Today, children, with the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to make a special request to you.

There is not much time left before My words echo within the world. The moment for My silence has come so that, in this way, the voice of this little Child may speak louder, so that His designs may be heard and His Word may become Law.

But before silencing My Chaste Heart, I come to request the coining of the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. A medallion that will hold within it all the merits achieved throughout My life and throughout the eternity of My Heart; a medallion that will be the protector of families and a guide for the evolution of souls; a medallion that will remind you of the purity of your hearts and will protect your essences so that you not lose your peace during the times of transition.

The Medallion of My Chaste Heart will be engraved with My image, with the Child Jesus in My arms. He will be on My right arm, and the lilies that I carry as a symbol of chastity will be in My left hand. At My feet you will write: Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, pray for us.

On the back, the Medallion will have My Heart, as a bridge to My spiritual Reliquary. My Heart with three lilies will represent the union that I experienced as a servant of God, with the Divine Trinity.

With this Medallion, children, the legacy that I must leave to you, as Father and Friend, will be fulfilled.

Those who hold this Medallion with them will carry around the world the Gifts and the Graces achieved by My Heart.

As divine promises, I tell you that those who hold the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph:

1. Will find peace in the times of tribulation.

2. Will achieve inner wisdom through humility and surrender.

3. Will find the path to return to the Father through simple prayer.

4. Will be protected from all darkness.

5. Will achieve Grace and protection for your families.

6. Will live under the spirit of humility and meekness of My Chaste Heart.

7. Through silence, you will discover the unfathomable Love of God and drink of His Divine Fount.

With joy in My Heart, I leave this request to you, which I would like to see accomplished by March 19, 2020, when you will receive from God a special Grace and a divine atonement.

I leave you My blessings and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My dear children,

For these difficult times do not forget the use of the Scapular of Peace and the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, because both symbols are pervaded with divine codes of the Creation, which help the conversion of souls and the inner awakening of hearts.

The Scapular of Peace, as the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, also help fulfill the divine promises that the Celestial Universe itself proclaims through Our Sacred Hearts.

So that their Graces of Forgiveness and Mercy may continue to work lovingly on souls, in nations and even on the whole planet, today, on this extraordinary day, your Heavenly Mother comes to remind you about the importance of the collaboration and the monthly contribution for the concretion of the sacred objects; which, in this time, should be available for the most simple and needy children who do not have the material means to acquire them.

It is the mission of all Children of Mary, as of the consecrated groups of the Divine Messengers, to collaborate in the monthly concretion of the sacred objects; in this case, the Scapular of Peace, the 72-bead Orandium and the Medal of the Glorified Christ.

For such, and for the first time, your Celestial Mother will request from the secretarial sector of the Children of Mary and from the House of Our Lady of the Poor, the elaboration of a simple leaflet and of a deposit slip to be sent out, monthly, to the homes of My more than two thousand consecrated children as Children of Mary; so that, together with the Mother of God, you may carry forward the periodic concretion of the sacred objects, especially of the Sacred Medal of Christ.

In the deposit slip that you will receive monthly, and after a moment of prayer, you will feel how you will be able to contribute, knowing that these objects, for the coming cycle, not only will need to be with each one of you to be carried as a divine protection, but also that the sacred objects of the Scapular of Peace and the Medal of the Glorified Christ will need to be within reach of other cultures, nations and peoples; as is the case of the Middle-East and the Far East.

It will be a way of expanding the spirit of the Campaign for Peace in the world, as well as of expressing a spirit of true fraternity and solidarity by all the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated.

In truth, the sacred objects, which the Sacred Hearts have been manifesting throughout the times and throughout the centuries, are spiritual symbols of redemption and healing, as well as gifts that intercede in the conversion of sinners and in the awakening of souls in the world.

In the next cycle, the Medal of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be coined, it will be a faithful copy of the current presented face of Saint Joseph.

My dear and Chaste Companion will reveal the promises of this great medal, since it will help in the awakening of the spirit of service and in the protection of all missionary souls and lives.

I wish, dear children, that you would understand the value and the significance that the sacred objects have in themselves, because they shorten the process of purification of the consciousness and attract new codes of light and love for those who have awakened and those who will awaken in these coming times.

For the first time, your Mother will send the angels through the deposit slip so that the devotees and Children of Mary, in many parts of the world, may help in the concretion of the requests of love of the Sacred Hearts.

Remember, children, that, in essence, each sacred object brings with it a mystery of God, a treasure to be revealed and known.

As of now, I will be thankful so that you remember this request every day, and every month in which you receive the deposit slip, in order for you to be the precursors in the manifestation of the Plan of God.

I thank you for understanding Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Image of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph

The Image of My Chaste Heart must be contemplated by those who seek humility, simplicity, the maturity of spirit and the awakening of the spirit of service and charity.

This Image represents the moment in which My Chaste Heart pronounced Its “yes” to God and accepted, despite Its imperfections, to fulfill the Mission that God had entrusted to it.

This Image is the symbol that in order to serve God it is not necessary to be perfect, children, because Perfection, which comes from the Father, manifests in the soul and in the heart, as the being decides to walk.

Before this Image, you must ask the Father for the Grace of knowing to say “yes”, despite the apparent audacity of His Plans. Because today I tell you: it is not God Who asks you great things, but it is you who do not know your own potential, do not know yourselves and think you cannot give what God asks you.

Before this Image, pray the “Novena to begin the New Spiritual Cycles” and let My Heart inspire you so that you can say “yes” and know what is hidden until today and is unknown to you about yourselves.

The Reliquary of My Heart represents the Plan of God consummated in human imperfection. I will place in it all the Graces that the Father granted Me to fulfill His Will and before it, children, you will pray not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, so that these Gifts of Surrender and Rendition, which made this Heart become a Divine Triumph, can reach each one of your brothers and sisters, in the four corners of the world.

Through the Image of My Chaste Heart and the Reliquary of My Heart, the Creator grants you two new and unique Graces so that you may know that all you need in order to become a celestial victory is within your reach.

Today I ask you for a small replica of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart to pilgrimage around the world and to be at all altars of My Apparitions. Because in this Reliquary I will place the Gifts that humanity needs to renew itself, the standards of conduct for a new life, which will be irradiated in the nations and on the continents, as a teraphim of the New Humanity, so that those who contemplate it and pray before it may achieve the Grace of knowing and living who they really are.

I love you, I bless you and I thank you for manifesting this Work of Miracles and of Graces in this world.

Your Father and Companion,


The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
