In these times of the planet, you must be very vigilant with yourselves, with everything that you think and feel and with wherever you allow yourselves be taken by imagination, because the small permissions that you give yourselves and the small gaps that you allow to be opened in your spiritual fortresses will become the reason for the rupture of a construction, elevated with much effort and arduous inner work.

Much it will cost you to construct of an inner fortress, to achieve the consolidation of a virtue or to manage to transform an ingrained aspect of the being, because the planetary forces have already reached a certain reign within the human cells, within the genetic code of most beings.  So, all your tendencies will take you to succumb to the ordinary life and to the capital energies.  For this a slight thought or an apparently innocent imagination can lead you to get lost in the endless labyrinths of the earthy energies of this time.

It is for this reason, My beloved ones, that you must be very vigilant with yourselves.  Give priority to the life of prayer that, little by little, will strengthen you and will enter with the new codes in your cells, codes that will make you more strengthened before certain influences of chaos and of evil.

While you do not know yourselves and you do not develop your own spiritual potentialities, prayer will be the greatest instrument for the maturing and the growth of the spirit.  Therefore, pray and do not allow that the mind digress and live, in the mental and astral levels of consciousness, those things that you have already proposed yourselves to not live.

Pray, pray much, because you will need to be more and more firm in the times that are to come.

I love you and I lead you with small keys, but very valuable ones, when they are used with the heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Learn to feel in your heart the sorrows of the world and to make as your own, the suffering of the Most Sacred Heart of God.

Contemplate in your hearts the Creation and all that it manifests, how it expresses itself in the universe.  Contemplate the perfection and the harmony of nature, of the sun, of the cycles of the Earth.  Feel in your hearts the potential of the Divine Perfection that is latent in your interior. Ask yourselves every day what is the path to manifest this potential.

I wish that, in the heart of human beings, the love to the Divine Creation were greater than the love to the human creation, but you are much more clung to what comes from your own ideas than to what comes from the Divine Thought.

The human beings learned to love and admire what was created by their limited mind, and the pride gained was so big that they remained closed in their own smallness and in stinginess, and they could not love something superior or even believe in its existence.

With grief in My heart, I tell you that many do not transform themselves because they do not truly believe in the existence of God, of His Plan and of His Messengers.

The consciousnesses observe chaos and evil progressing in the world and prefer to think that it has always been like this or isolate themselves in the small problems and concerns of their lives, as a way to not realize that the true boat that is sinking is not just in the Middle East, but in the whole world.

It is the human consciousness, My dear ones, that is submerging ever more profoundly in the darkness.  And, when the times need to see you more awake and prepared, surrendered and confident in the invisible, you are hiding from the truth and diving more and more into illusion, to not realize that the final times have already come.

Heaven will always thank your prayers and, with the little effort of all beings, it will try to remove the weight from the scale of Justice that leans towards the disappearance of humanity.

You, companions, are living cells of the Heart of God; for this His grief for this world is so great.

The Project of the Creator is perfect and everything has already been delivered to you in order that you can live it, but you need to decide to stand up from the bed in which you sleep in illusion every day, to act in favor of humanity.

I love you; for this I warn you.

They are already times of emergency, it is time to awaken.

If you walk by My side and listen to My words, as well as to all the words of the Divine Messengers, you will realize that you already have all of the keys to open the door to a new humanity.

May you be in peace, but always attentive and vigilant, awake and ready for the transformation.

I love you and bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of all of humanity


I Am the conductor of your life.

I Am the Captain that from love will lead you to find a new port, the port of salvation.

Only through Me are opened the new paths.

Only through My Heart the soul will find wisdom because only through My Love you will achieve Mercy and Piety.

Never forget that I love you as God created you; that My Heart knows about your difficulties. For this hold on to My Light so that you may walk step by step under the protection of My Heart.

I want to lead you towards something that now you are not. For this you must give Me your yes so that the great miracle may happen in your spirits.

I ask you to pray for those who are internally and spiritually blind because they are the souls that most separate themselves from My Merciful Heart. I ask you for faith and truth, surrender and full trust in My Heart.

The new Christ’s are already awakening to perceive that they must not carry anymore upon their shoulders the cart of yesterday. The new and merciful waits for you, do not fear that it may not be that which you have controlled so much through all this walk, only dedicate your life to the Plan of God and vigil so that the Purpose may always be clear before you.

The time of resting between My Arms and of affirming the unusual path that today My Heart proposes to you has come.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My messages from the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I want that My Heart be the shining sun in your hearts.

I want to satiate My thirst for good souls through your surrender to My Heart.

I want to be the star that guides you during the night.

I want to be the victory of the redeeming love in your lives.

Every day I aspire that you save for Me a special place in your lives so that the Shepherd may guide His sheep.

I want that you feed your spirit with good feelings and actions.

I want to make you distant from the temptations that the world offers, a world that promises illusions to My Children and that misleads them until it makes their hearts get distance from My Heart.

For this, as I have said to the Apostles, “wake up and pray with Me!” Today again I say it to My New Disciples. Who prays, vigils, but who vigils and prays with the heart will protect themself from the arts and from the mirages that are used by the cunning of the enemy.

But if you do not only vigil for yourselves, for your thoughts and attitudes, but also for those who still do not manage to vigil themselves, you will be serving in love all those who, for lack of consciousness, get distracted and fall into the traps of the enemy.

If you vigil, pray and serve you will be awakening in your beings the three aspects of My Lord that are named as the Holiest Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father, as a gift, you will find in the permanent vigil, in attention to all that moves itself in the surroundings. The Son you will find in prayer, in the state of elevation of the word and of the sacred word which is what represents the prayer of the heart. And the Holy Spirit you will find through the service to your neighbors because the Holy Spirit of God manifests itself in the word for that which it has to express; in the thought for that which it has to discern and meditate, and in the action for that which it must do through the gift of science and of intelligence.

In this way you will find the true approximation to the Holy Trinity because even in the good works, in the warm and loving prayers, as in the vigil of walking towards the Divine Purpose, Father God presents Himself to all men and women through the hearts of His Beloved Children.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving the Holiest Trinity in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover that which their souls are in need of.

My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace.

Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is needed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all souls.

You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His Sacred Heart.

Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumenical order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path of the end of times.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity.

Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness and to the heart.

While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity to bring Light and Mercy.

I know that some of My children judge the truth of My existence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years.

God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in My apparitions throughout the last year.

Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the path of perdition that many young people are going through, and in the face of many more things that are now unknown to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Immaculate  Heart.

My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, therefore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in each corner of this world.

This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence of the Master and Savior.

Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in the depths of your souls.

Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love of the Queen of Peace.

You are in Me. I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

With the Redeeming and Saving Cross of My Son in My hands, today I tell you: convert yourselves in the name of love! What do you expect from this path?

Little hearts, the moment has come to raise the heart to Heaven and to entirely abandon the illusions of the world. You and all My children are called to the time of conversion, a path that leads you to Redemption in order to find the absolute forgiveness of God.

For this reason, dear children, watch, watch and watch with the light of the heart so that nothing may be lost in your lives. I invite you to live from prayer in order to find in it the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the world is changing and you need to strengthen the life of the spirit to be able to glimpse the loving Kingdom of God.

My children, seek quietness and peace before each situation. Persist in God’s Purpose and, in the inner hope, receive the Love of My Son in your hearts.

Stand up, My little ones! It is time for the conversion of the heart! It is time to open the Door of Heaven through prayer. Each time that your hearts pray, the Lord allows Me to pour the gifts over all My children.

You can be faithful servers of My Plans of Peace. Know, dear children, that I want to lead you to eternity, to the discovery of the Love of God in your hearts.

I need you in Me, I accompany you, I understand you, I shelter you. It is time to change, to accept and to grow as a kind soul in the arms of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts for all eternity!

Today I invite you to contemplate in gratitude the Sacred Heart of My Son, because He will give you the necessary strength to convert your hearts into precious instruments of love and truth.

Therefore, dear children, always keep in your hearts and in your lives a moment of prayer, to talk to the Almighty God. Thus your souls will be able to be partakers of the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Today My arms of piety are extended and radiate My Light of Love to you in the depth of your spirits. So that this may continue to happen, My children, you must live the sincere and true act of the prayer of the heart, because in this way you will discover how the spirit of the prayer of the heart will help you to forgive and to reconcile your own hearts with God and, especially, among your dearest ones, your family members, relatives, friends and other souls known to you.

Therefore, My little ones, it is time to live the act of the prayer of reconciliation so that all My children can be partakers of the promises of Christ.

The commitment of your little hearts that are on this Earth is to vigil in prayer, vigil for those who do not vigil and for those who distract themselves with the modernities of this world.

In this way, My little children, your hearts will be as the hearts of My cherubim angels that vigil in the essence of love for all those who, day by day, easily distance themselves from God, the Creator.

Therefore, in the end of these times the task of the groups con- secrated to My Immaculate Heart will be to vigil, in constant prayer, because in this way the strength of My children will be the Word of Love, guided by the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, My children!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Marian praying missionaries that unite themselves to the light of My Immaculate Heart must be vigilant in prayer for those who still do not pray, do not wait for, and do not love the Celestial God of the Universe.

This practice of love and vigilance for souls is given through the prayer of the heart because through this prayer the keys of wisdom and discernment may be awakened by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Today I call you, dear children, so that your lives in these times of great changes aspire to be and remain under the flame of the Holy Spirit.  In this way your hearts will be participants of the selfless service for other souls, service that may awaken through the heart.  And in this spirit of collaboration for all the souls in the world is where your lives will find the perfect unity with My Glorified Son and in this way you may see the eyes of Jesus in each one of your brothers and sisters of the path.

Now dear children, to humanity corresponds to protect and call for the presence of the Holy Spirit so that all hearts in Christ may be missionaries for Peace through prayer.

With all this dear children, the moment will come when each life must irradiate the true spirit of fraternity, which will be necessary to cultivate so that the Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven manifests for this promised Earth.

For this dear children, with joy bring between your hands the gift of fraternity so that uniting heart with heart and as humanity you participate in the awaited return of My Son.  With open arms to wait for Christ, your hearts may be prepared for the coming of the new, for the coming of the Spirit of Peace, so that many of My children may live it.

May My son be for your lives the first aspiration for Celestial Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Yesterday I invited you to live in the reconciliation of the heart; today I invite you to continue exercising this attribute from the Heavens, because each reconciliation that is lived will relieve the burden of suffering in the world.

For this reason, My children, carry in your hands My standard of peace and in the prayer made with the heart you will allow God to fulfill you with His Gifts and Graces.

You know, My little ones, that humanity fears the time of the great changes, but I tell you that in truth you must pray more so that all the fear may disappear. The enemy distracts the hearts through fear. For this reason, little children, if your hearts are vigilant in prayer, you will help this belief in fear to disappear through the strong presence of love.

Dear children, stay in My Protective and Maternal Presence so that your lives may find the true refuge of the heart: Peace.

Life in peace is like the elevation of a bridge of Light to the Heavens. This path will be built with daily prayer, a prayer that prepares you for the new times.

Now is the moment to radiate to your brothers and sisters the love that your hearts feel for My Glorified Son. In this way, from each life will be able to emerge a ray of fraternal love that humanity needs to find again in these times.

Dear children, each one of your hearts is in My presence. I call you to reconcile yourselves with God through the act of forgiveness.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In My Son is to be found the adoration to God, and in the adoration done with the heart, Love and Peace are to be found.

Dear children,

Rejoice your hearts again because the Kingdom of My Father is coming to aid all the hearts that open themselves to receive the Law of Love.

For this reason, My children, be in vigil in My Son today, in His Heart of Peace, so that God may show you the need of all souls and how great is the thirst for love in many lives. Because of this, dear children, you must pray, pray much with the heart, so that your lives may correspond to the great call from the Heavens for the redemption of humanity.

In this way, little children, from your hearts you will help in My Plans of Peace and Salvation that My Immaculate Heart weaves as a mantle of Light for the world.

Dear children, perseverance in prayer will be the inner key that will allow you day by day to be near to My Immaculate Heart. My merciful eyes want to illuminate the path that each child, with the heart, must offer to God. In this way you will totally consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, the surrender of each one of you represents a celestial victory of eternal praise. In this way the angels elevate all the souls to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart.

Children, God expects from you an infinite openness that may be born from your little hearts, an openness that may lead you to give yourselves towards charity and humility in order to be able to see thus, the Face of My Son in each one of your brothers and sisters. In this way you will be able to live the fraternity that is necessary for the conversion of the world and especially, of all the souls that have distanced themselves from the love of God.

Dear children, today I contemplate all of you in My Maternal Love. Always remember that I want to bring you towards God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
