If you observe the universe, you shall see countless stars, you shall feel the greatness of God and of His Creation; you shall aspire to dive into this All that express itself before your eyes.  Contemplate the starry sky and recognize the presence of God in a dimension that, while it may seem distant, permeates all that has been created.

If you cannot find the life of the spirit in the invisible of your own inner world, then contemplate the starry sky and you shall feel the presence of those who are Blessed in this sky and that wait for your awakening.

If your soul cannot aspire to anything higher than the material life, then raise your physical eyes upwards, contemplate the blue of the sky in a sunny day and feel that behind that blue is God, waiting to be your purest and truest aspiration.

Seek in the beauty that exists, upon your being, the greatness of God, and you shall find the truth of the spirit in your interior.

If it seems too far to achieve a spiritual discovery only through the heart, discover then in the hidden side of the Kingdoms of Nature, the same truths that you seek in the silence of your inner world.

All the Creation is permeated by the same divine principles.  Some will discover the magnitude of the Spirit of God in the silence of the heart, others will find Him contemplating the blue sky, others will seek Him in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, others, in the pure example of a brother or a sister that is true in the walk.  The Creator is in everything and the one who seeks Him, within their possibilities, in a crystal clear way, shall find Him.

The mysteries are only mysteries for those who do not want to unveil them, because the same principle that creates and recreates life in the universe is the one that animates the beings in theworld.  God is in all things.  Seek Him, unite with Him.  Make life sacred, through this permanent quest for the Creator of all.

This is My message for today.  The search for God dignifies the human heart and gives a meaning to its existence, which is the return to the Origin.

Your beloved Father and Guide, Saint Joseph


Enter into the plenitude of God existing  in your heart and never lose hope in achieving His Purpose.

When I was on Earth, as Joseph of Nazareth, the chaos of My time and the ignorance of those who were around Me led Me to seek the Divine Spirit even more assiduously.  I understood, in My quest, that I should be the engine for the elevation and transformation of all those who were around Me.

It was the faith that inhabited in My interior, by itself, that would touch the hearts of people and would make them ask themselves internally what was the mystery which that Family was living and if it was not God Himself that was in person among Them.

Know that God Himself is among you and you must announce this grace in the silence of your transformation and in the experience of the sacred attributes that the Lord has infused in your consciousnesses.

May all the souls that come close to your beings be impelled to seek the Divine and, even if they do not know well the focus of their quest, may they feel that it conducts them to the Heights, to the Universe, to the Boundless.

You live today, as a group, one of the greatest graces ever delivered to the humanity.

The spirit of love must be made flesh in each one of those who follow the Divine Messengers and, in this way, this love will expand to all humanity.

Each step that you take, in your days, you must offer to God, aware that many essences depend on this awakening and on this evolutionary path that you are traversing.

Drink from the Source of the Divine Words of Christ and fill your beings in the certainty that He is the one who pronounces them.  Let yourselves be molded and matured by the spiritual impulses of Mary and consecrate, little by little, all the consciousness to the Divine.  Dive into the simplicity of My Words and make of them a manual for life on Earth.

Be simpler of heart and never tire of seeking the spirit of simplicity.  It is only in this way that you will cross the Celestials Portals with the humility of a child.

Do not lose faith and trust the unpredictability of the human heart.  Search for the potential that you do not know about yourselves and, in prayer and reflection, unveil the mysteries of your own inner world.

I leave you My Peace.

Saint Joseph, your Father and Guardian for these times


I was raised in the spirit of humility in the Kingdom of the Heavens, having it as a primary attribute to the story I would write in the world.  Such as I bring that divine attribute, each soul and each essence bring in their interior an attribute to manifest.

My rearing was no different from yours, I just had the mission of being an example to humanity and, throughout My existence in the world, I was helped to do so.

Since I was a child, I knew that something inside of Me could not live the same life that My brothers and sisters envisioned.  This search for the purpose that the Creator had for Me often made Me move away from the world and even from those that I loved.

I lived many instances of solitude, in order to try to find a meaning to life, and when I found it in the union with God, I discovered that in My solitude all those that I loved were found.

Although I was not understood by many, I sustained Myself in faith and in the trust that such life was lived for the good and for the evolution of all those who were around Me and that, without knowing how, what I was living was helping them.

I was twelve years old when I sought in the silence what God had for Me, and that I could not find in the daily life that I was living together with My brothers and sisters.  In silence and prayer, I began to grow in spirit and to discover that maturity was not in the age and that, even though I was so small, I wound find in the spirit all the understandings that I needed in order to grow.

It was like this that I consecrated the existence to God and He listened to Me and accepted My offer; He showed Me His Plan, in this and in other lives.  In that moment, I did not know of the absolute greatness of the mission that awaited Me and only before Jesus, as a child, I could understand and overcome bigger tests.

I tell you all that because God also came to you, placed you before all the absurd of this world and impelled you to seek a true meaning to life.  He led you to the path of the consecration of the soul;  some, of the spirit, and others, of all the aspects of the being.

Through His Triune Spirit, He revealed to you a mission: to prepare the return of Christ and to become an example to the souls that will not have a guide in these times of so much confusion.

If you dive into your own inner world, you will find all the maturity of the spirit and you will grow quickly, much beyond the material bodies.  You will understand what is incomprehensible to the human mind that is not united to its spirit and, even if you do not know how to elaborate great thesis and scientific explanations about what you live, you will know God and will live Him.  You will manifest His Purpose and pass through many tests, until you fulfill the primary mission entrusted by Him.

But, before the Living Christ, all the regrets will become small and transitory. There will not be any suffering or tribulation that will not be rewarded before the greatness of His Love and the glory of His Resplendent Spirit.

It is for this that I come to the world: to teach you to repeat what I lived as Joseph of Nazareth.  So that you may understand that the essence of the human journey is the same and that, with the same naturalness that the mistakes repeat themselves so many times, glory also repeats itself, holiness repeats itself, the birth and the return of Christ will repeat themselves.  As well as He resurrected in Spirit and opened the Heavens to His ascent, He will return and open the Heavens to touch His Feet on the ground of this world.

I bless you and guide you to the fulfillment of the spiritual mission of the human heart.

Saint Joseph, confident and faithful Servant of God


Be grateful and become worthy of listening to the words of God through His Messengers.

In the simplicity of the heart, thank for not being submersed in the common humanity that ignores the existence of God.

While you are today before My Heart, there are many others that should be by your side, and however, ignore their own commitment to God and to His Plan.

While humanity purifies itself by suffering and by chaos, you purify yourselves by consciousness.

While the world loses itself in the technologies and in the supposed material progress, your spirits try to grow and progress in the fulfillment of a Superior Plan.

The Eyes of God are fixed on the small portion of humanity that will still have a chance to manifest His Purpose, but, for this, you must assume your own transformation with maturity and not with regret.

No longer cry nor ask for forgiveness for the mistakes you have made.  Recognize the Grace that you have received to take news steps and do not miss the opportunity of growing.

The Voice of God always pronounces Itself to lead you to evolution.   Listen with attention to the corrections of life and follow through the path pointed out by the Creator and not through your own paths.

The cure for all ills is in never losing the faith of heart and, with this unbreakable faith, taking the steps towards transformation, without lamenting it, just with profound gratitude.

Gratitude is the key to living the Will of God and to let oneself be shaped by it.  Never lose sight of it.

If you take with seriousness and maturity the goals proposed by the Lord and walk determined to them, all that happens around will accommodate itself, because the Ray of the Will of God will come in aid.

That each one take for oneself all the words that have been said to this day and walk without fear of losing oneself.

For the sake of the spiritual growth of humanity and for the awakening of all beings, I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of the Supreme God


In the essence of human beings are found all the potentials to be developed in the awakening of love and fraternity.  The essence is the tabernacle of one of the greatest mysteries of the Universal Creation because there, is what God created of the most perfect, to be developed and manifested in favor of the evolution of all creatures, much beyond this world.

This treasure that inhabits inside of each one of you is silent and humble and it will never show itself if you do not leave in search for it.

All you need in order to express with perfection what you truly are is found inside each one of you.  What happens is that you are always very busy in showing to the world something you are not and that you place all your effort in not moving, not even a little, from this position, in order to not lose the appearances that you have already achieved, the respect you have gained and the example you have became in their lives.

Each time you try to appear to be something in order to delight others, more you distance yourselves from what you are in essence, because the more you achieve good appearances, the more you lose interest to seek what you must be and that is found in the opposite of what the human being learned to manifest.

Do not be afraid of not being recognized, because the less recognition and more anonymity, the more freedom you will have to distance yourselves from the old humanity and dive into your own inner world, seeking for the essential truths of the existence of humanity.

The human beings are entangled in their own traps and travel leagues away, seeking a truth that lies in their own interior, only for the fear of finding themselves alone with their own selves.

Dear companions, God allowed Me to bring to the world great truths with simple words and lead you to humility without hurting your hearts.  You just need to penetrate deeply into the love that I deposit in each phrase and let yourselves be permeated in the discovery of the inner world that I am revealing to you.

With love and patience, take each impulse and try to live something different each day, even if you never come to realize the results of your own transformation.

I love you and leave you My blessing, My peace and My serenity, so that you may progress in the discovery of your own inner truth.

Saint Joseph, Father and Instructor of all souls that walk towards the Heart of Christ


The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations.  Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.

While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.

In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.

Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious.  Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.

Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.

If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you.  I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.

While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a  personal intention that must be purified.

When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.

For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves.  On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.

Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day.  And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal.  The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.

I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God


Enter in communion with the kingdoms of nature and learn to love the essence of the Creation.  Observe the kingdoms and learn how to live permanently under the sublime Laws of God, in perfect harmony with the Creator.

In His Divine Plan, the Creator granted an attribute for each expression of His Divine Face, for the kingdoms of the planet to manifest.

Commune with the peace, with the harmony, with the beauty of the waters; commune with the healing and with the liberation of the minerals.

Commune with the elevation of the trees and with the constant spirit of self-giving of the Plant Kingdom which, in its humility, always delivers the best to God, no matter how it will be treated, cared for or loved by others. The Plant Kingdom knows of the Divine Law of self-giving to God and to His Higher Plan. Contemplate this kingdom and through it discover the secret of the emptiness of self. 

Contemplate the Animal Kingdom and learn from its love for life; learn to defend the Laws of God, to take care of your neighbor and to be always faithful to the One you fully love.  Learn from the plenitude of the Animal Kingdom and, with the same naturalness of heart, be a guardian of Life and of the Perfection of God.

Contemplate in your inner world the angels and devas, who in the invisible create and recreate the beauty of this manifested world.  Learn from them to manifest beauty in silence, to work in secret and to deliver the best, without the need for anyone to know of your existence.  Live the sublime attribute of humility that the angels and devas express in the world.

Contemplate the elements and how they complement one another; then discover how to share what the other needs in order to express themselves.  Be like the wind, which permits the existence of fire, and gives to its neighbor all possibilities for being that which is perfect and which is latent in their interior.

And, learning from the Kingdoms of Nature, express that which is most sublime that the human being has: its possibility of learning that which is most beautiful in all Existence, and of living it, within itself, in the essence of love for the Creation.

I love you and wait for you to have simple hearts and meek spirits, always willing to observe the Creation and to learn; always willing to love and to give from yourselves that which is missing in the other, for them to achieve perfection.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph, Apprentice and Servant of the Kingdoms of Creation


There are mysteries that only are revealed to the simple soul, the one that, in its simplicity, stops aspiring to the things of the world and starts to place the focus of its evolution in living what is real and completely unknown by it.

Know that even that soul that is apparently traversing a spiritual path, when it has some goal or material aspiration for itself, will never understand the paths of God and will not be capable of entering truly in His Heart.

The soul that puts itself on the right path is the one that does not aspire to absolutely any merit in this world.  All that it builds up in its material life, including its own transformation, is done with the single intention of obeying what God asks it, knowing that something He will do with all that.  Its true aspiration is in dissolving itself in God, finding Him and being nothing within His Greatness.

That was the essence of the Sacred Family, which was an example to all of humanity.

In the material life, offer all with endeavor, effort and perfection, so that whatever God asks may be materialized, not for you to become the constructors of the work of God, but only to obey Him, no matter the purpose that He will give to all that you live.

If you make yours the goals of God, you run the risk to place your own will into the celestial designs; you will try to discover what the goal of God is and, at the thought of knowing it, when it does not materialize itself, you will feel that you have failed.

My dear companions, do you understand then the essence of being a worker of God?  The worker of God does not know how the end of this work will be, they do not know what they are constructing, they just lay, each day, the brick wherever it is asked to them.  And they make it with much freedom and with much love, because this work it is not theirs, it is of God.

The true goal of the worker is not to materialize the work, but to obey, each day, the great Celestial Constructor.

Set, then, your aspirations in the right place and abandon your own goals, even if they may seem spiritual to you.  Each day, let yourselves be constructed by God and do not want to know in what will result His work.  Just love being servants of the Creator, trust in His perfection, and with simplicity, you will find absolute union with Him.

In this way, it will not matter if you live failure to human eyes because in your interior you will know that only God, who is perfect, knows the results of His works.

The humble and simple heart will uncover many mysteries.

I leave you My Blessing and My Peace.

Saint Joseph, Eternal Worker and Servant of God


Devotional of Saint Joseph to achieve the Divine Spirit of Unity

Union Bead
By the Power that God granted You, 
Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
teach us to live in the Divine Spirit of Unity.

First decade
Under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
may all atavisms, selfishness and vanities
that separate us from the Heart of God be dissolved.

Second decade
By the power granted to the Most Pure Saint Joseph, 
may all stains and sins
that separate souls from the Kingdoms of Nature be absolved.

Third decade
Under the intercession of the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all evil aspects
that prevent unity among human beings
be expelled and transcended.

Fourth decade
By the power of charity and love, present in the Chaste Heart,
may all misunderstandings
that separate us from the Sublime Universe of God
be dissolved.

Fifth decade
For all the attributes achieved through the paternity of Saint Joseph,
may the virtues and gifts of the Most Chaste Heart 
manifest in humanity,
thus uniting the human heart to all of God's Creation.

This devotional is to be prayed by all those who aspire to achieve unity within themselves, with others, with the kingdoms of nature, with the Angelical Universe of the Creator and with the Divine and the Most Pure Consciousness of God.

If you pray with the heart, aspiring to transcend all the human aspects of separation caused by pride, vanity, and selfishness, you will be able to achieve My Holy Intercession.

By clamoring to God for the virtues achieved by Saint Joseph, you will allow My blessing to permeate you and My love to open the doors so that you may enter into a new cycle as humanity.

I love you, bless you and give you new keys for the transformation of life.

Saint Joseph, prayerful Servant of God


Stay in peace and listen in the silence of the heart to My words, that are the words of God, expressed by His Messengers.

Enter into the Divine Consciousness in prayer and find there all that you need in order to take your steps towards the transformation of life.

Dear companions, in order to find God it is necessary to never lose peace in your hearts.  Do not allow that the tribulations of the world disturb you and, whenever you feel that you are beginning to wander  away from God, silence and enter into prayer.  Remember, then, the presence of the Sacred Hearts in your lives and allow that all that was deposited into your essences be able to emerge and come in aid.

To keep yourselves in the path without hesitating and reach the goal established by God, never lose peace in your hearts and fight against yourselves so that peace may be established in your interior.

In the spirit of peace, you will find all the answers that you need and they will serve as tools in the Hands of God, to bring peace to those who have lost it and to those who have never found it.

May this attribute of peace, primary for these times, be the greatest treasure in the heart of those who follow Christ.

I love you, guide you and bless you always.

Your Father and Instructor, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions and servants of God,

Today I invite you to meditate, with the essence of the heart, on all graces that you have received and that you keep receiving until the days of today.  I invite you to meditate on the true reason why you have been gathered by the Divine Messengers and on what is the potential that is hidden inside of each one and that, in this time, God aspires to reveal to you.

Know, My beloved ones, that I do not come to the world only to instruct a part of humanity, so that in this way you may become wiser and may have a life a little more peaceful to enjoy.  My Chaste Heart has a clear mission, that has been delivered to Me since the beginning of My arrival to this world.  At the request of the Most High Lord, I come to open the human consciousness and provide to it the possibility to live according to the Will of the Creator.

I come so that, little by little, drop by drop, humanity may cease to be a wound in the Heart of the Father and may become the concretization of His expected Project, a favorite one in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

The responsibility of those who listen to Me is huge and it would neither fit into your minds nor into your little hearts.  It is for this that, day by day, the Divine Messengers invite you to trust in the Words of God pronounced by the Sacred Hearts, because the true essence and reason why we come every day to this world you will hardly be able to understand.

Know that the Creator counts on a few soldiers that are willing to follow Him unconditionally; that are willing to leave behind what they have been in order to be reborn in a new humanity, completely opposite to what today expresses itself in the world.

In the midst of the ignorant and blind humanity, the few who try to keep their faith are being suffocated by the armies of darkness, and you are before the Voice of God that instructs you day by day to be simple of heart and humble, because this is the only way to balance everything that today happens in the world.

As incredible as it may seem to you and sometimes absurd, I tell you, companions, that the Creator counts on each one of those who are able to listen to His Voice and follow It.  And your daily efforts to transform yourselves, even though they may be minimal, are being placed on the scales of the Celestial Judge.

All the instructions I bring to you are brought in order to mitigate the Justice that will descend upon the world, but for that, you must not only consider the words of the Messengers of God to be beautiful, but you must also live them.  If this were not so, what value would Our coming into the world have?

I will guide you and deliver My last impulses to humanity, in the Divine Hope that at least one soul will listen and live what I have to say and teach.

I plead to God every day for the awakening of hearts, so that at least a few may discover how simple it is to follow the steps of God and how true is the celestial freedom that is found by abandoning the old and opening oneself to be a seed of the new humanity. In Portuguese when you say “uns poucos” it means “a few”. The use of “ones” is redundant because it is implied that we are talking about people. So if we say “a few ones” it sounds very strange to the reader.

I love you and I will guide you untiringly.

Saint Joseph, the Faithful Peacemaker of God


I come in this afternoon to reveal you the supreme truth of My Heart: one of pillars to the consecration of spirit is the love to solitude; solitude that finds the Heart of the Eternal Father, and inside Him, all the Creation.

The consecration of life requires from beings to abandon all the expectations towards the others and towards themselves.   May you not want to achieve anything,  not even an spiritual attribute, to demonstrate your progress to anyone.

As long as you are tied to the need of showing results in your transformations, you will always stagnate in the same point and, now and again, you will find the same miseries as always.  Because the definitive transformation comes from the true consecration to God and to be consecrated to God is to surrender to Him everything that you are.  Even if you may not obtain any results or achieve any goal, it will not matter what you have accomplished, because what you are belongs to God and to no one else.

When I talk about solitude, I talk about detachment from companions in your paths.  I do not mean by it that, from now on, you must be physically alone; I only mean that you must take your own steps, even if you are the only ones in the whole world assuming a path of transformation.  And even if everyone around you do not recognize this path and do not make any effort to traverse it, you must do it anyway.

The consecration must be between the soul itself, the spirit itself, and God.  No interference from life on Earth must move you away from the possibility of launching yourselves into the abyss of surrender to the Creator.

One of the reasons, My dears, why humanity does not reach the Celestials Principles, is the impossibility of most beings to detach themselves from everything that the others expect from them, and also to walk without depending on steps of others, on external encouraging from those who accompany them.

As you see, this path is hard and arid, but the source found once you cross this desert is eternal, and if a being is able to arrive at it, they can quench the thirst of all of humanity.

Know that, even though this path is filled by the spirit of solitude and of surrender, you will do it for all those that have not encouraged themselves to walk.  The merits generated by one of you will result into the salvation of many souls.

For this I tell you again: consecrate yourselves to the Creator every day and live for Him, and not for anyone else, nor for yourselves.  Thus, you will abandon the necessity of doing deeds that do not build the Project of God for the insecurity and the fear to not be accepted by the others.

The Lord expects you to clean the floor you walk, to remove the dry leaves and to see the marks of His Feet on the ground.  Follow His Footprints.  There was nobody more lonely and detached from Himself and from the world than the Son of God, His example and Eternal Salvation.

Under the Love of Christ, I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


 Where to seek the essence of humility? In the midst of human degeneration, where to find the purity and the simplicity that God expects from His creatures?

When we say: “Be humble”, the hearts ask themselves: How?

Humility is born from the love for others and for God; from the reverence that emerges from this love, because the heart that loves recognizes the sacred and the divine essence present in each thing.

The human beings have lost the reference of the sacred and trivialize the greatness of the Creation for the arrogance and the ignorance that have impregnated the heart of humans.

To return to the sacred is like entering into a universe almost completely unknown to you and, by trying to seek it and live it, many feel that they are fantasizing or living something that does not correspond to their reality in this world.

But today I tell you, dear companions, that you feel all that because your cells are so impregnated with the obscurity of the world and humanity is so separated from God that, as I already told you, this path of transformation is for the brave of spirit.

It will be necessary to overcome the world and, above all, to overcome yourselves.  Ask to your souls and your spirits to teach you to live in the sacred and to help you to find the path to live the attribute of reverence.

Humility can only be found when the consciousness is capable of recognizing the presence of God in every being, and feeling like this, you will act offering to others always the best.  What will not God deserve inside the other?

As an exercise of humility, seek to find the Creator in all things and in everything seek the best: the best attribute that expresses a brother or a sister, a kingdom of nature or any expression of the Creation.

Do not seek in the fellow human, the miseries, in order to rejoice to be better than the others.  Seek in the others that attribute that you still have not achieved.  Find the Creator in His Creatures and love them just as if you had God Himself before your eyes.  Serve this God, deliver the best to Him and, by doing like this, in the essence of simplicity, you will find open doors to humility, to reverence and to love, and little by little, you will banish from the interior, the old human, that only seeks to establish their own kingdom, the achievement of vantages and the security of being better than the others.

With simple keys for the human consciousness, those who may overcome their pride and may try to follow what I tell you will flourish in the gardens of the Creation as a flower that expresses the principles of God.

May peace and humility be living essences in the human heart.

Saint Joseph, the Tireless Servant of God


In the spirit of simplicity, surrender your own will to God and do not be afraid of following His Designs that are often incomprehensible to the human mind, but will always be full of perfection.

The Will of God always will echo in the interior of the heart that silences to listen to Him, and the one who aspires to follow this Will shall know that this profound feeling is real, is true.

God always speaks in the intimate of His creatures, but, in most of the times, the noise that exists in the interior of the beings is very big for the constant seeking of contentment that you will not achieve in this world.  In other cases, they occupy even the soul in purely material aspirations and they cannot listen to their own heart or, in order to not follow it, they doubt that this feeling and this inner voice are true.

But today I tell you that to follow the Will of God, you must be brave and firm in spirit, as in the heart, because humanity is far away from what it should express and, often, the hearts of good will, that try to walk to God, are making their efforts to the opposite path.

With this, I do not want tell you to abandon all that you do, but to listen more to the Voice of God in your own interior and to be more attentive to listen to Him and willing to follow Him when He gives you clear indications.

This possibility of uniting to God will never be taken from you.  The voice of God fulfills the spirit and rejoices the soul; do not confuse it with the voice of mind that quenches the aspirations of the senses and vanities.

This is My message for today: in the silence of the heart, listen to God and, in the courage of spirit, answer to His call.

I bless you today and always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sister Lucía de Jesús: When Saint Joseph appeared today, He presented Himself in a way I had never seen before.  He was dressed with a white tunic and a brown mantle that was held on His left shoulder and fell upon the tunic.  He had in His right hand a branch of tuberose a little to one side, with three little flowers almost on top of it.  His eyes were shining like never before, with a very light honey color.  He looked younger, about 40 years old.  He had the hair just above His shoulders and was standing on a green field among the clouds.  He said that this was the image of the day when He was chosen to marry Mary in the temple and that this was the face that He wanted us to know in this time, because it would give us the impulse we need in order to start a new cycle.  That moment represented to Saint Joseph the beginning of a new and definitive cycle, when He entered into the development of the archetype of God for humanity.

Today I come to meet you with this face because it is in this way that I will talk to you from now on, bringing to the world the impulses of the first steps of the sanctity of My Chaste Heart.

With this symbol, I want to demonstrate to you that the first step to start a new cycle, a new life, guided by the Will of the Most High God, is the transparency in the heart, in the mind and in the senses.  Being that transparent, do not hide from your fellow humans what you truly are and never try to hide yourselves from God.  It is by being true and transparent, before everyone and everything, that you will be able to begin this path.

Do not be afraid of proclaiming your own faith and spiritual journey; and do not live according to the tendencies of the world just to not look different to the eyes of people.

If you do not seek to hide yourselves from God and offer Him every day your own miseries, as well as your virtues, you will know then what must be transformed and what must be strengthened, under the spirit of humility and prayer.

May the simplicity of the heart open the paths so that you can be truthful, without fear.  If you aspire to this, you will discover in yourselves a potential that has always been hidden by the layers of the fake faces that you would like to appear to the world in order to, thus, feel as a common part of this degenerated humanity.

Feel now as a part of the Project of God and open yourselves so that, little by little, you may be able to lose what you appear to be today, in order to discover what you truly are.

I bless you and impel you,

Your instructor and guide,

the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

In the end of the message, Saint Joseph transmitted the following prayer:

Prayer to begin the spiritual trajectory toward the discovery of the New Human Being, which, in truth, is the beginning of the manifestation of humanity, which has never before found a space to descend to the consciousnesses of this world. Those who pray from the heart will open new doors for their own transformation.


Inspirational Prayer of Saint Joseph
to manifest the New Humanity

Saint Joseph,
may Your humility reflect in our hearts
as a symbol of simplicity
and the recognition of the greatness of God.

May Your sacred face inspire our paths
and, through You,
may we discover the essence of the New Humanity:
expression of the perfection of God,
profound likeness with the Creator,
living manifestation of the fount of His Divine Mercy.

In Your Chaste Heart,
Saint Joseph, Servant of God,
may we learn to let ourselves be guided
by the Sovereign Will of the Creator.



As an enormous Grace brought from the Kingdom of the Heavens, My Chaste Heart comes to announce to the world the last year of Messages that I will deliver to humanity.  And as the main blessing for all the hearts, during the period from August 20th of 2015 to August 20th of 2016, I will deliver the first cycle of daily Messages from Saint Joseph to humanity.

It is in this way that, in the urgency of the days, My Chaste Heart begins to deliver to all the step by step for the emergence of the New Humanity.

When this cycle of messages finishes, I will not come to the world as before and this will be the sign that the time of definitive probations begins.

The Divine Messengers, for Your prayers and claims, have reached the grace to deliver this last impulse to humanity with the purpose that all you may need to transit in the times that will come be available for your souls and consciousnesses.

Never forget that this impulse will come as a last opportunity of following the steps of God and in this way, impelled by My Humble and simple Heart, you may be able to follow the steps that conduct you to the materialization of this superior Plan of Existence.

Through My words, I will take humanity to the discovery of the sacred and, with examples and revelations of My Holy life, I will try for the last time to conduct you to the holiness of spirit and heart.

Know that you are graced spirits, in the midst of a humanity that suffers and degenerates itself day by day through the consequences of its actions.  You must reflect and meditate about what the spirit of eternal gratitude is, because you are being deservers of this grace, and about what God expects from the souls that listen to Him by means of His Messengers.

While suffering and illusion expand themselves throughout this world, God gives you the grace of awakening and, with His Messengers, learning the true essence of humanity existence that has not yet manifested itself fully in this world, except in His Son and in the Sacred Family that followed Him and learned from Him.

May the spirit of peacemaking become life in your beings.  You will discover thus that it is on the most simple transformations that you will reach the manifestation of the New Humanity.  Many seek to do great works and forget that it is in the spirit of humility that you find the true key to open the doors of Heaven and to unite yourselves to the Consciousness of God again.

I love you and I expect you to be awaked and attentive to this new and last cycle of instructions of My Chaste Heart.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and Apprentice of God

Monthly Messages

As well as disbelief emerges in the heart of humanity, also faith will emerge.  The spirit of God raptures those who in trust are willing to live according to the designs of the Creator.

Many will be the destinations presented before the human eyes and will be the small but true impulses from the heart, the ones that will dictate through which path will enter the consciousness.

Humanity, companions, is in its great moment of definition and many do not want to see and feel; they close their eyes to what happens around them and lock the heart to the reality of a superior life.

Throughout all the human history, the Creator placed you before a great step that would define the course of humanity, but almost all the times you preferred the material power to the simplicity of spirit.  Now there is no longer time to deliberate on which paths to follow; it is no longer time to experiment, but to define.

The human heart was created by God as a form to cure all the universal ills, because, in the life of the universe, one thing would thwart the beings from reaching God: the impossibility of abandoning their desires, aspirations and goals, even the most spirituals one, to merge themselves with their Creator.  For this was conceived and manifested this human project, that from the beginning contains in itself all the capital forces that are capable of imprisoning humanity, with profound roots, into the matter.

Great would be the challenge and for that God sent to Earth the most perfect that existed in the Universe.  To demonstrate to humanity that this human project was possible and how it was loved by His Creating Heart, He had sent to the Earth His Son, The One that was conceived to fulfill a mission of reigning in the Universe and showing to all of the creatures the true path to reach God: surrendering everything, their merits, their knowledge, their goals, their lives.

He also sent That One who became flesh to manifest the perfect feminine Principle.  That one who is the Mother of all that has been created, who is the pure consciousness of Maternal Love for all the Infinite and who was sent to the world to demonstrate to the beings how to reach God.  As the perfect maternal principle, She renounced to what She had of most valuable: Her Son, that She knew that was the Son of God, made man, made wound, to heal the deviances of this world and of all of the cosmos.

He also sent a Servant of His, in whom He trusted, because He knew about the perfection of the human heart.  He made be born a man in this family that would renounce to what was the most honorable at that time: to His paternity.  He renounced to Himself to recognize the Will of God and to rejoice in It for its perfection.

Now, this family returns to the world, time and again, because this planet will cease to be a school and will become a living example of the perfection of God.  Everything that lives in it and that does not move towards this perfection will find a path in other universal destinations.

I do not tell you that for you to be afraid, but rather for you to awake, because you are living inside of the most perfect manifestation of the Divine project, which is the planet Earth, and you are here not to enjoy life in the world, but to renounce to it, to surrender to the Lord even the least aspiration, as spiritual as it may seem to you, in order to find, in the divesting of self, the Truth of what God expects from each one of you.

Remember that His Son renounced to the recognition of humanity,  carried humiliation, denial and all the sins of the world and of the universe on His back, in order to reappear in Glory and to announce to the world that the true path is the renunciation,  that the true victory is the defeat of self, and the true achievement is the loss of all the things to find God.

Do not fear the failures of humanity.  Know that you truly understand nothing of the paths of God.

Remember that, such as disbelief emerges in the hearts, faith will emerge, and it is on this faith, which is the manifested Power by God, that you must find the support for your souls and your spirits.

I thank you always and I will guide you through the path of the Victory of Christ in your interior.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, eternal Servant of God

Monthly Messages

Many ask themselves why I come to the world, and why I transmit My words as a Faithful Messenger sent by God.

I was created in the essence of Humility.  I was born from a pure womb, of a holy and simple mother so that I could learn from her the principles of union with God, because it was God Himself Who would have the Mission to instruct and guide His little servant. 

I came to the world with a human spirit; with a heart, a mind and feelings of a man born on this Earth, because that was the way that My example should be imprinted for all of eternity.

My sanctity comes from God as well as all of the attributes that I am able to express as a consciousness.  Nothing of what I Am comes from Me.  Everything comes from the Father, because I am permanently united to Him.  God sent Me to the world in order to demonstrate that a human heart can live sublime attributes.

I have been at the side of the Most Holy Mary, as well as I am today, but I also bring Her to the world so that all of the beings may receive the opportunity that I received.  I have been at the side of Christ, Who was already King since the maternal womb, and I also bring Him to the world, giving Him as the One and Only path for all of the souls.

All that which I received in order to live the principles of God, humanity is also receiving in this time.  And even greater graces will descend because you are together and you walk with many others that head to the Heart of the Father.

I want you to know that purity, humility, chastity and the simplicity that leads to sanctity; all of this is kept within the heart.

My Heart had nothing different from yours.  I simply dived in the union with God and I turned My Heart into His eternal servant, and with the humility of His servant, the Lord operated the miracles that He needed.

Nothing is distant from you; all that you need is found in your own interior.  The human heart is the door to many universes.  It is up to each one to unite with sublime universes, or to let oneself be taken by the things of this world.  Decide to exit the paths that do not conduct to God.

Do not listen to My story only with admiration, because it is not for this that I pronounce My words.  Seek in My presence the similitude with your lives.

I do not come today from the Universe of God because I have always been there.   I have been in this world, and as a walker, as a pilgrim, I only let Myself be guided by the Living God Who was within Me, as well as in all things.

My union with God comes from the effort, but also from simplicity.  Do not place detours or other routes in this straight way that God shows you by means of the Divine Messengers.  The paths of the Lord are simple; difficult, My companions, is to let oneself be guided by Him.

Let go of the reins of your lives; give them to that One who knows all and conducts all, because He is the great Artist that painted all the destinies.

Who will guide you best, if not He Who created the path? 

Find yourselves small and ignorant.  Not to be sad, but to believe and feel that there is a single being that knows all, and this is the Creator of all things.

These are times of purification, of darkness, of blindness in the human eyes.  Let yourselves be guided; let yourselves be conducted.  This is the only message that I bring to you.

With Love I come to your encounter and I give you the hands so that you may walk with Me to the Heart of Christ, to the Heart of God.

I bless you and I wait for you in My Chaste Heart.

Saint Joseph, Spouse and Servant of the Most Holy Virgin Mary

Monthly Messages

My dears,

In omnipresence, I am here today, but I am also in the Marian Center of Figueira, expanding the Graces of the Kingdom of God to the whole world.

When you pray from the heart, impelled by the fire of the spirit, the Sacred Hearts can expand the light of God in the world and this light can reach the most lost.

I am here today to call you to the spirit of consecration, which in truth is a gift in the heart of those who decide to abandon themselves, so that the Creator may work in their beings.

My dear companions and servants, I have come to talk to you about consecration, for it is a gift that disappears from the human heart, and it is only through the true consecration of life and soul that you can become instruments of God in the world.

The end of time accelerates, and many eyes do not want to see it. Many also shut themselves off from celestial warnings, because they prefer submerging themselves into the illusions of material life than entering into the true primordial Origin of all that was created.

In these times, the Sacred Hearts descend into the world to lead humanity to a new awakening. The messages we bring today are not the same as they were some time ago, and only those who know how to read between the lines and who meditate in silence on Our Words will be able to discover the very essence of that which we have come to transmit to the world.

The humanity of the surface is moving further and further away from God, and even those who seek a way to find Him through religion or a spiritual path often deceive themselves and experience disunity and separateness, ignoring that the true God is Love and Unity.

If you think you already know everything about the Truths of Heaven and give little importance to the Words of the Messengers of God, know that you are as lost as those who walk in the dark because however much the Divine Light is shining before your eyes, they will be blindfolded by the greatest ignorance that exists, which is that of not knowing oneself ignorant and believing oneself to know all things.

Those who do not seek the spirit of humility and do not take all the Words of the Messengers of God for themselves will never take steps on their path and will become tired of walking without having left the place.

My dears, I tell you all these things because, as Father and Guide of this humanity, it is up to Me to remove you from the ignorance of the mind and lead you to discover the treasures of the spirit and the heart.

Only those who experience the consecration, as a way of being empty and willing to live according to the Will of God, will understand the greatness of everything they receive at this time. 

Be humble and simple of heart; be obedient, reverent, servants. Be joyful in spirit, available to give to your neighbor even that which you do not know you can give; thus you will discover the hidden potential of your hearts.

A consecrated being is one who allows God to act through them and surrenders to the Lord all their potentials, their intentions, their will, so that God may use them, for the sake of the manifestation of His Sacred Plan.

I invite you today to meditate on My Words, to seek the impulses I have left in each pronounced phrase.

Know that the consecration of a spirit transcends its appearances because the true consecration is profound and only God, who is the one truly acting in the consecrated spirit, knows if this consecration exists.

The Earth will never be able to express the Project of God without consecrated spirits because the Lord needs instruments with which to build the New World.

Those who listen to My Words and take them for themselves, be willing not only to experience the Glory of the Will of God but also all the tests you will find along the way until you reach the absolute consecration.

A consecrated spirit is forged with the will, with the permanent renewal of itself in God. They will be tested and tempted every day, but greater than any temptation will be the Victory of God in the world and the manifestation of His Plan in consecrated spirits.

Be encouraged to move forward. The Messengers of God will always guide your steps and sustain you. You only need to be truthful.

I bless you today and always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Consecrated Servant of God

Monthly Messages

Do not expect miracles to come from great actions, because it is in the simplicity of the heart that lies the true key to all healing and liberation from all evil rooted in your beings.

Do not expect great material conquests to be achieved in this world, because the true conquest is the victory of God over the hearts that surrender on His Altar.

Frequently souls do not achieve peace in this life, but by their cry, they will achieve it in My Kingdom; and those who illuminate their gaze with the power of faith can see that peace exists and it is the true merit that beings generate to be redeemed.

Peacemakers will achieve glory, for they will overcome themselves and the world.

My dear ones, on this day, I want to tell you that the fruits of your prayers are true, but in order to feel them you must enter that space of consciousness that does not seek the fruits of your actions, because it is by seeking nothing that you may find the All and the Whole that lies in the Heart of God.

Those who trust in the existence of God know that everything they live is a consequence of His Will, and that each event brings a perfect learning for the evolving soul.

The time has come for you to be a living temple, a perfect manifestation of the Will of God for this humanity; but for this you must transcend all the laws of matter and open yourselves up to the laws that are experienced in the universe.

You must recognize that you know little about the reality of the Celestial Kingdom, because in this way, the true mysteries will be revealed to you. God keeps a precious treasure to be given to His creatures, but how can He show them this treasure if many do not truly believe it exists?

Love that which you do not know and know that which is before you. Look at your neighbor with the eyes of someone who sees a perfect creation of God, for which the Creator has a plan and without which His Will cannot be fully fulfilled.

I want to come to the world as a doorkeeper of hearts and eyes of the soul, thus opening the way for the new. You must rediscover what your eyes can see, because you do not really know that which is in front of you when you observe a being, or even this planet.

While you rediscover the world, you will discover the higher worlds that are shown to those who are willing to see the truth and experience it.

Leave the worries of this life behind, not neglecting your obligations, but knowing that the real priority lies in the invisible to your eyes.

No longer seek to fulfill a personal plan, when the Plan of God for this world is knocking at your door. It is time to transform the way of thinking, of feeling and of seeking the life of the spirit.

May the Plan of God for this Planet surpass all personal aspirations, because now, My companions, the new time is approaching the world and needs to find it prepared to experience this transition between the old time and the real time, which will unite you to the Consciousness of God, which is found in the infinite time, called Eternity.

I thank you for being missionaries of God every day and every hour of your life. Service will always be in the need that lives next door.

I bless you today and always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

