Tuesday, November 17 of 2015

Daily Messages

Cry for mercy and live peace. Do not let the terror that spreads the world take your hearts and lead you to hopelessness. The soldiers of God must be with the torch of faith always raised high, making Light known to those who walk in darkness.

While the Heart of God suffers from the actions of the majority of humanity, which is distancing itself from His Love and His Peace, the Divine Messengers only ask you to be a breath and a hope for the Kingdom of Heaven which awaits the realization of the Plans of the Most High.

Do not be carried away by the currents of the world. Remember to be a boat of salvation to the unbelievers and the hopeless, to the lonely and the abandoned, both in life and in spirit. Nurture your consciousnesses with the balsam of light that We bring from Heaven and row against the current of darkness with acts of peace, with prayer, with forgiveness and with love.

Do not feed the judgments the world holds about a reality it does not know and do not allow your consciousnesses to help humanity submerge itself in the lamentations. Be a reason for elevation to the world.

Know that everything must be balanced, everything must be corrected and elevated by the human heart itself. If there are many beings who go to the opposite side of the Will of God, those few who listen to His call must multiply their efforts and not give in to the involutive stimuli.

My beloved, be strong and courageous, persevering in God, for this trial is only beginning and mankind will still have to choose love in the face of many atrocities that the enemy will generate.

Know that you must never give up on God’s Plan and even in the face of the worst events in the world, realize that God has not forsaken you. He is within you, calling you to persevere in love and, like His Son, to overcome the suffering of the cross and to rise in spirit through the power of Mercy.

Listen carefully to Our words because they are pronounced to help you to overcome the trials of these times and to persevere in God forever. So did the patriarchs, the angels and the archangels who guided Jesus and encouraged Him to remain in His Purpose of Love beyond the denial of men.

I love you and invite you to pray without ceasing, because the definitive trial is already beginning for humanity. Put aside the pettiness of your lives and dedicate yourselves without limits to God. The need of the world dictates so.

Your Beloved Father and Companion, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, the one who prays for humanity and for the world permanently