The last year of impulses of My Chaste Heart


You are going through the last year of the great impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, a time when your hearts must incessantly drink from the Source of the wonders and gifts that we give you at each Apparition.

The last year of the impulses of the Hierarchy speaks about undeserved Graces which souls are receiving so that they may live their definition and strengthen their consciousnesses in order that, in the next cycle that will come, they may be responsible not only for their own inner sustenance, but also for the support of all those who did not drink of this Source and will have need of help, healing and mercy to be able to walk through the narrow doorway of the last opportunity.

The last great impulses of the Hierarchy speak to you about a great test of love, surrender and yielding which we will lead you to experience so you may learn what Christic Love truly is and transcend human love and the common good in the Grace that  we will grant you to understand that, beyond the chaos, the evil and your own and others' miseries, there is an unfathomable Fount of Christic Love from which you must learn to drink, and this will be the same for everybody.

In this cycle there will be no preferences, no titles, no human merits capable of excluding somebody from the greater test of surrender, definition and the unveiling of a Higher Love.

All will be before two doors: the large and ample door of worldly comfort, a false and poor comfort which will confuse souls, offering its consolation and an illusory peace; and the narrow door of surrender and Higher Christic Love, which will forge in you the possibility of seeing each other as you truly are, transcending the human condition, judgments and opinions, in order to unite under the single purpose of supporting the planet until the old human gives way to the one who is capable of living the Divine Purpose in fullness.

For this reason, know that each time you are faced with a situation which seems greater than what you can bear, in reality you will be facing an opportunity of transcendence and surrender which God calls you to live so that you awaken the love latent in your hearts.

If you are in this world, at this time, it is because you are called to experience the great human definition, and this will not make you greater or lesser than the others; it will only make each of you an instrument in the Hands of God for the transformation of life, life beyond life, which must be renewed.

Thus, do not waste the impulses, but rather, drink from each of them, meditate and do not allow them to go by without first permeating all of your consciousness.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the Peace of the Heart of Christ permeate the hearts of all those who cry out for relief and hope.

Children, fix your eyes on the horizon, and in prayer, wait for the dark night of the world to give way to the dawn of a new life.

Fix your eyes on the horizon and concentrate your beings on serving and bringing peace to your own heart, as well as the hearts of your brothers and sisters, through understanding, silence, listening, wisdom, and above all, intercessory prayer for souls.

Fix your eyes on the horizon, where the Divine Purpose rises, and walk, building that goal of reaching the Light of Christ. The Divine Purpose is built from the inside out and only manifests in your lives when it has already been consolidated in your inner world.

Thus, fix your eyes on the horizon, and the murky waters of the world today will give way to a crystalline sea, which will reveal to all beings the purity hidden in their hearts. Until that happens, simply pray, be supported in God and do not lose your union with the Creator through your bond with Him, which you must nurture in prayer and a daily conversation with God.

If you do not nurture the bond with God through contact with Him, this bond becomes ever more hidden and unknown for your souls. Thus, for you, let God be like that Friend and Companion who knows everything about your lives, who knows the deepest core of your hearts, who is the Receptacle of your sincerest and most transparent confessions, who is the Arm where you seek an embrace and consolation, rest and hope.

Let God be the Heart upon which you rest and in which you find wisdom and response, fortitude and joy to continue forward in spite of what is happening around you.

Remember always, children, to keep the bond with God, with your guardian angels, with your spirits, and with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, alive, accessible and constant. In this way, you will never lack the strength to continue forward and the determination to begin again each day; you will never lack hope to look to the horizon and know that, far beyond the darkness being experienced today in the world, the sun will rise.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When you commit a sin, child, do not hide your face from God, avoiding His Presence and His Face because of the shame it causes you.

When you sin, know that greater than the sin should be the repentance of the soul. And on the scales of Divine Justice, shame weighs less than repentance, and this opens the door to Divine Mercy, which balances all the sins of the world.

When you commit a sin, let your soul be like a child who surrenders at the feet of their parents to confess their mistakes and, in a dialogue with God, confess your deepest miseries to Him.

God is a God of Justice, but in light of a repenting soul, He reveals His Merciful and Compassionate Heart, capable of once again bringing to Himself the most sinful of His Children, if they should knock on His door.

For this reason, maintain a constant confession, a sincere dialogue with God, and a heart ready to receive Divine Mercy. In this way, you will be on the correct path, and, way beyond human duality or the inner battle that beings experience in their definitions every day, you will always find peace, because your soul will again find the connection and alliance with its Creator, will remember His Divine Promise and renew its hope of following His Footsteps.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When times become confusing and your heart is disturbed, become silent, child, contemplate nature in the solitude of the heart, and allow the silence to lead you to the Heart of God.

When chaos spreads throughout the Earth and the hearts of humankind, and sometimes within you no harmony can be found, then go, child, and become silent, contemplate the sky and its stars, breathe in the Divine Breath with awareness and seek the Heart of God.

When you cannot find examples, neither around you nor even within yourself, when the most deep-rooted energies of the human condition are exposed, being expunged from the depths of beings, go and become silent, focus your gaze on the horizon and let the silence lead you to the Heart of God.

The key to enter the Heart of the Celestial Father will always be within you. The link of creatures with the Creator is immutable, and it will always be latent within His Children.

The Father will never withdraw from you, but the confusion of the world and the transformation of human beings can cause you to feel distant from God. For this reason, I leave you this key: silence and contemplation, breath and the constant search for the Heart of the Creator within you.

In silence, enter into a dialogue with God, a dialogue in which you listen and He makes Himself heard, a dialogue in which you only say: "Lord, here I am. Guide me!", and He leads your spirit to His Dwelling Place, where wisdom and inner fortitude will be given to you through the Grace that has been upon you since the beginning of life, since the first moment when the Father sent His Children to the material dimensions with the promise that one day they would return to His Heart.

God's promise is alive and immutable. There should your hope be.

The silence will lead you to an encounter with this mystery, and the peace revealed in it will allow you to love and renew the love in all the circumstances of the end of times.

Thus, hold My Words in your heart and experience what I tell you; in this way, you will never be lost, but will always find God, and He will find you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.


Go, child, to the aid of souls who suffer, souls who, in the loneliness of their heart, carry the weight of hopelessness, despair, discouragement, souls who are searching for a meaning to their own life and have need of help to find the Light of Divine Purpose again.

Go to the aid of souls and give meaning to your existence through service, prayer and the Sacraments, which lead essences to a return to their divine origin.

Go to the aid of souls, listen to the hearts that suffer, remain by those in need of support in order not to fall into the abysses that are so close to their feet.

Through true prayer, hold the hand of the Children of God who need to return home. Be a bridge so those souls can find the path to the Celestial Dwelling Place again.

Go child, go to the aid of lonely and forsaken souls, those who committed to Christ, but have become lost in the murky and rough waters of the end of times.

Let your heart be an island of salvation, let your spirit itself be the bridge and doorway so those in need of rescue are able to be helped. This is what you are called to live today.

Through the emptiness of yourself, allow Christ to use you as His instrument, because the only things that will rescue souls in this time are Unity and Love. These are the two keys that turn on the Light of an inner world that is in darkness; this is the hand that  reaches out to a soul imprisoned in deep abysses.

Thus, through the virtue of service, practice the gifts of Love and of Unity, because souls have need of rescue and of Light in this world that is being extinguished from the inside out.

In times of an ever greater chaos, be a bridge of Love and Unity for souls.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In prayer, contemplate the world and its most profound needs; contemplate souls and their deepest abysses; contemplate your own consciousness and observe yourself, being aware of what is in you that is to be transformed and all that you have already been able to offer God.

And after all this, child, go further. Let your heart transcend the limits of form, and through the Universal Laws, cross the portals toward the Heart of God.

There is a Primary Law which manifested life in matter and which governs existence, being above all the rest, when consciousnesses are protected from their actions, and this, child, is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love is a Law that you must begin to know, not just in theory, but deeply, because it is this Law that allows you to be alive. It is the Law that grants the planet the gift of life, in spite of life itself having been transgressed so many times.

When not even Mercy is capable of transforming situations, there is only one energy that can go beyond, one single principle, one single Law, which is Love. Love is still a vibration unknown to beings from the Earth, even though it is the foundation of their existence, even though it is the latent pulsation in its essence like a potential to be renewed and multiplied by human experiences.

 Love is still unknown to humanity, but the time has come to love, the time has come when only this Law will be able to safeguard creatures.

Only this Law will bring solutions to the impossible challenges, for the unthinkable tests. Only this Law will intercede for the most sinful souls.

Only this Divine Principle, alive in beings, will allow them to see with the Eyes of God and find the essence of the being behind a consciousness that seems to be immersed in evil and aloneness.

Mercy is an expression of Love. A being will not know how to be purely merciful if they have not allowed an expansion of love within themselves. They will be able to be just, compassionate and real, but to go further in this time of chaos, child, only one Law in all of Creation will allow you to do that, and it is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love will bring you closer to God, will merge you with His Divine Purpose, will grant you spiritual wisdom.

The Law of Love will open your consciousness for the expression of the Holy Spirit and will allow your human feelings to be sublimated into Divine Feelings of a higher emotional body, which is united with Cosmic Rays rather than only with Planetary Rays.

This body will be capable of expressing mercy, as a pure emanation of your sincere emotions, because your consciousness will not be governed by terrestrial principles, but rather by Divine Laws.

When the Law of Love governs a consciousness, all the other Higher Laws that came after it will also gain space to express themselves. And in this way, what are called miracles occur, because the Laws flow through the consciousness that is capable of loving. Your spirit unites with the Spirit of the Creator and becomes co-creator with the Father to manifest His Principles and His Will in material life.

How is one, then, to live under this Law, child?

On entering into prayer, contemplate the world and its most profound needs, contemplate souls and their deepest abysses. But do not remain there; go further. Do not remain in what is chaos and pain, misery and abysses; go further, searching within yourself for what motivates the Creator to support life, and one day, through your sincere search, you will find that Gift, the expression of that Law, because it silently dwells within you. You will then learn to love and to renew Love.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Calm your heart, child, and find consolation in the Source of Peace to which sincere prayer can lead your spirit.

Renew your vows to God, in a sincere commitment to persevere, carrying out His Plan beyond the difficulties in life and the challenges which these cycles of the planet will bring to humanity.

Find strength in truth, in transparency and in humility, so that you not suffer because of the resistances to which your heart, your mind and your emotions cling.

Let this cycle of the planet generate the necessary transformation within you, for it does not come to punish humanity, but rather to define it. For this reason, at each new challenge, confirm within yourself your commitment to God, remember from where you came and where you are being called to return.

And even though sometimes you lack the strength to continue forward, allow a Higher Power to lift you up and strengthen you, to guide you and take you by the hand to accomplish the Divine Purpose: this is the Holy Spirit of God, the Consoler of souls, Who will show His Countenance to those who allow themselves to go beyond themselves, and who will not only count on their own strength and effort, but also, and above all, will be able to rely on Divine Grace and on experiencing the promises of Christ.

These will be the ones who will experience the action of Higher Laws in their own lives, and will bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, for they will no longer live for themselves, but rather only for Christ.

Turn your heart and direct your steps to this destiny. 

Do not think about the tests that will come and do not be afraid of human definitions. Always be a heart that is empty and ready to go beyond, that allows itself to be shaped, corrected and transformed by Divine Laws, and which goes beyond itself when it lacks human strength, experiencing in itself the Divine Presence.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.

And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.

And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.

For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and  conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.

The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.

Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.

Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.

Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.

Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, where there is hope, where peace reigns.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, which is open today for you.

Allow your soul to remain in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus allowed Himself to be in My arms, just as God experienced human frailty and surrendered into the arms of a simple Heart.

Come too, child, allow Me to have you in My arms, to hold you tightly, to place you against My chest, so that you may feel My Love, the Love that I have for you and each human heart, the same Love that emanated from My Heart when the little Jesus was in My arms.

Come, child, enter into My Chaste Heart so that I may calm you, so that I may show you the next step to take.

Enter into My Heart, because there is Light here, even when the world is dark. Here there is fresh water in the deep deserts of consciousness.

Come and enter My Heart and, although your tears may roll down My chest, I will embrace you, I will console you and allow you to cry, so that you may allow all anguish, pain, despair and lack of hope to leave your inner world.

In My Heart you will find an answer, because just as you, child, I also experienced the bitterness of the world and, although this time is different from all others, I still know the anguish of the human condition. Therefore, enter My Heart and find strength in it.

Who knows human imperfection better than I do, a simple Heart, full of so many miseries, to which divine paternity was entrusted?

I know, children, the anguish of carrying forward great missions in a world that is in agony, in a humanity that swims in a see of misery and seems never to find the light; in a humanity that many times walks in darkness, just seeking to find the Light of Divine Promises, which, century after century, since Adam and Eve, still seek to be fulfilled. Therefore, enter My Heart and allow Me to be a door for you, a door to a new cycle, a door for greater understanding.

Enter into My Heart, so that I may lead you to the depths of the ocean of consciousness, so that I may remove you from the turbulent sea and may lead you to where there is peace. There is a sublime life that you must still discover, but while the waves strike you, while the winds shake you, it is difficult to find this life.

Therefore, come and enter into My Heart, I will take you where you cannot go, I will take you to Bethlehem, just as you asked Me in prayer. Allow Me, child, to show you this sacred space within yourself, because God still dwells in you and still waits to express Himself.

Enter into My Chaste Heart. Can you hear the heartbeats? Can you feel the pulse within Me?

This is the sound of My Love for you, which is the Love that God taught Me to have, express and live for all of humanity and for all of life. This Love, which comes from God, mirrors itself in My Chaste Heart and, like a mantle, embraces you today so that you may feel peace again.

I know you seek the meaning of life, I know that you seek the meaning of so many battles. There is an answer that dwells in the Heart of God and that only the Creator Knows, but which humanity can also know when it enters the Heart of the Celestial Father and discovers His Mysteries there.

This is why I always speak to you about the importance of dialog with God, the importance of your having the time and the hour to withdraw from the human condition, delve into the Heart of the Creator and in it speak to your Father, listen to His Words and understand His Mysteries.

Even if you do not understand concepts, even if He does not speak to you with ideas, the Creator speaks to you, child, with strength, with hope, with peace. And these states of consciousness that you can feel when talking with God are the responses of His Heart. Do not expect God to speak to you with words, do not think that He has abandoned you when He does not give you human answers, because the profound language of the Creator is divine principles, which emerge from His Sacred Heart and manifest the primordial energies through which life can exist.

For this reason, the correct way to enter into dialog with God is oftentimes through silence. After talking with your Creator, take time to listen to Him and allow Him to express to your heart the divine principles that will strengthen life within you and will make you feel the Grace of living as an expression and manifestation of the Divine Consciousness.

In it, you will be able to discover love for life, in it you will be able to find the meaning of existence, in it you will be able to know why and for what God created you, why and for what you go through so many battles, why there is not just a peaceful ocean, why there are waves and winds, storms and thunder that agitate existence.

You must find these answers within yourself, child.

Therefore, come, My Arms are open for you, you do not need to do anything, other than  to be in Me, so that My Heart may mirror itself in yours, so that My Love may live in you, so that there are no distances or differences between My Heart and yours.

That which I make you experience today is a great divine mystery that I once experienced on Earth when I was walking in My greatest misery in the desert of the world.

When the Most Holy Mary told Me she would become the Mother of the Messiah, so much awaited by all nations, My Heart could not believe it, not because it did not believe in our Divine Mother. It could not believe that God would truly dwell among imperfect human beings, it could not understand how God would live amidst so much human misery.

How would He come as a baby?

How would He save humanity, being a fragile child, susceptible to the care of human beings?

How would He be born in My family?

All of this, child, awakened great affliction in Me, caused My miseries and the darkness around Me to grow. I saw Myself before a desert without one drop of water, there was no hope in My Heart. Faith had faded away, I could not find answers, I could not find relief, until God did to Me what I do to you today. He opened the Heavens and presented Himself before My Heart, He opened His Arms and called Me so that I might be in Him and, through Him, I could understand His Mysteries. And so it came to pass that, like a child, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of the Creator, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of My Celestial Father and, within Him, find peace.

This is why God sends Me today, in a time of so much confusion, in a time of so much incomprehension, so that I may open the Heavens, open My arms, show you My Chaste Heart and invite you to enter Me. Here I am, child.

Allow the impossible to become possible. Allow a higher truth to flood your consciousness. Allow a higher Love to permeate your being, strengthen you and give peace back to you.

This is a time of great miseries, but also of great Mercies. You will not find anything or anyone that is perfect, but in My Heart, and in the Heart of God, to which I want to lead you, you will find peace, you will find compassion, you will find hope, and you will be able to love when it seems impossible.

Today you are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God pulsates and expresses healing. You are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God liberates and transmutes humanity, and that begins with each one of you.

Therefore, allow Aurora to do its work. Allow Aurora to transform you, to show you your miseries, but do not remain there, because the Mercy of God is the size of your misery. The size of your wounds is the healing that you can receive. The size of your inner abyss is the power of liberation of Aurora.

The human condition does not exist to remain as it is. It exists to be transformed. The turbulent ocean exists to wash the consciousness and make it plunge into its depths.

To experience what I am saying to you, you just need to allow it, because I do not come to meet you just with words, I also come with the Grace that God asks Me to deliver to humanity, to all and every being that can listen to Me and open their heart to receive what I bring to you.

At the request of the Creator, I will be one more year with you, because humanity still needs to be sustained by the Three Sacred Hearts, humanity still needs to be guided so that it does not become lost in the confusion of these times.

This is why God has asked Me to stay with you, bringing weekly impulses to sustain your consciousnesses and to not allow humanity to become lost. This represents a Grace, but it also speaks to you about the urgency of these times, something that was not foreseen, but which is deeply necessary, something for which you must pray so that the merits continue to be generated, so that humanity may be worthy of receiving Mercy.

For these merits to become a reality, We call you to the consecration of your lives, because consecration, children, generates unknown merits in Heaven, and balances human imbalances. And despite all miseries, all darkness in the world, despite all those who give up on their commitment to Christ, consecration allows souls to continue balancing each backward step that humanity takes, each step that distances you from God.

Consecration allows souls to approach the Creator, this is why you must live it with consciousness, doing this for all beings, for all humanity and, more than living this moment, you must renew your consecration every day. In this way, you will continue to generate merits so that We may be here and so that humanity may live its Divine Purpose.

Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Bring incense and blessed water.


May these elements be blessed by the Grace of My Presence.

May the purity of My Heart express itself in this water.

May the liberation of My Spirit express itself in this incense.

May God touch your souls through these elements, liberate you, forgive you so that you may begin a new cycle, in which Divine Mercy may speak louder than your miseries, in which strength may be a reality, so that you may overcome every obstacle that life may bring you, and that your hearts may always remember that in God you will find peace, in spite of anything that may happen in this world.

Receive My blessing, My Grace, My Paternal Spirit and the Spirit of Consecration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed are those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. Through them, the Kingdoms of Nature will find peace, will find relief and hope.

Blessed be those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for the Sacred Family will reign in their hearts, as well as in their homes, bringing them the Grace of finding God in the heart of their neighbor.

Blessed be the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for they will be intercessors before the souls that most need it. The Creator will listen to your prayers and will pour out Mercy upon the forgotten.

May the Grace of God be upon your lives, and may you express that Grace in each one of your actions and, through  your actions, you will be known as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.

I thank you for being here, for consecrating your lives and for living in the Sacred Hearts, because when I call you to be in Me, I call you to be in God and find in it the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In Us, nothing is separated. We walk in unity, so that you may learn to walk in unity through Us. This is why We are here and We lead your steps.

I thank you, and once again I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We will sing “Father of souls,” this Hymn of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. 


Let peace be established in the hearts that cry out to God to know His Purpose and His Will.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who suffer the consequences of a time of chaos, wars and conflicts.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who fear the end of times, a higher definition which must be established on the planet.

Let peace be a reality, children, in the hearts of all the servers of Christ, in spite of what happens around them, for they must always stay in the Heart of the Redeemer, and through this, be His instruments and bring peace to the world and to life.

Dispel anguish through contact with the Creator.

Dispel doubts in a sincere dialogue with God.

Dispel fears by looking at yourselves with clarity, because the truth, children, only shows itself to those who allow themselves to clearly see themselves.

Do not be afraid of losing yourselves, do not be afraid of losing control over life, because blessed will be the humble and those who humble themselves, first in light of their own consciousness, finding the freedom that comes from seeing oneself clearly and being capable of consciously working on one's own transformation.

Do not close your eyes to what is inside you, seeking the light of transformation, because when you open your eyes to what must be transformed within yourselves, it is then, children, when the world will also open its eyes to transform the core of the human condition.

Those who listen to the Words which come from Heaven, from the center of the Heart of God through His Messengers must be the first to turn their eyes to their own heart and say:


“Show me, Lord, what I need to see.
Allow me to find what distances me from You,
so my consciousness may dispel the interferences
and embrace with simplicity the Grace
and the freedom of the transformation.”


If the servers of Christ deepen their transformation, they will open the doors so that humanity is able to receive within itself the impulses that lead to a new cycle, in which it will be capable of going beyond the chaos, the terror and the conflicts, to find the freedom that exists within itself.

Children, do you perceive that the time to submerge yourselves in that which is real has come?

Do you perceive that without submerging yourselves in the deep waters of the ocean of consciousness, you will be carried away by the waves that stir up the surface of human life?

Do you perceive that, without plunging in and losing your fear of what you will find in the unknown ocean of yourselves, you will never discover the real life that dwells within you?

Imagine a sea agitated and full of great waves, affected by strong winds that stir up its waters in all directions; this is how the human consciousness is today, confused among all the winds that blow and stimulate it in all directions, without knowing where to go, without managing to give a direction to its own energy and the movement of its life.

However, in the depths of the ocean there is peace. In the depths of the consciousness there is an unknown life, and yet, children, the deeper, the darker it is, the greater the Graces that will be revealed to you.

The winds of superficial life distract and confuse you, and the apparent darkness of your own inner self causes you to be afraid of submerging into yourselves; but all this is part of the illusion of these times.

For this reason, I will never stop telling you that the key for sustaining yourselves in this time is to look sincerely at yourselves, plunge into your own inner self and find the freedom to be imperfect, sincere and willing to be transformed, and allow yourselves to be corrected, allow yourselves to fall and get up and always go deeper, where peace and unity with God dwell.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Listen, child: the cry of the Earth is the same as the cry of your heart; today, all souls long for peace. For this reason, in your prayers, with your intentions, immerse yourself in the needs of the world, but also turn your gaze toward your own inner self and perceive that nothing is separate.

The agony of the world echoes in your heart, many times silenced by the needs of life, which lead you to constantly be focused outward, on that which is superficial, even though it is necessary.

Thus, take the time to stop, become silent, and look inward. Take the time to be in dialogue with God and allow Him to show you what you still cannot see. Your Creator is a God of patience, a God of processes, Whose Science of Love is connected to the time and the steps of His Creatures.

Observe life: were you able to perceive that nothing on Earth is born ready? Everything experiences its process, everything ripens with time. Even the invisible air you breathe is the result of a process of combinations, energies and movements. God is a God of time and of patience.

I tell you this so you remember that everything has its time to mature, transform and be ready, but only the Creator can tell you when He has finished. Your role is to live the gift of life, and in this process of being alive, never lose the dialogue with God.

Trees turn to the Sun to grow, show the day their leaves and their fruits, they are always in dialogue with the seasons and with time. Thus is their conversation with God.

Animals also enter into dialogue with God through life, through the moments of the day, the seasons of the year. They gather and express themselves according to the expression of the Whole; they walk in unity, and that is their dialogue with God.

But the dialogue of human beings with God, child, is an inner dialogue, in which silence understands more than words, and introspection allows the eyes to see what is not shown. It is in the heart that God speaks with His favorite children. It is there where the essence is seen as indivisible, and the unity, which is spiritual, overcomes the laws of matter and expresses itself for beings.

For this reason, every now and then, enter into the room of your inner self, become silent and observe your heart. Let the Creator show you what step you must take in this season of life, so that what He is building within you may be realized.

Do not be in a hurry, do not want to do it for Him, but always be dependent on His instructions and guidelines, His Purpose and His Love. In this way, you will allow Him to accomplish His Work within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, which demonstrate to the Heart of God that souls accept receiving Mercy and achieving redemption.

Let the Mirrors of supplication and of crying out be ignited, uniting supplicant souls and those who reflect celestial attributes for life into a single network.

The time has come, children, to live each of the Universal Lineages in each instant of life, to thus awaken the meaning of existence of beings on Earth.

In order to balance what is happening today in the world and ignite a light in the middle of the darkness, of the battle of chaos and evil, awake and conscious beings need to responsibly live a union with the Lineages in their hearts, and in this way, draw from the Heart of God the archetypes of evolutionary life expressed there so they may become a reality through each of you.

The Lineages will be the key for the balance of the planet when lived with sincerity and transparency, transforming the activity of the human ego through the vibration of spiritual life. The Lineages will be the key for the elevation of the consciousness, so as to not allow your souls to succumb to the distractions and the stimulations of the world.

Through the experience of the Lineages, your lives will be constantly reminded of the why and for what your being is on Earth at this time.

You are here, children, to be Guardians of the Divine Purpose; to be Contemplatives and Supplicants that intercede for souls; to be Priests that maintain the union of Heaven with Earth; to be Mirrors of the divine archetypes; to be Healers of all the wounds the human consciousness experiences in this time and thus aid beings in restoring the original patterns of the body, the mind and the spirit.

You are here to be Governors, first of yourselves, and to know to remain firmly on the pathway that God indicated you live.

You are here to be Rulers and uplift not only your own consciousness, but rather, that of all beings in all of life, learning that evolution occurs when there is communion among all that was created.

You are here to acquire the knowledge and live it with wisdom, and in this way, be teachers, first through your example, then through the word.

You are in this world, children, to establish a new life, this life that today is in transition, and many times, is hidden below the horizon of the Earth, making it seem impossible for this Purpose to be fulfilled.

But I come here today to tell you to not lose hope, that you not fix your eyes and hearts on the chaos of the world, but rather on the potential of your souls, and before observing everything that is not lived in the world, you think first of what each of you can offer to transform it, and the Lineages hold an important key for living this mystery.

For this reason, live each of the Lineages with wisdom, with gratitude, with striving and with truth, and one day you will see that, through your lives, the fruit of a new life will have sprouted on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the world is shaken and the wars do not seem to end, but rather, expand and multiply, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the beauty of a blue planet seems to not have meaning, because the hearts of humankind cannot manage to express the beauty that dwells within their own being, and thus destroy not only themselves, but the expression of the Earth, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the history of the universe seems to repeat itself on Earth, and humanity begins to want to manifest their self-destruction, I tell you, children: Do not lose hope. The Time of the Lord has come.

When the world is in darkness, be the light of the world.

When love is lacking on the surface of the Earth, multiply love within your hearts.

When there is no longer communion with nature, strive day after day so that your lives may be the expression of respect and communion with all the Kingdoms.

On the table of the world, place that which is lacking so that souls may satisfy their spiritual hunger and thirst, and thus be reborn.

On the scales of justice, place that which is lacking so that Mercy may weigh more than the assaults of the world, and the merits of your lives always grant souls a new opportunity, even though they do not deserve it.

Be the balance for a planet in collapse, and day after day, live an inner battle so as to not succumb to the retrograde condition of humanity, to overcome the competition between brothers and sisters, the need for power over others, the need for recognition and vainglory, so that from the inside out you may be capable of transforming the human condition.

Be yourselves the missing piece on the board of the Divine Plans, so His Project may be fulfilled even though not all souls that committed to this Project are awake.

The greatest effort, children, is inner, where the true expression of your beings is gestated. It is in the prayer room of the consciousness where you enter into dialogue with God and with yourselves in order to define following the evolutionary plan in each instant.

The greatest effort, children, will not be in doing more than your human capacity. The greatest effort will be in being what you were thought to be and thus live the divine attributes and virtues that will give you the true strength to continue onward.

From this will come the possibility of living the impossible; from this will come the Grace to go beyond, from the depths of your beings, from the sincerity of your hearts, from the transformation of your consciousnesses into what God thought of for your lives.

For this reason, no longer look outward, but rather, inward, and from the inside out, live the Divine Purpose.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For the souls that suffer in the abysses of this world,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls immersed in ignorance,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls submerged in indifference,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls that are blind before the infinite Light,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls immersed in rancor and wrath,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls that have lost hope,
have Mercy, Lord!

For the souls that have forgotten what love is,
have Mercy, Lord!

Lord, I ask You:
allow Your Light to enter the abysses
and grant a new opportunity
for those who have self-condemned.

Lord, I ask You:
allow Your Light to enter the abysses
and rescue lost souls
so that they may again feel the power of Your Love.

Lord, I ask You:
allow Your Light to enter the abysses
so that the essences created by You
may not forget their divine filiation,
but rather may someday express perfect likeness with You.

May Your Purpose be fulfilled in each one of Your precious souls.

May awakening be a reality in each little heart of this Earth,
and may there be no being who does not know
Your Power and Your Infinite Mercy.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come to pray for souls, so that the Divine Light may penetrate the deepest abysses of this planet. I come to pray for souls, so that they may awaken to the gift of life, which often, children, holds no resemblance to the life that they live on the surface of the Earth.

Today I come to bring a part of the Celestial Universe so that it may touch the planet, and hearts may thus perceive that their hope does not lie in this world, in the human condition, in human promises, but rather in the Divine Promises.

That is where your attention must be, that is where your prayer and perfect union with God must be, and not in humanity, not in the promises of the Earth, not in earthly merits, in that which you may receive while in this world. The mystery, children, lies in that which you can give while on Earth; in that which emerges from your hearts when you are capable of stepping out of yourselves to serve and love, to submerge into the Higher Universe of a life that transcends human existence and, while transcending it, brings it meaning.

Many still ask themselves about the meaning of life on Earth, where Divine Purpose is, where the Creator is leading humanity. These questions find answers in the depths of human essence, not outside of it. These questions find answers when you look at the Cross and, besides the suffering of Christ, you can penetrate His deep Love with your gaze.

You will not find answers in human actions. You will not find answers in that which you will see in this world. At each day, human actions will be the reflection of the deep human ignorance, of the large distance that exists between humanity and God.

However, although you may not perceive it, this distance will begin to decrease. Little by little, the Time of the Universe is entering the time of Earth. Little by little, human ignorance is being unmasked, veils are being torn, the truth begins to emerge. But in order to be before the truth, you must have strong hearts, which will not go blind before the Light, but will rather endure and recognize it.  

Each day, children, the vibration of the Earth will become denser and, at the same time, the Celestial Universe will enter the world. This is the real battle of the end of times, a battle that will be carried out in the human consciousness and will reflect on the planet through human actions, which will reflect the imbalance that dwells in the consciousness of beings.

The roots of these battles are not outside of hearts, but rather within them. This is why I ask you to pray, this is why I ask you to transform your consciousnesses and allow evolutionary principles to emerge from your beings so that you may balance the human consciousness from inside out.

I am not speaking to you of something merely spiritual, but of something of spiritual science, of a science that does not come from this world, but rather manifests in it through human beings, through the inner mystery that still hides within the human consciousness.

You must have your hearts strengthened so as not to lose hope in the face of chaos, not to lose hope in human beings, in the manifestation of the Divine Purpose within beings.

Prayer will make you capable of feeling compassion, even when this may seem impossible.

Prayer will make you capable of being merciful, even in the face of the greatest atrocities, because the plan of God’s enemy, children, is to erase the capacity to love from human consciousness.

This is why you will see things that you would think never deserve love or mercy, and even so you must seek within yourselves the capacity to love. So that this may be possible, you need to be united to God and to awaken ever more this union with the Creator.

This is why you must pray, this is why you must adore the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharistic Body of Christ.

This is why you must learn to be silent, in order to find peace and balance in your minds and emotions. Silence, children, will be one of the great keys that will strengthen your hearts, as well as each one of your bodies, so that you may be able to stand what is to come, enduring the streams of the universe, as well as the chaos in the world.

Do not allow your beings to enter superficial discussions; do not allow your beings to enter unnecessary conflicts, but rather, through silence, live Divine Wisdom, and allow the Rays that come from God’s Heart to transform the chaotic situations of the world.

What I am telling you may seem quite simple, and it truly is, but it is in this simplicity, children, that you will transform human consciousness and see the Divine Purpose triumph.

God’s enemy, His adversary, aspires to inculcate in the consciousness of beings that achieving spiritual life is something difficult, impossible, and unattainable. He will make you believe that it is not possible to love, forgive or be compassionate. He will make you feel that life makes no sense and that it would be better to lose it than to be in this world, filled with chaos and conflict.

However, I tell you, children, that regardless of what may happen in the world, everything will always have a purpose, just as the Cross had a purpose, just as each Wound open in the Heart of Christ has a purpose. Thus, children, the wounds of the planet also have a purpose, but to find it, you need to look within, rather than outside of yourselves.

Hearts move toward a definition, nations move toward a definition, and each one of you must decide where you will be. And I am not speaking to you about a physical place, I am rather speaking to you about a place in consciousness.

Where will your consciousness stand? Upon chaos and despair? Upon suffering, anguish, rancor? Or upon Mercy?

This is something you must ask yourselves every day, and something you must choose every day. The definition does not happen just once, it happens at every instant.

Observe your lives and you will perceive how you are led to make choices at each moment. And these choices define your next step, but not only your next step, but also the step of all of humanity, and this is what I want you to perceive tonight. May your consciousnesses expand into greater responsibility, its definition is not your own, but it is rather outlining, day by day, the manifestation of the Divine Purpose or the absence of that Purpose in human consciousness. 

Many expect Me to speak to you about politics today, to speak about nations, but I do not come to speak to you about this. I come to speak about each one of you, about how to transform human consciousness, regardless of what may happen on Earth. About how to elevate your consciousnesses beyond chaos and conflicts, beyond wars, beyond evil. This is how you can liberate the planet and how you can liberate yourselves from the spiritual prisons in which you still find yourselves.

Prayer and silence, adoration and contemplation, supplication and service: this must be your priority in these times.

Each time you take a step toward the Universe, toward the Heart of god, through the consecration of your lives, you allow humanity to also take this step, and a special Grace to permeate and embrace you.

Each time you consecrate yourselves as Children and Friends of My Chaste Heart, you allow Me to accompany your lives, to intercede for you before God, to walk by your side, just as I did with the Sacred Family, so that we may learn together how it is to live the Divine Purpose in the end of times.

This is why My Heart finds encouragement in the souls that consecrate themselves, just as the Heart of God finds encouragement in the souls that offer to transform themselves a little more. Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.

I will teach you a prayer for the times of chaos, a prayer I said when I no longer could feel hope, when I perceived humanity in wars, and deep pain touched My Heart. I would look to Heaven and say to God:

when I do not find hope,
show me that my hope lies in You.

when I do not find love,
show me that Love comes from You.

when I do not find sense in being on Earth,
show me that the Purpose dwells in You.

when my soul seems to be just miseries and flaws,
show me that Your Mercy dwells in me.

when I feel far from You,
show me that I am part of You,
that Your Essence dwells in me
and that You have never left me
since the beginning of Creation
and that until my last breath,
and after it, You will always be with Me and I in You.

live in me and through me.


May you have this prayer always with you, and may you say it, feeling the peace that I bring to you today. May you look at Heaven for an instant, and leave aside what happens on the surface of the planet, so that you may feel the Kingdom within yourselves, and even if it is for just an instant, may this Kingdom touch the planet.

Today, children, feel My embrace. Feel how My Heart embraces you, welcomes your supplications, your most sincere needs, and the impossible causes that bring anguish to your hearts.

Always remember to light a candle and pray with Me, and in your prayers may the human consciousness and the Kingdoms of Nature always be present, not just yourselves. In this way, children, everything in your lives will be service, even if it is anonymous, and your lives will find meaning in their union with God.

Today, in this cenacle of prayer, in this spirit of consecration and surrender, I call you to intercede for the world, for the nations in conflict, for the nations in definition. I call you to invoke Divine Grace and Mercy, so that they may illuminate the paths of beings, so that they may descend as discernment and wisdom upon souls, so that they may descend upon hearts as relief and hope.

At this moment of intercession, may you feel that your hearts are not separated from the hearts of all men and women of this world.

Within yourselves, feel those who suffer in wars and those who cause wars. Within yourselves, feel those who are separated from God. Within yourselves, feel the Kingdoms of Nature and all life that dwells on the planet, and in this way cry out for Mercy, and may this Mercy that I bring to you today, which comes from the Divine Source, permeate your lives, your souls, your hearts, each space of your consciousness and, through you, may all that lives and breathes be touched by Divine Mercy.

To receive the blessing of this consecration, let us sing together “Mercy, Saint Joseph.”

We may bring incense and blessed water.

Song: “Mercy, Saint Joseph.”

Despite the differences, despite the human aspects, you will always find strength among brothers and sisters, among brothers and sisters you will always find hope. Therefore, be united, strengthen one another, forgive and support one another. In this way, children, you will transform human consciousness and attain peace.

I bless you, consecrate you and thank you for being here today.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

And we will prepare ourselves for the Communion with the song “Father of Souls.”


The gift of life is a mystery still not understood by beings. To live, children, is a blessing granted by God to His Creatures with the only objective that Divine Love may multiply and expand between dimensions, leading consciousnesses to evolution through wisdom rather than through knowledge.

Wisdom is the experience of knowledge, and it manifests through love, because it is necessary to love in order to transform life experiences into an experience of wisdom.

Without love, knowledge transforms into information and many times, the experience of life becomes a great suffering, or is something experienced with indifference and a deep emptiness of meaning and purpose. 

For this reason, children, the most important service to be experienced today is the experience of Love, of Divine and Christic Love, which comes from the Heart of God, expands in the Heart of Christ and transforms the human condition of everyone who surrenders to experiencing it.

The greatest service of these times is living Christic Love, and everything in your lives must be based on this Love, manifested as a result of a sincere and true union with Christ.

Your words and intentions, your actions and thoughts, that is to say, your life, must be lived through Christic Love, and it is only in this way that you will be able to experience knowledge transformed into wisdom, rather than into information.

It will be in this way that you will give meaning to your days and will be capable of finding the blessing of God in the gift of life, rather than in the suffering and anguish the world constantly offers to those who are empty of that Love.

To love is not to stop suffering, but rather to experience difficulties with your eyes fixed on the purpose of transforming the experiences of life into a living of the Love of God, and in this way, be wise.

Open yourselves to that mystery.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


It is urgent, children, that you pray for peace and for the end of wars.

It is urgent that you pray for lost and assaulted souls, for the souls of martyrs and for imprisoned souls.

It is urgent that you pray for the souls of those who are deceived by hatred and  resentment, for those who seek revenge because they believe it will bring them peace.

It is urgent that you pray for those who are in the darkness and who walk toward ever-deeper abysses.

It is urgent that you intercede with your own lives so humanity can come to know transformation and the Divine Purpose.

It is is urgent you no longer give so much importance to what is superficial and mediocre, so you may finally understand the meaning of serving in this world.

It is urgent that you no longer suffer because of the little things in life, but rather that you expand the horizons of the vision of the heart, so your consciousness may be able to encompass what really matters in this time, which is the rescue of the precious souls of God.

This is the time of the last opportunity for many beings who are seeing the doors close before their eyes, just as their hearts close because of the inexplicable suffering they are  experiencing.

Thus, pray, children.

Pray for the lost souls, pray for the assaulted Kingdoms, pray for the innocent and for those who are seeing their essences fade away without their having the strength to do something for themselves; pray for those who have lost hope.

Allow the pain of the Heart of God to touch your hearts for a moment, so that you may understand what the Creator feels when losing a beloved soul, part of His Divine Heart. And in this way, children, you will bring meaning and breadth to your prayers.

There is nothing else I can ask of you except prayer, transformation, service, and a greater awareness of the times you are living and the true need to be instruments of God.

This is My cry on this day, that you awaken even more, so you may deepen your degrees of love, so your hearts may be constantly united with the Supplicant Network of the Universe and that these pleas grant humanity a new opportunity.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who look inward and decide to live transformation, redemption and surrender before God.  

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who no longer battle to establish their will and prestige, their merits and opinions, but who surrender in humility before Mercy and Divine Rehabilitation.  

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not hide behind their responsibilities and tasks, behind what makes them feel indispensable, but who humble themselves before God, offering their service for the transformation of human consciousness. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not fear losing themselves or what they have achieved, but who open themselves up to transform and correct what they are, even if they break themselves. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world; blessed are those who do not fear this Divine Ray, but who nevertheless cry out in every instant of their lives for souls and the whole world to be deserving of Mercy. 

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world, and it will not be long now, children, before it is unleashed upon the face of the Earth. But I warn you and call you to live the Gift of Mercy, so that you yourselves may be the door and the bridge to Divine Mercy, so that even in times of chaos, purification and justice, your sincere, humble and transparent hearts may be worthy of receiving and transmitting Mercy to the world.

The Arrow of Justice is pointed at the world. That is why today I say to you: surrender and no longer resist, trapped in what no longer makes sense; open yourselves to the Truth and receive Mercy. 

Peace will be established in the hearts of those who learn to love and to be merciful. 

You have my blessing for this. 

Your father and friend,  

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Why is it that in times of war, chaos, injustice and revenge, your Celestial Mother comes to speak to you about the Kingdoms of Nature?

That question echoes in the hearts of all those who have yet to learn about the unity that exists between everything that was created.

That question, children, echoes in the hearts of all those who have still not truly experienced union with the Kingdoms of Nature so that they may understand that evolution only fully occurs when each being, of each Kingdom, fulfills their part.

That question echoes in the hearts of the men and women of the world because they have still not perceived that imbalance begins with the inability to be in communion with nature, and that chaos dwells in the spirits of beings because they have not truly found peace through unity with the Kingdoms.

Wars are the expression of a much deeper imbalance; they are the result of a tree with its roots in disconnection with God, and this disconnection is expressed in the impossibility of serving the Kingdoms, contemplating them, communing of their purity, learning through their connection with the Divine. In the same way that human beings have the unique ability to connect with God, the Kingdoms of Nature are part of that connection, of the spiritual science that allows creatures to have contact with their Creator.

The Kingdoms are like a bridge for human beings for the elevation of their consciousness, and in the same way, for the Kingdoms, humanity is like a springboard for their evolution.

While consciousnesses are indifferent to the suffering of the Kingdoms, to the imbalance in nature, to the assault of the species and elements, to the uncontrolled killings, to the unbalanced use, there will always, children, always be wars within and outside of beings; there will always be hatred, resentment and the desire for revenge in hearts.

For this reason, when your Divine Mother comes to meet with you, and in times of wars and chaos, She speaks about the Kingdoms of Nature, She is guiding you to the roots of all evil and to the healing of your consciousnesses, so you may be able to once again find purity and the connection with God, and thus find peace through contact with and service to the Kingdoms.

Work untiringly, children, so this balance may occur. Unite with the Kingdoms, serve them, inspire nature through the awakening of Love, and that will be a great service you will provide for ending the wars within humankind and between nations.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

