In My arms I hold the world. In My Heart I keep humanity.

In My prayer I help humanity and thus I aid all souls. With

My eyes I contemplate the joy of some hearts and the pain of the wounded hearts.

Therefore, My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth through the prayers of My soldiers. My Graces are poured hour by hour, second by second over this world in need. My hands pray perpetually for you. My Immaculate Heart rises to the celestial throne of God to ask, as mediator, for all humanity.

While time, the changes and the events pass quickly in the life of all souls, My Heart wants to take you to a deep state of peace. I want to reveal to My little ones the essence of the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I want that My little ones learn to be with My Son without fearing for anything and thus to walk in joy towards the encounter with His Merciful Heart.

As Mother I protect the hearts and I awaken the power of faith for life. As the morning I bring hope, the renovation in Jesus, the beginning of a new path towards God.

Day by day I contemplate that the need of humanity increas- es; for this reason, from the Heavens of God, the Most High sends Me towards My children to help them to find the Love of the Creator.

Little souls of God the Father, today as the Mother of Divine Mercy I pour once more the Ray of Forgiveness and of Repa- ration upon your hearts. But so that your lives may feel the unfathomable source of reconciliation, you must say “yes” to God, to the Father of Love and Compassion.

Dear children, today I am calling you to convert your lives into forgiveness, into peace, into eternal Mercy for all.

Today I am calling you to do something for this humanity, because, through its own actions, it separates itself from the Peace of God.

Today I am calling you to reinforce the power of prayer in your lives.

Today I am calling you to fasting and to meditation on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

Today I ask you that your hearts become merciful and humble so that Jesus may manifest Himself in each one of His disciples.

Today I am calling you to awaken from the slumber of this humanity.

Today I am calling you to be active servers of God for your neighbor, in your families, for your dearest friends and for all humanity.

Because today My Heart calls you to be in Christ the Savior so that the Grace of God may aid the world.

Today I call you to open your eyes to the reality of humanity and to commit yourselves with the perpetual prayer for all the causes that need the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I ask you to ignite the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your hearts so that My Immaculate Peace may propagate itself throughout the world, because at the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Today I want you to follow God above all things and all causes. May your hearts live in the absolute trust of the coming of His Higher Kingdom. May you be in constant prayer with My Son because in this way, dear children, you will honor My Immaculate Maternal Heart.

I want you as good worshipers and vigilantes of the heart, that you pray always for all those who at the end of this time quickly separate themselves from the purpose of God.  I want you, as souls that walk to My Virginal Purity and that in constancy, to transform life into a temple of prayer and that in restoring communion with My Son you offer it for the conversion of humanity.

Today I come to ask you that in the divine commitment with Me, to make My Immaculate Heart triumph in all the hearts that are empty of God and even more those who, subjugated by the modern world, lose the light of the spirit.

For this dear children, I want that, as you have been called by Me, the other children of Christ may be called to the Venerable House of the Father, to the eternal refuge of the love of God. We are already at the time of elevating all the souls towards the Kingdom of Heaven and this will start when all the praying groups, favorite to My Immaculate Heart offer and surrender the prayers for each of the children that are in the world and for those they do not know and who need the Mercy of My Son.

Today I want you, living from the gift and the source of life that is presented by Jesus Christ, as faithful servers to My Immaculate Heart, to build towers of light on Earth through the sincere act of the prayer of the heart. With this little act of surrender to the life of prayer many causes written in the hands of the justice of God may be restored. Unite, only unite the love in your hearts with the Great and Immense Love of God!

Now is the time to light the Divine light of the Heart and to pronounce only peace for everyone.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

My children,

By the great and immense love of God the Father today let us celebrate the memory and the anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima. May Peace be the principle for each one of your lives so that through the presence of My Immaculate Love your hearts may be rekindled.

Dear children, today I bring you the memory of Fatima because there was where My Maternal Heart triumphed for all Europe. With this I want to tell you that there My Heart founded, for the world, the school of prayer, an exercise that for a long time I have been inviting you to contemplate and pass through with the heart.

My children, through Fatima you may find the merciful love of My Heart because today I remind you of how important it is to live in the prayer of the heart. Through this path you are now passing through My Universal Light may help many of My children that must reach the state of peace.

In the praying answers of each one of you, God the Father may pour His prodigies and His gifts over those children that do not live the One God. In this exercise of prayer, you will be strengthening your lives for the total consecration to My Immaculate Heart, but also the prayers will come to all those who, in emergency, are in need of salvation through My intercession.

Dear children, the path to Fatima is a path towards the depth of the heart, it is where, through the exercise of prayer, you may find purity and devotion, necessary instruments for the redemption of humanity.

In My Son you will find the fire that may illuminate and sustain you in the face of everything. Collect your hearts into My Heart and live with Me and in joy this victorious memory of My Heart in Fatima for the whole world.

Pray, pray, only pray.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be able to occur through the immediate response of all My blessed children in the world.

The triumph of My Heart is the Presence of God the Father in the life of each soul. It is the reencounter promised by My Son. It is the coming Kingdom on the face of the Earth.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the Source of Graces that, throughout time, I have poured for love of My children.

Now, My children, I invite you to make My Immaculate Heart triumph through the constant exercise of the prayer of the heart, as well as in all works of charity and service to the others.

Dear children, the Purpose of God for each one of His little creatures is immense; this is why I call you all to witness the Presence of Christ in the hearts and His coming. And this will happen when each soul of this humanity may accept to enter the true and only Kingdom of God.

For this reason, dear children, the task in the groups of prayer will be more constant, because each one of you must be, in prayer, a sentinel who guards and protects the call of God. In this time and for the aid of humanity, the presence of My Immaculate Heart is here. Through the triumph of the Heart of God in Mary, I will be able to bring you towards the arms of My Son, the beloved Shepherd of Forgiveness who awaits you in prayer and in communion from the Heavens.

Dear children, to be a Marian soldier of prayer it is enough to say “yes” and to persist in the purpose of responding to the divine call. On this path of service and of giving to the Will of God, your hearts will begin to consecrate themselves to My Heart, and the triumph of the Plan of Peace will be unique for the world.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace, only Peace for these times.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

28 Special Message of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity transmitted in the National Sanctuary of Aparecida, São Paulo, Brazil, TO THE VISIONARY FRIAR ELÍAS DEL SAGRADO CORAZÓN

As the Lady Aparecida I give you My Peace and My Blessing from the Merciful Heart of My Resurrected Son.

Today I call you, dear children, to live the flame of redemption through this day of prayer and peace that is necessary for these times in order to live a true conversion. Today also, My little children, I thank you for having responded to My call, because God Omnipotent, by means of the presence of My Immaculate Heart, sends you the plenitude of Forgiveness and Grace for reencountering the path through the call of the Faithful Servant of God.

I want to tell you, My children, that the Lord Christ, through the response of all, is pouring His Infinite and Divine Mercy over some nations that need absolute forgiveness. Through the “yes” of all My dear children and through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart, I have received the faithful permission before God so that millions of lost souls, throughout this final time, may be touched by the Light of My Maternal Heart.

Dear children, because of the response of this part of humanity, My Plans of Peace are descending upon the world. This means, My children, that the sincere prayer of all of you and of all the faithful to My Immaculate Heart has allowed, once more, the victory of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of God in this cycle of tribulation.

Because of all this, dearest children, I call you to visit time and again and according to the possibilities of each heart, this Sanctuary of Aparecida, dedicated to the humble honor of My Immaculate Heart.

Come to Me through the Sanctuary of Aparecida, because on this path you will be collaborating in the salvation of those who are most lost and far from God.

Unite to the consoling principle of My Heart so that in renovated faith of all My children, hearts may arrive towards the Kingdom of the Father, which is equal and humble for all, where the Love of My Son reigns.

Carry in your lives the strength of My Heart and may this attribute give you the opportunity to live the eternal state of forgiveness.

Thank you, little children, for responding to My call.

I thank your hearts, in the Peace of My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity,

the Blessed Aparecida of Brazil


Dear children,

If humanity lived the precepts of God, that is, the Commandments, the world would be different. Therefore, dear children, My Heart is present in each one of you because as humanity, you need the Graces and the Love of My Maternal Heart.

My children, today I call you to renew the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and if you do so, little children, God, the Source of Love, will act through My Son who has resurrected, and through Me, the Universal Mother.

Today I want to bring you all towards the true feeling of prayer, which must be primordial and important in each one of your lives and in this time of changes that you are living in the world.

Today, also, as My Son has done, I extend My arms of peace for those who may accept to live My call as a group and as an individual mission for each one of your hearts.

Know, dear children, that My voice announces itself to the world in this time of purification. This is why I invite you to join the forces of your hearts together in unity and in peace. In this way, these attributes will uplift humanity even more towards the Kingdom of God and you, as souls, will be united to Me.

When I say to you: “Thank you for responding to My call” it is so that you may know that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart is embracing many souls that are unknown to you and that live in this world. These souls need My Heart, because if My Heart were not among you as humanity, many Plans of Peace that My Heart propagates would not be able to be fulfilled.

For this reason, My children, I carry you daily in My Heart and today I tell you again: Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace! Peace! Peace for all!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

This is how I want to see all of your hearts: in vigil and in prayer for all souls. Thus you will be confirming your lives to a life of prayer and salvation. Your hearts will be guided towards My Immaculate Heart.

Little children, the humanity of today suffers from being distant from the eyes of God. For this reason, My children, it is necessary to establish columns of Peace in each place on Earth as well as in each hour of the day. The Merciful Lord makes use of the praying call of all His children to be able to alleviate the world from the justice that will arrive for all of humanity. It is necessary to strengthen and confirm oneself in prayer, in order to be able to consecrate oneself to My Immaculate Heart.

I want to bring from the Heavens the hosts of angels, in order to begin the hour of salvation of all hearts with prayer. There is much left to be done, My little ones, by means of your hands. Therefore, by igniting the universal flame of prayer you will be helping to alleviate the sorrow of the world that each day is destroying itself.

I call upon all the wayfarers of the heart so that together with My Immaculate Heart they may follow the pathway of prayer. We are at the time of the final call for the salvation of souls. My merciful eyes want to pour the purity and kindness of the Lord, and thus call to conversion those to whom My Heart and My voice will be announced.

The day of Grace will come for all the souls that will know how to recognize the Mercy that, from the Heavens, the Lord has for each heart. The world must be restored and for this we must affirm in the life of each heart a prayer that may repair the deeds committed throughout the centuries.

My Immaculate Heart will triumph in those hearts that may yearn to live in Me and in My Temple, so as to never abandon It. But all the souls must confirm themselves before God for this final time. For this reason, My little children, I come from the Heavens to prepare the hearts that may want to listen to My call. For this, My little ones, it will be important that the ears of the heart be open to My words so that they may pierce that which is still resistant to God.

Do not fear, My children, trust in My Eternal Light and you will know the Wondrous Love of My Heart. I love you all, and even more those who walk through other pathways, those who must be rescued from the world. With your hearts, alleviate the Scourged Heart of the Lord so that in the celestial hope, more children may be converted by My Maternal Love. I follow you all from the Pure Heart.

Thank you for responding to My call of the 23rd of December.

Who loves you and blesses you perpetually,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The soul that vigils in prayer will be in the Kingdom of My Heart.

Dear children,

Especially today let us prepare the ministry of My coming to your hearts on the 12th and 13th of this month. Let us sow in the hearts the message of the Good News, because in them My call will spring again as a fountain.

I wait for you today as I do every day, permeated by the Light of reparative prayer.

My little ones, each Apparition and each encounter with your hearts means a unique moment of rescue of souls that are forgotten in desperation and in suffering. For this reason, My dear ones, I count on your prayers so that they may fill the Earth with peace, and open the Heavens where the Most Beloved and Merciful Redeemer of all the creatures is to be found.

On the 12th and 13th of this month, allow My Maternal Love to permeate you deeply so that you may recognize in this way My universal presence. Especially, My dear ones, allow yourselves to feel in your hearts the victorious coming of My Celestial Light.

Reunited in prayer and in peace, I shall find you, listening from the Heavens to the call of all My children. I trust that each one of your little hearts will accompany the immaculate triumph of My Heart.

Who adores you in the Glorified Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today remain in trust under My Protecting Mantle. The Lord loves you and will protect you in this path of challenges, surrender and consecration that your little, little hearts are living.

Today I invite you to reunite the strengths of the love of the heart of each one of you so that this love may be merged with the Love of My Immaculate Heart. Thus, My little ones, I will guide you in every moment of life and you will not waste time searching for Me because I, the Queen of Peace, will await you.

May My Immaculate Heart be, for each one of your hearts, the shield of Light that will shelter you from the evil that is spread throughout the world. For this, My little ones, today we are in the hour of preparation of the soldiers that are formed under the creating principle of a living and redeeming prayer.

Aspire to penetrate the Kingdom of the Heavens in each moment of life. In this way, My dear ones, you will be consecrating the existence within this world. Now we must, day by day, go to the encounter of the souls that are lost and thirsty for God, but that do not know how to begin their own reconciliation with Him.

For this, My dear ones, I am forming soldiers of prayer, conse- crated to My Immaculate Heart; soldiers who will help Me day and night in the praying rescue of the hearts that have fallen in faults and in error.

For this, I come to the encounter of your hearts from the Heavens in order to radiate My hope and My Reign of Peace for your lives. It is simply enough in this final time to drink from the source of prayer so that in this way you may be guarded from everything and in everything.

Those who pray with Me, My little ones, will be arriving, before the end of their lives on Earth, to the Doors of Paradise, to find themselves in adoration before the Universal Master of Love and Forgiveness.

Today Christ calls you to remain in constant adoration and prayer; in this way, little children, you will be assisting in the restoration of the wounded world. You will unite yourselves heart to heart with the souls that cry out for Light, and you will remain in vigil for peace in the world. Thus I will be able to say that My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

In love and adoration for the little hearts,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
