Sunday, July 28 of 2019

Weekly Messages

To Those Who Awaken

In the Universe, there are three manifestations of God, through His three Persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The divine aspect of the Holy Spirit is impelled by the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy or Mother of the World.

This unknown manifestation of the Holy Spirit is what is carrying forward the plan of awakening to a great part of humanity. And this awakening, which is impelled by the Universe, has no religion, it only has essence, and its essence is Universal Love, the Love that moves the whole Universe and leads the consciousnesses to live learnings and experiences.

The Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, or Mother of the World, is what within the cycle of awakening is spiritually working within an important part of humanity, which is the youth. Because in the youth of this time lies the potential and the inner fire for the realization and the concretion of the Divine Plan on Earth.

For this reason, the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy is supporting the awakening of the youngest ones, because within them resistance does not prevail and, if it existed, they would have no difficulty transforming it.

In the youth of this time, the Project of peace and of consciousness must be expressed. A Project that impels the manifestation of the foundations of peace on the surface of the Earth in times of conflict, and the establishment of consciousness through the awakening to the life of the spirit and to awareness, through care and love for the planet and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Therefore, this is the cycle in which the youth must be gathered so that, among the young ones, they may not only share and experience the culture of peace and fraternity, but also the inner talents may awaken in the younger ones, making them participants in the events of the end of times.

And on some plane of consciousness, to some spiritual degree, each youth has a commitment to the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy and, being children and inheritors of this Source, they will count on its support and fortitude to carry forward the Will of God.

This Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy gathers the consciousnesses of the youth of the planet and it is this consciousness of the youth that, in this crucial time of humanity, will need to be protected so that the youth may find the meaning of elevation of consciousness through humanitarian service, the protection of the lower Kingdoms, the spiritual union with the Creation and expression of music, art and dance, as a message of awareness, harmony and peace to the world.

Today, the Youth Festival for Peace in Salvador is the preamble for all to perceive that within each youth there is an equality that is expressed in the unity and fraternity with the young brother or sister.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, July 25 of 2019

Monthly Messages

Just as in My Heart I had welcomed each apostle and disciple of My Son, each new soul that awakened to the Eternal Covenant, between God and men, thus children, I invite you to receive those who are awakening in these times.

My Heart of Mother and Protector, not only of the message and of the mission of My Son, but also of those who were listening to it and who were awakening through it, comes to welcome in these times all the hearts that surrender before God.


Regardless of your past in this world and beyond, My Heart contemplates your truth, the essence that you are, part of the Living God and the Origin to which you must return.


In this time, in which souls will not find meaning and encouragement in things of the world, I invite you to contemplate each heart as I used to contemplate those who were awakening through the living Presence of Christ on Earth.


Among pagans and saints in spirit, among devotees and the worldly, all of them were touched and washed by the Love of God, through Christ, to return to His Heart. Time has passed, My children, and many of these souls that had sealed a commitment with Christ have gone astray. But the time has come for them to return to His Heart; the time has come for them to take in their hands the torch that illuminates the world and announces the return of the Redeemer to the Earth. 

Therefore, while receiving the souls that are arriving and are awakening, little by little, do not look at your past and your sins, but be  the examples of love yourselves, that which they will need in order to consolidate their awakening and endure the transformation of their lives.


It is time to welcome and unite what is separated, it is time for the cells of God to return to His Heart. And this will occur, My children, not only with you, but with all souls that left the Divine Founts with the mission of renewing and re-creating the Creation of the Most High God.


Embrace with love the part that is up to you to do, and learn to welcome your neighbor with your heart. This will also make you grow and will also bring you closer to God, as it must be.

Together, you will return to the Origin of Life.


I bless you and thank you for imitating My example of Mother and Guardian of souls.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, July 25 of 2019

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

It is time to expand the heart and the consciousness in love and in service to God. This is the time for, within you, there to be a space to receive and feel those who arrive.

It will be in this way that, just like My Son when He surrendered for you, you will be able to feel your neighbor, you will be able to participate and welcome the other's suffering and pain so that it may be transmuted and liberated in love.

Each being on this planet has a place within the spiritual path and this place, still unknown, is waiting for the consciousness to awaken to the Truth that comes from God. A Truth that will liberate you, forever, from the chains of error and illusion of this world.

Therefore, to those who have already awakened, I invite you to be conscious and keepers of this purpose for those who will arrive upon the Path of My Son, which is the same as your Path; seeking an opportunity, relief and hope for this crucial time of the planet.

As a Mother, I open My Heart again to welcome those who are just arriving and need great faith and fortitude to learn to detach from everything that binds them to the world and to perdition.

These souls that are just arriving and awakening are the ones that most need consideration and support so that they can feel that someone is there to sustain them in their trials and to help them in their transcendence.

The youth in the world need to be guided onto the correct path because, day by day, thousands of youth go astray in the illusions and in the promises that the world offers to them. Therefore, as the Mother of all, I open My Heart to accompany and sustain those who will awaken and arrive before the presence of My Son to say "Yes" to Him in a complete way.

It is the time of revelations, but it is also the time to support and accompany, from the heart, those who seek to find an inner and spiritual meaning for their lives. This is the task and the commitment of those who already serve Christ, day and night.

The youth in the world need to be listened to and understood, they must not be rejected or omitted. When they have a shoulder upon which they can lean and cry, they feel relieved and encouraged, beyond their youth, to change and mature.

Children, this cycle of youth and welcoming has arrived for all.

As of now, I thank you for imitating and accompanying Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, July 25 of 2019


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I find a world that suffers from indifference and lack of love, for forgetting to place its gaze upon God and in His entire Universe.

However, in spite of it being difficult times, My children, it is a time of miracles, in which God tries, in all possible ways, to be present in the hearts of His children and in all those who want to follow Him, by means of His Plan and of His divine manifestation, by means of His Word and of His Message.

But this is also the time of miracles in souls, in the hearts that want to redeem and surrender to God, completely entrusting their lives in the Hands of the Father, knowing that there is nothing else to do in this world but only be in God and within His Purpose in order to be, at least, a spark of His Light and of His Presence in the world, in this time when darkness embraces the planet, just as I said to you, My children, from indifference and from lack of love.

But the work of Christ is built in the silent hearts, in those souls that serve Him in a permanent and untiring way, that do not time nor schedule the hour to say “yes” to Him, and that are available to live the experience of His Christic Love, of this Love that renews them, of this Love that strengthens them and completely fills them.

These consciousnesses, these hearts, these souls, arrive in this time to serve God, and He Himself is summoning them, attracting them towards His Divine Light, toward His Purpose, toward His Truth.

Therefore, it corresponds to those who have awakened, My children, to support the awakening of souls that God is summoning so that, through the Path of the Father, these consciousnesses may concretize the Plan of God upon Earth and also learn to manifest the truth, the truth that is born of the heart that surrenders to God and no longer has limits, that has no conditions nor rules.

Just as yesterday, My children, when I dedicated My time and My words to My dear children of Africa, today, as a time of preparation for what will happen during the coming days, I dedicate this Message to the youngest, to those who are awakening, to those who have felt within, somehow, the call of God, which is an inner and profound call that takes place between the consciousness and the Eternal Father.

All conditions, My children, that may foster the awakening of the youngest, will also help to build the Plan of Christ on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, it now corresponds to the more adult, the more experienced, to those who have lived the path of instruction for so many years, to be the base, to be the sacred soil, to be the fundamental support for the youngest to be able to develop and awaken, and thus show their virtues and talents to My Beloved Son; virtues and talents that are kept for this time, for this final moment, for this great planetary service which all are summoned to live, beyond being young or not.

However, this is the time, My children, to open the doors of the heart, especially to welcome and receive those who arrive, just as you, My children, the most experienced, the ones who have walked through instruction and who have been received by the Hierarchy.

The same teachings will not be lived, nor the same patterns of behavior, but the instruction of the Hierarchy, the impulses of Light and of the Divinity will be kept present. This will help to build the times and to renew them.

You must open your consciousnesses to receive those who arrive, so that those who arrive may have a place where they can show their virtues and everything they learned in other times, which is something quite unknown to all.

As I have asked you, My children, you must follow the rules of group co-existence within a community. But to live these rules, you must  open within even more for the time that is arriving, which is a time of changes, a time of opportunities, a time of opening for the youngest.

Thus, you will build what My Son needs and He will entrust His Plans even more so that they can be concretized and manifested in humanity, and especially in the places where Christ wants to act on the planet by means of His servers and collaborators, by means of those who arrive in this cycle through awakening.

I am the Mother of all youth and the Lady of those who awaken.

Just as many humanities have existed, a new humanity will exist that will have the impulse of youth to sustain this planet, to protect the Kingdoms of Nature, to support the ones who suffer most, to help those who despair, to serve those who have nothing.

Therefore, the more experienced must open their hearts and quiet their minds. You must follow the lead of the Divine Hierarchy in all that it is building for this new cycle, because what took place in the past is what is today allowing for the miracles to happen in the life of those who just have arrived.

The Hierarchy finds various paths in order to reach the hearts, those who awaken, those who self-summon to serve the Plan of Love in humanity.

They will come with different experiences. They will come with a different past. They will come with a different path that was traced by the life of the youngest. But at some point on the spiritual path, everything will unite, everything will transform, and all will enter the Light of the Hierarchy.

The Spiritual Hierarchy grants the spaces of the Light-Communities for this to happen, for this Will of God to be fulfilled, knowing that the youth of this time is most at risk in this planetary cycle, it is the most exposed to the adversities and to conflicts, to the loss of essence with God.

Just as I thank you, My children, I give My Thanks to all those more experienced and adult on the spiritual path.

Today the Mother of the Most High, the Mother of the youngest and the Lady of those who awaken is called by Her beloved Son to welcome and receive this summoning that comes directly from God, which, for this planetary cycle, will be fundamental in the construction of the bases of the new time, of the new Work, of the new Purpose.

Just as seasons change, so does time, events and cycles. Nothing is static for the consciousness of the Universe and for the Hierarchy. The patterns change, the attitudes transform and sublimate so that each consciousness of this local Universe may reach the Purpose of God and may renew, may renew time and again.

I leave you this aspiration. I deliver to you this request: make of the communities islands of renovation, be welcoming and receptive to those who arrive, supporting those who are awakening and be hope for those who seek God and do not find Him.

Thus, My children, the more experienced and adult on the spiritual path will rejoice My Heart, because I will be able to see, as your Mother, that you can understand Me and are following Me.

Otherwise, My Son will have difficulties returning to the world, because He will come for all and to all, not only for those who have followed Him for a long time. He will come for those who still do not follow Him nor listen to Him. He will come for those who, overnight, will transform their life of perdition into lives of consecration.

The signs will show the events and you must be attentive to these signs in order not to lose them, because the Plan of God is not only carried out through works but also through the conversion of hearts and the testimonies of the lives of men and women of the Earth.

Take this impulse and this request into your hearts and make it a part of you. In this way, your structures will break and what is old will transform, because you will live the new time just as you lived it while you awakened for the first time. And you will feel the impulse of the Hierarchy as you felt it when you were called the more adult and experienced on the spiritual path.

Thus, you will be able to understand the youngest, you will be able to support the youngest, because together with My Son, they are the ones who will bring an impulse to the change of consciousness of humanity, although it may not seem so.

In this way, many will not be left behind, will not lose the path nor the steps of the Hierarchy because, in absolute and unconditional adherence to the Plan, they will be attentive to receive the signs and be part of the new commandments of the Brotherhood.

Today, My children, I reveal to you and deliver to you this request, because as the Mother of the youngest and Lady of those who awaken, I had to wait for this moment to be able to say this.

Everything is perfect in the Universe of God, just as within you. Everything has its time and moment.

Now that you have grown in the impulse of expansion of the Work, what is most important, My children, is that you may grow internally in the expansion of love for the Purpose.

From here, in the Heart that emanates the Fire of Aurora, I unite as Mother and Consciousness to the youngest and to the ones that awaken, knowing that, for the Mother of God, the offering of the next Youth Festival for Peace, to be held in Salvador, will be the continuity of the awakening of new flocks, of souls that will self-summon to be before My Son, the Christ.

In unity and love, I thank you for accompanying and serving Me, so that Peace may be established in humanity.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, July 24 of 2019

Monthly Messages

To My beloved Africa

Dear children,

Today we will dedicate this work of prayer for the innocent and poorest souls of Africa so that, after each one of them has gone through the learning of misery, of suffering and of pain, it may receive the grace of being before the celestial glory.

Now, with My first and initial monastery of consecrated nuns in Angola, the entire Work is called by the Mother of God to collaborate in some way toward this mission of charity and of service that has just begun.

Just as My beloved Son asked Mother Teresa of Calcutta to serve and be among the poorest of the poor, today I, as the Lady of the Poor and of the Holy Innocent, ask each child of Mine who listens to Me, to be in Africa with the poorest among the poorest, especially with the most innocent, with My little children, with the orphan children and those abandoned by their own families.

I wish that the entire Work, just as all those who are awakening through it, may have in their prayers My beloved Africa so that the celestial goods that will convert into help and humanitarian service can descend from Heaven to be offered in Africa.

With all of this request, My children, the ardent wish of your Heavenly Mother is to bring love to those who do not have it and relief to those who suffer.

This is the time when injustice and inequality afflict the most innocent and poor, those who have nothing. But also, My children, this is the time of miracles, miracles that your own lives can accomplish through your donation, your support and your service to My little children of Africa.

This Work, blessed by the Celestial Father, has the mission of bringing love in order to heal the pain of the world, not only with an expression of tenderness for the one who has never received it, but also through a gesture of service and love to those poorest among the poor.

Africa was and is a continent outraged and exploited by the great nations, but in a short time this will end and those who took everything, and left poverty and misery for the most innocent, will have accounts to settle with Me and with My Son on the day appointed for the Universal Judgment; because, as My Son has said, there will be no stone upon stone in those who built their power on the surface of the Earth. Everyone will live its moment of evaluation and of judgment.

Dear children, I also ask you to include in your prayers the Kingdoms of Nature of Africa, so that, although they are extinguished and commercialized, the group consciousness of each Kingdom may receive today love and forgiveness from the prayer beings.

Africa is the beginning of a greater Work that will place each one of the servers before the opportunity of taking the great step toward  the forgetting of self, without conditions, in service and in love for others.

Remember that Africa waits for love, help and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, July 23 of 2019

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

With maternal joy, today I am again with you so that from Heaven and from the Earth we may come into spiritual communion with the Eternal Father.

May today this communion with the Divine Purpose be experienced and fulfilled in each one of My children so that the great chain of Peace may be established in the world.

With this in mind, My children, the offering that your lives and your consciousnesses will make will attend the planetary need and will help dissolve, from the ethers of the Earth, the currents opposed to the Love and to the Light of God.

It is in this way, dear children, that the singers and instrumentalists of peace unite again to be able to heal and elevate the subconscious consciousness of humanity.

But today’s meeting will also have repercussions in the consciousness of music, which has been perverted by humanity and has contaminated millions of souls on Earth with music tendencies and styles that do not unite with God.

This Meeting of Music will work in these states of consciousness, but at the same time will place healing, love and peace in the hearts that have lost their filiation with the Most High.

Dear children, in recent times, the Meetings of Music have represented the possibility for the spiritual Hierarchy to more broadly work in the consciousness of humanity.

When the Meetings of Music for Healing are carried out live, a spiritual contact is established between humanity and the Hierarchy, between Earth and the Cosmos. It is a celestial door that opens each time My singing children gather, strive and carry forward each meeting.

All striving, sacrifices and efforts that are made to realize the Meetings of Music generate in every way the great opportunity that the spiritual Hierarchy has to help all of humanity. But at the same time, all these efforts grant to the world periods of peace and dissolution of armed, nuclear and technological conflicts.

The Meetings of Music have changed cycle and you, My children, are called to change your cycle with the Hierarchy so that the assistance that humanity and the planet must have in this time can prevail.

May the meeting of today mirror more attributes to humanity so that hatred, wrath and lack of love may be replaced by the Divine Principles.

Wishing and aspiring for a luminous work of music for all of My singing children, I bless you and thank you for responding to the call of God


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, July 21 of 2019

Weekly Messages

The sustenance of the Light-Communities

So that the Islands of Salvation may be present in the final cycle of the planetary transition, it will be fundamental to follow some rules, which will protect the functioning of the Light-Communities from yourselves.

·First rule: The Law of Hierarchy

Before any personal or group occurrence, it will be necessary to remember and live the Law of Hierarchy so that the design may be correctly fulfilled; that the Light-Community be part of a Universal Government supported by the Hierarchy.

So that the Law of Hierarchy may be lived within the community, it must be deeply loved and respected, following in unity the guidelines that are given, day by day. This will allow the giving of support for the Spiritual Hierarchy to be present and within the consciousness of the community.

·Second rule: Obedience

It is a fundamental attribute to apply within group life of a Light-Community, because obedience not only physically protects the community from countless unexpected events, but obedience also leads each member of the community to remember that they are within the Law of Hierarchy.

The obedience that is not respected nor applied in this time by humanity, within the Light-Community does not allow for the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy; because without obedience, there is no compliance with the Law, there is no order, there is no rhythm, there is no ceremonial.

Obedience is the main spiritual instrument that protects the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness and, above all, it protects the consciousness of a community member  from personal initiatives and ideas, from personal will and from all individualism.

Obedience gives meaning to the spiritual and inner path. Without obedience, there can be no contact with the Hierarchy nor confidence established between both parts.

·Third rule: Love

Love must always be the fundamental basis of a Light-Community that aspires to always be in the presence of the Hierarchy, because love does not allow the community to be individualistic, sectarian or autonomous. Love, as the main key that opens doors, allows for granting the joy of experiencing service, regardless of what it is and where it is, love is not selective nor possessive.

Love in the Light-Community has to be expressed in gratitude for what you have and in the opportunity that each member of the community has received, of being able to be before the mystery that was conceded by God for the existence, for example, of a Work such as this one.

Love allows for attracting the Law of Manifestation and Divine Providence to the field of group life. The Light-Community must be supported by helpful love so that it may never be tainted with goods, but rather that in the austerity of the essentials, a life full of God and Truth may be built.

These three fundamental rules for communitarian life intertwine with other rules or principles such as service, charity, the common good, fraternity, brotherhood and mutual cooperation.

When the three first rules are lived, not only in the community but also by each member that integrates it, the Grace is received of being able to understand what it means to work for the Hierarchy in order to build on the surface of the Earth the Plan of Love and Redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, July 16 of 2019

Monthly Messages

When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.

The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.

The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.

Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.

The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.

For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.

In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.

Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.

Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.

In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.

I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.

I love you and hold you in My Heart.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, July 15 of 2019

Monthly Messages

The light of the mystery is revealed in this time and is born from within the Sacred Centers so that the human consciousness may receive the impulse of awakening and of cosmic reality.

It is in this way that these Sacred Centers, fruits of Creation and present in various points of the planet, are the most potent powerhouses of light that attract, to the Earth and to humanity, the Grace of being able to have the Greater Knowledge radiated by the great constellations and stars.

It is in this way, My children, that the human being again remembers, and for the memory of the origin to arrive, of who they were and the reason for having emerged from a pure and supreme Fount, Founts present in various spaces of the Universe.

Each being of this planet is a star, which had once lived an experience in some place of the Universe, but for this experience to be more enriched and so that it could bear its fruits, most of My children had to arrive on this blue planet to deepen in love and in forgiveness.

But their history will not end in this life, there is something that exists beyond the sphere of the Earth which is called “macrocosm”. To there they must return, with learnings fulfilled and a mission accomplished.

The Sacred Centers are within the reach of human beings to allow them to remember all these things. For this reason, the light of the Center of Figueira is the first essence of love that, with power and fortitude, will be unveiled within the heart that opens to receive it.

Let the light of the Center of Figueira be a bridge of elevation and an impulse of transcendence for all human conditions.

From each Sacred Center will emerge, not only the light of their essences but there will also be the appearance of the Hierarchy as a member of a Higher and evolutionary Order of the entire Cosmic Universe.

It is time, children, to recognize, through these impulses, the last revealing impulses that will come to humanity to lead it toward the expansion of consciousness with the aim of someday taking on evolution, the care and the love for this planet, which is the receptacle of great and unknown Sacred Centers that God Himself created so that all of His children might be accompanied and could thus come to meet Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, July 14 of 2019

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

The time has finally come for the Book of the Apocalypse to be fulfilled and experienced, a time in which the Woman clothed with the Sun rushes into the desert to protect Her children from all adversity and danger within the spiritual battle of these times.

Believe it, My children. There is no other future humanity that will experience this final event.

It is you, My children of today, who together with your Heavenly Mother, will go through this cycle of challenges and of obstacles. But if your faith is as strong as your prayer, nothing will prevent My Immaculate Heart from continuing to triumph in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

This is the time in which the seven seals will open and, in an unexpected way, without a set time or moment, the events of the Apocalypse will knock on the doors of your homes and you, My dear children, must immediately and without delay enter into prayer; close the doors and the windows, light the candles of the altar and trust in God.

Many of My soldiers think that this will not come into their lives. See how, at this moment and on this schedule, the sky is sending you the signs of the time of Armageddon.

Be more awake, My children, so that in vigil and in prayer nothing, absolutely nothing, may be provoke you or in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, July 13 of 2019

Monthly Messages


What is a Light-Community?

A Light-Community, My children, is that space chosen and raised by God, so that there humanity can recover the spiritual principles and values thought of by the Creator in creating human beings.

A Light-Community is built first in the consciousness, then in the spirit, in the soul and in the heart of those who intend to transform themselves so that God may make of their lives instruments of peace.

When this divine principle is established in the consciousness and leads it to transformation, it also reveals other spiritual aspects that had remained hidden.

A Light-Community manifests as a spiritual space in the ethers of the Earth, in places chosen by the Creator to be pillars of peace, transformation and liberation for the planet.

A Light-Community is always sustained by Divine Grace and by His Holy Spirit, and the souls that live in it, although they one day have made the decision of being there, were first summoned by the Father within, because these souls, children, in spite of their errors and wrong paths, have offered their redemption to God, for this is to be the engine of redemption and of transformation for the entire human consciousness.

A Light-Community is the manifestation of God’s Love for His children; the manifestation of His hope that humanity may someday express His Divine Thought. For this, the Creator untiringly sends His blessings, His Light and the Divine Rays that come from His Heart upon the Light-Communities to renew the souls.

So that the Light-Communities may be what God thought, and so that souls may attain this Divine Will, My children, every day you must obey a little more, serve a little more and love a little more.

The Light-Communities, raised by God as pillars upon the world, hold many mysteries, which even those who live within them do not know: mysteries of the Divine Will, mysteries of the untiring presence of God, sustaining the transformation and the effort of His children.

Today, My children, let your souls recognize the Plan and the Love of God for them. Recognize that you were called by the Father to live a miracle of love; recognize that He Himself sustains you, in each day, and that you only have to surrender to this endless Love.

See in your lives the potential principles of the manifestation of a new life; see in the Light-Communities the sun that will shine in the darkness of the Earth and on the horizon of the human consciousness, announcing how the re-emergence of humanity must be, showing the way so that beings may enter a new time: the Eternal Time of God.

I love you and today invite you to seek the spiritual mysteries that sustain and build the Light-Communities: your homes on Earth.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Saturday, July 13 of 2019

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.

For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.

The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.

In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.

Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.

This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.

This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.

Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Saturday, July 13 of 2019


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Feel within you, the light of the Center of Figueira, receive from the Father His Divine Grace, Grace that congregates you, time and again ,to be able to fulfill His holy Will.

It is this light of the Center of Figueira that brings you from ancient times to the present in order to be able to serve and live in the Son of God, to be able to proclaim and announce His advent, His arrival.

Therefore, My children, I am here with you, just as I was yesterday, during the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in which the Father felt the prayer of the children, the request of the most small and innocent ones.

His pure and eternal Heart was touched, and His Mercy and His Grace poured upon the world, upon the most innocent children that needed spiritual help.

All of this impulse and all this purpose is moved by a greater motive.

Even for an unknown reason that comes from the Eternal and invisible. It is the Father that unites and congregates you in Love to be able to serve His Son and His Work, to be able to testify to His Presence within you and in each heart of this humanity, which seeks in this time the powerful light of Christ.

Everything that has been built in the Center of light of Figueira is for love, it is for a devotion that descended from above and touched your spirits at some moment.

This is what brought you here up until now, so that in these times and in this cycle, you might open the doors to all of humanity and to the entire planet, to be able to carry the same impulse and the same conviction of being in God, and thus to announce it to your brothers and sisters, to the seekers of peace, to the seekers of good, to those who wait for Mercy.

This Center of Light of Figueira brings you the Truth, the revelation of the purpose and the manifestation of the Will.

After thirty years, everything has been a preparation for these current times and for this cycle of great events where humanity faces a definitive inner moment, in which humanity may or may not cross the doorway to the new.

From this Center of Light today, I also bring you the tools of God, His most perfect instruments that He asked to create and manifest in the Universe so that Universal Life might exist, and so that this Universal Life would reach everyone, each one at their time and moment. So that at the moment of awakening, they might discover the Sacred Knowledge and the essence that moves all of this Universe, which is the Fount of the Love of God.

This is the great Fount that permits all and that grants all, also for this current time, in which humanity undergoes its definitions and its tests, in which the union with the Heights will be what is fundamental for everyone, in order to be in the right and in the correct, to be bathed by the Wisdom and the Science that comes from God and that impels the manifestation and the concretion of His Work, not only in the Light-Communities, but also in the Nations, in the peoples, in the cultures, which must awaken just as you have done, to the light of the Center of Figueira.

Within it are still held the mysteries that, someday, humanity will know when its love and devotion for God is more profound and true. But you, who as servers and as a Work were prepared a long time ago, this is the moment to make known to the world what God has expected so much, that through the Sacred Centers and the Marian Centers, humanity may recover its innocence and purity, to be able to be again in God and in His Presence, to sustain this world that will tremble and shake, to maintain the Bases of Light on the surface of the Earth, in an absolute and sacred brotherhood, to be able to help those who need it the most, to be able to recover the values of each culture and of each people, so that neither faith nor trust in the Father may disappear.

All of this is moved by the light of the Center of Figueira, which donated itself and surrendered from the beginning for this task and that today is spiritually conscious for all. For all who once had the grace of awakening here, and through here, carrying within them this light that is moved by a Greater Purpose and that is present in this time for a greater reason.

But so that all this may be possible, My children, God chose one of His Children, who today is no longer present among you, but rather omnipresent in spirit, in essence, in love and devotion together with the Messengers of the Father and His angels.

The essence of light of the Center of Figueira embodied and manifested among you and brought to the world the opportunity of surviving and of overcoming the end of times through love for instruction and devotion to the sacred, as well as reverence for the Hierarchy.

A part of the light of the Center of Figueira came to meet you, for some it was many years ago, to others a short time ago, and to other children, recently. But many more will come, moved and attracted by his light of the Center of Figueira, that for a long time was pronounced through the word, through the knowledge and the instruction that prepared your hearts for this moment, that prepared the bases for this time and that brought to the world the opportunity of sustaining,upon the surface of the Earth, union with the Hierarchy.

This part of the light of the Center of Figueira came from a very faraway place of the Universe, just as many of you came in different moments and times.

This light of the Center of Figueira once awoke in the consciousness of José Trigueirinho so that life in community, life in brotherhood, life in service and in prayer  might be built and manifested.

The past is not separate from the present. The light of the Center of Figueira manifested in the early times, when the world needed a great change in consciousness, just like in this time and in this cycle. Its bases were founded, its areas of light were built, and the souls arrived and will arrive, because everything is united in the same purpose and in the same essence.

Therefore, My children, with all this, understand the Will of God and how this Will works and manifests in humanity, and especially in those who serve the Eternal Father.

Today, July 13, the end of a synthesis is fulfilled, of the experience that Jose Trigueirinho lived and shared with you, not only as brother, but also as soul united to your group of souls. And today, after this synthesis, a new stage begins. A stage and a cycle that will also have repercussions in you and in the Work, because the fruits of Figueira are already ripe to be harvested and to be donated in service to the world and to the souls that are thirsty for true Instruction, just as you had at some moment, My children.

May the expansion of this purpose of the Center of Light of Figueira remain within you, so that not only here, but also in the world, the needed help may be received, the help that comes from the Hierarchy and which you, just as Jose Trigueirinho, may be the next testimony for the new time.

The testimony that will leave the experience of service in humanity so that, as a chain of light and of love, other souls may find the same opportunity and the same experience of being able to help and nourish themselves from the light of the Center of Figueira.

Recognize, on this day, the great Grace that you have received, although you are not totally conscious. And how this Grace, for this cycle, has expanded and been shared with the nations and with other peoples.

Today we talk of a universal Work and not of an individual work. Today we talk of a group Work and not of a personal work.

This is the time to open the doors for everyone, because all deserve to receive the opportunity for awakening and for instruction. It is time to welcome. It is time to listen. It is time to receive one’s neighbor with joy, the one who comes seeking the peace, the hope and the Love of God.

Thus, the impulses of the Hierarchy will never be missing for you, and when the great aspiration and goal has been fulfilled, you will be the heralds of this knowledge received and of this Sacred Temple that Figueira represents for humanity. And thus, its essence of light will be shared and expand in other Sacred Centers where new communities will emerge to welcome different peoples and cultures, to share and serve in fraternity.

Receive, on this day, the light of the Center of Figueira and commune with it in renewal and faith.

History must keep being written. Your brother and companion, Jose Trigueirinho, was an instrument in God’s Hands. Today, you must be the instruments in the Hands of the Father so that He may keep writing His Will.

I thank you for listening and responding to My call, and I invite you, My children, to listen to this Message again, because I have left in it the impulses that you need to keep moving forward in perseverance and in faith, in love for the purpose and in devotion for the Hierarchy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, July 12 of 2019

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

Each one of the prayerful beings of the world know about the planetary reality and about the importance of sustaining, within the world, a pillar of light of prayer that, each day more, awakens the Love of God within hearts and dissolves the conflicts in nations and peoples.

Therefore, My children, for this Vigil of Prayer of today, I invite you to renew your efforts and especially the commitment of continuing to pray for the nations so that more spiritual miracles may continue to take place in humanity and in the lives of people.

I wish, as a Mother, that every day you may be able to penetrate the mystery that the power of prayer holds, and the physical changes that the praying word generates in planetary life, as well as in the Kingdoms of Nature.

To this day, the commitment undertaken by means of the Prayer for the Nations has allowed, miraculously, for new Light-points to be established in South America, North America, Africa and Europe; and soon in Central America and Oceania.

Thus, My children, when a prayerful commitment is undertaken and assumed by a consciousness, not only do they benefit spiritually over time, but also the planet which, as a living state of consciousness, receives an opportunity, especially the nations that have witnessed the depredation of humanity, of conflict and of chaos.

For example, with the Prayer for Peace in the Middle-East, your Celestial Mother has attained the aspiration, through the missionaries of Fraternidade, to be able to enter Lebanon and thus bring inner human relief to souls, because the next Plan of your Most Holy Mother is to establish a humanitarian and religious task for this region so that Africa, the Middle-East and Europe may be even more contemplated by the Mercy of God.

All this is possible, just as other events, because the power of prayer works and acts daily in the souls that participate and accompany the important task of praying for the nations.

When one or more souls assume this commitment with the Celestial Mother, they assume it up with the Celestial Father, and the Universe can feel the loving response from those who pray and make an effort to do it every day.

Therefore, I call you to a moment of renewal of commitment so that, even more in the world, the powerful and invincible Mercy of My Son may save humanity.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friday, July 12 of 2019

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children, let the Spirit and the Love of God envelope you, just as today this dawn, this day, fills you, in which the inner light in each consciousness is vivified under the rays of the Grace of God and of the presence of His Divine Spirit.

It is in the name of His Grace that I come today to meet you, that I come today to be with you, with My dear children, and in this Sacred Center of Figueira, as in other Centers, igniting the light of My Mirrors so that you may receive the impulses of light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos and of all Creation, so that the Attributes of Life may continue to be present in the consciousness of the human beings and of the planet, so that the sublime spheres of Creation and of all its existence may be closer to humanity and to the world that suffers, day by day.

It is by means of the Light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos that today I reignite the inner mirror in each human heart so that it may recover its filiation with God and the communion with the heights, so that it may be a partaker of the universal life and of everything that lives and vibrates in the Universe.

Today I bring you the gift of the Love of God that is an inexhaustible present for your consciousnesses and for this planetary time in which balance, harmony and peace must be your daily path, your goal and your purpose.

Today I ignite the Mirrors of the Sacred Center of Figueira so that the new trees, that have already grown, may bear their first fruits in the manifestation of the Attributes of God and especially of His Will, so that these fruits may someday be harvested by My children of the whole world and they are able to be nourished from the spirituality that God has granted and conceived in this place, since the first years of the manifestation of this Light-Community.

Today, the fruits of the Sacred Instruction are shared with the whole world and the Center of Light of Figueira opens its doors so that, with charity and love, it may welcome the suffering souls of humanity and carry the Love of the Father, the Love that He deposited in this place from the beginning, to those who most need it so that hope may not die in the human heart, so that faith may not fall away, so that the light may never go out.

I bring to you the Light of My Mirrors, the Light that existed in the beginning and before this material creation. It is this Divine Light, mysterious and unknown, that comes from the Source of the Father and from His Universe of Love, that once touched this sacred ground of the Center of Light of Figueira and brought everyone the Grace of the awakening of their consciousness, of the recognition and the living of inner divinity, in each being, of union with the Most High and His Will for the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.

Behold the Light of the Sacred Centers, of the Marian Centers, of the Centers of Love, that emanate their divine and nonmaterial Attributes for the equilibrium of humanity and the planet, for the experience and the school of Love and Forgiveness, for the infinite union with God above all things.

Today you are before one of the Mysteries of God that the Mother of the World unveils by means of the Divine Source, in union with the Mirrors of the Cosmos that prepare consciousnesses for the next cycle.

South America is the cradle of many Sacred Sites, where the experience of the Love of God is present and is still unknown.

Therefore, today the Center of Light of Figueira manifests on its surface so that the doors to Divine Mercy may be kept open and more columns of Light may manifest upon this humanity on the surface of the Earth and by means of the hearts that proclaim their faith in the Lord.

Enter then, My children, into the Universe of My Mirrors and feel yourselves in the inner void, in the complete surrender, in the unconditional spirit and in the perfect union with the Eternal Father so that your lives, My children, may be instruments of the Heights, of the Will, of the Living Love that is eternal and inexhaustible that is an infinite and incalculable Love. It is the Love that created you, it is the Love that made you partakers of life, of the feeling of truth, of the knowledge of the sacred and of the union with the Infinite.

The Center of Light of Figueira expresses itself today to humanity and to the planet and reminds its disciples that it will always be here to receive them and welcome them, to fill them with its attributes that are part of a divine truth, of a supreme will, of a celestial destiny.

I need, My children, for you to propagate this light into the world, this light that comes from the Center of Light of Figueira, as from other Centers of Light in the world, which are part of the Will of God and, since before the existence of humankind on the surface, have been present on the planet to bring souls the knowledge of God and the unceasing search for truth, a truth that someday you will achieve, a truth that will make you free of yourselves, of the chains of error and of fault.

Because the essence of this truth is Love, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love of My Son, the Christ, this makes you participate in the Communion with His Celestial Light and with His Life.

Today the Heavenly Hierarchy reignites the Center of Light of Figueira so that souls may remember the principles that were founded here and that will be lived for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.

A life that will be based on Love, on Truth and on Divine Unity; on the possibility of sharing, of loving and of surrendering that which each one truly is, beyond shortcomings or imperfections.

It is this inner light that the Center of Light of Figueira today comes to awaken in its disciples, in all those who were touched by the instruction of the inner Master, by their companion and friend, José Trigueirinho.

See how this instrument surrendered to God to manifest the Light of the Sacred Centers, a Light that would aid humanity in the end of times and would make possible, for all of the Heavenly Hierarchy, the Plan of intervention and rescue of the souls of the world through an awakening of the consciousness, love and prayer.

Today, you face the step of being instruments in the hands of God, just as your instructor and friend José Trigueirinho was, in the simplicity of life, in the action of love, in sustenance of the purifications and tests, in the strengthening of faith, in the expansion of the consciousness through devotion to and reverence for the Divine Hierarchy.

Commune of this moment, commune of the Light of the Center of Light of Figueira and, in this way, in the renewal of the spirit, receive Peace through My Mirrors that today contact the Sacred Centers of the planet, which in a single Network of Light and Love, will aid souls and will strengthen the servers that fully trust in the Hierarchy.

May God, My children, always make you partakers of His Gifts, of His Truth, and mainly, of His Mercy.

Let  the Center of Light of Figueira shine today in each human heart, beyond knowing it or not knowing it, beyond penetrating it or understanding it.

Let the Center of Light of Figueira and of the Hierarchy accompany you so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

So be it.

I bless you in the Light of the divine spirituality and of the greater consciousness of the Mirrors of Grace and of Mercy, under the Light of the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, July 7 of 2019

Weekly Messages

My Soul and Heart are now in Angola. I am ready to take the Love of God to the innocent souls, souls poor in spirit.

My Divinity is now in Angola, as is the maternal Grace of My Heart, because My wish as a Mother is to be with My children of Africa, it is to be able to gather up within Me the love, the purity and the devotion of this people for the Mother of God.

They are My beloved and favorite children, whom I love very much and for whom I pray, every day, for their lives, in this way, keeping them under My divine protection.

Angola was the nation chosen by your Heavenly Mother to be able to open the doors to humanitarian service and religious service.

Angola is a people that is a witness to conflicts and heir of a suffering that it should have never experienced. But the end of this captivity will come and My children of Angola, as well as those of all Africa, will be able to be participants in My maternal Love.

Thus, on this special day, the consecrated life, through the Order founded by My Son, will enter the African continent to carry the love and the healing of the Sacred Hearts, with the hope that someday the Pilgrimage for Peace may visit this beloved people so that My children of Africa may feel embraced by the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
