he or she is about to receive a mighty Grace; because in the Real Time of the Universe the past does not exist, only the recollection or the memory of an accomplished task.

In the Real Time, resemblances do not exist, but rather equalities. In this Real Time, the path of the Purpose is manifested, the one proposed for all the angels of Light.

Through obedience, the Real Time is accepted, because it is part of the essence and of the experience of evolution.

In the Real Time, forms do not exist; all that exists is the sense of them, so that each angel created can progress in love at the service of God. The bases of this time are the Laws and the creator principles. In the Real Time a scale exists that is recognized by all the angels of the universe. This is the scale of love and of unity; it is something that causes Real Time to move as an experience of evolution.

In these scales are all the bases for experience, because in the Real Time the meaning of everything is in the knowledge that emerges from wisdom and in the service which makes any heart humble.

In the Universe, Real Time does not go by, nor is it static; it is a divinized time marked by the elevation and the transcendence of all created forms.

In the Real Time, the eternal present exists, which is the state of positive permanence; it is the constant unification with the essence and the Purpose of Divinity, of the Source.

The Real Time is a single stream of energy; it is the thread that unites the beginning with the end, so that in the Soul of Creation a harmonious relationship with all that is manifested may be experienced.

The Real Time does not have a memory of events, but rather records of the experiences on a higher scale of vibration. It is an unknown time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you towards a deep awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Be simple of heart, so that you may discover in simplicity the greatness of all things.

Be simple of heart, so that the celestial mysteries may not be inaccessible to you, for in your simplicity Divine Wisdom will be within your reach.

Be simple of heart, to learn to be humble. Through simplicity, accept Graces and adversities as a unique Gift from God directed to your life to help you and to shape your consciousness according to the Superior Will.

Be simple of heart, so that your mind may also know simplicity and may flow in the rays of the Will of God and live according to what the universal laws indicate.

Be simple of heart, so that the transition passes within you not as a punishment, but as a great opportunity to finally be what God expects for humanity.

Be simple of heart, so that life can be a gift to you and death can be the beginning of an even greater gift. Thus, there will be no fear within your consciousness.

Be simple of heart, so that comfort and suffering may be to you vehicles of God’s providence, so that you may fulfill your part in His Plan.

Be simple of heart, so that prayer may be service, so that service may be prayer and so that service and prayer may be life, just as life, in all its moments and circumstances, may be service and prayer.

Be simple of heart, so that you may find simplicity in the complex and, in the simplicity, all the riches and complexities that your mind seeks by its nature.

Be simple of heart, so that God may have you as He needs and thus, He may count on you as a complete servant who He will be able to use at any time, at any place and for any mission. You will become, thus, an instrument of God.

Be simple of heart, because in simplicity you will find the answer to all your questions. You will discover therefore, that within yourself inhabits The One who is in all things and you will see that everything is in you just as simply as these words are.

Seek within yourselves that which you seek far away.

Seek wisdom within these words because here I have deposited My Divine Simplicity.

Happy and blessed are the simple of heart because they will inherit the Wisdom of God for the emergence of the New Race.

Your Beloved Companion, simple and humble,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Silence of Mary

During the Passion of My Son, silence was the key that opened the door to Grace.

Silence made Your Mother invisible because God and all His manifestations are present in the silence. Your Mother not only had a sorrowful Heart, but She also lived as a silent Heart; this allowed the deep doors to be closed to evil.

The enemy does not know what silence is because he lives through conflict and disorder. Silence penetrates the consciousness as a spirit of serenity and harmony. It is this inner and mysterious silence that carried forward all the Redemptive Work of My Son during His Passion. Silence bore all martyrdoms because His Divine Consciousness was united with God and His Great Purpose.

Evil is overcome through silence and becomes disoriented because it cannot find any doorway into conflict. This silence was what prepared Jesus during the forty days before He began His public life. Silence designs in the spirit a state capable of transcending the most resistant conflicts in the consciousness. To reach this state of silence, neither arrogant nor introspective, means a task of detaching from forms and ways that can interfere with the awakening of each soul.

Silence is more than remaining quiet or not speaking words; the true silence of the universe is achieved through inner connection with prayer, which is the first step to gradually dissolving the human roots that generate disorder in material life.

At this moment, the planet is very far from true silence. This is why Your Mother teaches you that silence is an act of prayer capable of traversing to levels of consciousness where peace reigns. Silence is also healing; it is a powerful spring that in these times will help to safeguard the spiritual path of the consciousnesses that accept penetrating that state of union with the Creator.

Silence brings light, brings wisdom, brings serenity, and renews the spirit so that it may have the impulse to continue in Divine work. The complete silence of a part of humanity could reverse all the causes that take advantage of noise and disorder to generate world conflict.

Silence is like a remedy against verbiage that causes debts and constant faults. Silence liberates without a struggle.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into inner silence,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My wisdom is as beautiful as the rosebush, each petal of the roses represents the beauty achieved by the souls in My garden: the beauty of redemption, the beauty of forgiveness, the beauty of conversion, the beauty of Compassion and of Mercy.

My Heart pours out all Graces upon you, so that your lives may go through the path of rehabilitation. Do not allow your inner realities, children, to wither the rosebushes of My garden.

May the beauty and the love that you express in My immaculate garden be the portal that leads you to reencounter, every day, the divine commitment with God, the Creator.

In these times, each prayer offered by your lives opens the doors so that your consciousnesses may purify the heart and free it from all evil.

I leave you the remembrance of belonging to My gardens of Light, so that when you go through the time of purification and of confirmation, you have the devotional strength necessary for walking with courage at the side of your Heavenly Mother.

I bless you, I absolve you, I assemble you all in the powerful Mercy of My maternal Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you toward higher beauty,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Universe in the essence of the Golden Ray, because through it, all universal impulses descend toward the world so that humanity may achieve redemption and conversion.

Through the Golden Ray, a consciousness can access science and wisdom and thus understand the fusion that exists between matter and spirit.

Your lives are universally ruled by many Rays, but the Golden Ray concentrates the perfect union of the spiritual plane with the material plane; it is the Ray that allows two such different realities to be united.

The Golden Ray is capable of bringing understanding to the consciousness about to the invisible, and thus, this Ray allows each spirit to penetrate the mystery and love the unknown.

This is the Ray capable of awakening inner wisdom and it is broadly complemented by the Golden Ruby Ray, creating a deep understanding of celestial mysteries throughout all space.

The Golden Ray is a principle of regeneration of all that has been created; it opens the doors so that other Laws may act within material life.

The Golden Ray allows for the attraction of more elevated vibrations and it can be seen in consciousnesses that reveal a devotion to the sublime planes.

It is the Ray that creates divine fire and expands it in different degrees of manifestation.

The Golden Ray allows for the recreations of spiritual spaces and generates an inner expansion of universal knowledge when the latter is loved with devotion.

Its principal essence is the First Ray, that of Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the divine essence of the Rays of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The era of Faith has come, the era in which hearts will be tested by the Justice of God. You will thus learn to have trust in the Creator and will have knowledge of the essence of Divine Obedience, the one that responds to higher designs, beyond understanding or mental and inner adherence to everything that happens all around.

Those who open the eyes of the spirit and of the heart will be able to see the intention of God, held in the core of the events, and they will understand what no one will be able to understand; they will find Wisdom and Divine Justice in what to human eyes will be injustice and a curse.

The era of faith has come, because My adversary will attack hearts through doubt and through incomprehension. Many will search outside of themselves in phenomena, for confirmations they can only find within themselves.

The unwavering peace in the heart of My children will be the only confirmation that the Presence of God in His Messengers is real. So, My beloved ones, what I build inside each of you is purely spiritual and must be consolidated through the definitive transformation of your lives.

What is built in the human heart through phenomena can be destroyed as easily and quickly as their manifestation. But what I build within My soldiers has a clear purpose, which shall be manifested to the eyes of the world in the end times.

The first sign will be the confirmation of My words in the events to come. And the most important sign, both to humankind and to God, will be the faith in the hearts of My children and the peace that will allow them to guide those who are lost.

The clarity of purpose will allow you to see the events from a higher point of view, and you will not get involved with what is happening in the world, but will know that all this is happening for a greater purpose, which is the purification of the planet and the emergence of a new race.

This race that will emerge, My beloved ones, will be born from the seed I caused to sprout in your hearts, and will not be made up of new human beings that will suddenly appear. It will be you and your children, renewed by My Spirit of Love and by the Return of Christ the Redeemer, that will shape the new world.

And in this way, the Most Sacred Project of God will be fulfilled, in which His creatures will be capable of defeating the darkness that dwells within and outside of themselves, and through love, will bring about the triumph of the Spirit of God in the world and the Christic purpose of this Creation.

My beloved ones, keep within yourselves My words, study them and let them impregnate your consciousnesses, because they will bring the certainty of the triumph of God in the human heart, and it will be with these Words in your consciousness that you will manage to live a full state of peace in the times that are coming and in the times you are already experiencing.

Be firm in the life of prayer and do not allow the demands of the world to overcome the imperative need of strengthening yourselves inwardly. With wisdom, give priority to the things of God; in this way, you will be journeying on safe paths that lead to the Lord.

I love you and eternally thank you for responding to My call.

Let no doubt defeat the faith in your hearts. Let no concern cause you to lose peace.

I bless you, under the Peacemaking Spirit of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the seven colors of the universe. On My Mantle is drawn the eternal fusion between the Rays and their universal vibrations that give life and form to all Creation.

My Consciousness is expressed through the White Ray that manifests the essence of Purity and its maximum expression is attained in the hearts of those who give themselves to the total transformation of their lives.

The White Ray concentrates the divine synthesis of all the others and so acquires a power of transformation unknown to the world. The White Ray is the positive expression of the goodness and self-giving of all who aspire to reach the inner light.

I am the essence of the Pink Ray, My Consciousness expresses the Love for everything created and fully accepts it as a filiation of the creatures to God. The Pink Ray has its maximum expression through pure Love; therefore, knowing the power of the White Ray and uniting it to the Pink Ray, the effect of Love becomes able to transform that which seems impossible of being transformed.

Through the Pink Ray, the tribute of compassion allows humanity the power to recognize Christ as the Master and Lord. The Pink Ray is able to place a spiritual situation on another level; and so this Ray helps to fulfill the mission of each soul, of being able to live in the Love of God. The Pink Ray is the universal color that promotes peace, through this Ray all becomes softer and harmonious.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Green Ray, because it expresses the harmony of serving the fellow being and so establishing its healing principle through the balance that it can express in the material life.

The Green Ray gathers the profound synthesis of alignment and it is the principal Ray that spiritually promotes hope. It is the Ray that neither permits nor allows the extinguishing of the aspiration to experience transformation because it fulfills, through its harmony, all the missions that the creatures intend to live. This Green Ray attracts the Will of God in a neutral way, that is, it allows one to live the Will in balance, serenity and peace.

I am the Mother of the Universe in the essence of the Blue Ray, which attracts towards the whole universe the divine force to realize the aspiration to live the Will of God. This Blue Ray is capable of gathering souls with the same purpose. It is the regent Ray, that is to say it creates favorable conditions for the creatures and the forms to be motivated to fulfill in harmony each inner aspiration.

The Blue Ray gathers the Will widely so that it can be experienced in a conscious way and, at the same time, profound and in balance. The Blue Ray is able to help to live acceptance of the new times and also to unlock the path that may be limited by the opposite actions or imminent challenges. It allows us to feel confident in the Plan of God.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Golden-Ruby Ray because through it all becomes possible and the consciousness can expand its love for knowledge so that it can finally live it.

The Golden-Ruby Ray manifests the fundamental essence of the Divine Wisdom; it is through this Ray that the universe carries forward the concretization of the Divine Thought, and thus the creatures and the forms created by God take on life, vibration and energy by the action of this Golden-Ruby Ray.

The Divine Mind is expressed through this Ray, it expresses all that has been created. The Golden-Ruby Ray gives impulse to the manifestation of life and allows life to become sacred. This Ray is able to carry forward the projection of Wisdom in all that exists. This Ray can be expressed in seven different forms, since the Divine Wisdom pours forth so that all may reach the reality of creative thought. It can appear in souls that are guardians of the universal knowledge.

I am the Mother in the essence of the Violet Ray, because it manifests the transubstantiation of all forms. It is through the Violet Ray that everything is transformed into something positive.

The Violet Ray is capable of changing complex principles into sublime states. Its principal action is focused on the Divine Fire to perform the exchange of the forms and of the creatures. This is a Ray that is manifested in all that is transmuted and raised towards a superior state.

The Violet Ray is the main principle that acts on the liberation of humanity during the cycle of transition.

The Rays live and act through the maternal essence of your Heavenly Mother, they are Divine Principles, but at the same time they are Laws of expression of the Divine Consciousness.

The fundamental consciousness of the Rays arises as a stream from the Source of the One Consciousness and from there, all the universe of which you are also a part, receives the positive influence of these Principles which are also manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It is so, dear children, that you are being called not only to purification, but also to the divine consciousness of the Rays, which are the expression of the universal life. I am the Mother in the essence of the Rays, whoever lives in Me, lives in the rays.

I thank you for responding to My call!

This Divine Wisdom is for those who want to know themselves and become that which they have never been.

Who unites you to the principle of the Rays of Creation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

