Thursday, September 19 of 2013

Monthly Messages

After six months My Chaste Heart returns to your inner temple, after Christ, to open in the spirit new doors to peace and good to all the souls.

Today I announce missions for all the missionaries of the Fraternity of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, urgent missions, and necessary for the relief of souls, especially to those that lack peace and consolation.

With this spiritual and hierarchical goal, My Chaste Heart sends again the missionaries to Calcutta, so that the obliging and original land of the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta may be blessed by the unselfish presence of the missionaries of the Immaculate Heart.

Also for the next six months of Mercy another group of missionaries will arrive to the heart of Nigeria and Mozambique to serve and share with the most poor amongst the poor. They will realize an ecumenical union with the original peoples bringing the Inner Christ to all of them.

A third and important mission should happen in the next six months in Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, and the regions of Copacabana, the land of the Great Sacred Lake, so that this group of missionaries may work in love and service with those most discriminated and isolated from Bolivian society. In this way they will also bring the Christ that is in your hearts and restore, by means of the service of their hands and of their prayers, all of those in need of inner and physical healing.

If the groups help to accomplish this, My paternal and most chaste purpose, the missionaries of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will help to spiritually reduce the laws that weigh over these brothers and sisters. In all this purpose the participation of all the pilgrims cannot be missing, they may collaborate to relieve the suffering with their prayers and works of charity.

The Sacred Holy Father Pio de Pietrelcina, the man, healer of the spirit of all the souls of the entire world, will be the venerable intercessor for the pilgrims who want sincerely to serve from the heart and with dispossession of self, to the most poor amongst the poor.

The Blessed Mother Teresa will be your mediator for the mission in India; unite with this magnificent spirit of charity.

The Holy Martin de Porres will be the mediator for the mission of Nigeria, Mozambique and Bolivia; join together with his spirit of sacred humility.

After six months I already see from My Heart the growing of the missionary spirit that must have the purpose of loving the forgotten, of serving those who suffer, and of healing the wounds of the soul and of the heart.

Behind the misery of the world, My missionaries have witnessed the suffering of your holy humanity.

I thank the effort of all for accomplishing My sacred and chaste requests.

Your Venerable Saint Joseph, who has collected the fruits of the old Fig tree.

At the end of the message, Saint Joseph transmits to us a prayer of gratitude to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, especially dedicated to the missionary spirit:

Prayer of Gratitude to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph

I am a missionary of Peace,
I bring between my hands the shining Star
of Fraternity and of Love.

O Holy Heart of Saint Joseph!
We thank you and we beg of you now and always,
guide us,
protect our mission,
our life and our spirit,
so that, by the blessed intercession of Your Son,
Jesus Christ,
we may love all for the Eternity of God.
