Special Message

The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.

The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.

The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone. 

The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.

For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.

The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.

Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart. 

Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.

This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.

Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God. 

May peace and harmony reign in each heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Beloved children of My Heart,

Today I warn you that these are the times of which the prophets have spoken of, these are the times announced from the beginning of the corruption of humans. In these times good and evil can have the same power in the lives of beings, depending only on the choice of each heart.

It is time that My soldiers know how to say "No" to the enemy and, in this way, reconfirm themselves constantly on the path of the Redeeming Light of My Son Jesus.

Many keys have been given to you, so that you know how to open the doors of Heaven, so that this enters with Its Fullness on Earth. It is necessary that My little children know how to recognize the Power of prayer, because in this time this will be the only luminous sword that will cut the ties with evil.

When My Heart or the Sacred Heart of Jesus sends you prayers to be pronounced for the day and sometimes for the hour, your beings must know how to value and to recognize, through practice, the Power that each one of these prayers have on the world.

If you could see the world through My eyes, you would never miss an opportunity to pray, so that just one soul could be liberated from the darkness in which they live.

In these times, My children, your lives do not have any meaning outside of prayer. Collaboration, service and consecration are the foundations that make the deepening in this life of permanent prayer possible.

The Lord waits so that His children can definitively turn their eyes away from themselves, even when it is about their own transformation, so that they can be permanently turned to the Higher.

Do not occupy your hearts with anguishes because of the impossibility of transforming yourself, do not occupy your hearts with fear of staying stuck at the point in which you are, because while you waste time tormenting yourselves about yourselves, the world agonizes in the anguish of a true atavism of soul and spirit, in the true suffering that is not knowing God and being completely submerged in evil.

Today I want you to understand why we ask you so many prayers that must be pronounced with Love, because around your consciousnesses, in the four corners of the world, there live beings who know what it is to suffer, what it is to be lost, what it is to be in the dark and without any breath, and so that My arms may reach these children I need your prayers, fervent prayers, prayers that transcend the limits of the body and that definitively open the heart.

The power of prayer only makes itself known when you pray. My Heart can only show Itself to those who seek Me and, so that I can come to those who do not seek for Me, because they do not know Me, I need that someone open the doors of this world and keeps them permanently open.

It is time to mature the consciousness for living prayer in its fullness. It is time to grow, My children, to discover the Universe of true prayer and in this way, each time that a new tool of prayer is given to you, your souls be exalted with joy and will be able to discover what is the Mission that this exercise has in this time.

Each one of My children must meditate on what I say to you today, to discover if you are really open to this tool that the Heavens gives you with Infinite Divine Mercy.

Pray, pray, pray much, because in this way you will be able to reach My Kingdom and one day, observing the world through My eyes and observing how you are conducted through this world the prayers of My children, you will be able to finally understand that which I have repeated to you for so long.

I thank you for being today with Me, answering to My Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.

Peace descends to the world through true prayer.


My little children,

With the rosary in My hands, I pray, bead by bead, for all of humanity, untiringly, so that My very little children can mature to perceive the Presence of God before their lives.

I see that the world forgets, day by day, this God who permanently observes you and awaits, with eternal Mercy and Love, for His creation to finally turn its eyes and hearts to the Heights and return to the Celestial Home.

I speak today to all the hearts of the world, as the appeal of a Mother who seeks Her children so as to bring them, one by one, to Her Heart.

My dear ones, the reason for My Presence in this time is only to bring Peace, Peace which My Heart has radiated for so many centuries to the world, trying to penetrate the hearts of those who do not listen to Me.

My call to a life of prayer has a spiritual reason, to awaken to divine life those who only submerge themselves in material life.

My dear ones, I come from the Heavens to alert you that the world is much more than what your little eyes can see, and life is something much larger and more sacred than what your little consciousnesses can conceive.

My Heart will never tire of alerting the world to awaken, because ignorance grows within the hearts of men, and today, darkness appears to have more space than the Light.

Those who can hear My voice today must respond to My call for all those who do not listen to Me, because many are aware of My Presence but few trust in My Words, because they fear the Love of My Heart, for not knowing the infinite greatness of this Love and the power of transformation that it brings to their lives.

Those who listen to Me and follow Me with love must be persevering, because the dragon pursues the Woman clothed with the Sun and tries to remove the children from Her arms. But if your hearts hold tightly to My Heart, through daily prayer, done with absolute love, I will be able to hold you tightly; I will cover My little children with My mantle of protection and even if the tests come, I will not permit you to fall from My arms.

I only want you to understand that those who really listen to Me must do a lot more than what they do today; they must give of themselves more than they give today, through prayer, service, love, fasting, and fraternity, as an offering of their hearts to balance the world.

The hearts of My soldiers must live to balance the faults of humanity, which wounds the Heart of God and of His Son, which forgets the divine life and completely ignores the universal life.

I know that the tests are coming for many of My children, and today I only say to you that the time of My reign is near; but in this period, your hearts must live the transcendence of all limits and faithfully persevere in the prayer of the heart.

Live peace, fight against the resistance of your own hearts so that peace may reign in the world again. Do not only listen to My call, but live in the purest love that is kept within your hearts.

My feet walk next to yours, to guide you in eternal and profound love.

Persevere, persevere, persevere always in My Heart.

I love you and will always love you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

It is time to ask with the heart for the help of the Lord in your lives. It is time to cry out for forgiveness and for the conversion of the world. It is time to unite to the Divine and the Sacred to maintain the thread that unites Heaven to Earth.

My Son Jesus once said to you: "Ask and it shall be given to you." And so it is, up to the current times. The Lord expects that the hearts of His children cry out with fervor for the salvation of the world.

If your hearts, for themselves, do not approach God, nor can God, for Himself, approach you. In the Laws of Heaven, dear children, it is necessary to ask to be given, it is necessary that your call for it to come, it is necessary to open the door for it to enter.

Therefore, I ask you today to open your eyes and hearts to perceive if you are really crying out for the Presence of God in your lives.

Perceive with the heart if you call the Name of the Lord daily and ask Him to approach and to guide your little hearts. If you open to delve deeper into this understanding of yourselves, feel if your hearts, through action, feelings, thoughts, aspirations and intentions of the heart, are opening the doors for the Lord to enter, in Consciousness, into your lives.

My Immaculate Heart, for many centuries, dictated to the world holy words of reconciliation with God, so that souls could find the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, dear children, it is the moment for your eyes to turn to the Heights, for your hearts to allow yourself to discover the new, out of love for this unknown Universe of God. 

My last call comes to renew the knowledge of the world, it comes to awaken the divine life in all those who are tired of walking in circles in the path of Evolution.

My Heart comes to embrace the old world, so that under My Mantle it is transformed into the new and reborn world. But, My Beloveds, for many it is not simple to give up one's own knowledge to open oneself to the endless Mystery of God.

Therefore, those who are encouraged to respond to this celestial call must do so without fear and without delay, in order to give impulse to all human consciousness in this new step towards the infinite Heart of God.

Walk with faith, My little ones, without fear of making mistakes or suffering, because mistakes are ways of discovering humility and experiencing new learnings in the heart, and suffering will come, according to the Will of God, for those who must to render service by living it.

Simply open yourselves on this day so that a new impulse of transformation enters into the world. While you pray, ask for the help of God and for His Presence in the life of all beings. Do not forget that when the Voice of God sounds in the hearts, it will be necessary to respond with promptness and faith, for you and for the world.

I thank you, little ones, for being in prayer with Me on this day and in all the days of your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Peace for all the hearts.


Before Mary arrived there appeared before us images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus and at the end appeared an image of the moment in which Jesus was brought down from the cross and put in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came towards us, in this way She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She remained a while in silence, then She disappeared and appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and She transmitted Her Message.

As Mother of Divine Pity I bring today to your little hearts this sign so that you may be able to live the Gift of Pity in your hearts.

My children, pity returned to the world the moment in which My Son Jesus was brought down from the cross and My arms felt the weight of His body which was, all of it, a Most Sacred wound. I felt in My chest not the pain, but the Love that was poured in the blood of My Son, the Son who was given to Me by God and who in that moment was returning to the Kingdom of His Father.

Pity was born as a door for Mercy. The comprehension of My Heart and the Pity that I felt for all of the souls of the world permitted that the Sacred Mercy continued to be poured over the world.

With Jesus between My arms, already so tired from all the suffering that I carried together with Christ, I finally and in a definitive way understood the Love of God for His creatures and I felt, on the scourged and dead body of Jesus, the Greatness of this Love.

Pity, beloved children, is born from Mercy and permits that It be expanded over the world. In order for this Earth to live some time more of Mercy it is necessary that the hearts know how to live Pity.

Today I tell you with the Purest Love of My Heart that Pity springs from the comprehension of the Plan of Infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all of this humanity.

Dear children, just love one another; understand the tests of life without any judgment; have pity in order to accompany the painful transition of each one of your brothers and sisters.

In this time of Purification only Love will sustain you on this path that leads to the Kingdom of God, and the search for this Love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so that they may be seen with eyes of Pity.

I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the little things of life, faithful to this God so Good Who guides you always. This fidelity, My children, is in being what God hopes for: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, servant.

A soldier of My army fights through Love, its weapon is prayer and its field of battle is the daily living with its brothers and sisters because the world no longer knows how to love.

My sight crosses over the Earth from the Heavens and I see that Piety dies day by day in the hearts of My children. For this, to those who listen to Me I ask that out of Love for My Heart you rescue the Pity of the world, living It among yourselves. Make Love to be reborn, living It. Permit that the time of Mercy be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and this is achieved by being merciful.

Continue to be the sweet breath of My Heart so that I may find shelter in the little hearts of My children that, together with Me, are tireless.

Do not give up, My children, to live Love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to live It afterwards, live It before, in imperfection, because I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those that listen today to My voice, in all parts of the world, that God will comply with His Plan and will manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.

I love you with all My Heart of Mother and I thank you for persisting in answering to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.  

Weekly Message of the Most Holy and Pious Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

About the message:

Before Mary came, before us emerged images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus, and lastly, an image emerged from the moment when Jesus was taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came toward us; this is how She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She continued for some time, then disappeared and appeared again as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and transmitted Her Message.

As Mother of the Divine Piety, today I bring your small hearts this sign, so that you may experience the Gift of Piety in your hearts.

My children, Piety returned to the world at the moment when My Son Jesus was taken down from the Cross and My arms felt the weight of His Body, which was all a Most Sacred Wound. In My Chest I did not feel pain, but rather the Love that was shed in the Blood of My Son, the Son that was given to Me by God and Who in that moment returned to the Kingdom of His Father.

Piety was born as a doorway to Mercy. The understanding of My Heart and the Pity I felt for all the souls of the world made it possible for Sacred Mercy to continue to be poured out upon the world.

With Jesus in My Arms, I Finally and Definitely Included The Love of God for His Creatures, and In the Scourged and Dead Body of Jesus

Piety, beloved children, is born of Mercy and allows it to expand over the world. So that the Earth may experience some more time of Mercy, it is necessary that hearts know how to experience Piety.

Today I tell you, with the purest Love of My Heart, that Piety emerges from the understanding of the Plan of infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all this humanity.

Dear children, simply love one another, understand the trials of life without judgment, be pious as to accompany the painful transition of each of your brothers and sisters.

In this time of purification, only love will sustain you on this path that leads you to the Kingdom of God, and the search for love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so they may be seen with eyes of Piety.

I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the small things of life, faithful to this God that is so good, that always guides them. That faithfulness, My children, is in being what God expects: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, helpful.

A soldier of My army fights through love; their weapon is prayer and their field of battle is daily co-existence with their brothers and sisters, because the world no longer knows how to love.

My gaze travels the Earth from the Heavens, and I see that Piety dies day after day in the hearts of My children. For this reason, to those who listen to Me, I ask that out of love for My Heart, you rescue the Piety in the world, living it among you. Cause love to be reborn, by living it. Allow the time of Mercy to be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and that is achieved by being merciful.

Continue being the sweet breath of My Heart, so that I may find refuge in the little hearts of My children, that together with Me, are tireless.

Do not give up, My children, from living love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to experience it; live it in your imperfection, for I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those who listen to My Voice today, in all parts of the world, that God will accomplish His Plan and manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.

I love you with all of My Heart of a Mother and I thank you for persisting in responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

I want to make known to the world know the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit, because the time is approaching when this Holy Spirit will fulfill Its primary mission of living in matter, and thus, divinize it.

From the Consciousness of God is born His Spirit, a Sanctified Spirit that will dwell in His Creation and bring divine life to that which is physical and non-physical matter.

The Holy Spirit lives in God  not only because it comes from Him, but also He is It. The Holy Spirit lives as a part of God Himself, His Consciousness, separate from His Great Consciousness, but which acts as God, as His Will and Principle, because It is. 

Being God, the Holy Spirit is like His active and quickening arm, which animates everything It touches, filling it with Divinity, with Divine Soul. It is like a Fire, because the Fire in It represents the active life in God, the Light that lives and ignites matter and spaces.

The Holy Spirit is like the living Heart of God, which travels through the Celestial Universe to touch the Creation of God and give life, divine life, to it all.

In this way, the Reign of God gradually expanded in the Heavens. The Holy Spirit lived in what God created, and It became as God, Father-Mother of all the Celestial Creation.

The Holy Spirit does not have a name, because it is in everything; It Is for living in everything, to be God in all things.

The Holy Spirit is born when in the universe is born the need for Love to exist, a Love  different  from  what already existed in Heaven, a Love that is the very Love of God Itself in His creatures. And for this to be possible, it was necessary that the Love of God incarnate in matter, which was the densest and most distant from the Kingdom of Heaven, because this Love was so infinite that, in order to live its full extent, it would be born in the lowest and would reach the most High, the Kingdom of all Realms, the House of the Father of all the Fathers of the Universe.

So this is how God returned to matter again.

Many ask: "Why did the Lord, which was all Divine, manifest His Love in matter?" Because from there, when He reached Heaven, the extent of that Love would be unique.

And so that's how it was that God sent His Son to  Earth, a Spirit that came from His Holy Spirit, a Verb that would incarnate and bring to Earth His Divine Verb. From here was born the Christ, Jesus, child of Mary and Joseph, of the lineage of David.

His Mother on Earth was like His Mother in Heaven. In the same way that His Christic Spirit was born of the Holy Spirit, so that this Love could live in flesh and soul upon Earth, it was necessary that it be done on Earth as it had been done in Heaven, and the Spirit of God took from Creation a holy body, a pure and immaculate soul, clean of any stain, eternally holy like His Spirit. In this way, the Virgin Mary was born, an incarnated part of the Spirit of God, an archetype of His most pure creation.

I leave you with these words, so that you may open your heart to this new impulse of God and not fear to know the great mysteries of the Divinity and all the Aspects of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity 


Enter into My Heart of Light, and in the silence I will show you the answers that you search for so much.

Unite yourself to My Immaculate Heart and I will bring you to a state of Peace, still unknown to you.

Come to Me in prayer and I will bring you to know the powers of a Word that redeems souls and restores the world.

Permit that through the communion with My Son Jesus, the Sacred Body of Christ transforms your being and your existence, transforms the course of your life and re-writes your history on Earth, and in the Universe of God.

Let, My child, that the confession with Christ cleanses your heart, attracts to the world Forgiveness and deposits in your being the Infinite Mercy that the Sacred Heart brings to Earth.

Find in the Sacraments the strength of your life, live in the Sacraments and by the Sacraments. Transform your day by day into a communion with the Divine, so that the Sacred returns to this world.

My children, I want to teach you to be always in the Heart of God, I want to show you the path to transformation, I want to lead you to the Sacred, to the Divine and to the True, but I need that all hear My Call and practice My Words.

What good will it do you to only hear My Voice if you do not follow the instructions that I bring you?

For so long I have been speaking to the world, I bring from the Heavens the keys for Salvation and for the eternal encounter with Christ, but My children do not hear Me, do not deepen in My Call and do not find strength in My Heart to respond to the Sacred Will of God.

Search for the words that I have pronounced to you over the years, the centuries, and you will be able to perceive in the heart that if you accomplished what I ask of you, your lives would not be the same, and the difficulties and miseries of the world would not be the same either.

It is time, My dearests, that each one truly accomplishes its part, that you give your response to the Higher, conscious that you are part of a humanity that loses itself in the illusions of the world.

Lift your arms to the Higher and ask for the help of God to transform that which you cannot reach by yourselves, but do not wait for God to transform it by Himself alone, but take the steps in the direction towards transformation.

Do not say, My children, that you do not know how to do it, because during a year My Heart has dictated to you daily which steps you should take, and now, in Infinite Mercy, My Son descends upon the Earth to dictate to you, day by day, precious instructions of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I need to count on My soldiers, I need your steps on the path of My Son, because My children, the entire world needs this transformation, and those who say "yes" and walk will do it for all.

I thank you for being always with Me.

I love you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.

Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Fortín de Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Enter into My Heart of Light and, in the silence, I will show you the answers that you so seek.

Unite with My Immaculate Heart, and I will carry you into a state of peace that is still unknown to you.

Come to Me in prayer, and I will have you know the powers of a Verb that redeems souls and restores the world.

Through communion with My Son Jesus, allow the sacred Body of Christ to transform your being and your existence, transform the course of your life and re-write your story on Earth and in the Universe of God.

Let your confession to Christ, My child, cleanse your heart, draw forgiveness to the world and, in your being, place the infinite Mercy that the Sacred Heart brings to the Earth.

In the Sacraments find the strength of your life, live in the Sacraments and by the Sacraments. Transform your daily life into a communion with the Divine so that the Sacred may return to this world.

My children, I want to teach you to always be in the Heart of God, I want to show you the path to transformation, I want to lead you to the Sacred, to the Divine and to the True, but I need you all to listen to My call and practice My Words.

Of what use will it be to you to just hear My Voice if you do not follow the instructions I bring?

I have spoken to the world for a long time; from the Heavens, I bring keys for salvation and for an eternal coming together with Christ, but My children do not hear Me, they do not go deeper into My call and do not find the strength in My Heart to respond to the sacred Will of God.

Seek the Words I have pronounced over the years, over the centuries, and you will be able to perceive in your heart that if you fulfill what I ask of you, your lives would not be the same, and the difficulties and miseries of the world would also not be the same.

It is time, My dear ones, for each one to truly accomplish your part, to give your response to the Highest, aware that you are a part of a humanity that is lost in the illusions of the world.

Raise your arms to the Highest and ask for the help of God to transform what you do not reach on your own, but do not wait for God to transform you on His own, but rather take the steps toward transformation.

No longer say, My children, that you do not know how to do it, because for a year, My Heart daily dictated what steps you are to take, and now, in infinite Mercy, My Son descends to the Earth to daily dictate precious instructions on how to achieve the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I need to count on My soldiers, I have need of your steps on the path of My Son, because, My children, the whole world has need of this transformation, and those who say 'yes' and walk, will do so for all.

I thank you for always being with Me.

I love you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


As the Luminous and Redeeming Bird, I bless you today and always, in this way I am sealing the commitment of all of My little children to My Heart.

My beloveds, with infinite joy, My Heart descends to Earth because in this blessed House of Redemption I find encouragement to take to souls all that they need the most. 

Here, in this Aurora of the Heart of God, I want the world to find the Peace that does not exist in the nations. May a Fraternity reign among your hearts that is strengthened through Love and Unity.

Open your arms to receive all who may approach this House, do not fear to receive not even the most lost of My children, because I will meet them and I will make them return to God through your hearts.

In this House of Redemption for the world, I want a Sacred Charity to be lived that may act upon all things. Learn to live in eternal service with one another because in this way you will each awaken the Sacred Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I requested that this House be built of brick and straw so that you would know how to live that which is Sacred through simplicity. I want you to discover the Kingdom of Heaven in the simple life as it was with the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

All of you, be very chaste, helpful and as pure as Joseph. Be loving, welcoming and as prayerful as Mary. Be faithful to God and to His Sacred Plan, above any circumstances that may be presented in your lives and, as Jesus, never fear to carry the Cross that the Lord may send to you; on the contrary, embrace this Holy Cross, as did the Master who showed you the path to Redemption.

Little children, even though My Word retreats these months into your Home, My eyes see through each space of this place and know the need of each one of your hearts. As the Blessed Mother I observe you in silence and at the first opportunity that you open the doors of your heart to Me, I will respond to the call of your hearts.

On this day, I want to thank My little ones who persevere in the heat of this New Aurora, who unite themselves daily to My Heart and to the Heart of My Son. Know, My little ones, that you are responding to My Call and that you are complying with the Will God.

When My Heart encounters all the pain that exists in the world, It does not get discouraged because It knows that there is a small place, of bricks and straw, to which It will return and will find the few but faithful soldiers of My Heart ready.

Do not get discouraged in face of the tests because the Lord allows you to live trials so that you may be strengthened for what will come. Never forget that the King of the Universe achieved the Glory of Heavens through the Cross, through the Love that persevered while His body hung on the Cross of all the Misery of the world.

I come to strengthen you, to warm you up from the cold that comes, so that you may always find in the Fire of My Heart as a safe space where you may warm up your little hearts.

Come, without delay, to My arms, because on this day I am as Your Divine and Sacred Mother, as a Mother who comes from very far away to be with Her children, as She knows how much they need Her presence.

I love you deeply and I will thank you always for waiting for My Heart, and for responding to My Call.

May the Holy Spirit be in your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Our Lady of Aurora


 When She finished transmitting the Message, Mary stayed a while with us and She started to pray the following prayer:

Prayer of Union with the Holy Spirit

Spirit of Redemption and Life,
Holy Spirit that restores and illuminates all,
descend upon the hearts that wait for You,
fill the hearts that call You,
renew the essences of those who suffer in the world.

Awaken Your Gifts in those who aspire to eternally serve God.

Awaken Your Spirit in the hearts of the world
and find Your Eternal Dwelling within all of them
so that the Glory of God may be manifested upon Earth,
and that which is Sacred may again live in this world.



Dear children,

My heart aspires to descend over the Earth and find Unity in the hearts of those who follow Me, Unity among themselves and with God.  The Unity that must be born in the hearts of My soldiers will be the unbreakable and impermeable shield that will protect you from all evil.

In order to have Unity, there must be Faith and complete confidence in those who guide you and also, in each other.

Be transparent in the heart, in the soul and in the spirit, as you are before God.  Do not fear that others see the worst of you or the best, because the Truth creates Unity and from Unity is born Love among the creatures.

Seek, by means of Faith, to listen to the words of the Messengers of God in this time, because with Them descend from the Heavens Mysteries that today must be known by humanity.

Today I ask you that you give special attention to the words dictated by My Son Jesus, because by means of these instructions He is forming His Flock, so that you may know how to find Him among the many false Christ’s that will say they are returning.

The Voice of My Son is Unitary and resounds as the Fire of Redemption in the heart of the souls.  Those who today recognize Him and listen to His words, to practice them in Love, will also recognize Him when the time comes to accompany His steps again over the Earth.

My children, do you understand the importance of what I say to you?

The King of the Universe converted into word the keys to open the doors of Heaven and gives them to all humanity.  Any heart that is opened for this Greater Light brought by the hands of the Redeemer will receive from Him, in this time, the Sacred Mercy and the Eternal Forgiveness that He brings from the Kingdom of the Heavens.

As I did in Nazareth, 2013 years ago, I alert humanity once again in order for it to listen to the words of God, by means of His Firstborn Son, that now comes in Spirit and Divinity to heal the hearts and the consciousnesses of those who suffer from lack of Faith and Love.

My Son Jesus will not come to resurrect the dead so that they may live in this world again.  He comes to resurrect those who still have died in life, because the Heart of God does not have space to beat in these hearts.  Many are those who have died in life, because they have lost Faith and the reason to live.  They do not know God and His Messengers and they wander around the world, empty of spirit.

For these My Son returns so that those who are lost may find Salvation, so that those who repent may find Redemption, so that those who seek God may receive Forgiveness and Love from the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Listen, beloved children, with attention to the words of My Son, in this way they will be strength made for your spirits and Celestial food for your hearts. And pray, pray much, so that others may hear them, so that they may come to the world.

I thank you for answering to My Call and for continuing to accompany My Heart.

Peace for all.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Weekly message of Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

When My Heart approaches the Earth, it brings inside of it the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, because today I tell you that the Server of God is One with His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives and reigns in My Heart and I am within It eternally. This way, each time you invoke My Immaculate and Most Holy Heart know that you are invoking the Spirit of God, sanctified by His eternal Glory in Heaven and on Earth.

The Holy Spirit became One with Me when the Son of God lived in My womb. I was conceived by the Spirit of God and It was made flesh in My Son through My womb.

My Spirit was born in the very pure Consciousness of God with the mission of being eternally Holy and Immaculate. My Spirit was generated by the Heart of God, because from His Heart would be born in the Heart of the Son of Man, the firstborn Son of God.

It is time for all to glorify this mystery, because I have told you so often that the Holy Spirit would reach your lives and, when I said it, My Spirit was already before your hearts.

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and wants to make a home in all the hearts of the world. This Holy Spirit was created to manifest the Love of God in all things, and, above all in all of His creatures It would sanctify matter and allow God to be reborn in the human being and the human being in God.

As it manifested in Me, the Holy Spirit should be manifested in all the children of God. Those who are loyal to God, as I was, will open the doors of the heart and the consciousness so that the Holy Spirit may be anchored.

It will not be gestated in the womb of a human being anymore, but in their hearts. It will not be born in the new being, but it will allow the old being to be reborn.

Open your hearts to this most sacred mystery, renew yourselves in the unknown, because this  Blessed Tree will grow in those who open themselves today for these seeds that are being handed to them.

I am the Holy Spirit, and It is within Me.

The Fire of transformation for the souls, the Spirit of God flies over the world, as an Immaculate and Luminous Bird, crowned with stars and clothed with the Sun, to perpetuate Its shelter within the hearts that know how to say "yes".

I bless you and keep you in the Heart of God.

I thank you for opening the doors of the heart to Me.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children:

When a child of Mine calls Me with the truth of the heart, so that My presence radiates itself to the world, My Immaculate Heart receives from God the permission to respond to this call. When I make Myself present, I bring between My hands the Will of the Lord for each one who has summoned Me.

My presence on Earth always has a spiritual reason. God allows Me to answer the call of the those who most need My presence and of those who are ready to take a new step.

To those who have with fervor of spirit summoned My Immaculate presence, I say to them:

I bring, between my arms, the plans of the Lord for each one of your lives, and I bring between My hands a luminous rosary that must traverse, bead by bead, the hands of the people.

The fire that lit the heart of those who call Me still must become bigger, before My presence, so that they can sustain, through Faith and absolute Fidelity towards the Heart of God, the Will of the Lord that descends through Me, and the new impulses of transformation that My Heart radiates.

How many are today before My presence, it is because their souls have called Me and I, answering this call, I bring them to My Heart.

My beloveds, even if you do not have consciousness, all that hear My voice accept a commitment with Me, all that become aware of My presence receive from the Lord the opportunity to start a new cycle in life and in all of their existence, forgiving and redeeming the past to build in the Infinite a new dwelling and a new learning.

If the Good News of My presence in the world has come to your little hearts, you must reflect deeply about the responsibility that your hearts take on.

You are in a time of chaos, where Peace almost does not exist in the world, being called to live the transformation of the heart, to be guided step by step on this path of conversion, guided by the Queen of Heaven and Earth, crowned with stars by the Celestial angels and chosen by God to prepare the world for the coming of the Redeemer.

The Lord observes with profound attention the response of His creatures, He knows each movement of the human hearts and He knows the virtues and weaknesses of each one of His children.

My beloveds, My words resonate in a Universal way, so that all that come in touch with this Divine Verb can feel My presence and discover in each word the strength and the impulse that they need to move forward.

I come as Mother and Queen of Peace, so that Peace comes to be born again in the heart of humanity, and does not disappear from the world.

I come as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to conceive the Holy Spirit in each human heart and this way to remove the veils of ignorance that separate My children from God and from the Universe in which He lives.

I come as Mother of the World and Universal Mother, to unveil mysteries that have been hidden to the hearts of the world during all these centuries of existence, because few have been able to overcome the knowledge and the barriers of the mind, to dive into the Infinite of the Heart of God, through their own heart.

Today I invite you, My children, again to awakening, to the discovery of God through prayer, to the discovery of Love through communion, to the discovery of Piety through a real fast for the souls.

As Mother and pilgrim, I invite you to accompany My steps, to live My words, that are not Mine, but the Echo of the Voice of God, resonating in the world through His Faithful Messengers.

It is time to awaken, beloved children, to live a life of greater Fraternity and Peace, through constant service and through daily prayer.

Count on My presence to take new steps towards transformation and reconversion. Count on the Voice of My Son to open your hearts and call them to follow in His steps.

God delivers, at this time, Heaven into the hands of humanity. Who will know how to accept?

The Universe of God awaits you.

I love you and bless you for all Eternity.

I thank you for letting yourselves be guided by My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity.


Dear children,

When a child of Mine calls Me with the truth of their heart, so that My Presence may radiate the world, My Immaculate Heart receives permission from God to respond to this call. When I become present, in My hands I bring the Will of the Lord for each of those who convoked Me.

My Presence on Earth always has a spiritual reason. God allows Me to respond to the call of those most in need of My Presence and of those who are ready to take a new step.

To those who convoked My Immaculate Presence with the fervor of their spirits, I say: 

In My arms, I bring the designs of the Lord for each of your lives, and in My hands, I bring a luminous rosary that needs to be run, bead by bead, the hands of humankind.

The fire that ignited the hearts of those who call Me must be even greater in light of My Presence, so that, through faith and absolute faithfulness to the Heart of God, you may bear the Will of the Lord that descends through Me, and the new impulses of transformation that My Heart radiates.

You are in My Presence today because your souls called Me, and I, responding to that call, bring them into My Heart.

My beloveds, even though you are not aware, all those who listen to My voice take on a commitment to Me, all those who become aware of My Presence receive an opportunity from the Lord of beginning a new cycle in their lives and in all their existence, forgiving and redeeming the past, to build a new dwelling place and new learning in infinity.

If the good news of My Presence in the world has come into your little hearts, you must deeply reflect on the responsibility your hearts are assuming.

You are in a time of chaos, in which peace almost does not exist in the world, being called to live a transformation of your hearts, to be guided step by step on that pathway of conversion, guided by the Queen of Heaven and Earth, crowned with stars by the celestial angels and chosen by God to prepare the world for the coming of the Redeemer.

The Lord observes the response of His creatures with profound attention. He knows each movement of human hearts and knows the virtues and weaknesses of each of His children.

My beloveds, My Words universally resound so that all that come into contact with this Divine Word may feel My Presence and discover in each word the encouragement and impulse they need to continue forward.

I come as Mother and Queen of Peace so that peace may be born again in the heart of humankind and may not disappear from the world.

I come as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity to conceive the Holy Spirit in each human heart, and in this way, withdraw the veils of ignorance that separate My children from God and from the Universe in which He dwells.

I come as the Mother of the World and Universal Mother to unveil the mysteries that were hidden from the hearts of the world during all these centuries of existence because few were capable of going beyond the knowledge and the barriers of the mind to plunge into the infinity of the Heart of God through their own hearts.

Today, My children, I again invite you to awaken, to discover God through prayer, to the discovery of love through communion, to the discovery of pity through a true fast on the part of souls.

As Mother and Pilgrim, I invite you to accompany My steps, to live My Words, which are not Mine, but rather are the echo of the Voice of God, resounding in the world through His Faithful Messengers.

It is time to awaken, beloved children, to live a life of greater fraternity and peace through constant service and daily prayer.

You can count on My Presence for taking new steps towards transformation and re-conversion. You can count on the Voice of My Son to open your hearts and call on you to follow in His footsteps.

In this time, God gives Heaven into the hands of humankind. Who will know to accept?

The Universe of God awaits you.

I love you and I bless you for all eternity.

I thank you for allowing yourselves to be guided by My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Weekly Messages


My beloved and little children:

I contemplate with the Heart each little effort of the creatures of Earth, because if, day by day, they transcend tiredness a little more and offer Me a little renunciation, they will generate great merits so that more souls can arrive to My Heart.

Dear children of Betim, Brazil and the world:

Today the Queen of Heaven and Earth descends upon the world to bless, forgive and awaken all creatures. My blessed Heart belongs to this world, it was offered to God for the Redemption of each creature of this Earth. For this, recognize today, before your hearts, the One who lives and reigns for humanity, so that the Plans of God for each being can really be fulfilled.

My beloveds, the Lord keeps a perfect Plan for each one of your hearts, a special and unique mission for each one of your lives. But humanity has forgotten the Will of God to realize nothing more than their own will. The world has chosen to not follow the perfect steps that the Creator has designed so that this world became a sacred world, where there would reign a Love that would not exist in any other place of the Universe.

Still there is time to revert this situation. My Heart arrives to Earth, My beloveds, to remind you of the Plans of God, to retreat your hearts from illusion and conflict, from competition and lack of love, and to say to you that the only way to God is the path of Forgiveness, of Unity and of Fraternal Love, capable of exceeding any difference amongst the beings.

My maternal Love approaches your hearts to bring to you Forgiveness and Mercy, to offer you the Redemption that will place you once again beside God and His Son Jesus Christ.

I only arrive at this time, in the same way I came in the last centuries, to awaken My children, the children of God who have forgotten His Paternity. Day after day, My beloveds, I say to you tirelessly that it is time to awaken, it is time to surrender, through Forgiveness, all of that which suffocates your hearts and that will not allow you to take the steps towards the Lord.

I am here before your hearts to teach you Love and show you the true power of a fervent prayer that can transform the happenings of the world. Keep in your hearts the example of My little shepherds of Fatima, who freed the world from a great war through prayer, fasting and the full union with My Heart.

If your hearts aspire to be clean of all suffering and of all pain caused by this world, enter My Heart. Through a sincere prayer, offer the Lord the situations of life, allow yourselves to awaken above everything to live Forgiveness.

The world has a lot to forgive, My children, I see many hearts that close themselves for the lack of Forgiveness. Forgive, forgive everything that afflicts you, so that you can reach Forgiveness.

Do not allow yourselves to get lost in the things of the world because awaiting you are the things of Heaven. Do not live in ignorance of a common life, empty of God, when My Heart descends upon the Earth. I am the same of Nazareth, the Blessed and always Virgin Mary. I come to the world at this time to embrace it with My Heart and to repeat in a untiring way: "Awaken, little children, awaken".

The Plans of God must become reality on Earth, Love must reign in the world, the Redeemer that arrives in Divine Spirit will come in body, soul and Divinity, and will search for the Gifts that one day He had deposited in the human hearts.

Do not waste time in the pettiness of life, open yourselves to Love, live Forgiveness, call for Mercy. Push discord away through Fraternity and reach for prayer and for communion with Christ, the Redemption for this world.

I thank you My children for answering My Call and for searching to know My Heart.

I bless you today and always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


As Mary, the Blessed One of Nazareth Herself, I want to again gather together, in the silence of prayer, those who aspire to follow the Laws dictated by the Lord.

Just like in ancient times, I gather the flock of the Redeemer to train it through love and faithfulness to God.

In My silence, I would welcome those who sought Jesus, would instruct them in prayer, in union with God, in simplicity and faith, so that the union with Christ could become eternal.

Two thousand and thirteen years later, I come to accomplish the same. Around My Heart, I gather all those who aspire to live surrendered to a Higher Will, a Will that governs the universe and the whole Celestial Kingdom.

I come so that, by means of prayer, silence, and peace, the souls of this Earth may draw closer to God and His Glorified Son for all eternity.

Since the beginning of My virginal and pure conception, the Lord gave Me the mission of taking care of the creatures of the Earth, train them, and lead them back to His Celestial Kingdom when it was time.

A long time went by; the creatures of the Earth experienced as much as they could; My Son Jesus showed the world how to reach the Celestial Kingdom; and now, My children, it is time to return to the House of the Creator.

When I say it is time to return, this is because it is time to seek the direct path to the Kingdom of God. The Lord already awaits the coming of His children.

God has no expectations that you may have learned a lot or evolved a lot; He just opened His Arms and His Voice echoed in the universe, saying to His creatures: "Return."

When a decree of God crosses spaces, His Servant and Her angels prepare to gather together all those who must return to the House of the Lord. The doors of Heaven are open for all those who dare to set aside the things of the Earth to gain the things of Heaven.

The House of the Lord must awaken in the hearts of humankind; the Kingdom of God must be born within each one, because to return to the Lord is to live in His Heart, being in one's own heart.

Our Celestial Father aspires for the whole Earth to be an extension of His Kingdom, where all His creatures imitate His Firstborn Son, Christified through Love and sacrifice.

Prayer is the path of return, sacrifice is the key to enter into that Kingdom hidden within you, and the giving of self will decree this eternal union with God.

Return, return to the Heart of God. Awaken His awaited Kingdom of Love on Earth. The world in which you live was created to be a reflection of the Kingdom of God, and your hearts were created to be reflections of the Glorified Heart of Christ. Your lives must mirror devotion and sacrifice, love and peace, unity and fraternity.

The first step must be taken by each one, in the name of all. Continue forward for one another, fortify the faith in your hearts through paying attention to the Words pronounced by My Son Jesus. Christ brought you the keys for transcending this material world and for converting it into a mirror of the Kingdom of God.

Understand the grandeur of the times in which you live, value the Celestial Graces that come for your spirits, responding with persistence to the call of the Lord.

Do not ignore the Voice of God that speaks to you: "Return, return, return to My Heart." Return to the Celestial Origin from where you came through living the love for which you were created. It is time to fulfill the mission for which you were sent.

Count on the assistance of the Messengers sent by God and truly listen to the Words pronounced throughout the years. Allow them to live in your hearts, and in your daily lives, live those Words.

I thank you for accompanying My task with your hearts.

I love you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Message

Today I cast the stars of My Crown upon the Earth, so that the celestial brightness that covers the Queen of the World may awaken those who are still asleep and those who remain in the darkness of the consciousness, in ignorance.

My children, when My stars cross the threshold that exists between Heaven and Earth, a new dawn breaks in the lives of all beings. Each of My stars symbolizes the living attributes of My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus.

I bring upon My head a crown of 12 stars so that each time My feet touch the Earth, the hearts of the world may receive this luminous sign that descends from Heaven, this symbol of redemption that brings with it the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God.

A great mystery is kept within My Crown of stars. Each of the new apostles of Christ will have within My Crown of stars the inspiration and instruction for their apostolate.

Contemplate with your heart the brilliance of My stars and allow this mystery of the Woman clothed with the Sun to enter into your consciousnesses. 

My beloved ones, through these stars, God pours out the awakening of His Holy Spirit into creatures, pours out upon the world the hidden teachings that live in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The stars that form My Crown are the keys to the awakening of your spirits, they are the keys to open the doors of the heart and to open the doors of Heaven.

Those of My children who seek the Creator, carrying in their heart one of My stars, will be recognized as children of God and His faithful Servant. The one who permanently assumes this celestial star on their chest will be recognized as a beloved child of the Woman clothed with the Sun.

If you receive this symbol of love within your hearts, you will be protected from all evil, and if you sincerely trust in this mystery that I deposit into your hearts, the dragons that roam the world will not find you.

Perceive, My children, the stars that descend from Heaven to Earth, stars that come from My blessed Crown and are here to seal the commitment of My children with My Immaculate Heart.

Be as the child from the prophecy of John, the Apostle, be in My arms, protected by the Sun and by the stars of My Crown; in this way, no evil will approach your hearts.

The Heavens count on the faith in the hearts of humans, they count on the response that each one can give to the Lord when they listen to My Words. Be faithful to the voice of your own heart when My Voice, full of the Holy Spirit, echoes within you. Be simple and humble to understand, always through the heart, the Words that I pronounce.

The most hidden mysteries that live within My Kingdom are unveiled through the purity of the heart and not from the cunning of the mind.

My beloveds, it is already time to unveil some mysteries to your beings. Those who open their hearts to listen to them will receive from the Spirit of God the necessary discernment and comprehension to understand and live the Will of God contained within these mysteries.

Those who try to hear My Words and find their veracity through the mind will suffer the darkness of ignorance and will not allow the Spirit of God to echo within their hearts, to search the depths of their spirits and tear the veils of their consciousnesses.

Receive My call today with love. Receive within your hearts the mystery enclosed within My Crown of stars, seek and ask the Lord that these stars may be present within your hearts, because if one of My stars finds space in the hearts of humans, the Holy Spirit can descend upon the Earth and ignite the human heart with Divine Fire.

I thank you, My beloved and little children, for allowing yourselves to be guided by My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace


My beloved children:

Praised be today and always Our Lord Jesus Christ in your lives.

My children, with deep joy in My Heart I bring between My hands a luminous rosary to be deposited in your hearts, this one that in honor to God will seal the union of your hearts with My Immaculate Heart.  In this way, each little prayer that you realize will unite you a little more to Me and, through you many souls will be able to come out of the illusion in which they live.

My beloveds, renew yourselves, renew yourselves all in My Heart.  Renew your lives, your plans, your aspirations.  Renew your vows toward God, renew your souls, your spirits.  Renew your offers, because the doors of Heaven are open, and the Divine Mercy flows as an eternal Fountain of Graces.

With a heart full of joy, renew yourselves, all of yourselves.

This is the moment in which Heaven offers you the New.  In this way, abandon, with courage and bravery at the feet of the Lord, the old baggage that you have carried until today.

Allow yourselves to be reborn in My Maternal Heart, so that the Celestial archetypes that the Creator has for His creatures may descend on this day over the Earth, through My presence.

Let go of the old being, the virtues as well as the miseries, because what is born in Heaven is totally unknown to that which lives on Earth, and so that this New Child may arrive, it is necessary to be empty, clean, to offer oneself as a new vessel, a New Humanity.

My children, in these times of Graces incomprehensible to your hearts, the New must be born.  The doors of the Universe of the Heart of the Creator are already open.  Those who say "yes" to Him may perceive themselves as reborn in Christ with deep joy.  And those who have closed their eyes in order to not see that which is presented will miss the old, which will be taken away from them.

Pray much for those who will not perceive the arrival of the Light.  Pray for those who do not see the Grace of God in the events of life and who do not know how to feel the greatness of the pain of a delivery that brings the New Child to the world.

Today I say this to you My beloveds, because My special presence over the Earth has a greater reason than celebrating the rebirth of one of My children.  Today God wants to make known to all of humanity that the whole world must be reborn.

All the consciousnesses that inhabit this Earth have the opportunity today to take new steps, and have all the help from the Kingdom of the Heavens to leave behind the old, even that which seems extremely pleasant to the eyes of the world.

Open your hearts, as I open My arms, and in this way the infinite Mysteries that lay dormant in Heaven, will be able to descend over the Earth and to show themselves to the hearts of all of humanity.

Guard My words in your little hearts so that soon you may understand that which I say to you today.

And do not forget: renew yourselves, renew yourselves, renew yourselves always.

I thank you for sharing My maternal task, and for answering with love to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Beloved children

In humility, that the world may see the example of devotion in My children, so that the Lord may use this devotion for the Salvation of souls.

In the simple but sincere acts of a heart that burns in the pure flame of devotion, My Heart finds encouragement.

If you knew how valuable and appreciated the little demonstrations of love of His children are to the Lord, this moment in which you allow the heart to leave the things of the world,for an instant, to be totally fulfilled by Celestial Love.

My children, let yourselves be permeated by the devotion that touches you, surrender your hearts in the purity of a holy madness, to show Love to God, following the voice of the heart.

In the invisibility of your true acts is the merit generated by the love of your hearts, so that many souls may arrive to My Kingdom.

A soul that answers to the call of the heart and surrenders without fear to the Most Holy Heart of My Son is a soul that is lifted for all of humanity.  Each one of the hearts that risk themselves to surrender their life to God, without knowing, do it on behalf of all humanity.

When one of My children surrenders definitively to My Heart, the joy I feel is so great, as if all of humanity were in My arms, because this is what it is like in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

For the Lord nothing is separated, the human heart is a single heart.  In this way, My children, the evil caused by humanity is an evil of all, that does not allow the walk of My little soldiers.

For this, be stronger than the opposing forces, cross this sea of adversities created by yourselves as humanity, and take another step for all of humanity, confirming that your hearts and the human heart, belong to the Heart of God, and that with Him they will merge when the time comes.

Live each test with patience, with the will to overcome the obstacles.  Be faithful to the purpose of your hearts, and if you already know that you are here to serve this One and Only God that guides you, do not fear to do it.  Do, with all your heart, what the Lord asks you in your interior, and also through the situations of life.

Be more conscious in your lives and never lose sight of the horizon towards which you are walking, never allow yourselves to forget that you represent the whole world, and that all your actions, from the most simple to the greatest, generate merits for the Salvation of souls.

Walk, My children, walk only to grow in your hearts the devotion that unites you to My Heart.

Do not lose the fervor that already exists in your hearts and while you pray, alone or in group, remember always that I am listening to you, and that I unite Myself to your hearts to form petals of flowers to be offered to Our Lord God, for the eternal reparation of His Most Holy Heart and of the Most Holy Heart of My Son.

I thank you eternally for persisting in answering to My Call.

I love you and I accompany you from the Heavens.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.

Weekly Messages


Dear children:

I Am the New Sun that rises in your lives, that which comes to remove your hearts from the darkness in which they live. I come to dry with My warmth the tears of those who suffer. I come to bring a new Light, a new opportunity to light up the heart, a new path through which to follow in trust.

I Am the Divine Mother for your hearts and for your spirits. I Am the repairing Source that gestates from time to time a new dawn for the world.

It has been 2013 years ago since I was on earth, to gestate the One who would be the Savior and Redeemer of the entire world, the One that brought you Mercy for all eternity.

Now, My children, My Heart contemplates the Heart of God and rests at His feet, praying tirelessly for this planet, for all of humanity, and for all the kingdoms that are offended daily.

In this last time the Lord sends Me one more time to now gestate the New Humanity, the new Christs that must be born so that the Love of God may reign definitively in this world.

My beloveds, do not fear the greatness of My Mission, because it will be built in a spirit of humility and simplicity.

When I speak of the Christs that I bring in My Celestial womb, I speak of your own hearts, the hearts that are today in the world and that must be born again to live a new life, unknown to all.  This life is nothing more than a life based on Love, on service, on Fraternity and on Reverence toward God, the One who created you.

My children, today I bring you the Good News for these times, so that you may awaken to the Will of God and to the Plan that He has already designed, and that includes each one of your hearts.

Construct now a life of Peace, through prayer, a life of Fraternity through service to the other, and unity with the kingdoms of nature. Be reverent towards the kingdoms, and you will be reverent towards God. Be loving towards the other. and you will be reverent toward God. Serve with Love, without counting time, without fatigue, because the need of the world is infinite.

Awaken, My children, for a life of prayer. You are on time to reconvert your hearts and offer them definitively to God. You are on time to discover that something Greater awaits you, and that it is already time to walk with steady and safer steps.

I wait for you in prayer, so that your little hearts may merge with My maternal Heart.

I bless you always.

Mary, Queen of Peace and of your lives.

Peace for all the hearts.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

