Attributes of the Virgin Mary

"Dear children: the world is in an emergency for prayer. Therefore, if you live day by day the attributes of My Universal Heart, you will help so that the Divine Law can shelter and rescue many hearts that have separated themselves from God."
Virgin Mary

Attributes of the Virgin Mary

To us, the attributes are guiding stars: they illuminate our path, they reveal the steps to take and guide us in the task of making life sacred. Deepening into them means to penetrate the essence of our own being.

My beloveds, I want you to make an effort, in these times that are coming, to live the attributes of My Immaculate Heart;
these attributes that I brought to you so long ago in order for you to attain the principles of a new race”
Virgin Mary on November 25, 2014. 


Faith indicates a state of unconditional receptivity to the One Consciousness.

“Accept the flame of My Faith; raise it on High and walk with courage,
uniting your hands with My hands to reach the Kingdom
and thus be able to take all your dear beings to the Kingdom of the Father” .

Virgin Mary on March 25, 2012


Essential and primordial element present in the nucleus of all created particles.

 “I Am the Light that illuminates the paths, I Am the Mother that marks the path for your feet to follow” .
Virgin Mary on August 18, 2011.


It is an inner state; it can emerge anywhere and at any moment, as long as attunement with it is established.

“Today I bring the Peace of My Heart, as a primary attribute for life on Earth.
Those who become peacemakers will not perish in the face of the tribulations that the world now experiences”.

Virgin Mary on December 12, 2013.


“Dear children, stay in My Protecting and Maternal Presence,
so that your lives may find the true refuge of the heart: Peace”.

Virgin Mary on April 27, 2012.


In order for healing to take place, faith and the intention to transform oneself are necessary. Healing is born out of silence in the individual that, having emptied themselves, turns then to the High and allows themselves to be filled.

“As Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, I bring the healing that comes from the Heart of God,
healing for the spirit, the soul, the mind; healing that this sick humanity urgently needs”.

Virgin Mary on April 29, 2013.


It is inside of oneself that union is reached in a pure way.

“As Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, I bring unity as a fundamental task for these times;
union among all the inhabitants of this Earth,
among all peoples and their nations, union of all races and all religions”.

Virgin Mary on April 29, 2013.


Love emanates from the Heart of God, and manifests itself as a form of cohesion that sustains the created universes.

“Today I want you to understand that the primary reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love,
of the Love that gives all of itself and empties itself before the Universe”.

Virgin Mary on December 12, 2013.


Forgiveness is accompanied by the possibility of balancing past events, an opportunity that arises when the determination of following the correct course exists in the individual. With the power of decision, it is possible to eliminate the feeling of guilt and accomplish opposite actions, which balance mistaken situations and grant the individual a certain degree of maturity.

 “I have told you, dear children: welcome the time of forgiveness,
so that you may find Peace and thus help all those who need Me”.

Virgin Mary on April 25, 2012.


To reconcile with God is to be at peace with oneself and in harmony with people and situations. By seeking harmony with all that is created, we will be in attunement with the fundamental tone, the Supreme Source of the whole of Creation.

“The first key to Reconciliation is Humility.
Without this fundamental attribute, souls are not capable of overcoming the influences of the world that reach them”.

Virgin Mary on December 25, 2012.


Even while distributing goods, prophesizing, having faith, if you do not have charity, you will be doing nothing.

“As Mother of Divine Charity, the reason for My coming is to renew
and support all groups of prayer consecrated to My Maternal Heart;
because of this, I ask you to begin the first path of inner apostolate
through charity and love, so necessary for the times of today”.

Virgin Mary on January 25, 2013.


The state in which the human consciousness recognizes the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the One Life and surrenders to It; in this state, it perceives that all comes from this Supreme Source.

“The Science of Divine Humility has faith and perseverance as a foundation
in the moment of transcending the obstacles, the falls and even the very disappointments of the being.
Humility is conceived through truth, through the stripping away of one’s own principles and ideas”.

Virgin Mary on March 12, 2015.


Process of elevation and transformation of the energy within a certain scope. 

“In these times, Divine Offering consists in the surrender,
in the sacrifice and in the transmutation of the planet and humanity;
that is, only work and constant effort. And when these offerings are accepted by creatures,
the Almighty God places these creatures in a special space within His Heart, where everything is protected”.

Virgin Mary on June 12, 2013.


Fraternity reveals a deep and impersonal love in the contact with one’s fellow beings, only known when the individual does not seek it outside of themselves, but in their inner world.

“We are in times of manifesting the spirit of fraternity.
The Merciful Lord has asked that many hearts, the greatest possible number,
begin to live with humility in this spirit of fraternity.
If you were more loving and fraternal with one another in the world, the plans of God could already be others”.

Virgin Mary on January 17, 2012.





Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
