Monday, June 5 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My White Ray justifies souls. My Red Ray purifies souls.

But who can position themselves under this immense Grace?

Throughout the times, I have revealed the devotion to My Sacred Heart, and I have renewed this devotion through the Merciful Jesus, because I knew that just one revelation was not enough for the world, and even more, I have surrendered for you at each moment, revealing in the latest times the Glorified Face of My Heart.

I know that the human mind cannot encompass the Great Mystery of God, but the heart that loves the unknown Mystery will know it someday, because its faith and devotion to the Great Mystery are true.

After the three important revelations that I have delivered to the world through My Sacred Heart, through the Merciful Christ and through the Glorified Jesus, I come to put an end to My revelations, because the great moment of My Return is drawing near.

The moment is drawing near, when humanity will experience its spiritual inflection, when the Word of God will be fulfilled through the Word of the First-Born, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat.

In truth, I tell you I wish that moment would never come, but this is the Law of Love and Wisdom, because the world will not only experience a correction, everything will be put in evidence, and all will know everything, but also the universe will experience its correction and its alignment. But I do not want you to take this as a punishment.

The world has demonstrated the opposite throughout the times. It has come out of the Law a great many times and has offended it.

The Law comes to protect you from yourselves and to protect you from My enemy, the great adversary of all. But the love of the consistent and of the merciful, of the small groups of souls and consciousnesses in the whole world, is that which has allowed, up to this moment, for your Lord and Master to approach you to deliver the Word of Life and the blessings of Heaven.

With this, I want to tell you that until August you will have Me with you, by means of this exercise of the Marathon of Divine Mercy.

Companions, My task withdraws at this moment, and the three important and last cycles present themselves, in everything will be seen, and you will be able to distinguish the Truth from the lie, from all that this humanity lives on the surface.

But do not lose heart, the Law that rules the Heavens and the Earth will continue to allow Me to come on the third Friday of each month, because I must still fulfill My universal operations in humanity until the clock marks the moment of My total withdrawal.

With this I want to tell you, My dear companions, that after so many years of impulses, blessings and Graces, the time has come for your lives to be My very Gospel, and for you to do it for those who have not been able to follow Me. In this way, the Grace of your effort, your renunciation and consecration, will be able to grant a last opportunity to those who have been left behind to work for this vast Plan of the Eternal Father, so that each soul and each heart in this world may find their place and thus serve God, just as He needs in this cycle.

Therefore, you must continue to pray to My Sacred Heart, before the door of Mercy closes and the door of Divine Justice opens. With this I want to tell you, My companions, that at that hour the seven seals will be open and the Armageddon will become the Apocalypse.

The most inconceivable things in the world will be seen by all and at that hour the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Rafael, as Resplendent ones of the Justice of God, will evaluate this human Genetic Project, and a sample of this Project will be removed to repopulate the New Earth so that, together with the prophets, patriarchs and My followers, this planet and this humanity may be rebuilt.

Thus, in this spiritual and inner reconstruction, the doors to evil will be closed and the great door of hope and of the coming time will be opened for all. The Lord also prays for this.

The time has come for you to walk alone, but also for you to walk with Me and to walk, through Me, in all that we must still do in this world, in the works of Love and Mercy that must be concretized so that this world and humanity may be repaired.

This is all that I wanted to say to you today, because you must not lose My Words. You must understand the immensity of My Message, because you must feel the echo of My Voice.

The Lord of Mercy embraces you and contemplates you. Do not lose even a second of drinking from this Fountain of Graces and do it for those who have forgotten My Love. I will thank you for this spiritual gesture.

May Mercy be fulfilled up to the last particle of consciousness. So that this may be possible, once again I come to give you the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that you may relive the sacrifice of the Lord through the surrender of His Body and His Blood, Spiritual Treasures for the redemption of souls and of the world, Relics of Eternity.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May My Words be life in you.

May the impulses of these last few years be a reality in your consciousnesses.

Do not live My Message superficially.

Learn to be thirsty for Me, just as I Am thirsty for you.

I thank you.