Revelations of the Divine Messengers about the Kingdoms of Nature - Part 1: Mineral Kingdom

Do you have any idea of the spiritual importance of the Mineral Kingdom? Composed of water, soil, stones, rocks, ores and gases, it is the basic source of nutrition and sustenance for the other kingdoms and holds the oldest records of humanity. 

Although human science considers it devoid of life, the Divine Messengers have affirmed that, like everything in Creation, the Mineral Kingdom has a spiritual consciousness. So much so that Christ Jesus said in His Message of November 20, 2015:

I wish for humanity to come to know what a mineral is and how it lives spiritually.

Therefore, in this article, we are invited to recall the enlightening instructions of the Divine Messengers on the Mineral Kingdom, as a way to recognize the expression of God in this group of Nature and understand its mission on the planet.

May the words of Our Lady inspire us in this study:

Within the task of each Kingdom lies the healing for humanity.

The Virgin Mary, July 18, 2020

Attributes of the Mineral Kingdom

According to The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in His Message of November 27, 2015, the Mineral Kingdom expresses the attributes of purification, transmutation and sustenance on Earth. On another occasion, the Chaste Heart also asserted that, if we want to develop the qualities of firmness and fidelity in our lives, we must contemplate the existence of minerals.

The Virgin Mary, in Her Message of March 24, 2017, added that minerals also bring us the codes of healing and regeneration.

Crystals and precious stones

Christ Jesus revealed that the Mineral Kingdom suffers silently and deeply from the uncontrolled extraction of natural resources from soil and rocks. This is not only due to the removal of minerals from their place of origin, but also due to the environmental impacts generated by mining activities, among which are water, air and soil pollution, deforestation and erosion.

In a Message where She talks about crystals, Our Lady sent a scathing appeal for humanity to stop exploiting them out of greed and vanity:

O how much the sacred crystals of the world suffer in this time, for they are exploited, broken and polished for something that, in truth, they were not created for!

O poor precious crystals of the world, that are sold and exported to places where they should never be!

The Virgin Mary, March 24, 2017

In this Message, the Virgin Mary explained that crystals and other minerals keep the most precious codes of healing and regeneration coming from the Universe and that when we remove them from earth, we prevent them from continuing to renew the energies of the planet.

The Celestial Mother also said that crystals are receptacles of the divine principles that will bring forth the New Humanity. According to Her, they are able to attract and radiate to the planet celestial energy currents that help transmute the mistakes of human beings.

Sacred are the precious crystals of the world, for they renew life and all energy. ... Sacred are the crystals of the world, for they pick up the Laws of the cosmos, they pick up the powerful currents of the universe and radiate new patterns to the eroded human consciousness.

The Virgin Mary, March 24, 2017

Therefore, through these Instructions, the Divine Messengers encourage us again to promote a change in our consciousness and values. They hope that we will make a more modest and reverent use of crystals and precious stones. As we have seen, these minerals need to be, as far as possible, in their natural habitat to continue regenerating and balancing the planetary consciousness.

Water: cradle of life

Now let's learn about the revelations of the Sacred Hearts on water, part of the Mineral Kingdom that represents the vital sap of the Earth.

The Bible holds water as a symbol of the origin of Creation. According to Genesis in the beginning, "the Spirit of God hovered over the waters" (Gen 1:1-2). In addition, many scientists believe that life upon Earth arose from hydrothermal sources. The Virgin Mary confirms this information in Her Message of October 12, 2017:

... I remind you once again that water was present first, since the beginning of this planet.

The Virgin Mary, October 12, 2017

But why did God first create water and then living beings? Our Lady said that this fact is an analogy to the origin of Creation, when we emerged, as molecules of light, from the Watertight Creators of the Universe, also called Lakes of Light. 

The Most Holy Mary made other revelations about water: by going back to the beginnings of Creation, it holds information about all the Kingdoms of Nature. Following the same law of analogy, this is why we, as human beings, possess particles from all other kingdoms in our constitution.

Understand, at this moment, that your essences come from the ponds of Creation and that a small particle of Light of each Kingdom has given of itself, out of Love for God, to constitute the formation and the expression of your beings. In this way, you will understand, beloved children, that when the world hurts the Kingdoms of Nature, it hurts itself.

The Virgin Mary, October 24, 2021

The Vehicle of God on Earth

The Celestial Mother also announced that water is one of the representations of the presence of God in matter.

Water, on this physical plane, is the Presence of God, the Living God, who can be close to His children and not only feed them, but also nurture them with His Divine Spirit through the element of water.

The Virgin Mary, October 12, 2017

Therefore, considering that about 70% of the surface of the planet and the human body are composed of water, one of the ways God embraces the Earth and Makes Himself alive in creatures occurs through this sacred substance.

The oceans are thus the link between the Creation that manifests on the planet and the Perfection of the Divine Consciousness. Through them, beauty, grace and life can exist.

The Virgin Mary, November 13, 2018

Unconditional donation and sacrifice

Likewise, water incorporates the Presence of God through its unconditional donation and permanent sacrifice. Despite being treated without due love and gratitude, given the contamination and waste of the waters in the world, it continues to lovingly offer itself to fulfill our needs and be with us at all times.

Our Lady warned us in Her Message of October 12, 2017, that we should not waste a single drop of this precious liquid, because it generates a great debt with the Universe.

Seas and oceans

After knowing the sublime spiritual function of the waters, have you ever stopped to think of all the greatness, mystery and transcendence that reside in the great liquid bodies of water of the world, represented by the seas and oceans?

The Virgin Mary pointed out that the seas and oceans are the materialization of Divine Purity. They exist upon Earth so that hearts may remember that they must one day return to God. Thus, the Divine Mother asked us to consider the oceans "as a Divine Abode, as the bridge to God within the earth."

The seas are an offering of the Creator to the world so that His creatures may recover their Essential Purity, and so that each time they submerge their bodies into the seas, they may come out renewed like a new essence that arises from the celestial reservoirs.

The Virgin Mary, May 21, 2017

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph gave us a simple and beautiful spiritual key to seek the expression of our divine essence:

If you want to be transparent and express likeness with God, contemplate, love and revere the oceans.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, November 13, 2018

The spiritual role of the seas and oceans

According to the Celestial Mother, God distributed, along the oceans, a network of spiritual communication, called "Mirrors", as well as sacred spaces called "Intraoceanic Retreats". Both perform a fundamental work for the support of the planet. Their task is to capture and reflect the divine archetypes that descend to Earth, nourishing and regenerating all life forms with these impulses of the Universe.

Do you want to know more about Intraoceanic Mirrors and Retreats? Then read the following Messages of the Virgin Mary:

Christ Jesus affirmed in His Message of December 12, 2019, that the oceans, through the Mirrors, are great planetary receptacles and vortexes of transmutation, acting for the harmony and emotional balance of humanity.

Consequences of ocean pollution

Given this information, the importance of protecting the oceans becomes even more evident. In addition to all the marine beings they harbor, they receive and radiate the cosmic currents that drive our spiritual evolution. But unfortunately, ocean life is threatened by the alarming levels of pollution generated by human activities.

Christ Jesus revealed:

During certain times of the year, the oceans have to purify, purge and transmute onto the surface all the harmful and physical, as well as spiritual effects that the human being provokes. The only way in which the oceans, as consciousnesses, can continue carrying out their task of elevation and of purification of the human consciousness is by, every so many cycles of the year, they must intensely release all that humankind places within them.

Christ Jesus, December 12, 2019

The Virgin Mary said in Her Message of February 11, 2018, that the waste dumped in the seas and the chemical experiments carried out in the oceans attracted to humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases that in the 21st century were considered inexplicable.

In the Message of November 13, 2018, the Blessed Virgin complemented this Teaching. She said that if the oceans get sick and die from human action, God’s perfection will no longer find a channel to express itself upon Earth. In this way, diseases, chaos and evil can settle more easily on the planet.

What can we do for the Mineral Kingdom?

After knowing some hidden aspects of the Mineral Kingdom, we can relate to it motivated by a new and expanded consciousness.

It is urgent that we strive to avoid actions that cause negative impacts to this kingdom, remembering that it has a spiritual consciousness and that, in its humility and silence, it carries out a primordial task upon earth.

Service to nature and small daily acts, driven by true intentions, have great value in the Eyes of God in these times. Through our simplest offerings, the Creator Father can pour out His Mercy upon very serious situations.

Moreover, we can and must always pray with the Divine Messengers and the Angelic Hierarchies for the relief of the suffering of nature and for the awakening of love for Creation in the consciousness of humanity.

With the essence of love of those who pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, I can balance the great human debt as well as all actions contrary to Creation that this race commits, every day. With the consciousness and the love of those who awaken in this time, I can make a New Humanity emerge.

The Virgin Mary, February 10, 2018

*In the next article of the series "Revelations of the Divine Messengers about the Kingdoms of Nature," we will talk about the Plant Kingdom.