Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.

Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.

In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.

In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.

Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.

Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.

Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.

Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,

The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings


The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.

Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.

Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.

Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.

Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.

Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.

Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.

Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Lord has resurrected! and He has dissipated darkness, fear and the absolute solitude of the hearts of humankind.

The Lord has resurrected! and He will be able to resurrect every day within the dead of spirit who, awakened by the Love of Christ, accept redemption.

The Lord has resurrected! to demonstrate to humanity and the whole universe that whoever is united to God transcends the laws of this world, including the more material ones that rule the natural course of human life.

The Lord has resurrected! to demonstrate that love has no limits and that those who surrender life for love receive, in exchange, eternity with God.

All living beings are natural heirs of the Power of God and of all His Grace. It is only necessary that you accept to live as His Children and that you recognize yourselves as such, living to manifest His Will, no matter what it may be.

The Creator is the great owner of this Enterprise of Universal Life. To take forward His Work you will have to serve Him and follow His Steps so that one day you may become a unit with the Father and have, by Grace, the possibility to take forward His Plan.

Give glory and thanks to He who shows you the path, by means of His Resurrection. Believe in the living presence of Christ among all, closely guiding this Work of the Father on Earth. Unite with Him and with the codes of His life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection, because it is time for these codes left by the experience of Christ to multiply and find new dwellings.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate today the mystery of the death of Christ and the solitude felt by all of His apostles and disciples, by all of His followers, since very few were able to understand the greatness of His Crucifixion.

Contemplate in your heart the withdrawing of Christ, His silence and the uncertainty that this silence caused within His ones.

Those who were waiting for Him were facing a test of faith: were synthetizing in their own interior everything they had received and everything they had learned, to put into practice to help others.

This Holy Saturday will be similar to the test humanity will live in the future times. For now you are still in the presence of Christ, of the Most Holy Mary and of My Chaste Heart; now you still count on the instruction and guide of Those who were sent by the Lord to represent Him in matter and to lead His flock to the encounter with Him. But time will come when each one will have to confirm themselves and affirm their own faith. Each one will have to share the bread and be a bridge with God for those who are empty in spirit. Each apostle and each disciple of Christ will have to announce the awakening that will come after the dark days and thus, make those who will persevere to the end keep standing and with faith in their heart because they have made a commitment with God.

Contemplate the faith of the holy women of Jerusalem and how they overcame the pain they felt in order to live the pure love that the Lord had taught them.

Contemplate the devotion of these holy devotees of Christ, who not only persevered in the Calvary but also anointed the Body of Christ, saw Him resurrected, traveled through the continents announcing His Victory and, throughout the centuries, returned to the world, still as holy women to perpetuate the Work of the Savior.

Take your strength from the mysteries of the Calvary, from the victory over death, from faith during the days of darkness and from the glory of resurrection.

Relive the history of your Lord and multiply His Grace and goodness, being yourself the living word of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises.

Do greater things than He did and so accomplish His words,

Renew the Church of Christ that is not kept in a religion, but is in the heart of everyone who has faith and disposition to follow the steps of the Lord.

The one who guides you to the Savior,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Share the weight of the Cross of Christ, helping Him to transmute human imperfections.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ, loving His sacrifice, and offering your own transformation in the name of His sufferings.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ, letting Him place upon you your own cross, this one that represents the part that you are supposed to live as a server of the Plan of God to transcend the time of this world, in the real time of the universe.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ, consecrating your life to God, in the name of the One who surrendered life for you and for your brothers and sisters.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ in silence and meekness, without complaints and in humility.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ for Him to also share with you the merits of His Passion. Thus you will not only live the pain but also the love that conquers death on the cross.

Share the weight of the Cross of Christ and discover, in the sacrifice of the Universal King, that the true meaning for your life is to imitate Him.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Our Lord raised the bread, consecrated it and shared it with His; He raised the wine, transubstantiated it, and shared it with His. 

Who will have understood this mystery, in which Christ takes for Himself the sacrifice that they used to offer from animals?

A mystery in which the King demonstrates His filiation with God, offering Himself as the Bread of Life. 

To eat the bread which has been consecrated and transformed into the Body of Christ is to share with Him His sacrifice, it is to tell God that you are one only body and one only blood with Christ, and taking on this unity with the Son, you also take on a filiation with the Father. 

To drink of the wine which has been consecrated and transformed into the Blood of Christ is to accept to follow His Steps, to receive in your own blood the codes from the One who brings the true archetype of life on Earth; it is to accept in yourself the genetic of Christ, to abandon the old human patterns, these which have brought humanity to the current decay. 

The one who truly communes with Christ merges with the Son, and with the Father, and lives the mysteries of the Holy Spirit, even without knowing it. 

You may ask yourselves: How to truly commune with Christ, if the human understanding is so limited and its heart so imperfect to encompass this mystery?

Reverence before the Eucharist will give you a humble heart, and with a humble and simple heart you will be able to live what I tell you. 

Never allow yourselves to commune with Christ unconsciously, not having your heart taking part of each detail of this communion and let yourself be spiritually flooded by this mystery. 

The consecrated bread comes to life and bears its fruits in the heart fertilized by reverence, by humility, and by faith. Otherwise you will commune as Judas, that - even having received the Bread of Life - did not have the heart willing to receive it. 

His heart had the desire to see the Master glorious to the people and known as a King in matter, and thus he lost the opportunity to live the true spiritual miracles of the presence of Christ. 

Today, before Christ, open your hearts for the gifts that the Lord brings you spiritually and do not hold yourselves to the need that this moment may have any phenomenological instance, because - if that is so - you will never understand the essence of this Work of which you are part. 

Your Father and Friend, the one who leads you to the true communion with Christ, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the agony of Jesus, the Lord could see and feel, in His Sacred Heart, all the evil that He would suffer, during His Passion and also though the centuries of human existence, to sustain humanity on this planet.  

Even so, He elected to live love, sacrifice and surrender because much greater than the fear in His Heart was His Love for the Plans of God.

His Will was one with the Father's and there was no human feeling that could separate Him from the Creator.

Even though the fear was so immense and the tension so great that made the blood vessels of His body rupture until He sweated blood, the Lord did not stop in the weakness of the body, and from there affirmed His fortress in the Spirit. 

What He was suffering in matter, despite being difficult and painful, would no longer draw the attention of Jesus.

His goal was in God, and transcending what His body felt, He embraced the Cross, which was the purpose of His Spirit. 

Children, the Passion of Christ is not only to be contemplated, it is to be lived and renewed by all the ones who claim to be His soldiers, His companions. 

Although you will not be martyrized and killed on the cross you can avail yourselves of all the spiritual principles lived by Christ and bring to your lives all the teachings that He left with His example. 

You must learn to let the consciousness transcend facts and events and submerge into the true essence that moves all of the divine actions. 

Only thus you will be able to learn to act as children of God and will be worthy of representing Him is this world, when His Voice will silence and humankind itself will have to guide one another. 

Many want to know with details what will happen in the ultimate time, in their final test, but who will persevere once they come to know it?

Who will continue by the side of God, knowing that an eternal cross is waiting for them?

Who will transcend the sufferings of the body in order to transform all the pain that can be lived into forgiveness and into the triumph of God?

The Passion of Christ is revived each year by humanity, so that the codes left by Him awaken you to your own spiritual path and take, from the example of the Master, the inspiration that you need to take your steps without hesitating. 

Do not only suffer or be admired by the sacrifice of Christ.

Do not glorify Him only because He made something that you think you will never be able to do. 

Glorify Him, because He showed you the path and because you will make of His sacrifice your strength, so you will not give up on accomplishing the Plans of God, even if you are facing death. 

The true reason to remember the Passion of Christ is that you learn to love as He loved, that you follow His steps. 

The one who loves you and instructs you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


The last drops of the Blood of Christ are being poured over the world, representing the living fount of His Divine Mercy.

To perpetuate His Mercy, Our Lord also perpetuates His Sacrifice every day, renewing the merits for the salvation of this world.

Many think that the Sacrifice of Christ was only the sorrowful Passion and the death on the Cross, lived by Him two thousand years ago, but how could He be so alive in the hearts of the world? How could He continue saving the souls and the spirits apparently unredeemable if there were not a permanent mystical renovation of His Divine Love?

Christ not only recalls His Passion, He lives it, feels it, suffers each affliction, receives each wound. And each time a soul on Earth surrenders life for love of the Sacrifice of Jesus or performs acts of reparation towards His Divine Heart, it is one wound less relived by Christ, because the merits that He would generate through this wound, humanity itself generates through its learning of love.

Recognize the eternal suffering of the One who has the power to make this world disappear and, with it, all the evil and yet, elects to suffer His Martyrdom and to relive His Passion, to support life on this planet, in hope that one single soul follows His Steps and manifests His Words, His Gospel, just as He manifested the Words imprinted in the ancient Scriptures of the Patriarchs.

May this Sacred Week represent the awakening of your souls to the Love and the Mercy of Christ and that, from this transformative impulse, may you also learn to live and to perpetuate tis Love and this Mercy that, in reality, you are capable of living. It is only necessary to forget yourselves and to launch yourselves into this mystery.

You will not suffer the martyrdoms lived by Christ, you will only struggle spiritually to establish this Love and, even though on the physical plan you are meant to experiment the sacrifice in the name of God, nothing can be compared to what lived the Lord, who had to break the hard barriers that separated not only humanity but the whole universe from the Consciousness of God.

I love and bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as Jesus carried the Cross of sins of the world when He was on Earth, today He continues carrying all the faults of humanity, faults that increased and multiplied themselves, faults that very often became unforgiveable.

Christ carries this Cross because He knows that only such a great love like this one that lives within His Sacred Heart is capable of enduring this Cross. Only the Love of God inside His creatures can endure the evils caused by humanity not only physically, but mainly spiritually.

Children, Jesus invites you to love as He loves, to allow yourselves to be permeated by God and, in this way, revert the present situation of this planet. Do not think that you are only a few among a multitude that walks in darkness. Trust only that you do not know the potency of this love that – for being so immense – would not fit entirely in a small human heart. This love must be lived by all those who call themselves soldiers, companions and apostles of Christ.

In face of the Passion of the Lord, contemplate the spiritual facts and not so much the material ones. Contemplate the potency of the Love of God that found its dwelling in the torn Heart of Jesus. This wounded Heart became large when He pardoned His wounds and this was how God Himself could love within Him.

Live this Passion within your days: forgive those who mistreat you, let yourselves be humiliated by those who offend you, love without limits, serve independently from the results that if those who you are serving deserve or not His love. Love as Jesus because He loved as God.

The Father is negated, insulted and forgotten by humanity and even so He continues being God, He continues being Father, He continues to take care of each human heart. And, as if this were not sufficient that He has sent His Son to suffer the human actions and convert them in love, He sends Him in spirit throughout all the existence of humanity and He will make Him return to the world to materialize His Work.

This is the Love of God and everyone, as humanity, has the Grace of the possibility of living it. It is time to open your heart and to surrender your own dwelling.

Your Father and Instructor, the One who allowed Himself to be inhabited by Christ,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The last drops of the Blood of Christ are being poured over the world, representing the living fount of His Divine Mercy.

To perpetuate His Mercy, Our Lord also perpetuates His Sacrifice every day, renewing the merits for the salvation of this world.

Many think that the Sacrifice of Christ was only the sorrowful Passion and the death on the Cross, lived by Him two thousand years ago, but how could He be so alive in the hearts of the world? How could He continue saving the souls and the spirits apparently unredeemable if there were not a permanent mystical renovation of His Divine Love?

Christ not only recalls His Passion, He lives it, feels it, suffers each affliction, receives each wound. And each time a soul on Earth surrenders life for love of the Sacrifice of Jesus or performs acts of reparation towards His Divine Heart, it is one wound less relived by Christ, because the merits that He would generate through this wound, humanity itself generates through its learning of love.

Recognize the eternal suffering of the One who has the power to make this world disappear and, with it, all the evil and yet, elects to suffer His Martyrdom and to relive His Passion, to support life on this planet, in hope that one single soul follows His Steps and manifests His Words, His Gospel, just as He manifested the Words imprinted in the ancient Scriptures of the Patriarchs.

May this Sacred Week represent the awakening of your souls to the Love and the Mercy of Christ and that, from this transformative impulse, may you also learn to live and to perpetuate tis Love and this Mercy that, in reality, you are capable of living. It is only necessary to forget yourselves and to launch yourselves into this mystery.

You will not suffer the martyrdoms lived by Christ, you will only struggle spiritually to establish this Love and, even though on the physical plan you are meant to experiment the sacrifice in the name of God, nothing can be compared to what lived the Lord, who had to break the hard barriers that separated not only humanity but the whole universe from the Consciousness of God.

I love and bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The voice of Saint Joseph, through Sister Lucía de Jesus:

May the presence of the Sacred Family prepare each one of your hearts for a new time.

Today, in the presence of your Most Holy Mother and Our beloved Son Jesus, we place in your hearts that profound love that we were able to experience as a Sacred Family. Everyone who opens to receive this blessing will receive it, because we did not come to the world just to have an experience. We did not come to the world just so that Our story could take shape on paper or in the ethers of this planet.

We came to the world, children, to leave an example, a path, a guide for each human heart. We came to the world to demonstrate the perfection of the Plan of God, not only to humanity but to the whole universe.

Today My daily message will be one with the message from Mary, because we will speak to you, bringing to your hearts that which you need for really preparing to receive Christ, for this is Our mission: preparing the human heart for the coming of the real King. Just like we prepared His coming to the world, His birth, thus we also prepare for His return.

That is why God asks us to continue to come to this planet each day, to instruct the human heart. In Jerusalem it was our silence that instructed hearts because the birth of Christ was also a mystery even for Us. Many knew that something was happening in that very mysterious Family, but they did not know exactly what, because for the human mind it is not possible to conceive the great Grace that God Himself should manifest among humankind. This happens, children, because you do not really recognize yourselves as a Creation of God because you believe that you are far from the One Who created you when, in reality, He is within each one of you. If you were to discover your unity with the Creator, that absolute unity, unique throughout the whole universe, it would not be difficult for you to believe that He comes to meet you through His Messengers and that He will return, He will come back in splendor, in the vestments of His Son.

To truly understand the mysteries of the Sacred Family, to understand about Our life on this planet, and also Our presence here in these times, you must learn to unite with God because it is only with the heart united to the Heart of the Creator that these mysteries will be comprehensible to you, not with the mind, but with the heart. It is the heart that understands without being able to explain how, it does not have a theory, it simply knows.

I would like to remove you from this third dimension, from this always so human thought and this always so human way of living. Thus, we speak to you about celestial divine matters, because the time has now come to return. And if you do not begin to love Heaven, to love higher life, how could it become a reality in this world?

Heavens will descend to Earth at the exact, correct moment for humanity, but before this happens, you must come to your hearts and essences. This is why we ask you to pray so much, that you serve, that you learn to love because it is the love that you develop in your hearts each day that will allow you to find God, His Universe, His Knowledge, His Wisdom.

I have also had a human mind, a human heart; I also was not capable of understanding many truths, until God taught Me to love. And in light of the greatness of this love that I saw being born in My heart, there was no theory, there was no thought that could defeat it. There was no doubt that could remove that love from My Chaste Heart. And for this, we are calling on you in these times: to live that absolute love.

In the coming days, you will be with Christ, who is the representation of love itself for all of Divine Creation. Will you let yourselves be loved by Him? Will you understand the sacredness, how majestic this meeting with Christ is? When I held Jesus in My arms, at His birth, I could not understand how God could place Himself in the arms of a human. The Child God grew, gave His life for the love of all, placed Himself in the arms of those who hated Him and allowed Himself to be martyred and crucified because of the greatness of His love. It is that same God who returns to the world and who for seven days will be with you. It is that same God who invites you to announce His Presence, to be witnesses of His Mercy, multipliers of His Grace, for He does not aspire to remain in this room, He does not aspire to only reach this place.(1)

God wants to live in each human heart, He wants to reach those who do not know Him because they fear His Love, He wants His Sacrifice to be worth it, that which is perpetuated throughout the centuries, through the victory of your hearts.

Thus, do not fear following Him, do not fear allowing yourselves to be led by Him, do not fear yielding to Him. For this reason, listen to Our words. If you did not believe in Our teaching in Jerusalem, if you did not believe that it was God within That Child, now you have the chance of responding to His celestial call, of having your own faith grow, and this time, be worthy of being called His companions.

Now listen to your Most Holy Mother.

The voice of Mary, through Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus:

My silence is shared by Saint Joseph and by the little Child, for in the humility of spirit is born the power of the brave and the conviction of the neighbor to follow the Plan of God and His greatest Work in spite of everything.

We are here today as the Sacred Family that ardently hopes for you to also soon be a spiritual family for peace that will instill the new patterns of universal life and of the Gospel.
I am here, gestating this moment in My most pure womb, which is unique for all. Happy are those children of Mine who knew how to benefit from it and not waste time in embracing the opportunity that Heaven gives them through this moment and the glorious coming of My Son to such a chaotic world, full of pain, suffering and denial.
We came to awaken in you the real meaning of life, brotherhood, and confraternity with the whole universe. The foundation for this has already been sown in your hearts and in your souls. It will be enough, My children, that you definively dare to take the final step so that My Son may find a safe path through His second return to humanity.
During this Sacred Week, your divinity must be in the Divinity of Christ, your heart, in His ardent and loving Heart, your human condition in the ocean of His Mercy, where the burning flames of His Merciful Fire will embrace those who unconditionally and unhurriedly dare to accept it.
I want that Fire of Christ to transform you throughout the seven days because we cannot wait any longer, My children. God needs the collaborators in the Plan to be available so that the Sacred Family can withdraw into the universe and prepare for the great moment of the Return of Christ, in His Glory and in His Grace.
Meanwhile, dear children, you will lovingly embrace the cross God gave you. You will strive to live everything for your neighbor and brothers and sisters. And in this planetary transition, through love and prayer, you will accompany all those who are unable to get up from the ground due to their own purification.
However, as I am your kind Mother, and as Saint Joseph is also kind in His Infinite Mercy, as is My Son in His Grace, we will not abandon you.
The teachings We transmitted to you throughout so many years must be present in your daily life, in your examples, actions and ways of being, so that, in this way, the lost and ignorant humanity, which is submerged in material illusion and fanaticism, may awaken and see in your faces the reflection of a work done with such great love, which comes from God and His Celestial Altars through Our Sacred Hearts, which distribute His Graces wherever They go, in each part of this world.
If we are here, in this hour and at this time, it is because you are called to experience the transition together with humanity and all the Kingdoms of Nature, which will wait, as they always have done, for inner and outer help on your part, a fraternal charity that will multiply with love in all hearts.
Before the seven Choirs that accompany Us today and sing Glory to God for all the universes and sublime realities, may your hearts today merge with Our Sacred Hearts into one spiritual family, and may this step you are invited to take during this Sacred Week, in company with the Passion of Jesus, be obvious, be your intimate testimony that, in truth, you love Christ above all things and that you will always be open to humbly receive all that will cause you to grow in the name of God.
The voice of Saint Joseph:
On this day, when your hearts give thanks to God for being in the Presence of the Sacred Family, and because My voice has echoed in the world now for three years, may your hearts reflect, reflect deeply, on all the teachings you have received, all the blessings that have been given to you.
These blessings, children, cannot remain in your hearts; they must be radiated to the whole world. I would like the presence of the Sacred Family in this place to be known to many, because here, as in each Marian Center founded by the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are building a unique Work, to prepare hearts for a time of chaos, a time in which you must not lose your peace, your faith, nor the hope of seeing a New Humanity be born in this world.
For this, you need to make an effort, you need to transform, take your steps toward that perfect archetype that the Creator thought of for each one of you.
It is through this Work, children, that We reach out Our hands to you, for you to place in Our arms the old vestments, vestments that represent your non-redeemed phase, that represent the errors of the past, mistakes you made beyond this life, stains that you carry in your soul, to be healed and forgiven in this time.
It is for this reason that today I will ask that this Work of the Divine Messengers, which begins to take shape on paper through each book you manifest with Our Words, may reach the four corners of this world, may they be translated to many languages besides English, Spanish and Portuguese. May the language of the heart may reach each nation of this world. For this, I invite all who listen to us to awaken and collaborate, because you may not understand why we ask you for these things now, but in the future, I assure you that you will be able to understand it.
We did not come to cause fear in you nor apprehension about an uncertain future, We came to awaken your faith and so that you remember each of these words when you think this faith is no longer within you.
I would like, children, that one day, on this altar, just like on the top of the hill, the images of the three Sacred Hearts be portrayed. May My Face, which I revealed to you on the first day of the daily Messages, be painted and disseminated throughout the world, not for Me, but because of what it will represent for the human heart and because of the impulse the Creator will send through it. May the image of Mary, Rose of Peace also be painted so that Her purity may reach the four corners of this planet and may every living being recognize that their Celestial Mother gave even Her Essence out of love for humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Through these images, as well as by Our Words, let all hearts feel that in this place, as well as in each Marian Center, the Creator gave the best of Himself for the redemption of humanity.
Let the New Race, which will emerge through the redemption of yourselves, be able to know, become familiar with the Love of God that has been manifested in this place and on this planet; that the Creator, until the end, did not give up on humanity, and however much the errors grew, the atrocities and the wars were infinite, His Sacred Heart poured out even more Graces, even more blessings, sent His Messengers to the world, His angels and archangels, the saints, the blessed, to guide the human heart in all ways.
Sometimes, children, the result of this Work will not be seen by your hearts, but even so, you must collaborate so that it may manifest, because it is part of your redemption and the awakening of your consciousnesses that you are able to act upon this Plan of God in these times.
The voice of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, through the chaste union of the three Sacred Hearts, bring here the offering of the bread and the wine for the consecration, for the establishment of peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: We will now pray this prayer that Mary transmitted to us, which is a prayer that the three Sacred Hearts carry out together for the concretization of the Divine Plan in souls and for the awakening of all hearts. We will repeat the prayer, phrase by phrase, at the request of Our Lady, several times, so that you interiorize it within your hearts, united with the three Sacred Hearts.

Sublime Grace of God,
descend into the hearts
so that souls may awaken 
to Higher Life.


The voice of the Virgin Mary:


When Jesus was a child, He taught the Sacred Family of Nazareth, His beloved Father, Saint Joseph, the bases of His Spiritual Priesthood, because the Archangel Gabriel inspired all the work of that Sacred Family, which came to the world to concretize the redemption of souls and the salvation of all fallen spirits.

Saint Joseph was the first consciousness to learn about the holy communion with God and with His Divine Spirit. Thus, today, He will carry out the consecration, in the name of the Sacred Family and all the families of the world, that each day must unite more and more in love, in brotherhood and in forgiveness. He will consecrate this Communion for all the youth and children, adults, women, elderly and the sick who are in the loneliness of the human heart and who must find Christ, Our Lord, again in this mystery of the holy sacrament.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Let us lift up the offerings from our hearts, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that the love of our hearts may touch the Heart of God, and He may spread His Mercy throughout the world.


Sublime Grace of God,
descend into the hearts
so that souls may awaken 
to Higher Life.


Sister Lucía de Jesús: At the request of Saint Joseph, let us listen to seven bell sounds, that announce the seven days of the meeting with Christ.


O Blood of Christ
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
have pity on us, Lord!


The voice of the Virgin Mary:

We rise up to Heaven with the offering of your hearts and souls so that the Graces may multiply within those who have most need of them.

We give thanks for you having responded to Our call and Our celestial invitation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



(1) He refers to the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil



In times of inner and outer tribulation, it is necessary to develop the gifts of persistence and of perseverance. These two attributes naturally emerge in the strong souls, and today I tell you that all souls that will live the final tests of these times must be strong. Their strength comes from love and faith, and the perseverance of which I tell you is related to these two divine attributes.

Even if the world breaks down to your left and to your right, keep faith and love in your hearts. You will not live anything that you cannot bear because this is the Law; however, you will find out that you can bear much more that you imagined.

Faith quiets the mind in the certainty that the only one who knows the true end of everything is the Creator. And as His Triumph is also a Law, if you are in the favor of this Law and act for the fulfillment of it, it does not matter what you live because all will be a mean to the Triumph of God in some mysterious and unpredictable way.

Many believe that faith is the wisdom of the ignorant which – not being able to resort to reason – resort to faith. But those who think this way and who have their fortress established in the unstable sand of the beach of material life will seek the assistance of those they used to call ignorant when they see the fortress of the haughtiness and of the false knowledge sinking.

Children, do not listen to those who do not believe in the power of faith. The greater the challenges to keep this faith, the more persistent you must be. Because if faith were not a unique treasure in the hearts of humankind, the adversary of God would not try so hard to make it disappear.

Before giving in to those who judge and condemn your way of living, pray for them and deliver them in the hands of God, in the hope that one day the Creator will receive them in His Kingdom because also those who deny Him are part of His Project and must live Redemption.

I tell you all that because many will be the difficulties of these times for you to keep your own faith and love. For such reason you must be strengthened and prepared to face these onslaughts.

I will ask you to be persevering and also attentive, since the enemy does not work only by the means of others, because he also can use each one of you to establish his kingdom. And those impulses that make you lose faith can come from yourselves. For this reason, be brave and love from the heart the Plan of God to which you have been summoned.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter into My Chaste Heart, so that it reveals the unfathomable mysteries of simplicity, of humility and the purity of intention.

It will be in the simple, humble and pure heart that the Lord will inhabit, when His Christic Essence starts to renovate the world by means of the hearts of humankind. For this reason, seek to yourself a simple heart. This means a heart that is adhered to the Higher Will and that does not generate resistances against the manifestation of the Plans of God.

A simple heart is the one which flows according to the need that presents itself and that does not generate conflicts in any level of consciousness.

A simple heart does not hold anything to itself and does not seek to understand all things before living them; it lives them as God entrusts them for its life, and let the understanding emerge from the experience.

A simple heart also needs to be humble in order to not believe it is better than the others for its simplicity. If it does not generate apparent conflicts and, however, judges the difficulties of the others with the things of life and wants everyone to be as simple as it is, it is worthless the simplicity of this heart.

The simple heart must be humble to be naturally simple, to be simple and nothing else; in order to want not to show its own simplicity or ease of accepting the circumstances of life. If the heart is simple and humble, it understands the neighbor and, even in silence, helps them with the example, so that they take their steps and overcome their own resistances.

The heart that is simple and humble, when it is also pure in its intentions, can naturally inherit the Kingdom of God and experience His Immense Love because it becomes worthy of receiving it, even if it does not know it.

The heart that is truly simple, humble and pure of intention will never know it is so. First because it does not keep thinking about itself and its own attributes, and second because its attention is always turned to the present, to the need, to the neighbor.

If you want to make of your heart a simple, humble and pure of intention heart, so forget you want to do it and dedicate yourself only to loving the neighbor and, mostly, God. Seek each instant the need of His Plan, not for you to be a worker of something, but only because you know the Creator expects that you minimally fulfill your part.

You know that what you do does not have any extraordinary merit. What happens is that you make the minimum while the majority sleeps.

Be thankful for being a child of Mercy and allow that your own gratitude conducts you to the manifestation of the Purpose of God in yourself. If you are truly grateful, you will never resist to something which the Lord sends you, because all will be little before the greatness of the Mercy that removed you from the abysses of this world.

For this reason, child, always give thanks to God, serve and forget yourself. In this way you will make yourself simple, humble and pure of intention, without you even being aware of it. Thus, you will be worthy of, some day, receiving in your dwelling the King of the kings, your Lord and Master, Christ Jesus.

The one who prepares you to the return of Christ in your interior,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children and companions of My Chaste Heart,

On the eve of your meeting with Christ – as humanity -, I would like to impel you to surrender your own will and own reason to Christ.

With this, I want to say that I call you to deepen your own contact with the Master and Lord of your lives for you to become each time more worthy of His Presence and that you know how to value and live fully these instances with Him.

The contact with the Divine Master, in general, children, is very mysterious to you and yet little understood by most. It is for this reason that I come today to deepen this subject with everyone.

Throughout Our Apparitions in the world, We awakened many praying people, who discovered the power of prayer, of faith and of charity and who nowadays spread peace to the world, by means of their lives.

But in this planetary cycle and through your working group, We have come to institute fraternity and unity among races, nations and religions, by means of ecumenism, the language of the heart and the love of the one God who manifests His Faces and Expressions thanks to the different religions in the world.

We have come at this time to deepen the surrender of the praying people and servers, so that– besides being servers of the Plan – they will become soldiers and disciples of Christ in this end of times.

More than praying people, We now search for consciousnesses who are willing to renounce to their own will and human way of thinking to enter fully in the Divine Will and Thought and, therefore, be instruments of God in the world, consciousnesses with whom the Creator can work and by means of which He Himself will be able to perpetuate His Presence among humankind.

For you to reach this degree of surrender of which I am speaking about and to become true instruments of God, you must learn to love His Plan above all things. For many spirits, it will be easier because they already know the love to the Purpose above their own will, but for others it will cost a lot, and these, when they reach this love, will be able to help many others to take their own steps towards this surrender.

In order to feel what I am telling you in your hearts and, above all, to have the courage to walk along this path, first allow that the divine love takes over your hearts and shows you the greatness of the Love of the Creator as well as how small the things of this world are before the immensity of this Celestial Love.

It is for this that Our Lord comes to the world: to let you know this Divine Love, of which He has become living expression and, even, material.

Before Christ, surrender and allow yourselves to be raptured by this infinite Love that by itself transforms you. Prepare yourselves to meet Him, reread the Gospel, remember His passage on Earth and revive within yourselves the memory of being with Him in this world.

Feel within yourselves the same Master who walked in the valleys and in the mountains of the desert. Feel the echo of the same voice that molded the airs of the Orient and that emanated forgiveness, healing and redemption to so many souls.

The same Lord who awakened you in the past come today for you to renew the commitment with Him and with His Mission that in reality is the Mission of all humanity.

Therefore, children, although you are not able to see Him, feel Him within yourselves and before you. Close the eyes and listen to His Voice as if God Himself spoke to you, just as it was in the past. Thus you will find the strength and the courage to surrender everything for love, and the Plan of God will be able to be fulfilled through your lives.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order to learn to love you must first place your eyes and your consciousnesses on Truth because what you will love is the Truth that comes from God and that expresses itself in all things.

If you do not learn first to recognize the Truth that dwells in everything that has been created, you will run the risk of living a human love, based on judgments and convictions that are not real but only fruit of the limited understanding of the human mind.

For example, if Christ did not recognize the Truth, He would never have been able to live love in His Passion because He was abandoned by His companions, humiliated by all those that heard Him preach and that even received the Graces poured by God by means of His Words; He was tortured by those who represented the Law of God for His people and He carried in each one of His wounds, hatred, envy and curse of them all.

How to love, with a human heart, this experience?

Christ loved because He knew the Truth. He knew about the love of His companions, but He also knew about their weaknesses. He knew that after leaving Him alone and seeing that even so He still loved them, in the heart of each one of His companions an unbreakable faith would be born and, even though they would abandon Him at that hour, after that, they would perpetuate His Words and His Presence on Earth by the example and living testimony of each one of them.

Christ knew the misery in the hearts of the Pharisees, He knew the demon used their weaknesses to be fortified and this look of the Truth brought Him compassion. He felt the grief that these brothers of His had to learn with their own mistakes, but He knew that somehow they were vehicles for the fulfillment of the Plans of God in order to materialize in life what was in the Scriptures.

Christ knew that those who spit in His face, after having listened to His Words and received the Blessing of God, needed something else, an even greater degree of love, because immense was the darkness that blinded them. Therefore, He loved them.

Today, children, you must learn to contemplate the Truth. Truth that is not found with the use of reason because rationally it is not possible to love those who take away your life and that enjoy each drop of the blood poured from your body.

This Truth is incomprehensible for your minds and if you try to be erudite and logical in face of it, you will never find it.

The so-called wise men of the time of Christ discredited the Wisdom and Power of Jesus for they thought, “If He healed the sick people and multiplied bread, why does He not save Himself and show His Power and Divinity to the whole crowd that persecutes Him? He is, in reality, weak, stupid and a magician, not the Son of God.”

Jesus listened to these thoughts, He loved even more and strengthened Himself even more! Because such was the ignorance of His people that His sacrifice and His example of love should be bigger each time.

Today, children, as your Father, I call you to love the Truth, to understand the limitations, the ignorance and the lack of love of your neighbor and to love them even more, fully.

Even if they seem irrational, immature, naive or imperfect, love even so.

Search for God without using, for this, the reason or even the intellectual resources you have within yourself because the love that you must manifest now you have never lived before. The love of which I speak to you is new, it is unknown, but it is full, unique and true.

Do not forget what I have told you and feel My words in your hearts because coming tests of the disciples of Christ will search for a similar example of the one of the Master.

Your Father and Companion, the One who teaches you to love and to know the Truth.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



A few days before a very important event, I come to prepare your little hearts. I am referring to the Sacred Week with Christ Jesus.

I come to ask you to truly have your hearts ready for this moment, not just as an event, but as a meeting with the King of the Universe, Who deigns to draw closer to everybody, in Spirit and Divinity, for seven days in a row.

For humanity, the Sacred Week represents the fulfillment of the promises made by Christ more than two thousand years ago. Those who once heard His words and died in the hope of finding Him again, at the end of times, are returning to the world with Christ to finish accomplishing with Him, His holy Work on this Earth.

Children, you who hear these words, at some moment in your experiences in this world, you have accepted following in the footsteps of the Master and being participants in His redeeming project. You have accepted following in His footsteps and imitating Him in sacrifice, in humility, and in redemption, so as to attain the perfect archetype that His Divinity transmitted to the world through the living and material example of His Christification.

Although today your eyes cannot yet see Him – because you are very involved with matter and must be prepared for that – your hearts can indeed recognize Him and can fully live the transformation He proposes, if you only open yourselves to deepen into that which you experience and do not let the days go by in the superficiality which is typical of ordinary life in this three-dimensional world.

It is the love within your hearts that will allow you to transcend the ordinary ways in which the human mind faces situations in life, to discover the Sacred and Divine that there is in these instances of meeting with Christ, just as it is with all the Divine Messengers, who in truth are bearers of the Presence of God for this world.

I would like, children, to bring you this reflection so that your hearts truly go deeper into the Grace you are receiving and that you experience this Sacred Week with the holiness it proposes for you, so that you may experience something unique, an absolute union with Him Who has the authority to transform your lives forever.

I love you and I teach you to be before Him Who is worthy of all honor and glory because He surrenders Himself to this humanity every day, in sacrifice for its salvation.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Rest your consciousness on the sacrifice. There will be no greater repose for the spirit than the one it finds in the certainty of the permanent service to God.

Rest your consciousness on the sacrifice and you will find true peace, that which is born from the Grace of serving the Father and knowing that you are in the correct path of His Will.

While the world gets tired, struggling for meaningless goals, while the souls do not find peace or rest, because they confuse them with inertia and worldly pleasure, rest your consciousness on the sacrifice and, even if your bodies are tired, your spirit and your soul will come to know the true joy which is serving God.

Sacrifice is not martyrdom.

Sacrifice is the permanent effort to manifest the sacred in this world of superficialities.

Sacrifice is the knowledge of other laws that transcend matter and fill the spirit.

Sacred Office is that which is offered to God with the heart.

The One who calls you to the grace of sacrifice made out of love,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Consecrate your heart to the Mother of the World and allow yourself to be called “Child of Mary.”

Announce your faith without fear and proclaim the truth that day-to-day is revealed to your small heart. Dress over your body the mantle of The One who protects you since the beginning and who dignifies Herself to accompany your steps to the end.

Dissolve the fear of saying “yes”, even if you do not know exactly to what you are surrendering your life and your heart – since the Consciousness of Mary is, for you, at the same time, so known and so mysterious.

Feel the Celestial Mother besides you and receive Her in your heart as your Holy Mother, but do not remain only in this feeling that fits in your human heart. Approach the Consciousness of Mary and allow Her to reveal Herself before you as the Mother of all things, as a living part of God, as the love that brings to birth love, as the Mother not only of The One who opened the doors to a new humanity, but also the Mother of all those who must be reborn through His Love to reach in their lifetimes the archetype of Her first Child.

Recognize yourself as a child of the spiritual womb of Mary, the one from where the creatures are not only born for the first time, but are also reborn every day. The spiritual womb of Mary is the one which gives life to those who were dead in spirit, is the one that resurrects, through forgiveness, all those who are in the abysses of this world and of their own interior.

Allow yourself to be called “Child of Mary” and proclaim yourself this divine filiation. Even if many do not understand your faith and others persecute you for not accepting it, make of this mantle that you carry upon your body the testimony of your perseverance and the confirmation of the true essence of what you feel in your heart.

May nobody ever see in your face the shame for being faithful to the Servant of God. Trust that, if a cross will be given to you in these times and humiliation and martyrdom will knock at your door, The One who once accompanied the Cross of Christ will accompany yours too, and will make you discover the true love and the unity with God, far beyond yourself.

You will find out, child, that this mantle that you carry over your body may not protect your life, but rather your essence, your spirit and your path. If you open yourself from the heart to be a true child of Mary, and if you recognize what it means to be called so, many mysteries which are not from this world will be revealed to you.

The One who was known as the Son of Mary was educated by Her to seek God, to unite with Him and live His Will, even if this Will implied to surrender His own life for love to those who hated Him.

Child, if you want to be a true “Child of Mary”, then follow the path of The One who was known as such in Nazareth, in Jerusalem, in the whole world and in the Universe.

Be a “Child of Mary” and allow Her to guide you. Lose the fear of following Her Steps and, embracing the cross that the Creator gives you, never take your eyes off from the eyes of The One who accompanies you in the Calvary of this world.

When you are in difficulties, look beside you and you will find the gaze of Mary. When you fall to the ground, with your cross over you, lift your face and elevate your hands because your Holy Mother will lift you up, because She does not call you “Child” only for you to serve Her: She calls you child to guide you just as God taught Her to guide those who come from Her Womb.

Renovate yourself, child, on this day, and deepen what it means to be reconsecrated as “Child of Mary.”

The One who guides you to the Immaculate Heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Love the Will of God more than yourself.

Love His Plan and what it means for the evolution of the entire Universe much beyond the development of your little soul and your little life.

Love the Plan of God with the right understanding that it aims for the evolution of the entire Cosmos and, even though you are a part of it, you are not what is most important about this Plan.

Understand that the Plan of God, for its own sake, must be fulfilled. And if the brother or sister who is next to you has a greater possibility of living the Will of the Father, help them and create the conditions so that they reach the goal, not for you or for them, but for the Plan of God.

The competitiveness of the human consciousness has taken away from many hearts the possibility of loving the Plan of God, because they love themselves and their own role in this Plan much more. They love their own possibility of living the Will of God and take care so that they themselves become the Christs of the new time, even rejoicing in the defeats of the neighbor because, knowing that these Christs will be only a few, they want to be a part of these few. What these hearts do not realize, child, is that the inner Christ is born from the forgetting of the self and from the absolute love to the other.

Love to the neighbor is born, in truth, out of love to the Plan of God. The one who truly loves the Plan cares for it and knows that all human beings are needed in its development. For this reason they rejoice in the awakening of their brothers and take care so that they develop more each day, no matter if they surpass their own evolutionary level because what matters is that the Plan is fulfilled, and not in whom it will be fulfilled.

If you want to love the neighbor, love God and His Plan. In the discovery of this love you will find the care for all the Kingdoms of Nature. You will find out that everything that has been created has a spiritual reason for existing and each living creature created by God has a unique role in His Plan. You will understand the true reason for being of all things and, although you may not know how to explain it with your mind, you will be able to feel it with your heart.

Child, love the Plan of God more than yourself. Love the Creator and allow yourself to be overflowed with this love that transcends an object or a creature and radiates to everything that has been created.

Commune with the perfection of all things, because it will be by taking care of the development of others and of the birth of Christ in your brothers that one day you will discover the Living Christ within you.

The One Who teaches you to live the Law of Love,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trust in the designs of God, because His Mercy is trying to reach consciousnesses at a maximum, but when beings decide to learn under the Law of Justice, the Creator has no other alternative than to be just.

The Justice of God is not a punishment, it is an opportunity to find His Will again, based on lessons that allow consciousnesses to face an immediate transformation. And in this way, beings find themselves facing everything that, by Law, they need to experience to learn and awaken.

Mercy appeases the Laws of Justice and tries to bring learning based on love to the planet, an awakening that comes from forgiveness, from a knowledge of God, and from adherence to His Will through the birth of faith.

But when Mercy does not find a place to act in hearts and when the purification blinds the eyes of many and does not allow them to see clearly, only Justice can make them find God again, as long as consciousnesses know how to correctly understand that which they are experiencing when they are before the consequences of the descent of Justice.

Trust in the Wisdom of God, for it does not work with the same logic of human thought.

I know that Justice makes hearts suffer, and I do not tell you to not suffer, because the heart that suffers must also experience its part in this lesson, which is for everyone. I only tell you, child, that beyond the suffering and the fear that this Justice causes in the hearts, have faith that it is safeguarded by Divine Wisdom and, in another round of the spiral of human evolution, that which today upsets you will be a reason for joy and growth for all.

Bring peace into your heart in face of the action of Justice, because in a near future, when it precipitates over all the planetary consciousness, many will not understand and will mistake it for punishment, thus losing their faith and trust in God.

Be an example of faith and of permanent trust in God, irrespective of His designs being in favor of or against that which your human heart feels.

Who always loves you and encourages you to continue forward,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

