In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this universe, in all Creation and in all life, there are Laws and, among them, an important Law, which is very unknown to the human consciousness and not understood, because this Law preserves its own revelation: the Law of Transmutation. Something that the Hierarchy has known since the origin, since all was thought of, from the moment when the great fallen angel disobeyed the Higher Law.

From that moment on, Creation and the experience of the universe changed its course and Laws that had not been thought of had to be created in the Source of the Eternal Father, so that the evolution of beings, under these conditions of change, might be a balanced and harmonious evolution that would mean an important effort for each creature that would emerge from the Source and begin to live their experience in this Creation, under these new Laws that emerged out of necessity, such as the Law that I present to you today.

The Law of Transmutation was interpreted by the human being. Even for the Hierarchies themselves, it is a mystery, because, as I have said, it is a Law that preserves its revelation.

However, throughout the times, of the different races in this world, the Law of Transmutation had to intervene to correct the deviations of this Project, not as an act of justice, but rather as an act of harmony.

This Law of Transmutation was revealed to many beings who, throughout the times and the different stages of the planet, became enlightened. Siddhartha Gautama himself was aware of this Law, just as other masters of the East, and even having this inner revelation, none of them flaunted having this Law for themselves. Because the only thing this Law reveals as its essence is the service it renders to this entire universe and all humanities.

Thus, this Law intervened throughout the times. Many had to learn to interpret and understand it, because this Law, in itself, is not only a Law, but it is also a Ray of the Source of Creation, expressed through the violet color, an extremely high frequency in this universe, which lives a material and mental experience.

This creative Law comes, throughout the times, to place events and consciousnesses at another point.

The Law of Transmutation cannot be appropriated by anyone. Neither this Law, nor any other Laws, can be under the control of any human being or any creature. Because in essence, the Laws are intelligent and autonomous, they are manifestations of currents of the Creative Source, and act in this material universe according to the need or urgency.

This Law of Transmutation has intervened in humanity in important events. As an example of this: in the disappearance of the civilization of Lemuria, in the disappearance and sinking of Atlantis, in the very spiritual and esoteric construction of Egypt, and also in the First and Second World Wars, in which the ether of the planet had been destroyed by the race itself.

The so-called “veil of the temple” had been torn and continues to be torn in this end time, each time of detonation of a bomb or a weapon against someone’s life or even in entire nations. This opens uncertain doors to unpleasant events, the most innocent souls are placed in uncertain places.

The Law of Transmutation, which the Hierarchy utilizes with the permission of the Eternal Father, descends upon the world to encompass the neediest souls, from the deepest nucleus of the essence to the spiritual being. Because between these states is the soul of each being, which, in this time, must not be taken or deviated by anyone.

The Law of Transmutation, guided by the Christic energy, is at work in this time. This is why, at these moments of very important meetings with Me, the Hierarchy deepens into its work and operation in humanity, and superposes itself upon the psychic and emotional situations of humanity. In this way, the others Laws work in a hidden way.

We know that humanity cannot have the entire revelation at this moment, because of selfishness, vainglory and indifference. This is why I once told you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and there is no other master that you can follow, but only those who demonstrate they follow the only Christ.

This Law of Transmutation will work extensively at the end of these times, because it comes to correct and amend the errors and outrages committed by humanity against the Universal Laws.

I want you to keep very much in mind, that you have it engraved in your consciousnesses, that each time you disobey, you are allying yourselves to the deterioration of the Laws on this planet. Therefore, you must always be careful with your actions, your thoughts, your intentions and all that which you believe you can hide from the eyes of others.

Life of the spirit in the life of matter is an exercise of daily correction. No one should believe they already have everything solved, that would be living in illusion.

Therefore, I come, out of Love, to open your eyes, the eyes of the  consciousness of the inner world. This is because humanity, through its acts and sins, has gravely infringed the Universal Laws, which are not there to do justice to anyone, but rather so that you may attain the degrees of Love, just as I achieved them step by step, at each moment of My Life.

But when I return, a time that is not far away, the planet and humanity will strongly feel the descent of the Laws that will come with Me. They will be like rays that will cross through the stratosphere and atmosphere of the planet, in a way that is stronger than the rays of the Sun.

These currents of the Creative Source will descend upon those places that will need correction, wherever and however that may be, no one can escape the Laws, because all were created in the image and likeness to them, beginning from what is most inner to what is most external.

These Laws, which will be renewed and will come with Me in My Return, will put all things in their place, beginning with the intentions of this race, and then with everything else. At that hour and at that moment, those who have the Grace of being present at My Return, on the physical and on the universal level, will be witnesses of this event, because it will not be hidden.

Therefore, throughout the times and recent years, I have come to prepare each one of you and humanity for this moment, because you could not be present in this event as you would not be able to bear it, just as My holy apostles were not able to endure My Ascension.  

At that hour, the Power of God will be known on Earth. The most resistant ties will be cut, the captivity of many beings will end, because duality will not be necessary, nor will suffering for not being able to transcend yourselves be necessary either. Therefore, the one who lives in the Law of My Love will never perish. But you must live according to My Love, and not according to your intentions or your motivations.

The Law of Transmutation underwent a pause after 1988. Now, in these last times, with the reappearance of the Lord, this Law reapproached the Earth again, because it is now preparing My arrival. Everything must be exorcised so that the New Earth may arise, so that the New Humanity may manifest itself.

Hold this knowledge within your inner worlds, because you will not understand it today. You will understand it when it happens, when the Law of Transmutation acts and corrects the world, so that peace may be restored again and everything begins anew, just as it was thought of in the Origin, before Adam and Eve.

Then the times will unite again, between the spiritual and the material time, it is something that the Eternal God Himself will do so that the souls that are part of the New Earth may have the bliss of knowing the Kingdom of the Heavens, although they are still on this planet. The happiness will be indescribable, and there will not be feelings of guilt, shame or disturbance, but rather the joy of rediscovering the path they once lost, the path that was written by the very Hand of God in the origin.

Receive the Light of Divine Knowledge, just as the people of Israel received it, just as the great patriarchs received it, just as the prophets revealed it and just as all the believers lived it in honor and glory to the Creator.

As a testimonial of this, I come to consecrate new adorers, so that My Mystical Body on Earth may be strengthened and your souls, in this world, may be living cells of Christ, who only seek the good and peace, charity, service and Mercy, through the offering of each adoration.

I know that you have heard it before, but it is good that I say it again: when a soul adores the Most Blessed Sacrament, it removes a thorn from Heart of Jesus, and the Father allows Me to grant the Grace of salvation to someone who does not deserve it, by the mere fact that there is a soul in adoration, as an authentic offering of their life to God.

Thus, once again, I come to ignite My Christic cells on Earth, so that the Light of God may be stronger than the darkness in the world, and the love of each human and adoring heart may replace suffering, vengeance, betrayal and all evil, for the triumph of the Good of Christ on Earth.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The brothers and sisters who have offered to be postulants may draw near.

We may bring here the symbol of the Grace Mercy Order, so that they may be blessed by Christ, which the brothers and sisters will, from now on, carry with them with all respect, love and reverence, symbols of the Order of Christ on Earth, so that, from this day forward, they may be part of this congregation.

We invite each postulant, in the silence of their heart, to make their offering at the Feet of Our Lord.

And all together, we will accompany this special moment of blessing and consecration of new adorers through the song “Consecration,” so that, as from today, the souls of these brothers and sisters may be free to walk toward the encounter with Our Lord, until it may be the day and the moment of merging with the Heart of the Redeemer.

Celestial Father, bless these symbols, which represent the descent of Your Holy Spirit upon the souls that have ardent faith in You.

May Your Holy Spirit, through the symbol of this Order, the incense and the blessed water, bless Your Children that consecrate themselves today, so that someday, under the imperious faith of each adoration, they may be converted into flames of My Love for the world.

So be it.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will say a Hail Mary, a Lord’s Prayer and a Glory Be, so that the souls of these brothers and sisters may receive the impulse of consecration that Christ brings to them.

Today, My Hands collect your tears, and they are offered to God as crystals of Light at the Feet of the Creator, as an honest and true offering of your hearts, in response to the Great Call of the Father.

For this reason, I bless you and consecrate you as faithful Adorers of My Eucharistic Heart, as the faithful company of your Master and Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Communion. And to complete this consecration, the priests will administer the Holy Communion to the brothers and sisters who have consecrated themselves just now, to seal this covenant with Christ.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For peace to be established in the world, feel the pulsation of the Light of My Mirrors.

For peace to be established in the world, receive the attributes of My Mirrors.

For healing to be achieved in the world, receive the codes of My Mirrors.

For Mercy to be concretized on the surface of the Earth, feel the beating of My Mirrors, which, like great hearts, ignite in Heaven and on Earth, in the oceans and in the universe, to bring humanity the spirit of redemption.

Behold the Light of all My Mirrors, those that are on the planet and those that are in the universe.

Behold the Mother of the World, who brings to Her children the revelation of the Sacred Divine Knowledge, latent in the Heart of God and in Creation.

There are Mirrors in all dimensions and planes. Feel yourself as a partaker of this spiritual impulse so that your life and the life of your  brothers and sisters may be transfigured, just as the Mother of God was also transfigured when Archangel Gabriel and his sacred hosts of Light revealed the greatness of the Sublime Mirrors to the Heart of the Heavenly Mother.

Today, I invite you to consciously enter this school, although it may seem to you unknown and unattainable. But the path for this to be possible, My children, is that your hearts become a mirror, a prayerful mirror of Love and Mercy, which may attract the attributes that are in the universe, held like treasures in higher dimensions, where the angels dwell and serve God.

Do you know, My sons and My daughters, what was the first Thought of God before Creation?

Today I come to tell it and reveal it to you: it was the expression and manifestation of the Mirrors what allowed, at the beginning and in the origin, for the manifestation of Creation, of all its spheres of consciousness, of all planes, schools, lessons and experiences, including the manifestation of life.

For this reason, think for a moment, but above all feel at this moment how, through the Light of the Mirrors of the Universe, life was created and manifested in accordance with the Will of God, just as the angels present in the Divine Thought, in the Heart of the Eternal Father, also emerged from the Mirrors of Light. They are the dwellings of which My Son speaks in the Gospel.

This is the time for your consciousnesses to expand and, by abandoning the illusion of the world, receive the revelation of the Truth kept in the Divine Knowledge of the Father and all His angels of Heaven.

For this reason, My children, God has chosen Me, God called Me, not only to be the Mother of the Messiah, of the Redeemer, but also so that, through My surrender and untiring service as the Mother of all of you, I could someday be the Mother of the Mirrors.

This is what I come to tell you today, from the innermost depths of My Immaculate Heart, because from there comes the Source of My Grace and it is through this Source, granted by the Eternal Father to the Most Holy Mother of God, that I can intercede for you and for the world.

For this reason, feel the pulsation of My Mirrors. Allow the sacred tools of God, expanded throughout Creation and present in all consciousnesses that were created in the image and likeness of the Creator, to receive, from the higher dimensions of consciousness, this divine impulse that I bring you today, through the Consciousness of the Mirrors.

But what is greatest in all of this, My beloved children, is not only the Eternal Love of God for His creatures, but also the abundance and providence of Universal Knowledge.

And it is through the Mirrors present in Heaven and on Earth, in the oceans and throughout the universe, that the souls and consciousness of you all can surrender in confidence, to recover, as a civilization and as a race, the original codes that you have lost throughout your evolution, codes that My enemy has taken out from you throughout the times.

But the moment has come not only to consciously prepare the Return of Christ, but also for your hearts and lives to open to this Higher Knowledge, which will only generate for you the good, healing, redemption and peace.

For this reason, My dear children, on this special day when we celebrate the birthday of My mirror daughter, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, I give you, through this example, the concrete and palpable evidence of the transformation that Mirrors can make in a soul and in a consciousness.

How great is the Grace of God!

How great is His Mercy, granted to the Mother of the World, to awaken all mirror hearts!

How great is His Love, the Love of the Eternal Father, present and manifested through the Holy Spirit, through the Servant and Slave of the Lord!

How great is all this, My dear children! which no mind upon the surface of the Earth can conceive. However, a heart adhered and surrendered to the unknown will be able to receive, not only these impulses, but also the knowledge present throughout the universe, in the Sacred Treasures of Creation.

Just as today the Atlantic Ocean moves, following the rhythm of the planet and of the universe, understand, through this analogy, the sublime movement of the Mirrors, like the waves of the sea, which touch the earth, nourish and bathe all that was created, renews and restore all consciousnesses. Such is the sublime power of My Mirrors, which, at each meeting, I bring to you in the silence of My Heart.

Participate in this communion with life. Unite to this revelation that the Mother of the World brings to humanity, to remove it from the chain of suffering, from the endless circle of errors, so that all My children can be reborn in Christ.

And, being reborn in Christ, all My children can again find God, the Creator, and this is possible simply through the action of My Mirrors, which come to caress your souls like a soft breeze of God. Mirrors that come to purify your bodies like the water of the oceans, that come to heal your consciousnesses through the Love of God.

On this day, may each one of My children see the step toward redemption as something possible, ceasing to look to the past, walking firmly toward the future, toward the time of hope and reconciliation.

It is through My Mirrors present today upon these oceans, in the oceans of the whole world, that the Heavenly Mother comes to grant you peace, healing and reconciliation, giving you the atonement of all errors committed, so that the hearts of the whole world may be reborn.

Keep praying with persistence and fervor. The time of great tests will still come, but the one who is capable of loving this Divine Knowledge and making it a part of their being, praying with the heart for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth and for the sublime activity of all Mirrors, will know what to do and where to be when all happens upon the planet, and they will not fear the events because they will count, within themselves, on the Light of My Mirrors, which will remove the darkness and adversity, bringing Light to all spaces, bringing Love to all dimensions, so as to strengthen the apostles of Christ.

Now I wish, before leaving this place, that your consciousnesses may not only be in My arms, but also in My Mirrors so that, through the intercession of the Mother of God and Mother of Mirrors, the whole human race may receive the Grace of redemption and of a re-encounter with the Promised Land.

On this day, I bless the one who has been capable of following the steps of My Son. I bless and re-consecrate Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, who, loving the unknown, opening to the Mystery of God and obeying the Universal Hierarchy, has transformed and transfigured her life into a Mirror, accepting, in the silence of her heart, to live a part of the suffering of the world so that, someday, My Son can govern.

May the Light of My Mirrors keep impelling her towards the goal that My Son has proposed to her, and towards the goal that all must someday attain.

I will keep praying for you to be brave and capable of stepping out of yourselves to help the world leave illusion, so that as many souls as possible, on the surface of the Earth, may have the Grace of a communion and alliance with the Treasures of God.

I am leaving this place very grateful, because I tell you once again: God is in simplicity, just as He is, at this moment, present through the Divine Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

A few weeks away from next August 8th, I would like to ask you, from this cycle on, in which the Sacred Hearts will gradually withdraw, that you could review and remember all of Our Messages. 

I know that there is an immensity of messages, from the year 2011 up to the present; throughout the times, from cycle to cycle, where Your Celestial Mother dealt with inner matters so that you, My Children, could be prepared for the end of time.

Thus, it would be pleasing to Me that those messages that have not yet been published start to be prepared so that, before Our Sacred Heats completely withdraw, My children might have this divine knowledge but, above all, words of love with which to sustain their lives.

We are in the moment to carry forward this request, from now up to the end of the year. Thus, all the instruction from the Sacred Hearts will be available, and the souls will have a place to turn to and find Us, because Our Messages are timeless.

I know that this task of updating the Messages will be a challenge, but it is possible. 

You have already learned, through love and promptness, how to carry forward the Work of the Sacred Hearts.

I will be accompanying you during this special task.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Song: Mercy, Christ Jesus.

Our Father, in Aramaic (repeated three times).

May the Holy Spirit reside in your minds and hearts, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come down from Heaven to be in this meeting in order to tell the world that in this cycle everything is allowed. My Father has thus decided it. Humanity needs to grow within in order to be able to express what it came to do in this world.

I need you to be here with Me, in vigil, because in this vigil you will always find peace and you will have the wisdom for knowing how to make good decisions.

The planet is like a fragile crystal that is at the point of breaking, just like all that is within it.

But you, through merciful prayer and through your faith, have learned to strengthen yourselves, and that strength must not be lukewarm, but rather it must be firm, based on what you believe and live, based on what you practice and offer as a service to the world, as well as to your brothers and sisters.

For this reason, everything is allowed so that humanity may learn what it has not yet learned. This does not mean that you continue to suffer, because you are still governed by a basic law, which is free will. In that choice that humanity makes lies condemnation, damnation and darkness.

But today I invite you to position yourselves above this law and unite with My Divine Knowledge, with My Word, so that, through love and truth, you may learn to decide wisely and with discernment, without having to be touched by the action of this law.

I know that not all of you will manage to do so, because you are still in the moment of overcoming duality. Until I return, that will not happen, and hearts will have to experience what they need to experience in order to be formed as true servers, as long as you decide to follow the path that I offer not only you but also to the whole world, to all peoples and all religions, because I am not only the Christ of the Christians, I am the Master and Lord of all souls.

In souls there is no religion, no doctrine; there is faith, trust and unity in the Eternal Father; it is there where I am. And thus I seek to always be in your hearts and lives so that you may reflect the gifts that I have been giving you for some quite time.

My treasures, that are inner, deep and non-material, will never be lost. When souls do not live the talents that I give them, I gather the gifts and the virtues from the hearts that do not fulfill My Purpose, and that does not mean that I abandon them.

In solitude and silence, I stop to observe you, up to the point where you learn to take steps, just as I taught you from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the Cross.

In each instant of your lives, redemption can be experienced.

At each step of your lives, there lies the opportunity for freedom, when you are under the Law of Love and Truth.

This world suffers and it is in pain and sorrow, not only in consciousness, but also in soul, because the planet is part of everything, and you are part of that great consciousness of the planet, which is ill and needs healing.

In maintaining your faith and your trust in Me, the bridges will always exist through which I will be able to descend in order to help you and assist you, even though you do not feel Me, do not perceive Me, even though I am in silence.

For this reason, this is a definitive moment, in which the planet is facing an unpredictable event, facing an uncertain destiny, without knowing how it will continue during the times to come.

But you, who have grown in the love of My Words and My Wisdom, must not focus your minds upon what will happen, but rather on what is happening. In that will be the lesson that you need in order to grow, learn, and once again be able to overcome the obstacles and the tests in the infinite trust that My Heart offers you.

Perhaps what I tell you today, companions, you may have heard at other moments, through other Words that I have already spoken. But know that, in everything I tell you today, there is the answer that each being needs, according to their school and their moment of purification.

Do not believe that I do not see what is happening to you, what you feel inwardly, what is happening in your minds, what your souls are living, what your spirits aspire toward in order to find the truth.

This is why the Hierarchy, in one attunement and vibration, unites at this moment, under My consensus and authority, to bring to the whole world the last impulses it needs so that humanity may awaken their consciousness even more and perceive that it is not under the Law and that it must return to it.

In this way, the times and the moments of uncertainty, of suffering, of pandemics and of insecurity will end. Because, in this way, you will be open to receive Me at that great moment of My Return, which is not far away, each day it is closer, and you must keep this in mind because I will not alert the world, nor will I alert you. I will arrive in the most needful and urgent moment, even though everything may appear calm.

In that moment, I will be able to return to correct this world, as it has never been corrected. 

And thus, the judgment of Love will come, and all will become aware of it; it will not matter whether you believe or do not believe, that you know or do not know anything. All will be equal in the Gaze of the Father.

I will never bring you a punishment, through Love, I will bring you the Truth that will set you free, forever.

And you will be what I need, what I have so waited for, what I have so longed for over the last more than 2000 years, because if I am here today, it is because My Father asked it of Me and He showed it to Me clearly in the Garden of Gethsemane, before delivering Me to the Cross.

I still have Chalices full of Mercy so that souls may drink of them.

The love that I have placed in each of the Chalices is so much that they overflow with the power of the Light of My Blood.

These Chalices, while not drunk nor considered by souls, pour out the Codes of My Passion and of My pain for the world.

This is the sacrifice that I want you to be able to live with Me; something that goes beyond you and your consciousnesses, your knowledge or your intentions.

The Chalices of sacrifice will be what will save the world and grant a spiritual and special reprieve for a large part of humanity, through the consecrated, priestly and missionary lives.

Thus, the more difficult the moment is, the harder the tests are, and the more painful it is for you to know the truth as it is.

This is the time and the great opportunity of giving all for all, as I did for you without thinking for a second of retreating or desisting. Because I knew, companions, what would come after. There was no human pain, feeling or thought that got in the way of Me carrying out My task for the world, just as today I carry out this task for you and with you.

My last Words are being written in the Book of God, and you must be a part of that story, which is being written through My Work.

In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, let us cry out for divine discernment, for universal wisdom, so that everyone may make good decisions in this crucial time in which prayer and service will be the shield that will protect you and the impulse that will unconditionally carry you by My side.

Today I do not come to see your errors, your traumas or your deserts, because I already know them.

I come to give value and power to each Code of Light, of Love and of the Word that I have placed in your hearts, because I believe that you will practice them and take responsibility for that, knowing that I have need of mirrors on Earth, of servers and missionaries on the surface, to heal the pain through the Love that I gave you and which you will always be able to give, without fear.

Dare to love, more than I love you.

Dare to surrender, more than I surrendered.

No one has yet surpassed Me in Love, and I hope that will be accomplished someday.

Today, from the world, I take the suffering that it experiences so that it may be healed and liberated, transmuted and sublimated, and so that, in this Marathon, My disciples, friends and companions may renew their inner vows with Me.

In this month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may souls remember that in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits to be occupied by you.

I thank you for praying with Me, for praying for the world, so that the Project of Your Redeemer may be accomplished in humanity. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At this moment, we revere the most important legacy of humanity that Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought today. That legacy is the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which four angels have brought with Our Lord.

We revere this spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, that is before us today under the protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the presence of Abraham and Moses.

Today, this legacy is radiated to all humanity, to the four corners of the Earth, while Christ, Abraham, and Moses, together with the angels, contemplate the Holy Ark.

And inside of it, we see all that it holds as a spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, and how the center of Light of the Heart of Christ emanates a powerful Light over the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where are to be found the Crown of Thorns, the Nails that He carried on the Cross, the Holy Chalice, and the Tablets of the Law, those called the Commandments that Moses received, as well as other elements that are part of this spiritual legacy for this material Universe.

And we are surrounded by the Universe that has this spiritual and inner event as its center at this moment.

In the same way as the angels, that adore and protect the Holy Ark, let us allow ourselves to be filled by this legacy and this mystery that is revealed before us.

Around this event, we see the Ancients who also showed themselves to John at the end of his life, when he saw the Apocalypse. 

Here and now, at this moment, the Order of the Celestial Brotherhood is formed, which today has come before each one of us, so that its love and its vibration resound within each one, at the center of our being and essence, so that we may enter into communion with the spiritual legacy that will form the bases for the New Humanity.

Meanwhile, the Ancients that are present hold in their hands a Sacred Book that they indicate has blank pages and they are attentive, vigilant, and contemplative to register and write what each one will offer for this legacy, so as to be watchful and vigilant, guardian and protector of the Divine and Cosmic Knowledge.

At this moment, we see how Christ, simply with His gaze of Love, illuminates the Holy Chalice within the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so that through the Holy Chalice, a powerful column of Light communicates Heaven with Earth even more, that the Portals to the Universe open even further, and at this moment, with this spiritual opening done by Christ in absolute silence and attunement, we see above this space and this event a powerful Triangle of Light of equal sides that represents an aspect of God, Abba.

Within this Triangle of Light that observes us and contemplates us is God, Who also contemplates the event of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the Presence of Christ, Abraham, Moses, the Ancients, and the angels.

Under the Ark of the Holy Covenant, we see our planet being presented and outlined, it is filled with the rays of Light which this Holy Ark expresses, and the spiritual aura of the planet is ignited and sanctified by each one of these powerful currents that the Ark is emanating at this moment through all its sacred elements.

While Abba, through the Triangle of Light, further illumines the present space, the synthesis of each one of His Holy Names appears at this moment, during this spiritual and universal event.

The angels, in the Presence of the Father, the Almighty, do not cease to keep their head on the ground as an act of adoration and of reverence for our Creator. And at this moment, we see how different hosts of Light, armies of angels begin to surround the Presence of God.

All are summoned to this meeting to receive the balm of the Love of God and the principle of His Wisdom.

To finish uniting Earth with all the Universe, and before continuing with all that Our Lord wants to accomplish on this day, in an act of greater reverence and love for our Creator, in the face of this revelation and Divine Presence, we will intone the Name of Abba through "Primary Source" as a single voice and single heart, until Our Lord gives a sign.

At this moment, we are going to allow each one of the principles and attributes of the Holy Ark to not only bathe our planet with Light but also the nations and the peoples, the Kingdoms of Nature, the oceans, so that all life, at this moment, be in God.

We can begin.

Song: "Primary Source"

We see how our offerings have been written in the Sacred Books of the Ancients, and which will be kept in there until God asks for them.

Our Lord withdraws The Holy Chalice from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, spiritually speaking, it may be placed on this altar and this afternoon we celebrate the communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ.

We feel this Holy Chalice very close to us, the Chalice with which Christ celebrated the Last Supper and which testifies to and expresses the most important relic of humanity, which is the precious Blood of Jesus.

Christ said to us:

My words today are represented through this experience of love because there are many of you, aware and prepared on the path of the spirit and service to humanity, that are ready to live these experiences that only I could lead, through the authority granted to Me by My Father. An experience in which I make each one of you a participant, so that your souls and essences may be strengthened in this service of the end of times, in which your giving and surrender will be the fundamental key for concretizing My Return.

For this reason, today on this simple altar I have left the Holy Chalice so that it not only radiates for you but also for the whole world, which needs it with extreme spiritual urgency.

Thus, to all those who listen, I demonstrate the validity of the spiritual communion with Me, when you simply open up to experience it.

The Ancients are the witnesses of this humanity and of this planet up to their last days; this is why they are here with you and with the world.

Abraham and Moses are a fundamental part of the history of your humanity which, at different times and periods, achieved important spiritual movements of expansion of consciousness and fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.

This is the third moment, after My Passion, Death, and Resurrection, in which the same thing could happen, as long as souls adhere to the discovery of this spiritual legacy, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant for all the essences of the Universe and beyond it.

Today the Ark of the Holy Covenant comes to bring healing and renewal to humanity because souls are in need of healing so as to be physically healthy and thus find again the path to God at this planetary moment, in which love and indifference confront each other when the coming time will be defined for all the human race.

At this moment, Moses and Abraham withdraw, taking with them the Ark of the Holy Covenant toward the center of the Triangle, where God is, to safeguard it where it always is.

But the doors to the Heavens still remain open, for we were carried to another space of the Spiritual Church of Christ, called Celestial Church. The center of this Church is the legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that the angels safeguard, adore, and protect with an infinite love for all the sacrifice Christ lived for this humanity and for each one of us on this planet.

Although it may seem incomprehensible and impossible, we are facing Abba and Our Lord Jesus Christ, filled by His profound celestial silence and by His eternal Love that emanates from the Father, from the Son, and from the Source.

The Holy Chalice still remains close to us, because Our Lord will return it to its place when this ceremony between Heaven and Earth, between the Celestial Church and souls, has ended.

And so, we see how Christ ignites thirteen points of Light in all of the Americas and each one of those points of Light, which emerge from the interior of the Earth, bring a tone, a vibration and a melody that humanity needs to be able to enter into the coming time; and we see how in perfect harmony, those thirteen points of Light unite, emerging on the surface, beginning in North America down to South America, in the whole column of the Rockies and the Andes.

We are standing before a Network of spiritual Light that has always been present on the planet since its origins, but which had its time for awakening. Let us visualize the Americas lit up by those thirteen points of Light and let us perceive, at this moment, what our heart feels.

What Christ asks of us is that we hold the memory of this feeling, so that we may always recognize it and starting with this profound and inner feeling, we have the strength and bravery to be able to renew all things, in the same way that Christ renews us.

Thus, we see replicas of this Holy Chalice at the thirteen points of Light. We see that a spiritual Blood is shed on each one of the Chalices that the angels pour out at this moment into them, and the planet is bathed by the powerful Blood of Jesus. 

In this way, all souls receive this impulse of Our Redeemer.

And in the heights of the Andes, we see the same Cross that was on the heights of Mount Calvary, and at its foot, our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, as well as all Her children, beings of love, of prayer, and of goodwill spread throughout the four corners of the Earth.

That Cross is a Cross of Light that illuminates each one of the Chalices and we are filled by the Holy Spirit.

We see our Most Holy Mother pray for the world and for humanity, placing the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and the Americas, at Her side. And through the Americas, humanity stands up again, as Christ stood up during the Calvary.

The Triangle of God travels through each point of Light of the Americas, placing each one of Its aspects and Sacred names over them; and from the center of our planet, we feel the pain of Mother Earth being relieved at this moment by the Blood that Jesus spilled on the Cross.

We empty ourselves again so as to be able to receive all this; we recognize our smallness in the face of this great mystery, the mystery of the Love of God for humanity.

And in this scenario, with the Holy Chalice close to us, we celebrate this moment with a profound act of thanks for this revelation of Our Father, God, through His Son, the Christ.

Christ has asked that, at this moment, we wash our hands as a sign of purification and of surrender, in the name of humanity.

At the request of Christ, we will wash the hands of the brothers and sisters of the Council of this Work, in the name of humanity.

We ask that, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this moment, if Friar Supremo is listening to us, that he also washes his hands, making the same offering that Our Lord requests, so that Love may heal all the pain. This will always be so that Love may defeat impunity.

Before the Light of the Holy Chalice, we remember Our Most Holy Mother at the foot of the powerful Cross, in the heights of the Andes, because She is also receiving our offering at this moment, as Mother of humanity.


My God,

I believe in You, I adore You,

I wait for You and I love You.

And I ask forgiveness

for those who do not believe in You,

do not adore You,

do not wait for You and do not love You.


(prayed in English three times)


Take it and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body, that today is given to the world for the forgiveness of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Take it and drink it, for this is My Chalice, the Chalice of the New Covenant between souls and God, with the Blood that is shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


By the powerful Light that is emanated by the Holy Chalice at this moment, in union with Our Most Holy Mother in the heights of the Andes, in union with the thirteen points of Light that were ignited by Our Lord, let us together pray the prayer He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves of this legacy of Love.

May Peace descend on Earth.

Our Lord withdraws the Holy Chalice from the altar and carries it in His Hands to return it to the Ark of the Holy Covenant. And in this way, the thirteen points of Light return to where they emerged and manifested. Our Mother, the Virgin Mary, rises up to Heaven together with Her Son, as well as all the angels that participated at this moment, to be able to continue in adoration of God.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen



Be My disciples in unity so that unity may always reign and this unity may take you to the love of the heart, because in the love of the heart you will find the way out and the answer before the circumstances of life. 

Be My disciples in unity so that unity may take you to absolute understanding and this unity may awaken goodwill in the hearts of My followers.

Be My Disciples in unity because while you live this Law you will not be subjected to the laws of the world.

The sacred unity awakens you to the knowledge of what is true and comes from God, that which no man can achieve, but onlt through divine intervention.

Be My disciples in unity because you will always find service in the life of each one, you will find the possibility to alleviate, through unity, any internal situation.

Be My disciples in unity and there will be no confrontation or contradictions. In you will exist the divine breath of unity that will lead you to live My Project.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


Thank God for each cycle that ends, and give glory to God for each new cycle that begins. Allow a synthesis of everything that you learned in these last years be carried out within you and, with gratitude, create the bases for beginning a new time, a new cycle of service, of learning, of definition, of Grace.

Open yourself, child, to take a new step, every day, to reconfirm your heart and your consciousness on this path, and, above all, so that, besides being a child of God, you may also be His friend and companion, the one upon whom the Creator can rest His Cross, the one in whom the Creator can renew His Love.

Aspire that in this cycle your being be even more open for transformation and truth, to discover and to know your original essence and dissolve the illusions of the human condition.

May this be a cycle to deepen in the desert of your heart, where you will be before yourself to define your heart and where you will be before God to come to know His Will and accept it with love.

This will be a moment of emptiness, of surrender and of solitude, because your heart must mature in order to deal with that which will come. Your consciousness must be firm in truth and in divine knowledge so that, in this way, you may go through the transition of the times with full certainty of the light of the new life to come.

This is the moment to stand before the Father and receive from His Hands the Scroll of His Will in order to fulfill it. It is the moment to grow spiritually and manifest the strength that for so many years the Lord has been building within your heart.

Therefore, go, and enter into the desert of your inner self, live your cycle of definition, live the confirmation of your surrender, live the encounter with the Creator of all things, and prepare your consciousness to carry the cross of the end of times and be the spearhead that opens the cycle of the new life, the new humanity.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Sacred doors are opening today in the south of this planet; the southernmost area of the Earth is being filled with a special light and this reaches hearts that, united with God, live the path of the Purpose.

The inner doors of the Hierarchy are unveiling before the consciousnesses of the Earth, and the knowledge of yesteryear comes as a treasure, originating from the Universe of God.

A clear message manifests to all who live in prayer; it is the sign that descends from the higher spheres, it is the announcement of the Universes of Light that, gathered together in the same Brotherhood, assist all of the human race.

Impulses from the stars are emitted today to the souls of the Earth, impulses of light that will form the new beings so that they may take up their place within the Plan of Love.

The sacred doors that open today communicate the new direction of the Brotherhood, a place marked on the horizon by the Cross of the South.

In those inner spaces, all will be concentrated to glimpse, with wisdom, the next coming cycle so that the servers of the Earth may participate in this universal meeting.

The veils of ignorance no longer weigh on the faces of the self-summoned, because the fresh southern wind has taken them so that the spirit of each being may contemplate the arrival of the Holy Chalice, which will unite all brothers and sisters in one heart and in one mind.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 



The art of being nothing

To be nothing is an inner state that transcends all the sciences and philosophies, all the teachings. 

All beings are always searching to be something, through their profession, education, spiritual lineage, their role within the life on Earth, within families and inserted in the systems of life that the world offers.

To be nothing is not to stop doing things. To be nothing is a greater knowledge of the universal life that gives the heart the certainty that nothing that it seems to be belongs to it. To be nothing is the knowledge of All that God is; the wisdom that all life comes from this All and outside of It, is a mere nothing.

Within the body nothing functions alone. An arm, no matter how important it is in the body, outside of it, it loses its meaning and becomes nothing. So, the being who recognizes the Mystical Body of the Lord, formed by Life, also knows that separated from Him is nothing and together with Him, is everything. 

To be nothing is an art of love and wisdom: it is a divine science, more than the consciousness of humility. A being can be humble and, even so, still be full of ignorance, believing that humility belongs to him, that he himself is the manifestation of humility.

To be nothing is a path of knowledge and of transcendence, it is the finality of everything. To be nothing is a path of love.

Aspire to this, children. To be completely in God and to recognize yourselves as nothing outside of Him.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


All the revelations of the Universe and all the knowledge of God are filled with extremely high vibrational impulses, those which penetrate the essence of the body, its cells and atoms.

These revelations, charged with very powerful impulses, remove ancient information from the earthly consciousness, and this purification process may generate positive effects and also physical sensations.

This is so, because the vibrations from the Source and all Its impulses are neutral. They are strengthened by emanating from the Supreme Source and they begin to travel at an extremely high velocity within space-time.  

Therefore, whoever receives these impulses lives a transfiguration acceleration that has repercussions within the entire consciousness.

In this sense, to receive luminous impulses from the Source is to place the consciousness in another echelon of evolution in a very fast way, as it would take years to take a spiritual step.

All this movement of the Supreme Source will try to accelerate the spiritual and physical advancement of humanity so that it at least happens within as many as possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



When the Voice of the Creator is pronounced in the world through His Messengers, in its teachings, it brings sublime Truths that are hidden in Existence, in the sense of life, in the roots of Creation.

The Father speaks to you about these things in this time, because it is time to uplift your consciousness, as beings and as humanity, so that supported by the Truth, you may go through the last tests and moments in which you are immersed in the illusion of the Earth.

Rise up, not to be indifferent in the face of the atrocities of the world, but rather so that you can help the planet from another point of your consciousnesses, from where the aid you bring to the world comes from God and not from your poor and human heart.

In order for the experience of love on earth to be real, it must be experienced within the Divine Consciousness. Your hearts, children, must be in God and there be renewed in Love, because it is the Love of the Father in you that is renewed, and not just the human love.

Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, which the Creator causes to descend to the world at this time, are for your consciousnesses to expand, that you may understand the range of the Love of God, which is not shut up in the hearts of humankind, but moves and manifests in all life, even beyond this world, in all of Creation.

Let your consciousnesses expand, entering into the Divine Science, so that you may thus see life and all that exists as expressions of the Love of God. In this way, children, you will be able look at yourself and at your siblings and feel the Grace of God.

And when your eyes shed tears, it will be to share the pain of the Father for souls, it will be to, with them, wash the wounded Heart of God, and cleansing the Heart of God with the water that comes from your souls and expresses in your eyes, you will be generating merits for the salvation and redemption of those who are lost, of those who cause and suffer injustice, of those who are blind and blind their siblings.

Thus, find a new way of helping the world, and even in the solitude of your hearts, have everything in your life be for Love of Creation, of Life, of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Second Message

The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.

Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.

In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.

For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.

The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.

The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.

Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.

In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.

The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.

You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.

The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.

The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.

For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.

Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.

It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.

Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.

The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.

The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.

The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.

The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.

Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.

Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.

The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.

From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.

Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.

The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.

This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.

The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.

May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.

So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.

Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.

Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.

In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.

Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.

Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today My Heart rejoices because of the response of My companions and friends.

Today My Heart lights up by the gratitude that I feel for each one of you, not just because you are here, but because that, children, is the reflection of a response of your inner beings, of the thirst your spirits feel for awakening, for drinking of the divine Knowledge that I, as your instructor, bring you. This Knowledge is beyond words and is radiated through My Heart, by My simple presence, because it is in Me and I in it in perfect unity, because this is the Will of God.

As an Instructor of this world, the Creator has placed in Me His Sacred Books, His divine and universal Knowledge, so that little by little, I may reveal It to you, and more than that, teach you to love this Knowledge, so that it may transform into wisdom, and in this way, your consciousnesses and spirits may be worthy of building the new life on Earth.

I am here to instruct you, to form you, not so that you may reach My Heart, but rather so that you may love this evolutionary path that leads you to the Heart of Christ, and, through Him, to the Father.

Today My Heart becomes not only a mirror, but a source of wisdom. I create a bridge to the Heart of God to bring this wisdom to Earth and radiate it to your hearts, so that you may receive this legacy and do not lose it, in spite of the events on Earth.

I come to place this wisdom within you so that when Our Voices no longer echo in the world, each one of you can look within yourselves and find this Knowledge to know how to act, discern, and move through the tests that you will experience as humanity.

Today, children, I come to teach you to love the higher life, the cosmic life, beyond the Christic life that is written in the Sacred Books of the Earth.

Today I bring you the Sacred Books of the Universe so that in them you may find your history, that which did not begin on the planet, but in the Heart of God, in the purest Essence of your Creator Father, which has been drawing itself throughout its evolution as essences, as consciousnesses, as spirits, and finally, as human beings.

This life that you live on Earth is a culminating moment of an evolution that has been building long before this planet.

Thus, children, now that you have learned to love the Wisdom that you have received on the planet, through the Sacred Books that the Creator transmitted to your different prophets, apostles, and disciples, now love the divine Knowledge attracted by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, by the celestial prophets and by the apostles who are yet to be known, the Lords of Wisdom that dwell in the Universe and who until today have accompanied you in a silent way, but now is the time for you to meet them.

I tell you all of this because evolution on this planet must take a step and it will happen through each one of you.

If you do not love the Knowledge of the Universe, the life held in the Infinite, how will you manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth?

The Kingdom of God, children, is not anything that you know with your minds; it is something that you know with your hearts, with your essences, because they come from the Heart of the Father and hold within them the purest Principles of God .

Thus, at this moment, open your hearts, let Me design in the mirrors of your spirits those which protect your essences, this moment of awakening.

Let the mirror of My Heart of Instructor be reflected in the mirrors of your hearts and in this way, show you the truth that is held behind My Words.

Just as there is a hierarchy on Earth, there is also a Hierarchy in Heaven, and eternal life is much more profound than what you imagine.

Over the course of your evolution as humanity, it was part of the Will of God that you live isolated from this higher reality, because in this way, you can live a unique learning experience, because the love that you must develop here does not exist anywhere else in the divine Creation, except in the Heart of the Father and the Son, and even there you must renew yourselves.

If you knew the Higher Truth from the beginning, you could never have a unique experience, because you would be influenced by everything that is experienced in the Cosmos.

But at this moment, children, all of the Universe learns from the Earth and the time has come to return, to have your final experience, not so that the planet may cease to exist, but rather so that it may truly exist, fulfilling the Will of God and the Purpose that was born of the Heart of the Father when thinking of the Earth.

In this end time of ignorance, of illusion, of veils over your eyes, the planet will be shaken not only physically, but also spiritually, so that those who have been summoned to have a Christic experience can live it, thus opening a new cycle, a new time walking the path in the Calvary of these times, in which the Earth will be able to return to the Time of God, to Higher Reality, because it has already fulfilled what the Father expected, it has already begun to take the first steps in the renewal of its Divine Love, and that renewal will be able to continue through all of its Creation, in all the beings that you do not know of, but who are waiting to be able to live that love that is unfolding on Earth.

At this time, children, when everything has passed, the Earth will receive a new name, a name that comes from the Heart of God, and each one of you will be called through the sacred sound that emanated from the sublime sources when you were created; there will no longer be personages who live on Earth through the personalities of humankind.

Each being will manifest what they really are, for this is the Divine Will.

I know that everything I tell you seems very distant, and sometimes unreal to you.

Remember that I am placing in you a truth of which you are not conscious, but that you must begin to remember, that is why I speak to you about it. Let it enter your heart and transform you, not so that you may be others, but so that you may be yourselves and stop sleeping in the sleep of the planet, with your eyes clouded by the illusion of the Earth, but so that you may awaken, because the time is coming and those who did not have the same Grace as you have today, of hearing these Words and receiving this Divine Knowledge within them, will awaken late and will not have time to repent of their errors and straighten their paths to reach God.

For those children, the reality will take them by surprise and they will not understand what they see in front of their eyes, they will not understand what their hearts feel, because the reality for their minds was life on Earth and not the truth that was coming from the Heart of the Father.

Receive today what I am telling you and know that there is much more to be revealed, but that your hearts must be prepared, like the earth you prepare to receive new seeds, which generate new trees, new fruits, new lives. This preparation, children, takes place through prayer, it happens by letting this old human who thinks and criticizes everything that God gives him, break.

Let your mind stop for a minute, let your hearts open to something unknown. Do not fear to feel the Love of God, because He will not hurt you.

The human heart suffers when it resists because, to enter into the Truth of God, you must lose that which you held as truth, and in this way, you also lose your human will, your personal will, because your plans will no longer make sense and they will only make sense again when you find the Will of God for your lives.

To experience what I tell you, you do not need to be in a different place; you need to let a hidden, inner chemistry take place in you, children. It is something that begins in your hearts and that many times, without you perceiving it, manifests in your external life; it is not the other way round, it is not by moving from your house, city, job that you will experience a transformation, because many times you do those things and keep on being the same, living the same illusion.

And so, on this morning, I come with this Divine Knowledge, I come with the light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos, to transform you within, to awaken you within.

Feel My Presence in your hearts; inwardly contemplate the Cosmos, which manifests through My Heart; contemplate the stars, lights that kindle in a deep blue; contemplate the sources of life that seem like celestial lakes, of a light unknown to you, because their colors can only be contemplated in the celestial life.

Let that image enter into your heart, deepen into it, reach the Heart of God, which is not a human being, but rather a Celestial Source, a Light that has no dimension, has no form, and has no color, but which holds in Itself all dimensions, all forms, all colors, all sounds.

See, My children, how all of what I show you is reflected in the mirror of your hearts. I am revealing to you the door to the Heart of God that is inside of you; I am revealing to you the key of the likeness with the Heart of the Father.

At this moment, contemplate your inner mirror, your divine essence, and see in it all that I say to you: the Cosmos, the stars, the galaxies, the planets, the Sources of Creation and the Creator. All of that is hidden inside of you and in that divine design, many more mysteries are kept: rays, divine and sublime energies, a higher life, planets, civilizations, beings in evolution.

In this way, children, see that the Father did not abandon you in the illusion of the Earth; He hid His Truth, His Presence, within you like in no other being in His Creation.

Do not seek to understand what I say to you; simply receive what I bring you with love, for this comes from God.

This Knowledge will be written in the Books of the Redemption of the Earth, these which are being written in this time, through the Words of the Divine Messengers, and which complete a unique legacy not only for this planet, but for all of Creation. That which is Sacred is not just Sacred for the Earth, but for all of Life.

Today, children, as humanity, you are experiencing something unique, a Celestial Grace that I know you do not understand, but you can be grateful for it, because this moment is written in the history of Creation, just like the moments in which the Son of God was on Earth were written.

You are here to prepare His Return, and even though that may seem something distant and that you will never see with your own eyes, with your hearts, alive, today I tell you that indeed, you will live it, that it is not something distant; it is an event that is already manifesting on Earth on the spiritual levels, that little by little is being drawn in the manifestation of Life.

This is why I tell you these things, so that you may live each day as if it were the day of the return of Christ. He can come at any moment, and you must be ready for that.

In your prayers, remember what I told you, remember that bridge that is in your inner world to the Divine Consciousness.

Contemplate your own essence as something sacred, real, and in this way, allow Higher Life to cease to be a Teaching, cease to be some instruction from which you drink and drink, but do not assimilate; see that Higher Life is something live, that you are Higher Life.

Together, let us say a prayer that, in spite of being small and simple, holds in itself the keys that you need to come to God, so that He may manifest His Presence in you, so that in this way, His Celestial Kingdom may also live on Earth.

"Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that you may make of me Your Dwelling Place." (7X)

I know that many do not believe, but the Divine Truth is in the Eucharist, because in that mystery the Creator gives you all that He is, so that you may be like Him and merge into Him at each communion.

Thus, at this moment, as a Priest consecrated by Christ since the beginning of My existence, I come to consecrate these elements, so that My Graces, which I bring from Heaven in the Name of God, may become matter in the Body and in the Blood of Christ, because what I bring you and what I say to you do not come from Me, but from God.

Each word pronounced by the Divine Messengers is manifested by the Divine Will; that is why they are sacred and must be eternally revered.

The remembrance of the Holy Supper is not only in the Sacred Books, but it deepens in the books of the Universe, because that event was and is much deeper than what you imagine.

When Your Lord lifted up the bread, blessed it and broke it, all Life revered It, civilizations bowed down, the Mirrors of the Cosmos turned toward the Earth, and God Himself became silent, manifesting His Gratitude for the surrender of His Son for the renewal of His Love in all of Life.

When Your Lord lifted up the Chalice, blessed it and shared it among His companions, as His Blood, as the symbol of His "Yes", it was emitted to God not only for the sacrifice He would experience on the cross, but also for a perpetual surrender, manifested throughout the centuries on the levels of Spirit, because up to today and everyday, Christ relives His surrender to be in all the shrines of the Earth.

In each moment of Communion, the Universe again reveres the Earth, the Mirrors turn toward the planet to radiate each code, each instant of the story of the sacrifice of Christ that was written in them, so that each moment experienced by the Lord may be impressed in the elements offered by humankind to be divinized and consecrated and thus, transformed into the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Just like all of Life, like all of the Universe, like the Divine Consciousness, which in this moment becomes silent again, you too revere the transformation of the elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ, and know, children, that this is the most Sacred Ceremony of your lives, because it does not matter where you are or who is officiating, because every priest at that moment receives the Grace of God and all of life reveres the surrender of Christ, so that love may be renewed not only in the human heart, but also in the Heart of God.

Let us pray together and in gratitude, let us feel the transubstantiation of these elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ:

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, blessed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our treaspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and not let us not fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

In Aramaic:

“Abvún debachmaia netcádech chmor teitê malcutar nerruei tseviánar aicána debachmaia af ba-ár há ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben uela tarlan letnessiuna ela patsan min bichá metul delarre malcutá uarraila uatechpurta lar-lam almin, aamein”.

May Peace, Love, and the Life of Christ be in your hearts.

I leave you, My children, My profound gratitude for your lives, for your effort, and for your presence.

Do not cease to deepen on your inner path, because it only ends when you reach God and eternally merge with Him.

I leave you My blessing and My peace, and above all, My divine gratitude to your hearts.

I thank you.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Songs of Figueira – “With your permission”

This last song by José Trigueirinho expresses the prophecy about his next departure, announced here throughout the years.

At the same time, the song expresses the gratitude and deep reverence, of this instrument of God, for the Law of the Hierarchy, indicating to his disciples, in a simple way, what the feeling and correct attitude should before the immensity of what the Work of God represents for the being of the surface.

This song reveals, in a selfless and impersonal way, the farewell of the Instructor to his beloved disciples; the farewell to all those who, throughout time, were activated by the divine energy of the sacred knowledge and the Instruction, making it possible for each soul to find its gift and its lineage within the broad field of universal life.

Gratitude is the essence of the song, but it is also the expression of the soul of Trigueirinho for the infinite Mercy and Compassion of the Celestial Father towards His smallest and most imperfect creatures.

Here, the Instructor and the instrument of God professes and symbolically announces his departure towards the vast Cosmos, the return of his spirit to the Source and Origin from where he departed to serve the Divine Purpose, and from there, to enter into new Schools of Instruction.

In this song, the most important message for the disciples remains deeply engraved, which is the love that each soul may have for the Hierarchy itself, to thus maintain, on this planet, a divine connection with the sacred Non-material Laws 

Trigueirinho, in a simple, loving, and reverent way, says goodbye to the realm of material life, announcing that it is the spirit that serves through the impulses of the soul and this is what grants the upliftment of consciousness.

The final signature of the Instructor is the love that he leaves engraved in the inner firmament of each disciple, to remind each being that everything is due to love, to Creation, to the existence of life beyond forms.

He reminds us that love is in everything and that each soul must return to the Source of this love with all the experience lived on this planet Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Songs of Figueira - "Erstwhile Brothers"

This song implores for the approximation of universal life to humanity through the sacred knowledge revealed by Erstwhile Brothers.

In this invocation, the human consciousness that appeals for help is spiritually uplifted, on the inner planes, towards the Celestial Dwellings, where its deepest nuclei are worked upon in order to live a state of transformation.

On this path, awakening humanity can count on the unconditional support of the Erstwhile Brothers to live their process of forgiveness and redemption.

One of the keys offered by this song is the beloved attribute of silence which opens the doors to reveal in the inner world all the universal mysteries, sublime realities that can permeate the consciousness with many more inner attributes.

This silence, in which the consciousness can submerge, allows one to find the deep state of the temple of the heart, from which emerges the eternal gratitude that allows the conception of Mercy, love, and forgiveness.

It is in the temple of the heart where this sacred flame manifests itself, which the venerable Erstwhile Brothers contemplate, as Gardeners of the cosmic spaces, so that the New Human may awaken.

This song also prepares us for the inner encounter with higher realities, where we find the reason for our existence. This will cause the new being, that is being called to emerge and be born, to take on its commitment before the Divine Plan of Love.

The Erstwhile Brothers are at the service of humanity and the planet to give us the key word that we were before starting off on a journey towards universal life.

After this trajectory, the Universe allows us to return to the essence of what we were, and that is conceded by the sacred Source of Instruction, which removes us from ignorance and opens, for us, the doors of the upliftment of the consciousness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Songs of Figueira – “Stellar Regent”

In this song there is a precious invocation to the Spiritual Hierarchy, in which the terrestrial consciousness can find a revelation of its true being.

What is necessary is the intercession of a Stellar Regent, which would be the perfect and direct bridge, so that the higher aspect of the human being may attain a correct correspondence of its being through the communion with the Supreme Consciousness.

The song mentions a mountain, sacred symbol of the upliftment of consciousness. The mountain is also this pure and immaculate place where we can find the Brotherhood, so that the door of return to our origin may be opened.

The aspect that is expressed in the song “Stellar Regent”is the so-called vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which, like a cosmic pole, attracts to the Earth, and all of its humanity, to the currents of the sidereal space, that are nourished by the Source of Creation.

From the Consciousness of the Hierarchy, the impulse that the terrestrial beings need is born, so that, in these definitive times, they may be able to rise in plane and vibration.

As the song says, this leads the human being, who joins the Hierarchy, to never again forget it, especially in the moments when the very being will have to face its spiritual reality.

This remembrance that the song reveals leads the spiritual human beings to be aware that they come from a universal origin and that they will have to fulfill a universal Will.

When souls have the grace of knowing all of this, and nevertheless, waste the opportunity, their spiritual life goes back and the Universe makes space for the consciousness to learn what it has decided to learn.

This song helps us not to be ungrateful, to respond adequately, according to what the spiritual Hierarchy needs, in order to eradicate the indifference and the lack of love from the planet, so that brotherhood may reign among beings.

For this reason, as the song says, the Hierarchy always emits a signal so that the consciousness may be able to awaken, and thus, reciprocate in the designs that go beyond three-dimensional life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
