Wednesday, September 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages


Dear children of My Heart,

Today all the Universe contemplates your little beings and, through the works of My angels and archangels, I open to this place all of the portals that lead to the Divine Dwelling of the Creator of all things.

On this anniversary of the Apparitions of My Immaculate Heart of Peace the Lord has asked Me to open for the Earth the doors that lead to His Kingdom because He Himself wanted to contemplate your little hearts.

I do not know if you understand, My little ones, the greatness of this moment, but I can tell you that the Lord contemplates the fruits that were born in your consciousnesses and in this place, from the luminous seeds that He Himself planted two years ago when your beings opened the door and allowed that upon this soil were born divine trees of Peace and Fraternity.

The Supreme Consciousness of the Creator today, with His own Hands, deposits new seeds in your hearts. Such seeds that will impel you to take new steps towards the Universal evolution. A touch of the Divine Hands will transform not only your little lives but also the life of all humanity.

If you open yourselves to this sublime moment, even though it may be silent and invisible, you will be able to feel that even the cells of your bodies become luminous, awakened by the Greater Light of Our Lord and God.

Clamor today My children, for Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, Faces of the Creator, in your prayers so that the Divine impulses may be settled in your bodies and in your spirits.

Today I tell you that all of the Celestial Servers contemplate this moment and send through the Love of Their cosmic hearts the impulse that complements the Divine Impulse.

For this unite yourselves with the heart, with the mind and with the spirit to this day of special Grace because Heaven celebrates one more year of triumph of My Heart and It also commemorates the awakening of many consciousnesses to the Universal Life.

The year that will come will ask from your hearts the maturity that I come to build day by day through your prayers. The tests which you are all subject to, they will endeavor to strengthen and to consolidate in your interior all the instructions that you have received throughout the years.

So today, My little children, I only tell you to guard in your hearts these words and to collect these seeds that today are given to you in a sheltered place, in the interior of the being.

Because an impulse of God has always a spiritual and divine reason and, for His own Consciousness to be today among His creatures in such a special way, it is because you will need this impulse and these codes left by God in order to confirm this union with the Celestial and Supreme Father once it comes the time to do so with trust.

I thank you for being today with Me and for allowing the Sun of My Universal Consciousness to be born in your lives.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.