Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"In each fall, a learning.

In each learning, an opportunity of transcendence.

In each transcendence, a Grace of liberation.

In each liberation, an opportunity to die to oneself.

In each moment of spiritual death, a door that opens to the expansion of consciousness.

But you must know well that, while you are in this world, you will live with afflictions. However, the afflictions might make you grow and mature, or the same afflictions might make you sink into  interminable victimism.

Therefore, be intelligent and do not deceive yourself. From each life experience, allow yourself to take each moment as an impulse of ascension, as the stairway of Light that is placed before you so that you may ascend step by step.

The universe will always show you its signs."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Thirty-three were the signs that God gave Me in the desert.

Thirty-three were the miracles I performed.

Thirty-three were the inner locutions of Saint Michael the Archangel.

Thirty-three were the main Instructions that I left to My apostles before the Ascension.

Thirty-three were the most difficult blows that I received out of Love for humanity and for their prompt redemption.

Thirty-three are the steps of the life of all those initiated in the apostolate of Christ.

Thirty-three are the Aspirations of God that I will fulfill when I return to the world.

Thirty-three are the cycles of those who learn to walk through the apprenticeships and of those who open themselves to the path of redemption.

Today, the thirty-three main spiritual impulses that the Lord of Israel, Christ Jesus, delivered in the  last times to each one of the apostles of the end time are accomplished for Me.

Now, walk in the ceaseless search for the immortal spirit that lies in the innermost depths of each one of you.

I will always wait for you, in spite of delays or advances, in spite of everything; I Am here and I Am your Lord, the God of Love".

Christ Jesus


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part V

Only true love, which flows out from a humble and pure heart, will allow the heart to understand and realize the meaning and inner reason for why the life of a community is extremely important to God, as a part of His Project.

By having a humble heart, one is capable of going through the thresholds of personal ideas or moments of illusion that a consciousness may be experiencing.

In synthesis, love is capable of opening the doors toward wisdom, it is capable of overcoming mistakes and even hidden pain.

The Community must not only express its own life, but it must also be a future space where new seeds may germinate, which are the souls that come to awaken to inner life and to the possibility of demonstrating their virtues and talents.

It is in this way that the Community becomes a space rich in virtue and talent, and all these impulses of building and of daily dynamics elevate the consciousnesses of the members of the Community, allowing them to perceive, beyond needs, the fundamental essence of each stage of learning that may be presented.

The Community is a place to learn rather than to distort the new patterns of behavior. I am not speaking of extreme rigidity nor of militarism, I am referring to the possibility of moving from the commonality of humanity to the unusual, to that which is not commonplace nor static.

In this sense, the Community can express different schools, which will help its members so that they may learn to participate in that which is spiritual and internal. In this way, they will be able to perceive higher levels and interpret the signs of the stars, which are the symbols of the lessons and experiences that the Community itself can live. And, thus, they may understand what is learned in each cycle, so that this cycle may be renewed and expanded within the consciousnesses of all.

The Community is a space where souls will be able to perceive at which level they are, and how to continue advancing through their spontaneous awakening.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


The void left within Me, by those who abandon Me, is filled today by the love of those who stay, and who, beyond all circumstances, try to understand the spiritual significance of being with Me.

This void they leave within My Heart is filled today by those who continue onward, responding to something greater and more infinite than their own capacity to love and to serve.

This is why today I receive the balm of My faithful companions, of those who do not allow themselves to be intimidated by the tests nor fear the deserts.

This void left within Me is so large, that I have especially come to the world to seek and to avail Myself of the love of those who live Me and call Me.

From here, I strengthen My Spiritual Consciousness, because I know that good souls full of gratitude can do much more than all the daily errors they commit.

Now the cycle and the time have come in which I will count on those who have confirmed serving and following Me.

This will be the time when, with your own eyes and without anybody telling you, you will see the good souls be confirmed to My Presence; but you will also see the souls that will abandon Me.

That will be the clearest sign for knowing who to trust and who not to trust, for by their fruits, you shall know them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


And now that the most important stages of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe have been accomplished, according to the Will of the Heights and because of the inner adherence of all those who collaborated in this manifestation, this is the moment of the pause, of stillness, and of experiencing an important spiritual synthesis in order to see, in the events of the last pilgrimage, the evident signs that the Hierarchy left so that the next steps may be accomplished.

This pilgrimage was characterized by all that it transmuted while going through different cities, cultures, and peoples; and also, it stood out by all that it, through the Hierarchy and the Angelic Universe, managed to deactivate that was negative in the consciousness of a people and a nation.

In this sense, the last Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe seemed that it was not going to be completed until the group unity and the unity of inner spirit, with the sincere collaboration of everyone, allowed the destiny of different peoples and nations to be taken toward the threshold of a new opportunity through Divine Mercy.

For this, the endless days of transmutation, of travels, of going from country to country, generated in an evident way the possibility for the Hierarchy to be able to increasingly embrace complex and grave situations that were compromising the continuity of certain nations and peoples on the surface.

And so, during this last pilgrimage, the Hierarchy used certain divine and cosmic instruments, such as the Great Mirrors or the Celestial Doors, so that great Light Consciousnesses, in absolute silence and meditation, could help in the process of liberation of nations, which took place through each song offered.

The mental, emotional and psychological effort on the part of the pilgrim group, within the goal of embracing and of learning the native language of each people, meant for the Divinity the possibility of the Message of God and of His Celestial Messengers to be able to reach the whole world by means of an ardent devotion and love for the Divine Hierarchy.

The commitment consciously assumed by praying for such different new nations and peoples also generated a greater opening so that, over time, the field of work can expand through new seeds of Light that will be sown in Europe, Africa and Russia.

In synthesis, the victory of Christic Love was great, at a planetary time in which hate, vengeance and conflict knock on the doors of millions of homes in the world.

And so the nations that are freed become potential mirror consciousnesses so that not only the peoples may receive new attributes of life, but also the world can be supported in this cycle by an unbreakable faith and by an unquenchable love that is born from each heart redeemed and touched by the Grace of God.

Infinite thanks to all the servers of Christ on Earth!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sacred Scriptures announce the coming of your Redeemer to the world for the second time, and all are called to participate in this event. Therefore, I am here today with you and in this place blessed by God, which was touched by His Holy Hand, to call souls to the conversion of their faults and to the reparation of His offended Heart.

These Scriptures, which I bring today between My Hands, reveal that the moment is coming. Not only you, but the whole world is also called to experience this. The moment is approaching, each day more, and the signs will show before the believing or unbelieving world. Therefore, be humble and meek, obedient and receptive, and you will be able to be on My path and within My Heart.

But so that this very important moment may come to humanity, many other things will happen, within and outside of you. Inexplicable inner battles will present themselves. Tests and challenges will show. But you must not lose meekness and peace because, if I have chosen you, it is because there is a project to fulfill and accomplish that you still do not know.

Therefore, liberate yourselves from conceit, from arrogance and from pride, from division, from the lack of unity, from the absence of love, from the absence of charity and of fraternity.

I silently accompany you, as at this moment I accompany the world and each one of My servers, regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of their form of filiation with God, the Celestial Father.

This is the time for the essences to unite within one purpose. Therefore, I will have you meet people similar to you who, although they live their own schools, seek the Path of Christ. Therefore, you must be attentive not to let My signs and My inner announcements pass.

In this time and during these days, not all the Sacred Hearts could be present here in Medjugorje, but your King is here, in the name of all of them, of the Messengers of God, of those who will give the impulse to humanity for the change and the transformation of consciousness.

I again tell you all these things because you must remember and practice them. If you live, day by day, the Attributes that I give to you, you will not suffer; but if you do not live them, you will resist, and the transformation will be painful and no one will be causing all this, because it will only depend on you.

In My patience, I wait for your steps. In My contemplation, I envision your transformation. But I not only talk to you, but also to the world, to those who listen to Me and to those who do not listen to Me.

Sometimes I cannot tell you all the things that I feel and see, because everything has a time and a moment, but rejoice your hearts because they know that you are on the path of redemption and of peace, and I need you totally with Me to be able to work and accomplish the Prodigies of God on Earth, in the nations and in the peoples, in those who live profound spiritual loneliness, in those who do not have love like you have every day.

It is now time to be able to express My Attributes, it is time to go beyond yourselves, and if I ask you this it is because you can do it, although it might not seem so.

Obedience will protect you until the end of times, not only you, consecrated beings, but also My servers, the collaborators of the Work that My Mother has founded in the Heart of Aurora.

Now, the times have changed and the responsibility has also changed. It is no longer mere words written in messages in order to motivate your hearts to make some change, it is a reality, it is a truth, it is a necessity.

There is still much to do and the path of surrender will be able to deepen, each day more, to the point that you resemble Me in the surrender that I made on the Cross for each one of you and your brothers and sisters. Within a great desolation and emptiness, God was there, because My Heart trusted in Him as the Father trusted in His Son, until the last moment.

What I ask of you in this time will move your structures, but I need it this way. I will ask you this, once and again, and I will wait, as I have waited for many others in other times.

The step that this Work has taken has been very important for My Celestial Mother and the Creator to support, once again, this Mission in Europe which needs so much Mercy, more than South-America. But from you, the Gift of Compassion must always be born so that it can emerge in your brothers and sisters who are here and who lived the terrible wars due to their terrible errors committed in the past.

Everything is a consequence, everything is a cause and an effect. Humanity distances itself from the Love of God, often out of fear of mistrust.

But, once again, I come to offer My Heart to the world as a fire of transforming love that can transfigure your cells and atoms, your inner worlds and souls, so that the Plan of Redemption can be fulfilled in humanity and on the whole planet.

We could not be here in public because silence and non-exposure makes the path of the apostle, so that it may be possible to rekindle the spiritual impulse that was left here in Medjugorje, so many years ago, by your Heavenly Mother. And so that this impulse can renew spiritually, time and again, in order for Eastern Europe to also receive Mercy, as you receive it, every day, when you pray and invoke the Mercy of My Heart.

You have gathered today, in My Name, where the great Portal of Light opens in the Heart of the Universe, so that you can take on more responsibilities in the name of your Master and Lord, in spite of your purifications and trials, in spite of your decisive and definitive time, for the world to receive more help and more Mercy in order that the Work may expand on Earth, and unite to other Works that come from the Lord, the Almighty.

In this way, the world will recognize that all of us are One in God.

I bring this message not only for you, but also for all of your brothers and sisters that support this moment and who are part of the Confraternity of My Heart, carrying on their chest the print of the perfect alliance with the Father by means of the Star of the Divine Brotherhood, the Star that the King David once visualized.

Thus today, once again, a principle is fulfilled. The spiritual Universe unites with the material Universe so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.

This passage through Medjugorje has been important for your Master and Lord because it is the time to also be here, in Eastern Europe, to make the Mercy of My Heart known, and the power of the transforming prayer which, for those who believe in it, opens the doors to the Heavens.

I encourage you to keep walking with Me and for Me. There is nothing that is missing for you. My Mother protects you and looks after you as She also protects this holy place, where Her kingdom of Peace made itself known to the world, just as Her Immaculate Heart in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and this opportunity of reflection, of expansion of consciousness, this Grace of giving more of oneself to God, in surrender and in trust.

I leave here with relief in My Heart, knowing that in some part of the world, I am listened to, and My Projects, which are still unknown and come from Heaven, are fulfilled with hope.

I bless you all, in the name of Celestial Peace and in the name of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Songs of Figueira  - "Alleluia"

In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.

This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.

The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.

This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.

To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.

All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.

So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.

Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Songs of Figueira – “Stellar Regent”

In this song there is a precious invocation to the Spiritual Hierarchy, in which the terrestrial consciousness can find a revelation of its true being.

What is necessary is the intercession of a Stellar Regent, which would be the perfect and direct bridge, so that the higher aspect of the human being may attain a correct correspondence of its being through the communion with the Supreme Consciousness.

The song mentions a mountain, sacred symbol of the upliftment of consciousness. The mountain is also this pure and immaculate place where we can find the Brotherhood, so that the door of return to our origin may be opened.

The aspect that is expressed in the song “Stellar Regent”is the so-called vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which, like a cosmic pole, attracts to the Earth, and all of its humanity, to the currents of the sidereal space, that are nourished by the Source of Creation.

From the Consciousness of the Hierarchy, the impulse that the terrestrial beings need is born, so that, in these definitive times, they may be able to rise in plane and vibration.

As the song says, this leads the human being, who joins the Hierarchy, to never again forget it, especially in the moments when the very being will have to face its spiritual reality.

This remembrance that the song reveals leads the spiritual human beings to be aware that they come from a universal origin and that they will have to fulfill a universal Will.

When souls have the grace of knowing all of this, and nevertheless, waste the opportunity, their spiritual life goes back and the Universe makes space for the consciousness to learn what it has decided to learn.

This song helps us not to be ungrateful, to respond adequately, according to what the spiritual Hierarchy needs, in order to eradicate the indifference and the lack of love from the planet, so that brotherhood may reign among beings.

For this reason, as the song says, the Hierarchy always emits a signal so that the consciousness may be able to awaken, and thus, reciprocate in the designs that go beyond three-dimensional life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Songs of Figueira – “The Kingdom”

In this song, Jose Trigueirinho revealed, in simple words, the power of many mysteries.

The Kingdom is announced within each being. It is the first sign that, in the end times, the contact with high levels of consciousness will be the master key to the great upcoming revelations.

Also, in this song, Jose Trigueirinho, through his soul, reveals the coming of the Redeemer and Savior for the second time. He announces the coming of Christ by means of public Apparitions, which will bring the manifestation of the Kingdom in its different planes of consciousness.

The song, in its beginning, talks about the false christs, those who promise changes, benefits and material advancements and do not fulfill them.

The song warns about the attention that each spiritual being must have in order not to be confused; just as it also reveals the presence of creatures on the Earth that will announce themselves, using the name of Jesus, to promote and benefit themselves.

Thus, the Son of God returns for the second time to teach the truths of the Kingdom, based on the existence of a universal life, filled with all the saving principles of the Dwellings of the Father.

In this sense, these truths that will be revealed will demystify the false christs and will place all the consciousness of humanity before what is true and comes from the Hierarchy.

For this reason, the song also announces that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Kingdom will remain alive and immutable in the heart of those who believe and aspire to the reality of the stars.

According to the song, all the impulses that the Son of God will bring will awaken and will be shown in the experience of the Light-Communited and group life. And this will go beyond, it will touch the inner world of other beings and other nations, that will be attracted to drink from the same fountain.

For this reason, at the end of the song, it is announced that the Kingdom will remain, although Heaven and Earth may pass. This means that the spiritual treasures of the Universal Hierarchy will be available and present in the heart of each server and true follower of Christ.

This will renew the times and will unite the consciousnesses even more, which, regardless of their nations or of their languages, will unite in the same purpose to fulfill one mission. They will be those who, as the song says, will see the Son coming among the clouds.

Here it refers to the cycle of Apparitions of Christ, from the year 2013 to the current days. It refers to all the impulses that will come to nourish the consciousness with high evolutionary vibrations. This will shine in an evident way in the gaze and the heart of all those who adhere to the call of the Hierarchy.

The song “The Kingdom” is the synthesis of the mission that Christ, the Beloved Son, would fulfill, in the end of times, within a region of the planet and with a part of humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Open your heart and your mind to perceive the Christic signs that I could place in some of My Own, in order to physically safeguard the Redeeming Project of humanity.

Open yourself to the mystery of the Divine and of the Higher so that in your inner world the central temple of the heart is prepared, so as to be able to welcome new laws and new life principles.

Within the context of the world situation, the Celestial Universe will carry forward some movements, in order to protect and to shelter what has been planned to be concretized through the servants that I have summoned for this sacred task.

Thus, open your consciousness, even though you do not yet know or understand what will happen and what I have foreseen for each being.

The most important thing is that the Will of God be established, and that this Will be carried out where it was foreseen it would be concretized and manifested.

A place where it should be carried out is in your consciousness, because what you must go through and vividly experience in honor of My Divine Person, in honor of My Sacred Heart, is already foreseen and written.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Last weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I Am the Light that exists in places and worlds where there is no Light. I Am the Morning Star of the universe that dispels the gloom.

I Am the One Who brings with Him the essence of Life and Truth, and I hope that all of Mine will one day become that very Light, which defeats evil and awakens the Mercy of God in the world.

While the time of the universe announces new profound changes, We the Divine Messengers are preparing to gather Our Hearts in the Great Heart of God.

But in essence and in pure spirit, We will be with humanity until the end, waiting for the designated moment to help in the redemption of the last souls on the face of the Earth.

While that moment has yet to take place, make good spiritual decisions in your lives, in this way, you will be truly ready and sincere to face the Plans of God, because then, His Higher Source will be able to trust in you until the end.

Your hearts hold the potential for experiencing an unlimited transformation, capable of transcending inner and outer barriers and difficulties.

Through these last times, I have given you the possibility of knowing the path of love and forgiveness, something that must be practiced when the moment of the tribulation emerges throughout all humanity.

Everybody, in due time, will be witnesses to My Presence and My return to the heart of the simplest and the greatest sinners. At that time, you will be the testimony for many, for a great opportunity of pity and Mercy.

But all of this cannot be left behind, forgotten, when the time of giving your own life out of love approaches.

At that moment, I will be by your side to encourage you, in absolute trust, to take the great step for the salvation of this lost world.

Your support will be My hope, your joy will be the power of My consolation, your fortitude will be the gift of My faith, your immediate step will be to die for Me and for your brothers and sisters.

When this time comes for everybody, each being will be able to understand and clearly know how much they have worked by My side, and how much they have, without fear, given to Me, so that I could transform their being.

The times are indicating a different moment.

Your attention and silence can be the precise keys for understanding the final signs that the universe will send.

May your thirst to experience Me never end.

Let the renewing love that I offer you at each meeting be the definitive mark that will remain engraved forever so that in the great moment of My return I am able to recognize you as My apostles rather than My executioners.

Love the Law of God, even though you do not understand it; this will protect you from yourselves.

My Rays are poured out upon the just.

In the Peace of the New Time

Jesus Christ, Solar King

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

During the Vigil of Prayer of December 24, 2014, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Our Lady announced that the new cycle of monthly Messages of Christ Jesus will be carried out through a program on the third Friday of each month; it will be called "The Sacred Call".

Today, during the last weekly Message of Christ, the Master again announced that, in the coming cycle of His monthly Messages, the program will be called "The Sacred Call."


Dear soul,

Seek in your earthly journey the signs that I indicate to you day and night because all of them will lead you to find the path of perfection.

Remain attentive, Soul of Mine, and let that My Voice reverberate in the depths of your heart.  In this way you will quickly find the keys to open the doors of redemption.

Do not allow, Soul of Mine, that rivalries may take place in your consciousness.  Live through My Peace and build always a Castle of Love for others.

Today I give you, dear soul, My Discernment, the inner capacity for you to begin to understand all of the greater things.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Soul of Mine!

Direct your steps of light towards My Heart and I will give you the tunic of humility so that you can wear it.  And with your hands you will donate life for the others, so that they may be able to feel the plenitude of your holiness.

See in every place an answer, a sign that will come for the transformation of the heart.  Conduct yourself through My Words, in this way your path that is full of stones will be converted into a garden of flowers and of subtle aromas.

O soul of Mine!  That belongs since the beginning to My Kingship, surrender your tiredness in My Arms and marry your Faithful and loving Husband.  Seek the ardent Fire of My Heart because only in Me will you find the answers for your doubts, the true food for your spirit, the eternal peace for your most little heart.

Gentle soul of God!  Allow the Worker to build His House of Love in your being because in this way will emerge the Temple of Light, that which will radiate its inner presence for all.  Consecrate your life to My Path.  Live Me all of the days as the only and supreme passion of your life and let that My Blood be poured over your body so that it may again be as pure as it was in the day of your birth.

Receive in the silence the Light of My codes.  Give Me the thanks for having called at the door of your life.  Stay in Me forever, I have greater treasures than those that exist upon the Earth.  I offer you My Eternity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for pouring your lives in My Heart of Peace!

Christ Jesus, the Faithful Husband


My Heart speaks through the signs of some disciples. For this I ask you that out of love you be attentive because in some moment My Wise Spirit will make Itself strongly present in the heart of some of My servers.

But My Words will always be simple in order to be able to communicate to you My Supreme Truth. My dialogue with your beings will be through My Infinite Omnipresence. I will always want to bring you to the peace of the heart because this will be the perfect way in which your lives may be able to understand all things.

I only ask you for an exercise of attention by means of constant prayer, prayer that builds peace and good for all of the beings. In this way you will see in your brothers and sisters of the path My Mastery of humility and of simplicity.

The moment has already arrived and the time for you to recognize Me as your morning star amongst the darkness, as your gentleness in the face of any rivalry. The prayer to My Divine Mercy will strengthen and nourish your souls for the moments of tests and of definitions.

I Am and I will be in all of the places when you only call Me. I want you with Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message of Truth and with Love!

Christ Jesus, the Lord of the Sacred Celestial Clouds



On the holy date of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina today I call you to remember the innocence and the purity of this great consciousness who carried engraved on his body the signs of My Passion.

See reflected in him the example of simplicity and of love, the braveness of serving God and of fulfilling the Will of the Father above all things.  See in this Saint Padre Pio the sign of the true and strong love for humanity.

Now as an Instructor of humanity accept him as your mediator and confessor for the virtues of life.  That in the example of his sacred priesthood you may find the path for your communion with Me.

In this blessed day Heaven and Earth give thanks for the presence of this Sacred Consciousness that, just as you, imitated the path of faith and of love through My Sacred Heart.

Remember that this Saint, Padre Pio, is the mediator for impossible cases and he will cultivate in your beings the love for humility.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus


When a soul has a true thirst for Me it recognizes that it has come to the time of change and it will never fear to transform that which falls of its own weight, which is no longer useful for it.

This soul dares to seek the liberation of itself, listening with attention to the voice of its peers because among so many words and sayings may be present the Instructing Voice of the Heart.

If the soul fully decides to traverse the path of sanctity Heaven will provide to it as many tests as necessary so that it may be confirmed.

If the soul seeks consecration through service there will come to its life so much charity to be done and so much love to be donated that it will not have time for itself.

If the soul does not seek any path and decides to walk in the world by itself and without instruction it will quickly lose the sense of life and it will separate the sacred spirit from the dwelling of the heart.

For the souls that are born from the Source and come to this world to live forgiveness and redemption, they must never lack instruction. It would be like getting lost among the material things without having orientation nor discernment.

But the soul that sustains itself through the merciful prayer will always receive the Grace of understanding, of accepting and of comprehending all things. God foresees the path for each one of His Children, for this He will always show His ones what they must learn and that which soon must grow up.

In this school of the Earth there are masters and disciples and both have pending lessons to be learned because the awakening to the absolute and only love has a single path. For this today I tell you to, more than ever, be attentive to the signs of self-correction in your lives because it will be an opportunity for all of the souls to mature in consciousness and to transcend the barriers that are imposed by the egoism of this world.

Through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy all will be solved as soon as the soul gives a true and humble yes.  In this cycle the times will speak to the world by means of inner and external signs. Be attentive!

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message through the heart!

Christ Jesus


Watch out for those who say that they work in My name and for My name, because at the end of the times you will perceive that it has not been so.  I am present and omniscient in the hearts of My children, those who live Me and those that make an effort to love Me every day.

One day I said to you for you to give all that you had and that you follow Me; but today I say to you: share all that you possess and do not be afraid of that which occultly shines as a personal possession. 

The true brothers and sisters of the path and children of My Father share all that they have until they are left with nothing, because the true child of God is that one who trusts fully in the Providence of My Lord.

It happens in the same way with the union of the flocks, because for My Unfathomable Heart there are not two parts of a flock, but there is just one only and beloved flock.

For this I say to you, contemplate with the heart what it is that, which due to pride, separates you from the others; so that the ideas and the assumptions may not be intertwined as ropes that tie up the walking of each heart.  Be strong in love, because now it is being revealed to you that which for a long time you have not wanted to see in yourselves.

My dears, accept the new time, a time that will liberate you from the spiritual control of life and of things, because whoever lives for My Supreme God does not carry their own load on their shoulders nor do they place it on their brothers and sisters.  Whoever lives for My Beloved Lord carries on themselves the sacrifice for those who still do not sacrifice themselves nor love the law of the Lord.

Open your hands and leave behind all of that which produces in you, awakens and creates in you an image of personal possession, because otherwise you will believe that you are working for My God, and you will be working for yourselves.

Follow Me and do not look back, walk as one, forward, because from the abysses the love of My Heart will take charge, which will save you, and will give you the true life that you wait for so much. Read your actions through the signs of life, they will say to you which degree of love you are in.  Do not let the enemy reflect to you confused signs, because you will be before your illusion.

Trust in that which I ask you.

Under the Love of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be fraternal and blessed.

Thank you for considering My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Children of My Eternal Father:

The universe is in your hands, it is enough only to see how many Divine Graces you have received in the passing of recent times.

For this today I tell you that you should not upset your hearts for what you still resist to change, but that by venerating the Father who is in the Heavens you open your eyes and contemplate the infinitude of the greater universe. Towards there you must direct yourself without delay but with hurry because many look down, look to the world, to themselves and forget that the truth of the Whole is found through My Heart of Peace.

I know about your feelings, I know about your thoughts, the Shepherd knows well His sheep and knows what each one of them need. For the sheep to grow strong and wise it must trust first in its Shepherd because the Shepherd will guide it, will free it from the wiles of the ferocious wolf who only wants to torment it on the path.

In each test count on My Confession, count on My Relief, on My total Liberation of any feeling of bitterness. You just tell me yes and there I will be to show you the way out.

But you must remember today the rule of love because without love for God there will be no transformation. The soul who consecrates itself must contemplate with love what it does, without conceit. It must seek the path of humility in order to recognize that without My Father it will be nothing. My Lord gives all to it, even the most insignificant things. All comes from the Source of Good and of Truth.

For this seek to be, for the longest time possible, united to this Source, even when your beings manifest to you opposite feeling and reactions. Like good vigilantes of My Call, aid all the needs of the souls because behind all My Spirit will be present. Each sign tells you a little more each day.

Under the Grace of the Spirit of God, be blessed.

Thank you for contemplating My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I am with you My little flock, do not fear for the end of this time because a new time will begin from the time of My redeeming arrival to your dwellings.

Be participants in My supper and feed your spirit as the birds feed themselves of God. Live My Signals, the revelations of My arrival from the time of your union with Me. Feel Peace upon all things, fear for nothing, as I have said to you – who will be persecuted for My cause will be dignified to live in the New Kingdom of God.

Conduct your lives to good paths that the time and the needs do not separate you from My Heart, and remain under My mantle as the sheep that are inside of the stable.

I want to be once again the Pastor of your lives, for this you must open the lock of your heart. You have the key for the encounter with Me, this is the great gift that God gave to you, to melt yourself with My Eternal Spirit, with the Spirit of God.

Do not have fear for how much you are being mistaken, raise your sight towards Me, I need you now with courage and redemption. Still you do not know the power of My Mercy and today I will tell you, the sword that trespassed My side at one time, it was the pain of humanity, and My Heart poured Merciful Love instead of pouring Justice.

What is the parable of My Passion?

It is the Love that I live for you, because if My flocks were not created by My God, how could I pour the fountain of My Love?

For this trust in Me, because at times you distrust Me if you ask for where I am and to whom My Heart may visit. I am the King of the Universe, I am the Pilgrim that searches for gentle and peaceful hearts, hearts polished and elaborated by my Love.

When you know that you cannot support yourself by your own self, open the door to your heart so that the thoughts may not separate you from Me, trust in who guides you because you could encounter Me one more time before you.

I have crossed through your life many times, did you hear me? I did – I heard you in the silence, in your aloneness, in your perturbation, in your tiredness, in your desperation, but you did not see that My Love always is there to help you at each time and at each moment.

I want from you the best, the will to live in Me, the hope that wakes up through the beats of your heart. I never have left you alone because I walk in the silence at your side. Look at Me! Contemplate Me! Stand up from where you are! Open yourself for the new and trust in the Will that I manifest for your life.

Accomplish day by day the designs of God, be humble in heart, be kind, say always the truth of the heart, build with prayer the new paths of humanity, live above all things in the Infinite Ocean of My Mercy.

My love is so great that I gave to you My only Celestial Mother and She with Her sweetness and love conducts My Flocks so close to Me. You are part of the Universe, of the Fount of Love.

May you in this time of changes be within the Fount of Love and of the Truth. May in you awaken the love that I have left to you.

There you have My Mother to find understanding in the spirit and in the heart. I accompany from the most highest of the Heavens all of My children, My partners, My missionaries, My flocks.

I am part of the Father and you may be part of Me, only tell me: Come Master, be in me!

Now calm your heart because the most important is that you live the forgiveness that My Heart brings to you. Today I gather you around the Creator Fountain of My Virginal Purity, of the great Mother Star of the Universe and of the Morning, because your hearts in this time of tribulation are being bathed by the rays of the infinite light of God, through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

Bring happiness to your day and remember that always I am in the Highest so that from there I will encounter you in this world. My Love continues being great and infinite for all, My Love feeds you and fills you with God.

I bless you with the universal sign of the redeemer Cross.

Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

