Sunday, January 6 of 2013

Daily Messages

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today, after having prayed for a while, I saw beside the prayer room altar a door of light opening, which showed Heaven. From this door Our Lord appeared as He did yesterday, although today His Face was closer and more resplendent.

When Christ Jesus appeared, He placed His left Hand upon His chest and from within His Being a pinkish Heart of intense light emerged. When the Heart of Christ lit up there appeared twelve golden stars around His Heart, which became illuminated at the same time. At that moment, Jesus said, 

“Look, this is My Glorified Heart.”

Then, He started to transmit to us:

My dear ones,

I promise those who trust in My Mercy that they will not perish, that they will see Me in Heaven with My Face of Glory, and they will stay with Me, serving, for the good of all souls of humanity.

Allow My rays to enter your beings so that My Fount may be visible for those who are blind and do not see Me, even when I have many times been in their lives, with love and redemption.

Be One with Me, I promise to save you in My Second Coming. However, you must live the tests of life as an absolute confirmation of faith in My Redeeming Pathway.

In silence, I accompany you. In silence, I listen to you. In silence, I observe and watch the steps that each sheep takes towards the Light. Do not let the world embrace you, pray for the world to be filled with the merciful fountain of redemption.

I come back for all. I await everyone. I wait for all.

Take the steps toward Me so that I will be able to sustain you in this world. Live the paradise of My Heart within your hearts. I am your beloved Shepherd of Love.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for holding in your hearts My final Redeeming Call.

 Christ Jesus

Moments later He told us:

“I want you to paint the image of My Merciful face of the Second Coming, just as you saw it, so that it may be venerated by those who, coming to know Me once again, may find Me as their true refuge and relief of life.

To those who contemplate and carry this Glorified Face of My Second Coming, I promise to safeguard them, just as God guarded My Being during the flagellation of Calvary. Whoever venerates Me will not feel the nails received by Me on the Cross, rather they will feel roses at the Altar of the Throne of My Lord, the Almighty God.

Then He added:

"Propagate Mercy.

Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age.”

And then the image of Glorified Face of Christ appeared, once more, with His Heart surrounded by twelve stars, and at the bottom of the image of Christ was written:

“Propogate Mercy.

Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age”.