Friday, September 5 of 2014

Weekly Messages

Dear brothers and sisters,

The path of Christification is long, takes a long time and is hard because in it are found the stones and thorns that must be transcended so that they may not hurt the inner world.

In all this path My Presence is compelling and silent.  I do not cease to observe your slow and fast, strong and feeble steps.  The important thing of this path is the transformation, which many have left behind because emerged fear and scare of finding in their lives the transfiguring power of My Heart and of My Consciousness.

I encourage you in these times to the holy patience, to live an unalterable state of peace that may not even move you from the place that you have built together with Me in the favorite union with My Merciful Heart. 

So that it all may be possible I invite you to remember the power of renounce and of surrender, keys that will allow you to find the doors to humility and to true love.

If you have ever felt that everything has been too hard and even difficult it is because I look for, by means of your difficulties, the opportunity of redemption and conversion.  I will never cease to lift you up from the ground in spite of the falls and the misunderstandings.  My spirit has the power of reconstructing the pieces that are separated from My great redeeming project.

On the path of transformation are found the great tests to be overcome, those that must be defeated by the strength of the inner and pacifier spirit.

Only by means of the gifts that I offer to you by means of the sacraments, as the communion and the confession, you will be able to renovate yourselves and renounce day by day because the rays that I pour are strong and unknown for all. 

I will never cease to contemplate you in the silence of My Peace and My Love.  The ties that bind you to the past were cut today by My Swords of light so that now, free from all, free in your paths, you may be able to reconsider the offer that I give you for this end of time.

My guardian Angels sustain the unsustainable of this world and they specially serve Me to help, in the moments of great crisis, the souls that have offered themselves to serve Me.

Know, My companions, the world is upside down of the true sense of the project and all that in this era is out of place and of space must be organized again by the action of My Redeeming Light that comes to help you and aid you.

Do not allow My Words to fade from your essences.

I give you the strength of the spiritual resurrection, as much in the joys as in the falls.

Everything is where it should be, it is time to follow the new footprints that I Am indicating to you.  It is time to reverse the unjust actions that evil commits in many hurt and lonely hearts.

Remember that through you I will be able to fulfill My Final Work.

Under the Love of God that shelters you and restores you always, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating under the light of My Sacred Heart.

Christ Jesus, your Intercessor


After the transmission of the Message, Christ Jesus offered the Sacrament of Communion and said:

I consecrate this Holy Communion to you as a sign of reparation and peace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to me!