In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O My beloved children! I congregate all of you within My Heart, a safe Temple for your redemption, a safe Path for your conversion, for the relief of all suffering.

Today, I Am here in bliss and joy. I Am your Mother, the One Who relieves suffering and leads you to peace. I waited for such a long time to return here, to contemplate with My own Eyes, and feel with My own Heart, the ardent bases of the Work of God, expanded and multiplied within consciousnesses. 

This is why I Am here, to confirm this Sacred Project of the awaited House of Saint Lazarus, in honor of the one who was resurrected by My Son. Through this House of healing, welcoming and cure, souls will again find forgiveness and reconciliation.

As I told you a few days ago, I also come to bless the Fraternal Service Project.

The world needs to know that there is a place on this planet where the Work of God reflects and manifests itself with the effort, dedication and sacrifice of brave hearts, with those who trust the Divine Mother and follow Her steps toward that which is unknown and infinite, although often times they do not understand what this means.

I come to joyfully announce to you that your faith has brought you here, to this moment, at which the world needs the Law of Healing to again find the Law of Peace and thus find the path of love and forgiveness.

I would like the Mother of Relief of Suffering to have Her place at the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus, because there I will gather the souls and hearts that most need healing. Beyond the care or the welcoming, most importantly, My dear children, is that each gesture and act that you carry out, however small, may be done with love. This will heal the lives of many people, relieve the suffering of many hearts and grant peace to all.

This is the most important task of Brazil at this time, because the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus is not only for those who need it, but it is also for this whole Work, sheltered by My Immaculate Heart.

Time will pass, My children, and your souls will need this place to live deep healing on the last day of your lives so that this passage may not be a passage of fear or suffering, but rather a path of transcendence and ascension of your souls and spirits toward perfect union with the Source of Light in which your inner experiences will be poured out to re-create this Creation and confirm to the Eternal Father that this Project of Redemption of humanity is possible.

This House of Saint Lazarus will be open to the whole world.

You know, My children, that the planet is sick and that humanity is sick in all senses. This is the reason for the importance of this Sacred House. May it not only be a space of welcoming and attention, but also a favorite place of My Heart, where love may reign and express itself.

I also come here to bless the Fraternal Service Project, a silent work that began during the last pandemic and which is imperceptible to many hearts, but merciful and kind to many souls.

Today, I give this pillar of the Fraternal Service Project to each one of you. This is why I have come here as your Mother of Relief of Suffering, so that you may relieve the lives of many people, so that more hearts may know that it is possible to find peace and love again through the heart of this Sacred Light-Nucleus.

May enthusiasm to serve, to give of yourselves for others, to place others first at all moments, beat within your lives, because the Love of My Son must triumph in hearts, My children, just as His Love has triumphed in your hearts throughout these times. Although you may fall or deter yourselves, although you may fear failure or the unknown.

I come here today, My beloved children, to extend My Healing Mantle of relief of suffering, and to tell you that I Am present in each one of your steps. Therefore, never forget My Heart, the Sacrificed Heart of Mary which continues to be pierced by the insults and sins of the world, the Heart that will always give its life for you, that will always listen to you and receive you, that will always grant you peace and hope to move on in these times of chaos because all, absolutely all, need relief of suffering.

This is why today, in the name of My Son, I pour out the Principle of Compassion, which is a favorite Law of Christ that you should aspire to live every day, beginning with your dear and loved ones, with all those whom you find on your paths. Because it will not be challenges that will lead you to peace, nor will it be the confrontation among brothers and sisters. What will lead you to peace is the Compassion of Christ, which springs like an Incandescent Flame from His Merciful Heart for the whole world, for all souls that seek and need it.

Responding to the request of Christ, I also come here to consecrate new Children of Mary, this new group of prayer that I will found and bless today. It will have the sacred task of praying for the House of Saint Lazarus so that the pillars of love, compassion and charity may be the first ones to be founded, as the basis of this Sacred House so that the soul of this Sacred House, which will be built and manifested, may be supported by the Sacred Angel of God’s Compassion, and souls may receive all the Graces they need from the Supreme Source, through the hands, and, above all, the hearts, that will offer themselves to serve at this place. 

Therefore, I tell you, My beloved children, that, upon this place, the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus already levitates on the spiritual plane. Contemplate it, recognize it, accept it, make it a part of your lives and essences. Allow the Angels of God’s Healing to descend and materialize this Sacred House of Saint Lazarus because souls cry out for healing, redemption and relief in this country and in others.

This will be the cell of God’s Healing, which will heal the sick cells of the men and women of the Earth, through the sacred touch of God’s Love in essences and in suffering hearts.

Once again, I rejoice for being here, because in the anonymity of the hearts that serve here, during this last pandemic, the spirit of the warrior of love was forged, of untiring charity, of sustenance for families in need, of the ardent aspiration to manifest the House of Saint Lazarus. Because remember, My dear children, that everything is part of the Work of God. This belongs to the Eternal Father, and your lives are called to participate in this Grace, which is extraordinary and special to all.

Place your hands in a sign of reception and receive, from the Mother of God, the consolation and relief of suffering that your essences and the essences of the world need today.

When this House is manifested, I will be the first to enter it, to bless it with My Light and My Love of a Mother. Because if this happens, My dear children, the Law of Healing will not disappear from the planet, it will not be dominated by conflict or disease but rather the Law of Healing will triumph through Love.

Receive this treasure of the House of Saint Lazarus, and now take it to your hearts, making a vow with Me to do all that is possible and a little more so that this project may descend as soon as possible, because while this has not yet happened, the world will continue on suffering.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
May the Children of Mary who will be consecrated stand up.


I come to bless you in this new task, important and favorite for the Mother of God, so that the streams of the Law of Healing may descend and flow from the Universe to this Sacred House of Saint Lazarus, ardently aspiring for many more hearts to attain the Healing they need and the relief for the suffering that makes them agonize and suffer.

Therefore, offer your hearts to Me today so that I may elevate them to God and present to the Eternal Father the sincere and honest offering of the hearts that will strive to carry out this Sacred Project of the House of Saint Lazarus, which I lovingly share with you today so that you may feel as a part of this Divine Grace.

Therefore, I consecrate you today, not only as My Children but also as My prayerful soldiers, as the pillars that will spiritually offer themselves to sustain this Sacred House of God and allow the Angel of God’s Compassion to inspire, guide and orient all those who will fraternally serve those who suffer during their last hour of life.

I consecrate you as My Children, as the guardians of the House of Saint Lazarus, as stewards of the Sacred Project of God’s Healing for this suffering world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With joy, bliss and infinite gratitude, My Son sends Me to pour out His Graces and Mercies through the Sacraments.

Today, those who have not been anointed will be anointed, those who have not been baptized will be baptized. This is what I will offer you with all My Heart and Life so that Love may triumph in your hearts and you may always remember, My children, that I will always be there, by your side, to lead you toward My Peace.

Let us pray, as from now and in the coming times, for the House of Saint Lazarus, so that it may keep descending from the spiritual plane as God commands, and in a little time it may be a reality on the surface of this planet, in Brazil.

Let us pray.

may the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us 
and true existence be revealed to the world,
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify Perfect Unity.


I thank you for having responded to My call in such a short time. This is very significant to Our Father, because He can pour out His Trust in hearts and, through hearts, manifest His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

Today, feel anointed by the Hands of Jesus through the Sacrament that will be offered with humility and simplicity.

Always be grateful for everything, the Law of Gratitude transforms and grants all.

Move forward! I will accompany you as the Mother Who relieves suffering, as the Mother Who will pray in silence for the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves for the Sacraments. We will attune ourselves through a simple song called "Consecration," which for the Mother represents the relief of suffering.


My dear children,

Today, with a great and indescribable joy for being present here with you, I come to close this stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and, in bliss, I come to establish, bless and open the new Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God, so that through Communion with the Celestial Father and with the Kingdoms of Creation, the same codes that Noah received may be deposited in this place and, from here, throughout all of Brazil.

The Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God will have the mission of praying so that the Inner Government of the planet, which is the Hierarchy’s Government, may be spiritually fulfilled in this country and, through this country, throughout the whole world. 

The task of my children from Brasilia will be to express this Sacred Marian Center, which I will bless in due time, when a part of it will have already been made manifest.

May this place be a space for inner healing and reconciliation of hearts. 

Here the fountain of the Lady of Graces must be manifested so that my children from Brasilia, from this region and from the whole world, may come here to receive My Graces. 

Furthermore, Via Crucis and the small Chaplet of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be expressed here, in addition to a small square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, I invite you to be in jubilee and joy today, together with your Celestial Mother, giving thanks to My Son, because finally a point of Light is instituted on the surface of this region of Brazil.

The Sacred Name that governs this Marian Center is Elohim. 

I thank you for accomplishing the aspirations of My Beloved Son. 

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace. 



My beloved children,

I come here today, bringing in My Hands the Bloodied Heart of Jesus, because My Son cries out for reparation in the face of war, conflict and the outrages that still exist in this world and in religions.

I come with the Bloodied Heart of My Son to ask you, in honor of His Divine and Holy Name, to accompany Me, in sacrifice, in a special, non-public spiritual task, at the Light-Nucleus of Figueira in San Carlos, the Nucleus of the Mother of the Alleviation of Suffering.

I need to arrive there to make known the importance of the realization of My request of the House of Saint Lazarus, because through this House, your Heavenly Mother and Her Healing Angels will bring spiritual relief to the human beings of this time, which everyone needs in this cycle.

I will go on a special pilgrimage to My House in San Carlos, to strengthen, in these times of emergency, the project of the manifestation of that Home, just like I will bless the families and children who are a part of the Fraternal Service Project.

My urgency is so that at least in some parts of the planet there may exist the presence of the Love of God, of the Love that heals, that cures and that redeems the suffering of these times.

Dear children, in this way, in sacrifice, your Most Holy Mother will pilgrimage in the company of a small group so that on October 25 this sacred task may be carried out, through a Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary. 

My Son gave Me His Bloodied Heart, asking the Mother of Alleviation of Suffering to intercede for souls who in this time have already condemned themselves. Therefore, the pain of My Son is indescribable.

From now on I thank all those who can collaborate in any way possible so that this reserved and special meeting may be fulfilled.

My beloved children, I would like to end by telling you that also on October 25 there will be a special live transmission shared, to transmit what happened in San Carlos.

I thank you for following My Steps!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



My dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother is already on pilgrimage to Brasilia in the Celestial Planes to accompany the Sacred Task that the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will carry out, and also in order to be very united to My Son for the most important spiritual and internal help that, through the souls of Brasilia, He will offer to all of Brazil.

Dear children, in the same way, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that, from wherever you are and through the Prayer for Peace in Brazil, you may also go internally on pilgrimage, accompanying all the Divinity in this next stage of pilgrimage.

Dear children, I also invite you to propagate Our loving call in as many places as possible so that more souls in need of light, love, and above all, hope, may come, approaching the warm and devoted Meetings of Prayer that will be offered in Brasilia.

As from now, your Most Holy Mother accompanies you and, in advance, I thank you for all that will be built.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

I come as the Light of the Love of God to penetrate the heart of My children, to take them once again to the Celestial Father because He is still waiting to hold them in His Arms.

Come to Me, dear children, just as I come to you today, My beloved children, to once again bless this nation and this people, Precious Project of the Arch of God in the end of these times, in the Thousand Years of Peace.

Therefore, leave at My Feet everything that makes you suffer or have to endure.  I come to make your souls and hearts be reborn.  I come to bring you, through My Heart, the Presence of Christ so that you may remember, My beloveds, that you must always find Him in the Holy Communion, so that the Sacrament of Faith and Renewal may overflow your souls and hearts, make of your consciousnesses peacemaking beings that receive in openness the Call of the Eternal Father.

I Am here, My children, and I Am the Mother of Brazil. I Am grateful for being here today, responding to the Call of God through the calling of your Celestial Mother.  Keep on praying for this nation and for this people, just as My Son asked you in the last days.

Do not fear, have faith and trust.  This Project of Brazil, that is the Ark of God, will not disappear from the Heart of the Father and even less from the heart of My children if you believe in the Project of God.

Remember that which My Son told you in the last days, that  Brazil is a country with open arms and with a very big and noble heart.  From the origins of this people, of this land, here God placed His Eden, which has been transgressed by humankind on the surface, which has hurt and outraged the Kingdoms of Nature.

But today you, My Children, who have the Grace of being conscious and of being awake, pray not only for this country dearly loved by Me, but also for the Kingdoms of Creation.

The human being on the surface cannot live without nature, without the oceans, without the dawn.  Imagine a planet without all this, there would be no life on the surface of the Earth.  Therefore, I call you on to repair the Kingdoms of Nature, so that also this people and the whole world may be repaired and healed.

Dear children, you must pray for this Creation, for this planet.  My Son still hopes and wishes to find this humanity standing, despite its suffering and its chaos.  Therefore, start with yourselves, My dear children, by living a life of goodness, remembering the Commandments that My Son dictated to you, making of each of your families a sacred oratory for God.

In this way you will prevent, My beloved children, My enemy from disrupting and disturbing you; because at each moment that you pray from your hearts, as you did today, you and your families will be protected and protected in the end of these times.

There will still be situations in this humanity that, for many, will be unbelievable; but I invite you to keep ignited the fire of prayer and to multiply the spirit of the nation beyond this people, the spirit of love that this country lives, the soul of this country.  In this way, you will keep the doors opened so that the outraged South America may receive the Mercy of My Son, hearts may reconcile with the Eternal Father and they may no longer think that God is a Judge. The Father is a Unique Consciousness of Mercy and Love.

Therefore, remember His Sacred Names, the Names that the people of Israel used to invoke, and thus receive His Sacred Kingdom, which is inside your hearts and lives.  You just need to look inside of you to find Him; because the life of humanity, in these times, has become a material and superficial life, leading many souls to live in indifference and not in love.

I ask you, My children, that you search within yourselves for this reconciliation through My Presence, tonight, for the whole of Brazil and the world.

I come to tell you, My children, that God has the door to His Mercy opened so that you may cross it and can get to know His Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy.

For this reason, do not feel guilt, rejoice your hearts.  The Lord has sent Me as His Slave and His Servant to support the whole of Brazil, in this quite crucial decision that people need to make in the coming times.

For this reason, allow the Angels of God to be present in this nation, so that all hearts, beyond creeds, may renew themselves.  Because God has His Arms open for all His Creatures, just as today, your Lady and Mother of Brazil, has Her Arms open and Her Hands stretched out towards you, to pour out the Graces that you need, after these last two years of darkness and uncertainty.

As Mother of all, I trust in those who pray wholeheartedly and truthfully, who do not tire of praying, not only for themselves, but also for the world.

Prayer is that which will close the uncertain doors that are open, will calm the minds of people, will appease restless hearts and bring joy of living and of being in God, which in this world tends to be replaced by the gods that many nations practice.

Do not forget your origins, do not forget the wealth of your inner universe, of your truth.  God is within you and waits for you, so that you may find Him again, so that you may adore and recognize Him.

For this reason, I Am here, to tell Brazil and the world not to let yourselves be influenced or deceived.  God gave you this planet so that you might be a Sacred Family, so that all may achieve happiness through being here and recognizing one another as brothers and sisters, as members of one universal family.

Therefore, dear children, re-kindle in yourselves the flame of fraternity, so that indifference may be placated.

Re-kindle in yourselves the flame of service, so that poverty may be placated.

Re-kindle in yourselves your faith in the Mercy of God, so that the fears that are created and radiated to the whole world may disappear from the lives of people, because they are fears that do not exist.

God created you so that you might be His image and likeness, and this will never change.

Pray to protect this dear nation from that which they want to institute and establish.  Free this people from false promises.  Believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you and, as Your Mother, I assure you that you won’t lack peace.

May Brazil live one day the true Spiritual Government of My Son, so that all the the people may be blessed by the Divine Law, the true Law of God that orders consciousnesses and the inner worlds, that brings the Graces that hearts need to feel healed and loved by God.

Today, He sends Me with this Message for all of you.  But My Son also sends me to tell you that He will always be Christ, the Redeemer of this nation, the One who will always bring you the Light of the universe and of life.  Therefore, He asks you to rise and have faith.  This captivity that the world lives will end, but the planet and humanity must still purify.

Pray with fervor, form groups of prayer and be armies of the Heavenly Mother.  May your lives be sparkles of God on the surface of the Earth, the Light that shines in these times of darkness to illuminate the nations and the planet.

Live the Unity of God so that you may live in Unity with Christ and so that, through Christ, My Beloved Son, you may live in Unity with the Holy Spirit.

In the following weeks, invoke, through prayer, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that your hearts may be the ones that choose, not your minds.

Remember the Angel of Brazil, which so much needs and waits for you.  Allow him to extend his wings upon this people, so that it may be protected from the interferences of these times, from the ideologies and temptations that are sent to humanity in a permanent way.

But through the intelligence of the heart, I invite you to elevate your consciousnesses through prayer, so you may be protected from everything and your hearts may live in the Love of God, because His Love is invincible and is Infinite, it is a Love that never dies, that never disappears.

Therefore, through My Heart, My dear children, find the Love of God tonight again, the Love that waits for you, the Love that awaits you.

In My Immaculate Heart, I receive the supplications, prayers and intentions of all those present here and also of those not present, because I deeply know each one of your lives.

I am the Mother of Humanity, the Mother of the Cross, who, at the Feet of Christ in the Calvary, committed to work for the salvation of souls and hearts, to lead them to rediscover the Love of God.

Commune with this Love at this moment and dissolve all guilt and doubt; because the Love of God is present; it nourishes and renews it all, heals everything and grants you peace. May your hearts be strengthened in the Peace of God so you may learn to walk in these difficult times.

Today, I pray not only for you, but also for your families.  I pray for this dear and beloved nation of Our Lady. And once again I give thanks for your being here, in simplicity of spirit, in humility of the heart, in ardent devotion.

Because all these attributes appease the injustice that this country could live in the coming times and also allow this nation not to be deceived, but rather that all, with hope and faith, may make of Brazil the New Eden of God.

Do you accept this?

They all answer: “Yes!”.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is smiling.


As a testimony of the Love of God, I will consecrate new Children of Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

I invite you to approach the foot of this Altar.

May all those also approach, who would like to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Mother will pour out Her Graces at this moment upon Brazil and upon all those present here, to bless you in the Love of Christ.


Today, I extend My Celestial Mantle, through the consecration of each one of My children present here, through the hearts that believe in the sacred flame of faith and hope, through the hearts that wait with joy for the Glorious Return of Christ, the near coming of Christ to this humanity and planet, which today the Mother of God announces with happiness and joy.

This is why I ask you, My beloved and dear children, never cease to elevate the torch of faith and peace, and to elevate your prayers and above all your hearts towards the Heavens, as an offering and in love, so that the Celestial Father may always bless and protect you.

Today, through this special and blessed consecration of new Children of Mary, I extend My Celestial Mantle to you and show the Eternal Father how, through the consecration of souls and devout hearts, it is possible to again elevate the Project of this humanity through the pillars of Faith, Love, Mercy, Healing and Peace.

Therefore, listening at this moment to the Hymn of your Consecration, which I invite you to sing, also for all the Children of Mary who already exist, let us elevate to the Father our supplications and offerings so that He may pour out not only His Mercy and Healing, but also His Peace upon those who search for it with sincerity, so that they may commune with Christ, My Son.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary.

And, at this moment, before the Presence of the Mother of God, let us internally and spiritually prepare so that, at the Foot of the Celestial Queen and Mother of Brazil, we may consecrate ourselves as Her children forever, as the Children of Mary.


I consecrate, bless and renew you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


My dear children,

During these days of special prayer, may your requests and prayers for Brazil come to Me with the warmest love of My children, as roses at the Feet of the Celestial Mother.

Dear children, let us unite, at this moment, to the Heart of My Son so that the Sublime Spiritual Government may fill the souls of this nation of Brazil, and thus the purpose of this country may be protected and sheltered under the luminous wings of Brazil’s Guardian Angel.

It is in this way, dear children, that through the powerful prayer from the heart, the Holy Spirit may also guide and inspire the hearts of My children so that the discernment and peace that this dear people of Brazil need may always prevail.

As your Mother, as the Lady of Aparecida, I am praying every day, together with you, and I unite My Voice of a Servant and Slave of God so that in Brazil and throughout the whole world the Will of the Eternal Father may be fulfilled.

The intention of My Motherly desire is for Brazil not to convert itself into a scenario of inconsistencies and lack of spiritual meaning.

You, my children, must proceed to allow the Lady of Aparecida to continue being the Governor of this nation, destined to be the cradle of the New Humanity.

Continue praying with fervor, allowing the Sacred Flame of Wisdom grant understanding and reason to humble hearts.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It gladdens Me to meet again My faithful and beloved children, at this Sacred blue Heaven, where many experiences have been lived by you, My children. Dark nights have been gone through, moments of joy have been lived and shared and, today, you are here with Me, in fidelity and love.

I would like you to know that the times to come will not be good, but if souls repent from the heart and surrender with faith in the Immaculate Heart, all can be avoided.

Now that your feet are tired from this trajectory and this path, renew yourselves.

I Am here and I Am your Mother. The Mother that will never abandon you, the Mother that will always receive you and give you the Peace that the whole world needs so much.

Rejoice, because I Am here to grant you My Graces once again, to grant you the Pardon of God and the renewal of your lives in this definitive cycle, a cycle in which effort will be the great master key among all keys. The key that will open the door to the descent of God’s Mercy.

Therefore, My children, let your minds expand, let your hearts open much more than they are already open, so that the consciousnesses that have self-summoned may come here, as it is foreseen in the Aspiration of the Eternal Father.

Everything you have learned throughout the times has been for this moment, My children, for this definitive hour, in which you must learn to walk in sacrifice out of love for God and out of love for My Son. Because He will never give you such a heavy cross that you can carry it by yourselves.

He will give you the cross of liberation and redemption, just as He carried it in a brave manner a long time ago, for each one of you. Therefore, continue to participate in this fidelity to God and to My Immaculate Heart.

In advance and forever, I give thanks for the channel offered in this place, for Vigil and Adoration.

My children, it is time to re-build the spiritual bases of this humanity, through the important exercise of Adoration to the Eucharistic Body of My Son. Because while this does not happen, you know that souls go astray time and again. My wish is to bring all toward God, not only those you do not know, but also your families, your loved ones, all those who are close to your lives.

All need to know the Mercy of God. This mystery was revealed and given on the Cross through the Blood that was shed by My Son, in each drop that He shed for the world.

Today, for this renewal, My Graces bring you the Codes of the Blood of Christ so that, after that which was lived throughout the last years, your consciousnesses may feel healed and renewed, may assume, with maturity and enthusiasm, the cross that My Son gives you, out of love for humanity and the planet.

My children, your Heavenly Mother knows, in advance,  all that you will do to receive Me next October 13, because you have learned to serve and give of yourselves.

I would like to see not only the flowers that you always place at the foot of My Altar, which you will raise in offering to My Immaculate Heart. I would also like your lives, on the coming days and in the times to come, to be these beautiful flowers of conversion, forgiveness, love and redemption, which I will be able to pick with My own Hands to give them to God and confirm that the Plan of My Son for this world is feasible.

Today, I embrace with My Mantle all those who need it. Today, I place upon My Chest all those who need to feel the beating of My Heart, so that you may remember that the Consoling and Co-redeeming Mother is always present here, in Spirit and Divinity.

Rejoice, because the end of captivity will come not only for you, but also for the whole world. Because when My Son returns, He will renew and transform everything, by the merits achieved in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.

On this day, may your souls resurrect in spirit under the Love of God, under the Presence of the Mother of the Holy Spirit. Offer to God the best you can give Him. No matter how small it seems, let it be true and sincere. Because it is in that which is small and not in that which is big, that God works, through the souls and hearts open to His Consoling Love.

And just as I have done on these last days, in these last weeks, in this special Pilgrimage of re-encounter with My dear children, I will offer the Sacrament of the Anointment to you again. Thus, may the sign of the Cross of Emmanuel sanctify, protect, heal and accompany you in this new stage of renewal and re-founding of the bases of the Purpose of this Nucleus and of this point of Spiritual Light in this part of the planet.

Children, do not fear the cross, I Am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother of all of humanity and of the planet. Remember that here I find inner strength in those who adore, pray, watch and serve God.

Not only My Son seeks a place where He can rest and restore, also your Heavenly Mother seeks this place in the hearts that serve the Work of God on this planet.

Place your intentions at My Feet in the silence of the heart, and I will take them to God.

Pray and do not fail to do so, for your protection and the protection of your families. Unite to God through prayer.

Let us make the offering to God, from the innermost core of My Heart, at this moment.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I thank you for having responded to My call in such an immediate way, because when this happens, My children, humanity ceases to suffer.

Now, let us go to the foot of the Altar of Christ, you, as His companions and apostles. Let us offer not only the bread and the wine so that they may be converted into the Body and the Blood of Christ. Offer your hearts also, so that this renewal may reach your lives and your families, through the blessing of the Holy Spirit.  

Be in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved and lovable children of Aurora,

I Am here, and Am your Mother, where simplicity reigns, where the spirit of humility, the effort of daily labors, of untiring prayer and Adoration are breathed.

At each day of your lives, God is present in this place, although there may be doubts, anguishes, obstacles or agonies in your hearts.

Beloved children of Aurora, there is nothing and no one that can dissolve the alliance you have with God and through God, with the Heart of My Most Beloved Son Jesus.

I could not leave here without being with you and among you, because I know that you were waiting for this and a Good Mother always responds to the call of Her children. For this reason, I Am here, because in truth it was My Son who sent Me to you as His Messenger, as the Mother of God, as that Woman that is always by the side of Her children, praying and watching each one of your steps.

The pillars that I founded here in Aurora 15 years ago, important spiritual bases for humanity, are still firm and alive, although My task has not been understood in Uruguay.

Today your Heavenly Mother, Holy Mary of Aurora, comes to return to you in the same way, through Her Graces and the purest Love of Her Immaculate Heart, because you keep faithfully sustaining this sacred place on the surface.

This is very important to My Son, because My Son can work and intercede for humanity where it is necessary, just as My Immaculate Heart has also been able to intercede so far away from Aurora, in other places of the world. 

This is why I come here to thank you for each sincere effort in the prayer of the heart, for each morning that you have awoken to offer your service and love to the Kingdom of Aurora and although it might seem impossible for you to carry it out, although it might seem impossible for you to concretize it, your feet walked through service and your hands gave of themselves in the cold winter that the planet lives, due to the darkness that absorbs it, day by day, for the lack of light, love and hope.

But you, blessed children of Aurora, have always been able to be reborn through the sunrise of this Inner Center in your hearts, you have tempered your sword through love, you have appeased your hearts through constant unity with the Eternal Father, through each liturgy and true offering.

For this reason, today My Sacred Universal Mantle carries upon itself the fruits of your efforts and surrenders, which have converted into stars of My Universal Mantle.

Do you know what this means to God?

I know that it is a mystery that you will not understand today, but yes, your hearts are open to this mystery, because in this Sacred Mantle of Stars of Light is registered the experience of your effort and your constant self-giving. This is what God needs to prevent Divine Justice from descending upon the world so that the Unfathomable and Divine Mercy of My Son may keep working and interceding for this humanity.

Let us now see, My children, the fruits that Aurora has yielded throughout the times, beyond this place, in far-away corners of the planet where souls were waiting for the rebirth of Aurora, where hearts were waiting for redemption, healing and inner love.

This has been possible, My children, because you are here, sustaining this Community in daily life, in daily liturgy, at each moment in which the universe offers a greater service so that not only your hearts may be mature, but also your souls may be aware of what is meant and represented by the commitment that each one of you have to Christ. Because He, My Son, is the One Who tells of each one of your steps to the Father, so that the Eternal Father may write this experience in His Book of Love.

God offered the best to you and this is why God, on this day, blesses you with His Graces, so that the strength that Aurora has may remain and make of the warriors of redemption the apostles of love and untiring service. This is so that more souls throughout the whole world may be worthy of the spiritual help of Aurora, on the inner planes of consciousness and spirit.

These are the great fruits of Aurora: that this Sacred Kingdom of Love and Redemption, through persevering and constant hearts, may reach all parts of the world, as many places and consciousnesses as possible places, which wait for redemption in this life.

In the coming times, I would like your experiences of service, self-giving and untiring love to continue to shine like stars in My Universal Mantle.

Even more, My children: each tear that you have dropped upon this ground is counted within My Mantle of Light, because God, the Eternal Father, contemplates all that exists and all that which is experienced.

This is why He is a Father of immense Mercy, a Father of Open Arms, who hopes His Children can embrace Him and also console Him for all the sins and outrages that He sees in the world in these times.

Therefore, Our Sacred Hearts must still go very far, to far-away places of the world, for one reason and with one end: to bring Aurora to nations and hearts, because all on this planet, despite their errors, deserve to know the Kingdom of Aurora, and be receptacles to experience inner healing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now the Mantle of Our Lady has become a bright green Mantle, in the Face of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Placing Her Hands in a sign of prayer, our Divine Mother continues contemplating each one of those present, and tells us:


My children, fifteen years ago, My Feet touched this sacred ground and I Am very grateful for this. Because despite the obstacles and the delays, My Purpose in the world is being fulfilled, which is the Sacred Purpose of the Source: that inner healing may reach as many souls as possible, regardless of their condition or situation. Therefore, I want to again eternally thank all those who experience Aurora in their hearts and dare to be a part of this Grace.

Today, I come to renew the Purpose of this Community, of this Sacred Community of God. I come to make the inner Graces and fruits of Aurora bloom. I come to strengthen its spiritual and inner bases, for this place and the world.

I come here to again call upon you, so that you may accompany your Heavenly Mother in Her planetary task, just as you have accompanied Me up to today. This is very significant to Me, because I know that I can count on My children regardless of the distances, because I can count on the hearts of those who say to Me, “Yes, Mother, I am here!”

Today, through the priests, I will give you the Sacrament of the Anointing so that the visible Sign of the Holy Cross may protect your paths of transformation and redemption. But even more, so that this visible Sign of the Cross may represent you in the inner world and no evil or disturbance may harm you nor interfere with you, the spirit of the warrior of peace may emerge in each one of you, and the prayerful soldier may be firm in these times of tribulation. And so that prayer may always be your spiritual nourishment, so that, in this place and throughout the world, the Will of God may be established, that which the Heart of the Eternal Father has foreseen to happen, which He holds in His Heart with great joy.

May this blessing of the Sacrament of the Anointing make you participants in the Sacrament of Communion knowing that, despite the desert of these times, in the Communion with My Son, you will find the Fountain that will quench your thirst., never forget that. Iin the Holy Communion lies the renewal of spirit and of consciousness.

Never fail to commune with the Body and Blood of Christ. Take refuge in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and, when you commune with the Body of Christ, may you feel yourselves touch His wounded Body, flagellated by the world, so that your fidelity and prayer may restore it.

Today, My Divine Consciousness emerges from the Kingdom of Aurora, and your Heavenly Mother attentively remembers all that has happened in the last years and, mainly, what has happened in the life of My children, which is what is most important to God.

Therefore, I invite you to tread this path of bringing to memory, of remembering each Grace and each spiritual impulse received, which, since 2013, has become complete with the arrival of Christ.

Today, in this inner temple, I leave to you the Unchanging Presence of the Holy Spirit so that, whenever you need, in the silence of the heart and of the consciousness, you may come here to find strength and fortitude, so that your hearts may always empty themselves and, through this Place of Love, you may find what you internally need.

Go ahead, My children of Aurora!

The Mother of God is here to bless and renew you, so that your lives, in the name of Christ, may always become new lives in the Lord, which feel the Fire of Aurora in the heart, the Fire that impels you to greater surrender.

Let us celebrate this moment with gratitude. And I ask you to continue praying for all of My causes, for all that the Sacred Hearts still need to concretize throughout the whole world.


O Blazing Flame of the Purpose of Aurora!
Guide the steps of all My children
toward an encounter with the Immaterial Source of the Heart of the Lord
so that all may be consecrated to His Divine Purpose
and the ties of yesterday may be dissolved
so that souls may attain liberation.

O Blazing Flame of the Purpose of Aurora!
Ignite the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within the human heart,
so that the sacrifice for Christ may be vivid in joy and plenitude,
in the hope of concretizing His Return.



My beloveds, I thank you for responding to this call.

Enter My Heart, whenever you need, because My Immaculate Heart will lead you to peace.

May peace be in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

Before resuming the pilgrim path that will take us to Brazil, your Heavenly Mother stops in the inner planes of the Kingdom of Aurora to rest, in the silence and peace of all Kingdoms of Nature.

Just as I did last Saturday with My children of the Community of the Brotherhood, today, I come to communicate to you that your Heavenly Mother will visit the Community Fraternity, through a special and private Apparition in the prayer room of the area of Redención 2.

Tomorrow, I would like you to wait for Me with your songs and prayers, and to offer Me a simple altar, in honor of the Most Holy Virgin of Fatima so that, in this stage of rest, your Heavenly Mother may not only bless the new community cycle in Aurora, but also from Aurora I may again bless Uruguay and South America.

This moment that you will share with Me will later be transmitted through an audio, on September 25, so that My other children may accompany from their hearts the maternal Words that I will address to My children of the Community Fraternity.

Fulfilling this request, I will again ask Uruguay to consecrate itself to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that this blessed country may be protected and sheltered from the evil intentions that today are also sadly promoted throughout other countries of America.

In Brazil, My Son will return with all the power of the Divine Word to warn and clarify the ideas and minds of the people, so that Brazil may continue to internally sustain the destiny of becoming the New Eden of God for the whole world.

My children, let us pray. And I ask you, once again, to commit yourselves with heart and word to the different Prayers for Peace in the Nations. It will depend on the participation and the presence of each Child of Mary that some unfortunate situations may not manifest nor materialize in matter.

From now on, I am grateful for those who up to today support the Prayers for Peace in the Nations, responding faithfully.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


To the soldiers and warriors of Mercy of the Brotherhood Community

My beloved children,

Despite loneliness, abandonment or the doubt that in these last two years you may have felt, today you are filled with My deepest and warmest Maternal Love.

Dear children, every day I have prayed for your persistence and enthusiasm, despite the fact that you have lived the sorrowful agony of My Son  in your own flesh during the pandemic of this lost humanity.

But now see, children, I am here, and I am your Mother of the Holy Spirit; I am the Guardian of your path toward God.

Beloved children, today I can tell you that you survived and that you are ready, despite your purification, to continue enduring the end of these times, a time still unknown and unpredictable for all of humanity.

But you, in spite of everything, knew how to be warriors of Mercy, and most importantly, My beloved children, you learned to place the Plan of My Son first, despite the uncertain and dark moment that humanity lived.

My Son, like a Good Shepherd, was there, present in each success as in each test. The powerful Love of Christ sustained each one of you and thus, beyond everything, you learned to sustain this Sacred Marian Center.

For this reason, I am here today to thank you, to give you My Gratitude and Consoling Love.

Children, each sincere effort that was lived by you is valued and recognized by the Eternal Father, and is kept in the depths of His Silent Heart.

Therefore, on this day, feel renewed, feel strengthened by His Blessed and Humble Heavenly Mother.

Everyone who in these last two years has either passed through or congregated in this beloved Community left the Sacred Heart of My Son a mark of love and sacrifice.

Now rise up and continue on walking.

I am the Mother of Calvary, the Mother who reaches everyone, to hear from each Inner Christ: "Mother, I renew all things."

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While your Heavenly Mother is here, on this special and important day to Me, your Heavenly Mother is also with the Holy Father in Kazakhstan, so that the world may understand, once and for all, that religion is not a cause for division or discord, religions are a bridge to reach the Heart of God. Therefore, My Heart is very saddened when there is discord, division or separation in religions.

In these crucial times for the planet, religion is being used as a war weapon to confuse hearts, to separate souls from the faith of God.

But I come on this day, My children, to reconnect Heaven and Earth, to reconnect the purpose that the Argentinian nation has with the Higher Source of Love, and this is possible through the response of those who are present today.

I know that your consciousnesses cannot measure what this signifies to the Father. But I assure you, My children, that something very important is happening at this very moment, when religions of the world unite to dialogue for peace so that the peoples of the whole world may be protected by religions, and at last My Beloved Son may see, with His own Eyes, Ecumenism being manifested, which He so much waits for.

The main key of religions is the Love of God. This is why souls must seek this incessant Love through religions. I ask you, My children, not to identify yourselves with that which is superficial, because even within religions there are errors and there is sin.

But you, My children, who have already accompanied Me for such a long time, who respond to My call each time that I call you, should place your consciousnesses and, above all, your minds, on another plane of understanding and union, because there My enemy will not intercept, nor seek you or harass you.

Through your prayer, help all religions of the world, because they keep being used as war weapons and when My Son returns, He will need that religions may also go through a synthesis and a judgment. 

Because that which He taught such a long time ago is for all. And the way that humanity on this surface has found to understand His Message is through religion. But open your consciousnesses, do not stay in what is theoretical, do not stay only within  dogma.

I ask you, time and again, that your gazes and above all your hearts may turn toward God, that they may turn to the source of His Love, an inexhaustible Love, an eternal Love which, through My Heart, wants to fill you, wants to bless and wants to unite you as one.

Today, I come to this place with great joy, feeling bliss in My Heart for being able to be in the heart of Argentina and, through this heart, being able to radiate, to all the nation and the whole world, what the country and the other peoples of the world need at this moment.

Therefore, I once again thank you for following My Steps, for accompanying Me at this moment and at this hour, because this is very significant to Our Lord, the Christ.

My children, this allows your Mother to pour out more Graces upon the world. It allows the souls that are confused and lost to return to the House of the Father at this moment. For this reason, I Am here.

God contemplates the sincere response of each heart that is present. As your Mother, I know what the fact that I Am here in an immediate way has meant to you, and this is much valued by My Beloved Son. My Son also values the new souls that are postulants to consecration as Children of Mary.

All is valued by My Beloved Son, each true gesture of love allows the world to receive the atonement it so much needs in these times.

I ask you, My children, not to forget to pray for religions, as union and ecumenism must take place and this is a responsibility for each one of you, so that the world may no longer precipitate into the abyss, so that souls no longer be dragged towards perdition and not make alliance with modernities.

The One God, the Almighty, gathers you at this moment, gathers you for a Higher Purpose, which you do not know, a Purpose that can begin to be written in the Heart of the Father and in the heart of His Children.

In this way, I speak to you of a new story that began to be written in Buenos Aires, a story traced by the union of hearts with the Heart of the Hierarchy, which keeps being written through this moment, and this place.

In this way, that which is hidden to the eyes of all becomes revealed, that which is present on the immaterial plane is shown, and all hills that surround this region are witnesses of this, although this place must still purify itself. Remember that which My Son once told you: so that He may make things new, He needs consciousnesses to be renewed and not be in resistance or under power itself.

Once and for all, souls must become liberated from themselves, they must learn to walk in Christ and for Christ, so that He, before God, may fulfill His Word, and, above all, He may fulfill His Prophecy of returning to the world at the culminating moment of humanity, when all will be able to see, listen to, feel and recognize Him as the Master among masters, as the King of the Universe.

This is why He sends His Messenger. He sends the Mother of the Mountains, Pachamamama, so that the world may also not forget the cry of the planet, the cry of the Kingdoms of Nature. They need the help of all.

Rebuild the surface of this planet through actions of charity.

Open the doors to the Mercy of God and allow all to be healed. Because the whole world needs it, before the great end comes.

Pray for Cordoba to be re-consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, because if this consecration takes place faithfully, this will have repercussions throughout all of Argentina, and those situations that want to make the country succumb will not be concretized, because the prayer of the faithful prayerful beings will prevent impunity to keep acting in this world and in this country.

May all be balanced, just as this nation deserves and needs.

As I told you in Buenos Aires, place your trust in God. Remember not to stay in that which is superficial. At each moment and on each new day, place your consciousness in the Heights, because there lies the solution and the response that you so much seek.

I Am here also to pray for this cause, and each time a new Child of Mary is consecrated, My prayer and the prayer of My children is heard, preventing unexpected and painful situations to take place in the world or in Argentina.

The gaze of God is upon this country, you must keep this in mind.

But despite the impunity or the injustice, despite the lies or the falsity, despite the empty message or the illusion, despite all that happens on the surface of Argentina, the spiritual heart of this nation will not lose the treasures it has.

Therefore, I invite you to unite to this so that, throughout the times, it may cause the spiritual treasures of God that are present in this country to reverberate. It depends on you, My children, that nothing else may happen, this is the truth.

As a testimonial that it is possible to live changes, I will now call those who will be consecrated as My children on this day.

I invite you to approach this altar so that you may live this moment of consecration and blessing and so that your lives and, above all, your hearts, may be a living testimonial that redemption is possible.

Make yourselves available, may all become available to receive My blessing, the blessing of your Heavenly Mother.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And we will now listen to the instrumental song of the Children of Mary, preparing this moment of consecration and union with the Most Holy Virgin.

I would like to tell these beloved children present here, that I have waited for this moment to consecrate you before God, that I deeply know your traumas and sadness, that I Have walked by your side at dark moments and during desolation. Do not forget that I Am the Sorrowful Mother of the Cross, the one who, at the Feet of My Son, on the top of Mount Calvary, assumed each one of you and your essences with love and responsibility. Therefore, I know all that has happened up to this moment.

Renew your faith and your trust in God through My Immaculate Heart. Because from now on you will be able to walk free from yourselves and your deepest wounds will close and heal, because My Grace will touch your hearts at this moment.

You and your brothers and sisters are My children, and I love you, I Am your Mother and I Am always here to help you. Because a good mother never forgets her children, even if Your Heavenly Mother is a Pilgrim Mother.

Therefore, open your hearts at this moment of consecration and union with Me. May not only your lives but also your families be consecrated. And that which has remained separated, that wound which has remained open, that illness which you have gone through, or even that incomprehension which has remained in your memories, may all this be dissolved at this moment, so that you may feel My maternal embrace.

Children, I not only consecrate you today as Children of Mary, but I also consecrate you as a new Rosary of Light, which will have the mission and duty to pray for Argentina so that, through your hearts and the heart of Cordoba, the Spiritual Government that this country needs may be made manifest, the Laws may be fulfilled and the Commandments may be respected.

Rejoice, My children! You are My children, the Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

May the Holy Spirit always guide you and fill you.



Song: “Hymn of the Children of Mary.”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

So now, to conclude this work, we will explain to you how this moment of Apparition proceeded, for it was very special, and it reminded me of when we were on a pilgrimage here in Cordoba a few years ago.

And so that you may see that the Hierarchy keeps all moments in mind, today Our Lady, as Mary, the Queen of Peace, came here, continuing that moment of that Apparition long ago, and now bringing the feeling of Mary's gratitude.

As She came from Heaven, descending toward Cordoba, Mary’s passing throughout each area of this part of Argentina, closed many uncertain doors and many intruding energies were gradually liberated.

She brought to those present and those who are not, a principle of maternal consolation never seen before, which She transmitted through Her Immaculate Heart, through Her Love.

When She consecrated the Children of Mary, it was really very special to me. Because while Mary spoke with sweetness to each one of the brothers and sisters who were consecrated today, She not only again raised them through the Faith and Strength that Our Lady lives as a Divine Consciousness, but She also showed how She has been with each one of them throughout their lives. And let us imagine, for a moment, how many of us are on this planet.

Mary, once more, demonstrates and confirms to us that She does not forget any of Her children, because at that moment of consecration, She saw the story of each one of these brothers and sisters. As the Mother of God, She was before their errors and right actions. As She said, “the sorrows, anguishes and darkness.”

The mere Presence of Mary, as the Queen of Peace, dissolved all of this in the face of Her children, those who were consecrated today. And at that moment, to Mary, errors did not matter. What mattered the most to Our Lady today was that, in the consecration of these brothers and sisters, they might be able to remember that they are Children of God, and that nothing and no one can take that Grace from them.

Mary told me that to be a Child of God is something that we cannot encompass with our minds, with our consciousness. To be a Child of God, Mary said, is a state of Grace that we receive in our birth and, even more, when we were conceived in the womb of our mothers. This is why She is the Universal Mother. She is the Womb that generates and creates new things.

Today, these brothers and sisters lived a moment not only of consecration, but also of filiation with the Father and through the Presence of the Holy Spirit, through Mary, She gave them a sacred task.

At that moment we were able to understand and above all feel, that it seemed as if we had known each one of them for a very long time. This happens because our souls unite at the Feet of Mary, and then we remember the place She has for each one of us in Her Heart. She told us that we have to keep this in mind, that no one should forget the place we have in the Heart of Mary.

And to conclude, I would like to say that Our Lady helped this part of Argentina, the North of Argentina. Above all, She presented Herself on the inner planes to help the brothers who are in Jujuy, in Corrientes, in those places of Argentina where there are such simple, such humble brothers and sisters, that no one even knows who they are. Today, Mary also brought Her Love to those places and to those consciousnesses.

Today, Mary was very thankful for being here. I do not know why.

She likes Cordoba, because it is the heart of Argentina.

So we give thanks for the presence of all of you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Mary asked the Children of Mary to make a Rosary of Light group.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who were consecrated today, right? And each one of them could also form a Rosary of Light. But first we have to fulfill the goals that are possible.

This group that was consecrated is a new Rosary of Light. After this work, the priests will explain to you what this is all about, so that you may respond to the call of Mary. And after you go through the experience of this Rosary of Light group, each one of you may be encouraged to form another Rosary of Light group.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

If you who are at home also want to pray for Argentina and make a Rosary of Light group, you may enter the page of the Divine Messengers and there you will have the information so that together we may keep illuminating this world through prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will close this meeting by singing a song that Mary asked of us, because She knows that each one of your hearts identify with it.


Song: “To look at You.”

Thank you all!



My dear children,

While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.

This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.

In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.

It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.

Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.

For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.

The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.

With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.

I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The moment has come for the world to live its true Spiritual Government. This is the reason why the most resistant structures, the most corrupt systems, the oldest monarchies will fall overnight. Because Christ is preparing His Return, and this has just one end: so that the New Humanity may emerge, free from lies, free from impunity, free from all that has enslaved all of humanity up to today.

This is why the chains will break, you will feel the shackles slowly break, those currents that dissociate the world will be rooted out by the Presence of My Son and everything, absolutely everything, will be put in evidence.

But as your Mother, I tell you that you must not fear when this moment comes, which is now. Consider this moment as the moment of your liberation from an uninterrupted chain of errors that no one has been able to liberate or dissolve.

Therefore, aspire and rejoice, because the end of your captivity is near. My Son has promised this and He will fulfill it.

This is why you must keep elevating yourselves through the prayer of the heart. Because everyone needs to have the Flame of the Sacred Purpose within. And many more than just you need to again find their original purpose and not the tendencies or objectives that the world sells day by day, creating gods and idolatries that spiritually confuse souls about what the true path is.

When you believe that you have God within you and that you must look within your inner world to discover the wealth of the universe that God placed within each one of you, I can tell you, My dear children, that you will know how to liberate yourselves from your own ties and sorrows, and you will no longer take so long to take steps in the elevation of consciousness, in the unceasing search for the Sacred Purpose that brought you here, to this world and within this local universe.

To pass through the Earth is not by chance, to pass through this planet is no something casual, because this does not exist. This womb of the Earth has offered to redeem you so that the principles which you once lost in the universe could be gestated within you, so that the race may finally be Confederate. And although this seems impossible at this moment, it is not. Because My Son carries forward His most silent strategies. He weaves, through the Mantle of the Mother of the World, the great network of the soul groups that unite and attune with Our Universal Purpose.

Therefore, the time for redemption and reconciliation has come. The time has come for the veils of your consciousnesses to fall forever, and for not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world to know Truth.

Because Truth, which you may have once known, has been outraged by the world, by those systems that rule the Earth today, which make consciousnesses believe that life is just material. Your mission and purpose lie within that which is immaterial, that which you cannot touch with your own hands nor see with your own eyes.

The Flame of Divine Purpose is alive in the Sidereal Universe. And through My Sacred Mantle, the Mantle of the Mother of the World, I come to bring you the Universe, I come to reveal your origins to you so that through your essences you may remember the Divine Will that brought you here.

Therefore, My children, do not keep believing that you are only material and mortal beings. You are spirits that will continue the cosmic trajectory throughout the universe.

The spirit of each one of you is the sacred Eagle that must return to the trajectory of fire to unite and merge in the Essence of the Father. Not only must it be part of the 144,000, but your lives must also be the result of an experience of redemption and one love, which the Lords of the Law themselves can witness as a victory of the Love of Christ in the world.

Thus, I come here to elevate your consciousnesses toward that which is true and immaterial, so that you may come out of this chaotic and confusing surface, which only offers you suffering and pain. However, you must be disciplined, My children. No one will lead you to elevate your consciousness, because you must attain this only by yourselves.

Here are Our Arms and Our Hands in offering so that, through Our help, you may elevate yourselves more and more. Because if the world is not elevated through the consciousnesses that are awakened and the consciousnesses that will awaken someday, how will the world stop experiencing suffering? How will the uncertain doors that rule humanity close and how will the bonds that many have with evil completely disappear?

I only ask you to never cease making the right effort, because the time of Divine Justice is coming, and it is already being fulfilled. You must not submerge in that which is superficial and mundane.

Just as many Children of Mary have done, re-consecrate your consciousness to the Original Purpose that brought you here on Earth. I assure you that in this sincere act of consecration and simplicity, you will return to the origin that you have lost. Because beyond this origin, there is your sidereal family, the one that has waited for such a long time for the results of your experience of love and redemption in this world.

Who will be capable of pouring out their experience of love and redemption upon the Ponds of the Universe?

Who will dare to re-create this Creation, which is wounded through all that which happens on this planet and in your humanity?

The Book of God is open, waiting to write the story of your definition and surrender.

Will you, My children, be this light, this redemption, this mature love with which God will be able to write the new history of the universe?

Because I know that, in this world, many believe that the Death of My Son was a failure. But He sends Me, as His Co-Redeemer and as the Mother of Humanity, to make My children understand, through love and truth, that you should remember the wealth of the inner universe within each being. Because the world and the souls in these times no longer look within due to all that attracts them in the outside world. And that is the cause of their difficulties, tests, sufferings and traumas on all planes of consciousness.

The decision is in your hands, the Hierarchy will not push anyone to do what they have to do, because otherwise it would not be the Hierarchy. In your hands lies the power of the creative word, through the Most Holy Rosary, so that not only may your lives always be renewed by the Attributes of the Father, but also you may learn to live a school of untiring and unstoppable prayer, a prayer that is not mechanical nor superficial but rather brings the solution that the world needs in these times.

Because in truth, I tell you, My dear children: if today all are attentively listening to Me at this moment, it is because your responsibility is to pray for those who do not pray, your responsibility is to pray out of love, just as I pray out of love and for each one of you.

Thus, you will not only be in the first lines of the Return of Christ, but also, through the universe of prayer, which you can discover within yourselves, you will attract toward this world the Sacred Geometries of the Archangels so that the purpose of this planet may be re-established and re-built as it was in the beginning.

The fall of Adam and Eve was restored by the sacrifice and surrender of My Son, and the price of His Blood that was shed has served to sustain, up to this very moment, the spirit of universal peace throughout this world.

But now not only have the ambition, power and impunity of some hearts has opened uncertain doors that should never have opened in this world, but also the insatiable evil in these lost hearts has attracted conflicts and wars to the world and the unlimited killing of animals, about which, even while hearing the cry of these beings in the slaughterhouse, no one does anything.

Who will be able to re-build the Project of Creation in this humanity?

For this reason, My Son invites you to carry the cross in a mature and conscious way. He invites you to be brothers and sisters in unity and in brotherhood, free from judgments, from the condemnations of one another, the divisions or even protagonist behavior and competition.

Today I want to tell you, at the request of Christ, My Son, that if you want to be in Our Hearts, you must no longer experience these energies.

Purification has not ended. But you can purify in harmony and peace through conscious prayer, through having the courage every day of placing others first and through being forerunners of the fraternity that the world does not yet live today.

Thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy, after the last August 8, presents to you these needs of the Universal Plan, which could be insignificant, but which are highly important. Because they will allow the Laws to reverse the situations that today seem irreversible and endemic.

The world will change when you change, when you dare to take the steps in inner consecration and in service, when you cease to believe that it will be possible to carry this heavy cross of the world with so few.

Distribute and share the channel of transmutation, and dare to relieve the agonizing Heart of the Hierarchy so that the doors of Grace not close. Because My ardent and continuous wish is to return to the world time after time, to be near My children, because I know that if I am not present, My children will become lost. It is something that My Son made Me promise at the foot of the Cross.

Be like those apostles of the times of My Son.

Be like those women who followed Jesus everywhere, and who were imbued with His Redeeming and Consoling Love, a Love that satiated them within and outside, that renewed them and made them commit to fidelity.

Be like those fishers who were called on to launch nets to save souls.

Be like the people of Israel who would be surprised upon listening to the Word of My Son, upon the arrival of the Good News.

The Plan waits for all those who were once postulants in the universe and who committed to transcend themselves every day. In this way, you will allow, My children the true Spiritual Government to come to the world and for many to be liberated from spiritual slavery. Because when My Son comes, He will come as the Redeemer of the Universe, extending His Arms and His Hands to unite souls through the powerful Cross of the Redeemer of the world.

Therefore, to be a Child of Mary today is not something that passes. To be a Child of Mary means to work every day on your inner consecration, through the keys of discipline, prayer and service, which will be able to place you in a protected place, even if at the end of these times, My children, you can see the barbarities of this world to your left and to your right.

In this humanity, you will see unacceptable and unbelievable situations occur. May your hearts not be surprised, may your hearts always be permeated by prayer. Because wherever you are, or even wherever you go, if you are in prayer with Me in the end of times, on the day of the great final judgment, I assure you that you will be guided and led to the most protected place and, thus, your families and loved ones will also be guided.

Therefore, there is still some time for the preparation, but there is not much time left as there used to be, because the events precipitate minute by minute. While your Mother is here, speaking to you, think for a moment of what is happening in the rest of the world. How much innocent blood is being sacrificed by wars, how many children die of starvation, how many souls suffer in loneliness at the hospitals throughout the world, without receiving a minimum drop of love, or even think of how much their own family members suffer.

Therefore, persist, because at each day that passes, My Son is closer. And just as He forgave you on the top of the Cross, because many did not know what they were doing, He will come as the Redeemer and the Lord of the Universe to liberate you from the last chains of oppression and perdition.

When you experience a difficult moment, invoke the Power of the Blood of Jesus.

Now, not only will I consecrate new Children of Mary, who can draw near here at the foot of this scene, but I will also offer, through My mediation, the re-consecration of all who want to receive it, and thus renew their vows before the Father.

And We will carry out this re-consecration, and this first consecration of new Children of Mary, through the Powerful Blood of Jesus, so that the Codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the merits achieved by the surrender and Death of Jesus may re-build the Purpose of the essences of the world, of all those who aspire to be closer to God, and to feel loved, understood and accepted.

In this consecration, let us sing “Powerful Blood of Jesus” and let us allow the Blood of Jesus, through the Hands of the Heavenly Mother, to bathe, purify and consecrate souls and thus elevate consciousnesses a little more toward the Divine Purpose.

Let us open up to the revelation of this mystery of the Blood of Christ.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will ask for Mother Shimani and Sister Lucía to come here, as well as for the brothers and sisters of the Council to accompany this moment.

Let us allow Our Lady to give us, at this moment, the Codes of the Blood of Jesus. Thus, may Argentina be bathed in the Codes of the Blood of Jesus, so that all the souls that need it so may receive them. Let us receive this Grace with gratitude.


Song: “The Power of the Blood.”


May the Power of the Blood of Jesus protect and guide you to God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I am happy to be here with My children.

See you soon!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sit down and to conclude let's sing this song of the Blood of Jesus again to close this meeting.


Song: “The Power of the Blood.”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, the Divine Mother came to us as the Cosmic Mother, as that Mother who envelopes the planet with Her Mantle.

That is how She appeared today and as She spoke to us She gradually elevated each one of us and that which binds us to this material life, to this inertia, to this illusion, was dissolved little by little, because it was Her Word that was elevating us to be before the Father, the Divine Purpose.

She essentially placed each one of us before this Purpose so that we might contemplate it, so that we might remember it and so that this Purpose, which was impregnated by the highest degree of Love of all the Hierarchies of this Universe, as well as of all the Archangels who created what exists in the Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, could enter within us as Codes of Light. And this gradually culminated through the consecration that we experienced and for many of us the moment of re-consecrating ourselves as Children of Mary. That moment culminated through the descent of the Codes of the Powerful Blood of Jesus.

At a given moment, the Mother of the World had blood in the palms of Her Hands. I asked Her, “Why do you have blood in Your Hands?” Then, She looked to one side and the scene changed, and Mary appeared touching the Feet of Jesus on the Cross. And when She did this profoundly spiritual exercise, while we were singing that song, the angels had Chalices in their hands, with which they scattered the Blood of Christ, like the priests scatter blessed water. And at that moment, every error or fault that we have committed in this life or in other lives was forgiven.

We know that we cannot understand what this means, because as Mary said, we have to try to open up to understand the mystery of the Blood of Jesus. Because She said that what Her Son lived was not just an event, an event in humanity. It was a fact that up to the current days has been radiating to the planet on the cosmic level.

When our beings, through prayer, for example, think and invoke the Power of the Blood of Jesus, our consciousness and the consciousness of the planet liberate themselves from the forces of evil. Therefore, She told us:  "At difficult moments, remember the Blood of Jesus."

In 2013, we received a spiritual exercise that I believe everyone knows, which is the Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer, Devotion and Contemplation. This is the moment for us to resume this exercise and live the experience, because you live a very impactful experience through this prayer.

What the Hierarchy did today also helped Argentina very much, very much indeed.

The last thing that the Divine Mother said to us was that we should learn, as from today onward, not to stay in what is superficial, because otherwise we will easily become lost. And if we stay in what is superficial, She said, we will enter those uncertain doors that are open and make us become lost, day by day.

Argentina needs to elevate itself through prayerful souls, said Mary, because the solution is not here, the solution that Argentina needs is in the Heights. As Her children, we have to seek the solution up there, because that is where the true solution lies, said the Divine Mother.

I did not think I was going to say this, but I am saying this because the Hierarchy asked for it. And it is important, as the instructors always tell us, that we may review all that the Hierarchy said, because otherwise we will forget. And today we cannot leave here the way we were before.

That was it, thank you.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you all very much and may you be in the Peace of God.


My dear children of Argentina,

Behold, I AM your Celestial Mother, the Mother of Luján, the Holy Virgin of the Rosary of Saint Nicholas.

Come to Me, My beloved and wounded children of Argentina. I am here and I have returned to console you, to tell you that, as your Mother, I have accompanied every moment of your lives as well as each situation of the country.

Children, take My Hand, I want to lead you to Jesus, in this new meeting with His Unfathomable and Merciful Heart.

Children, open your arms to Me. I want to hold them tight, I want you to again feel the maternal warmth of My Heart.

My children, no longer feel indignation. May the upset be transformed into hope, may the injustice that your eyes see be converted into compassion.

My children, there is no other way out but turning toward God and trusting, because in this wounded and mistreated surface of the planet you will not find perfection nor transparency.

Beloved children, do not allow yourselves to succumb, elevate your voices toward My Beloved Son so that He, filled with Mercy, may guide and lead you toward the Kingdom of His Peace and Silence.

I have come to remind you that I love you.

I have come to ask you to truly pray, because your people needs much prayer, as discernment and transparency have disappeared.

I Am here to support you at this decisive and tense moment of your nation which needs, through faith and trust in the Father, to recover the original principles of its purpose.

Do not forget, My children, all the Sacred Relics that Argentina holds in its deepest core of the planet.

Turn toward that which is true and essential, and peace will return here.

As the Mother of Mercy, I give you My Peace, which is the eternal and unstoppable Peace of Christ.

I thank everyone who made this new and awaited reencounter with My Beloved Son possible. He also thanks you.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May the Peace of Jesus be within you.

Dear children, it saddens Me to know that some of My children interpret My Messages and cannot reach the essence of what I tell you.

It saddens Me to know how consecrated Children of Mary become entangled and underestimate the Word of the Hierarchy, instead of giving thanks and considering it as a guiding star.

Dear children, do not do this. Do not allow the adversary to dominate you completely and place you in mental judgments and divided from one another.

Children, have you forgotten that you are all brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, the Celestial Father?

For this reason, I call on you to remember your commitment to Me. I invite you to be peacemakers of My Son. Do not forget it.

This is the time that, by yourselves, you may become aware of the planetary situation, that you may understand and accept that a change in attitude and in the way of thinking is needed.

If this change does not happen, you will repent for not having done so, because the planet is the home of all. It is the only place where the Project of God can be carried out.

I ask you not to oppose what We tell you.

I ask you to be grateful for the Grace that you receive, because there are many children in the world who live as prisoners of evil and do not have what you receive.

Do not get used to Us. Be consistent and you will have the response that you need to move forward.

I give thanks for the union of those who sincerely follow Our Steps.

I love you and I bless you all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Hierarchy is present, some situations of adversity do not materialize on the surface, because it is the Presence of the Hierarchy that avoids it. Furthermore, these situations are dissolved when souls and hearts join Me in this proposal, however unknown it may seem, although it may be difficult to understand.

This is why the Hierarchy counts on the servers, It counts on prayerful beings, on those who are open to live in adherence to follow the steps that the Hierarchy determines in these times.

Although externally it may seem that time continues on to be the same, I tell you, My children, to be careful, so that you not be deceived, but rather let your hearts be watchful and attentive to the signs that the Hierarchy gives in this cycle, signs that try to avoid many situations within nations, many of which are unknown to all.

This is why the Hierarchy is here. There would be no other reason to be here at this planetary moment and in this cycle. Thus, the Eternal Father counts on all those who are consistent, on those who need to know how to respond to the Call of the Father, thus learning just like the Hierarchy of this planet and this humanity, knowing that above all there is a perfect Plan to be fulfilled and this part of the Plan must first be fulfilled in you, and then be fulfilled in the world.

In this way, the Hierarchy opens the door of Its Heart so that you may enter, with the mission that you may feel and think as the Hierarchy feels and thinks, that you may learn to live in the Law of Impermanence. Because the Plan is not static, the Plan is not based on the law of inertia, but rather it is dynamic in this final cycle, because there are so many needs and emergencies that the time I am with you would not be enough to explain them to you.

But, yes, the Spiritual Hierarchy can encompass many things, the Spiritual Hierarchy can attend many situations of the planet and of humanity. At this moment, think of all that is happening in different places of the Earth, while the Hierarchy is here, speaking to you, while the Hierarchy is here, transmitting Its impulses to you.

How many, how many consciousnesses indeed suffer at this very moment, from hunger, war, persecution, migration, terminal diseases and very hard tests!

How many, how many, in effect, are far from the Grace of God!

And you, My children, can you perceive and value the Grace that is upon you, which, In spite of what you have lived in these last years, has not distanced itself from you, that Grace has not moved away from your hearts?

Learn to appreciate what the Spiritual Hierarchy delivers to you, because We will never give you material treasures. This is not the mission of the Hierarchy, of any Hierarchy of this Sidereal Universe. The treasures We can give you as a legacy are inner, they are incalculable gifts that not only transform your lives, but also place your consciousnesses where they should have always been.

For this reason, think for a moment of how much you have walked in this universal trajectory. Of how many doors you have knocked on, waiting for them to open. However, remember that there is only one door that will always open, which is the door that the whole world is forgetting in these times. It is forgetting to knock on the Door of God’s Heart, to enter His Eternal Kingdom, His Kingdom of Gifts, Graces and Mercies, of incalculable and inexhaustible treasures that human eyes cannot value nor appreciate, but which the soul that truly prays with its heart can appreciate and value.

For this reason, in these times, I call on you not to waste the treasures of the Hierarchy, as some have done in an ignorant and inconsequent manner.

Unique are the opportunities that We will give to all. Unique will be the doors that We will open in these final times. Because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Word of My Son will always remain alive in the heart open to transformation, alive in the heart thirsty for the Word of Christ, alive in the heart that is not afraid of transforming itself, alive in the heart that does not fear to say ‘yes’ to the unknown, to that which it cannot touch or see, to that which is alive in the Immaterial Universe.

Therefore, value your spirits, recognize the existence of your inner temple, recognize the existence of your inner universe, and see how men and women of the Earth have to endure suffering, are disconnected from the Divine, are in depression or madness because they cannot unite to their souls.

But what else can We do for this to be solved, for the whole world to perceive that it is the time of Armageddon and that the Universal Laws will be fulfilled more than ever?

Therefore, align your thought, align your feelings. Be consequent with the work of charity and service. I assure you, My children, in the name of Christ, that you will be protected from yourselves. Because My enemy, the great adversary of all, will never affect what is Divine and Eternal. It works on what is mundane, lowly and vulnerable.

Elevate your consciousnesses, so as to elevate your vibrations. The secure bridge for that will always be prayer. When you cease to pray, you will disconnect. When you cease to serve, you will become desperate, and it will not be fair to put the blame on God.

Be capable of humbling and recognizing yourselves, because if someone does not do so, will the world?

Who will justify before the Father all the errors committed up to the present moment?

Who will be capable of sustaining the sin of war or the shedding of blood throughout the world, knowing that, since more than two-thousand years ago, we have been accompanying each one of your steps and tests through Our Hearts?

This is the time to mature. The school of children ended a long time ago. It is time for you to assume with Us the planetary situation. It is time to forge of yourselves the best of what My Son needs so as to fulfill His Return.

Our Words are no longer poetry. Our Words are now affirmations, the last affirmations of the end of times.

Therefore, it is time for you to grow internally. It is time for decided and not tepid apostles. It is time for you to show your face for My Son. Because the world must not succumb, abortion must not prevail, the sin of priests must not prevail, because all of this strengthens impunity, injustice and that which you call disgrace.

Remember that you will always have a place in the Heart of the Hierarchy, even those who have taken a step back, those who have forgotten their commitment to Christ. Despite all of this, My Son has forgiven them, just as He forgave them on the top of the Cross. He not only forgave all those who hurt and humiliated Him more than two-thousand years ago, He gave His Being for all of you up to the present and up to the last day of the Earth.

For this reason, God, at this moment, has His Book open, and He has deterred His Hand, He has stopped writing, waiting for souls to be the ones who will write the new history of humanity.

Do not become distracted while I am speaking to you, because today I only have permission to say these things to you. You know that, as your Mother, the Mother of humanity, I will go on until the end, until I achieve what I need for the redemption and conversion of My children.

Therefore, stop and meditate upon what I just told you a moment ago: God has deterred His pen and stopped writing.

Which souls will be the ones to offer to write the redemption of the world?

Which hearts will be postulants for the world and for the project not to be triggered?

Which consciousnesses will give their lives to be witnesses of the Return of Christ, which is very near?

The Celestial Father is speaking through Me, and this is not an analogy. He is speaking to all, just as He spoke to the people of Israel. Because He aspires that His sacred people not only keep loving, but that they may be a part of His Kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom that must descend to Earth at the Sacred Return of the Lord.

He comes to get His apostles of the last times.

Children, this is not romantic, it is something concrete that My Son needs to see with His own Eyes, and you, more than anyone else, know what you must give to Him.

Why are you waiting to take the step?

My Son is thirsty, thirsty to be loved, to satiate the anguish of His Heart for those who suffer and have to endure.

My Son is thirsty to be adored, for those who make sacrileges on His Altar and pierce His Heart with insults and sins.

Who will be the souls that will console Him, in eternal trust and service?

This will allow the Hand of God to keep writing the new history. This will grant the world peace, the peace that has been outraged, the love in hearts that has been violated, as impunity has left many nations in slavery.

My Son, more than anyone, knows that this must soon end.

If He, two-thousand years ago, walked among you and carried in His Heart the experience of being with His friends and companions, how many of you saw Him preach? Do you remember?

How many of you witnessed His miracles?

How many went to the sepulcher to adore Him, knowing that He was the Messiah?

Now, He sends Me once again to the world, just as He sent His apostles to preach on the Earth.

He ardently wishes that souls no longer be His stigmas, but He rather wishes souls to be the very joy that springs from His Heart, and to be capable of understanding that there is a Plan to fulfill and, until that happens, Our Voice will not be silenced in this place or in any other.

For this reason, I am His Servant and Slave, who keeps appearing throughout the times to warn the world about the moment it is going through and enduring.

Our Cores overflow with Mercy. In Our Blood, the Grace of God circulates. Our Hands are full of blessings for all.

Who remembered today to go the Fountain to drink? This is what humanity is forgetting.

How to justify so many errors before the Law? Even the errors of those who were appointed by My Son and turned their backs on Him.

Remember that He will not come as a Judge. He will come as your Liberator, as the King of kings, as the Glorified Christ.

Now, may My Words reach the innermost core of your beings so that the seeds may be cultivated in your hearts, because I assure you that you will need them when these seeds germinate and are once again offered to the Eternal Father, through the sacrifice and love of hearts.

If weapons do not stop, what I so much tried to avoid in Fatima will happen in the end: a destructive world war.

My tears are now the very Rosary for the innocent, not only for the war in Ukraine, but also for those wars that are hidden by humanity, in places such as Africa and the Middle East, so that no one may know about impunity.

However, My Grace and My Heart are offered at the Feet of the Eternal Father, for all who are mistreated, subjected and persecuted in the wars.

Now, I allow you to meditate upon what I have told you. Because, as I told you, My children, it is time to grow internally.

And in this consecration of new Children of Mine, I want you to know that the commitment that you will live today will be on the level of consciousness that I have presented to you. Therefore, you must be quite aware that you will do so, because My own Son will call you by your names, to remind you of what you have committed to, through this consecration.

I want to ask My children of all this Work not to become involved with the things of the world, because otherwise you will not be consequent with what you have received and lived. It is not time to confront one another, for ideologies, beliefs or concepts. My Son does not need you there. Do not create conditions for My adversary to infect this Work, because I will not be able to intercede. Be consistent and unite in all that which We have taught to you with so much effort.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother asks if you have understood.


Those present respond: Yes!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She said, Thank you!


I do not come here to present to you a school of Justice. I come here to present to you a school of Love, because your hearts are not ready to listen to these things and realize, by yourselves, that if you let yourselves be dragged by the things of the world, you will move away from Our paths.

Be intelligent through prayer and you will be persevering, just as My Son needs you. For this reason, I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother of the apostles of Christ.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Children of Mary may approach.


Today, we will not sing the Hymn of Consecration. Today, I ask you for the hymn of inner consecration, by means of a sincere and honest affirmation with the Hierarchy. This is what My Son needs.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may approach and kneel down.


I want you to relive this Message as many times as you need. Because when you are alone, quiet and in silence, your consciousnesses will expand even more and, through My Message, you will reach the essence of all that which I meant to say to you.

Never forget that all that which I say and all that I have said throughout the centuries is for love, only for love, for your own good, for your evolution, for your awakening.

With the authority that Christ has given Me, in the name of His Love, Wisdom and Truth, at this culminating moment of the planet, in which My Heart opens up to pour out the Graces that you need, your Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Guardian of souls and hearts, blesses you as My children, My spiritual children who, as from now on, will learn how to serve Christ: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the meditation that I have offered to you for the growth of your consciousness, I wish that we may raise this inner offering through the Spiritual Communion, so that you may deepen, through the Eucharist, into all that the Father has asked Me to tell you today.

I thank all those who made this meeting possible.

You know that Aurora is always in My Heart, just as each one of you is in My Heart.

I thank all those who will be consistent in the manifestation of the Work of the Hierarchy in this new stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, for peace within hearts, for peace within families, for peace within sinners, for peace in the nations, for peace throughout the whole world.

I leave here happy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When a Work like this, at a place like this, again gathers all its members, all those who consciously participate in the Work of the Hierarchy, have you ever wondered what could happen?

I come with this Message so that you can understand the culminating moment of the planet, a moment when all the Spiritual Hierarchies gather and congregate so as to tend to the situation of the surface of the planet, not only of its souls, but also of nations and all continents.

Aurora is the preamble to this great moment. Do you understand what I am telling you?

A Center like this cannot remain unnoticed on the spiritual plane. For this reason, the Great Portal of Aurora, at this moment, is open before My Presence. From the origin, from where it emerged in the Universe, up to this moment on the surface, this portal has expanded and opened.

For this reason, I ask you, what could happen at this moment, when certain retrograde forces on the planet subject souls and the very important nations of South America? Because they know that South America is the preamble to the New Humanity.

However, now place your attention and, above all, your heart, in what has been built, in that which has been conceived, from the spiritual plane all the way down to the material plane, through this Work.

Once again, I invite you to adhere to the Hierarchy. I invite you to be aware of this moment, because the powerful presence of Aurora dissolves all chains and currents of evil, and places souls and hearts in the Purpose, in a way that their debts no longer weigh on them, their guilt can no longer make them sink, but rather Aurora places them in the hope and rebirth of consciously living the Plan of God.

Today, I am very grateful for returning to this House, because it was here that all once emerged. It was from here that Aurora gave of itself to the whole world and it will keep doing so for as long as it will be necessary. It will keep doing so while it is a mystery, and until this mystery can be revealed to all, by means of the Sacred Knowledge of the Hierarchy.

Thus, I once again prepare South America for the Arrival of My Son, the arrival of His Powerful Universal Presence.

Therefore, it is important, dear children, that you understand and comprehend, that you do whatever is possible to support My Son in Argentina. Just as you have responded at the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation and today respond to your Heavenly Mother at this Marian Center of Aurora, that you may also unite to Our Hearts, just as you are united at this moment, so that Argentina may receive the liberation it so much expects and needs.

It is important, My children, that you may be one with that nation, and that you keep within your hearts the Angel that rules that country, because It also needs to liberate Its wings from the oppression of these times.

Argentina must not lose its Spiritual and Divine Purpose, and it is the great mission of the entire Planetary Light-Network that you may unite as brothers and sisters, and as servers of the Plan, so that this may not happen.

The last time in Fatima we told you about universality. What the Hierarchy means by that is that you may now feel universal, feeling how each place and each space of this planet needs salvation. It needs missionaries, servers and collaborators, and that all of them may respond, whenever the Hierarchy summons them, just in the way it needs. In this way, the Hierarchy will avoid many things that you do not know.

Through the fire that gathers you today, the fire that emerges directly from the origin of Aurora, may you not only be impelled to the liberation of your ties, of the chains of oppression or of evil, but may Aurora also impel you to continue on, in these times of tribulation, when all is at stake on the surface of the Earth.

Strengthen your inner temple. Trust all that the Hierarchy carries out and says and, I assure you, My children, that you will not be without guidance, you will not be disoriented. See how disoriented humanity is at this moment, to what extent that guidance and instruction lack within hearts.

But you have had a special and inexplicable Grace, the Grace that Aurora has given you, of persevering, of living each lesson as an opportunity to take a step to fulfill the Purpose of the Father.

I want to tell you something else, My children, because this is the moment: the Heavenly Father, today, has felt your joy, the joy of each heart present in this place and the joy of each heart present through this means of communication.

This strengthens the supplicating network of the planet, sustained by great Hierarchies and Consciousnesses of the universe, who untiringly work for the establishment of peace and love.

Therefore, feel that you are a part of this great moment. May your voices become supplicating voices, souls that do not retrogress, in spite of the harassments of evil in consciousnesses that fully serve, despite the chaos that surrounds the planet.

I ask you, in these times and through Aurora, for absolute steadiness of heart and purpose.

Now that you can be closer to Us, after these last years of lessons and tests. I tell you all and those who listen to Me: do not waste a moment, because there will be no others.

This is the time to prepare the Return of Christ.

For this reason, once again, We demonstrate the trust of Our Three Sacred Hearts within each one of you. And We re-approach your consciousnesses so as to re-approach the whole world, where there still are great knots of spiritual consciousness that need to be dissolved and liberated from this planet, through all prayerful souls that want to join the supplicating network of the universe.

When you place your voices and hearts in prayer, when, in spite of the experiences or the tests, you remain firm and sustained by the prayer of the heart, I assure you, dear children, that you will be united to the supplicating network of the universe, the spiritual network of the Hierarchy, which, in these times, needs to intervene in this humanity and in this planet.

Therefore, do not doubt, but rather follow the steps of the Divine Messengers wherever you go, because, in this way, you will help the Celestial and Spiritual Hierarchy in all that must be avoided.

How important this moment is, which We are experiencing together!

How important this moment is, when the Marian Centers have been able to re-open their doors to the pilgrims so that all hearts may have the gift of finding themselves in the Inner Centers of the planet. So that you know that, through each Marian Center, there is an inexhaustible spiritual fountain in which your souls may be healed, cured and redeemed, and you can take within your hearts a spark of Light for your family members and friends, something that you receive here and must learn to share, through retreat, prayer and service.

Thus, We invite you to grow in the spiritual task. We invite you to be part of the working of the tools of the Hierarchies. We invite you to be persevering and consequent, just as now. May you realize that, beyond each one of you, there is something more important that the Hierarchy can do, when It can appear or announce Its Word, in this place just like in others. And, in your prayers, My children, do not forget those who have stayed behind, do not forget your brothers and sisters that have not understood Our message and Our action, because the merciful and healing Love is for all, regardless of their errors or their inconsistency.  

You must still discover the immensity of God’s Mercy. Therefore, I am here as your untiring Mother, as Saint Mary of Aurora.

On this day of Vigil of Prayer, let us prepare this offering, not only for the situations of the planet and humanity, but also for all those situations that need an urgent solution. The solution that can only come from the Divine, from the soul that is sincerely united to God, to His Fountain of Grace and Mercy.

Now, place your inner offering within My Heart for this task that the Hierarchy will carry forward until the end of the year, when souls will have the opportunity, through Our Hearts, to be renewed and know that hope, faith and love must not disappear from the hearts that trust, from the serving hearts, the hearts that love God beyond everything.

Tomorrow, Aurora will re-ignite again, preparing the great meeting of the servers of this Work. I want you to know, My beloved children, that, in this special and extraordinary conjuncture, Our Hearts, the Sacred Hearts of the Divine Hierarchy, will be attentive to each step of this meeting, and for the response of those self-summoned to be sincere. The Hierarchy expects this.

Let us ask the Celestial Father for the Grace of continuing to be consistent with His Call and His Summoning, and may the Light of God, sustained by His Love and Unity, always show you the truth that you need, in order to take steps trusting His Eternal Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call. I will thank you even more for responding to the call of My Son, for His special task and mission in Buenos Aires.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we will sing a canon of Aurora: “Kingdom of Love, Kingdom of Forgiveness,” so that Healing, Love, Light, Mercy and Unity may be in hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Brothers and sisters, I would like to share with you what happened during the Apparition, as the Divine Mother considers it important that we may understand what is happening.

We can see that here in Aurora everyything is very intense, and the Divine Mother said that it is part of this movement and we should remember that August is a very important month for the Spiritual Hierarchy, because an unusual conjuncture occurs during this month.

The Hierarchy was explaining to us that, from the spiritual, inner and even energy point of view, the conjuncture of gathering so many consciousnesses at service of the Plan, in this meeting that the Hierarchy carries out in August, makes it inevitable that many movements should take place in different planes of consciousness, and we are all within this conjuncture.

This is why we may all be feeling many things or going through some experiences, and we may not understand why. But the Divine Hierarchy explained that the situation that is taking place from today on, here in Aurora, inevitably generates many movements because the sensitivity of the planet is very high in these last times. Therefore, all may have felt great sensitivity in different situations, at some moment or in this cycle.

What we want to explain is that today the Divine Hierarchy brought us the origin of what we call the Kingdom of Aurora. And for our consciousnesses, while being before this origin, means many things, and for the Hierarchy it means an important spiritual effort, because it is as if we were before a Spiritual Source that is a mystery, because Aurora continues on as a mystery. And this mystery is represented or expressed through this Marian Center, this Light-Community.

So, the Divine Mother explained to us that since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007, all of us gradually have participated in different cycles of Aurora.

Today, August 24, 2022, we are in a unique cycle, because not only  are we receiving this direct impulse from the Spiritual Source of Aurora, but also from this part of the planet, the Southern Hemisphere, is also receiving it, for all situations that each one of you know are happening throughout Latin America.

This first impulse took place on the last 21st, in the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, through the Aspect of God that the Divine Messengers brought, El Gibbor, which represents the Warrior Aspect.

So, it is important that we may try to accompany the Hierarchy in what it is being built and happening, and that we may understand why this Aspect of God that is descending and not another one.

Added onto this task that the Divine Hierarchy is carry out today is the fact that our essence, our soul, our spirit and also our physical being, through the Apparition of Mary, have been before this Original Source of Aurora.

Since Mary appeared until She left, important situations of the planet have been dealt with by the Hierarchy, for example, Ukraine. Afterwards, the Hierarchy concentrated on Latin America, as in the proposal that it presented to us. And we know that the Hierarchy, through Its omnipresence, worked with many situations at the same time.

So, we would like to tell you this because Mary asked us to, so that we may begin, as from now, to accustom our beings to the voltages that the Hierarchy will bring, which will increase, especially from today up until the end of August.

When the Divine Mother asks us to remember the request of Christ, of accompanying Him in the Marathon of Buenos Aires, as She said today in the Apparition, it is because the whole Spiritual Hierarchy will be working with Argentina through the Inner Centers of the planet.

Therefore, it is important that we may know that not only will we be on pilgrimage and carrying out this task of the Marathon in Argentina, but also all the Hierarchies will be accompanying this movement, because it is an emergency.

To conclude, we would like to tell you that Mary said that the Hierarchy will be grateful to those who can be present in Buenos Aires, supporting the brothers and sisters of Argentina in this task. And those who cannot be there, the Hierarchy also thanks them, because we do the task through our inner worlds. And wherever we are, our hearts will have to be ignited there, for Argentina.

So, the Hierarchy is guiding us, in these times, to be aware of the task of the Brotherhood.

May we accompany the Hierarchy where It needs, because our conscious and steady support, according to the Divine Mother, is that which justifies, before the Law, all that the Hierarchy needs so as to intervene, help and aid.

In synthesis, this is it. I hope I have not forgotten anything.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We are all invited to accompany the Divine Messengers and our brothers and sisters of Argentina, at this very important moment that they will live, together with the Divine Messengers, when this entire nation will be able to be helped and aided, so that a little support and order may descend upon this nation.

As Friar Elías was saying, those who, for any reason, cannot be present, only have to connect internally in a true way, as if they were there, really accompanying and participating in all the support which that nation will receive, at the moment when a very difficult transition is experienced.

From Aurora, this Kingdom of Love, where the Archangel Rapahel created this wonderful space for the inner and spiritual healing of all Creation, a small space that God found, filled with beauty, we tell the whole planet, everyone, that Aurora is available to all. That in this small Kingdom, you will always be able to find inner healing, just by thinking of this Kingdom, feeling this Kingdom. And that some mysteries, as the Friar said, will someday be revealed to all.

We see you tomorrow again, to meet our Divine Mother, with all Her Angels, with all the Hierarchies of Light. They follow the Divine Messengers wherever they go. And we will just thank our Divine Mother, and prepare ourselves to meet Our Lord.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you all!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:

Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retrocede.
Who is in God lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, in God, in God.
(three times)


Through the Sacred Heart of My Son, today we bring, to this Marian Center and its foundation, one of the Aspects of God, among His seventy-two Sacred Names.

The Aspect of God that will protect this Marian Center and its spiritual task will be the Name El Gibbor so that strength, faith, compassion and love may impel, through this Marian Center, the elevation of all souls toward the Kingdom of God. So that not only human beings but also the Kingdoms of Nature may be welcomed here in spirit, to be healed and redeemed.

I know that you are before an unknown Aspect of God, but if your souls unite to Our Three Sacred Hearts, you will understand this Aspect of God through the Science and the Wisdom that it provides to you.

Because the aspiration of the Eternal Father is that this Marian Center, as a point of Light on the planet, may reflect the Attributes of the Supreme Source, those Inner Attributes that humanity will need in order to regenerate and heal so that, at last, the emergence of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.

Today, Our Three Sacred Hearts, as receptacles of the Attributes of God, are here with all of you. They are here for the Brazilian nation and for all the Americas so that the peoples of this continent may be brought toward the Purpose of God and, through the Angels of the Nations of Latin America, all the peoples and cultures of this region of the planet may approach the fulfillment of God’s Project. That Project that unfortunately is being oppressed and silenced.

But, at this moment, I invite you again to be in prayer. I invite you to stay silent. I invite you to have wisdom and discernment because what will happen in this part of the planet may affect the rest of the world.

Therefore, through Our Presence, through the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, We not only come here to begin the cycle of this Marian Center in its spiritual task and in its inner task, but We are also here, beloved children, to deter what is intended to happen on the surface of this continent.

Your fidelity to Us has been very significant, and the response in the consecration of new Children of Mary represents to God, as He told us just now, that it is possible to establish, on the surface of the planet, the Project that He has always wanted to carry out in this humanity.

My children, do not worry if you do not reach the Mysteries of the Father. First love the Mysteries of God and then understand them. Follow, in fidelity and obedience, what the Spiritual Hierarchy dictates to you.

I am here and I Am your Mother, your Universal Mother, your Celestial Mother, the Mother of all of Brazil, the Mother of all of South America, and I have My Arms reaching out towards you. Once again, I offer My Hands to you so that you can hold them tight and move forward. Because as humanity on the surface of the Earth, you have demonstrated, after these last two years, that it is possible to continue forward when souls truly love.

Now, My children, Saint Joseph wants to say something to you. Hear Him.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Just as Heaven opens up today before your hearts, it can also open up within each one of you.

Today, before the Sacred Hearts, allow your souls to learn the mystery of faith so that, way beyond what may happen before your eyes, the truth that beats within your hearts, invisible for the majority of human beings, may sustain your lives, and, thus, My children, the Promise of God may always be a reality for each one of you.

Through faith, you will find the Kingdom that manifests itself before you today. Contemplate this reality within you and, in this way, you will know that Heaven and Earth may pass, but Divine Love will remain alive in the essences of all who believe. Even if your eyes do not see, your hearts can feel, and, through them, you will penetrate the mystery.

Many things will happen throughout the world and bring hopelessness to humanity and make hearts feel the pain and suffering that My Son once felt in His Agony as well as on the Cross. But just like the Heart of Christ, today I call upon you to transmute that pain through a Higher Love, through faith in that which beats within you and reveals to you that which you truly are, through the maturity of the heart, spiritual maturity, which the time has come for you to experience.

Children, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, for each step that you take from the first thought that you have when the day begins, to the feelings that you emit, your gazes, your actions.

Beg God for your actions to be pure, for your lives to be pure, because the time has come for a new life to emerge in humanity, and you have made a commitment, from the beginning, so that, through the steps of your redemption, you might live this new life.

And this life, children, is like the life of Christ at Calvary. Around you, there will be chaos, confusion, pain, but within you the Love of God renews itself, a Love is born, which is unknown even to the Heart of the Father. And it is through this Love that new genetics and a new human being begins to be born, a Love that your cells can experience, that expands from your essence to your entire consciousness.

And although this may seem impossible to you today, I just ask you that you may have faith and that this Divine Gift, which descends today from the Heavens upon your lives, may find a place within your hearts, to transform your lives into something you have never before thought of.

Do not be afraid, but be firm. The world will drag you along paths that are not correct. The battle will be lived within and outside of you, but, through prayer, you will find refuge and, in the sacred places, where the Divine Consciousness dwells, you will again find peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, today My Mantle is the Mantle of Brazil. The Mantle that represents the life of this entire people and of all nature, of a life that, unfortunately, has been transgressed and violated.

My children, do not allow for Brazil to be another place of the enemy. The power of your prayer and of your faith can transform everything.

If you have managed to go through the calvary of the last two years, it is a sign, My children, that it is possible to move forward, although it may hurt.

This is why that now the King of the Universe, the Son of the Sun, in the name of the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, will bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, He will consecrate all the Children of Mary who are postulants before My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, to be faithful and firm at the service of perpetual prayer.

I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

This flame that is lit before your hearts, the flame that represents the Light, Love and Wisdom of God for the whole planet, for all of humanity: may it replicate and multiply not only within human beings, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature. The Kingdoms of Nature, in these times of emergency, need to be understood, welcomed and loved, protected and taken care of, as a vital part of Creation.

If this communion with the Kingdoms of Nature takes place through your prayerful service, by means of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, I assure you that not only Brazil but also other regions throughout the world will be more protected, although the planet may show, in these times, its chaos on the surface.

Within your hands lies the decision, within your hands lies the power of prayer, the power to allow Heaven descend to Earth, as it is at this moment.

May not only the Son of the Father, but also the Most Holy Mother and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, in this Triune Unity, grant Brazil and the world the atonement they need to go through the current Apocalypse.

Do not allow the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse to open. Welcome the prophecies, but do not provoke them.

Be consistent in all that you do and live. Do not forget the Commandments, a life of service, a life of love as a family, among all your loved ones. Do not allow the cell of family to keep dividing.

Remember that you and your families are a part of the Project expected by God, the Sacred Project of the people of Israel.

Remember that this part of the planet is the promise of the cradle of the New Humanity, where the whole planet and humanity, through this place as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature, will be able to regenerate and heal.

In the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing that you need, in the Kingdoms of Nature lies the peace that you seek in these times.

Do not allow your lives to become superficial and indifferent, embrace, with your open heart, all of Creation, and I assure you that you will not lose peace.

Before the Supreme Source, before the Angels and Archangels, Creator Fathers who conceived this beauty of the planet Earth, before the servers of the Cosmos and of the Earth, before all those consistent in prayer and service for others, before the Aspiration of God and His Project, through the Heart of Christ, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, through the Supreme Power of El Gibbor, may the Supreme Source bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, may it be a true Sanctuary of Creation, which grants souls and the Kingdoms of Nature the healing and redemption they need so that all may be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Love and Wisdom.

I bless you and consecrate you as the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, and as children of the Divine Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that you may understand the importance of this meeting, I will offer you My Body and My Blood, through the Eucharistic Celebration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, I will also consecrate, by the authority of My Son, a little and innocent soul, who came to the world from a special place of the universe. Through the sacrament of the Baptism, this soul will receive not only renewal, but also the remembrance of its commitment with God for the coming times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Through My Chaste Heart and by the authority that Christ has given Me as a Servant of the Redeemer, as a Watcher and Protector of souls: through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Grace that My Heart will offer to you today will be the Anointment, so that the Luminous Signal of the Cross of Emmanuel may always guide you and protect you.

In these times, it will be necessary to discern before acting, to meditate before working, so that you may be consequent with the Law.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

In this way, Our Three Sacred Hearts rejoice and bless this meeting, starting this cycle of the Pilgrimage for Peace, so that souls may recover the hope that they have lost, so that they may recover the joy that has been stolen from them, and so they may feel the joy of being Children of God. Never forget: through My Merciful Heart, you will reach God.

Let us sing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary. But let us all sing it, those who are here and those who are at home, renewing the inner vows of consecration for this cycle of service with the Divine Hierarchy.

The Three Sacred Hearts thank you, for you have responded to the call.

As Christ the Redeemer, may Peace be within you and within your brothers and sisters.

So be it.



My beloved children,

With joy, hope and bliss, your Heavenly Mother returns to Brazil so as to bless this entire people, that is faithful to God, through the next Meeting of Prayer in Camboriu.

God chose to begin this cycle, after August the 8th, through the Brazilian nation, so that souls and above all the inner worlds, at this crucial moment for Latin America, may keep the Commandments in mind, in their hearts and in their memories. Thus, by learning to live in the Laws of Life, hearts may no longer need to keep going through the path of suffering and ignorance.

Thus, My Beloved Son is sending Me as His Faithful Messenger and as the Lady Aparecida to ask My Brazilian children for a deep realization: that they may be very careful as to what they will choose.

Brazil, as the green heart of the Americas, must not lose its balance, a balance that has not been recovered since the tragic Pandemic began.

Be firm and, as apostles of My Beloved Son, pray and ask for discernment so that it may be your hearts that decide the destiny of the nation, that nation that you aspire for, rather than your minds, influenced by the lies and half-truths of these times of Armageddon.

Brazil is one of the few countries that for the time being is still surviving Communism, which is surrounded by occult works and false promises.

The Divinity calls upon you to pray before you decide. Within your hands lies the decision. Pray out of love help the Angel of Brazil, so that the Angel not be an object of discord, division and corruption like the Angels of other nations, which are under the same oppression.

Dear children, this is why we are returning, throughout the Americas: because they belong to the Sacred Project in which humanity may begin afresh, within a New Earth, within a new Eden.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


You must not forget that the Americas are the cradle of the New Humanity, it is the land of the emergence of the New Earth. For this reason, We, the Three Sacred Hearts, are returning, because not only do the Americas need it, but the whole world as well.

From the depths of My Heart, I thank in advance all those who will make these Sacred Meetings possible in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. You could not even imagine what My Heart feels upon getting to know that My Beloved Son will return to Argentina and that the Three Sacred Hearts will again found a new Point of Light on the surface of the Earth, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.

This means that the door to the Spiritual Universe will finally open in that region of the planet, and the angels that accompany Me and serve Me through the Marian Centers will also help make possible the expression of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.

I have always held in My Heart the aspiration of fulfilling the blessing and consecration of this place, which has fully opened to respond to the call of the Heavenly Mother. And  this call has especially resonated and had repercussions in all hearts that, with faith and persistence, have made the physical expression of the Marian Center possible.

This means, My children, that the Kingdoms of Nature, the essence of each one of the Kingdoms that you know, as well as the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, will have the great celestial portal of the Marian Center. And this will allow them to be received and welcomed in spirit and, as a consequence, the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas of the whole world will have a place within this Work, just as they have within the Light-Communities, to live a process of restoration and healing that is unknown, hidden and invisible.

And do you know what allows all this?

It is when the One-Thousand Hail Marys are prayed at the Marian Centers. Because not only humanity and the planet are worked on through each prayer pronounced by each sincere heart, but also the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure so much in these times.

After the consecration of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, they will finally have the space they deserve to be taken to other places of the universe so that each soul-group of the Kingdoms may be repaired and healed, redeemed and re-established.

Because My Son, when He returns to the world, will come not only for the Human Kingdom. He will come for all the Kingdoms of Creation. And He will bring to Earth the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas, healed and redeemed, when the planet has been redeemed and thus renewed.

The Kingdoms, elementals and devas that will be welcomed through the portal of the Marian Center, as well as of the other Marian Centers and Sanctuaries in the world, will have the opportunity to repopulate the planet with new species, forms and expressions, never seen before.

At that very important moment for humanity and the universe, when the New Earth and the New Humanity will emerge, many of you who will be present at that event, will consciously remember all that the effort of expressing the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface of the Earth has represented in these times. And, above all, the effort to concretize it, in the unity of souls and of conscious hearts that listen to the call of Heaven and respond to it.

This is why this moment you are living is a culminating one. It is a moment when a story may be re-written, the story of love within your hearts, the story of redemption within your hearts. This is what My Son needs, to justify before God what He essentially needs to rebuild in this humanity, despite the errors of the world.

One of the reasons for Our return to South America is that which I have explained to you. This means, My children, that it will not be just another meeting. It will be a unique meeting in which My children as well as the Kingdoms of nature will have the opportunity to attain inner healing, through the portal of the Marian Center "Sanctuary of Creation."

And for the Hierarchy, Aurora will complement this task in Southern Brazil. Because the Kingdom of Aurora, with Its consciousness, will encompass beyond South America and even the oceans, to try to stabilize and balance the psychic disorder of humanity, especially the disorder lived today by many nations in Latin America, where souls cannot see a future nor find new hope.

Thus, we are making this great movement for you and also for your brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, just as we will soon be making for the Middle East and Northern Africa, and, at some moment, we will make for the Far East.

It is very important for you, My children, that in your minds, and especially in your hearts, there may be no differences or divisions, judgment of values of what the Hierarchy does on the planet or where It can work or intervene at this moment. Because if I were not here today, I would not be able to justify, before the Higher Laws, what I need to, in the face of the errors of the world, of the indifference of hearts and the impunity placed upon the whole world by some.

You must learn, you should have already learned how to follow the steps of the Hierarchy and feel like citizens of this universe, just as the entire Hierarchy feels like citizens of this Sidereal Universe.

This allows you, My children, to understand the Purpose in a universal way and not understand the Purpose in an individual way. Because while you have this attitude, you will be far from Us, and this does not mean that We cease to love you or forgive you, because My Son loved you and forgave you on the Cross, do you remember?

Do you remember what My Son said on the Cross?

This is the same that I do for you today, so that you may grow and mature internally. Knowing that there is a lot to do, knowing that there is a lot to do in correspondence and that there is a lot to concretize.

This is the destiny of each one of you: to concretize the Projects of the Divine and Spiritual Hierarchy, because it is something for humanity and not only for you, it is something for the whole world. It is something for all those who do not have the Grace and the Mercy that you have today, by being here with Me.

When many of you dare to serve in Africa, you will remember this day. You will remember it by yourselves, and I assure you that you will feel ashamed for having received so much and for not having understood anything, when you see that which true misery and true poverty is, on a continent like Africa, which for thousands of years has been subjected by evil itself.

And although this may be happening, My Son will free Africa, much more than He did in recent times. Because when He returns physically, many hostile and difficult situations will spontaneously disappear, because they will fall on their own weight.

The mere Presence of My Son, during His Return to the world, will free souls, break chains. It will break each one of the shackles, and souls will be able to glimpse the Return of Christ, just as it has been prophesized.

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you with nothing in return, I make this reflection to you so that you may consciously grow and, from this August 8 that you have lived with Us onward, no longer allow yourselves to use justifications. Because this, My children, is not just before the Law and it is not necessary that you suffer, because suffering prevails in the world now.

You must be deeply thankful, sensible, honest and merciful. Because none of you, at this moment or at any other moment, could measure the meaning of the Grace that you have received in the last fifteen years.

For this reason, keep taking steps in faith without resentments or guilt. You already hold the capacity to come out from where you have deterred yourselves and know that not only is My Hand extended to you, but the Heart of My Son is also open to you, just as It has been and will always be, so that you can feel His immeasurable Love.

I need you to clearly understand what I am saying to you, and not an interpretation of it, because Our Words are to be kept in the heart, and nowhere else. It is in the heart of each one of My children where the sacred transformation takes place, because the hearts of My children are intuition, wisdom, feeling and faith.

Allow your hearts to govern so that someday your souls may govern, and it may be your souls that will conduct and guide you toward the sacred encounter with My Beloved Son, to fulfill the sacred summoning of all that which He and I need to carry out in the world, in the end of these times.

You should not only feel as a part of a spiritual family, blessed and guided by the Hierarchy, which does not rest nor stop, in spite of what happens in the world. You must also feel like a universal family that can be a receptacle for the attributes of the Fount of Creation that will be part of the emergence of the New Earth.

Keep these Words in your hearts as well. Not trying to understand them, but by trying to accept them, knowing that what I am telling you is something that your spirits will experience in the coming times, when this great moment of the New Humanity arrives.

My children, have you by any chance ever wondered if you truly aspire to be a part of the New Earth?

If We are still appearing here, speaking to the world and pouring out Our Graces upon all hearts, what does this represent to you?

What it represents, My children, is a visible sign that you have been chosen to be postulants as members of a New Humanity, which must be born first within you, so that it may later be born in the world, in a world that has been redeemed and healed, forgiven and liberated from darkness.

After these last two years of restrictions and agony for many, the Sacred Hearts again mark, on the path of the spirit, each one of Their Steps in this humanity, so that you may again feel that We are with you and that We have not distanced ourselves. We are always there, in the heart and soul that open to welcome Us, through the life of the Sacraments and the sacred prayer of the heart.

It is My wish that what will happen in Camboriu, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, what will also happen in the Marian Center of Aurora and later in the city of Buenos Aires, in the Presence of My Beloved Son, for all Argentinians, may be moments of celebration and true joy, the joy of a re-encounter, for being able to be close to Us and for Us to be able to be closer to you, close to all Our children in the world, who need much Love, Light and Redemption.

Before I leave this long journey that you have lived with the Sacred Hearts, before I prepare Myself together with My Son and My Spouse, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, and before blessing those who want to be consecrated as Children of Mary, I would like to address My Words to My daughter Viviana Walsh, telling her that I am with her, and that I have been with her at each stage of her suffering. Also that God has accepted her anguish and her grief to help all of Argentina, so that Argentina may continue to be the cradle of the Return of Christ, because My Son has not changed His Mind.

Because despite this agitated shipwreck that Argentina is going through, and although the boat seems to be about to sink, have faith and go ahead. Not only for you, but also for all Argentinians, My children. Remember that My Son is on the boat, and that a true Master only intervenes when it is least expected, to liberate from slavery all who are placed within it.

For this reason, Viviana, My dear daughter, at the request of My Son, today you are anointed in spirit. But you will be anointed in body and soul through a priest. Because I will go to Argentina, through My sons that are priests, to live a re-encounter that your heart will feel. My Son raises you today, takes you by the arms and sustains you, knowing that you will be reborn after the calvary that you have anonymously lived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary may approach, and, by listening to the Hymn of Consecration, we will prepare for this moment of blessing, but also for this moment of true thanksgiving to the Divine Hierarchy for all that It gives us in an untiring and permanent way, for how much It trusts in us to carry forward the Project of God on Earth.

Together with the brothers and sisters that are being consecrated today, we will say the Prayer to the Universal Mother once, to carry out this moment of consecration through the Attributes of the Divine Mother.


Prayer: Universal Mother.


I consecrate you as My children, because you are always My children, the Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in Peace.

With all My children who will self-summon to accompany the Sacred Hearts in South America, We will meet there to commune once again with God, with His Mercy, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
