My children,

Pray, pray much so that in each moment of your day God may hear you and thus His Magnificent Spirit of Love will be able to work through all creatures.

Dear children, pray, pray much so that your souls and the souls in all of the world may receive the consolation and the Mercy that they are waiting for.

Pray and do not tire of praying, because in prayer the strength and the loving dialogue of your hearts with God is to be found.

Pray, pray for the time of changes that will come, so that each heart of this world may listen with humility to the lovely requests of My Immaculate Heart.

Pray to open the Doors of the Heavens so that the angels may be present with their love and service on Earth and so that this can allow the hearts of many consciousnesses to change. When you reach a harmonious and loving prayer you will be going through the path towards contemplation of the Most High and your beings will be as sparks of Light in the universe.

Pray for those who do not pray. Pray for those who do not love. Pray for all of humanity because the prayer of the heart will guide you as a mother guides her little child.

This is why, dear children, My Maternal and Devotional Heart is among you to teach you to walk through the path of prayer and conversion.

Throughout these last months you have known the Face of the Queen of Peace, of the Mother of God, but still, My children, you must love the daily prayer until your hearts recognize that the prayer of all the groups will change the world.

When in Lourdes I called for penitence, I was calling the world to reflection, to the awakening of the consciousness before the actions.

In Fatima, I called the world to daily prayer so that souls would weave, by means of the rosary, a new web of peace and redemp- tion that could help the world.

In Medjugorje, I called you to fasting and prayer, just as in Aurora where, for five years, I have been asking humanity for a little more sacrifice and effort so that it may be able to balance itself before the events that are outside the Law of God.

In Salta, Argentina, I called you to heal the heart through the adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. I was calling everyone to consider the importance of the daily union with My Son the Redeemer, through the Communion with His Holy Body and His Sacred Blood.

Today, dear children, I call you to the awakening in yourselves of the new time, to the preparation of your hearts through prayer, through adoration, confession, fasting and the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

My children, after so many calls and warnings to humanity, today I call you to live your conversion and your redemption by means of prayer and peace.

Dearest children, you are part of the beautiful Project of God, you can be an expression of My Peace and the Divine Peace of My Son.

Children of My Father, now, recognizing the power of My Maternal Requests, again I call you to the prayer of the heart, because prayer will help the whole world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

I am also with you in the adoration to the Sacred Heart of My Son. I assure you, dear children, that in It you will find the strength that your hearts need in these moments.

Little ones, the contemplation of the Divine Heart of Christ is important for your lives. Each union that is established between you and His Spirit opens a door to the reconciliation of all the causes that by mistake may have been committed.

Never forget, dear children, this perfect union with Christ so that in the times of test you may have the will to continue on the path that will take you to Him. Today I call you so that your hearts may put their attention on this ministry.

The adoration of My Glorified Son will help you to understand better the situations of life. This will allow you, My little ones, to be able to give all to His Most Holy Heart.

Adoration is an act of constant restoration of life, of mind and spirit for all hearts. In contemplation begins for you a path of communion with Christ so that later you may be able to merge yourselves with Him in the adoration.

Know, My dear ones, that this exercise is of importance for all hearts. I must tell you that the goal of your hearts will be to not take this sacred exercise as if it were just one more passage in life. Each meeting for the adoration of the Sacred Heart of My Son must be an act of reparation for your hearts and for your little souls. This will help so that the world, which adores other forms more, may at least convert itself little by little from the heart and from the soul.

Each one of your hearts must love the adoration done before the Heart of My Son. You must establish an alliance with His Sacred Heart. This will be the beginning for hope and for good will.

For this reason, My little ones, I invite you to enter into the ocean of adoration. There you will remain, traveling a new path towards Him. In this way you will unite to His beloved Heart and you will help in the relief of all hearts that do not contemplate Him.

The first hour of salvation will occur by means of the adoration of the Heart of Christ; the adoration will prepare you for what will come afterwards.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Let us pray for those who do not adore God. Let us pray for those who do not love God.

Let us pray for those who do not surrender themselves to Light.

In reverence to the Heart of Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

