My Sword will cut the bad feelings from the heart of all of those who afflict themselves for some reason.

My Feet will trample every time on the serpent of temptation and of disunion so that, from dusk to dawn, My Disciples do not separate themselves from My Purpose.

My Rays will strengthen the spirit to liberate it from weaknesses and I will offer to it My Universal Will to proceed.

I will erase with My Hands and I will fade away with My Fingers all the ties with the past.

With My Heart I will illuminate the dark night of those who have decided to be with Me.

Pay attention, those who permit themselves to be involved with the things of this world, because for them it will be more difficult to pull up the roots that they have planted with their actions. Have only one thought in mind so that the barriers of the mind may be destroyed and only construct the bridges of the Brotherhood.

And if you still have not liberated yourselves from sin I forgive you for not having loved yourself as I have asked you and for not uniting yourselves as I have beseeched you. I only ask you to be consistent with My Redeeming Presence, in this way the Lord will thank you for having cultivated a spirit of humility and of peacemaking.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Your Inner Master, Christ Jesus. 


My friends:

To take your own cross and follow Me will be a spiritual challenge for many but those who reach it in the name of this humanity will be sanctified. 

For this, companions, My Redeeming Spirit returns to free My children from temptation, from desire and from the persecutions that the enemy projects over many consciousnesses. For this time of highest purification everything is kept under the keys of human control and ambition, but this will be released and will be visible to the eyes of those who never wanted to see the misery of the world.

As one time My Being carried and took the Cross of the world I today return to discharge the weight of the cross of My children so that in this way the souls may find the path of the Father that in this time they must wander.

My companions, I am calling you to assume the inner cross that the Father gives to you to transform your consciousness. I leave to you today the lesson of a persevering spirit, patient and compassionate that must find comfort in the path of tests and learning of the inner life.

Today I gather you around My Spirit to tell you that in love I observe your steps and delays. It is time to take a leap to live the transcendence of matter and thus reach the sublime light that you need for your constant walking towards God.

Before all these words of Mine will transform you because in My message you will find the keys and the rays that will unite you with the vast universe of the Creator. For this watch attentively to My words that will follow and thus allow that, as a Christian example, you may later say what you live in truth.

My Heart calls you to renovate your vows with Me all of the days and to learn in the peace of the heart. My Heart wants to take you as true disciples that in wrong and in right must continue on the path of the redemption of consciousness.

My dears, for this silently I am returning, to awaken in you love, reverence and gratitude for what you have received from God and from My own Redeeming Consciousness. To be able to enter in these three states of devotion I ask you for humility enough to recognize the interest that your hears offer me when, for example, comes the precious time to reunite and pray with Me.

My Paternal Heart contemplates all the realities, but know that day by day I Am your path, your truth and your life. I Am the Source that elevates you and takes you out from sin so that in unity and reconciliation you may walk towards Me. I Am here waking and getting closer to reveal to you the path to the true consecration of heart and of spirit.

Meditate on My words in group, gathered in My name and as souls in order to understand the path and the instruction that My Heart wants to show you day by day. Now I wait for your preparation to receive me in your little dwelling places.

Under the Mercy of God, let us be merciful and blessed.

Thank you for having consciousness of My words of love and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


My dear ones,

If you call upon Me, with love and truth, I will come to help those who, from Earth, call for My Merciful presence. Thus, I will free you from all evil and temptation, and at the moments of tests I will strengthen you like oak, and I will give you a strong spirit, like iron.

For this, you must know that, if you think of Me, if you feel Me or call Me, there I will be, because I accomplish the Will of My Father for this world, and you can live the Will of My Lord through Me.

There is still time to find Me, at each moment of life and everywhere, because, as you know, My Being is hidden inside the heart of each soul.

Look at Me in the eyes, because in this way I will be able to guide you and indicate the next step to you. Each moment that you are living now is unique and valued, but it is also time to place in order and correct the inner temple. You have Me for this.  I Am along side those who call Me and open the door to Me.

I want from My sheep the best that they can give because the moment is approaching in which the King will come to ask His servants for the talents that I have left for them, and the talents that they have been able to achieve. You are on My Path to redeem yourselves. You are on My Path in order to be able to see the reality of your consciousness.

Only a peaceful and gentle love can mold the old wineskin and leave it like new in order to allow the Almighty to serve Himself of it. I want to pour the new wine, because the peasant has already harvested the fruit of the vine for preparing the supper of the Good News. You are invited to prepare My Return and to have in mind that I only want to be Love in your lives, redemption in your consciousnesses and mercy in matter.

Remember that you can return to Me, I will await you.

In the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My precepts of redemption in your hearts.

Christ Jesus


My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers.

I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world.

Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the daily prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that will learn to love and forgive day by day.

Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most.

Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who have not been converted before the Creator.

Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation.

As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time all may find salvation and peace in the heart.

I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dear ones,

With My arms open towards the world, pouring immense Mercy, today I call you to contemplate again the flagellated Heart of Jesus that is offended by many souls that deny the life of the Great Spirit of God.

My children, I ask you to continue to pray as you do every day so that My other children may also be able to receive the Grace of salvation. You are already within the Grace of God having Me every day at your side. But today, dear children, you must know that many hearts deviate because they are tempted by the onslaughts and traps of the enemy. This is why My Immaculate Heart is willing to fight for the salvation of all before My Son descends from Heaven for the second time.

Dear children, you can help Me in this mission of salvation, praying for those who need Light and Redemption the most. The time has come to help all the hearts that day by day lose themselves because of the modernities of the world.

My children, you have Christ, the Redeemer, as alliance and as protection; in Him you will be able to take the steps towards giving and charity to the others.

Today I show you a reality of the world that many, out of ignorance, do not want to see.

I call you to collaborate with humanity and with your home, which is this world.

Dear children, opening your eyes to the call, you will be invaded by the Light of My Maternal Spirit so that you may walk with firmness towards the praying mission that My Heart asks of you.

You, the ones who are most awaken, can help consecrate the world to the Creator again.

Let us work in the name of peace.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Today rest in My arms as Jesus did so that enveloped by My mantle of maternity you will find rest and encouragement to follow the victorious path of My Son. Life to be consecrated, must be confirmed in the Lord. For this reason hearts face trials, to confirm the path to the One God of the Universe.

But there I am, in each step that each of My children take, as a Pilgrim of the Creator. I seek to comfort the hearts so that the souls grow as sacred spirits of the Lord. Those who live in the Lord walk through a single path that is towards My Son; in this path many steps must be taken to reach the consecration of life before the Throne of God.

Through this path, dear children, today My Heart wants to bring you. Through a path of faith and love so that your lives, through prayer, may recognize the humility that will protect you and free you of all temptation.

The world is a path without direction towards God; for this My children, pray, pray, pray with the heart so that the divine verb of your hearts strengthens you and leads you to the meeting with Jesus.

Much is still left to be done in this world, which in its majority does not hear the call that comes from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. For this is a good cause, that you could repair the many insults to the Heart of My Son.

In this way the prayer of each of you will allow the Fountain of Divine Mercy to help all the souls of the world.

Go towards the meeting with Christ, He awaits you so that you may pray with the heart because the world of today needs it.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Dear children,

Find a safe refuge in My Son, Jesus, so that in this way He fills you with His gifts of peace and love.  Search, through prayer for the Kingdom of Heaven. Cultivate meekness in your hearts so that in your lives is awakened humility.  Remember all the works of charity you may perform, from the one to the other.  Elevate your souls to the Merciful Heart of God because it is through Christ that you will find the true life and the true path.

For this dear children, today again I call you to the importance of converting yourself into Marian columns of prayer, into lights of Christ for the painful world, and in this exercise of consecration to God you will be from your hearts, allowing God to place His eyes of compassion and love on all those who still deny Him.

For this My children, each prayer repairs, each prayer rebuilds a new bridge of peace between Heaven and Earth.  If you knew how Heaven is your little hearts would want to come with Me to this beloved place of Peace.  But for this to occur all humanity must arrive at the great Heaven, where Christ reigns as the Fountain of Redeeming Love for all creatures.

For this dear children, the ample practice of permanent prayer will permit you to mature as consciousnesses so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may lead you in humility to the Will of God.

The Father has a precious Plan of Love for each creature, it is only that as time goes by the souls are distracted from the purpose of God by the temptations of the world and thus they find failure and lack of consolation and love.

For this I invite you so that through prayer, you pray today so that the purpose of God is fulfilled in each human heart according to the divine purpose.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Dear children,

Never lose the delight of living in the Lord and the joy of responding to His Divine Will.   You My children, already know that humanity needs much prayer to be able to relieve from the Heart of the Father all the suffering that it lives.

As the Grace and Reconciliation that have been the two keys that opened new doors for you, today I ask that always you remember all the children that unconscious and without inner guidance, are on their way to the abyss through the temptations of this world epoch.

You, in prayer may help all these beloved children that do not live in God but that tempted, fall without the salvation of the soul.  God wants for this hour to arrive with His Fountain of Mercy and Prodigies, through all the Marian hearts that answer the call for peace and redemption of all creatures of this world.

For this dear children, all prayers that you practice during this time will have repercussions for the time of the so called final judgment.

My call asks you to unite your hearts to the Divine Heart of My Son so that thus the world, through the consecrated hearts, may be saved and redeemed.

Dear children, no soul is far from its own judgment with God.  For this He invites you to live in reconciliation and in prayer, to be able to manifest harmony and peace in you.

Know My children, that My Heart of Mother awaits you in prayer because the prayer from the heart awakens faith that is supported by the Flame of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity.


Daily Messages

So that your hearts are strengthened through My Son, as Redeemer and Savior of souls, fidelity is one of the paths that today I invite to walk on for love of God’s plans.

Still the enemy is not resting and it still has the aim of making My plans of Peace break down. While you are in My Immaculate Heart this will not touch you because you will be under My protective mantle. When the souls must mature as a consciousness, they are tempted a lot by the enemy, but in each of the trials is the confirmation to the consecration and to the Divine Purpose to each one of My children.

As a Mother Guardian of the souls I know that for this time of great changes in a sick and asleep humanity My rays of Peace, Salvation and Mercy try to come to the greatest number of lives so that all of them may be protected by the prayer of the heart, from the assaults that the enemy plans when one of My children reaches consecration.

The victory of the Heavens on Earth will go on through the immense and loving supplications that My children proclaim for love of God and so that His Forgiveness descends.

Dear children, for this do not fear for how much is still left for you to change in life or how heavy is the burden that each of you carry so that this may be freed and redeemed.

For the present time allow the Light of My Virginal Shield to support you and for this, My children, call for the presence of My loving maternal protection.

Know that I guard you all, but now it is time for each of you to grow as a consciousness and as a heart.

Forward, little children!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children:

Be in Jesus and live in My Son so that your hearts may prepare the inner temple for the coming of the Greatest and Venerable Redeemer.

Today I call you to deepen into the path of prayer because in this way, dear children, you will remain with your hearts and lives more elevated, distant from the temptation of the world. I want to be with you, accompanying you from the immensity of My Immaculate Heart so that your steps may follow the paths My Son will reveal to you in His Return.

Keep in your hearts all that as souls you may live through prayer, because in this exercise true love may prevail in your hearts. For this My children await in My Son the new, the good and the pure, but before all you must know that you will need to build a path permeated by My Peace and My Love.

As Mother Co-Redeemer, I bring you daily to My Son because this world still diverts the souls from the purpose that God reveals to each little heart. I am here, among your lives, to guide you and show you how it is to come to My Glorified Son.

The good exercises of faith and prayer elevate your hearts as the great towers that are in vigil over the presence of the light of God. Never forget that you must turn to God with eyes of peace and forgiveness so that the purpose may be fulfilled in each one of My children.

Know My dear ones that the prayer donated through your hearts helps in the salvation of all My children, the ones who still live without hope and without peace.

I call you to perseverance through the powerful and luminous Heart of Christ.

Peace for the world, because every day humanity needs Peace, the Peace of God.

Thank you for answering My call.

May My Voice reverberate with love in your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


In My spirit of peace and under My spirit of peace you will be able to build the paths of fraternity.

Dear children,

The absolute trust in God will help you to be in the Heart of My Son and thus the purpose of My Peace will be fulfilled in each soul of humanity.

Full trust in the Will of God will allow you to grow as flowers in the spring time and to mature as fruits. My children, your little hearts must be inside My spirit of peace, thus you will be saved and guarded from all the temptations of this world.

Dear children, because of all this, today I invite you to live fraternity from the heart; in this way, little children, you will be in the Heart of the Celestial Father. If humanity reconciled with God through the healthy spirit of fraternity, of charity and of love in the heart, the paths that await the world, through My intercession, could already be different ones.

My children, I call you to prepare yourselves in the path of prayer so that the devotion that is kept in your hearts may serve and collaborate for the relief of this humanity.

Today again, I carry you all in My Immaculate Heart so that each one of your lives may have the strength to respond once more to My requests. I fill you with My Maternal Light and I motivate your hearts to live in My Son before He returns.

Dear children, carry My Virginal Purity in your hearts and feel that it is possible to improve everything in these times. My Universal Peace wants to be over the world and, for this, your prayers will help My faithful purpose of love in the hearts.

I guide you. Live in My Faith.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
