So that your heart may be able to heal from all deceptions and offenses received, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.

So that the deep and inner wounds may close, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.

So that what was experienced in the past may be erased and you are able to be born in compassion, you must feel and think from the position of forgiveness.

This will be the only way to be able to continue living the Christic path, the pathway to, on a larger scale, understand the Universe of compassion which, without conditions, includes all the miserable consciousnesses that, because of their actions or because of what they committed, are condemned to a path without meaning.

Thinking and feeling from a position of forgiveness, humanity may be able to be reconciled with itself and will leave behind the path of suffering and of their own agony.

The pathway of forgiveness offers the human consciousness the possibility that, in everyday life, they may love on a larger scale so that, in this way, the terrestrial human being may set aside the pattern of mistakes and constant hatred.

The essence of forgiveness is filled with the Compassion of God and this opens doors toward the reconciliation of life and spirit.

If in this time souls are not able to attain this path, many will suffer for not having searched within themselves for the school of unconditional forgiveness.

Forgiveness has the capacity to dissolve errors and bring inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel encouraged to move forward because the Father will give you new and true companions so that together you may continue walking the path of faith.

Leave behind all of the past and affirm the present because this will liberate you of those who were on your paths before, but who did not accept change.

The time has come to take the leap into the emptiness of self so that, in this hour, everything can be fulfilled.

For this reason, have faith and keep moving forward, continue walking, continue seeking to find God within you, because the Universe itself will resolve the rest.

No longer feel any fear; the Father is a Source of Mercy and of Compassion and He will make all things new.

Announce to the world that it is time to surrender to Christ, to live the path of integration rather than that of indifference.

It is time to make of each stage an opportunity for learning new things.

In faith there is Christ, and thus, Christ will be in the hearts that persevere together with Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In ancient times, prior to the Birth of My Son, Jesus, there were great sages, scattered throughout various points of the East and the Far East, beings who also brought to humanity the expression of Love-Wisdom.

During those ancient times, the oldest human civilization took the first steps when it discovered within itself that there lies a universe or essence that is capable of allowing us to connect with the Source of Creation.

The first spiritual beings emerged from allegories or mythologies; in fact, they were born in this world and within humanity to attract wisdom as experience.

It was thus that Hindus, Persians, the Chinese and Buddhists provided humanity with knowledge of their myths or legends which, in truth, were drawn through the experience of deeply knowing the inner universe and knowing how it manifests itself.

Today I talk about the ancient sages of the planet or of mythologies because they were the means or bridges by which the human race, throughout time, could know that within the wisdom of things lies the explanation of everything.

In those times, the sages of former times prepared humanity before to the time of Jesus so that it could receive the powerful Christic energy which came to free the world and teach it the path of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am your Mother, Who heals you and redeems you in the Love of God so that, being free of the past and the chain of all the errors committed, you may feel more free than all the birds in the sky.

It is in this way, dear children, that I try to lead you every day on the path of the rehabilitation of your consciousnesses through the sacred path of prayer.

The soul that perseveres and works to build that prayerful path will draw to themselves the Gifts and the Graces of Heaven, generating a luminous field of peace around themselves through so much prayer.

At this stage, My wish is that each of My children assumes this task as the most important in this planetary time, which has need of much prayer on the part of humanity itself.

Thus, My children, I help you to detach from the errors of the past and to heal you within, so that finally, the New Christs present themselves for the mission of the end of times, where My praying soldiers must be those mirrors of prayer that attract Celestial Peace to the world.

In this way, My beloveds, I teach you to work in simplicity through the opportunity to learn to conquer the universe of the Love of God through service to the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who motivates you always to service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children, why do you think about the past?

To forget the past is not to be indifferent to what one has lived, or to ignore everything you have experienced as consciousnesses. To forget the past is to assimilate inside the good fruits of the experiences that made you grow as human beings and, from then on, take new steps, uplifting that which was not well in your lives.

When you leave the past to the time that corresponds to it and do not try to perpetuate an action of an experience that no longer exists, you are giving an opportunity of transcendence to this state of consciousness that you call past.

All the positive experiences must serve as a basis for the being to attain new evolutionary steps, but their eyes must not be fixed on their own feet, but rather on the top of this great staircase.

To become stuck in the past, children, is like climbing a great staircase that takes you to the Kingdom of God and detaining your own walking to observe the details of the steps that you have taken or that you keep taking. If, on the contrary, you liberate the past and take your feet off these steps, walking with firm footsteps, you will give opportunity to others, who will come after you, to climb this staircase.

Oftentimes, children, sticking to situations and people of the past because you want to perpetuate you own presence in a conjuncture that no longer suits you, is like being still in the middle of the staircase, willing to make your presence there eternal – believing that, thus, you will help the others – when, in truth, it is by walking and climbing the steps that you can help your neighbors, because you will liberate the path so that they can climb.

Walk, children, and do not look behind. Do not count how many steps you have climbed or with what details they were done. Do not stop on the staircase, do not get distracted from the target that the Creator has for you. Take your steps and leave, for He Who knows all things, the directing of those who could not accompany you. Remember that the greatest service is to evolve. If you evolve as consciousnesses, you will do it as humanity and, if you do it as humanity, you will do it in the name of the whole universe and of the whole of Creation.

Contemplate a greater purpose and no longer get lost in the distractions of a time that has passed.

Your Father and Friend, this One that impels you to the eternal present,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Joyfully fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you, the mission of living on Earth, the principles that come from the Heavens and the manifesting a New Humanity in the world.

Many wonder every day if they are doing that which they are supposed to be doing as souls and as spirits; they wonder where they should be, with whom they should be, and doing what. But few, very few are striving to truly open their hearts to attract an archetype of life that does not yet exist on the surface of the planet.

If you want to live that which God has thought of for you, then begin by making your heart available for something new. Seek within you that which must be forgiven and that which you must forgive. Seek within for the strength to overcome yourself and become meeker, humbler, more helpful and peacemaking.

Seek to break the barriers within you which separate yourself from your neighbor, and work within you all that which you judge in others. Have the mirror of your heart turned towards yourself every day, and before you become angry or criticize something you see in others, observe the mirror of your heart and see yourself reflected in that defect which you cannot bear.

Seek to understand others as you understand yourself: just as you know that you have infinite difficulties and miseries, others also have them. Just as you try to take steps and strive with a good heart, others also do so.

It is only mutual understanding that opens the heart to experience love.

If you do not succeed in controlling the reactions of your mind and your emotions, do not worry so much, but let them be short-lived, and may energies such as anger, envy, greed, or even the feeling of superiority not keep your permission to remain within you.

Child, if you love the Plan of God or at least if you want to love it, then always reflect on the fact that the Creator needs a race of Christs, and not just one, and it will not be enough that you be Christified. Remember that you do not need to be better or worse than anyone else, but that both you and the one you have by your side must reach the goal of union with God.

This is the great mystery of human existence, and for this reason, you came as a spirit to this place, to heal past mistakes in the universe.

For the Plan of God to be fulfilled, human beings must help one another. Child, remember this every day, and before setting traps along your path, by wishing that this or that person would disappear from the Earth, remember that, without them, your life has no meaning either. 

Remember that it does not matter how imperfect you or others are because there is something within each being that makes them in likeness to God and opens the portals between dimensions so that all Creation may be united with the Father.

If you want your spirit to draw closer and your soul to guide you along the path of the Will of the Creator, first open up to transformation, to the experience of love and fraternity, and then the universe itself will lead your steps and you will not have to be so concerned about yourself.

Listen carefully to My words and listen to them, again and again, because it is much easier to forget them than to be truly transformed by them since your humanity is not used to seeking the Divine, but only that which magnifies them and affirms them as matter.

The illusion of illusions is not to seek to be nothing as humanity, believing that life begins and ends in you. You do not know what it is to truly be a human being in likeness to the Father, because, for this, child, you must live unity with Him: die to yourself and be born again within the Creator.

I leave you My peace and My blessing so that you may discover the truth about yourself, forgetting that which you think you are.

Open to be nothing and there you will find Everything.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Renew yourself everyday, even if life seems to go on and the years reflect in your face appearance.

Renew yourself in a time that does not go on, in the flow of the laws that transform only to generate new possibilities of evolution to the creatures.

Renew yourself in spirit and allow your being to rediscover the meaning of life each day, so that more and more you may approach to the Will of God for you.

Serving a God that is constant movement, permanent change and rebirth, you cannot be a prisoner of an idea or of an old thought and glimpse of what the Will of the Creator for your life is. Because of that, child, renew yourself; launch yourself into the new, renewing your plans according to the flow of the Divine Laws.

Do not be attached to the goals that you had when you were a child, in the body and in the spirit. Everything that is alive changes; transformation and renewing in the Creator are a law.

Renew yourself as a creature, as a soul, as child of God. Dissolve from your heart the impossibilities and search within you for the possible and achievable perfection in Christ. If you recognize yourself as a child of God as much as His Firstborn, live like Him, under Laws that belong to the Father and not to the world.

Renew yourself, beginning everyday as a little child: look at the world as if you had never seen it. Look at each human being as if you knew nothing about them and allow your heart to transcend the mistakes of the past, the fixed ideas about the conduct of your neighbor, and love each one in a new way everyday.

Renew yourself, breathing the air as if it were the first time, seeing the rain, the sun, the Kingdoms of the Nature as if it were the first time. For a moment, allow your being to find a state of renovation unknown to you and, even if it seems to be crazy or impossible, renew yourself.

Forget the time, the past, the goals for the future and even the present. Enter, for a moment, into the time of no time and renew yourself. Say: “Lord, make me again.”

If you do not renew yourself, child, the patterns of the old man will make your consciousness get old and you will die in life, not knowing about the existence of Eternity. You will live to comply with a goal that society put inside of you when you were still a child, while the life of the spirit, that is the truth, will always be for you an illusion, the second plan, the parallel universe.

Renew yourself and rediscover life everyday. Make yourself a child of God and not of humans. Live under laws that come from the Father and not only from the world.

The one who impels you to renewal,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

Doubt is an energy opposite to trust and when it emerges, My adversary takes advantage to sow it in the consciousness of one with a weak faith.

Doubt is more harmful when it is transmitted to other consciousnesses that should not be infected by it.

When the energy of doubt is placed in other hearts without judgment or control, the consciousness instantly becomes an instrument of the adversary, because My enemy likes to feed, without having to work hard, on all that the doubtful emanate.

The energy of doubt appears in the depths of the consciousness when the latter constantly remembers their past, and reveals this to other hearts. It is at that moment, by opening an uncertain door to the past, the consciousness that doubts is cunningly placed by My adversary in a place and space of consciousness where they should no longer be, and this is more jeopardizing for one who already walks the path of My Son.

It is like taking many steps backward and not being able to get out of this space.

After the doubt, other aspects appear that are part of the human condition, which the consciousness itself must transform and transcend.

It is not appropriate for a disciple of Christ to be satisfied with their life through constantly remembering the past, and see those events as something wonderful.

Doubt is sowed when the consciousness has great difficulty in loving obedience to God and their fellow beings, as well as living it.

Doubt settles into the consciousness when words split apart what takes such an effort to build and when unelevated comments come out of the mouth of the disciple.

All the roots of the human condition are transmuted with determination. One who follows My Son cannot come and go on two paths, because one day they will face their reality in an unknown way.

Transparency, humility and silence stop certain aspects from keeping the consciousness tied to all the destructive aspect that My adversary radiates.

When this reality of the consciousness is not treated with seriousness and transparency, by the Law of Hierarchy, the Divinity can only observe and pray, as It does with the majority of humanity.

Each disciple of Christ must be clear about not being a magnet that through their actions attracts the chaos of the world. All are called to purify themselves through truth and without lies, because when the consciousness reaches another plane of consciousness, after having passed through this one, they will realize they are not where they always believed they were.

It is thus that today, thousands of consciousnesses are in purgatory, after having become aware of their actions.

All we need to do is pray and be silent.

I thank you for responding with awareness to My call!

Who helps you to inwardly grow,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To heal the present and to prepare a new life for the future, you must forgive the past.

It is only love, children, that enters the depths of the human consciousness and erases the record of the mistakes committed. Words, actions and even acts of charity and of service are only vehicles to experience this love that must emerge from the depths of the heart.

Prayer is the language of love, it is the door that opens within each being so that this love flows from God to every consciousness and from your consciousnesses to the planetary needs.

To search for an external result for your own actions is to close the doors to love, because the return is not something sought by the one who really loves. Whoever loves only gives and does not seek, in anything, to receive.

For you to be vehicles of a divine and higher love for the planetary consciousness, you should be a little more humble and simple, but not want to be one of those who transform and redeem all things, because what transforms and what redeems is love, such love that does not come from you, but from God.

Children, when you serve, know that the most important is not the service in itself, it is the love with which you serve. When you are in contact with someone and you offer them a word of relief and of hope, know that what is important is not what you say or how well you express yourselves, but rather the degree of love and of union with God with which you do so.

Before serving and even in your daily life, as the first exercise of your day, unite yourself with God and say, “Lord, make me a vehicle of Your Love.” If you are sincere and true when pronouncing these words and letting the word be the vehicle of a pure intention for it to reach the Father, this will be sufficient for the Creator to bring meaning to your lives and to make every moment of it worthwhile for the triumph of His Plan.

That your actions, thoughts, feelings and words be impregnated with something more than yourselves. That everything be for the manifestation of love and that love, by itself, be the result of your service and of your life.

For the healing of the human and planetary consciousness, launch yourselves into the discovery of the divine love and allow the Creator to make you bearers of this love.

I bless you and lead you to the true service that you already know that does not start and does not end in your actions, but that has its true acting in the life of the spirit and there should have its essence and its principle.

Your Father and Companion, in service and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today I will only ask you to every day try living the Divine Purpose; to try to be meek of heart, pure of intention and truthful on your path.

Try, every day, to live fraternity and love, to recognize the presence of God in others, and, thus, to be humble before everyone.

I ask you to try thinking a little less about yourselves and each day cease to do something that is a self-priority in order to serve others.

Try to love the Kingdoms of Nature more, to observe them, even if for a brief moment, every day, allowing your soul to be inspired through them.

I ask you to try praying from your heart, to talk with God before His Celestial Altar, to offer Him the best there is within you to balance the faults of humanity.

Try to find in those who are most lost a heart in need of peace.

Try to dissolve hatred from your hearts, as well as anger and rancor.  Understand that everybody makes mistakes out of ignorance and that love, forgiveness and reconciliation are capable of healing things that are completely unknown to you.

Try, every day, to forget the past, not to be indifferent to all that you have lived nor to forget those who have accompanied you in other times.  Forget the past in order to free the spirit so that you may live something new.  To forget the past is to free the mind, the emotions and the heart from all that has happened.  The lessons and memories remain in the consciousness, but the spirit frees itself in the certainty that what is real still awaits its awakening.

Dear companions, today I ask you to try to be simpler of heart.  Try to accept the corrections of life and immediately straighten your paths without fear, without rancor, but with much peace and gratitude for taking steps in your lives.

I ask you to try to love the Creation of God more, His Plan and the greatness of His Purpose for this planet.  Try to let yourselves be permeated by the Mercy and the Love of the Divine Messengers.

If you try every day to live a higher principle, Heaven will listen to your hearts and, with the first step that you take in the right direction, God will take charge of making you reach His Divine Goal.  The secret is to not stop trying and persevering, every day, even if you fall and get up innumerable times.

Try today to feel My Chaste Heart, and from the blessing that I deliver to you, make every day the perfect impulse for your elevation and permanent transformation.

I love you and I bless you always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the eternal attempt of taking humanity to the Heart of God


Just as the rain, that touches the Earth and makes the fruit grow in arid deserts, so do My Graces, which touch your hearts in order to convert them into the perfect model that God planned for since the beginning.

Children, I know that which must still die and be transcended within you, so that someday the true apostle of redemption may manifest.

Dear children, we are in a time of spiritual battle, and many of My children do not want to realize it; for this I come to ask you for prayer, so that you can realize how distracted the world is and how it affirms, before the Universe, that it is doing everything fine.

I come to demystify what you believe about your lives so that you may recognize the Will of the Celestial Father and so that your own will may die.  Thus, children, you will be worthy of understanding all things.

Now the Universe allows certain events so that all may learn and not repeat the same mistakes again.

Children, I am consistent with you and I will touch you with My Grace, as many times as necessary, because My true purpose is to convert you into that which you are not yet.  Be patient and love transformation, thus, it will be less dificult for those who are willing to know themselves; when this happens, you will be able to be conscious that your very little problems in life are light compared to the great sin of humanity.

Seek fidelity through Christ; do not despair over that which you experience; there are greater planetary problems that encompass regions, peoples and, above all, a project of spiritual evolution.

Purge that which is old, empty yourselves all the time and thus, you will be the new wineskins that will be filled with the Precious Blood of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who purifies, heals and elevates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In order for you to work with maturity and consecration to the Plan of God, I give you the Seven Precious Stones of Salvation:


- To not be ungrateful towards the universe or towards your neighbor

- To believe that everything is possible through Mercy

- To not destroy the Divine Plan by means of false actions

- To be reverent towards others

 - To love the Divine Plan more than your own comfort

- To accept the help that comes from the Heights

- To forgive yourself in order to be forgiven.


With these seven little stones you will be able to truly live the Five Unions with the Celestial Father through:

- Repairing communion

- Healing confession

- Formative instruction

- Renewing reconciliation

- Redeeming conversion.


Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


    As a Sacred Consciousness of Light, I descend to the world, after having traversed the universes searching for unredeemed souls and consciousnesses.

    Thus My mantle, which flies over the universe, holds within it all the souls that have not reached either peace or redemption.

    I am the Queen of the Universe; My sovereignty is not of this world, but of others. I come from the twelfth Heaven, where the Great Consciousness of Abba manifests the power of His Love and the Humble Omnipotence of His Will.

    All forms come from this Sublime Kingdom, and the sacred mirrors of prayer participate there in an inner meeting each time they ignite in prayer and in faith. Many sources bourgeon in the Kingdom of Abba, which manifest the gifts and virtues for souls.

    In the Celestial Universe, unity is the essence of life, and obedience to the principles is the virtue of the saints. Your Mother comes from this Kingdom, and every month I descend to Earth to remind it that it must never forget the Infinite Purpose that guides it; the Purpose that has created it and that has caused it to persevere throughout time.

    I am the Perpetual Source of Prayer, which radiates to all the hearts that open to recognize Me as the Mother, and as the Principle of Peace for everyone.

    Towards those Kingdoms I want to take you. I wish your consciousnesses, and especially your hearts, to expand in love and in faith so that some day they find the same Kingdom, the one your Mother found after Her Assumption.

    My eternal commitment is to raise you up spiritually towards this Kingdom from this terrestrial and lost consciousness. If the greatest number of souls would enter the school of mirrors of prayer with a healthy inner and heart-felt attitude, new divine and deep foundations for planetary life could manifest and transmute a part of the consciousness of the planet.

    Your clock is registering the time of the determination, which must not be impelled by sentimentalism, but by the faith and devotion of believing every day that a Greater Kingdom awaits you.

    It is for this greater reason that I am here today with you, just as I have been on the Hill of Medjugorje for thirty-four years, patiently waiting for the change in humanity.

    Who has understood My message?

    Through the Kingdom of Medjugorje I have transformed lives and have saved hearts by means of the works of Mercy and of Peace that many hearts experience. I hope that you will be a part of this work of mercy, and that you decide to stop being a burden for the manifestation of the Plan.

    Children, I hope that you stop insisting on your ideas, because you would be covering your eyes with the veils of resistance, and would cease to see the Purpose of God on the horizon, that Purpose that has summoned you since the beginning.

    Because of that, My dear ones, I come to ask for the collaboration of your mirror-souls so that they fulfill the task that they came to materialize with Me in this new story that God is writing in His Heart.

    The Mirrors of Heaven, the Fountains of Mercy await empty souls; souls that are free of themselves, that have banished petty power and conquest so that, together with the Mother of the World, they will be the bearers of the Gifts of God, gifts that will transform the Earth.

    This is My last summoning; I have already begged for you. Abandon the old habits and be worthy of hearing My words; in this way, the celestial mirrors will help the planet. I leave you My aspiration of seeing you transformed in Christ.

    Today is the thirty-forth anniversary of Medjugorje igniting the praying mirrors of peace. And you, My children, what will you decide to be in this age?

    I thank you for responding with constancy to My call!

    Who blesses and loves you,

    Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Medjugorje



    Take off the past from your feet and live in the eternal present.  You are being placed in the school of forgiveness and of love so that the unity that dwells in each child of God may be expressed and may fulfill its task.

    There is a certain type of footwear that is very difficult to take off because in them are kept the experiences of other paths that were taken yesterday.  There are certain types of pointed shoes that are more complex because in them are kept the need to try again to achieve certain things.

    Other shoes are more robust and heavier because the feet have carried the sufferings from whole years.  And there are some very delicate, of such a fragile consistency that any distinct path could break them.

    In the end, children of Mine, the greatest thing in this time is to take off your own self.  It is a tough goal that, when is achieved, the soul, victorious, finds the liberation from the inner prison.  Remember, dear children, that a divested life is a free path that your feet can walk on, but not all manage to live it at the same time.

    For this, the gift of fraternal love and the master key of unity are the perfect complements in order for this Creation to be able to go ahead.

    Some of you are already at the door of the inner emptiness and it is being requested that you abandon now the old habits so that, completely barefoot, you may raise your spirits and consciousness to light.  Only then you will be free and the chains will be broken.

    I thank you for answering to My call!

    Who teaches you to walk completely barefoot,

    Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

    Monthly Messages

    My children,

    I come to this town to awaken the codes of light that one day My maternal presence deposited here and that, over the course of the years were lost, because men and women, little by little distanced themselves from God, closing in this way the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

    My beloveds, precious treasures sleep under the mountains of this city, treasures that must see the light, so that they may serve as help for this humanity in so much need of Redemption.  I am referring to spiritual treasures, presents that God sends to His creatures that lose themselves in the world so much.

    Dears, as Mother and Lady of Montserrat, I bring to the world the celestial melodies that heal and redeem the hearts, that awaken the little souls from the sleep of profound illusion that they are living in this world.

    Mysterious truths are before the eyes of all the beings and the moment has come for humanity, as a whole, to be able to access these truths.

    My children, for this it is necessary that a few take the first step towards this awakening of the consciousness and, without fear, remove from the eyes the blindfolds that keep them in profound darkness.

    My dears, a new time is approaching this world, a time that will bring pain for the hearts that resist transformation, but which will bring strength and spiritual growth for all of those that, with faith continue their luminous path, guided by the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary.

    On this day I come to alert you once again that it is time to grow, because the planetary moment needs to see you ready to face the trials that will come. From the north to the south and from the east to the west of this world the hearts will begin to feel the tribulations that come to their inner world.  Many will need help, because they will not understand what will happen to them; others will not be able to keep themselves in healthy balance, which will generate many conflicts in the world.

    For this, My children, I come to ask you, with all My Immaculate Heart, that you do not wait for someone else's transformation to take your own steps. Do not wait any more to find a reference in this world, because there will be no creature on this Earth that will be outside of this purification that will be lived and that already is being lived in many beings.

    Walk without looking back, forget the past, which will be balanced by the present and future actions.  Forget the mistakes, the fears and the pains that you felt in a time that has passed, because it is the moment to take by the hands Those who come from Heaven, offering to you Their help and, without looking back, nor to the side, fix your eyes on the goal and continue with firm and rhythmical steps, without haste and without pause.

    Come dears, because My Heart waits for you to trust you with a new mission, to prepare you to cross this planetary threshold between the old human and the new redeemed race.

    My words echo in this way, in this place, because I speak what you need to hear in this moment. I want that those who hear Me for the first time may receive an impulse from My Heart, so that they may awaken immediately and soon be placed in their rightful place, in this army of Peace, that fights with love, unity, fraternity and prayer, so that the Plans of God are accomplished in this world.

    My children, today I say to you that the Plans of the Creator will be accomplished under any circumstances, because the Law dictates the prevailing of the Light.  But it is the Will of the Lord that His redeemed Earth be born with beings that were able transcend the old race and, through love and forgiveness, overcome the past and manifest the new future.

    I give immense thanks to this city, because spiritually, for the second time, it has opened the doors to Me, claiming in this way so that Redemption may descend over this world.  For this, today I say to you, My children, to wait for My presence with love.

    Blissful are those that receive from God the Grace of being before His Servant and receive the sublime redemption for their lives.

    I love you and I will always love you, because I am Your Beloved Mother and Lady of Montserrat, the Virgin Mary


    The most precious souls are those that rejoice My Heart every day because they adore Me and consecrate themselves to My Eternal Presence.

    For this reason, I must always take care of these souls that, for various reasons, have come to the world to redeem their lives and their pasts. For the sake of My Infinite Mercy, these souls can liberate themselves from the conditions of the past, those that do not allow them to take safe steps towards Me.  I sustain each one of the souls within My arms in order to carry them with Me towards the Greater Kingdom of My Father.

    In this time, the consecrated souls are entering into the apex of strong experiences and learning, those which will allow them to mature with wisdom and discernment.  All these souls are like treasures in My Kingdom because I pour My Graces and My Peace upon them so that forever may be radiated to the world the sacred gifts of Heaven.

    Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

    Thank you for keeping your souls within My Heart!

    Christ Jesus

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the message, Christ transmitted a new sacred exercise of prayer that, according to His Instructions, will help us to face the end of times and, above all, to annul the actions of capital sin.  This exercise is considered by Christ to be a shield of protection against these energies.

    The Powerful Novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ comes from an inner emanation of prayer that springs perpetually from the Heart of Jesus.

    This novena is a direct dialog with the Creator Source from which the essences of all creatures have arisen.  The soul that venerates Me by means of this Sacred Novena will enter into the historical moment in which Christ lived His public life and His Passion.  In this way, it will spiritually collect the divine fruits that the Master left engraved on the consciousness of this world.

    Whoever invokes Jesus by means of this Sacred Novena will approach the celestial powers that the Father conceded to Jesus at the moment of His birth, and at the first moments of His public life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection.

    This exercise of prayer must be prayed during nine days, with the purest intention of being able to receive the same spiritual merits that Jesus received when He was upon this world.  This Grace that today I concede to you for this time of chaos is similar to the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration 1.  The signs of the Transfiguration and of the Passion of Jesus represent for the souls the first school of approximation to Jesus.

    Now the powerful novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ symbolizes the entrance into a deeper state of consciousness and of prayer.  I reveal to you that you will be able to remain in the same Christic vibration, in the same state of Christ.

    This powerful novena will try to help all, mainly those who have consciously consecrated themselves for life to Christ Jesus.  It will try to transubstantiate, that is, to change the cellular and mental state of all of the events that have prevented the spiritual awakening of the souls to the Divine Life.  This powerful novena will bring to you the impulse of the divine merits that Christ achieved during His trajectory upon the Earth.

    This exercise aspires to transfigure the inner states of each being, turning them into divine and sublime principles.  For this, the work of prayer with the powerful novena must be constant, without setting a time of ending in weeks, months or years.  Now each soul will know how to recognize the importance of becoming a faithful instrument of God.

    This Grace is poured especially to transform something that causes the world to drown, that which are the called capital sins.  This novena will work as a shield before the presence of these energies.

    Have a good work of interiorization and of expansion of consciousness!

    Your dear Master, Christ Jesus.

    The Powerful Novena
    to the Merciful Jesus Christ

    First day

    On the first day, you will pray to transcend human control through the Most Holy Purity that Christ incarnated during His special birth in the manger of the city of Bethlehem.  In this event, you will be able to see manifested the first power of the Holy Spirit, which was the sublime incarnation of God through the coming of the Messiah Jesus.

    With total fervor and inner determination, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


    For the powerful birth of Christ on Earth,
    Most Holy Spirit of God,
    transcend our matter
    so that the power of Divine Purity
    may incarnate in us.





    Second day

    ​​​​​On the second day, you shall pray to expel from the consciousness the human condition, that which throughout times has been awakened by the work of the enemy: temptation, pride, avarice and greed, capital energies that closed off the paths of light for good souls.

    With faith and conviction, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


    For the Sacred Humility expressed
    by the Divine Family,
    and through the Pure Love
    that the Child Jesus radiated to the world,
    Lord, expel from our beings
    all domination constructed by the enemy.



    Third day

    On the third day, you shall pray to God begging Him for Mercy through the Divine Pity that Jesus offered during His public Life. You shall supplicate to the Lord for Him to liberate the hearts from the sins of vanity, possession, pride and curses that may have once lived in poor hearts.
    With consciousness and with truth, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

    For the Sacred Miracle of Jesus
    at the Wedding of Cana,
    may all beings be converted
    so that true love
    for the Creator may finally
    awaken in the world.


    Fourth day

    On the fourth day, you shall remember the blessed healings that Jesus carried out among different people; blind, lame and dumb. In this way, you will ask God for the deep healing of your souls and of the aspects that are marked as indelible wounds within your evolution. You shall request from God that, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, all events that occurred in the lives of simple souls may be healed by Jesus, as He at that time had healed the sick.

    With devotion and mercy, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


    May the powerful Hands of Jesus
    and His Rays of Mercy
    descend upon our hearts
    so that the Light of the Kingdom of God
    may liberate the ties
    and forever heal all our wounds.


    Fifth day

    On the fifth day, you shall glorify God because He has sent the Savior Son to quench the spiritual thirst of the world. You shall then remember the moment in which the Samaritan offered Him fresh water from the well and Christ, in return, offered her the Water of Life.

    May your lives, in this divine mystery, be washed by this Blessed Water that sprung forth strongly from the Side of Jesus on the Cross so that the sins of omission, cruelty, torture, outrages and of indifferences, that humanity has generated throughout the centuries, may be transmuted by the sacred codes of the Water of Life, and that healing may be manifested in all consciousnesses.

    With love and compassion, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

    For the Water of Life and Redemption
    that poured out from the Side of Jesus,
    may the baptismal powers of liberation and forgiveness
    descend upon our lives.


    Sixth day

    On the sixth day, you shall pray to the Father to implore Him for Mercy for those who perpetually blame themselves and condemn themselves eternally, without having changed anything in their lives. You shall now remember the moment in which Jesus was condemned to death. You shall meditate on this mystery that Christ offered for all, and in this way, you shall understand that in absolute self-surrender lies the key to the transformation of consciousness.

    Contemplating this mystery of the surrender of Jesus for humanity, you shall pray with hope and joy for thirty-three times the following prayer:

    For Jesus' great surrender of Love 
    on the arms of the Cross,
    Emmanuel, Sacred Father,
    grant us the Grace of permanent surrender
    on behalf of our fellow beings.



    Seventh day

    On the seventh day of the Powerful Novena, you shall take your memory back to the moment of the encounter of Jesus with His Mother on the path of Calvary.

    May the maternal power of love that sustains all and resolves all allow the world to be liberated from the constant falls and perditions that it has been led through.

    Through this important act of absolute love between the Son of God and the Mother of God, may the weakest souls receive the Grace of affirming themselves on the path of the spirit by means of the supreme strength that Christ lived during His Passion. 

    May this same strength lead those consecrated to Christ to abstain from all temptation and energy that may seduce them to deviate them from the path of the good pilgrim. May the Faith of Christ remove the obstacles so that the children of the Father may walk in freedom towards Paradise.

    With openness and piety, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


    For the divine and supreme strength of Jesus
    during His Sacred Passion,
    Father, affirm Eternal Faith in our beings,
    the sublime fire of eternal ascension.



    Eighth day

    On the eighth day, you shall open the celestial door to receive the Divine Pity that the glorified Christ expressed in spirit and in consciousness after having been brought down from the Cross.

    May this mystery of invincible love, that restores all and transforms all, in spite of the mistakes committed, incarnate as infinite and permanent light in the hearts that have decided to live the path of apostleship.

    May this Divine Christic Pity transfigure, without being detained, the hard aspects of unconsciousness, those which are kept and prevail, frightening the servers. That the sublime fire of Pity, which Jesus expressed for the whole world after the Cross, may remove the difficulties for those who cannot live chastity, austerity, detachment, impersonality and surrender to the Heart of God

    With peace and firmness, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


    For the divine and powerful Pity
    that Christ emanated out of love for the whole world
    while in the arms of the Most Holy Virgin
    Mary, Supreme Mother, shelter us now and always
    in the Heart of Your Kingdom.



    Ninth day

    And on the ninth and last day of the Powerful Novena, you shall meditate on each one of the eight previous mysteries that Jesus left engraved as light for the world. On this ninth day, the synthesis of all the prayerful and spiritual work must emerge. The Christic codes must already be latent in the hearts that, with so much love, have invoked the preceding eight powerful divine mysteries of Christ.

    Today you shall remember the moment of the Sacred Resurrection of Jesus on the third day and you shall see in this act of power of the Son of God that, in profound humility after having been condemned, martyrized and humiliated, He resurrected gloriously, defeating the spiritual death that was condemning the whole world.

    Through this mystery, may the souls that fight without rest, those that truly work to accomplish the Plan of God, be liberated from all evil and may they manage, through love of the resurrection of Christ, to redeem the profound elements that condemn the consciousnesses. May they stand up from where they have fallen!  In this way, may they defeat, as did Jesus, the spiritual death that generates the sin of the world and may all hearts be raised to the foot of the Sacred Altar of the Creator.

    With presence and fidelity, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:



    For the sake of the glorious and victorious Resurrection of Jesus,
    may the sacred celestial rays
    descend upon our lives
    so that the Omnipresent Life of God may reign.



    Christ Jesus, the Instructor

    At the end of the novena, if the one who prays wants to begin it again, one day of pause must be taken.

    1 Spiritual exercise delivered by Christ Jesus in April 2012. For additional information, see the book “Siete Dias con el Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, by Irdin Publishing. 


    My pitiful Heart is expanded to the boundaries of the universe to rescue the essences that are lost and especially the souls that are forgotten and have forgotten about Me since the beginning.

    My Unfathomable Mercy has pity on the enemies, on those who oppose the accomplishment of My Works in the souls that I have come to awaken at the end of this time.

    As I have told you, pray for your enemies and opponents so that the light of the sublime redemption may open a space of love in these consciousnesses, those that have lost the sense of the spiritual life.

    In this hour My Shepherd Consciousness gathers all of the flocks that will need to answer to My universal Commands of redemption. Do not fear finding obstacles because they are part of the maturity of the love in your beings. Continue firm without looking behind, with the merciful prayer as a shield and no longer unquiet your hearts.

    It is time to transfigure the past for a good future of graces and blessings. My Heart will rehabilitate some of the consciousness that have forgotten about My Confident Heart. Open your arms and say yes to the Supreme Will that the Father is giving to you. In confidence and love continue walking because humanity must redeem itself.

    Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for living always in the protection of My Merciful Heart!

    Christ Jesus


    The Great Christic Transformation

    He who is willing and decides to follow My Path of consecration to God remembers that the tests he will face will be like stones on his path and will serve as a permanent confirmation so that one day he may cross the threshold towards Eternity.

    Therefore, never be afraid to face all that you once were in the past because this is part of the art of constant purification to achieve the Most Pure Peace.

    The disciple is like a great book that guards a past completely unknown to his small consciousness within this universe. To access the reality of his life and his entire existence, the apprentice must, with strict obedience, do all that in certain cases may seem absurd to him.

    This is the great step for the Christic transformation: to recognize that, in consciousness, the disciple knows very little about life, about the true Will of the Lord, and that it only remains for him to follow from the heart the signs that are indicated to him.

    In this time of apostolate, the apprentices must cross with their own feet the great and vast lake of the impurities of this humanity, which do not allow the existential sense of the essence to shine in each soul.

    By the Law of Grace, the remedy that will dissolve these burdens and renovate the precious lives of all of the beings is the Divine Mercy, the Most Pure Source of redemption and of compassion that washes, nourishes, cleanses, and purifies these great lakes of lamentations.

    As disciples, encourage yourselves to experience My Path because I will never fail you, even in the hours of the great tests of confirmation and faith.

    Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for purifying your lives day by day through My Merciful Heart!

    Christ Jesus, the Water of the New Life


    I choose the hearts so that they may transmit in these times My Renewed Messages. This has a spiritual and divine aim because in them I try to repose with My Sacred Heart, aspiring that those who are awakening to Me and who return after such a long time may resume My Path of Holiness.

    As a Son and Eternal Server of God, I come to the world to remove from My Disciples the weight that cause the past, impeding the materialization of My Project in each little soul. For this in this last cycle I renew My Soldiers through the path of merciful prayer, that which is consecrated to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.

    This Chaplet will not only remind you day by day of My Passion so that you may imitate It, but It also reunites the universal powers that imprint themselves as codes of light in the soul that prays this powerful sacrament of prayer.

    Prayer for Me is a great redeeming sacrament along with communion. These two sacerdotal principles will allow you to be closer to Me and, from the ecumenical perspective, to rescue the importance of living of My Body and of My Blood out of love and for the salvation of those who have, for a long time, communed with the modernities of the world and not with My Savior Spirit.

    You will encounter Me, as has been said to you, in all of the sanctuaries of the Earth. For this go in trust to the shepherds, and to the consecrated ones, so that they may offer My Body and My Blood, symbols of eternal union with the Glorious Father of the Heights.

    Today I remind you of these things because the moment has arrived for the existence of a universal order in everything, and in order for this to be a reality in your spirits, you must exercise the sacred sacraments.

    I listen to you in the silence. I bless you in the prayer. I baptize you with the Water of Life in each confession. I surrender Myself to you in the Sacred Communion.

    For this be attentive to the signs of the new times because only that soul that lives through the love of the heart will be able to recognize Me in My Return to the world.

    I Am the Living and Eternal Heart. I Am the Heart that wants to beat strong inside of your beings when only you abandon yourselves in My Paternal Spirit.

    Under the Mercy of the Father, I thank you all for having accompanied the great purpose of the Plan of God!

    Peace and Good for My children,

    Christ Jesus, the Universal King



    My friends,

    Do not fear failing because of what you were in the past or for what you have now discovered about yourselves and that must die from now.

    I am here on this day of Glory and Mercy because you have sincerely accepted to wash your faces and your feet in My Source of repairing and inexhaustible Love. For this, day by day, by means of the merciful prayer, I encourage you to go ahead in the search of the path of sanctity and of perfection of the soul so that all may be renewed in life.I know how you feel now and how much you need My Help. I have My Heart open so that in faith and in trust you may be able to enter in It without fear and without disturbances.  I will not judge you, I will only show to your hearts the time of the great step for your spirits.

    Cultivate a spirit of hope because if you do it you will see being born in you My Joy and My Mercy. Remember that the world is suffering and purifying itself, it is time that My Soldiers abandon the swords from yesterday and to carry in their hearts and between their hands My Banner of Redemption.

    My Paternal Spirit accompanies you today in the silence of prayer.

    Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for transforming your lives through My Holy Heart of Love!

    Christ Jesus, You Faithful Confessor.


    Whoever holds on to My Sacred Cross will not fall from it because My Cross will elevate you to the infinite.

    Only for love I gave My Life for you so that the flocks that had deviated themselves from the path should return to the presence of God. For this whoever is on My Redeeming Cross will receive Grace because on the Cross is found the transformation of life and of the heart.

    Every day at 3 pm I bless you in spite of your faults because My Cross is already victorious in the Heavens. Whoever follows the path of the Cross through silence and prayer will be able to discover the abysses that you still have to cross in order to free yourselves from the past.

    But My Holy Cross is truly the bridge that will always unite you to Heaven and that will banish you from the past so that a better life may emerge.

    My companions, for whoever in these times does not accept their own cross, does not love it nor is thankful for what God has entrusted to them, it will be hard to climb the steep hill of sacrifice, that which will lead you to liberation. For this reason, take your time, and meditate on the experience of My Cross and allow your hearts to mature in sacrifice and in faith. The Cross is the victory of redemption.

    Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

    Thank you for living on the Cross every day, on the Cross of Redemption!

    Christ Jesus.


    Who are we?

    Association Mary
    Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
