Tuesday, September 17 of 2013

Daily Messages

Praised be your Holy God in the Heights! Because holy will be those who, in humility, collaborate with the accomplishment of the promise of My return, which is written in the Sacred book of the Bible.

May those rejoice who also in sincerity consecrate themselves to My Heart, because they will always have a safe space in the Kingdom of My Father.

May those rejoice who collaborate with Me, so that My Task is incarnated in those that I have chosen from the beginning. Without the help of My collaborators of the Divine Mercy, the Orders united to My Spirit could not exist.

I give you to drink from My Fountain, and from My Fountain emanates the Great Spirit for all the universe. Whoever directs themselves to Me will lose nothing, because they will find the infinite path that they seek so much. But whoever sustains all the Orders are those who live the great sacrifice out there; in them My Heart is supported, because in Love and in Grace they permit that My apostles walk towards the mission that My Father has entrusted to them.

Praised be all those who are part of My Eucharistic Body, because a cell of My light has been planted in those who have said yes to Me. For this never forget the Life of the Spirit; your spirit will be like the times, it will adapt itself to the final changes, and humanity will be able to sustain itself by the unbreakable faith of all My followers of Mercy.

Now go two by two and say that I have consecrated you in body, in mind and in heart, and say that I have resuscitated you in spirit, and that again you have seen My inner light.

Be firm bridges for those who must cross. Today I give you three keys that will protect you from yourselves and from the enemy, these keys are humility, purity and love. May these three fountains spring again in your hearts; in this way those who are thirsty may drink and go out of the desert in which they live.

Before My return certain Orders, to which I have entrusted My legacy, will serve as salvation and rescue for those who are in need of My Absolute Love. Go and say that I love them always and that I am with you.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words from the heart and from the spirit!

Christ Jesus, Your Humble King