Saturday, April 15 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

My Love is the caress of God to His Creatures.

It is His Love, so abundant and infinite, that many times souls do not know how to distinguish it.

For this reason, He sends Me, on behalf of My Son, as the Mother of the Love of God so that souls and, above all, essences remember that, in themselves, they keep a small particle of the Greater Love within; and that without this Supreme Love it is not possible to learn or evolve in this world.

My Son came into the world to teach you about Love; about a mature Love, donated and unconditional; a Love that was given for those who were rejected, discriminated against and repudiated.

The Love of Christ is the Love for sinners, for the lost and for those who no longer find love within themselves.

As Mother of Divine Love, I come on this day to remind you that, beyond all imperfection or error, within you dwells that Love which makes you part of this school planet and of this great universe that awaits you, again and again, so that you may learn how to evolve.

But, My Children, do not forget that the expression of this Christic Love begins in the smallest, in the day by day, with all those who live and are around you.

All that My Son taught you cannot be in vain and remain without effect.

Give to the Greater Love the place it deserves in your lives and with your brothers and sisters, for in this way barriers will be dissolved, wounds will be healed and souls, in their journey, will be reborn by the authentic power of the Love of the Eternal Father.

Today, as if for the first time, I ask this of you; because the world continues to move toward indifference, toward a way of life empty of God and empty of His Presence, in which tendencies and ideologies take first place in people’s lives to distance them from God and their true essence.

Therefore, meditate on:

Where in my life does the Love of Christ work?

Do I leave space and do I not resist so that this Love can transform me and transform the world?

Do I believe in the power of the Greater Love?

Thus, My children, My Words will not be just words, they will not be just another Message that is only heard and nothing happens in My children.

The world needs authentic pillars of Love so that, in time, the global deviation of humanity from its true and unique Purpose may be corrected.

I thank you for responding to My call with attention.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace