Monthly Messages

My children,

I come to this town to awaken the codes of light that one day My maternal presence deposited here and that, over the course of the years were lost, because men and women, little by little distanced themselves from God, closing in this way the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My beloveds, precious treasures sleep under the mountains of this city, treasures that must see the light, so that they may serve as help for this humanity in so much need of Redemption.  I am referring to spiritual treasures, presents that God sends to His creatures that lose themselves in the world so much.

Dears, as Mother and Lady of Montserrat, I bring to the world the celestial melodies that heal and redeem the hearts, that awaken the little souls from the sleep of profound illusion that they are living in this world.

Mysterious truths are before the eyes of all the beings and the moment has come for humanity, as a whole, to be able to access these truths.

My children, for this it is necessary that a few take the first step towards this awakening of the consciousness and, without fear, remove from the eyes the blindfolds that keep them in profound darkness.

My dears, a new time is approaching this world, a time that will bring pain for the hearts that resist transformation, but which will bring strength and spiritual growth for all of those that, with faith continue their luminous path, guided by the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary.

On this day I come to alert you once again that it is time to grow, because the planetary moment needs to see you ready to face the trials that will come. From the north to the south and from the east to the west of this world the hearts will begin to feel the tribulations that come to their inner world.  Many will need help, because they will not understand what will happen to them; others will not be able to keep themselves in healthy balance, which will generate many conflicts in the world.

For this, My children, I come to ask you, with all My Immaculate Heart, that you do not wait for someone else's transformation to take your own steps. Do not wait any more to find a reference in this world, because there will be no creature on this Earth that will be outside of this purification that will be lived and that already is being lived in many beings.

Walk without looking back, forget the past, which will be balanced by the present and future actions.  Forget the mistakes, the fears and the pains that you felt in a time that has passed, because it is the moment to take by the hands Those who come from Heaven, offering to you Their help and, without looking back, nor to the side, fix your eyes on the goal and continue with firm and rhythmical steps, without haste and without pause.

Come dears, because My Heart waits for you to trust you with a new mission, to prepare you to cross this planetary threshold between the old human and the new redeemed race.

My words echo in this way, in this place, because I speak what you need to hear in this moment. I want that those who hear Me for the first time may receive an impulse from My Heart, so that they may awaken immediately and soon be placed in their rightful place, in this army of Peace, that fights with love, unity, fraternity and prayer, so that the Plans of God are accomplished in this world.

My children, today I say to you that the Plans of the Creator will be accomplished under any circumstances, because the Law dictates the prevailing of the Light.  But it is the Will of the Lord that His redeemed Earth be born with beings that were able transcend the old race and, through love and forgiveness, overcome the past and manifest the new future.

I give immense thanks to this city, because spiritually, for the second time, it has opened the doors to Me, claiming in this way so that Redemption may descend over this world.  For this, today I say to you, My children, to wait for My presence with love.

Blissful are those that receive from God the Grace of being before His Servant and receive the sublime redemption for their lives.

I love you and I will always love you, because I am Your Beloved Mother and Lady of Montserrat, the Virgin Mary