Monday, June 27 of 2016

Daily Messages

Facing misery, cry out for Mercy.

Facing suffering, cry out for Compassion.

Facing ignorance, cry out for Grace.

Facing abandonment, cry out for Pity.

Facing despair, cry out for Faith.

Facing pain, cry out for Healing.

Facing the consequences of the past, cry out for Forgiveness.

Child, place yourself facing each situation as a servant of God, as a bridge for His Divine Consciousness. Be the one who unites the creatures to the Creator and, by means of this service, you will unite your own consciousness to God.

I will not say much on this day, because My silence is also something that you need.

Facing doubt or incomprehension, silence.

Facing something you do not know how to solve, observe and, in silence, search for the answer. Not all solutions will come from you, but if you place yourself in the correct posture, the Lord – who created all things – will work out what you do not know how to solve.

This, child, is the era of faith, because you will only be able to support yourself through it. This is also the era of maturity and of forgetting yourself, because only by growing up and taking firm steps you will be able to consolidate your inner fortress.

May the foreign winds not make you tremble and may the storms not confuse you.

Maintain lit within you, as a secret, the sun of the new time and illuminate your interior, even if the world is in darkness.

Take each symbol that I bring you and develop them in your interior. They will become keys that will open the doors of your consciousness for the higher life.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph