Monthly Messages

As souls who serve lift the banner of persistence, of wisdom, of humility and of bravery of the heart, so that you may continue marching towards My Kingdom, towards the Redemption of this world.

O souls summoned by God!  To learn in this world about Love and Unity, I ask you to not lower your arms, to not tire of walking, because the trajectory of your lives will still be long.

Some will leave soon, leaving for the Earth the legacy of their learning.  Others will proceed in this world to learn a little more of everything that this planet may offer you.

I have gathered under My mantle those of My children that with bravery have surrendered all to Me and walk with faith towards the manifestation of the Great Plan of God.  And today I push them to take a step in their consciousnesses, an inner step, more than that of a physical step.

May each one of you seek, within My presence, the strength to transform that which until today you have not been able to, because I bring to your lives the possibility of an intense and permanent transformation.

I want you to manifest in these fields the Kingdom of Universal Healing for the souls in search of Redemption, and that all may be healers of this world together with those who, in the planes of the spirit, work tirelessly for God.

I see many hearts that are distressed from not being able to discover the path to take the steps in their lives.  Today I say to you My little ones, that you are upon one of the most sacred areas of this world, one which makes your consciousnesses live in a permanent state of purification.  But gladden yourselves, because this purification will allow that in a future time you may serve God with perfection.

In your lives begins to emerge all that humanity as a whole must transform.  Because of this at times it becomes so difficult to walk towards the New Human.  Make use then of all the impulses that God has given you and is giving you until now so that you are not taken by the waves of imperfection that exist inside each one of you and that, once in a while, come to the surface.

My beloveds, it gladdens My Heart to see such a great family, such determined hearts that have accepted to accomplish the Greater Will.

I want you to be able to trust more in each other and that, together you may establish in these fields the Kingdom of Our Lord, of Our Heavenly Father.

Risk yourselves to live the true fraternity, to love with the heart each day a little more.  Let the virtues that you guard under seven keys emerge.  Live something new every day, renew the adventure of being surrendered to God.  Overcome the barriers of life, face the difficulties and do not hide from them.  Go towards what seems hard to you and overcome the fear of taking a new step in your consciousnesses.

Love the kingdoms of nature and discover in them a source for the transformation of your souls.  If you want to take a great step, allow yourselves to know more deeply the kingdoms that surround you.  Share your lives with them and ask the Father to open your heart, so that you may finally understand in what way you must act with these beloved kingdoms, these expressions of the Divine Love that are so reviled in this world.

My beloveds, within My words I give you many keys, take them and open the doors of your hearts.

I thank you for being at My side and for being faithful companions of the Messengers of God.

Mary, your Mother and Universal Queen


Today Our Lady appeared as the Lady of Charity which is a new manifestation that is approaching to us, it is another face of Her task that She is inviting us to know.

This manifestation of Our Lady of Charity existed in the world and She asked the sisters of the Network of Prayer to transmit to all the groups of San Paulo the story of this manifestation that happened on the Island of Cuba, because the groups will realize a task with Our Lady of Charity.

Today Our Mother came with a child in Her arms, but it was not the Child Jesus.  She was dressed in very simple clothes as in the era of Nazareth.  The child that She brought in Her arms was an African child, who was two years old.  Our Lady was tightly hugging this child and presented him to us.

Afterwards She indicated a task for this group which was transmitted in the message that She gave to us.  In the moment of the message She told us that humanity did not have the consciousness of how many faults it still has as humanity, primarily among the nations.  She said that when She manifested as Our Lady of Charity it was for us to have a conscious reference of how to alleviate the offenses that we have with Africa, which in that case of Brazil are still not resolved.

The Father made a request to Our Lady and granted Her for this group of prayer to pray for the souls of Africa, and that if the group would do so it would help to resolve many things.  She said that She especially needs that this group unite itself with Our Lady of Charity and that, when the group of prayer becomes acquainted with this face of the history of Our Lady it would understand what She is asking through this message.

She not only wants that the group continue working as it has done until now, but that it grow a little more in its tasks.  She proposed to accompany them in this prayer for Africa.  This path of prayer that the group will realize and that will be for an indeterminate time, should be done through the intermediary of Saint Joseph; He must be the regent of this work.

Mary said to us that everything should be entrusted to Saint Joseph.  That which Saint Joseph receives from the groups, will also be received by the Divine Mother.

We asked for how long this task of prayer should last and She answered that each one will know how to make their offer, it may be days, weeks, months or years, depending on the commitment that each one wants to make for this request.  She only needs this help.  She knows our potential.

At the end, Our Lady said something important: that the groups of prayer of the State of San Paulo have this important task to link themselves with the manifestation of Our Lady of Charity and that it was not by chance that Our Mother had requested to reopen the work of service in San Paulo.  She not only calls us to serve but that She is calling all those who once served through the Nucleus of Figueira in San Paulo.

Our Lady said on this evening that She would like that all the groups from San Paulo become at some moment only one group, for this She will peregrinate for all.  The task of Our Mother is to awaken the talent that the groups of prayer cultivated by means of spiritual work.  Mary comes to open this door and so that we may have consciousness of what we have to do in this time.

       Remember, My dear children, that I come to the world to alleviate and separate you rapidly from the severe consequences that are brought by the sins committed by all of humanity.

Opening My arms of a Mother on this evening, I comfort and encourage you for the permanent search of the truth that exists in your hearts.  When the thirst of a soul is quenched, another thirst awakens in those souls that do not live the Love of God.  In this way I guide you as the flocks of My Son so that you may fulfill a part of the Divine and Great Will of the Eternal Father.

For this today I manifest and announce to this group that it lives, without knowing, the gift of healing of all things in life through faith, the primordial energy that always allows you to go ahead and overcome the tests.

My dears, that which strengthens faith is the renunciation of that which the soul most desires, and primarily the personality.  I, with My Glory and Love, come to teach you how to die to yourselves, this will help so that your spirits may be born to the mission that they have come to accomplish.

On this evening I gather you under a fundamental purpose, which is to serve your familiars by means of faith and of the power of prayer that I have revealed to you in these last times.

God wants from this group a growth in the spirit of humility and of charity, in this way as souls they will be able to answer to My call.

My dear children, while a great part of Africa suffers spiritual misery, I recommend to you to pray for these brothers and sisters, imploring to the most Chaste Saint Joseph for all these precious essences that live the affliction in their own flesh and suffer from material and spiritual hunger.  If you, at least for a determinate time answer to this, My special request, your nation will be liberated from the grave faults that it caused Africa through slavery and the spiritual colonization upon these brothers and sisters.

I will give thanks that your faith will embrace My Divine Mysteries.  We will meet in the prayer of the heart and in the inner silence.

I thank you now and always for answering to My call!  

Your Pilgrim Mother, Lady of Charity

Monthly Messages

As the roses that open themselves during the dawn, My Heart opens itself on this day by means of the seven rays so that you My dear children, may be able to understand the sacred mysteries that I guard.

I Am the Great Marian Heart that radiates the seven rays.  I Am the ray of Will-Power.  By means of My Heart the Father manifests and realizes His works of Peace.  In this way My Heart, by means of the Will of God, summons all of the creatures so that they may live the Sacred Will.

I Am the ray of Love-Wisdom.  By means of My Heart the Father manifests the Source of His Love and of His Unity for all the Creation.

I Am the ray of Intelligence.  By means of My Divine Thought the Father materializes His precious ideas and all that is thought by the Divine Mind finds space and place to manifest itself.

I Am the ray of Harmony and of Healing.  By means of My Maternity the Father heals the hearts, redeems them and opens to them a door towards redemption.

I Am the ray of Science.  By means of My Word the Father manifests His Scientific and Divine Power and all that has been created can live again its configuration because the Divine Science is the path that materializes the plans of the Creator.

I Am the ray of Devotion.  By means of My Perpetual Prayer the Father relieves humanity.  The universes, suns and stars congregate themselves in their spaces in order to give, from time to time, a spiritual impulse of light to humanity.   My Devotion is ignited in the simple hearts and the power of the ray of My Devotion is able to show itself in the good souls, in those souls that know how to listen to the heart.

I Am the ray of the Rhythm and of the Ceremonial.  By means of My Existence the Father orders the spiritual and material life.  He gestates a unique opportunity of communing with the Greater Source in all of those who follow My call.

My Universal Heart is the regent of all of the rays because the different rays also express themselves over the planetary life and they are like great paths in order to live the experiences of faith, of love and of compassion.

I wish that you also know Me as the Sacred Mother of the Rays.  In this way you will recognize in My presence the faithful and powerful Divinity of God, that from the beginning has been the Source of Love and of Truth.

God sends His first seven rays so that humanity may be able to know that it will learn and evolve by means of the path and of the life of these rays.  In this way no soul will remain without receiving the opportunity of learning and of growing.

The Sacred Rays of My Heart are divine laws that will be able to consecrate your lives again. 

I will thank the brave ones that will seek the rays of My Heart!

Thank you, Norway, for opening the doors to the Graces and to the Divine Opportunity!

Mary, Supreme Mother of the Seven Rays  

Monthly Messages

The flowers of light that are born in My Sacred Garden are diverse, but all together emanate the same aroma of prayer.  My celestial rays water the flowers of the garden every day so that they, on their own, may reach the expression of their inner beauty.

In My Garden the roses are a beautiful present for the Altars of God, each one of them has its time to be harvested and after be taken in My basket of gold to the Thrones of God.

These precious and diverse flowers from Heaven are the sublime expression of the souls that pray every day with Me and that, as in the earthly life are transformed step by step.

Today I wish that you be new flowers in My Sacred Garden, that you may beautify life upon the Earth through your love and your prayer; it will help that most of the flowers that die on Earth may blossom again as seeds in the stable of Your Lord, Jesus.

Dear children, in this way is expressed My Mystical Rose.  My Light profoundly springs from the Immaculate Heart in order to transform and convert in love the souls that have fallen.

Think, dear children, about the possibility that you may spiritually materialize this aspiration of Mine, that you may be beautiful flowers at the feet of the Creator; in this way your lives may be guided by new laws and that which to you seems not transformable, the Holy Spirit of God will transform.

Beloved children, encourage yourselves to live in the new; seek in your sincere prayer the Divine Life, that is the Life of Heaven, the path of holiness and of service.  Be holy in life, proclaim the greatness of God in all things; in this way you will help that all be renewed and many of your brothers and sisters may find hope again.

Beloved children, the Lord of the Universe observes you and accompanies you every day of your lives; only seek the one and true union with the Eternal Father. He waits for His servants to give Him the fruits collected from the great harvest of the end of the times.

I am still here among your hearts, because there is still much that heals and that scars; it is time to place your beings under the healing rays of Christ, so that My Son may exorcise and transform you in precious seeds of light, ready to be sown as groups of prayer upon the surface of the Earth.

After so many precious instructions that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have poured, today I announce to you that this will be the last message that I will give to you for the Prayer Vigils.  Now I need for you to meditate, in the beginning of each new vigil, about the Daily Messages that I have given to the world; in them are deposited important keys for the conversion of the world and to be able to establish peace.

The Daily Messages, beginning in the next Prayer Vigil, will be those that will open your hearts month after month and will be the ones that will prepare your inner beings for the exercise of prayer for peace in the nations.

This does not mean, dear children, that I Am withdrawing Myself; God needs that you wake up to the reality that all have lived with Me since the last trip to Medjugorje in the year of 2011.

Dear children, I leave you My Eternal Peace, I love you and I bless you always!

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira


Children of Mine,

For My Immaculate Heart there are no obstacles that separate Me from My children. There are no barriers that are strong enough to prevent Me from approaching to your hearts.  The only thing that I ask you is for you to call Me. 

If there are still doubts in your hearts regarding My presence, ask with love for Me to dissipate them because then I will do that.  If for some reason you feel something in your hearts that separates you from Me, only hand Me this difficulty, because great is the Power of the Creator that heals and redeems all, that restores and reconciles all with His Most Sacred Heart.

Beloved children, in this time I place at the disposal of your souls the greatest celestial Graces and the only thing that I ask you is to be willing to face the barriers that the mind itself places before the heart because, in spite of not having anything external that prevents Me from approaching to your little hearts, only you can give Me the permission to act in your lives.  And even if it is a little yes, little by little you will surrender your beings to Me and you will see how I can take care of them and protect them under any circumstance.  You will see how within My mantle all true needs will be contemplated.

My children, a celestial life waits for you even while you are on Earth.  However, for this life to arrive to the world it is necessary to not detain the steps and to not ever think that you have already reached the goal because there is still a lot to be unveiled, there is a lot to be lived by the human heart and it is necessary to have hearts that are willing to take one step more on the path of consecration and of surrender to God.

Today I contemplate the need of the world and I see many of My children waiting to wake up, many that are ready to open the eyes and the heart, but that wait for the coming of those who may be able to show them the path.

My children, never detain yourselves.  Surrender to Me every day your little lives and allow yourselves to dive even more profoundly into your own inner world because there are those who wait for this one more step from those who are already on the path so that they may be able to get out from the darkness in which they live.

For this I call you day and night with urgency, to the permanent conversion, to surrender and to sacrifice, in order to be the example to the ignorant and the light on the path of those who are in darkness.

My beloved ones, I count on your hearts to be the apostles of the New Time, those that surrender their lives without conditions, without time nor space, those that seek nothing for themselves and whose luggage is the aspiration to fulfil the plans of God.  Carry in the heart My Message and the hope for it to touch the brother and sister souls.

Ignite in the chest devotion and joy so that the cold hearts may feel warmed up whenever they are before you.  May the whole life be a permanent spiritual exercise of love and charity.

Let us, dear Argentina, raise up the flag of Peace and of victory of Light, and may the Mission that I have given to you be the opportunity of awakening the souls that are around the world, waiting to receive a call.

Ignite the heart and activate your spirits!  Clamor for My presence and know that I want to get to absolutely all of My children.

Do not be preoccupied with the critics nor with the judgments, and neither with the denials.  I will arrive to each heart as soon as you get to known about My presence in the world and I will place in all of them the seed of a new life.

I thank you for answering with joy to My last call.

Your Mother, Queen of Peace and of all of the hearts


The Sacred Icon of Christ

The hearts who may venerate the Sacred icon of Christ, that is, the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, will receive the special blessing of My Divine Mercy.

For this I ask that in all of the Centers of Prayer, especially at the Marian Center of Aurora, there be placed the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, that which represents the Christic manifestation that occurred on the 5th of January of 2013 to the visionary Friar Elias.

The souls that during the 5th and 6th days of January of this year adore Me and venerate Me, will receive directly from My Heart the spiritual help that they may need.

For this one year ago I asked you to paint the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus in the way that I indicated.  After a year of intensive work I ask for the presentation of this face in all of the Houses of Prayer.

The Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus complements the Merciful Christ.  These two images that were given to humanity will serve as spiritual and inner help for all who may contemplate them.

See, through this request of the Sacred Icon of Christ, that there is a real need for the awakening of the new Christs.  In this way the Plan of God will not be affected by any other human situation.

May this sacred icon be lovingly contemplated during the two important days of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy because this sacred icon will work on the inner and on the healing of the consciousnesses.

Seek through this icon the key for your redemption.  Also, those hearts that may feel so may dedicate to Me some prayers in front of this sacred icon.  I will receive them with joy and love.  Good work for the worshippers.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Love in your hearts!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred and Glorified Heart  

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, to the visionary Sister Lucía

On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.

Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.

Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.

Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.

Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.

My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.

The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.

My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.

Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.

Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.

Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.

My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.

I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.

I love you always.

Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem


Dear children:

Today a ray of healing that comes from Heaven is poured in Glory over the hearts that cry out for liberation.  Today a Divine and Repairing Grace is poured over the souls that so much seek the healing of the heart.  Today in joy and bliss the Lady of the Figueira returns to Her Holy Home to consecrate in the world the first home that will embrace the most ill of soul and of heart so that My Consecrated Ones, servers of service and of healing, may help to relieve the suffering.

The Lord has conceded the Grace of opening to the world a Source of spiritual healing that springs from this Sacred Center, and in all this work My Immaculate Heart intercedes to watch over the good hearts.

Today a new Divine Portal is opened over the Sacred Brother Pio House.  It takes this blessed name so that the servers, as well as those who will be healed, may imitate the path of humility of heart of Saint Pio; it will be humility that will permit that the spiritually sick humanity may be healed.

Heaven today gathers Its Angels and they celebrate the emergence of this Sacred Dwelling, which will fight day and night so that the hearts that suffer the most may be relieved and may feel My Peace.

For this, I deliver you to the protection, the shelter and the guidance of Saint Pio, faithful servant of God; he who amidst His hands carried engraved the signs of the Passion of My Son.

Dear children of the fruitful Figueira, it is already the moment for the ripe fruit to be harvested from the Tree of Wisdom, so that the souls that have not reached liberation of themselves may find the help that they need.

The Lady of the Figueira announces to you today this special consecration; Heaven waits that this Sacred House may heal the spirit of the ill and the wounded of heart because the world of science has forgotten that true healing starts in the soul of each being.

The Sacred Brother Pio House must be a mirror of permanent prayer, that which may permit that the Marian codes and the Christic codes silently heal all of those who may arrive there.  If this happens in a true way, the universe will concede many Graces to those who seek for them in their interior.  I Am Your Sacred Lady of the Figueira, I Am the Sun of the Universe that comes to the world to remove it from obscurity and, for My children, I will accomplish the Will of My Lord.

I thank you dear children, for having answered to My call for the healing of humanity!

I bless you, I heal you and I forgive you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira

Prayer of Gratitude

The Mother of Heaven summons Her children,
so that they may accomplish the Sacred Mission.

The Son of God pours out His Infinite Mercy
and all the soldiers awaken in the Holy Spirit.

We thank you Lord,
for Your Presence.

We honor and praise You always.



I come to the world as Healing Mother, healer of the souls and hearts that suffer the most. I come to say to you that My Love is the cure for all evils, at any level of the bodies, because there is nothing that before God and His infinite piety, that under the intercession of His Servant, cannot be healed.

My beloveds, My presence in the world is the cure for all the faults of humanity; it is the cure for all the kingdoms of nature; it is the cure for the planet itself, that today agonizes permanently.

This love that I bring to you, and which is the perfect remedy for all evils, must be poured over the world, by means of clean, pure, true and simple vessels, that may reflect the Love that I bring to you day by day.

For this I come to My little children in order to form those who will be the mirrors of My Peace and My Mercy, through which I will testify to My presence on Earth.

Those who do not see Me nor feel Me, will see Me and feel Me in the eyes and the heart of those children of Mine who have surrendered their lives completely in My arms, and no longer live for themselves, but for God.

Beloved children, to live the imitation of the Servant of God, and to express on Earth equality with Her, you must first open yourselves truly to live this wonderful fact, and then you must persist eternally on the path of constantly falling and standing up. Because in order that I may live in the hearts and Be in your lives, all of that which is not similar to My Heart must be extirpated and, for many, letting go of what one is not, in order to be empty before God, this is and will be very painful. But do not be afraid and seek to love this purpose of life, because Love itself can act also, and transform that which is ingrained in your consciousnesses.

Do not worry if you are not perfect and if you constantly discover that what was a great and immutable truth to you yesterday, has become a poor illusion today. The eyes that mature are transformed and, for every child it is difficult to abandon the illusions of childhood, but it is still even greater what awaits in the maturity.

Beloved children, you are no longer children in spirit nor in consciousness, and the moment has come to mature and to live in matter what you already know that exists in the silence of the heart. I only ask you to never be discouraged and that you may be able to become malleable creatures in the hands of the Creator.

Do not be afraid to leave behind what you have been until this moment; and may the Faith in something superior and unknown be greater than the incomprehension that today comes to your mind. A child will never understand the life of the parents, no matter how much they believe they understand, until they become an adult and look back to see how much they were wrong and how they really knew nothing of that life.

Walk only in the Faith of the heart, knowing that there is much to be healed in all the consciousnesses of the Earth. There is not, and there has never been in the world someone who has reached the holiness of Christ; but there have been those who have sought for it persevering until the end of the life, and today continue to seek for it in the Kingdom of the Heavens, now walking by His side, by means of the merits reached on Earth.

Happy are those who persevere in the search for perfection with joy and peace of spirit. Never lose the Peace that I bring to your lives, and day by day allow yourselves to be in My maternal arms.

What you cannot reach by your own self, make an effort to offer truly to God and let Him, Who is perfect, be in charge of His imperfect creatures.

I love you always, and I am at the side each one of you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


In the hour of Mercy My invincible and powerful Heart comes to the world to heal souls and to raise again towards Heaven all who have fallen from it.

In this time of Graces I call you to meet Me and to walk in trust by My Side because the Lord, Your God, hopes that His Children look again at Him in the eyes and tell Him: “Eternal Father, I trust in You”.

Only through the channel of My Heart will you be able to find the necessary strength to go ahead without interferences or pains.  I hope in the silence of My Spirit that you surrender to Me all that separates you from love and from truth because there is no Superior Grace than living the greatness of My Love and of My Truth.

A truthful heart will never fear showing itself as it is. A truthful heart will never fear being found in fault and being judged because truth must spring from the Love of God and the Love of God is the wise science that will allow you to understand all things.

I only ask you to drink from My Blood and to eat from My Body in absolute trust because in this way you will receive for this remaining time all the infinite merits achieved by Me on the Cross.

I leave in your memories the joy of serving and of loving your fellow humans because in spite of the indifferences that exist among the consciousnesses there exists the powerful Truth of God which will demonstrate to you the path of humility and of emptiness of oneself.

Walk now towards the new life, free from sufferings and from swords of battle because in My Christic Love is found your possible redemption.

Under the humble love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus Eucharist


In My Heart is guarded the humble power to heal all things, above all that which comes from the spirit that is wounded and hurt by the claws of this world.

But in that soul that at three o'clock in the afternoon trusts itself fully to My Merciful Heart, I will be able to perform My Miracles of love in the spirit and, in this way, it will reach the inner peace that it needs so much.

But it is necessary day by day to seek the Source of My Mercy, the one that will resolve that for which you do not achieve resolution; My Heart lives and works through the Love of God, that which you in this time must seek in prayer and in charity to others.

In this time of Mercy, the universe takes part in the encounter that each soul may have with My Infinite Mercy; in this way that which would seem impenetrable or difficult to resolve will be resolved only when the soul has merged its inner consciousness in the Source of My Wonders.

I come every day, at this most important hour, to give evidence of the redeeming power of My Heart; which hopes to receive comfort, love, prayer and reconciliation from all of those who seek My Eternal Light, inside the night humanity is passing through.

Be firm and do not surrender for anything, because whoever is in Me shall not perish.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in the ocean of My Divine Mercy!

Christ Jesus


Sometimes I allow you to swim against the current because only in this way will you know how to confront the headwinds.  Whenever you do not find a positive answer on the part of a brother or sister, it will be the greatest moment, that in which you must become merciful.

The universe of imperfections and errors surrounds the planetary life and only through good actions of reparation and of mercy will the defects of your fellow humans be healed in the inner.  Never wait for great answers from anyone because your true answer is found only in the Love of the Lord.  

Now you are facing the time of great contrary currents.  As My light approaches to the world, greater will be the power of tribulation that will anticipate the time of the Universal Judgment.

For this dedicate time to works of charity so that at least those who sleep in the illusions may be able to wake up and recognize that it is time to live fraternity.

But something I want to tell you: Mercy will have some time to be poured upon the world because afterwards will be poured the Divine Justice.  Examine your consciousnesses day and night so that always pure thoughts and attitudes may emerge from you.  Go ahead.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message in the inner!

Christ Jesus


In the hour of the Divine Mercy My Heart descends to the Earth and illuminates it with infinite repairing Graces for all of the souls.

But that sinful and offended soul that approaches to My Source of wonders during this hour of Infinite Mercy will be able to recognize in My Consciousness the Divine Love that heals and redeems all of the lives upon the Earth.

For this, during the hour of Mercy give Me your miseries, those that My Heart knows from the beginning so that in this way, by means of My Mercy, they may be liberated and redeemed.

I Am the Light for the world and for the hearts. That one who is directed to Me will find an answer and in this way they will unite their heart with Mine, and together we will get to know in depth the celestial universe and, consequently, the Source of My Mercies.

But there must exist in you an absolute trust in My Presence and in My Redeeming Work. It must be fulfilled in those who in truth may always be merciful with their familiars.

The Source of Piety hopes to rescue you from perdition and from the spiritual deviation that the enemy propagates as idea and thought. The one who really seeks the answer about the subjects of life, I tell you that they will find it in the Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy.

I want that your souls make the decision to be rays of My Mercy for the entire world. For this to happen your trust in My Being will be enough and to not fear that I will remove what is old and arid in you because I will always quench your inner thirst.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Most Sacred Heart!

Merciful Christ Jesus


As the awakening of the new spring My Heart flourishes in your hearts to remind you of the commitment of love with Me. For this today I ask you that now and always you rest in My arms to dissolve the tiredness from such a long walk.

There, in My Universal Being, you will find comfort and strength to carry on walking. The few that in truth answer to My call I thank for the inner effort in persisting in spite of the weight of life and of distress.

My hands offer the light of My Healing so that you may soon be able to be cured.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for persisting in the Project of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, before His Apparition, the Master surprised us with a gesture of Love.

We asked Him, “Master, where are You now?”.

In a matter of seconds, He showed us a scene. He was among all of us, levitating in the air with His angels, while He indicated to them what they should do: some relieved the heart, others calmed the spirit and others also healed parts of the physical body.

Then, the Master presented Himself today, positioning Himself upon the stage and directing a broad smile to us.

Then, He transmitted the following Message:


Know as from now that My Universal and Christic Consciousness prays perpetually for you so that the new flocks may truly awaken to My planetary call.

As in the Garden of Gethsemane, in vigil, fasting and prayer, now from Heaven I share My primordial graces for the hearts that open themselves to listen to My loving voice.


Today you have already passed fervently through the phase of the first stage of the merciful prayer; this in Brazil and in the East has already generated infinite fruits for the hearts that most need it.

But the soul that trusts in Me enters into the Infinite and unknown Heaven to receive the baptism of My Light and the sacrament of My Reconciliation. For this day of special spiritual Grace for all, today I invite you to consider Me present in your lives, because you must know that My Eternal Heart is there when only you call for It in love and in devotion.

To all of those who encouraged themselves to answer to My request of prayer, I thank you because a new sun in the universe is being gestated, so that the souls may mercifully receive its rays of radiation of peace and of redemption. This sun of which I speak to you today is the essence of My Heart, that is being found by all of those who call Me in prayer day by day.

In this way My Spirit imparts repairing Graces in the essences that simply say to Me: “Come Master of Love”.

On this day My light impregnates the forms and the created spaces and this is possible as a loving consequence of the offering of all the participants in the Marathon of My Divine Mercy. And in this way time will pass and, through Me, you will see faith grow in your lives, and nothing will ever be able to separate you from the path of consecration and of holiness that I propose for some of My own.

But everyone will always have a great place in My Consciousness, a place of renovation, of healing and of faith to be comforted in the tests that the Lord sends you to mature your beings.

My friends, that tomorrow your fire may be extended, and that it may embrace greater celestial spheres. Remember that I only want souls in profound contemplation and adoration to My Mercy.

I come to demystify the fanatics, because My flocks of peace and light are formed by work and sacrifice; in them I will institute My New Dwelling Place upon the Earth, seeking the essence of the pure souls.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My call from the heart!

Christ Jesus, You Inner Shepherd


By the source of Grace that springs from My Sacred Heart, in the hour of Divine Mercy, My savior and redeeming Fountain is poured especially over those who, in truth in the cenacle of prayer, dedicate time to Me without delay and without rush. In this sacred universal hour, the universe is aligned and the stars send their rays of light to adjust again irreversible situations, and to bring them to situations of peace.

For this, every disciple must be conscious of this sacred hour in their time and in their space, so that they also receive the part of Mercy that corresponds to them.

It is important for the merciful formation of a consecrated one, as well as that of a devotee of My Unfathomable Heart, to be able to awaken in consciousness to this sublime moment. The request for prayer that I have dictated to Sister Faustina Kowalska still is current and it will be until My return, in which, by universal order of God My Heart will pour Divine Justice.

For this I ask you to remember this moment and this hour of Mercy, that your spirits may only seek to quench the thirst in the Fountain that will repair you and liberate you; in this way you will perceive that the artificial sources that the world has created bring one sooner or later to the loss of peace and of love.

I Am the doctor of the souls, I will always wait for you in My celestial room of prayer to heal and comfort your hearts in My light. It is the moment and it is the time for humanity to revere, love and respect the saving relics that the Sacred Hearts have delivered out of love to the entire world.

If this were so, you as flocks would avoid that the spiritual exercises do not become heavy routines of accomplishment and of obedience, something that is empty in the heart of who, in truth, does not do it out of love.

Be attentive to the sudden changes, I will accompany you always.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My message through the essence of the heart!

Christ Jesus


Infinite Compassion is the perfect remedy to heal all evils. Therefore, at the hour of Divine Mercy, My Sacred Heart takes pity on the sins of the world and the soul that in sincerity unites with Me, receives the rays of My Infinite Compassion.

The grave offenses that souls generate in these times may be forgiven through Infinite Compassion, when they clamor for it.

Today I ask you to meditate on the degree of the request for compassion to My Merciful Heart. From Heaven, I wait for the voices to call Me to alleviate the pain in the Infinite Fountain of My Compassion.

The soul that trusts in Me will not perish. The soul that submerges itself in the ocean of My Compassion will be freed, from now on, from the bindings of the past.  But there is only one first step, which is to call upon My Compassion.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


The true souls that heal others do so through love. Therefore, My healing Rays descend upon them to carry out the work of liberation from the past.

The instruments of healing are guided by the Fire of the Holy Spirit and it is this Divine Fire that inspires them, without delay, to heal the heart and the soul of those who are spiritually hurt.

In these times, the true Healer is guided by the fluidity and by the principles of Christic healing, gifts that the Holy Spirit provided so that the Son of God would carry forward His Healing and Redeeming Work.

For this, everything is united to the same principle, which is the Love of God. In this way, the healing of the soul and of the body may happen spontaneously, only because the consciousness has received the Love of God.

The path to healing the spirit of the sick is infinite, and this is possible stemming from the healer’s merciful union with their Master.

The main diseases throughout the world will only be able to be healed by love, and there will never exist a greater spiritual science than the Love of God, which will reestablish the codes of life that have been lost.

Intentionally, I today want to visit one of the few points of healing in the world that radiates love and sows it within the infirm soul. I refer to the Sector of Healing at the Marian Center of Figueira, which has awakened to the knowledge of Universal Healing. Such Healing emanates directly from the Primordial Source of Love and of Unity. These principles are present because the mission of the instruments of healing has been to continue the examples of the Christ, Man of God and Healer.

Under this gift of the Love of Christ, the hearts that have truly been open have received My Rays of Healing and of peace through the apostles of Christic Healing.

In order to respond to the epicenter of Christic Healing, one must only pray with the heart so that the Work of the Holy Spirit may be realized within the suffering souls.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for helping to heal and relieve the hearts of all beings.

Christ Jesus, the Master Healer of the Heart.


For the unjust causes and the blasphemies of the entire world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the lack of love, forgiveness and reconciliation in the world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the absence of charity, surrender and firmness, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the life that is denied to those who should be born before God, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the wars and human conflicts, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the ignorance and lack of reparation to the Heart of God, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the sadness and pain of the hearts of the world, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the hunger and the lack of healing within souls, I have Mercy for all of you.

For all the causes that prevent the evolution and awakening of the souls, I have Mercy for all of you.

For the errors that the world commits against Creation, I have Mercy for all of you.

Dear companions, merciful prayer will accompany you and give you the necessary strength so that you are worthy of receiving My Mercy.

United, now and always, let us live in Mercy. This will be enough.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus


Within My Heart the hope of a New Aurora shines and, like a green emerald, from My chest emerges a sign that was sent by the Lord, as a response to the request for the healing of souls.

My children, those who on this day should open their hearts will receive special Graces because today the doors of Heaven are particularly open. Today a new cycle is born in the universe, in which you will be able to be renewed in the forgiveness and in the redemption of God.

It is time to definitely let go of the old vestments that no longer fit your body and, without shame, see yourselves naked before God, because when we allow ourselves to be true in the Eyes of the Creator, He can approach us and place upon us His own Mantle to cover our bodies.

My children, these are no longer times for fearing the unknown, for fearing to face that which will come; nor is it time to be indifferent to the revelations that the Lord sends you.

Open your hearts and your spirits so that, in this way, My Heart may receive a permission from humanity so that, from My own lips, revelations may emerge that up until today have been hidden and must be unveiled for the whole world.

My children, the only way the world will come out of the ignorance it is plunged in is to find in other hearts an example of faith and persistence. If each one, with the Will of spirit, decided to be an example for a neighbor, much could change, because My Word can only be emitted if there are hearts willing to hear it, and, even further, lovingly willing to follow it and practicing it in their lives.

If today My Heart celebrates six years of Apparitions with your small beings, know that, in the world, among you, are beings that live My Message, and make it possible for My Heart to renew the commitment with all of humanity.

If just a few hearts, which today live My requests and My instructions, made it possible for Me to be by their side during six years, imagine now how much I could do and where I could reach if other hearts lit up to this purpose of living Peace!

There is still much lacking so that the true Plan of God may be concretized in this world, and My journey on Earth must also be long, but the completeness of this Marian mission depends on the response of human beings.

For this reason, today, on the anniversary of My Apparitions, I ask that you really be renewed with Me and allow yourselves to take a new step toward God.

Do not wait for the example of a neighbor, but rather, through faith, ignite your hearts and each of you be a torch that comes to illuminate the paths of those who are in darkness and do not even know in which direction they should take their first steps.

Come to Me, for I always await you.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Queen of the New Aurora


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
