My children,

Today I present a request of immediate assistance and help from all those who pray and the servers of the whole world, for My Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.

On the verge of a great planetary transformation, the Marian Center suffered from one of the more than a thousand climactic effects of the end of times, effects that will be generated through the great mental and emotional imbalance of current humanity.

For the first time, the Marian Center of Aurora faced the effect of the union of times; this means a shock of light between the old current time and the eternal Real Time of the universe. This event, unexpected for the laws of the Earth, activated a principle that, from now on, will be experienced by all of humanity.

Children, I would like to announce to you that, on the verge of one of the most important meetings of prayer of the last fifty years in the spiritual life of humanity, My consciousness of Mother is praying, protecting and safeguarding all the brothers and sisters present at the Marian Center of Aurora.

Today I am especially calling upon everyone to participate in a study of the Redemption House Association about the next steps that will be taken in the face of the event taking place in the region of Aurora.

This situation is a wake-up call for all participants in the Work of the Divine Messengers, to remind you of the importance of manifesting the auditorium of Mercy, which, in the Plans of God, is destined to carry out meetings for the spiritual healing of humanity.

It is for this reason that the Marian Center of Aurora, starting in the next hours, will begin to rearrange the task that had been foreseen for the days of August.

Thus, I ask, in the name of My Son, that the doors of the Marian Center be opened to receive the necessary humanitarian help, which will allow the adjustment of the program foreseen in the organization of the next prayer meeting of August.

Children, I have come from Heaven to ask for the special collaboration of all My children so that this important meeting, which Heaven hopes to move forward with on the grounds of Aurora, may take place.

In this way, the humanitarian help of the servers and the spontaneous donations of all for this meeting will make it possible for it to occur as had been foreseen.

The Marian Center, My children, has a large heart for receiving you, but up until today, it does not have the essential spaces to harmoniously accomplish the task of the Divine Messengers.

In the face of these planetary times, that will take place in humanity, certain sacred spaces at the Marian Centers must be preserved and safeguarded so they do not become the object of a contrary plan of My adversary.

Dear children, today the Father calls all of you towards inner neutrality, but also to be aware, just as you have demonstrated to the Divine Messengers in these last months.

I wish to announce to you that today, July 31 of 2015, at 8 p.m. Uruguayan time, a special update will be transmitted about the current reality of the Marian Center of Aurora and about the next steps which all are invited to participate in.

So that the next Marathon of Divine Mercy may be possible, the House of Adoration and its surroundings will be reorganized, as well as the other spaces of Redemption House, to be able to receive the number of pilgrims that is arriving at Aurora.

For this reason, in the face of a reality that will take days to be resolved, the Marian Center must receive the collaboration of everyone to be able to move forward with the task. From the Heart of My Son, I will be grateful for the prompt response of all My children of the world for this emergency situation.

Heaven foresees, as from the first days of August, carrying out a task of redemption and reconciliation for all those present. For this, certain spaces, which must be reconfigured by your own hands, will need the help, donations and the service of all My children.

In this anniversary and celebratory year, Aurora cannot be left without blessings and Graces for everyone.

Be prepared for the prompting and for the command of your heart, united with your Heavenly Mother of the universe, in the necessary and urgent Peace for the end of times.

I thank you for responding to this special call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


For the beginning of this important Marathon number 14, also numerically important, I ask you to be on these days transmitters and mediators of My Divine Mercy for all the unborn in the whole world.

It is a very grave failure to cause the loss of life, the opportunity of living of many souls that should arrive to this world in order to relieve it of its own suffering; to relieve it by means of the love and the light that all of these essences should bring from the celestial universe.

Pray with the heart, pray by means of the essence of the Christic Love, that which inexhaustibly springs from My Pious Heart.  In this way you will allow that I rescue all of those who once did not get to be born or to be in the arms of their mothers.

Pray so that the Justice of God may be light in the life of all who falsely proclaim the lack of life in My children, those who must arrive to this world in order to bring the peace of the Greater Universe.  I wish that My Powerful blood be poured upon people who out of ignorance commit these grave outrages that hurt the Creator Heart of the Father.

For this I have chosen the city of Belo Horizonte so that by means of the praying souls it may be the receiver in this time of the Source of My Divine Mercy for all of Brazil.

I want to change the mistakes that many commit by taking the life of the unborn.  It is the time and the moment to remediate the causes of evil and its consequences by means of the offer of finding and living the Divine Mercy.

This special Marathon is dedicated to all of the unborn that on this day cry in the limbo of sorrow and of the Calvary that, for a wrong action and for the lack of love, they have had to go through.

If the roots of these actions are not cut as they are supposed to be, torn out from the soil, greater consequences will weigh in the mind and in the heart of all who commit this outrage against the life that God has given to the creatures.

The Source of My Mercy has the power of remediating and healing all of these offenses.  May this Marathon be a moment for you to become truly aware of the time that you live as humanity and civilization. 

I hope that all of My good prayerful beings will penetrate into the depths of My Heart asking for Mercy and Forgiveness so that I may have the authority to intercede and reverse the evils that many men and women commit towards those who are not born today.

In this way by means of your prayers I will be able to raise the souls that today should be amongst you pouring the Love of God upon the world.  But as it is not possible, I come to give you a great opportunity of realizing a change in the consciousness and principally in the heart.

The lack of life is the absence of the true Love of God and those who participate in these actions towards the unborn will have the opportunity of receiving the last opportunity for of salvation.

While the world without realizing it, submerges itself in hell for the gravity of the unconscious decisions that it makes in favor of taking the life of My little ones, I ask you in times of emergency, to pray with the inner strength of the heart more than with your mouths.  I ask you to pray so that the sacred verb of prayer may be elevated towards the Universe and God the Father may listen, by means of My Offer, to your request of help and of redemption.

If humanity continues to take the life of others, as much for those who are unborn as for those who die unjustly or who are condemned to death, a great wave of justice could alter the illusory and modern good life that many live without seeking God, without seeking love, without seeking peace.  And from night to day many would awaken in the rubble of suffering and of their own fall by means of human injustice.  In order to avoid the Greater Law upon you I come to ask for the consecration of the whole world to My Most Sacred Heart.

I also come to ask for the creation of a fourth Branch of the Grace Mercy Order, an Order that belongs to Me in Heaven.  This fourth Branch which I am speaking a about to you is the Branch of the Worshippers of the Mystical and Eucharistic Body of Christ.  If many worshipped the Most Holy Sacrament many causes that would have immediate consequences would be avoided in the world and in humanity.

By the authority that God has granted Me as the Firstborn Son I wish that there exist this fourth Civil Branch of Worshippers of the Most Holy Sacrament and of the Divine Mercy.  They will be the ones who will spread the gifts that I achieved by means of the Passion and of the Resurrection because they will have vows of service, prayer and adoration in honor to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in the name of Redemption and Mercy for humanity.

The branch of worshippers will be arise especially in the Children of Mary and they will have as temples of worship the Marian Centers and the Nuclei of Service, as well as the churches and chapels.  Remember that I Am present in all of the Sanctuaries of the Earth.  It does not matter where it may be, My Heart is luminous for all and in every place. 

If this branch of worshippers could give in My name the fruits of adoration, of unity and fraternity, today I would be able to tell you that the world, to a great extent, would be safe from its own sorrows and actions.

After fourteen Marathons of the Divine Mercy the moment has come for confirming yourselves as My Soldiers and Apostles, those who will give testimony of conversion and of renovation to all of those who lose themselves.

I will thank all for this true answer.

I give thanks to the Sacred Sky Nucleus for sheltering Me with so much love and dedication, as many did in the humble house of My Ancient Jerusalem.

Peace and Good for all.

Your Master of Love,

Glorified Christ Jesus


On the eve of My sacred Anniversary of daily Instructions, I wish that the good and holy hearts, those that follow Me, in spite of tiredness, emptiness and pain, may make Me known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

To whoever makes My Face of the Return known, I promise the following:

Whoever carries the image of the Glorified Heart of Jesus will not perish in life, but they will know the power of My Mercy.

Whoever adores the sacred image will enter into contact and inner union with Me, as if I were eternally present by their side.

Whoever carries the sacred image with them, close to their hearts, or places it at the head of their beds, and prays a little daily prayer to Me, I promise to be the Watcher and Gatekeeper of their homes so that nothing that is not of My Light can approach.

Whoever shares the icon of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus with the sick, the elderly, the youth and the children, in a sacred and fraternal way, I promise that I will be visiting, in the inner levels, all of those who adore Me for just five minutes of their time, because I deeply wish to prevail in the hearts and in the lives of each being.

Whoever makes Me humbly known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, I promise to help, protect and illuminate the paths of all who call for Me out of love, devotion and truth.  I promise to be present in the moments of emergency and rescue.

Whoever recognizes the Sacred Icon as true and, at the same time, as merciful, I promise to protect them until the last days of their lives and to carry them with Me towards the Universal Kingdom of Peace.

Whoever sees Me reflected in the sacred image, I promise to make them feel deep trust, fullness and celestial bliss so that they may live in the eternal joy of My Heart.

The Sacred Icon of Christ shall represent the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the Glorified Christ, who will return to the world in order to remove it again from the death in which it is living.  God wishes you to glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus because He is offended by the unjust actions of souls.  In this way, I promise that whoever holds this sacred image within their homes will receive My Special Graces in order to achieve redemption.

May this Anniversary Marathon signify for everyone a step of absolute surrender to the Christ King so that, in this way, the New Christs may awaken.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Heart in your hearts!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


At the request of the Material Divine Plan, and in response to the Most Beloved Will of My Father, I want to announce to all My dear marathon participants that the next encounter of the 6th Marathon of Divine Mercy will have a special development, due to the anniversary of the daily messages.

I want to share with My own that only for this next marathon of January of 2014, there will be a special universal conjuncture in the spirit of the planet and in humanity; in which all of those who unite to the Spirit of the merciful prayer will receive an infinite opportunity of Graces and Blessings.

With joy in My Paternal Heart I will be reuniting all of those who pray ones, so that they may receive again My spiritual blessing, that which will permit them to take the steps towards the Fountain of My Heart.

Dear praying ones:

The 6th Marathon of the Divine Mercy will start at 6.30 AM, with the first 150 beads of the Chaplet, and will be extended until 11.00 AM.   During this time there will be an important spiritual movement, in which we will work on the lifting of the souls that live in darkness.

The start of the Marathon in the first hours of the day will permit that those who pray may be willing to answer with their effort to My call for Mercy.  The first part of the Marathon will last until 11.00 in the morning, with the permanent prayer that the marathon participants will live.

From 11.00 AM until before 3.00 PM, all the praying ones will have a time of retreat, of silence, and of recollection, so they may continue to accompany My Consciousness in the planetary task that the Merciful Christ will be realizing.

At 3.00, PM, the hour of the Divine Mercy, each marathon participant, wherever they may find themselves, will pray 33 beads of each one of the prayers of the Devotional of Mercy and will pray one time the prayers of the Powerful Novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ.

At 9:00 PM all the participants of the 6th Marathon, and at the Marian Centers, will realize a procession of candles in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and for the consecration of South America to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  You will bring a banner with the image of the Merciful Christ and will sing joyfully so that this petition of the Master may be accomplished in humanity.

At the end of the procession, the last 150 beads of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will be prayed and, at ending of this prayer, all the devotees of Christ will wait for the Yearly Apparition of Jesus Christ, in which the year of the daily messages will be commemorated.

At this moment, all the steeples, bells, and bowls will sound in unison, announcing the arrival of the Master.

All of this spiritual exercise for the 5th of January, 2014 will be the same for 6th of January.

My Sacred Heart will close the Marathon, on the 6th of January, with an important task for those who are present.

I would like for these days the special presence of some of the members of the Marian Centers of the Child King, of the Holy Spirit, and of Figueira.  In this way I will be able to reunite all under the Christic Spirit.

This 6th Marathon will be different from the ones before; My praying Companions must be prepared for a deeper task, since the Sacred Heart has received the permission of a greater approximation to the Marian Center of Aurora.

I will thank from now on the collaboration and the spirit of devotion and joy on the part of all.

Under the Eternal Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for praying next to My Heart!

Christ Jesus of Mercy


My Brothers and Sisters of the of Path,

Today I come with the aspiration that in your lives your steps towards My Heart will be true and pure as the water that springs from My Side out of love for the world.

This purity you will reach only when you exercise the impersonal observation of your smallest actions.  In this way you will soon know whenever you commit an indifferent and impure action or whenever you realize a work of love.

Imagine for a moment how many impure acts stain My souls every day!   For this, that soul which works consciously with My Divine Mercy will be helped to exercise good and loving actions for the others.

You know that the world is crossing a great inner storm, even though, beyond it, My solar Rays, those that spring from My Pious Heart, go through this tempest that the souls live to help them to resuscitate the life of spirit and the deep love for God.

There is nothing more divine than the love between brothers and sisters, this true and pure love that heals and closes the wounds of the heart of each being.  It was love that I taught since the beginning to My Apostles and today I remind you of this premise as an exercise for your inner consciousness.

The Love that comes from God is invincible, it is marvelous and magnificent.  Seek every day this Love that comes from God and in this way you will be able to overcome the obstacles that the world now imposes on you.

But do not forget My friends, that the world, your precious and punished house, that which was created by God, needs your urgent help.  I know that you will not be able to do great things, for this first begin with simple and true actions, actions that spring from the love of the heart and that allow the reconciliation and uniting all of the creatures.  

To humanity has come the time to get out from ignorance and to see in this time what will be necessary to change in order to reach the Greater Kingdom.

I thank on this day all of Londrina for having accomplished My Call because I have returned to your hearts in order to heal them and to renew them.  I need your hands to donate to Me.  I need your feet to be able to walk by means of you towards My lost Children.  I need a space in your hearts to activate once again the faith and the love for God, Your Lord. 

Thank you for seeking always My Heart.

Under the Greater Good that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining united as only one to My Humble Heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Shepherd


 Most dear pilgrims of mine,

For the first time in the history of My inner Encounters with you My Heart is pleased to open new doors of Light and of Peace for more souls.

For this in joy and gratefulness the Son of God will be present praying with you, for you and for the whole world so that most of the world may reach the state of My Divine Mercy.

The Lord of the Universe has especially sent Me to Londrina so that the original groups of prayer, those that were born in the Community of Figueira many years ago, may be able to renovate themselves and to enter into the path of the heart because in this time all that you do must be done through the true love of the serving heart.

I want you to contemplate the sincere expression of this love through the faithful example of work, of dedication and of absolute surrender to the Plan of God that occurred through the groups of prayer of San Jose do Rio Preto and of the region of San Paulo.  Then you will be able to see that the souls can be helped and receive the Graces of Heaven when the servers of the Hierarchy open doors in the correct way.  This, in this time, will determine the fulfillment of the Plan of Rescue.   

Heaven, through My Heart, wants to show you that there exists one only path to traverse.  A path that is called love of donation and of dedication.  Love that many of you have once radiated towards My Heart even though in other times I may not have been so present in your lives as I Am now.

But all that has been learned by the spiritual instruction of the past has generated the possibility that now Heaven is giving you the fruit of faith and of peace for your sincere efforts.  You know that the whole world is full of emergencies and of needs to respond to.  For this the universe, in its infinite science and intelligence, has conjugated the different groups of souls so that through affinity and attunement they can serve the Greater Plan. 

Now it is up to each server and person of prayer person to fulfill a part of the mission so that at the end of this whole journey may be fulfilled the important purpose of God.

Londrina was a city chosen by God so that the groups of prayer is this region could be able to retreat and meditate and pray, two important exercises to strengthen service.

Spiritually Londrina, due to its hills and farms, reminds Me much of My first house in Nazareth.  In Londrina exists the air of simplicity and of withdrawal.  For this it may be a point of meeting and of meditation for whenever the servers may need to be in retreat to pray and to study with the heart.

The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy in Londrina shall bring the fruit of the unity between groups of souls, because the region of South of Brazil must prepare itself to serve in the coming time in a task of rescue and of regional service.

For this the Divine Messengers, after having been during the previous year in Porto Alegre, return with the goal of reminding you all about the need of renewing oneself and of keeping alive the mission that the Father offers to you.

This will be the mission of unity between all of the regions of the South, concentrating themselves as one only spiritual column of fraternity and of brotherhood.   Today the South of Brazil, within a time of definitions, has the opportunity to manifest this for the Plan of God.

May the fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy represent not only a meeting of prayer necessary for the Mercy for the world.   May it synthetize the reunion of servers and of hearts in Christ with the hope of collaborating, out of love, with the Plan and its materialization upon the Earth.

The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy, that which is open for the first time to all, has the aim of gathering new people of prayer and, in consequence new flocks that may be able to begin the path of return to the Heart of God.  My unconditional Presence will be for you the confirmation for your tasks of prayer and of service in this part of the world.

Today I leave to those present My Paternal Hug, that hug of a Master to a disciple, of a Companion to a friend, a hug that nourishes the soul with life and with hope.  I wish all a good work of prayer and of peace for your hearts and for the whole world.

That the Divine Mercy may be the unquenchable flame that always burns in light and in love.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Lord of Love


The true roots of the universal love are found in the wisdom and in the knowledge that each being of this wide cosmos can experiment with day by day inside this school which your Most High Father calls “the school of evolution”.

Today My Heart has been able to rejoice in this wisdom that is awakening as light in the prayerful hearts.  It is the wisdom of the heart that will always allow you to understand immaterial and spiritual things.

The path that I offer you for this life is the path of the spirit, the inner dwelling that will help you to understand the great mysteries of God.  The path to reach love is humility, the immutable instrument that will give you the necessary simplicity before all of the tests of life.

This path of humility today is not sought by the majority of My ones because humility requires from the good hearts the emptiness of oneself, the most pure honesty and the surrender to the Divine Will.  For this My Father has asked Me to remind you about these basic principles, those which form the life of the walker and pilgrim.

I leave for you the aspiration to seek the Divine Wisdom.  The world must recognize through It that it is time to change and to ask for Pity for those who are still fallen in the four cardinal points of the Earth.

The prayer to My Infinite Mercy will always lead you to remember the path of My Passion on the Cross, that which I realized for you.  In this time the Divine Mercy will try to awaken humble spirits so that soon they may be converted into bridges of salvation for those who are forgotten in the world.

I Am asking the most simple from all of the schools that exist in the universe, I only encourage you to seek this perfect path of redemption and of peace for all.

I give thanks for the work of the marathon participants and principally to all of the children that, marathon after marathon, open to Me the door of their homes so that My Invincible Love may enter.

I bless the apostles who inspire themselves to walk by My Side in this time of purification, but also of peace for all who always seek the light of My Heart.

Under the infinite Love of God, be humble and blessed.

Thank you for entering today into My Chaste and Pure Merciful Heart!

Your Universal Guide,

The Master Jesus Christ


One month since the last marathon in the blessed City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, My Christic Consciousness returns to the origin of the origin, returns to the place where you have seen Me walking between the orange trees as was prophesized.

May this fourth marathon represent the perfect harmony for the hearts that pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy because the lack of harmony in humanity, in the continents, in the oceans and principally in the Kingdoms is leading to a disequilibrium of the axis of the planet.

But the Infinite Source of My Mercy perfectly harmonizes and aligns everyday all of the axes of the Earth and this is always possible when the prayerful ones call Me in prayer.

This fourth marathon that will be realized for the second time at the Marian Center of Aurora will have the purely spiritual aim of being able to repair extremely grave situations that have been gestated in the consciousness of humanity.

For this, through the Kingdom of Aurora and through the Lady of Aurora all of the prayers will be elevated to Heaven during this marathon so that they may be presented before the Thrones of God.  In this way Your Mother, by means of the loving intercession of Her Son Jesus, will ask for more Peace and for more Mercy for the whole world.

My principle intention for this fourth marathon will be the spiritual unity between the four Marian Centers, the one of Aurora, the one of Figueira, the one of the Holy Spirit and the one of the Child King.  This will permit the great celestial spheres to be radiated from the universe towards the Earth and once again that humanity be relieved.

All of the groups of prayer that follow the inner construction of these marathons will also be able to be united under the impulse of merciful prayer.

The Kingdom of Aurora expects that by the end of the 13th day of November Heaven will have complied with the task of redeeming the souls of this world.  Each new encounter with Me promises a change in the consciousness, in the life and in the cells of the physical body for those who open themselves in trust to My Redeeming Call.

With joy Heaven will be united again with the sacred lands of Aurora and this will be possible because of your fellowship with Christ.

I will thank in advance the effort of all of the marathon participants for taking part in this fourth marathon.  During the 5th Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place in the city of Londrina, the State of Paraná, Brazil, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will carry out a regional blessing for all of the South of Brazil with the aim of complying with the divine request of peace and of unity among all of the people from Brazil.

My companions,

Today My Heart approaches you to encourage you to go ahead.  Do not fear for the graveness of your faults or for them to occur, fear whenever you are not able to recognize that you need My Mercy, as most souls do not direct their problems to My Wise Heart.

I Am among you to make you grow up and love.  I wait for you in the communion of the heart.  

A good day of praying for all the marathon participants!

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus


This Third Marathon of Mercy has awakened a special joy in My Sacred Heart because from the beginning I wanted to demonstrate to all of My disciples that it is possible to do greater things than those that I realized in other times.

In truth today I thank you because this offer of your prayers has spiritually helped in the following points, those that I want to share with all:

First, the Marathon in Argentina has congregated souls that are thirsty for Me and this helped all of them to find the path of faith and of renovation.

Second, this merciful prayer collaborated so that all of the celestial plans in Argentina would be guided by the light of God and not by the will of men and women.

Third, My primary gratefulness is for your fraternal and ecumenical union with the Holy Father Francis. I assure you that Argentina, on the 13th day of October of this year will be the first nation consecrated in Heaven to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I invite you to discover the results of each marathon in your hearts. My Shepherd Hope is to unite you each day more until you may be finally one among the others and one with Me. It will be necessary that the law be accomplished in all of humanity but it will always be your faith in My Infinite Mercy that which will allow you to see the light in the horizon of life in each inner situation.

Dear sheep of My new flock,

I want to have near Me those who have separated themselves from My Love. For this I will receive day and night the simple offer of your hearts so that My Redeeming Plan may be able to be fulfilled.

This Third Marathon managed to unite the essences with the Sacred Kingdom of My Father. Serious problems will be solved, confusing matters in your lives will be dissipated, because you have trusted in My Mercy.

As good apostles I ask you to pray for those who never listen to My Voice of Love so that on the day of tomorrow these children of My Father may find a path of light and of hope.

I would like to return to Argentina if you allow Me because My Purpose is to consecrate the nation to My Sacred Heart. If it were like this, in the same way as Uruguay and Brazil, these three nations would work as shelter and protection for souls of other nations when they come to the time of confirmation.

I hope that you deposit your faith in My Purpose. In this way the Lord will bless you every day. It is time to unite the hearts and to carry them to the ocean of My Divine Mercy.

I wait in silence for your permanent answer. May this encounter with Me today be the reason of living in the joy of God. Be joyful; go ahead seeing in your paths My Sacred Footprints of light. I want sinner hearts to be converted into merciful souls.

Thank you for having encouraged yourselves during these days to enter into My Ocean of Pity and Mercy.

Under the Infinite Light of God, be all blessed.

Thank you for remaining every day in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


INFINITE PEACE, will be the new baptism of your beings because only through Infinite Peace will your souls fulfill the mission that God has entrusted you in this time.

Dear companions,

This is the love that I want to reveal to you, that through My Infinite Peace your lives will be able to be united to the universe, and the Earth and the Heaven will be one, as it was predicted from the beginning.

For this to happen you must first incarnate Infinite Peace in your hearts because it will be the perfect path so that you may be able to truly love one another as I have taught you from the beginning, when My Life was among you.

Only through Infinite Peace will you find the chosen pathway of humility and in this way your souls will shine before My Kingdom because they will be fulfilling the precious gift of living in peace.

The world fades away from the lack of the true peace. Search for this Infinite Peace in your origin, in nature, in the heart of each peace maker brother and sister. Today I ask you to be an example of peace so that at least the great events of the Law of God may not weigh upon those who are not peace makers.

That through this Third Marathon of prayer to My Infinite Mercy you, as soldiers of the prayer of peace, may be able to go out strengthened and sheltered, ready to realize the missionary and apostolic task that I invite you to in this time.

Brothers and sisters, I feel a profound joy by seeing Argentinian hearts a little more mature and open to the collaboration of the Plan of My Father. That in this meeting your beings may be able to be reborn and to acquire the Spirit of God to work with your neighbors, united with the heart and with the soul.

Have a good merciful journey for the day of tomorrow. My Heart accompanies your pleas of love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus of Argentina


A Celestial Salutation of Jesus Christ to all of Argentina on the occasion of the third marathon of Divine Mercy.

Dear companions of Mine:

Praised be Your Father in the Heights!

Today I want to salute especially from My Most Sacred Heart all the souls of Argentina, mainly this whole ecumenical group that was disposed from the beginning to carry out My requests of Mercy.

Now that Heaven chose a Christian patriot of your Nation, Pope Francis, Argentina will now have the divine opportunity to remedy her faults through the portal of prayer to My Divine Mercy.

I want to dedicate the days of My celestial Presence in Argentina to all the beloved children of this nation. For this special reason I invite you to unite yourselves with My Unfathomable and Powerful fountain of Mercy during these next two days, the 5th and 6th of October; in this way all the Argentinean provinces and cultures will be able to receive the same fruit of love that I will deposit in your little hearts.

My friends, I talk directly to those that are the simplest and are neither literate, nor theologians nor philosophers of spirituality, because the science of My Merciful Love is, in truth, not yet known.

For this, in this time of changes and of opportunities for the awakening of Consciousness, I ask of you that you be good peacemakers and praying beings; unite yourselves with this spiritual and ecumenical flock that will wait, in the next night of vigil, for the coming of the Humble Shepherd and Fisherman of hearts.

Now, I will return to the world, first in the Spirit of Love, of Mercy and of Humility; because I want to demonstrate to the world, as I did with My Little and Holy visionary Segatashya of Kibeho, in Rwanda, that in truth My christic Love is for all of humanity.

I will now leave from the sanctuaries that are closed to the thirsty souls, so that in truth My Spirit be in all the hearts of the Earth, because in them I shall find Myself comforted, free, and united with My disciples.

Dear souls of Argentina: I thank you for your sincere effort of praying for the fulfillment of My plan for this Nation and the entire world.

This Third Marathon will represent the favored union of your lives with the Holy Spirit of God, since He will help so that My Son, Pope Francis, may realize the mission that the Heaven is entrusting him with, which is to unite hearts and religions prior to the glorious return of Christ.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you Argentina for opening the door of your heart!

Your King, Christ Jesus


Today I celebrate from Heaven a new Easter Supper, the Easter of the heart, because the one who truly communes of My Body receives the ministry of the New Easter of the heart, an Easter that renews your spirits to remove them from constant sin and to resuscitate them in this way to the greater life of the stars.

The Sacred Easter of the Heart is that which all of the universe shares with Me, and these great but humble consciousnesses from the universe have been already living for some real time My Path of Christification.

This Easter is an Easter that comes from the essence of My Spirit and, in consequence, from the Supreme Divinity. As a Major Priest I gather the essences that were originally born from the various Fountains of God and in this earthly time in which you live, by means of My Grace and of My Divine Mercy, I lead the sheep towards the inner stable of My Heart.

Already reunited with My ones in this supper I present in love to them the new apostles of light, those that once were with Me in the Holy Land. These brothers and sisters of yours, the new server apostles of Christ, will be now your guide; they will be the shepherds that will spiritually prepare My Coming to the world for the second time.

For this today in this Spiritual Easter I ask you: unite yourselves to the example of the ancient but now renewed apostles so that the love for the word, the love for the service to the Plan of God, may be awakened in these New Christs that imperfect, intend to imitate Me.

I Am the mature fruit from the vine and from this fruit is born the Blood of Life that washes those and eternally redeems those who seek It above all things. Keep on cultivating in your hearts the path of the apostolate. It is time that My ones give the testimonial of redemption and of conversion that I have made in them.

For this remember that humility will accompany you so that someday, empty of yourselves, may emerge the new redeemed being that will become a part of the history of My Universal Legacy.

Remember that some will get to know the power and the greatness of My Kingdom.

It is time to trust Me, as says the prayer. Walk without delay towards My arms because I wait to wash your hands and your faces, to feed you of My New Redeeming Easter.

I thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart during this day of repairing prayer for the entire world. Many souls thirsty for My Light were collected from the abysses of the world.

Thank you for trusting My Infinite Mercy!

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Your King of Love, Christ Jesus


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, before His Apparition, the Master surprised us with a gesture of Love.

We asked Him, “Master, where are You now?”.

In a matter of seconds, He showed us a scene. He was among all of us, levitating in the air with His angels, while He indicated to them what they should do: some relieved the heart, others calmed the spirit and others also healed parts of the physical body.

Then, the Master presented Himself today, positioning Himself upon the stage and directing a broad smile to us.

Then, He transmitted the following Message:


Know as from now that My Universal and Christic Consciousness prays perpetually for you so that the new flocks may truly awaken to My planetary call.

As in the Garden of Gethsemane, in vigil, fasting and prayer, now from Heaven I share My primordial graces for the hearts that open themselves to listen to My loving voice.


Today you have already passed fervently through the phase of the first stage of the merciful prayer; this in Brazil and in the East has already generated infinite fruits for the hearts that most need it.

But the soul that trusts in Me enters into the Infinite and unknown Heaven to receive the baptism of My Light and the sacrament of My Reconciliation. For this day of special spiritual Grace for all, today I invite you to consider Me present in your lives, because you must know that My Eternal Heart is there when only you call for It in love and in devotion.

To all of those who encouraged themselves to answer to My request of prayer, I thank you because a new sun in the universe is being gestated, so that the souls may mercifully receive its rays of radiation of peace and of redemption. This sun of which I speak to you today is the essence of My Heart, that is being found by all of those who call Me in prayer day by day.

In this way My Spirit imparts repairing Graces in the essences that simply say to Me: “Come Master of Love”.

On this day My light impregnates the forms and the created spaces and this is possible as a loving consequence of the offering of all the participants in the Marathon of My Divine Mercy. And in this way time will pass and, through Me, you will see faith grow in your lives, and nothing will ever be able to separate you from the path of consecration and of holiness that I propose for some of My own.

But everyone will always have a great place in My Consciousness, a place of renovation, of healing and of faith to be comforted in the tests that the Lord sends you to mature your beings.

My friends, that tomorrow your fire may be extended, and that it may embrace greater celestial spheres. Remember that I only want souls in profound contemplation and adoration to My Mercy.

I come to demystify the fanatics, because My flocks of peace and light are formed by work and sacrifice; in them I will institute My New Dwelling Place upon the Earth, seeking the essence of the pure souls.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My call from the heart!

Christ Jesus, You Inner Shepherd


To all of the marathoners of My Mercy I only ask you to realize the same task that was accomplished in the first Marathon of the Divine Mercy at the Marian Center of Aurora.

This time the Marian Center of Figueira will have the opportunity to prepare the dwelling that will receive the visit of the Celestial Redeemer and the warm and loving arrival of the pilgrims, those who will carry forward this Marathon of the heart.

For this the preparatory details will make the difference, so that the fruits of the Marathon may be able to be collected and carried in the heart of all of the pilgrims.

This impulse of merciful prayer will be united to the beginning of the Mercy Mary TV that will open the doors so that the souls may enter into My Kingdom of Mercy. All of the members of the Marian Center of Figueira will be those who will prepare the path of this Marathon so that the souls may, during these days of September, make use of what they will truly need, such as strengthening faith, reaffirming the commitment with Me and being partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.

Now the Marian Center of Figueira has been chosen to begin this new cycle in which the divine message that comes from Heaven may be spread to the four cardinal points of the Earth. So that this may be possible the Marathon of Mercy of the month of September must be an inner encounter for the relief of the souls and of their sufferings. In this way My Presence will make Itself present, as in Aurora, in all of the details that may be realized with love and for love.

This new Marathon of the Divine Mercy promises a special and spiritual help for Brazil and its inner situation as a Nation. It also anticipates that by means of merciful prayer, situations that would be inexplicable for the consciousnesses may be able to be reorganized and receive the necessary peace for these times.

In this way Uruguay and Brazil will end up being blessed by My Mercy, but in order for the sacred triangulation of the Holy Spirit to be finished, this task must be completed by the Nation of Argentina.

For this I mention the city of Buenos Aires so that in the coming 5th and 6th days of October of 2013 it may receive the Divine Universal Mercy and so that It may arrive to the heart of My Argentine children because the three nations must re-consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

All will be especially accompanied by My Spirit.

Good and fraternal preparation for all of the pilgrims, marathoners of My Mercy!

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to My call of Universal Mercy!

Christ Jesus, the King of kings


My dear hearts,

Over this time, I have poured My Graces over you and thus, silently, My Spirit has worked with your beings just like a farmer who has sown the Earth.

Dear companions, in this Hour of Mercy, I ask of you to have a strong faith so that it defeats the atavisms that separate from God the souls of the world.

My Heart thanks you for this meeting of today, because the Marathon of the Divine Mercy was gestated in your little consciousnesses, and today the fruits are already ripe in some of those who are Mine; those who still need to ripen.  I guard them in the Temple of My Heart, waiting for a greater spiritual awakening.

My fountain of salvation was not only poured with victory in America during these two days, but also Europe and the Orient have been seen inside this Redeeming Grace.

I invite you to understand in My Wisdom the power of My Love for you. I will not rest, not even a day, until I may achieve what I want from you. For this I test you in the imposible things, so that you may decide in this last hour where you want to be.

My Heart is inside of you all the time that you permit Me; also it is in the Eucharist, as it is in Confession. Do not fear to see yourselves as you are, because the time of My Grace has arrived to those who only say yes to Me.

What other path will you realize other than Mine?

I find Myself day by day by your side to say to you truly what it is that I want from your lives. To many saints I have asked impossible things; now I ask of My Companions challenges and unreachable surrender.

But in all of this is My Cosmic Science, My Celestial Light; I know truly how you are, and how far you may give to Me. For this I come every day from the universe to bring you My Absolute Trust and My Holiness. The New Christs must appear for the times of chaos.

I give thanks to all the ones who pray in the world, and I hope that this Marathon of the Divine Mercy goes on a pilgrimage throughout the nations of the world, so that more souls are prepared consciously to receive Me in My Second and Glorious Coming.

I am with you. I am here for you. I am in your hearts.

Peace and Good for all.

Under the Glory of the Father, thank you for today being blessed!

Christ Jesus, the Universal King


Friar Elías receives the written daily Message.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, let us share with all what Christ Jesus communicated to us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Christ expressed His gratitude, especially to the Americas, for the task of prayer that is being carried out today. And, as a gift, as a Grace, He brought us and offered to us His Sacred Heart.

At a certain moment, in the first part of the Apparition, He took His Heart from His Chest. He remained alive and had His Heart on the palm of His right Hand. It pulsated strongly and with various colors, pulsating to a very defined rhythm.

Then, He said to us: “Dear companions, this is all that I have to give to you. This is why I offer this to you, as a consequence of your response.”

He also made a remark: “Tomorrow I want the Marathon to intensify, I would like if there is a little more effort and if you sing to Me with a little more joy.”

Then we asked Him: “Is it alright every 150 beads?” “Yes, it is alright, to continue.”

He expressed to us that a task had taken place, especially in the Americas, through the effect of the prayer of the Chaplet. And He sent this Message to all.


Then Friar Elías reads the daily Message received.


Dear companions,

Today My Arms of Love and Peace are open to welcome you eternally in the Kingdom of God.

I thank you, from now on, for the spiritual effort to comply with My Grand request for redemption and peace. The Divine Mercy, inexhaustible Fountain of Life and Pity, has descended victoriously over the heart of the nations of America, and this is because you have done today things greater than those that I have done.

The true salvation in this time will be concentrated in the life of permanent prayer. For this, today, not only are you serving Me out of love, but for yourselves also you are confirming that it is possible, everyday, give Me a little more. Because as it is in Heaven, also it is on Earth.

My dear brothers and sisters:

My Heart today is ennobled by the collaboration that you have given Me.  For this I give you on this day My Precious Most Holy Heart, to pour in this way over you My Universal Love, and so that this merciful love renews you. When the souls pray directly to My Divine Heart, the Heavens answer immediately with Graces of love and forgiveness.

The one who eats humbly of My Holy Body will have the forgiveness of their sins, those committed against the Glorious Heart of God. But the one who receives communion with Me in devotion, will have Eternal Life after this life, and much as you, after having received communion of My Body, fail Me once again, I ask you to remember all this moment that you have shared with Me an unforgettable treasure for your conversion.

Today the universe was very attentive to your prayers, and tomorrow it will be too, because tomorrow you will come to pray with Me renewed in spirit and in soul.  Never tire of aspiring to be with Me.

In this time I give you My Grace and My Spiritual Strength so that you may cross the bridge towards the liberation of yourselves.

I thank you for your fraternal answer; may all be kept in your memories forever.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for entering today in My Sacred Heart.

May Peace be with all.

Christ Jesus of Nazareth


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the end, He said that tomorrow, at 3 pm, during the work of the Marathon, He will also come here to be with us, and He promised to be closer to each one.

This is why He invited us to redouble our effort. Thus, we understood that this did not mean to pray more, but the way each one was praying, which was what He was observing: our attitude.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, we will thank the brothers and sisters who are accompanying us via the internet, which demonstrates that we may be spiritually united, even when we are not physically together.

And to close, we will sing the Hymn to the Divine Mercy.


Dear pilgrims of My Divine Mercy:

The Marathon of prayer is approaching in the eve of an Encounter with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  In this way the Grace of God will be pouring Itself once again through the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary.

This month of July is the merciful month and the month of August will be also because The Great Maternal Consciousnesses will be weaving with Her hands the networks of salvation.  For this it will be important to arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora with a spirit of devotion and of mercy because in this way your hearts will be approaching to the source of the Piety and of the Healing of the Immaculate Heart.

The Marathon of the Divine Mercy has the purpose of motivating the hearts to an ardent praying of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, prayers that I Myself gave to My Former Apostle of Mercy, to your venerable Sister Faustina Kowalska.

This Marathon will leave seeds sown in the hearts that may join themselves in this important exercise of prayer because one’s own state of permanent prayer during more than five continuous hours will work for itself in your beings and you will feel My Presence very near.

The important thing, My Pilgrims, will be that you offer one more time this Marathon of prayer as a sacrifice of love and of renunciation for the salvation of the souls that are consumed in the fire of hell and for the peace that must reign in these times in the heart of all of the beings of the Earth.

My Presence will be felt through prayers and canticles that you may sing to Me with love and devotion.

As My Divine Mother has said, My Children, the pilgrims will give testimony to the union that you have with Me through the praying practice of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. In this way My inner Ears shall be attentive when at every fifty beads the pilgrims with loud voice repeat to all of their brothers and sisters: “For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion…” and the other children shall answer: “Have Mercy on us and on the whole world”.

In this way you will enter into My Ocean of Graces that has been waiting for a long time to wash from your hearts every stain and to renew them through My Love.

To all of the pilgrims of the entire world I wish from My Paternal Spirit a good journey of prayer for the good of all this humanity.

Under the Merciful Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages from the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Official Hymn of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy

       Oh Lord Jesus!
       I follow Your steps towards Heaven.
       I unite my heart to Your Heart,
       I walk together with You for the Plan of Love
       and the souls will be liberated
       from all pain.

       I open my heart to God,
       I listen to Your Words in devotion
       I carry out the Call of Your Eternal Voice.

       I Am a praying being for all Eternity,
       I pray the Chaplet with the heart
       and in humanity I receive Your Mercy and Pity.
       Come, come, come Christ,
       come to here!

       Come, come Master of Love,
       because together we shall live
       the Marathon of Prayer,
       the Marathon of Forgiveness,
       the Marathon of Redemption!

       is our eternal aspiration.

Divine Mercy
       is our great mission
       and in Christ we will achieve


Do not fear because My Heart will remove your restlessness.

Do not fear because My Faith will strengthen you.

Do not fear because My Mantle will cover you.

Do not fear because you are in prayer united to My Heart.

Do not fear because My Light will guide you.

Do not fear because My Trust will unite you to God.

Do not fear because My Steps will indicate to you the new path.

Do not fear because you have already opened your hearts to My Call.

Do not fear because My Power will save you.

Do not fear for what you have been because in a little time you will be the new for Me.

Do not fear because I will never leave you alone.

Do not fear because it is necessary to have maturity of heart.

Do not fear because My Face will show you the Compassion of God.

Do not fear because you will be tested.

Do not fear because you will be in My Eternal Prayer.

To all I say that you may no longer fear, to the old has come the time of dying so that the new wineskins may receive My Grace and My Mercy.

Quench your thirst for this long walk in My Source of wonders. I know well all of the levels of thirst that the souls live but if you are united to My Merciful Prayer you will victoriously transit through this cycle of great changes.

I Am your Light to illuminate the darkness.

I Am your Path to redeem you on this last pathway.

I Am your Truth to reveal you who truly you are before My Compassionate Presence.

Do not detain yourselves. The boat faces the great storm of the end of times. Row! Row! Row! And do not get tired of rowing because I you give you strength and inner power to act through love.

Know one more time that I am with you because My Heart has chosen you for something great. I thank all of the marathoners of the Divine Mercy for answering from now to My Call for Peace and for the liberation of the evil of the world.

Heaven thanks you.

Under the Powerful Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages in the truth of the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


On the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013, special days of Mercy, My Face will be present to accompany all of the pilgrims through this path and spiritual exercise of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

This exercise, which will be able to be realized by all who may feel to help in the redeeming plans of My Heart, will have deep reasons for helping the entire planetary consciousness of humanity, which means that My Celestial Mercies will be able to be poured even on the most inveterate sinners and in this way a great wave of conversion will happen in all of those who may be attuned with My Ocean of Graces.

In this way, during the 5th and 6th days of August My Consciousness will bring within Itself the Redeeming Powers of the Celestial Father, and that soul that may be willing to be liberated from itself will manage to do so if it follows the steps and the requirements for the praying marathon.

As I have requested you to realize this marathon of prayer, I also ask that this same exercise be carried out in other places of the world together with My Visionaries, those that I have chosen with the aim that more souls get to know the love and the power of My Mercy.

To facilitate the organization and the preparation of this special encounter with Me, that which precedes the important Annual Gathering of Prayer at the Marian Center of Aurora, to all who may feel like participating in it I ask that they enroll themselves in this marathon through the Portal Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother.

All who may unite themselves to the days of deep Mercy will be able to receive the spiritual help that they need in order to take the steps that My Father expects of them in this time. To the pilgrims I will give a special attention when they arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora to share in the two days of continuous prayer.

I will thank all of those who may answer to this important spiritual impulse for this time, in which may reign Peace and Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Today I feel the sincere voice of your prayers, inner voices of love that touch My Sacred Heart, and the light generated radiates itself to the entire world in need of peace and of redemption.

Today, by means of My Sublime Grace, I pour again the light of My Shepherd Consciousness upon the world because My Flocks perfectly unite themselves to Me at the time of the infinite Mercy.

With this aim today I will announce to you the simple foundations for all of those who may want to exercise the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

Primary foundations for the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place on the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013 at the Marian Center of Aurora:

I ask of you as spiritual requirements:

1. To have a spirit of humility and of faith.

2. To love above all things the presence of God through Jesus.

3. To unite the hearts as a single evolutionary proposal.

4. To help humanity out of love.

5. To work during the marathon to construct a spirit of fraternity.

6. To allow yourselves to be partakers of the Law of the Divine Mercy.

7. To exercise the merciful prayer during these days under the action of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

8. To live a moment of absolute peace.

9. To dissolve from memory all preoccupations during the course of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

10. To reverence each moment that will be shared.

11. To be willing from the inner world to receive healing and liberation.

12. To perceive with the heart the current of Love and of Mercy that will descend from Heaven during these days.

13. To wait with joy for the coming of the Great Master.

14. To vigil with the heart all that will be constructed.

15. To protect like angels each moment of prayer in the community.

16. To await silently for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

17. To interiorize in the spirit the Christic impulse that will be received.

18. To guard in the inner memory the union that there will be with Christ.

19. To donate life with the heart so that  the power of prayer may flourish.

20. To reunite yourselves on these days as a single flock.

21.  To sustain, out of love, the Flag of Peace.

22. To exercise the common good amongst all of the pilgrims.

23. To commune with Christ in reverence and joy.

Those children of Mine who make themselves available to fulfill, out of love, these simple requirements will be able to help Me so that the impulse of this praying marathon may radiate to the entire world, mainly to those most in need for healing and salvation.

During the two days of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy all of those present will receive, after My Arrival at three in the afternoon the internal communion with My Consciousness through an ecumenical celebration. In the same way it will be possible to receive this source of Graces in all of the homes that unite themselves in love and in spirit to these two days of Mercy, preparing for the anniversary of the Apparitions of My Celestial Mother, of the Virgin Mary.

Dear companions, may peace remain always in your beings.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My requests with the love of your hearts.

Merciful Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

