Saturday, March 16 of 2013

Daily Messages

Watch out for those who say that they work in My name and for My name, because at the end of the times you will perceive that it has not been so.  I am present and omniscient in the hearts of My children, those who live Me and those that make an effort to love Me every day.

One day I said to you for you to give all that you had and that you follow Me; but today I say to you: share all that you possess and do not be afraid of that which occultly shines as a personal possession. 

The true brothers and sisters of the path and children of My Father share all that they have until they are left with nothing, because the true child of God is that one who trusts fully in the Providence of My Lord.

It happens in the same way with the union of the flocks, because for My Unfathomable Heart there are not two parts of a flock, but there is just one only and beloved flock.

For this I say to you, contemplate with the heart what it is that, which due to pride, separates you from the others; so that the ideas and the assumptions may not be intertwined as ropes that tie up the walking of each heart.  Be strong in love, because now it is being revealed to you that which for a long time you have not wanted to see in yourselves.

My dears, accept the new time, a time that will liberate you from the spiritual control of life and of things, because whoever lives for My Supreme God does not carry their own load on their shoulders nor do they place it on their brothers and sisters.  Whoever lives for My Beloved Lord carries on themselves the sacrifice for those who still do not sacrifice themselves nor love the law of the Lord.

Open your hands and leave behind all of that which produces in you, awakens and creates in you an image of personal possession, because otherwise you will believe that you are working for My God, and you will be working for yourselves.

Follow Me and do not look back, walk as one, forward, because from the abysses the love of My Heart will take charge, which will save you, and will give you the true life that you wait for so much. Read your actions through the signs of life, they will say to you which degree of love you are in.  Do not let the enemy reflect to you confused signs, because you will be before your illusion.

Trust in that which I ask you.

Under the Love of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be fraternal and blessed.

Thank you for considering My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus.