Message for the extraordinary Apparition of Mary, Queen and Star of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.

Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.

Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.

Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.

Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past,  in the Fountain, your face and your hands.

Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.

My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.

Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.

To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.

However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.

Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.

And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.

Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.

Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.

The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending. 

However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of  the world.

Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.

If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.

The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.

I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.

And whole 

I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.

Mary, Queen and Star of Peace



Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Fortín Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Little children of My Heart,

Today I want to dictate words of encouragement, of hope, of joy to you, so that united with the attributes of My Heart, you are able to move beyond the tests that God sends to your lives.

My beloveds, these are times of much suffering for the world, for all the Kingdoms of My Heart, and those who are willing, in prayer and in peace, to serve all these Kingdoms must grow and become stronger every day in My Maternal Heart.

Many tests are still to come, and they will be ever more intense and deeper, for the Lord aspires to purify the depths of His creatures.

To overcome each test, your hearts cannot lose their joy and the hope of continuing forward. The joy in the hearts of My children will make each fall light and will help them to get back up, always noticing the great need there is in the world, and how necessary it is to learn to fall and get back up every day.

My Heart addresses all the hearts of the world, because each being that lives on this Earth must awaken to be a soldier of My Marian army, that fights for peace through prayer.

All who live on this Earth at this time come from the Heart of God, and to Him you must return, when you have learned to overcome the tests of life through persistence in the Heart of God and through love.

My children, all the hearts of the world - each one within its lessons - experience hard tests in their maturation. Those that do not know Me are submerged in suffering, and become lost in this sea of pain and of darkness that grows in the world; but those who at some point have heard My Voice, must raise their arms and cannot allow themselves to be submerged in suffering.

Know  how to see, My dear ones, the difficulties of life as opportunities for maturing the spirit, of learning and of helping others that are in this same situation.

The warnings of the Messengers of God are always to propel you towards the Celestial Heart of God. So allow yourselves to be shaped by the Hands of the Creator through His Messengers. Be like light vessels to be shaped by the hands of the Potters of God, so that when it is the correct time, the Water of Life may be poured into your hearts and, through you, it may reach all of humanity and all the Kingdoms.

Today I also tell you that in your hearts, greater love and greater understanding for the Kingdoms of Nature must emerge. Through prayer, seek to know the greatness of these Kingdoms, and in them find My Heart, for in the Kingdoms, My Spirit already has an everlasting dwelling place.

My dears, with the heart full of joy, continue forward in spite of all the tiredness, in spite of all the tests, in spite of the feeling that your feet do not move from where they are. Do not worry, for if you just take one step, My Heart will take all the rest toward your hearts, but it is necessary that this first step be taken.

I love you and bless you always; I hold you in My Sacred Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


When lives are on the edge of the abyss, crossing the dark night, I present Myself as Light and the absolute and safe exit for each being. I come to the encounter of those who decline from various plights on the spiritual path.

My Mercy comes to the world to rescue them from the path of mistakes and of blindness so that they may awaken aspects of life, manifested in a consciousness that has decided to follow Me.

But faith and constancy to be with Me will be, in these unpredictable times of the world, what will define if a soul will be consecrated in spirit to My Heart or if it will live the life that the world offers to it through illusions and fantasies.

The path towards the Light is as straight as a staircase that ascends towards the High. In My Pathway does not exist two paths to get to Me. The soul, during the course of life has the opportunity of recognizing My evolutionary Path and, from then on, to define whether it will follow the Shepherd or its own king.

I am giving to all the same opportunity that I gave during the time of My Passion. The world is at the point of its own game and of its spiritual definition for the Divine or for the worldly. My Heart shelters all of the offers of the souls, but some have told Me from the beginning that in these times they would be with Me to fulfill the purpose of Redemption and of the conversion of the consciousnesses.

For this a boat will not move without the help of the oars. It is necessary to understand the point in which you find your little consciousnesses. I radiate to you My Peace and My Light to strengthen them.

It is time to define with which king you wish to remain: with the Eternal King of the Universe or with the king created by the world?

For this My Spirit comes to liberate souls and to show them the path towards the Lord. Trust in My Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


The one who falls and comes towards My Heart and confesses to it, I will one day liberate it because My Father is pleased when a soul has learned from the same lesson, no matter how many times it has fallen.

Like this is the mercy of My Lord and of His Firstborn Son who is in Heavens and who will come to liberate from hell the many who have suffered in the ignorance of the heart.

For this, those who walk everyday towards Me and in My full trust will find the supreme comfort that I promise for all those who in faith may persist on the path of consecration.

It will be due to each soul of God to learn a part of the great project that was designed in the origins of the origins and that at the end of this cycle humanity, through prayer, service and love must revert to.

May no one be tired of walking because the journey towards the infinite is continuous. Your beings must continue being purified by My Redeemer Fire when you only allow Me to do so and in this way you will find the path of return to the dwellings of My Father in the universe.

Accept that you already live in another time and that this time is radiated day by day by My Light to the places where there is pain and suffering. Walk towards Me and may your feet not get tired of walking for other brothers and sisters so that My Savior Project may be accomplished.

Leave behind your feelings, donate yourselves completely to the outflowing of My Spirit because in this way all will be accomplished. Cultivate a heart of humility and of peace-making so that nothing may disturb you and you may feel in your hearts the need of surrendering yourselves to the others more each day, as My Universal Consciousness has surrendered to each one of you.

I thank you for witnessing My Spirit of Love in this holy day. May the absolution of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit liberate you from all evil and may you achieve eternal life.

I Am with your hearts always.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Those who open their arms to Me will always receive Me in their dwelling.

I Am here for you, to encourage you, above all things, to walk. My Heart forgives you day by day, My Spirit gathers you so that you may decide to follow the path of transformation.

I Am helping you to walk. May My steps be your encouragement to achieve redemption.

I love you and I contemplate you, I absolve you from sin and I conduct you towards My Kingdom. To those who trust in Me, nothing will be lacking. Even if you fall more than once, My Sacred Heart will raise you towards Heavens in mercy and love.

Go ahead! I Am with you, trust in Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Whenever your hearts are stained from faults, My Heart pours Its Blood to wash you and purify you from every disturbance. Such is the immensity of My Mercy because My Truth makes itself truth and wisdom in those who in humility recognize their mistakes.

My Rays move along through the path of your world to be able to touch with My Light those who have abruptly separated themselves from the Creator. For this wait for My Presence every day and do not lose the hope to convert entirely your lives to My Wise Heart.

I Am with you even in mistakes. Have courage to leave behind whatever ties you to the past. Do not fear how many times you fall before Me, fear ever forgetting to ask Me for Help so that I may be able to accompany you to take the cross that My Father has entrusted to you.

Relieve the heart in My Heart through the power of My Wisdom. May your spirit seek to be united to My Spirit despite the tests because in this way you will allow Me to help your consciousnesses.

Accept My Forgiveness and walk in the faith that awakens through the strength of your devotion.

I Am with you, My sons and daughters.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My gaze does not cease to radiate Mercy, not even towards the heartless sinner.

For this, dears, may the faults not be the objective nor the limit of your existence. May your hearts be liberated from them through the love and the constancy that you have by living in My Sacred Heart.

If you clamor for Mercy, in the day of your spiritual and inner judgment before God I will not be a judge but I will be the merciful intercessor for all of your history. My eyes observe today the great and grave sins in the world, offences that hurt and flagellate My Heart. This is for the lack of prayer and for the lack of actions of mercy on the part of all beings.

If you fail Me, do not think of the punishment because God is the living existence of Love and Compassion and His Firstborn Son is the spring that will wash the wounds and that will purify the stains. If you fall, stand up and walk! Carry with braveness the cross that the universe entrusted to you.

Remember that you, through Me, will be redeemed and that the path of redemption starts by recognizing the imperfection of the earthly life. But My Soul observes the beauty that God created in your souls and for this I am with each one of My flocks, to remind you what God manifested to you as life and love.

If you let fall the veils of the consciousness do not be surprised by what you will see, but watch out that the path of your transformation may be guided by the powerful rhythm of prayer.

Remember that I love you and that My Love is greater than the extension of your faults. In My Paternal Love I liberate you and I purify you. In My Love I guard you and I conduct you because in My Love I consecrate you.

Carry the cross with joy, see the beautiful side of your purification and allow that My Heart accompany you within your dwellings. I encourage you to go ahead without delay, the moment justifies it.

Under the Grace and the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for contemplating My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of souls. 


Children of My Father, come and enter into My Heart if you truly want to be apostles of My Sacred Mercy.

Today I come to wake up one more part of My flock. I come to summon the sheep that faithfully follow My Heart so that they may confirm the vows of trust in the words of God.

If your beings truly aspire to live the Laws of My Kingdom I tell you that you will have to walk much, that there is much sacrifice to live from now on. But those of you who say yes to Me and who renovate the commitment with Me will always have My hands to sustain you and to elevate you each time that you see yourselves fallen.

Dears, do not worry about the falls because only the soldier that takes the risk of walking can fall. And for those I come every day.

My sacred eyes of Mercy observe you always and accompany your awakening and your walking, ready to impel you each time that it may be necessary.

I asked to be among My favorite flock because I know the need that each sheep has of being by the side of its Shepherd and Redeemer.

Feel at this moment and all of the days, by means of My words, the true power of My Mercy because the time has passed, all have before themselves the keys for transformation. I am no longer able to see soldiers that stay behind from being asleep.

Soon will come the time in which I will knock on the door of your houses to reclaim that which was given to you so long ago so that it could be multiplied.

From those who so many times have heard My Call I will seek the multiplied gifts and talents. And about those who have never heard the Voice of the Master, I will try to enter into their hearts

and I will deposit there the Sacred Mercy that will exist until the last moment of this test that My soldiers and My servers are taking today.

Listen to My Voice and multiply My Love.

Today I bring all to you.

By the Grace of God, be blessed.

Christ Jesus.


Partners of My Path,

I know that sometimes you fall to My right and My left. For this, today, in the name of the unfathomable and infinite mercy,  I come to meet you, because My Heart, wounded by the thorns of humanity, searches for relief in the dwellings that are still impure, because My Divine Love comes to consecrate them, searches for relief in the empty dwellings, because My Love comes to take away loneliness, searches to relieve the dwellings that are in pain, because My Love comes to fill each soul with healing.

Come toward Me and trust! I know very well about your difficulties and your talents, those which you have to give Me. Open the door so that My Sacred Mercy may free your past and your heart. Let Me find a space for Myself inside of your being.

What more do you want, My Sons and Daughters? Can I just stay close to your inner life?

I know which desert your are now walking in and I know where you have been.  Unite to My caravan, which heads to the destiny of redemption.  Trust in the great Pilgrim who walks the world looking for a place to land and rest.  The great moment for the awaited encounter with Me is at hand, and all the servants must be prepared from the heart.

Stay in Me so that I may stay in you. Just wait in patience and in vigil for the great encounter.  I Am with you to encourage you to live in My Meriful Hope.  I know that you fear to look at Me, to even find Me before your little life.  Now wait, just wait for Me, because I Am arriving to each being.

Quiet yourselves and be serene within My Heart, I want you to be born into eternal life, to the encounter with My Redeeming Love.  I forgive your falls, but I contemplate your love for Me. Today I stay inside of you in prayer.

In the Grace of God, be merciful to one another. 

Thank you for keeping My signs in your hearts!

Christ Jesus

At the end of Christ's message, I saw arise again from the Heart of Christ a blue source of light that He pours out upon us, it was the Source of His Grace and He transmitted to us the following prayer:


Prayer to ask for the Grace of the Merciful Jesus

 For the Source of Grace
that springs as a fount
from the Heart of Jesus,
Lord, have Mercy on all of us.


To download this prayer, click here

To those that are fallen, I will raise them. To those that are sad, I will cheer them. To those who have lost hope, I will give them hope. The ones who suffer, I will relieve them. Dear children, these are promised from My Son.

For this, pray, pray with the heart so that all My children may receive this precious and merciful act from My Son.  My Heart serves you as a support, as a guard and as a salvation, so do not fear the falls of life.  Today I invite you, through the Divine Spirit of Christ, to rise from where you are and walk again, held by My Beloved Son’s Hands of Light.

You dear children must build in your hearts through prayer the promises of the Live Christ as a preparation for the new time of peace and in honor of the return of Jesus, which is awaited by all.

Today each one of My little ones must see themselves as a disciple who having received the instruction of the Master of Love, now awaits in vigil the coming of the next call.

Thus My children, My Heart of Mother in this time brings you again to the call of prayer, to forgiveness, to reconciliation and to mercy; may your hearts purify the feelings and all intention become pure and crystalline as the water of a charming river.

Open your hearts, day by day, before the Voice of My Heart because know well that God calls you so that your lives manifest the gift of peace and of meekness for this time.

The world may receive from you the prayers, but even more it may receive the effort to transform life into an instrument of My Peace.

I prepare you with love and I guide you with immense maternal love.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
