February 11 to 19: Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, the patroness of the sick

“Remember the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, who, in Masabielle, Lourdes, appeared to give the Message of penitence to humanity and to give spiritual healing through the visible sign of the water of the Lourdes Fount. Wash your faces from the past, and, renovated through the prayer of the heart, respond ardently to the Call of the Father for this time.”
The Virgin Mary, February 13, 2013

On February 11 (Saturday), the Day of Our Lady of Lourdes is celebrated, the holy intercessor for all those who suffer from illnesses of body and soul. On that date, the Praying for Peace in the Nations channel will begin the transmission of the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes. The meeting will be at 8:00 a.m. (Brasilia Time Zone), live, with rebroadcast at 8:00 p.m.

Until the 19th (Sunday), when the nine days of this spiritual exercise are completed, people from all over the world will be gathered via the Internet to pray to Our Lady of Lourdes for the healing of the physical, psychic and spiritual ills that afflict humanity. 

You are also invited to be part of this current of faith and light, which aims to attract from Heaven the Graces that souls and the planet need so much! 

On the special day of the celestial celebration of the Immaculate Conception, may your souls receive the balm of the Fount of the pure water of Divine Grace so that your consciousnesses can be healed of the spiritual and internal ailments, which affect the whole world.

The Virgin Mary, February 11, 2019

History of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the Faces of the Virgin Mary, related to the Apparitions in the city of Lourdes, France.

In this place, on February 11, 1858, the Most Holy Mary appeared for the first time to a 14-year-old girl named Marie-Bernard Soubirous, who later became known as Saint Bernadette. The Apparitions took place 18 times in a cave called "Massabielle".

At the time, the Holy Virgin made a source of water spring up in the grotto. These waters soon began to produce miraculous healings - which occur to this day and have turned Lourdes into one of leading Marian pilgrimage sites of the world. 

Just as the water that sprang forth in Massabielle, may your souls be washed so that, cleansed by the action of the Holy Spirit, you may once again find Peace, and the incalculable Love of the Celestial Father.

The Virgin Mary, February 11, 2019

Immaculate Conception

The Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes in the grotto of Massabielle also confirmed to the world the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, that is, the belief in the birth of Mary of Nazareth as a pure being, without the stain of original sin. This is because it was in this way that the Virgin Mary, when questioned by Saint Bernardette, introduced Herself: "I am the Immaculate Conception".

As it was in Lourdes, My Immaculate Conception is revealed to all through the permanent state of transformational and redeeming Grace that your Celestial Mother lives.

If souls only came to the heart of My Grace, many difficult situations would take the course of a better result for all.

The Virgin Mary, May 31, 2015

May the faith and devotion of all the participants of the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes create a powerful channel for the Mother of the World and Her Angels to pour out graces of healing and restoration upon the Earth!

*Exceptionally this month, this spiritual exercise will be done in place of the Novena for Peace and the End of War in Eastern Europe.

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Date: February 11-19, 2023
Time: 8 a.m. (Brasilia, Brazil Time Zone)
Transmission: Praying for Peace in the Nations
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