Thursday, January 28 of 2016

Daily Messages

Maturity when you are serving arises from the understanding that a service that is provided responding to a request of God transcends matter and has its true purpose in spirit. When the Creator sends you to serve, you must be conscious that you are mere instruments in His hands, since – in order to balance the great human karma – it is necessary to be the members of humanity themselves the ones acting and interceding in this act of balance.

What do you fear when we send you to serve? Are you, by any chance, thinking that your hands will be the ones to act?

No longer lose time with expectations, anxieties, or even with prides and vanities. Focus on being true, simple, obedient, meek, vigilant, and peaceful. Focus on being united to God and on thinking of Him all the time and not of yourselves.

When you are before an act of service, do not be confused. Confusion comes from the lack of clarity of purpose of your actions. If you focus your attention on God, soon you will see how He will open the paths and will show you a greater necessity, which suddenly will not be that one you were thinking.

Both cases of the Middle East and of Chaco, your brothers and sisters need to be listened to and to find, in you, a bridge to something higher. Donate encouragement, donate hope, donate peace of heart. Do not show yourselves immature, insecure or without a purpose, because you are being closely guided by Our Words as well as by the intuition and by heart, vehicles we always use to conduct you. For this reason, let yourselves be internally guided.

Trust in those who we have elected to coordinate you and direct you in each mission, because to those hearts, we are united in a special way. Do not have great ideas or do not want to accomplish heroic services to tell at the end, because the true mission, which happens in spirit, will be known by few. And it will be admired only by God, because humanity still has not learned to love the life of the spirit and, even though it may know the spiritual facts, it will have little interest if there are not material results.

For this reason, I ask you once more to be more humble and obedient, more united of heart to each other, and all to the Most High God. In this way, the Purpose of God will be fulfilled.

The One who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

May all those who aspire to be missionaries of the Plan of God listen to these words and learn to serve. Truly attentive spirits never think that I am speaking to others, but rather accept all is directed at them; for this reason, they grow and mature as God expects.