My beloveds:

Praised be, today and always, Jesus Christ in each one of your lives!

As blessed souls, servers of the Lord, place today before the Celestial Altar, all the needs of your little consciousnesses and, as humanity, also offer to God the needs of the entire world; because as My Son Jesus has said to you, to the one who asks with sincerity, it will be given.

My dears, I want to teach you to be before God not just as individuals, but as human consciousnesses, so that all the merits generated by your hearts may be for the benefit of the entire world.

In this way you will also learn to work as humanity, measuring each action that you realize, so that by means of the sincere offer of your hearts, the evil caused by humans may be balanced.

I come from the Kingdom of God bringing to you My last Call, announcing to the world the arrival of the Boat of Salvation, so that all of those who have been asleep throughout the centuries may now awake and come to My encounter.

Today I say to you, My beloveds, that My voice echoes to all, and My Call traverses the world, because there is no creature living on this Earth who is not deserving of entering into My Kingdom.

I call the sinners, so that they may repent from their sins, and walk towards Me. I call the blind of spirit and of heart so that they may permit Me to open the eyes of the soul and, in this way, they may see the truth that shines before their hearts. I call those who are fearful of surrendering their lives to God, for them to dissolve the fear in the Love of My Heart, because there is no safer harbor than the Heart of the Lord.

My beloveds, My sacred compassion permeates the world and, above all, it permeates the heart of those who listen to Me, so that they may be the extension of My compassion upon the Earth.

For this I say to you to never forget to work with charity in your lives, to be compassionate, understanding and loving towards others. Never forget that a merciful act transforms the destiny of a soul, and converts their heart into a heart in service to God.

Today I say to you that, more than anything, to seek at this time to be the living example of My Message. Make an effort to live My words, as there is no greater source of conversion than the pure and true example that souls may manifest in matter. For this, dissolve all malice, pride and competition from your lives.

Do not seek to be the first to arrive in My Boat of Salvation; seek first, that all of those who are at your side you may accomplish it. Search for a path of sanctification, by means of the ardent desire of sanctification of the other. Work so that your brothers and sisters may grow in virtues, and that they may act in silence.

This is the key that I give you today.

I love you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children of My Heart,

I come today to consecrate this city to My Heart so that the interior of each one of your beings may be a living temple of My maternal presence.

In this final time of Mercy I bring to the world the spiritual awakening for hearts and consciousnesses. In this way, little by little humanity will leave from the great illusion in which it is submerged.

At request of the Lord who reigns in the Universe I come day by day to heal the hearts from all incomprehension and lack of love and to remind the children of God that a vast Universe is waiting for them.

However, today I tell you that before reaching the celestial mysteries it is necessary to unveil the mysteries that you live in you own interior. These mysteries are virtues that every human being guards in its essence as an archetype of the creation of God.

When I ask you to wake up, My children, it is for you to wake up to the life that God created for His creatures. It is for you to awaken the gifts and divine virtues that are guarded in your hearts and upon which awakening depends the birth of the new life upon the Earth .

In these times I return to the world to unite creeds and religions, races and nations in a single heart that beats in the rhythm of the Universal Heart.

I bring through My divine verb a message of union and of fraternity so that My children may no longer live tied up in their own lives and ignorance may not prevent them from seeing the need of the neighbor and the truth of the hearts.

My dears, today I invite you to live unity. I invite you to dissolve from your hearts selfishness and pride so that the veils that cover your faces may give place to the true brightness of your eyes. And leaving aside the many preoccupations that you have about your own selves, you may be able to perceive the pure essence that there is in each heart.

It is through the true unity that is born in the hearts that you will be able to discover the Love that My Son has sown on this Earth.

But to live any of My messages, My dears, it is necessary to have faith that a new life can be awakened and, even if your eyes see the entire world sleeping and being submerged each day more in the illusions of modernities, to not lose the faith and the determination to go forward.

It has already been told to you that a few will transform the world because if you live the Laws that are born in the Celestial Universe you will be able to find the archetype left by My Son Jesus.

Today I tell you that Christ, alone, living the Message of God, healed the world forever and now it is necessary that so many others make blossom the seed left by Jesus and live in an ecumenical and true way the Christic Life. This is the Plan of God for humanity.

Jesus did not come to the Earth to only illuminate the hearts of the world, He came to demonstrate that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ being among men and women and, also through His apostles He showed us that faith and love transform the grosser matter into divine matter.

Be the apostles of the new time! Wake up to the Universal Love!

I love you always and I thank you for answering to My Call.

Mary, Celestial Messenger and Queen of Peace


Take your rosary in hands and contemplate with Me the needs of the world. Take your heart to traverse this planet from north to south and east to west, so that you may feel in your little soul how the angels and the blessed ones from the Kingdom of the Heavens work.

My children, discover in your hearts the power of true prayer, prayer that transforms the events of the world, that redeems the hearts and changes the course of life for beings so that there may be a little more of peace on Earth.

I come with the rosary between My hands and passing the beads one by one, I pray for all humanity and wherever I find a heart that also prays, there I open a window for the Kingdom of God and I make to flow the Divine Grace and the Mercy for all of the souls.

My dears, I invite you to experience the power of faith and of union with Me within your little lives. For this, I tell you that you must deepen contact with the life of prayer.

While you pray unite with consciousness your hearts to Mine. Remind yourselves that I Am in the Heavens, listening to your prayers and in Omnipresence, I come to the world to pray with My children and to work with them manifesting the Will of the Creator.

While you vigil in prayer and pronounce the prayers in different languages, travel with Me throughout the world on this Boat of Salvation and, going nation by nation, let us rescue souls and balance the debts of the consciousness with God.

Pray for those who do not know how to pray. Pray for those who do not know God. Pray for those who believe themselves to be spiritual and deceive themselves in false doctrines. Pray for the religions. Pray for the religious. Pray for those who have hunger in body and in spirit because they do not find in their lives the source that satiates all and that calms all in body and in soul.

And, in this way, come with Me praying for the children, for the youngsters, for the adults and for the elders, praying for those who are being born and who are about to leave.

Pray for those who lose the body, but much more, pray for those who lose the soul. Pray for the kingdoms present in each one of the nations. Pray for the history that lives kept in the invisible and that generates pain and suffering throughout the centuries because it has still not been redeemed.

Cry out with Me for the Light of the Holy Spirit so that, in this way, the hearts that may be open in the entire world may receive in their interior the Divine Grace and the awakening.

My dears, vigil in truth with Me and, praying for the nations, unite in your inner the essence of each people, of each race, of each creed and religion. Unite the consciousnesses of the nations so that from the spiritual Universe this union may manifest itself on the Earth and may avoid conflicts and wars that are gestated in the entire world.

As good children come to My arms and, praying for those who are most in need, you will perceive how simple and small are the issues of your lives. For this I tell you that if you aspire to heal the heart and the soul from vain sufferings pray with Me for the world and contemplate the pain of the Heart of God for the irreparable causes of humanity.

Live in the spirit of prayer and enter into My Universe of Love.

I thank all of the nations of the world for responding to My Call.

Who prays perpetually for all of you,

Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Rosary of Peace.


Dear children:

With joy I come to your encounter to announce a time of great peace upon the world, for those hearts that are willing to live the tests of life with faith and in peacefulness.

My children, on this day I say to you that the world filled with peace is in the interior of each one of your hearts; the world of tribulations must live outside of your inner dwelling.

It depends only on each soul, on the bravery of each spirit, so that peace may be installed in this world.  For this today I say to you to walk in the direction of My Kingdom of Peace; and do not permit that the external tribulations nor the internal ones to destroy the peace that My Heart has established in yours.

My dears, as Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to recruit My soldiers, those who will permit that the Celestial Kingdom may descend upon the Earth, and for this, each one of your beings must live internally inside this Kingdom.

Once again I ask you that you do not feed conflicts and that you do not be involved in the difficulties of this world, because the Plan of God is much greater for your lives. A Plan that until today humanity cannot even begin to see, but already the time has come to take this leap, and abandon the little things of life, so that the heart is returned to the Heights.

Today I want that you contemplate with the eyes of your hearts the primordial task of a Marian Center.  I want you to rejoice your souls, because My plans little by little are being accomplished; together with Me place your hearts in the goal of Redemption that you must reach.

Contemplate the Love lived by the Sacred Family, and with spirit united to the Holy Spirit, walk towards the experience of this archetype of life upon the Earth.  If only you aspire to live as lived the Sacred Family, the Lord will send His help so that you may take great steps on this path.  But it is necessary to have complete Faith that this is possible, and to not retain the old clothes that this planetary moment is discarding.

If the moment asks you to let go of yourselves, My dears, do not fear doing it, because one has to cross a threshold between the Old Human and the New Child, and for those who refuse to transform themselves, this threshold will be painful.  As for those who open their arms and let themselves be transformed by the Divine energy, help will come to them, and Grace will make their transition soft.

Today I thank you for coming to My encounter, and for helping My mission of Planetary Liberation.

I love you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Dear children of My Immaculate Heart:

Today I ask you to come to My arms, so that all the fear and all doubt may be dissipated from your little hearts.

Today I say to you that these are times to live in the Faith of the heart, and to be confirmed day by day in adhesion to My Plan of Love.

If today peace is lacking in your heart, it is because you have forgotten to enter into My mantle and to seek My help in the situations of life.

My beloveds, My presence in the world comes to bring to your lives other Laws so that you may live in this world as a new humanity. But so that you may enter into these Celestial Laws that descend to the world by means of My Love, you must count on My presence and on the Will of God, that I breath into your heart.

If your little hearts are darkened today amidst doubts, I say to you, My beloveds, that you must recognize that you are taking into account the Graces that I bring to you.

Call for My presence, talk with Me, in the depth of your hearts, as a good child seeks the support of its mother, so that I can guide your lives.

When any question arises in your hearts, be it material or spiritual, come to Me and ask Me how to act. My immaterial Power will touch your consciousnesses and under the agency of the Spirit of God I will give you wisdom to act.

My little ones, these are times of definition, of consecration, and of strength. This is the moment for the souls to dive into the Superior Will, so that they may perceive how little are their wills.

My beloveds, count on the Marian Centers, count on My presence in each one of My Marian houses, because there I have opened a door that will link you directly to My Kingdom of Peace, and always when you are in need, knock on this door, so that I will open it to you and will I take you in My arms, dissolving all the pain, suffering, doubt and fear, and I will construct the strength, that which you will use to help the ones who are lost and that have not found God in their lives.

My beloveds, today I consecrate not just this House, but also all the hearts here present, so that they may become My faithful soldiers of prayer, and that they may bring My Peace to the world.

That the Light of the Holy Spirit shines today in your essences, and gives you the gift to Love and to perceive the Heart of God in each pilgrim that knocks on this door.

Receive all who may arrive to this place and be My arms over the Earth.

I love you and will love you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


Come and consecrate your little heart to My Infinite Heart of Love. Write your name among the names of My soldiers so that the entire world may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Become, My child, intercessor before God and before Christ, in the name of the souls that need to achieve Forgiveness to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

To consecrate yourself to My Immaculate Heart means to live in My Eternal Peace and to become a peacemaker on the Earth because My Heart is the infinite source of Peace for the world and in It must be submerged all of the consciousnesses.

Come, My child, on this day surrender your life to My holy hands so that this Heart that talks to you may guide your steps through the same pathway through which will walk My feet.

Consecrate your life to My Immaculate Heart so that you may give Me the permission to make to spring in your essence the original purity that the whole world has lost for the lack of God and for the modernities.

Rescue today the sacred, the divine, the pure and the true saying yes to My Luminous Heart because on this day Heaven is especially attentive to your pleas and the Lord observes with attention which of His children will take this awaited step.

My children: I invite you today to overcome the symbolism of things and to go beyond superficial intentions because this day must not be only a beautiful moment kept in your memories. If you truly strive to answer to My call I will be able to unite souls and hearts in a single purpose of Redemption.

Today My Heart is shown to the world as a sweet and a celestial offer. Today I give to you My Heart that has been consecrated to yours since the beginning and this Heart beats eternally for the evolution of your little beings.

Recognize today, dear children, That which was sent in the beginning to gestate with deep love that which should be the final result of the Creation of God.

Through your little hearts, those that, spread throughout the world, are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, I elevate to the Heavens My holy pleas and I place at the Feet of the Lord this planet so that it may be crowned with My Stars, the symbol of My Protection and of My Most Sacred Spirit.

Through this consecration I decree that all of the souls and all of the beings receive today the opportunity of living the perfect archetype of God if they just say to Me, yes.

Unite yourselves, My little ones, with one another and recognizing Me as the Mother of all of the creatures of this world and, beyond that, of all of the Universe, recognize yourselves as siblings of one another and seal this consecration to My Heart through the ecumenical spirit of fraternity.

In the same way that My maternity encompasses the Universe, also brotherhood must be born in your hearts, with all of the creatures of this world and of this Universe that are all My children, your siblings.

I thank you for coming to My encounter and I ask you to mature each seed that on this day I have planted in your hearts.

I bless you always,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.  


Dear children,

Today I want you to dissolve your fears in My Heart, for there is nothing more perfect in the Universe than the Plan God created for His beloved creatures.

Come to My Heart whenever something brings affliction to your chest, for in prayer, I will show you what the Will of God is, manifested in each event in life.

May everything in your lives be a reason for prayer. If you feel doubts, bring them into the light of the Holy Spirit so they may be dissolved from your consciousnesses. If you feel fear, bring into your hearts the Love that I radiate daily to the world.

Never feed conflicts, but rather, be peacemakers on Earth.

The hour has come to truly be in likeness to My Son, to become silent when you should be silent, to act in secret, even when you are among the multitudes.

The perfect union between Jesus and God was known only to God Himself, and I want you to bring that example into your lives today. Unite perfectly with God in the silence of the heart and reflect that union through love.

The greatest example left by My Son for the lives of all creatures was Love. For that reason, love! Love those who hate you! Love those who speak lies about your beings! Love even more those who mistreat you, for those who do evil are the ones who most need that love!

Go through the world looking not only for those who open their hearts to you; also look for those who turn their faces away from you, but do not insist with words, nor with actions. Insist with the heart, with love, with silence, for the greatest love you can experience grows in the secret of your souls.

Today I want to teach you, My dear ones, what you have studied for two thousand years to learn, and the time has come for you to practice and to live in profound joy.

Glorify this moment of your lives, just as the apostles glorified it on discovering the greatness of what they were living, when they realized the celestial Grace they were receiving and how perfect the love they experienced as they preached among those who did not listen, and loved their enemies.

Congregate those who listen to Me and unite in an indissoluble way with each other, for this will be your fortitude in the times that will come, and together, you will discover the joy that exists in each new test in life; the joy of growing and maturing in spirit; the joy of being able to finally fulfill the Will of God; the joy that dissolves fear and heals the heart.

Firmly carry the banner of peace and do not stop walking. Smile at those who turn their faces away and love whomever approaches you.

To those who ask, respond: I come in the name of the Queen of Peace to bring Her Peace to the world.

I thank you for persevering yet another day in My Heart.

I love you and will eternally love you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Weekly Message of Mary, Immaculate Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía

I call My soldiers those who persevere in the Will of the Lord and fulfill it far beyond their small wills.

I call My companions those who continue by My side under any circumstance and say 'yes' to My Plan of Love and rescue of souls, even though they do not know what this Plan is and how it will be carried out.

I call beloved children those who revere God above all things and who, within their imperfection, surrender to the unknown Universe of the Celestial Father.

Today, I assemble hearts so that they become consecrated to the Greater Will, for the times will no longer be easy for consciousnesses, and souls will be tested by the enemy as never before.

Today, I assemble you so you may consecrate your lives, your souls and your spirits, so you may renew the commitment you sealed with Me since the beginning and you came to consummate in this time.

To those who follow Me, I offer sacrifice, and the reward you receive is the salvation of souls.

To those who follow Me, I offer renunciation, and what you receive in exchange is the purity of the world, which will be rescued by the small works of these hearts.

I do not place great material treasures on the table of those who follow Me; I will not offer you comfort nor rest, not in this life or in another.

But there is something on this table that is not on any other; something that transcends weariness, something that transcends the riches of the Earth, something that transcends matter, something that is not of this world.

This that I offer you is unique,  simple, invisible, cannot be touched and it is also immutable.

This that I offer you opens the doors of the universe and fills worlds, stars, spirits and consciousnesses.

To those who consecrate themselves today to My Heart, I offer you Love, and I present you to My Son so He may be your King for all eternity.

My little children, today I only tell you that I gathered you under My Mantle to place My Love in your hearts and to tell you, very close to your hearts, that you must never forget I am here, and even though I offered you sacrifice, I also offer you My arms, toward which you should eternally walk.

Who loves you,

Mary, Queen of Peace


Dear children:

Come to My arms, those thirsty for the Spirit of God, those who have never felt in their hearts the presence of the Most High, so that through My presence they may discover in their lives the Grace that is to live under the glorious mantle of My Son, and under the Infinite Mercy of God the Father.

My children, today I come to your lives to bring to you courage and Peace, so that you may not suffer for actions of the past, but that you may redeem in your hearts all that which does not correspond to the divine presence.

Wash today your little hearts in the Fountain of Grace that I make come out in this city and in this state, so that all may have the opportunity of be renewed before God.

My presence comes to this place to show the Greatness of God, and His infinite Mercy towards His children.

The Lord has asked Me to be among His little children, and that the Light that My Heart radiates may arrive to each space, even though it may not feel, and may not open to My presence, because it ignores My real existence.

Today I want to show you that the Sacred scriptures are not stories created to maintain Faith in the heart of people. The life of the Sacred Family and above all the life of Jesus, came to renew the world and to bring to all the creatures the living example of love, that which you should love and follow for all eternity.

The Sacred Family is the same today and always, and is not wrapped up in the religious books, but is alive in each one of your lives.

My Heart, the same born in Nazareth, returns from centuries to centuries to awaken those who have not awakened in the presence of My Son, and who have not been touched definitively by His Sacrifice.

Those who have not been healed by the Blood of Christ today receive a new opportunity to be healed by His Spirit, by His Glorified Body present in the Eucharist.

As I have said to you over the centuries, I return to say to you again to open your hearts to discover the new, and to discover the Most Holy presence of the divinity in your lives.

My arms are always open, dear children, to receive even the most lost of My children. Do not look to the past, do not fill your lives with bitterness, feeding your guilts. Place all the fear and all the pain at My feet, and walk towards My arms.

My eyes do not contemplate the imperfections; they contemplate the essences and the pure intentions of to be transformed. If you take the first step, I will be able to guide you and conduct you for all of the rest of the way. Just encourage yourselves to follow this trajectory of Redemption.

The Lord waits for each one of His creatures, as a father waits for his prodigal child.

Come, come without delay, come in prayer, come in confidence and in absolute Faith. Surrender yourselves without fear to My Heart.

The only thing I ask you is that you surrender your miseries, and in exchange I offer you Infinite Mercy.

I love you Always.

I thank you for coming to My encounter.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


May your little hearts no longer be afflicted by all that is still to be built within. The Lord of the Universe, the Great Architect of Infinity, has already designed the perfect structure for the Earth, which must be erected within each being, and if you say 'yes' the Universal Builders, who are the angels and archangels, they will come into your lives to transform the old and rebuild that which must be renewed.

Today, with joy, I come to this home of Mine, New Earth, so that here I may allow the growth of the archetype of the new life.

My children, today I want to tell you that the new life is not built based on the development of the mind nor on material riches. The new life is not to be found in the amount of knowledge that consciousnesses demonstrate, because there is nothing new in that.

Do not seek to unveil the celestial mysteries before building within yourselves the primary and only foundation that will lead you towards infinity, because the mysteries of God do not settle in the mind, but rather in the heart.

The new life that is born at New Earth is nothing but the possibility of loving others just as they are. The new life is the power to live with one other, each at their degree of evolution, without this being a reason for separateness but rather of union and of the growth of the soul and the spirit.

The Love you have come to learn about on Earth will not be found in books, but rather in life, in daily life, in the maturing of coexistence.

It is for this reason, dear children, that God asks for the Communities so that all those who aspire to grow may have the possibility of doing so and can count on the support of one other to achieve this growth, this unveiling of Love.

I want you to learn from New Earth in the way you learned from My Son Jesus; and for this reason, I return to this place. Christ was among those who were most needy. His apostles were simple and poor of heart, of knowledge, of life and of spirit; and in those simple souls, the Lord caused faithfulness and absolute love to grow in those who followed Him to the end, living sacrifice and surrender, under any circumstance.

With this, I tell you that the path of those who love one other, regardless of differences, is that together they experience a constant service and absolute fidelity to God. And in them God places His Spirit so that they may be an example of Mercy and a source of awakening; in them, the Lord places His trust.

Believe in what I tell you today, because when they heard the first Words of Christ, the apostles were men full of impurities and imperfections, but they responded to the call of the Lord, and today they are the guardians of the Doors of Heaven.

Follow that path with bravery, for just as I accompanied those My Son chose in that time, I am here to guide those who My Son chose in the end time, and those are all of you.

The twelve of yesteryear must be the 144 thousand of today.

I thank you for responding to My call and for accepting to follow this path of eternal transformation.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Dear children of My Heart,

Today all the Universe contemplates your little beings and, through the works of My angels and archangels, I open to this place all of the portals that lead to the Divine Dwelling of the Creator of all things.

On this anniversary of the Apparitions of My Immaculate Heart of Peace the Lord has asked Me to open for the Earth the doors that lead to His Kingdom because He Himself wanted to contemplate your little hearts.

I do not know if you understand, My little ones, the greatness of this moment, but I can tell you that the Lord contemplates the fruits that were born in your consciousnesses and in this place, from the luminous seeds that He Himself planted two years ago when your beings opened the door and allowed that upon this soil were born divine trees of Peace and Fraternity.

The Supreme Consciousness of the Creator today, with His own Hands, deposits new seeds in your hearts. Such seeds that will impel you to take new steps towards the Universal evolution. A touch of the Divine Hands will transform not only your little lives but also the life of all humanity.

If you open yourselves to this sublime moment, even though it may be silent and invisible, you will be able to feel that even the cells of your bodies become luminous, awakened by the Greater Light of Our Lord and God.

Clamor today My children, for Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, Faces of the Creator, in your prayers so that the Divine impulses may be settled in your bodies and in your spirits.

Today I tell you that all of the Celestial Servers contemplate this moment and send through the Love of Their cosmic hearts the impulse that complements the Divine Impulse.

For this unite yourselves with the heart, with the mind and with the spirit to this day of special Grace because Heaven celebrates one more year of triumph of My Heart and It also commemorates the awakening of many consciousnesses to the Universal Life.

The year that will come will ask from your hearts the maturity that I come to build day by day through your prayers. The tests which you are all subject to, they will endeavor to strengthen and to consolidate in your interior all the instructions that you have received throughout the years.

So today, My little children, I only tell you to guard in your hearts these words and to collect these seeds that today are given to you in a sheltered place, in the interior of the being.

Because an impulse of God has always a spiritual and divine reason and, for His own Consciousness to be today among His creatures in such a special way, it is because you will need this impulse and these codes left by God in order to confirm this union with the Celestial and Supreme Father once it comes the time to do so with trust.

I thank you for being today with Me and for allowing the Sun of My Universal Consciousness to be born in your lives.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.  

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Pray with your heart and with your spirit; in this way, My Verb will unite with yours and My Presence will be perceptible to your small being.

Pray for the nations, for the peoples, for the world, and go with your purest intention, traveling this planet; in this way, you will learn to fly like the Luminous Bird that rescues those most in need.

Pray for your brothers and sisters, for your friends and for your enemies, with the same love and with the same fervor, because the difference between souls is in your eyes rather than in the Eyes of God.

Unite with the Divine Gaze and contemplate the unique essence of each creature that lives on Earth.

Pray with love for the Kingdoms, just as you would pray for those that are at your side and greatly suffer, because the Kingdoms are also at your side and many times, suffer even more than your brothers and sisters.

Pray directing your aspirations to the Universe, to Infinity, so that the One who reigns in this universe is able to receive your aspirations and concretize His Greater Will in you.

Pray for what you know has need of your prayers, but also pray for situations unknown to you, because your eyes have limits and and so does your knowledge; but there is the One who has no limits, who sees everything, and can guide your prayers to where they are needed.

Pray for the oceans and for everything that lives in them.

Pray for the air and for everything that breathes it.

Pray for what is visible to you and for what is invisible also.

Pray for what you know is living and for what you do not know, but also has life.

Let your prayer expand and your verb cross the walls of your small house. Let your prayer be infinite and powerful, strong enough to travel through the whole world. You will achieve this if you take your small verb and offer it to the very great Divine Verb.

Unite your voice to the great Voice of the Universe.

Unite your heart with the Universal Heart and in this way, you will find yourself within everything, within the all.

I come to lead you to this state of consciousness, because the time has come for being one with the One who is in everything, and for discovering this Universal and Divine King in all things.

If you listen to My Words with your heart and, while you pray, you remember each one of them, you will then discover that great and silent mystery in which your small consciousness is immersed.

Seek to be simple, My child, so that in the simplicity, you come to know the One who is Purity itself, who is Love itself and Truth itself. 

Place your hands on Mine and walk at My side; I come today to lead you through the Celestial Universe.

I thank you for walking with Me on this universal journey.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Weekly Message of the Most Holy Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Today I wanted to be among your small hearts so that, under My Mantle, you could settle the impulses you have received in these last days.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I radiate, through your hearts My Peace to the whole world. I travel, with My Love, the path left by your sincere prayers; a path that leads to all beings, of all Kingdoms, who need My Presence.

Today, I want to leave you with an encouragement and a warning:

My encouragement is that, throughout the whole day, I listened to the voice of your hearts, and your souls were exultant with joy, touching the doors of My Kingdom. Know, therefore, that your little souls recognize the moment in which they live and glorify the Lord for all the opportunities you have received throughout these last two months.

And, as a warning, I say to you that the time has come for manifesting in your life the impulses of your souls , and this is achieved through prayer, fasting and a profound and real communion with My Son Jesus.

I tell you, also, that you must be firm in the purpose which your souls inspire you to live, for many are receiving the Grace of true awakening, and you must not waste it.

Be sincere in heart and in spirit, and follow the impulse of your most pure intentions, even though it may seem to you a real folly.

The life of prayer and of surrender, My children, is no longer considered normal in this world. The lack of love and of peace of those who submerge into modernities has become the common living of hearts and consciousnesses.

Many of those who today should be My Marian soldiers have forgotten the commitment they sealed with Me. Others, even though remembering this commitment, are afraid of abandoning themselves to follow Me. And a few, with courage, have disposed themselves to fulfill My Holy Will and follow My steps.

It is time to recognize where your consciousnesses are in this time; and recognizing that you are not where you should be, take your places among My soldiers and complement, with your precious souls, this army of Peace.

I do not come to make demands; I come to bring relief to your spirits, who are thirsting for true life, for fulfilling this mission that you came to carry out upon the world.

So, today, I only ask that you find in My Heart, the Heart of My Son, and in the great Heart of the Universe, the strength you need to take the steps that you aspire to take in these times.

Count on My maternal Presence. As Mother of your hearts, I am always beside each one of you.

I thank you for persisting on My path of Peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace 

Weekly Message of the Blessed Mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Beloved children,

On this day, I want to thank you for the loving response of your hearts to My maternal request. I want to tell you that My Presence touched hearts beyond what your little beings are able to understand; for there are mysteries that you will only understand when you are in My Kingdom.

But at this moment, I can affirm that My Love acts through the intentions of your hearts, much more than through your actions or words. For this reason, many may not perceive it, but when your hearts emit a true intention, My Immaculate Heart of Love can intervene for souls and for consciousnesses.

Thus, today I invite you to meditate with your heart on this mystery; I invite you to search in the depths of your beings for your true intentions because it is through them that the Lord acts.

Today, I want you to learn that what is True lies within beings, and it is in this nucleus of simplicity where My Peace will be established.

I want you to seek to work on your intentions in all the actions of life, because if you want to know the most hidden intentions within you, you will truly be able to know yourselves, and you will not only discover that there is still much to be transformed but will also find the fruits of what My Presence caused to be born in your hearts, which you yourselves do not know.

I want you to know the depths within you, for the greater purpose of discovering the luminous potential that you hold in your essences. I want to show you, in this way, the purity that still exists, very hidden, in all of humanity.

Through My Presence, I come to take out from the lost chests within you the precious treasures unknown to you.

Today I tell you that My Words and the Essence of My Peace are transforming your lives, especially for those who go on pilgrimage with Me and in those that accompany Me with their hearts.

I say this because I want you to be aware of the treasures that you have already caused to grow in your souls, the luminous virtues that the Spirit of God left in your lives, so that you may avail yourselves of these virtues and take new steps.

The path of the Lord is infinite, and there will always be another step to be taken. But today I want to teach you to gather the fruits of this tree I planted, with divine seeds, in your lives, so that from these fruits, new seeds can be born, strengthened by the faith and by the will of your spirits to accomplish the Will of the Creator and manifest His Sacred Plan of evolution for the Earth.

Today, I open your hearts and make them transparent before the light of your souls and God, so that not only My eyes can see how beautiful your essences are.

With Me, contemplate the purity of your hearts, and in it find the strength and the divine power that give you the impulse to continue onward.

I thank you for being today by My side.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Rest your little heart in My Infinite and Immaculate Heart. Find, in the Peace that My presence brings to your life, the reason to praise God daily.

My children, even though you may not understand My presence in the world, God sends Me to visit you day by day.

Even though many may not believe in My Words, My Divine Heart only asks Me to be tireless.

Even though the world may nourish wars, conflicts and the lack of Love, My Heart never loses the Hope and the trust that an Army of beings surrendered to God will win this battle, with prayer and will install Peace among the nations and among the creatures.

Today I invite you to a silent mission, a mission that happens between your hearts and Mine, between your little lives and God.

My Marian Army walks in the invisible because its weapon is the divine word that can only be seen in the depth of the heart.

Today I come to invite you to discover the Power of prayer. Many will wonder why once again I invite you to discover this Power and I tell you that I call you to this awakening because you still do not know the true Power of prayer.

I want that you nourish the Faith of your hearts so that the intentions of your prayers may encompass the impossible and the unreachable, because for a prayer true and full of Faith obstacles do not exist, the impossible does not exist. 

Prayer walks in the invisible like pure water that is molded between the difficulties and permeates the obstacles. Prayer runs like the wind, cleaning the airs of the world and bringing life to all of the bodies and consciousnesses. If there were not beings on the Earth who pray, it would no longer exist.

It is not only of air, of water and of food that the beings live. They live above all of the Spirit of God and of the support of His Divine Consciousness. 

This is a mystery that the human science is about to discover, but the divine Science is found in the heart and not in the mind.

It is for this that today I call you to open the eyes of your heart, to lay aside the fear that has grown in your essences, a fear of opening yourselves to the unknown and of surrendering yourselves to the spiritual life.

I do not ask you for anything that will harm you, I only invite you to prayer, to fasting and to Peace. I only call you to the conversion of life, of customs, of acts, of thought and of the word so that we may no longer destroy the world with our actions and feelings, but that we may build a new world through Love and Peace that springs in the heart as it prays.

Leave today under My feet all the fear of losing what you are in order to become something new, because in truth I call you to abandon the old in order to be reborn in Christ. I invite you to lay aside the modern treasures of the world in order to make to grow the true treasures of the soul, its spiritual virtues that lead to Peace, lead to Love, lead to Fraternity that builds the New Earth.

This is My invitation, this is My Call: that you pray, pray, pray much.

I thank you for listening to My words and for coming again to the Encounter of My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


My children,

By means of My presence it is time that all the past of your lives may be redeemed, and that all the faults that, as humanity, you have committed over the centuries, may be forgiven.

My presence in this place has a spiritual reason of Redemption and of Liberation, so that the souls may return to the Kingdom of the Creator and the spirits may live redeemed in their celestial origin.

My Heart traverses the world, bringing the Peace that the souls so much need, because as you may see in each one of your lives, Peace almost does not exist in the world and, for lack of Peace, Love among creatures dims day by day.

I see from Heaven My little children lost in the modernities of the world, and their little souls submersed in illusions that, little by little, separate them from God and from His Celestial Kingdom.

For this I come to unite that which is separated; I come to rescue the Love that must exist among creatures, and I come to bring Light and relief to all the suffering that sleeps in the history of the nations.

My children, much is there in the world to be forgiven, to be liberated and redeemed by the Most Holy and fathomless Mercy of My Son, but He alone can do nothing. It is necessary that humanity, represented by each one of your hearts, knows how to say yes to this Mercy.

For this today, dear Children of My Heart, open yourselves to receive My Heart. Unite yourselves one to the other to sow Peace, so that there is in the world a place more of Peace, that may radiate itself to all the nations that still have not been opened to My Presence and that are lost in a sea of endless suffering.

Come to Me through your prayers and the most pure Love of your hearts. Remind yourselves of when you were children and the pure devotion that you kept for the Immaculate Heart. With this same purity and simplicity be today before My presence; because if you are simple before God, He may show you many secrets from the Celestial Kingdom, that only are shown to the eyes that are opened with purity, and to the hearts that are encouraged with simplicity. One of these mysteries is My Presence in the world.

Do not fear approaching My Heart. That My Presence may not surprise you. How can a Mother abandon Her children? A good Mother returns from time to time, from centuries to centuries and, tireless, begs before God for Her little children, even for those who do not believe in Her Presence.

This Am I, I Am Mary, Your Mother and Queen of Peace.

I thank you for answering to My Call, and for coming to the encounter of My Heart.

I wait for you in prayer,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


As Mother and Queen of Peace, I want to diffuse My Peace to the world and build, in the heart of each of those who listen to Me, a portal of Peace and of Salvation for the souls.

Children of Mine, while your little hearts share this sacred moment at My side, other children of Mine suffer amidst conflicts, wars, hunger and discouragement.

I see in the world many hearts that get lost due to the lack of God in their lives, because they do not allow that the Divine Graces transform the events of the world.

To those who today hear My voice. I ask that you unite with Me for this Calling of Peace.

To those who strongly believe in the Power of prayer I ask today that they engage in prayer with true fervor;  and to those who do not believe, but that are willing to experiment, that they pray, pray with all of their hearts, with all the will that they can draw from their inner.

Remember, My children, that the world is much greater than what your little eyes can see, and life on Earth does not comprise only your little lives.

I come to form missionaries and soldiers of prayer, these who set out with the intention and with their heart to take Peace to all the spaces of the world; these who obey to the Call of God day and night and that are able to forsake their own needs in order to pursue the well-being of their neighbor's, above all through prayer.

My Heart needs the encouragement that the prayers of the world provide Me, to bring this encouragement to those that agonize permanently.

If your little eyes could see what happens with the little victims of a war, you would never cease praying and, only by thinking of the possibility that a soul finds itself in this condition, you would pray day and night.

For this reason, today I ask of all those who hear Me; to all those who believe and do not believe in My presence; to all beliefs, races and religions, peoples and nations, that you unite yourselves with My Call for Peace; Peace that must be born as the sun and shine over all the hearts of the world.

Unite in vigil with My son Francis, the saint Pope, so that he may be reconfirmed day by day in this purpose of reaching Peace and, by means of the response given by all beings, that he may find the strength to go ahead.

My Dears, this is My only request today: that there be Peace in the world; that there be Love among the hearts; and this will be achieved with the response of all.

When many hearts are united to glorify God, the Heavens are opened and the Creator listens to the requests of His children, sending in this way His blessed Graces to the world.

Understand today that the Power of God is greater than any force that may exist in the Universe, but this Power only will be able to act when the human hearts cry out for the assistance of the Creator, and demonstrate, through prayer, fasting, and the communion with Christ, that they desire ardently that His Light be manifested on Earth.

For the sake of the Glory of God, pray and vigil for Peace.

I thank you for answering to My Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


Come and retreat into My Heart when fear knocks at your door. There is no safer port than My Mantle, and under it, you will be safe from all evil.

Come into My maternal arms when your feet no longer have the strength for walking. As a good Mother, I will carry you in My celestial lap to meet the Creator, just as I did with the Child Jesus in the Temple.

Count on the science of My Kingdom and the understanding of My Consciousness when your small mind cannot encompass the mysteries of Heaven.

Count on the voice of your heart and on the certainty of your spirit to trust in My Presence.

Count on the power of prayer and the action of fasting so that your steps are long and easy, accompanying the steps of My Son.

Every day count on the Words of Jesus because He reads the true need of your soul in your heart and leads you with sweet words to the Celestial Kingdom.

Count on the greatness of My Presence so that everything else becomes small.

Count on the Eternity in the universe so as to perceive that everything on Earth is transitory.

Hold on tight to the Love of My Heart to dissolve your fears.

Do not be overwhelmed by any darkness, for the Light that is before you today is so great.

I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother. In My celestial womb, I gestated each soul of this Earth; you are all My blessed children, whom I come today to lead again to My Kingdom.

Come, My son, come, My daughter, it is now time to return to your Celestial Home and discover the great essence of the universe in your small heart.

Do not fear meeting the unknown, do not fear to be different today than you were yesterday.

I come to bring you the new, which in truth, is what is most ancient that sleeps in the universe, but which the eyes and the hearts of My children refused to see for so long.

Walk today toward My immense Heart and leave your small heart in My arms; trust in My motherhood, for I will know to guide you.

If My Presence is unknown to your heart, and your mind does not trust My Voice, simply open to the Truth, and for a small instant, let My Spirit enter your life; enter into prayer and I will show you what is most sacred in the world. An unknown Peace will permeate your spirit, and in that instant, your small soul will glorify the Lord. Hold in your memory this feeling of change, this is My greatest miracle, a miracle of love.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, your Divine Mother and Queen of Peace


My children,

I Am so close to your hearts in a way that you never could imagine. I come in Spirit, in Sacred and Divine Essence, I come in infinite Virginity and Purity in order to radiate the Archetype mirrored in My presence to all of the hearts of the world.

Today I leave over this city My mantle and over your hearts My Infinite Grace so that you may be able to take the steps towards the supreme Will of Our Lord.

Today I want that the burning flames in your hands represent all of My children that are not present in this place and that day by day their souls distance themselves still more from God.

Today I want that you walk towards Me, in maturity of spirit, recognizing My presence in your hearts.

If today you see the growth of this Marian house of Mine, this nucleus of Salvation for souls, where beings will search for Eternal Grace, it is because you will have an important task of union with Me: you will give testimony of the principle of My presence and, in the face of the Graces achieved by the beings that may pray here.

Together with Me you will be able to contribute the Grace of the memory of this day in which My Spirit, through the Holy Spirit of God, permeated the matter of an image in order to make it into more than an image, but an eternal symbol of the Divine presence and a portal of the infinite Source of Mercy that descends upon the Earth.

The room of prayer of this place represents the inner dwelling of each one of your hearts, this that I come to prepare so that it may be the eternal Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the heart present in the Eucharist of which you will commune every Friday.

This temple, as well as your little hearts, must be the focus of greater Light for this city because there is nothing greater than the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

This luminous safekeeping must be so adored by your eyes and hearts until may be engraved in them the purity of Christ and His Eternal Love, this which will unite the souls with God as soon as they meet their eyes and hearts.

The Mysteries of Heaven are infinite, also infinite is the Divine Science that converts hearts and souls into portals for the perpetual union with God, as soon as the hearts open themselves to these Mysteries and allow this Divine Will to manifest.

I invite you to live under Celestial Laws.

I thank you for answering to My Call.

Mary, Queen of Peace and of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus


My children,

In My Heart, seek to rest in your lives, so that in it, you may be renewed in the face of all the tests. I am the Source of vitality, of life for the spirit and of Love for souls. Through Me, you will untiringly walk toward My Son.

I am She who gives you to drink when you cross the desert, so that you may cross the threshold of maturing and reach the Consciousness of God.

The mysteries of My Presence are held in the universe of prayer. One who prays and is silent finds in Me the keys to know the Infinity of God.

For this reason, today I tell you to try and discover the science of prayer, a science that encompasses more than simple words attentively pronounced.

Today I want you to take another step on this path of consecration to a life of prayer, and this is achieved when you allow yourselves to pray with all of your consciousness, with your heart, with your feeling, with the mind, soul and spirit. In this way, the concentration opens doors so that the words may come alive, and each verb pronounced becomes like a doorway that will take you to an unknown universe.

If you do as I tell you to today, going deeper in your prayers, you will discover that the simple act of prayer holds within it, great mysteries of salvation and of evolution for all of humanity.

As Mother of the World and Universal Mother, little by little I lead you to those universes that are held in the silence of each prayer given to you.

Many times you have probably asked yourselves why the Messengers of God give you so many spiritual practices and so many different prayers, and today, I am telling you that the spiritual reason for this fact is that each prayer, when pronounced fully, will open different doors in the consciousness, to lead you to different Universes of God. Also, each practice and each prayer connects your hearts with different divine codes that the Creator aspires to imprint in His creatures.

In this way, never miss the opportunity of praying with the heart and with the spirit. You must be more than concentrated on each word; plunge into each one of them and allow yourselves to be uplifted by the angels sent by God. In a short time, you will discover what I am telling you today if you put My instructions into practice with sincerity and purity.

Do not seek to reach any state of stupor while you pray, because what I am telling you today is a profound spiritual instruction.

If you pray with love and give your permission to go deeper into this universe that is to pray, God Himself, through His angels and Messengers, will open the door to you and will lead you to where each heart belongs.

Little by little, you will discover that praying is more than praying, and that you know very little about this divine practice.

Simply pray, always pray.

I thank you for responding to My call and for having come to My meeting.

Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

